Warm plaster for exterior use. Making warm plaster with your own hands

Modern humanity has come up with many different building materials that increase the service life of the building, allow construction to be completed as soon as possible, are resistant to precipitation, are environmentally friendly and are distinguished by aesthetic beauty.

One of these materials is warm plaster for the facade. This is a modern material that has recently appeared on the building materials market and has already gained popularity due to its characteristics. It has increased performance when thermally preserved in its finished form.
In this article we will look at what warm plaster for facades is, how it is applied to the surface and what characteristics it has.

Applying warm plaster to the facade of a house

What is warm plaster for facades made from?

The whole secret of its effectiveness is hidden in the composition from which this material is made. It includes substances that are characterized by low thermal conductivity.

Plaster is made from the following substances:

  • sawdust;
  • expanded clay crumbs;
  • pumice and others.

Most often, in the manufacture of this plaster, a substance such as polystyrene foam is used. This is a very cheap substance, but, nevertheless, it has excellent qualities, which allow maximum heat retention in the room.

Used polystyrene foam in plaster for better effect

It is also used not only for external works, but also internal ones, thereby ensuring a stable temperature in the house without sudden changes.

It is made from such traditional materials as cement, lime, as well as some other additives that allow you to obtain excellent results in practice.

An even more traditional material for making warm plaster for facades is sawdust, which forms the base; in addition, it also contains paper, cement and clay. Thus, as we can observe, this is a very simple material that is environmentally friendly. It is also used in addition to external ones, also in interior work ah, in which it is used even more often, since its composition is such that it sufficiently feels the effects of water. Therefore, its use is quite rare for facades, but it also comes across.

This type of warm plaster is very sensitive to the effects of fungi and takes a long time to dry.

Another type of warm plaster for facades is one containing vermiculite. This rock is characterized by high hardness and is very successfully used for insulating facades.

Experts note that there are materials that better protect against cold and retain heat, but the main advantage is the low cost of the material.

Vermiculite is used in plaster for better insulation at home and comes in packages of different sizes

Warm plaster for facades still retains heat well. In addition to warm plaster for the facade, it is also often used for insulation inside. In combination this gives very good results, allowing your home to lose less heat and be less affected by cold gusty winds.

In addition, foam insulation is also used, the layer of which must be at least 10 centimeters. Only in such conditions the house will be very warm. And the walls of the house should be made of brick or reinforced concrete. Only in this way will maximum heat savings be ensured.

If you use only warm plaster for the facade, then its layer should be about 20 centimeters.

Most often, warm plaster is used, the layer of which does not exceed four centimeters. This creates conditions where the house is only slightly insulated, but the problem is not completely solved. If you use a layer of warm plaster for facades larger than five centimeters, it will be very heavy and may fall off over time under its own weight.

To understand how much weight warm plaster for facades can have, a layer of only two centimeters on an area of ​​one square meter weighs about twelve kilograms.

When to use warm plaster for facades

When and where is plaster used:

  • How additional insulation at home, as well as protection from external noise, which plaster copes well with;
  • Additionally, you can insulate the floor and ceiling in your home;
  • You can also insulate windows, doors and door slopes;
  • insulate joints;
  • seal utilities, pipes and pipelines, wiring.

The application process is not enormous work and does not require a lot of effort, so almost anyone can insulate a house with warm plaster for facades.

How to insulate a house using warm plaster for facades

The entire work process does not require any special tools or equipment. To do this you will need the most common trowels, levels and spatulas.

Before applying plaster to the wall, you must first prepare the surface. This means that you need to remove everything that is not firmly fixed, you need to knock down the tapping plaster, which can fall off under the pressure of the plaster, which, as we have already seen, weighs quite a lot and collapse the entire structure, so this work is very important. The walls need to be primed.

Before you begin the actual process of applying it to the walls, the plaster needs to be mixed; to do this, you need to add water to the container and pour the plaster according to the manufacturer’s instructions, which are indicated on the bag. Mix this mixture thoroughly with a mixer and let it sit for about five minutes, then mix again. The mass must be homogeneous, this is very important, since in the future the plaster may not hold very tightly even through a short time crumble. To avoid lumps in the plaster, you should thoroughly clean the container after each use, and it is also better to add water when stirring rather than pouring the plaster.

Now that we have warm plaster for facades ready, we can proceed directly to the application process itself. Beacons are placed on the walls, the location of which must be leveled. When our beacons are in the right place, we apply warm plaster for the facades. For this we need a trowel.

Each applied layer must be very carefully leveled and smoothed. It is important to remember that you cannot immediately apply thick layer plaster, since it can dry out for a very long time and fall off under its own weight or crack.

The maximum thickness of one layer cannot be more than 5 centimeters. And only after a few hours, when this layer has dried, can a new one be applied. When applying plaster for facades, do not forget that important has fastening of beacons, this is, first of all, important when we apply thick layers.

It is also important to understand that the warm plaster itself is not the end of the work, since after we finish applying it, you will need to apply a layer of some kind on top of it. decorative material, because when the warm plaster for the facade dries, the appearance will not be very aesthetic and not every self-respecting home owner will agree to have such appearance of its façade.

Let us remind you that each material has its own purpose; warm plaster has the function of insulating a room, but is not at all suitable for adding aesthetic beautiful view the facade of your home. The process of applying this material is quite simple, even if you do not have construction experience, then completing the entire process will not be a huge difficulty, the main thing in this matter is to take it seriously and do everything correctly.

Advantages of warm plaster for facades

Since the plaster is made from affordable and common components, its price will be correspondingly low. Also, a huge advantage over other insulating materials is its environmental friendliness, thanks to which you will not have health problems, especially for people suffering from allergic reactions, for whom it is not recommended to use synthetic materials, which do not allow air to pass through well, thereby creating problems.

Recently, among thermal insulation products in construction industry A new material has appeared, which has received the unofficial name warm plaster. In addition to the functions of providing protection to the walls of the building from the effects environment, the composition plays the role of heat insulating material, keeping energy inside the building.

When talking about plastering walls, the question that comes to mind is the labor intensity of the work and the need to attract specialists with experience and qualifications, but the classic application of sand-cement mixture to the walls does not solve the problem of wall insulation. With thermal insulation or “warm” plaster, there will be one less problem during construction.

When insulating, warm plaster is used for the facade and interior work. It is highly energy efficient, but remains an inexpensive construction raw material.

Material composition

For the manufacture of traditional plaster compositions, cement, sand, water, and, if necessary, mineral additives are used to add strength or frost resistance to the final product.

Thermal insulating plaster has the properties of both insulation and cement mixture.

This effect is achieved by applying a special recipe to the production of the material. The most common substances that are used to dilute the material to increase its energy-efficient properties of steel:

  • expanded vermiculite;
  • sawdust;
  • granulated expanded clay crumbs;
  • crushed pumice;
  • granulated polystyrene foam.

Manufacturers and prices

The technology for producing the material appeared not so long ago, but there is already competition among manufacturers. Nowadays, the most famous heat-insulating plaster is of three brands: “Mishka” or “Varmix”, “Umka” and “Knauf”. Below is a description of each of them.

  • Thermal insulation mixture "Umka". IN last years popular material. It has gained fame as a product suitable for finishing work interior spaces. The basis of “Umka” is granulated silicon balls. It has vapor barrier properties, does not absorb moisture, absorbs sound waves, and is an excellent thermal insulator. Silicon balls are odorless and harmless to human health. In addition to increased thermal insulation properties, due to granulated ceramic balls, the plaster composition acquires increased strength with a lighter specific gravity. Applying such a mixture to wall surfaces will not require additional treatment with primer compounds or installation of reinforcing mesh. In construction markets, “Umka” is sold at a price of 100 rubles per 1 kg.

  • Warm plaster “Mishka” or “Varmix”. Some people confuse these two materials, but they have the same manufacturer, who has rebranded the brand. Like the previous insulation, “Mishka” in its raw form is a dry mixture, which is diluted in the required proportions with water before application to the surface. Ready composition has high adhesion properties to any surface, which eliminates the need to treat walls with primers. This is an excellent sound and vapor barrier material. "Mishka" has positive competitive properties and is used as thermal insulation plaster for outdoor work. The price in the store per kilogram of “Mishka” starts from 120 rubles per kilogram.

  • Thermal insulating composition "Knauf". Manufacturers took care of the versatility of the final product. Knauf can be applied to any type of surface. Even floor slabs are insulated and plastered with the mixture. Due to the fact that the plaster composition is applied both manually and using machine mechanisms, a person has the opportunity to save time when performing work.

On the construction market, the manufacturer presents the mixture in a wide range of products, each of which is designed for specific tasks. By adding additives during production, the tasks of imparting the properties of frost resistance, moisture resistance, or other properties to the final product are solved.

The impact of negative temperatures during the operation of the building does not affect negative influence to its chemical or physical properties. Initially, the material is provided with high strength parameters, which gives the capital structures of the building additional protection.

Types of warm plaster

Technically, the material has the properties it needs due to the addition of insulating materials to the base. There are three types of mixtures based on composition.

  • Vermiculite based plaster. This additive is produced by heat treatment of vermiculite rock. Expanded vermiculite has antiseptic properties, protecting wall coverings from the formation of harmful fungal growths. This lightweight mineral filler is added to ready-made dry mixes, making it possible to use for facade works And interior decoration.
  • A plaster mixture containing expanded polystyrene foam granules. The polystyrene foam content makes the plaster an excellent thermal insulator. In addition to this insulating material, the composition includes cement, lime, special additives and fillers. It is suitable for use as a warm plaster for external and internal construction work.
  • Another type of this heat-insulating mixture is called “sawdust” , since in addition to cement, sawdust, clay, and paper are added to it. Thanks to the content additional components Thermal insulating plaster for interior work is used for thermal insulation. Such warm plaster for exterior work on outside The walls are not resistant to constant exposure to moisture. However, it is also suitable for interior work. When insulating walls with this composition, keep in mind that during the period of hardening of the solution it is necessary to ensure constant ventilation of the room. “Sawdust” mortar is applied to brick and wooden walls. Hardening time is about two weeks. If you do not ventilate the room, the finishing surface will become covered with mold or mildew.

Cement heat-insulating plaster Knauf Grünband

Warm plaster Knauf Grünband deserves special attention. The Knauf product line itself is well known, but among them there are the most popular ones. Fractional components are no more than 1.5 mm in diameter. Application is carried out in two ways: manually and using electrical equipment.

This mixture is also used in addition to performing the main functionality. It helps solve other problems, such as:

  1. Application of waterproofing coating on facade walls, basements, sanitary rooms and other rooms with high humidity.
  2. Strengthening the surface of facades. High characteristics of the Knauf Grünband mixture in the field of resistance to physical activity allow you to protect walls from exposure external conditions associated with the natural shrinkage processes of the soil under the building. As a result, cracks do not form on the surface.
  3. Decorative tasks. The structure makes it possible, through simple manipulations, to transform the plaster layer into a finishing layer decorative element wall decoration. As a result, no additional painting works, except for the final surface painting.

Knauf Grünband is sold in retail outlets in 25 kilogram containers. One bag, when applied to a wall 1.5 cm thick, is enough to treat a surface area of ​​1-1.4 square meters. m.

Work progress

Insulating plaster is applied to the wall surfaces according to traditional technology. Before starting work, the surface is cleaned of dust and flaking elements. Some types of warm plasters do not require treatment with primer compounds, but for higher adhesion, applying a primer will not be superfluous.

The solution is mixed in construction containers with a volume of at least 50 liters.

It is written on the packaging how much liquid will need to be added to the mixture according to the technology. Some plaster compositions harden in a short time, so you should carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer to avoid discarding the material.

In order to save time, the work is entrusted to experienced teams who have already completed more than one project using this technology.

Plaster, suitable as insulation for the facade, is applied in the same way as that used indoors. When working with it, it is important to pay attention to the frost resistance properties of the material and its adhesion at sub-zero temperatures. In the process of plastering the facade with warm plaster with your own hands, winter period there is a risk that the solution will not adhere to the frozen surface of the wall. In the future, the layer will move away from the wall, and the material will have to be thrown away.

The material is applied to the walls in several layers. Each layer is not made thicker than 20 mm, and it can be applied no earlier than 4 hours after the previous one. To carry out the work, experienced specialists use construction spatulas of two sizes: wide and small. The quality of work is checked using two-meter rules with a level. This should be done 3 weeks after completion of work. The deviation of the plane from the level should usually not exceed 1-3 mm.

Preparatory stage

Applying plaster to insulate the facade will require more preparation before starting work than indoors. Work at height requires strict adherence to safety measures, the use of only certified equipment and building structures to ensure work safety. Before starting work, elements protruding from the body of the capital structure are removed from the surface of the external walls. After completion of general construction work, masons do not remove pieces of dressing reinforcement. They are cut to avoid future injury.

Work on the reinforcing layer

Once the planning and preparation phase is over, the time comes when the warm facade plaster. IN modern realities this stage often begins with disappointment, as it turns out that the differences in the walls being treated are too great. Although solutions have great strength characteristics, sometimes this is not enough to avoid using reinforcing mesh as a load-bearing base.

The reinforcing layer is technologically designed to withstand loads from its own weight. Manufacturers provide data that their products do not require the provision of reinforcing mesh. In this matter, it is worth additionally monitoring the problem and obtaining expert advice, after which a final decision should be made as to whether the base should be reinforced under the plaster layer.

Advantages and disadvantages of warm plasters

Warm plaster is not ideal for interior construction work. Like any product, it has its pros and cons. Below is a description of the positive and negative traits For general group heat-insulating plaster mixtures.

Positive traits:

  • no deformation changes over time, wear resistance;
  • high strength;
  • absence of components harmful to health in raw materials;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • high adhesion properties;
  • Possibility of application to any type of surface;
  • in most cases does not require a reinforcing layer.

TO negative properties The material relates to two points.

The thermal insulation properties of the material are lower than those of classical insulation materials. To ensure similar properties, it will be necessary to create a layer of solution 1.5-2 times thicker than when insulating with conventional thermal insulation.

Thermal insulating mixture is rarely used as a finishing coating. After drying, it requires final processing with more suitable materials.

Mixture consumption

Plastering walls with the help of hired personnel may be accompanied by unjustified material costs. Control of the production of the mixture by builders is ensured by calculations based on data from manufacturers of thermal insulation material.

Consumption ranges from 10 to 18 kg per square meter. meter. The consumption of warm plaster for external work will reach up to 25 kg per square meter. meter, so on external walls a thicker layer must be applied.

U different manufacturers the numbers may differ, but not significantly. Consumption will become higher if the wall surface has too many unevennesses, as well as due to overspending by builders on defects. These points are worth paying attention to.

How to make warm plaster with your own hands

When it is not possible to purchase a ready-made mixture, you should try making it yourself. You can make warm plaster with your own hands in a simple way. It is important to note that for its manufacture it is not enough to simply add granules of insulating raw materials into cement-sand mixture. A special plasticizer is used.

To make the composition you will need plain water, cement, thermal insulation filler (vermiculite) and plasticizer. PVA glue is used as a plasticizer. The ingredients are mixed in the following proportion: to one part cement, four parts filler. 50 grams of PVA glue per bucket of cement is enough. Add water to the required consistency.

Plastering the surface of the walls with a composition made by yourself takes place in three stages:

  1. The plasticizer is diluted in water.
  2. Filler is added to the cement. The finished mixture is mixed until smooth.
  3. The dry composition is diluted with liquid, and the resulting solution is allowed to stand for 15 minutes.

After completing the preparatory work, the product is ready for use.

Warm plaster- this group finishing coatings for external and internal work, combining leveling, hydro- and thermal insulation properties.

Composition, brands and GOSTs

The composition of warm plasters may vary due to the heat-insulating filler and binder base. Bulk materials act as fillers materials with low thermal conductivity: expanded perlite, vermiculite, polystyrene foam granules, foam glass. Some sources recommend sawdust, but it provides the worst quality finish and is prone to rot and fire, so it is excluded from this review.

There is also a special type of warm plaster used for radiation insulation of medical premises. Baryte plaster contains crystalline barium sulfate, a compound that absorbs X-rays.

Warm plaster for exterior use It is made on the basis of cement grades M-500 or M-300. With a hydrophobic filler (foam glass, EPS, etc.), such a coating is not afraid of precipitation, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Plaster on insulation protects the main layer of thermal insulation from negative weather conditions.

For interior decoration, mixtures based on lime and gypsum, which are not resistant to moisture, are used.

Perlite is presented on the domestic market thermal insulation plaster following trading stamps:

All of them comply with GOST 31251 as materials With highest degree fire safety.

Release form

Ready-made mixtures are produced in dry form in bags weighing 7-30 kg. Depending on the formulation, they may contain superplasticizers that improve the solubility of cement and increase the plasticity of the solution. At home, such an additive is PVA glue or liquid soap, dissolved in water. The plasticizer consumption is no more than 1% of the mass of cement in the mixture.

The shelf life of the mixed mixture is 30-90 minutes, so it is important to measure the volume of the prepared solution and the speed of work.


Specifications warm plasters may vary depending on the filler.



A comment

Strength kg/cm2

An excellent indicator that allows you to use the mixture to seal cracks between bricks.

Volumetric weight kg/m3

For a mixture based on PPS granules.

Shrinkage mm/m


After drying, it does not shrink.

Thermal conductivity W/mOK

Inferior to synthetic and mineral insulation 1.5-2 times, exceeds the usual cement-sand mixture by 4-5 times.

Frost resistance, cycles

Average, is compensated by the ease of repair.

Water absorption%

Required additional protection from moisture.

Vapor permeability

Maintains an even microclimate in the room, there is no “dew point”.

Fire resistance

Based on mineral granules - non-flammable coating, based on EPS - low-flammable.

Cost RUR/m2

Material consumption is 2-4 kg/m2



A high soundproofing effect is achieved by mixtures with a fibrous filler such as the Houncliffe basalt mixture.



Completely environmentally friendly material.

Life time

Depends on the application. The outer coating lasts less, the inner one is as durable as possible.

Unique qualities

The main advantage warm plaster serves its high plasticity and adhesion (adhesion to the surface). She doesn't require perfect smooth walls and performs an additional cosmetic function when decorating the room.

Allows you to isolate slopes, cracks and internal corners, where the installation of sheet and roll thermal insulation difficult. There is no need for fasteners that act as “cold bridges” for other materials. The application speed of professional workers reaches 100 m2 in 1 day.

Warm plaster combines environmental friendliness and durability, does not emit volatile compounds and dust.


The main disadvantage warm plaster its raw weight is used. The plastering process takes place in several stages; it is impossible to immediately apply a thick layer. The work is carried out in 3-4 passes, maintaining the previous layers until they “set” firmly.

The thermal insulation qualities of the mixtures are average, and the price is higher than the more energy-efficient PPS. It is not used as the main insulation material in Russia; its thermal efficiency in our conditions is too low.

Application area

Insulation of interior spaces, primer finishing of walls. The use of such thermal insulation can reduce heat loss by up to 40%. This one is recommended material for additional thermal and sound insulation of walls and ceilings, window slopes, pipelines, sealing cracks.

Warm plaster for facade used as a protective and decorative coating for basic thermal insulation: mineral wool, glass wool, polystyrene foam, PPS or basalt slabs. It protects the insulation from moisture, weathering, ultraviolet radiation and has a beautiful rough texture.

Installation methods

Cooking instructions ready mixture usually indicated on the packaging. To prepare the solution at home, the binder component (cement, lime or gypsum), water and bulk filler are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:4. The mixture is thoroughly kneaded to the consistency of thick sour cream, after which it can be applied to the cleaned surface.

Plastering interior walls carried out along the beacons, the thickness of the applied layer warm plaster should not exceed 1 cm in one pass. If it is necessary to increase the thickness of the coating, then the first layer must dry, otherwise the plaster will fall off under its own weight. It is not advisable to make a layer thicker than 3 cm; the thermal insulation properties decrease as a result, and the load on the base becomes critical.

Plaster on facade insulation applied thin layer: 3-4 mm in the first pass, no more than 1.5 cm in total after preliminary application and drying of the reinforcing layer.

Thermal insulating plasters have recently appeared on the construction market. But they have already gained their popularity. In some cases, it may provide an opportunity to avoid extra costs and then the final finishing price will be significantly lower.

Today we will tell you what a heat-insulating plaster mixture is, its parameters and application. Also in the video in this article you can familiarize yourself with this material in more detail.

Features of heat-insulating plaster

The heat-insulating plaster mixture has fairly decent characteristics and has many positive qualities. It can be easily applied with your own hands; the technology is the same as when applying a conventional cement composition (see Let's look at how to plaster with cement-sand mortar). But before you buy, it's worth knowing what you're getting.

Fire safety These types of plaster have special fireproof fillers, such as vermiculite, perlite, foam glass. This made it possible to obtain an absolutely non-flammable final product belonging to the NG class. Thermal insulating plaster with the addition of expanded polystyrene foam is capable of burning, and therefore belongs to group G1.
Ecological cleanliness Many widely used insulation materials are capable of releasing harmful substances, which cannot be said about warm plaster.
Multifunctionality Such plaster can serve not only as a heat-insulating layer, but also as decorative finishing, in the form of a finishing layer. It can be used to level building surfaces.
Thermal insulation parameters Plaster of this type, in its own way technical properties, is not inferior to widely used types of plasters, and in some respects it is superior. A layer of warm plaster of 50 mm, in terms of thermal insulation indicators, is equal to the thickness of the masonry of 2 bricks or the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, which is made on the basis of polystyrene foam, equal to 2-4 cm.
Physical parameters Due to the above fillers, warm plaster is much lighter common species plasters, and therefore is not an additional load for construction planes. At the same time, it fits perfectly on all types of surfaces.
Practical use The technology for applying this type of plaster is absolutely compatible with the method of applying widely known types of plasters.

Types and types of warm plasters

Depending on the purpose, heat-insulating plaster is divided into 2 main types:

  1. Heat-insulating plaster, which is used as a preliminary layer for finishing decorative coatings. This layer serves as an auxiliary insulating layer and has thermal insulation properties similar to warm building materials such as aerated concrete or ceramic blocks.
  2. Thermal insulating plaster mixture with higher thermal insulation characteristics and high strength. They are used for finishing construction surfaces. This plaster has thermal insulation values ​​2-3 times lower than aerated concrete, but 1.5-2 times higher than mineral wool. Several types of such plasters are produced, having the same properties, but differing in composition.

A characteristic feature of warm plaster

These are the most latest materials, meeting the most modern demand. with their help you can quickly and effectively insulate your home or other buildings.

At the same time, they have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Unique thermal insulation characteristics that make it possible to replace masonry with 1.5-2 bricks or a layer of polystyrene foam, 2-4 cm thick. At the same time, the thickness of the plaster layer will not exceed 5 cm.
  • Light weight. It is 3-4 times lighter traditional types plasters. After drying, it specific gravity is 240-360kg per cubic meter.
  • Solidity and homogeneity do not give it the opportunity to crumble and delaminate. If damage has occurred to the outer layer of plaster, this can be easily corrected.
  • Warm plaster adheres well to all known building surfaces. Therefore, it can be applied directly to surfaces without prior priming, and also without the use of reinforcing mesh, except if the layer of warm plaster exceeds a thickness of 50 mm. Warm plasters adhere well to surfaces made of stone, concrete, brick, plasterboard, etc.
  • Applying warm plaster does not require any special skills. They are produced in dry form and should be diluted with water before application. The result is a fairly plastic mass that is easy to work with and does not require any application. special tools, at the same time, it can be applied both manually and using mechanical devices.
  • Most warm plasters are produced for applying a decorative layer. They have high strength indicators, are durable, and have water-repellent properties. At the same time, they are able to breathe, and therefore they can be applied to any surface. Warm plaster can be painted with vapor-proof paints.
  • They not only do not burn, but are able to protect building structures from destruction during a fire. Such plasters with organic additives do not burn and do not support combustion.

Composition of warm plasters

High technological properties are due to a well-balanced recipe. This high-tech product includes many different additives, such as water repellents, air-entraining additives, and plasticizers. About 40-75% of the volume consists of fine-grained porous fillers, with a grain size of up to 2 mm.

The main binding agent is lime or white Portland cement. Depending on the type of heat-insulating material used, warm plasters are divided into 2 types: with mineral or organic filler.

The following is used as a mineral filler:

  1. Foamed perlite or vermiculite. This natural materials volcanic origin, swollen with elevated temperatures. These materials absorb moisture very well, so they are additionally treated with water repellents. As a result of this treatment, they are able to absorb moisture, after which it can easily evaporate.
  2. Granular hollow foam glass ball, which has excellent water-repellent properties, and its mechanical strength allows you to create a final product with high mechanical strength.

Attention: Expanded polystyrene granules obtained as a result of special technology are used as an organic filler. This material is water-permeable, but less resistant to mechanical damage, therefore, such walls should be protected with finishing plaster or vapor-permeable paint.

Thickness of applied layer

Attention: Based on this, we can conclude that warm plaster acts as an additional thermal insulation layer, and it is simply not rational to use it to fully insulate a building, since this increases its consumption.

  • As calculations show, in order to really insulate a building with walls 50 cm thick, you need to apply a layer of plaster 8 to 10 cm thick, or even more.
  • Warm plaster is produced in bags of 7-10 kg, which makes it possible to cover 1 square meter of surface with a layer of 2-2.5 cm.
  • When using such plaster in different regions additional calculations are required, depending on natural conditions, as well as the characteristics of the main building material, such as brick, foam blocks or aerated concrete.

Scope of application of heat-insulating plasters

Such plasters can be used when different conditions both as the main insulating layer and as an auxiliary one.

Attention: It is more convenient and profitable to insulate many elements of building structures with warm plasters, such as window or door slopes, various recesses and convexities, curved architectural elements, domes, niches, etc.

  • In other words, various hard-to-reach places where the application traditional methods insulation may disrupt the external or interior design architectural solutions.
  • With the help of warm plaster, you can easily correct defects formed after using traditional types of plaster. These can be cracks, cavities and various peelings.
  • Since such plasters are environmentally friendly, they are recommended for use inside buildings and structures. They can be recommended for use in places where plaster adjoins materials that have completely different specifications, for example, at the junction of door and window boxes with a plaster layer.
  • Their use can be effective if there is a need to preserve as much as possible living space when carrying out warming measures. This approach can take place when using warm plaster in areas such as a bath. If you level the walls with warm plaster before laying the tiles, then there will be virtually no condensation in such a room.
  • On the construction market you can find warm plasters designed for insulation ceilings, and preparatory work related to the insulation of floors and other surfaces.
  • Warm plaster is compatible with any building surfaces, but manufacturers of such plasters recommend applying them to flat surfaces lined with ceramic blocks or autoclaved aerated concrete. This allows for more efficient use of this modern thermal insulation material.
  • When applied to embossed or uneven surfaces, they must be leveled using ordinary vapor-permeable plaster.
  • Plasters intended for use as a leveling layer are cheaper, so you should not worry about their overuse.

Warm plaster application technology

You can insulate a house with such plaster quite quickly, compared to traditional approaches. This will take 3-4 times less time, and if you use the mechanical method, the results can be impressive: a team of 4 people, using special mechanisms, is able to process up to 400 square meters of construction space in one shift, while How good specialist manually can plaster from 30 to 50 square meters in the same time.


  • To prepare, the dry plaster mixture is diluted with water and stirred well. There should be no lumps in the finished mixture, and the mixture itself should be plastic. The prepared solution can be used for several hours at a temperature not lower than +5°C.
  • The prepared surface must be clean and durable. This type of plaster is not thrown onto the wall, but rather rubbed into the surface.
  • If you believe the recommendations, then warm plaster should be applied in a layer of no more than 2.5 cm at a time. If a large layer thickness is required, then it is applied in 2 or 3 passes, and the layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm.
  • After 2-3 days, you can start painting the surface, and the plaster layer acquires maximum thermal insulation properties after a couple of months, as soon as it dries.

Applying warm plaster - instructions

Installation of beacons In order for the plaster to be of high quality, before applying the plaster, metal beacons are installed on the surface of the wall.
Preparing the mixture To be ready, just add a certain amount of water to the dry mixture and stir with a construction mixer.
Application of the solution The mixture is applied using a trowel or metal spatula, and then with movements to the left, right and up, the plaster mixture is leveled between the beacons.
Layer alignment The final leveling of the layer is carried out after the excess plaster between the beacons is removed.
Sealing cracks from lighthouses After the plaster has partially dried, the beacons are removed from the wall, after which the depressions are sealed with the same plaster.
Applying the finishing layer Finally, the plastered surface is thoroughly rubbed with a plaster float using plaster mixture, but with a more liquid consistency.

IN given time there are many companies that produce this material. For example, heat-insulating plaster is smart and there is also plastering glue mixture thermal insulation Here the choice is yours. Look at the photo and make your choice. The instructions will help you make the right choice.

Warm plaster for interior work is very unusual and new for many construction finishing material, which appeared relatively recently on the domestic market. Accordingly, it is quite logical to consider the question of what kind of building mixtures these are - warm plasters - and how to use them.

Composition of warm plaster

Warm plaster for interior work is a dry mixture based on ordinary cement. The difference from the classic solution is the absence of sand in the composition. It can be replaced by any other components:

  • Perlite sand.
  • Expanded clay chips.
  • Powder obtained from pumice.
  • Expanded polystyrene granules and other materials.

Varieties of warm plaster

There are several types of warm plaster. Construction mixtures differ in composition, area of ​​application, application method and technical and operational characteristics.

The following three are among the most popular:

Warm plaster with expanded vermiculite

Expanded vermiculite is a lightweight mineral filler obtained by heat treatment of vermiculite rock. Warm plaster with the addition of such a component is used mainly for outdoor work. Despite this, you can also use it for interior decoration - it is universal building material. The advantages of vermiculite warm plaster include excellent antiseptic properties.

Sawdust plaster

Warm plaster for interior work, which is especially popular and is not intended for exterior finishing- the so-called sawdust mixture. It consists of sawdust, particles of cement, clay and often paper. Actually, it is for this reason that it is not used for outdoor work.

This mixture is ideal for application to wood and brick surfaces. The applied layers of plaster should dry only if the room is well ventilated. Complete drying takes about two weeks. In a closed room, fungus and mold can develop on the surface of the plaster.

Plaster with polystyrene foam granules

Another good type of plaster is a mixture with the addition. Its composition, in addition, includes cement, lime, various additives and fillers. It is used mainly for external finishing works, however, it can also be used for internal ones.

Plaster with polystyrene foam granules is the most common, unlike the other two types.

Area of ​​application of warm plaster

Today, dry mixtures of this type are used in the following areas:

  • Finishing of buildings and their thermal insulation.
  • Additional insulation and sound insulation of external and internal walls of buildings.
  • When using well masonry, insulate the walls.
  • Insulation of sewer drains, hot and cold water supply risers.
  • Insulation of window blocks and slopes in places where they adjoin the walls.
  • As a thermal insulator and soundproofing material during interior finishing work.
  • Experts advise using warm plaster as a material for insulating floors and ceilings.

Advantages of warm plaster

  • Quick application of plaster - in a day of work you can cover a surface of 110-170 square meters. m.
  • Does not require the use of reinforcing mesh.
  • There is no need to level the walls if warm plaster is used for interior work.
  • The mixture has excellent adhesion to any type of surface.
  • There is no risk of occurrence since there are no metal bonds.


  • The mixture does not belong to the category of finishing coatings and requires the application of not only a primer, but also a layer of decorative plaster.
  • Unlike cotton wool or polystyrene foam, the thickness of insulation with a warm composition is several times greater.
  • Plaster is not used very economically - the price for it, by the way, is not that low.

Where should you use warm plaster?

Based on all the pros and cons of this dry mixture, it is best to use it for the following work:

  • Sealing joints and cracks in ceilings and walls of buildings.
  • For interior work in the case of additional insulation, for example, when it is impossible to carry out insulation procedures on the outside of the building, a cladding is installed, which will deteriorate when disassembled.
  • Finishing window slopes.
  • Basement insulation.

Warm plaster application technology

Before applying a dry mixture of this type, the base is prepared in the same way as before application ordinary plaster on a cement base. Residues of other materials, dust and dirt are carefully removed. If necessary, the surface can be treated with special compounds or a primer in order to strengthen and improve adhesion.

An important requirement is that before starting work on applying plaster, the base must be thoroughly moistened with water.


  1. The dry mixture is poured into a container prepared in advance with a volume of at least 50 liters.
  2. Added pure water in the quantity indicated on the plaster packaging.
  3. Using a construction mixer, the mass is mixed.
  4. The shelf life of the finished mixture is 120 minutes.

Checking the consistency of the resulting mixture is very simple - a small amount of the solution is collected on a trowel, after which the tool is turned over. A well-kneaded mixture should not fall off it. Ready-made plaster can be applied either manually or by machine.

  • Warm plaster is applied to the surface of the base using special construction tools in several layers, and the layer thickness should not exceed 2 cm.
  • Each subsequent layer is applied 4 hours after the previous one.
  • Drying time for each layer may vary depending on air humidity levels.
  • Warm plaster is applied using upward movements.
  • The applied layer is checked three to four weeks after all work has been completed.
  • The full strength of the plaster occurs within one to two months.

Mistakes when applying warm plaster

When carrying out interior finishing work using warm plaster, certain mistakes can often be made, especially if they are not carried out by specialists. As a result, peeling, cracks may appear, or the geometry of the entire room may change due to the applied layer being too thick.

The quality is checked quite simply: to do this, a rule strip is applied to the surface. If there are gaps between the tool and the wall, there are geometry violations.

When applying plaster, the most important thing is not to allow deviations from the vertical or horizontal by more than 3 mm.

Dry mixture consumption

Plaster is consumed (the price varies between 200-900 rubles per package) depending on the thickness of the layer: about 10-15 kilograms are consumed per square meter of base.

If the work is carried out by specialists, you will have to pay about $15 extra for their services, not counting the cost of the materials and tools themselves.

Plaster layer thickness

Depending on the thickness of the walls, the material from which they are made, and climate zone, in which the building is located, the size of the layer of finishing composition also varies. According to standard calculations, 51 cm can be insulated by applying a layer of plaster 8-10 cm thick. Of course, such a consumption of the mixture is simply huge and irrational, so it is best to use it as additional material. Unlike classic brick, aerated concrete or ceramic blocks require a much smaller layer of plaster.

The standard material thickness recommended by manufacturers is from 2 to 5 cm. Calculate required amount The mixture is quite simple, in addition, it is supplied in separate packages weighing 7-10 kilograms. Standard quantity As a rule, there is enough plaster to apply a layer of 2-2.5 cm per square meter of surface.

Plaster "Knauf"

Dry mixture "Knauf" is a very expensive finishing material that has good thermal insulation and water-repellent properties. Safe insulation, easy to apply to prepared substrate. Its advantages include vapor permeability, weather resistance, absolute environmental friendliness and additional surface insulation.

Plaster "Knauf" - best option for carrying out interior finishing work.