Stress: ways to overcome stress. Abstract: Stress and ways out of a stressful situation during work

The modern world is a world of speed and great stress; mechanisms have made our lives easier in many ways, but at the same time they have created new opportunities for stress.Stress – this is an extremely tense state of the whole organism and, first of all, the psyche in response to some demands presented to it.

Absolutely everyone can be subject to stress, regardless of age, gender, state of the nervous system, etc.

Causes of stress

One of the most important components of our life is our work. But is she always pleasant and loved? Very often we have to do something unpleasant and not at all what we would like. We force ourselves and thereby form the beginning of stress.

We very often do not have enough time for everything, and especially for something pleasant and personal, we are late, in a hurry and late again.

We don’t get enough sleep, we don’t have the opportunity to just lie down and take a nap, and then we get insomnia, and we can no longer fall asleep and get a full night’s sleep. Before going to bed, we think through all our problems and this does not allow us to fall asleep. And if we do fall asleep, then in our sleep we look for ways to solve our problems.

We get nervous and start smoking a lot, accumulating nicotine and other toxic substances in our body, already poisoned by the environment. We try to relieve tension with alcohol and too often grab a glass, and this creates new problems and means new reasons for stress.

Problems in the family due to money, lack of time, lack of repairs, lack of attention, etc. Family house from a world of comfort and prosperity turns into a world of discord and scandal.

You constantly feel like time is running out and nothing gets done. You are dissatisfied with your job, career, family, children and, most importantly, yourself.

You are developing an inferiority complex. You already know in advance that you won’t be able to do anything good, you won’t succeed, and life will just slip through your fingers like sand, gray and dull.

You don’t have anyone to listen to your sorrows, you don’t feel respected by others, you begin to hate your life and no longer hope for anything better.

Signs of stress

It is quite easy to see that a person is developingpersistent stress state. Just carefully observe your loved ones or the people around you, and you can make sure of this.

No matter how hard a person tries, he cannot concentrate on anything for a long time.

He often makes miscalculations, mistakes, and even simple slips of the tongue in a conversation.

When under stress, memory and attention deteriorate greatly.

A feeling of constant fatigue develops, even in the morning you wake up tired.

The man began to speak quickly and at the same time gesticulate, and his speech became abrupt and illogical.

Frequently experience headaches, pain in the stomach, abdomen and back.

The slightest drop is enough for a nervous outburst, scandal, tears and hysterics.

A person begins to smoke a lot and drink more often than usual.

Appetite increases greatly or completely disappears. At the same time, a person can suddenly lose or, on the contrary, gain weight, which then leads to new outbreaks of depression and aggression.

A person cannot and does not want to work well, finish what he started on time, work does not bring any pleasure, but on the contrary, it irritates and tires.

Ways to get out of stress

Stress is dangerous the fact that accumulating in the body, it can lead to persistentdepression, and that, in turn, leads to mental illness. And although in Everyday life there's no way we can avoid stressful situations, but you should keep everything under control and regulate the release of your nervous energy.

Most the best option getting rid of stress means destroying the conflict that gives rise to it. Remove differences completely, improve relationships (no matter at work or at home). If this cannot be achieved, then you need to rethink your attitude to what is happening. You need to look at the situation from the outside and soberly evaluate all the pros and cons, find the pros in this situation. Remember the wise proverb: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help”, “Everything that is done is for the better.”

The main thing is to calm down and evaluate everything that is happening from the outside, while putting yourself in the place of your opponents.

A very good way to get out of a stressful situation- communication with loved ones and family members with whom you can completely talk it out, discuss the whole situation and then try to forget about it or calm down. For many people, “crying into your vest” or “venting your soul” helps to put everything in its place, reevaluate what is happening and calm down.

When a person is very excited, it is useless to stop him or calm him down, let himspeak out completely, cry, scream , but then will be able to adequately assess the situation.

Many psychologists and psychotherapists advise looking at the situation with humor. If a person knows how to laugh at himself and everything that happens to him, then he will never have depression. L.S. Rubinstein said,that the essence of a sense of humor is not to see and feel the comic where it exists, but to perceive as comic that which pretends to be serious, i.e. be able to treat something exciting as insignificant and unworthy of serious attention.

Laughter will destroy anxiety and relieve tension; it is not without reason that ten minutes of laughter is believed to prolong life by a week.

To avoid nervous tension, you need to learn how to properly regulate your life. Plan your day so that you have enough time not only for work, but also for pleasant things: hobbies, hobbies, walks, chatting with friends, etc.

Even during a busy workday, you need to find a few minutes to relax, unwind and disconnect from work. To do this, you can retire to the rest room, or you can close your eyes at your workplace, relax in a comfortable position, dream about something pleasant, or listen to calm music for five minutes.

Physical education, sports, jogging, fitness, etc. give excellent results. To resist stress, you need to harden and strengthen your body physically; a clear daily routine will also help here.

Hello, dear readers! Probably every person has at one time or another diagnosed themselves with stress. Usually this word appears in the head along with phrases such as “I’m tired,” “I can’t take it anymore,” and “I’ve had enough of this.”

Today we will try to understand what stress really is, what types of it we encounter most often, what stages we go through and what methods of overcoming stress exist. I won’t bore you with foreplay for long. Let's quickly move on to the main topic of the article.

What is stress

In general, stress in psychology is the physiological reaction of the body to the demands of the surrounding world. It manifests itself after hard work or at moments when we experience physical discomfort for a long time, are at the peak of activity, the limit of our own capabilities.

The person is completely exhausted, but tries to protect himself from stress, mobilizing everything and his own emotions.

The prerequisites for the occurrence of stress are professional activity, family problems, extreme situation or - retirement, marriage or divorce, change of job.

Stress rarely comes alone. It brings with it fatigue, constantness and detachment.

Stress can cause diseases such as hypertension, cancer, migraines, back pain, arthritis, stroke, ischemic disease and many others. Being exposed to frequent stress, people often find negative ways problem solving, for example.

Types of stress

Psychologists have identified 4 types of stress. If a person is faced with an unfavorable external environment, for example, experiencing hunger for a long time, being in extreme heat, or unable to sleep for several days, then this is physiological stress.

If at work or personal life overcome, he experiences loneliness, faces inflated demands or any other negative emotions– the stress will be emotional.

When submitting an important report, a person is forced to absorb a lot new information, use your thinking, memory and other resources to the maximum. In this case, he may face information stress.

Well, the last type is post-traumatic. It occurs when a person is subjected to violence, attack, becomes involved in hostilities, and so on.

There is also another classification. Division. Short-term stress and chronic (long-term). The latter cause greater damage to human health and psyche. However, before moving on to recommendations for eliminating the consequences, I would like to tell you about the stages that a person exposed to stress goes through.


In a stressful situation, behavior changes. First, a person begins to use the skills that are familiar to him. The only difference from the usual state is a feeling of anxiety and awareness of the importance of the moment.

Next comes more active resistance. Anxiety gradually fades away, and all the body’s capabilities are mobilized. During a session, information is remembered faster, at the right moment we forget about laziness and simply try to cope with a difficult situation as quickly as possible, get out of it, and survive difficulties.

Further, when the body has used all its resources, it begins. We can no longer work, efficiency drops to zero, we forget even what we always knew perfectly well and the only thing that seems important is to find quality method relax.

In fact, it doesn't end there. Stress affects the human psyche and body. This condition should be avoided, because it leads to the diseases that I spoke about earlier. It hits the body. Unfortunately, the damage to health has already been done, but this cannot be corrected.

Recovery does not take long. The technique is simple and accessible to everyone: healthy sleep and rest for 1-2 weeks. After this you will be able to feel great again.

How to cope with stress

Psychologists say that in order to prevent and combat stress, it is necessary to learn internal state. A report, an exam, work and the other 70% of situations that put us in a state of stress are actually not extreme. Our own brain and attitude make them that way.

The most effective exercises to combat stress will be those aimed at. Meditations based on working with breathing and muscle relaxation have proven to be most effective in this regard. If you think this is nonsense, I highly recommend the book Daniel Siegel's "The Scientific View of Meditation".

Treatment is beneficial only when the patient believes in the possibility of recovery and does not question the effectiveness of the drugs. In this regard, you will not find a better book than this. It contains not only exercises, but also scientific evidence that the techniques work.

Daniel Siegel is a practicing psychiatrist who, in his work, talks about spiritual practices from a scientific point of view: physiology and psychology.

Meditation is great for coping with stress, but another great way is to work with your thoughts. Experienced psychologist can help you create special settings (coping thoughts) that you can resort to at a critical moment.

They help manage conflicts and change your attitude towards life. That's all for me. See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

IN modern world Almost every person is subject to stress. There are many reasons for this condition to occur. You always need to react correctly to what is happening to you, find a way out of stress and not give in negative influence environment.

There are several signs of stress:

  • memory impairment;
  • lack of sense of humor;
  • loss of taste for food;
  • increased excitability;
  • fatigue often occurs;
  • frequent headaches;
  • an inferiority complex arises;
  • a feeling of disrespect for one’s person;
  • constant conflicts.

If you have several of these signs and do not want to turn to a professional for help, then you can take a different path and find ways to get out of stress on your own.

May provoke serious problems with health: decreased immunity, increased blood pressure, etc.

Ways to deal with stress tension

By using methods to combat it in everyday life, you can avoid unwanted consequences.

Eat right

To ensure that your body receives more of the happiness hormone - serotonin, eat almonds, chocolate and more bananas, this will minimize the effects of stress.

Healthy sleep

During overwork, it is difficult for the body to cope with fatigue, so proper sleep is very important. If you have trouble falling asleep, turn on calm, quiet music or brew herbal tea.


Research shows that people who have pets are less susceptible to chronic stress.


Human psychology is designed in such a way that during stressful situations we want to relax all day long, lying on the sofa in front of the TV and not get up anywhere. However, psychologists say that you need to rest actively. A trip to the sea or a holiday with family in nature will relieve you of stress.

Yoga and breathing exercises

These methods will help you relax as much as possible by concentrating on your inner sensations. And yoga classes will relieve heaviness in the muscles and strengthen them.

Communication with children and loved ones

Shopping and personal care

Women love these methods of relieving stress. Buying things and visiting beauty salons or SPA salons will bring a lot of pleasure and help you relax.

Play sports

It will help in the fight against stress, overexertion and in maintaining good health. Extreme sports will also help relieve stress.

Color therapy and aromatherapy

Jasmine, cypress and lavender oils are good for calming the nervous system. The psychology of color perception is also very important. The red color gives the body a surge of strength, thereby stimulating the nervous system. White, green and Blue colour has a calming effect on the nervous system and fights stress well.

Smile more often

A person is less susceptible to the effects of stress if he enjoys life to the fullest. Even people you meet along the way will react positively to you.

Positive attitude

Look at the world with positivity and optimism, this will make it easier to worry negative points in life.

New impressions

Most often, stress occurs during a monotonous and monotonous lifestyle. To make life more interesting and for you to get the maximum of new experiences, visit water parks, museums, exhibitions, theaters and cinemas more often.


This method perfectly activates the nervous system and regulates psychological arousal and mood, allowing you to relieve muscle and psychological tension caused by stress.

Several physical exercises

  1. Lying on your stomach, bend your spine well, raising your head and hips as high as possible. Stay in this position for 1 minute and breathe slowly.
  2. Squatting on your heels and grabbing them with your hands, lift your pelvis forward and up. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes. Breathing should be slow and deep. Then slowly return to the starting position on your heels.
  3. Lying on your back, cross your legs over your head. Your heels should be together, your legs straight, and your toes pointing toward the floor. Hold for 5 minutes and slowly lower yourself to the floor, relaxing your entire body.
  4. Lie on your back with your legs raised 90°, slowly lift your torso off the floor, supporting your back with your hands and leaning on your elbows. Place your chin on your chest and remember to breathe deeply and slowly.

Other ways to relieve stress

Tonic or relaxing baths will help relieve general stress in the body. You need to lie quietly in the bath, putting a towel under your head and relaxing your muscles. The heart area and neck should be under water. After this procedure, lie down or sit for about an hour.

In stressful situations, people often blame themselves or someone else, this is human psychology, but this should not be done. Remember, any situation can be fixed. Ask your loved ones to help you. Try to understand the reasons for what happened and reconsider your attitude towards what happened so that this does not happen again in the future.

The psychology of the experience is such that if you do not get rid of it, then stressful tension and further aggravation of stress are guaranteed for you. So try to be less distracted by various failures and spend more time on yourself, your family, relatives and friends. Learn to relax, visit more often fresh air, and no stress can ruin your health and your life.

Let's turn to active ways increasing overall sustainability human body. You can try to divide them into three groups:

The first group includes methods using physical factors impact is Physical Culture, hardening the body, jogging, etc.

The second group is autogenic training, psychotherapy, hypnosis.

The third group of ways to increase the overall resistance of the body is associated with biologically active substances.

The optimal way to get rid of prolonged stress is to completely resolve the conflict, eliminate disagreements, and make peace. If this is impossible, you should logically reassess the significance of the conflict, for example, look for excuses for your offender. You can select various ways reducing the significance of the conflict.

Its essence is to be able to derive benefit, something positive, even from failure. The second method of calming down is to prove to yourself that “it could have been worse.”

One of the best ways reassurance is communication with a loved one, when you can, firstly, as they say, “pour out your soul.”

When a person speaks out, his excitement decreases, and at this moment there is an opportunity to explain something to him, calm him down, and guide him.

An important way to relieve mental stress is to activate your sense of humor. Laughter leads to a decrease in anxiety; when a person laughs off, his muscles are less tense (relaxation) and his heartbeat is normalized.

Let's consider possible ways combat stress:



autoregulation of breathing.

Relaxation is a method by which you can partially or completely get rid of physical or mental stress. So, it is advisable to perform relaxation gymnastics exercises in separate room, without prying eyes. The goal of the exercises is to completely relax the muscles.

To start the exercises, you need to take the starting position: lying on your back, legs apart, feet turned toes outward, arms lying freely along the body (palms up). The head is slightly thrown back. The whole body is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose.

Here are some examples of relaxation exercises:

  • 1. Lie quietly for about 2 minutes, eyes closed. Try to imagine the room you are in. First, try to mentally walk around the entire room (along the walls), and then make a path along the entire perimeter of the body - from head to heels and back.
  • 2. Carefully monitor your breathing, passively aware that you are breathing through your nose. Mentally note that the air you inhale is slightly cooler than the air you exhale. Focus on your breathing for 1-2 minutes.

Try not to think about anything else

3. Take a shallow breath and hold your breath for a moment. At the same time, sharply tense all your muscles for a few seconds, trying to feel the tension throughout your body. As you exhale, relax. Repeat 3 times.

Then lie quietly for a few minutes, relaxing and focusing on the feeling of the heaviness of your body. Enjoy this pleasant feeling.

Now perform exercises for individual parts of the body - with alternating tension and relaxation.

4. Exercise for the leg muscles. Tighten all the muscles of your legs at once - from your heels to your hips. Hold the tense state for a few seconds, trying to feel the tension, and then relax the muscles. Repeat 3 times.

Then lie quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxed and feeling the weight of your relaxed legs.

Register all environmental sounds in your consciousness, but do not perceive them.

The same applies to thoughts, however, do not try to overcome them, you just need to register them.

In conclusion, mentally “run” through all the muscles of the body to see if there is even the slightest tension left anywhere. If yes, then try to remove it, since relaxation should be complete.

When completing relaxation exercises, take a deep breath, hold your breath and tense the muscles of the whole body for a moment: as you exhale, relax the muscles. After this, lie on your back for a long time - calmly, relaxed, breathing evenly, without delays.

Now open your eyes, then close them a few times, open them again and stretch sweetly after a pleasant awakening. Sit down very slowly, smoothly, without jerking. Then, just as slowly, without sudden movements, stand up, trying to maintain a pleasant feeling of internal relaxation for as long as possible.


Inability to concentrate is a factor closely related to stress. For example, most working women perform three roles at home: housewife, wife and mother. Each of these functions requires concentration, utmost attention and, naturally, complete dedication from a woman.

So, let’s outline the approximate order of performing concentration exercises.

  • 1. Try to ensure that there are no spectators in the room where you plan to practice.
  • 2. Sit on a stool or regular chair- only sideways to the back, so as not to lean on it. Under no circumstances should the chair have a soft seat, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease. Sit as comfortably as possible so that you can remain still for a certain amount of time.
  • 3. Place your hands loosely on your knees, close your eyes (they should be closed until the end of the exercise so that your attention is not distracted by foreign objects - no visual information).
  • 4. Breathe through your nose calmly, not strained. Try to focus only on the fact that the air you inhale is colder than the air you exhale.
  • 5. And now two options for concentration exercises:
    • a) concentration on the score.

Mentally count slowly from 1 to 10 and focus on this slow count. If at any point your thoughts start to wander and you are unable to concentrate on counting, start counting again. Repeat the count for several minutes.

b) concentration on the word.

Choose a short (preferably two-syllable) word that evokes positive emotions in you or with which pleasant memories are associated. Let it be the name of a loved one, or the affectionate nickname your parents called you as a child, or the name of your favorite dish. If the word is two-syllable, then mentally pronounce the first syllable as you inhale, the second as you exhale.

Focus on “your” word, which from now on will become your personal slogan when concentrated. It is this concentration that leads to the desired side result - relaxation of all brain activity.

  • 6. Perform relaxation and concentration exercises for several minutes. Exercise as long as you enjoy it.
  • 7. Having finished the exercise, run your palms over your eyelids, slowly open your eyes and stretch. Sit quietly in your chair for a few more moments. Note that you managed to overcome absent-mindedness.
  • - Autoregulation of breathing.

Under normal conditions, no one thinks or remembers breathing. But when, for some reason, deviations from the norm occur, it suddenly becomes difficult to breathe. Breathing becomes difficult and heavy during physical exertion or a stressful situation. And vice versa, when they are very frightened or tensely expecting something, people involuntarily hold their breath (hold their breath).

The slower and deeper, calmer and more rhythmic we breathe, the sooner we get used to this method of breathing, the sooner it will become integral part our life.

Methods for preventing stress.

  • 1. Sit in a chair, relax and rest peacefully.
  • 2. Brew yourself some strong tea or coffee.
  • 3. Turn on the tape recorder and listen to your favorite music.
  • 4. If your loved ones are at home, drink tea or coffee with them and calmly talk about something.
  • 5. Don't fill the bath very well. hot water and lie in it. Do calming breathing exercises in the bath.
  • 6. Take a walk in the fresh air.
  • 7. Put on a tracksuit, sneakers and run for 10 minutes.

If we unexpectedly find ourselves in a stressful situation (someone made us angry, our boss scolded us, or someone at home made us nervous), we begin to experience acute stress. First, you need to gather all your willpower and command yourself “STOP!” in order to sharply slow down the development of acute stress.

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3. Ways to overcome stress. Methods for preventing stress


List of used literature


stressful tension adaptive situation

With the transition to comprehensive automation of production, the role of man as a subject of labor and management increases. The person is responsible for effective work all technical system and the mistake he makes can lead in some cases to very serious consequences.

The study and design of such systems have created the necessary prerequisites for combining technical disciplines and sciences about man and his labor activity, led to the emergence of new research problems. These are tasks related to describing the characteristics of a person as a component automated system. We are talking about the processes of information perception, memory, decision making, movement studies, problems of motivation, readiness for activity, stress.

The relevance lies in the fact that this issue still plays a big role in the life of every person, since any human activity at one time or another can cause a stressful state.

The purpose of this test work is to study the main causes of stress, signs of stress, ways to overcome stress, as well as methods for preventing stress.

The work used books and articles by domestic and foreign authors.

1. The concept of stress. Main causes

One of the most common types of affect these days is stress.

IN modern life stress plays a significant role. They affect a person’s behavior, performance, health, relationships with others and in the family.

What is stress, how does it arise, how does it affect the human body and how to deal with it?

Stress is a state of excessively strong and prolonged psychological tension that occurs in a person when his nervous system receives emotional overload.

The most widely used definition is the following:

“Stress is a tense state of the human body, both physical and mental.” Stress is present in the life of every person, since the presence of stressful impulses in all areas human life and activities, of course.

Stressful situations occur both at home and at work. Meanwhile, stress is not a “painful” condition at all, but a means by which the body fights unwanted influences.

Sometimes stress can be beneficial, as it helps to use the body's resources when necessary. But excessive stress leads to exhaustion, which can cause physical and mental illness. Stress is one of the top ten causes of illness.

Stress is an integral part of human existence, you just need to learn to distinguish between an acceptable degree of stress and too much stress. Zero stress is impossible.

Currently, scientists distinguish between eustress (positive stress, which is combined with a desired effect and mobilizes the body) and distress (negative stress with an undesirable harmful effect). Distress that occurs in the work environment tends to extend into non-work hours. Rogov E.I. p.80]

Personal stress has to do with what an individual does and what happens to him when he does not fulfill certain prescribed social roles.

Family stress includes all the difficulties in maintaining the family and relationships within it - housework, marital problems, etc.

Work stress is typically associated with heavy workload, lack of self-control over work performance, role ambiguity, and role conflict.

Social stress refers to problems experienced by large groups people - for example, economic recession, poverty, bankruptcy, racial tension and discrimination.

Environmental stress is caused by exposure to extreme environmental conditions, the anticipation of such exposure or its consequences.

Financial stress is self-explanatory. The inability to pay bills, failure to provide income for expenses, difficulties in obtaining debt, these and other circumstances can cause stress.

Intrapersonal stress deserves detailed consideration not only because insufficient attention has been paid to it, but also due to the fact that it can be projected onto various life events and influence the individual’s attitude towards them and behavior.

The concept of frustration is also close to the concept and state of stress. The term itself (from Latin frustratio - deception, disorder) is a human condition caused by objective insurmountable difficulties that arise along the way. Frustration is experienced as tension, anxiety, despair, anger that covers a person when, on the way to achieving a goal, he encounters unexpected obstacles that interfere with the satisfaction of needs

2. Causes and signs of stress tension

Stress can be caused by factors related to work and organizational activities or events in a person's personal life.

Let's consider those factors operating within the organization that cause stress.

1. Overload or too little workload, e.g. a task that must be completed within a specific period of time.

The employee has simply been assigned an unreasonable number of tasks or an unreasonable level of output for a given period of time. In this case, there is usually anxiety, frustration (a feeling of collapse), as well as a feeling of hopelessness and material loss. However, underutilization can cause exactly the same feelings. A worker who does not receive work that matches his capabilities usually feels uneasy about his worth and position in the workplace. social structure organization and feels clearly unrewarded.

2. Role conflict.

Role conflict occurs when conflicting demands are placed on an employee. Role conflict can also occur as a result of a violation of the principle of unity of command. Two managers may give conflicting instructions to an employee. For example, a plant director may require a shop manager to maximize production output, while a technical control department manager may require compliance with quality standards.

3. Role ambiguity.

Role ambiguity occurs when an employee is unsure of what is expected of him. Unlike role conflict, here the requirements will not be contradictory, but also evasive and vague. People need to have a correct understanding of management's expectations - what they should do, how they should do it and how they will then be evaluated.

4. Don't interesting job.

Some studies show that individuals who have more interesting jobs show less anxiety and are less susceptible to physical ailments than those who work in uninteresting jobs. However, people have different views on the concept of “interesting” work: what seems interesting or boring to one person will not necessarily be interesting to others.

People suffering from excessive stress at work can try the following methods.

1. Develop a system of priorities in your work. Rate your work as follows: “should do it today,” “do it later this week,” and “do it when I have time.”

2. Learn to say “no” when you reach the point where you can no longer commit. more work. Explain to your boss that you understand the importance of the task.

3. Develop a particularly effective and reliable relationship with your boss. Understand his problems and help him understand yours. Train your boss to respect your priorities, your workload and give reasonable instructions.

4. Disagree with your manager or anyone who makes conflicting demands (role conflict). Explain that these demands are pulling you in opposite directions.

5. Let your supervisor or co-workers know when you feel that the expectations or evaluation standards for your assignment are not clear.

6. Discuss feelings of boredom or lack of interest in work with your supervisor. Once again, keep in mind that you should not put yourself in the position of complaining.

7. Find time each day to unplug and relax. Close the door for five minutes every morning, elevate your feet and rest them on something, completely relax and put work out of your mind. Turn to pleasant thoughts or images to refresh your brain. Leave the office from time to time to change the environment or train of thought. Don't dine there or stay long after you should be going home or doing other work.

Signs of stress

1. Inability to concentrate on something.

2. Too common mistakes at work.

3. Memory deteriorates.

4. Feeling tired too often.

5. Very fast speech.

6. Thoughts often disappear.

7. Pain appears quite often (head, back, stomach area).

8. Increased excitability.

9. Work doesn’t bring the same joy.

10. Loss of sense of humor.

11. The number of cigarettes smoked increases sharply.

12. Addiction to alcoholic beverages.

13. Constant feeling of malnutrition.

14. Loss of appetite - generally lost taste for food.

15. Inability to finish work on time.

If we find signs of stress in our body, then we need to carefully study its causes.

Causes of stress.

1. Much more often we have to do not what we would like, but what is necessary, which is part of our responsibilities.

2. We constantly don’t have enough time - we don’t have time to do anything.

3. Something or someone is pushing us, we are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere.

4. It begins to seem that everyone around you is clamped in the grip of some kind of internal tension.

5. We constantly want to sleep - we just can’t get enough sleep.

6. We dream too much, especially when we are very tired during the day.

7. We smoke a lot.

8. We consume more alcohol than usual.

9. We don't like almost anything.

10. At home, in the family - constant conflicts.

11. There is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with life.

12. We make debts without even knowing how to pay them off.

13. An inferiority complex appears.

14. There is no one to talk to about your problems, and there is no particular desire.

15. We do not feel respected - neither at home nor at work.

Probably not all causes of stress are listed here. Each person must independently analyze his condition and identify the causes of stress, which may be characteristic only of his body (from the point of view of his personal feelings).

Predisposition to stress can also be determined using various tests.

3. Ways to overcome stress

Let's turn to active ways to increase the overall stability of the human body. You can try to divide them into three groups:

The first group includes methods that use physical factors of influence - this is physical education, hardening the body, jogging, etc.

The second group is autogenic training, psychotherapy, hypnosis.

The third group of ways to increase the overall resistance of the body is associated with biologically active substances.

The optimal way to get rid of prolonged stress is to completely resolve the conflict, eliminate disagreements, and make peace. If this is impossible, you should logically reassess the significance of the conflict, for example, look for excuses for your offender. There are various ways to reduce the significance of the conflict.

Its essence is to be able to derive benefit, something positive, even from failure. The second method of calming down is to prove to yourself that “it could have been worse.”

One of the best ways to calm down is to communicate with a loved one, when you can, firstly, as they say, “pour out your soul.”

When a person speaks out, his excitement decreases, and at this moment there is an opportunity to explain something to him, calm him down, and guide him.

An important way to relieve mental stress is to activate your sense of humor. Laughter leads to a decrease in anxiety; when a person laughs off, his muscles are less tense (relaxation) and his heartbeat is normalized.

Let's look at possible ways to deal with stress:



autoregulation of breathing.

Relaxation is a method by which you can partially or completely get rid of physical or mental stress. So, it is advisable to perform relaxation gymnastics exercises in a separate room, without prying eyes. The goal of the exercises is to completely relax the muscles.

To start the exercises, you need to take the starting position: lying on your back, legs apart, feet turned toes outward, arms lying freely along the body (palms up). The head is slightly thrown back. The whole body is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose.

Here are some examples of relaxation exercises:

1. Lie quietly for about 2 minutes, eyes closed. Try to imagine the room you are in. First, try to mentally walk around the entire room (along the walls), and then make a path along the entire perimeter of the body - from head to heels and back.

2. Carefully monitor your breathing, passively aware that you are breathing through your nose. Mentally note that the air you inhale is slightly cooler than the air you exhale. Focus on your breathing for 1-2 minutes.

Try not to think about anything else

3. Take a shallow breath and hold your breath for a moment. At the same time, sharply tense all your muscles for a few seconds, trying to feel the tension throughout your body. As you exhale, relax. Repeat 3 times.

Then lie quietly for a few minutes, relaxing and focusing on the feeling of the heaviness of your body. Enjoy this pleasant feeling.

Now perform exercises for individual parts of the body - with alternating tension and relaxation.

4. Exercise for the leg muscles. Tighten all the muscles of your legs at once - from your heels to your hips. Hold the tense state for a few seconds, trying to feel the tension, and then relax the muscles. Repeat 3 times.

Then lie quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxed and feeling the weight of your relaxed legs.

Register all environmental sounds in your consciousness, but do not perceive them.

The same applies to thoughts, however, do not try to overcome them, you just need to register them.

In conclusion, mentally “run” through all the muscles of the body to see if there is even the slightest tension left anywhere. If yes, then try to remove it, since relaxation should be complete.

When completing relaxation exercises, take a deep breath, hold your breath and tense the muscles of the whole body for a moment: as you exhale, relax the muscles. After this, lie on your back for a long time - calmly, relaxed, breathing evenly, without delays.

Now open your eyes, then close them a few times, open them again and stretch sweetly after a pleasant awakening. Sit down very slowly, smoothly, without jerking. Then, just as slowly, without sudden movements, stand up, trying to maintain a pleasant feeling of internal relaxation for as long as possible.


Inability to concentrate is a factor closely related to stress. For example, most working women perform three roles at home: housewife, wife and mother. Each of these functions requires concentration, utmost attention and, naturally, complete dedication from a woman.

So, let’s outline the approximate order of performing concentration exercises.

1. Try to ensure that there are no spectators in the room where you plan to practice.

2. Sit on a stool or regular chair - only with your side to the back so as not to lean on it. Under no circumstances should the chair have a soft seat, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease. Sit as comfortably as possible so that you can remain still for a certain amount of time.

3. Place your hands loosely on your knees, close your eyes (they should be closed until the end of the exercise so that your attention is not distracted by foreign objects - no visual information).

4. Breathe through your nose calmly, not strained. Try to focus only on the fact that the air you inhale is colder than the air you exhale.

5. And now two options for concentration exercises:

a) concentration on the score.

Mentally count slowly from 1 to 10 and focus on this slow count. If at any point your thoughts start to wander and you are unable to concentrate on counting, start counting again. Repeat the count for several minutes.

b) concentration on the word.

Choose a short (preferably two-syllable) word that evokes positive emotions in you or with which pleasant memories are associated. Let it be the name of a loved one, or the affectionate nickname your parents called you as a child, or the name of your favorite dish. If the word is two-syllable, then mentally pronounce the first syllable as you inhale, the second as you exhale.

Focus on “your” word, which from now on will become your personal slogan when concentrated. It is this concentration that leads to the desired side result - relaxation of all brain activity.

6. Perform relaxation and concentration exercises for several minutes. Exercise as long as you enjoy it.

7. Having finished the exercise, run your palms over your eyelids, slowly open your eyes and stretch. Sit quietly in your chair for a few more moments. Note that you managed to overcome absent-mindedness.

Autoregulation of breathing.

Under normal conditions, no one thinks or remembers breathing. But when, for some reason, deviations from the norm occur, it suddenly becomes difficult to breathe. Breathing becomes difficult and heavy during physical exertion or a stressful situation. And vice versa, when they are very frightened or tensely expecting something, people involuntarily hold their breath (hold their breath).

The slower and deeper, calmer and more rhythmically we breathe, the sooner we get used to this method of breathing, the sooner it will become an integral part of our life.

Methods for preventing stress.

1. Sit in a chair, relax and rest peacefully.

2. Brew yourself some strong tea or coffee.

3. Turn on the tape recorder and listen to your favorite music.

4. If your loved ones are at home, drink tea or coffee with them and calmly talk about something.

5. Fill the bathtub with not very hot water and lie in it. Do calming breathing exercises in the bath.

6. Take a walk in the fresh air.

7. Put on a tracksuit, sneakers and run for 10 minutes.

If we unexpectedly find ourselves in a stressful situation (someone made us angry, our boss scolded us, or someone at home made us nervous), we begin to experience acute stress. First, you need to gather all your willpower and command yourself “STOP!” in order to sharply slow down the development of acute stress.


Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Living without stress is impossible and even harmful. It is much more difficult to try to solve the problem: “How to live under stress?” However, stressors are different: a stressor is a friend who brings great benefit our health, stimulating creative activity; a stressor - which you can easily brush aside and after an hour or two simply forget or remember with a grin and a feeling of some dissatisfaction. But there is a stressor - an enemy that deals terrible blows to the most vital organs.

Stress disorganizes a person’s activities and disrupts the normal course of his behavior. Stress, especially if it is frequent and prolonged, has bad influence not only on psychological condition, but also on a person’s physical health. They represent the main “risk factors” for the manifestation and exacerbation of diseases such as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.

Some life situations that cause stress can be foreseen. For example, a change in the phases of development and formation of a family, or biologically determined changes in the body that are characteristic of each of us. Other situations are unexpected and unpredictable, especially sudden ones. There are also situations determined by human behavior, acceptance certain decisions, a certain course of events. Each of these situations can cause mental discomfort.

In this regard, a person needs good adaptive abilities that will help him survive the most difficult life situations and withstand the toughest life trials. We ourselves can cultivate these adaptive abilities and improve them with the help of various exercises.


1. Bodrov V.A. Information stress. - M., 2002. - 352 p.

2. Greenberg J.S. Stress management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 496 p.

3. Kositsky G.I., Smirnov V.M. Nervous system and stress. - M.: Nauka, 2003. - 200 p.

4. Rogov E.I. Emotions and will. - M., 2003. - 240 p.

5. Sandomirsky M.E. How to cope with stress. - Voronezh: NPO MODEK, 2005. - 176 p.

6. Everly D.S., Rosenfeld R. Stress. Nature and treatment. - M., 2005.-438p.

7. Emotional stress / Ed. L. Levi. - L.: Medicine, 2004. - 328 p.

8. Yakovlev G.M., Novikov V.S., Khavinson V.Kh. Resistance, stress, regulation. - L.: Nauka, 2003. - 238 p.

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