The list of housing services includes: What is considered a utility service?

Housing and communal services– these are services provided by management companies to ensure comfortable living and maintain the housing stock in good technical condition. What is included in utilities and how to save on them will be discussed below.

What services should be provided

Management companies are required to provide utility services, payment for which is made both from the number of registered people and according to meter readings. Many people are interested in the question of what applies to public services. Russian legislation regulates the provision of housing and communal services (HCS). The list of utilities should include:

  • Drinking cold water. Supply cold water produced to supply residents apartment buildings around the clock via central or in-house water supply. Compliance with all parameters of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, required quality and volume - these are the basic requirements for cold water. If there is no water supply system, the supply is made to the water supply on the street.
  • Hot water supplied around the clock through a centralized or local supply system to meet the needs of residents.
  • Drainage. Drainage is carried out around the clock centralized networks or in-house systems. Sewerage must be located in all apartment buildings.
  • Electricity supply. Electricity of proper quality is supplied around the clock to consumers' apartments via a centralized power supply network.
  • Gas supply. Gas is supplied to apartments around the clock via centralized gas supply networks. Gas supply also includes the provision of gas cylinders.
  • Heating. Hot heating is supplied during the cold season, providing residents with warmth. It is also necessary to heat the places common use to maintain optimal temperature.

Other services, such as garbage removal, repairs and maintenance of housing, and cleaning of local areas are classified as housing services. Various organizations can provide all housing and communal services:

  • (HOA);
  • Housing or housing construction cooperatives;

ODPU fee

Today, payment is mainly carried out according to the standards of management companies. The best option would be to pay for the actual volume provided. For this purpose, metering devices are installed in all apartments today. Residents transmit data to the management company, which calculates the readings and presents an invoice in the form of an EPD.

By law, multi-apartment buildings must be equipped with communal metering devices that facilitate precise definition resource consumption.

Today, the MTPL fee is calculated as follows:

  • The readings of individual metering devices in each apartment are taken into account, and housing and communal services are calculated based on them;
  • For indications separate apartment part of the ODPU data is added and added to the EPD.

This is how utilities are paid.

Payment procedure for communal housing and utility services

The 2012 rules for the provision of utility services made it possible to calculate heating standards in a new way. Previously, you had to pay for the entire house territory, today heating total areas is not included in housing and communal services costs. There is also no need to pay for general sewerage. Firm standards have been established for the consumption of total hot and cold water - 90 liters per person every month.

Management companies are aimed at saving common housing and utility services. If the limited standard is exceeded, then the difference is paid by the management organization, not the residents. The exception is HOAs, where the owners themselves decide to pay the difference. If housing and communal services are provided by a resource supplier, then the excess is divided between consumers taking into account the occupied square meters.

Failure to provide utilities

If utility services turn out to be improper, for example, they do not burn, then the consumer can draw up a report about this. Residents must record a violation of their rights. To do this, the tenant, two neighbors and the chairman of the house council draw up a statement describing the violations. Failure to provide housing and communal services is considered from the date of signing the document.

If for a long time DEZ does not clean the territory or repair entrances, then the following must be done:

  1. Write a collective complaint of all consumers to the management organization. Demand that the problems that have arisen be resolved by the management company within a certain period.
  2. Apply in person to the management organization. It should indicate all the shortcomings of the work and demand that they be corrected and that those responsible be held accountable for this.
  3. If these steps do not affect the DEZ, then it is necessary to go to court.

Contract for the provision of utility services

The management organization provides utility and housing services under a written agreement in accordance with the new Rules. DEZ or other Management Company concludes it in case of provision of services to the tenant. The Rules specify the terms for the provision and requirements for payment of utility services.

Any consumer has the right to receive housing and communal services that ensure the convenience of living in the house and control its technical condition. For tenants and tenants of housing, a lease or rental agreement must be drawn up. In the absence of a written agreement, the tenant may be denied utility services.

Obligations of companies providing housing and communal services

The cost items of housing and communal services management companies also include expenses that they must fulfill. Every consumer must know what he ultimately pays for and what relates to housing services. Organizations providing housing and communal services must:

  1. Maintain the temperature in hallways and apartments at the proper level.
  2. Monitor the presence of lighting in entrances and local areas.
  3. Take away local area, remove garbage, comply with Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision requirements.
  4. Monitor compliance with fire safety standards.
  5. Monitor the technical condition of basements, attics and roofs.
  6. Perform all necessary seasonal work.
  7. spend cash to maintain common property in proper condition.
  8. Monitor the condition of common areas.

The rental agreement may also contain additional clauses that are added individually at the request of consumers. You can find out what may be included in utility bills, and which housing and utility services the management company is required to provide, by contacting the DEZ. This is required if there is any doubt about proper operation housing and communal services organizations, as well as in case of improper performance of their duties by management structures.

How to reduce your utility bill

Tariffs for housing and communal services are constantly increasing, so many consumers are looking for ways to reduce the composition of utilities in order to make expenses lower. This can be done by submitting an application to your management company to waive some housing and communal services. It is impossible to refuse all of them, since heating, for example, is supplied by common system, and it is almost impossible to turn it off in a separate apartment. You can disable the following utilities:

  1. If residents do not use a television antenna, then it is worth contacting the service organization and asking them to disconnect the cable. This will reduce the cost of the EPD.
  2. Today, few people use a radio point, so you can refuse this type of housing and communal services in the DEZ.

If housing and communal services are not provided, it is necessary.

To pay for received housing and communal services, it is necessary to install individual metering devices. Every month you need to transfer the data taken from them to the management company. Those who do not have such devices pay higher standards. If they refuse to install them, residents and tenants overpay by more than 50%. Therefore, installing meters will help track resource consumption and reduce utility bills.

Refusal of unnecessary utilities is regulated Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Housing and communal services (HCS) includes about 30 types of activities. The sub-sectors are Maintenance housing; landscaping (road and bridge maintenance, landscaping, sanitation and waste disposal); resource supply (heat, electricity, water, sewerage, gas); consumer services (hotels, baths, laundries, funeral services), etc.

Each sub-sector is represented by a set of housing and communal services enterprises: sanitary and technical, energy, transport, and external improvement.

TO sanitary and technical include enterprises for the maintenance and operation of water supply and sewer systems, enterprises for cleaning the territories of populated areas and sanitary cleaning of households, laundries, baths, bathing and swimming facilities.

Energy companies- electric, gas and district heating distribution networks, heating boiler houses, thermal power plants and power plants, gas plants serving populated areas.

Transport companies- urban public passenger transport (metro, tram, trolleybus, funiculars, cable cars, buses, taxis), water transport local purpose.

To the buildings external improvement populated areas that are part of utilities, include roads and sidewalks, bridges and overpasses, underground and surface transport pedestrian crossings and overpasses, structures and networks of storm (drainage) sewerage, embankments, various pyrotechnic structures designed to prevent landslides and flooding of territories, their drainage, bank protection, green spaces of general use, street lighting and etc.

Public utility companies also serve industrial enterprises, supplying them with water, electricity, gas.

The leading enterprises are water supply, sanitation and treatment companies Wastewater, heat supply, diversified enterprises, organizations of external improvement (road and bridge facilities, landscaping, sanitary cleaning and waste disposal), hotel enterprises.

The most common organizational and legal form of economic entities in the housing and communal services sector is municipal unitary enterprises. The predominant economic structure in housing and communal services is diversified enterprises.

The housing and communal services industries are divided into three sectors according to their competitive potential: 1) local monopoly; 2) potentially competitive; 3) market.

Local monopolies- industries and enterprises where competition is impossible for economic, technological, environmental, and natural territorial reasons. These include not only supplying enterprises (heat, water, gas, electricity, sanitation), but often also organizations serving housing sector, in particular the organization of elevator facilities. Costs for performing services technical operation and repair of elevators in the total cost of housing services constitute on average over 10% in Russia and significantly affect the total value of their cost.

Potentially competitive industries are becoming competitive as the management system changes, privatization, and the introduction of contractual relations between homeowners, management companies and housing contractors.

Thus, in the public utilities sector the following are potentially competitive:

  • management and maintenance of public utility facilities;
  • attracting organizations that use alternative forms of providing public services, including autonomous systems life support and facilities not related to the network engineering infrastructure (rooftop boiler houses, gas supply from tank and bottled gas, etc.);
  • performance individual works maintenance of public utility facilities (repair and cleaning of networks, garbage collection, etc.);
  • design and survey and construction works for the development of public utility facilities.

Quite market, competitive industry is housing, primarily in-house services.

Housing and communal services (HCS) provide solutions to the problems of maintaining the housing stock in proper condition and creating favorable conditions for people to live. They are distinguished by high social significance, belonging to a life support group; practically non-interchangeable and cannot be stored for future use, i.e. the production of services coincides with their consumption. The volume and quality of services directly affect the level of well-being of the population, living conditions, sanitary and hygienic conditions, cleanliness of water and air basins, and the level of labor productivity.

The annual volume of housing and communal services is about 750 billion rubles, or 7.6% of GDP. The housing and communal services market is stable and always in demand.

Housing services- this is a set of works that ensure the normal functioning of a residential building and the improvement of the local area.

The list of housing services is approved federal authorities and includes:

  • maintenance of the common property of a residential building (including basements, attics, entrances and roofs) and the local area;
  • removal of household waste;
  • work performed during technical inspection and inspecting individual premises of residential buildings, including eliminating minor faults in water supply, sewerage, central heating, hot water and electrical systems technical devices and other works;
  • work performed during the preparation of damaged buildings for operation in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods;
  • repair of common property, general communications, technical devices and technical premises of a residential building, objects in the local area;
  • other types of work (elevator maintenance, etc.).

Public utilities are provided in the form of tangible media delivered to consumers with certain quality indicators.

Utilities include:

  • cold and hot water supply;
  • water disposal and wastewater treatment;
  • electricity supply;
  • gas supply, including in cylinders;
  • heating (heat supply, including supplies solid fuel with stove heating);
  • disposal (disposal) of solid household waste.

For utilities characteristic features are:

  • linking complex engineering infrastructure to the territory;
  • continuity, strict sequence of the process of production, transportation and consumption of services;
  • services are not accumulated, underproduction is not compensated by more intensive production in another period;
  • The process of consuming services is continuous; cessation of consumption for a significant period is, as a rule, impossible.

By virtue of technological features industry and the conditions for the formation of life support systems for territories, most utility enterprises (primarily those associated with the network supply of resources) occupy a monopoly position in the territory they serve (local monopolies). At the same time, geographical boundaries commodity markets are determined by the administrative boundaries of cities and districts, with the exception of interdistrict electrical and water supply networks and a number of other objects of interdistrict importance.

If there are no appliances in an apartment building or residential building, standards for the consumption of utilities and resources (cold and hot water, network gas, electricity and heat) are established to determine the amount of payment for housing and communal services.

The standards are established at the initiative of authorized bodies or resource supply organizations and are uniform for houses that have similar structural and technical specifications and the degree of improvement. The validity period of the standards is at least three years.

General legal and economic conditions housing and communal services, the functional responsibilities of business entities of all forms of ownership are determined by the municipal order.

As part of the municipal order, the volumes, parameters of quality and reliability of servicing the housing stock and the provision of utilities are developed; financing of housing and communal services, share of consumer payments and budget compensation; a set of contracts for order fulfillment.

Criteria for the quality, reliability and sustainability of supply of housing and communal services are determined in accordance with the rules for the provision of housing and communal services. They are based on established standards (GOSTs, SNiPs, consumption standards, work regulations, etc.), guaranteeing the minimum required level of service. The actual provision of such a guarantee is supported by financial resources.

Traditional maintenance is based on key ral and local government in the organization and execution of housing and communal services. Local government acts as a representative of both consumers of housing and communal services and their suppliers.

Municipal organizations are responsible for carrying out the entire range of work on the maintenance, operation and repair of engineering infrastructure and external improvements, ensuring utilities population living in municipal housing stock. Other consumers enter into contracts for the supply of services directly with enterprises.

The housing stock is transferred to the balance sheet of municipal enterprises. Under the guidance of the local government administration, they plan the scope of work, carry out the work, and charge fees for the services provided. The management divisions of the administration are housing maintenance offices (ZhEK), directorates of a single customer (DEZ), etc. Housing maintenance organizations accept payments from the population for heat, cold and hot water, electricity, garbage removal, etc. and transfer money to resource providers.

In housing and communal services, at the same time there is a change in organizational forms of interaction between authorities, consumers and service providers. More advanced service methods are used, based on the division of functions, strengthening contractual relations, and competitive selection of contractors. First of all, this applies to housing services, which have a high potential for competition on the side of both customers and service contractors.

Initially, the separation of the functions of the customer and the contractor occurs in the structure of the local government administration. The functions of the customer are performed by structural units of the local government administration, housing maintenance or diversified housing and communal services enterprises, providing both maintenance of residential buildings and their heat and electricity supply. A single customer service is created, which attracts repair and maintenance enterprises or is divided into several management companies, which, on a competitive basis, attract contractors to service the housing stock. At the same time, a competitive environment is being formed in the production of housing services; the market for utility services is regulated by municipal orders, regardless of the form of ownership of utility companies. RCC collects payments from consumers and transfers the collected funds to enterprises in accordance with concluded agreements.

Often, local government transfers a municipal order for the entire range of work to a diversified housing and communal services enterprise, which becomes a single general contractor. In this case there are no special municipal institutions or enterprises as intermediaries between the municipality and the contractor, receiving money from the budget for placing an order for housing and utility services. If the functions of the customer service are assigned to housing maintenance enterprises, then they combine them with the functions of the contractor

Customer services have been created in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They implement the idea of ​​municipal ordering as effective form expenditure of budget funds and the concept of liberating local government as a level of government from economic functions.

Relations between the city (district) administration and the customer are formalized by a municipal contract for the organization of work to provide housing and communal services to the population and other consumers, on the management of the housing stock and the technological part, indicating the sources and amounts of financing for services. The municipal contract defines the main tasks of organizing the provision of housing and communal services to all consumers and the maintenance of housing and communal services facilities in accordance with current norms and rules.

The administration transfers the housing stock to the customer for maintenance, reserving the following functions:

  • monitoring compliance with regulatory and technical requirements for the maintenance and use of housing and engineering infrastructure;
  • ensuring an appropriate level of financing for the maintenance of real estate owned by him;
  • development and conclusion of rental agreements for residential and non-residential premises.

The customer is responsible for maintaining the housing stock in proper condition.

The costs of producing housing and communal services include material costs, including costs for raw materials, fuel, energy; labor costs; contributions for social needs; depreciation of fixed assets; other costs. The administration provides financing to the customer in the form of allocations for wages and subsidies for losses, including to pay off the difference in tariffs, landscaping, and major repairs.

In the cost of services of enterprises of local natural monopolies, a large share is occupied by the products and services of other monopoly enterprises. An enterprise is not able to independently influence the tariffs and prices of its main suppliers, since an increase in tariffs of one monopolist enterprise almost always causes a chain reaction of rising prices and tariffs for the entire industry.

The functions of the customer service include maintaining contractual relations at all levels of service provision, forming a municipal order for housing and communal services, organizing the provision of subsidies to the population to pay for services, monitoring the provision of services and their payment. The customer enters into contracts with enterprises that provide services and resource providers. Their work is organized in the following areas:

  • maintenance of housing facilities and landscaping:
  • provision of public utility services.

A competitive selection of contractors is being carried out for routine maintenance housing stock, carrying out major repairs, identifying service providers and resources. An agreement is concluded with utility service providers, with the utility company acting on the seller’s side, and the customer and the municipal administration on the buyer’s side. Moreover, the customer is liable to the contractor within the limits of payments from the population, and the administration of the municipality - within the amounts of budgetary subsidies for utilities.

The customer service can operate without the presence of a management company or with its establishment. In the absence of a management company, its functions are performed by the customer service.

If there is a management company, the single customer service provides:

  • compliance with regulatory and technical requirements for the maintenance and use of housing and communal infrastructure;
  • the required level of financing to maintain the property;
  • concluding an agreement with a competitively selected or established organization for managing the municipal housing stock, as well as the provision of other public services;
  • systematic monitoring of the implementation of contracts.

The management company, in turn, is responsible for:

  • maintenance and modernization of real estate;
  • selection of contractors to perform work in the housing stock entrusted to its management;
  • concluding contracts and monitoring their implementation;
  • collection of payments for housing and communal services from the population.

Local governments are obliged to create equal conditions for the provision of housing and communal services to all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. In particular, it is important to attract private managers and contractors to overcome the monopoly of municipal units and develop competition in the housing and communal services market.

Private organizations appear on the housing and communal services market as a result of:

  • transformation of state and municipal housing and communal services enterprises;
  • creation of new business entities;
  • development of public-private and municipal-private partnerships.

The transformation of state and municipal housing and communal services enterprises is carried out in the form of privatization, corporatization or absorption (bankruptcy). All of these areas of transformation are regulated by federal legislation and correspond to the accepted policy of reducing the share of municipal property and, accordingly, municipal enterprises to the maximum possible extent. Since the stage of mass privatization has long been passed, we are talking about the privatization of enterprises directly servicing the housing stock, as well as the privatization of housing and communal services management. A list of housing and communal services objects that are not subject to privatization has been approved. This list includes mainly communal property, the loss of control over which is considered socially dangerous.

The objects of privatization of housing and communal services management are housing and communal services, public health departments and other municipal management structures.

Since utility infrastructure facilities are, as a rule, local monopolies, they are corporatized with local government retaining 100% of the shares. Then the shares are put up for competition and, based on its results, are transferred to the trust management of the investor management company for a period not less than the payback period for investments in the modernization of fixed assets. The number of shares of at least 50% plus 1 share and not more than 75% minus 1 share is transferred to the management company for trust management.

The corporatization is carried out under the control of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the Chuvash Republic and Tatarstan, for example, decisions were made to fully corporatize housing and communal services enterprises within strict deadlines. Regional corporatization plan state enterprises implemented in the Stavropol Territory. Joint-stock utility companies are included in regional joint stock companies(holdings) by areas of activity. For example, in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Yugra Heat and Power Company was founded.

If municipal enterprises are corporatized and privatized, then the organization of electricity, gas, heat supply and sewerage does not cease to be an issue local significance, since otherwise would be contrary to the Law “On general principles local government organizations."

Absorption is a consequence of the competitive struggle of enterprises on the open market. In the housing and communal services sector, the competition has not reached such an acute stage, but takeovers do take place here too. It is carried out by creditors on the basis of bankruptcy procedures, when the property complexes of municipal enterprises are sold for debts. However, the debts of housing and communal services enterprises are not a basis for takeover and change of ownership, since they are the result of huge underfinancing and economic imbalance; they should be resolved through restructuring.

Transformation of enterprises, changing only their organizational legal form, does not in any way affect changes in the competitive environment, since neither additional resources nor new business entities are involved.

In addition, not all municipal enterprises are enthusiastic about the transformations; Some of them are afraid of losing the support of local administrations, others are not confident in the predictability of the tariff policy, which may change during privatization.

The emergence of new, including private, housing and communal services operators on the market as a consequence of deepening market transformations and capitalist relations really changes the situation and is therefore welcomed both by local governments and, under certain conditions, by consumers of services. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation has introduced provisions creating favorable conditions to attract private capital in housing and communal services. The key point here is the introduction of housing self-government, the transfer of control residential buildings into the hands of residents, who receive the right to choose a list of services, contractors and pay for them upon provision.

Private firms are willing to take out contracts for the maintenance of residential buildings as long as budget funding is provided. It is important that this market is attractive even with the abolition of subsidies and a possible increase in payments when tariffs for services increase. If there are no conditions and opportunities to earn high incomes, a boom in private capital in the housing and communal services sector cannot be expected. While property relations are not fully regulated, the horizon tariff regulation short The frequent change of heads of municipalities and the fragmentation of districts into small independent settlements also do not encourage long-term investments in housing and communal services. True, the FAS receives applications for the transfer of utility network facilities into ownership or lease. The bet, apparently, is on future income after the easing of tariff regulation.

The existing experience of public utilities based on municipal-private partnerships in the form of concession agreements providing for the attraction of capital in the housing and communal services sector and its modernization is also taken into account.

A concession is a long-term lease agreement between the state (municipality) and a legal (private) entity, accompanied by investment conditions. The object is transferred to management, but ownership remains with the state (municipality). The grantor is municipality represented by a local government body, and the concessionaire - individual entrepreneur or entity. The decision to conclude a concession agreement is made by the grantor on the basis of an open or closed competition; all details of the agreement are discussed with the winner: terms of operation, amount of payment, rights and obligations of the parties, etc. The agreement can be terminated unilaterally only by a court decision.

Agreements may be concluded based on various conditions relationships and work performance. Thus, some contracts provide for the following conditions:

  • on the performance of work (provision of services) using an object of state (municipal) property:
  • on the management of state (municipal) property, in particular trust management or renting objects.

Other agreements reflect the areas of use of constructed facilities. These include model agreements:

  • construction - transmission (VT);
  • build-operate-transfer (BOT);
  • construction - transfer - operation (WTO);
  • Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT).

It is possible to transfer into concession roads, railway and pipeline transport facilities, sea and river ports, airfields and airports, hydraulic structures, metropolitan and other public transport, objects of housing and communal services, healthcare, education, culture, sports, tourism. The authorities are interested in private investment coming into currently unclaimed, now lagging, but promising industries.

New structures combine production activities with investment and management. The investor not only invests capital in new technologies, but also finances current activities.

The Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services has signed agreements with a number of large companies and banks on cooperation in the field of communal infrastructure.

The most active concession activity was launched by Russian Utility Systems OJSC (RKS OJSC), which formed subsidiary joint stock companies in 27 regions Russian Federation. RAO "UES of Russia" as the main founder of OJSC "RKS" entered into agreements with the administrations of more than 20 regions (signed by the chairman of the board of RAO "UES of Russia" as a representative of one side and the governors and heads of regional representative authorities as representatives of the other) on the transfer to the management of OJSC " RKS" housing and communal services enterprises (electricity and heat supply enterprises, water utilities and a number of others).

Gazenergo enterprises (divisions of Mezhregiongaz LLC) operate municipal boiler houses and related heating network, considering this process as a deeper processing of its own products - gas. For them, this is justified, since even in conditions of insufficient payments, deeper processing of raw materials, in this case gas, brings additional financial resources, which are a source of further investment.

The implementation of projects in various regions and cities will lead to a reduction in subsidies and costs for heat supply and a redistribution of the released funds for the production of other utilities.

Currently, there are many problems in the housing and communal services sector, in the solution of which private business could participate with great benefit. The most urgent thing is to stop the degradation of the housing stock and utility networks. Formal exploitation of housing and non-compliance with standards for repair and maintenance provoke the destruction of the housing stock and an increase in the need for housing (this is how housing and communal services and construction are inextricably linked). In view of high level wear and tear of utility networks, scheduled preventative repairs have given way to emergency restoration work, the costs of which are 2-3 times higher. Huge underfunding ordinary houses stands in stark contrast to the over-the-top luxury maintenance of high-end urban and suburban luxury apartments and country houses.

In financially prosperous regions, using budget funds, they can carry out major renovations housing stock so that management companies can start work from scratch. In other regions, the need for funds cannot be met even by increasing payments to the population. The desire of businesses to go where they can earn more is understandable and market justified. But what is more for, if we abstract from social responsibility?

As a result of privatization, industrial, agricultural and other enterprises transferred housing and socio-cultural facilities to the jurisdiction of local government. The process of transferring housing into municipal ownership continues; it is planned to transfer another 160.4 million m 2, or almost 6% of the total housing stock. It is unclear from what sources local budgets will serve it if subventions from higher budgets are allocated only for housing subsidies and benefits to the population.

It is now becoming clear that exempting businesses from social responsibility is an insufficiently justified decision. Now is the time to take measures to partially correct the error, within the framework of which privatized enterprises should be held responsible for maintaining at least their former housing stock and other social facilities. After all, the new owners of enterprises in every city are well known.

Every modern man must pay utilities that ensure the comfort of life. However, it is important to know what costs utilities, how they should be calculated correctly, and also what ways you can reduce payments so as not to spend too much money on these purposes.

Realities of housing and communal services

In fact, it is very difficult to understand housing and communal services, since it includes great amount specific items and features. Therefore, people often cannot even understand how certain payments are calculated for the use of certain resources, which include hot and cold water, etc.

If people do not understand the specifics of calculating services, then we can expect that housing and communal services workers will be able to easily deceive people, charging them much more money than is really necessary. Very often you have to deal with a situation when receipts contain items for payment that are completely superfluous and unnecessary, and it is on them that various management companies increase their income. They violate the rights of their clients, and their activities are fraudulent, but this can only be proven if violations are detected. Therefore, it is important to know what utilities are, what is included in them, how to determine the full cost of a particular resource.

What are utilities?

Initially, it is important to know that in Russia it is necessary for every person to have certain knowledge in the field of jurisprudence and their own rights. The fact is that this is the only way to protect yourself from constant fraud on the part of various private and even government agencies. It is due to lack of education and negligent attitude towards their rights that many organizations take advantage of the opportunity to deceive people.

Housing and communal services are intended to provide the population with the benefits necessary for comfortable life V modern conditions. Each residential premises must be provided with these benefits, therefore, during the construction of houses, which can be private or multi-apartment, various utilities are usually immediately connected. In this case, life becomes comfortable and pleasant, and it is precisely such buildings that are attractive to potential buyers. As a rule, when choosing housing, people are always interested in the availability of the necessary resources, and if they are not available, they may refuse to purchase.

If an old house or apartment lacks any basic services, this may become a reason for the owners to contact the relevant government agencies for assistance in connecting. It is impossible to get a refusal, so in any case a special subsidy will be paid, which can be used to improve living conditions.

What mandatory elements must be present in a residential premises?

You can highlight a special list of various objects that must be present in housing. These include:

  • a bathtub, which can be replaced by a shower stall or simply a shower built into the wall, and there must be a drain;
  • a sink or sink, and it must have a faucet in working order;
  • heating system, which usually only works in winter time, and at the same time there should be no malfunctions in its operation, since this can lead to the fact that in winter the living quarters will become very cold, so they will not be suitable for living;
  • supplied electricity, and in order for it to be used comfortably, there must be sockets in the premises;
  • sewer system;
  • plumbing system, and there should be not only cold water, but also hot.

All of the above elements are public services, therefore, for their use it is mandatory to pay certain funds according to the tariffs established in a particular region.

It is important to know that not all of the existing services that are classified as utilities are mandatory. Some varieties are classified as optional, as a result of which they are installed in residential premises only if the owners wish.

The following types of services are optional:

  1. gas supply;
  2. water supply.

You can choose both of these services to be installed in a house or apartment, or you can choose only one option from these varieties.

It is quite rare that hot water supply is provided without gas being supplied to the house. The fact is that it is thanks to gas that heating water will be effective and inexpensive. However, this option still occurs in apartment buildings, in which, due to the large number of floors, it is simply impossible to ensure gas supply. In this case, hot water is created by electricity, like many other elements in apartments.

Hot water supply is an important public service, and only people who have gas-burners or boilers. In this case, the water is heated either by electricity or gas, so the connection hot water from the central city system is not a requirement. However, the presence electric boiler is the reason why the bills thermal energy will be very high, and this particular resource is considered one of the most expensive.

Most often, when arranging residential premises, both hot water and gas are supplied. In this case, you can enjoy all the benefits of civilization at reasonable prices. There will also not be any interruptions or problems regarding these resources.

Mandatory utilities include the following systems:

  • heating;
  • cold water;
  • electricity;
  • sewerage

All these amenities must be available in every residential apartment or house. If at least one of them is missing, this may be considered grounds for filing a complaint with the prosecutor’s office against the developers, and usually the damage is compensated in full.

You should know that if the owner of the apartment does not pay utility bills, this may be considered a reason for him to lose the right to demand the installation of certain mandatory systems.

It is also quite common to encounter a situation where a certain mandatory system is disabled for long time for any reason or without them at all. What should property owners do in this case?

In such a situation, people have the right to special compensation payments. The point is that it is important to pay money for services only when they are actually provided. If there is no hot water or electricity for several days, then part of the money paid for these services must be returned. Therefore, a recalculation is required, after which the management company is obliged to pay compensation. If public utilities do not want to carry out these actions, then this may serve as a basis for property owners to go to court or the prosecutor’s office. Typically, the data government agencies take the side of the plaintiffs on such issues.

Thus, every modern person should know what is included in utilities, and which elements are optional and which are mandatory. In the absence of any mandatory systems, it is possible to obtain subsidies from the state intended to improve living conditions. It is also important to know how to calculate various services so as not to pay the company managers too much money, which may be determined incorrectly. If the population is literate, it is possible to ensure the complete absence of fraud on the part of utility companies.

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Business ideas

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