Ventilation pipe together in the stove chimney. Do-it-yourself chimney in a private house

Construction of a chimney heating system- a very responsible matter that requires compliance with all fire and gas safety standards. But it is completely doable with your own hands, if you think everything through well and follow the order of work in accordance with the project.

The chimney in the house is exposed to high temperatures, so it is important to choose the right material

Requirements for modern chimneys

The chimney duct of a heating boiler is subject to stress from high smoke temperatures, possible combustion of soot inside, and exposure to combustion products. The safety of the residents of the house depends on its resistance to such loads, since it removes combustion products that are toxic to people.

For this reason, a number of requirements are imposed on their device. They should be:

  • Heat resistant
  • Fireproof
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Sealed
  • Durable
  • Condensation resistant
  • Have good traction regardless of the outside temperature
  • Resistant to acids

Choosing a suitable design

  1. What fuel does the stove use? For example, the thickness of the chimney walls for a solid fuel boiler is selected twice as large as for a liquid fuel or gas boiler.
  2. What material is the house made of? Possibility of fire wooden house higher than other materials. Therefore, chimney insulation when used solid fuel in a wooden house it should be 5-10 cm. Liquid and gaseous fuels have a lower degree of heating; an insulation layer of 2.5 cm is sufficient.
  3. The material from which the smoke exhaust channel will be built (steel pipe, ceramics, brick).

Types of materials and their features

You can make any chimney with your own hands, but it is better to order a design diagram from a professional in order to comply with everything technical standards and not have to pay fines later and not have to redo everything.

Made of brick

The coaxial type smoke duct is suitable only for boilers, which ensures a constant outlet of hot air outside and cold air inside the boiler. The boiler can be gas or solid fuel.

Stainless steel

Compared to a brick one, making a chimney from a steel pipe with your own hands is much easier. Components for a steel chimney come in different modifications. Big choice basic elements and adapters allows you to assemble a system of any configuration.

Advantages of steel chimneys:

  • The smooth inner surface does not retain soot and soot.
  • Easy to repair.
  • Resistant to high temperatures, which allows it to be used as a chimney for a solid fuel boiler.
  • Durability.
  • Compliance with the requirements fire safety.

Choosing a chimney depending on the type of boiler device

  1. The chimney is made of steel, classic or coaxial type. Often used.
  2. The chimney pipe for a solid fuel boiler can be made of steel or ceramics, as the most heat-resistant materials. Refractory brick is also suitable, but is less often used due to the labor-intensive masonry work.
  3. The chimney for a gas boiler is made from any materials suitable for the project.

Chimney installation rules

In order to correctly install the chimney, a detailed diagram (drawing) of the future system is drawn up.

The thickness of the chimney pipe is on average from 15cm to 90cm

The calculation of a chimney for a solid fuel boiler, like any other, should be entrusted to a professional.

In strict accordance with the project, markings are made of those places in the ceiling, roof and walls where the pipes will be laid.

Using the marks, holes of the required diameter are made.

An adapter is installed that connects the boiler pipe to the pipe.

A tee with a compartment for collecting condensate and a fitting for removing it is connected to the adapter.

The next section of the system according to the diagram (flat or “elbow”) is connected to the tee.

In places where the pipe passes through a wall or roof slab, a through pipe is used. A sheet of thin metal with a hole for the pipe is attached to the wall and a chimney pipe is passed through it.

The joints of all pipes are fixed with clamps, which are tightened with bolts.

The chimney is secured to the wall with brackets approximately every 2 meters.

A tip - an umbrella - is attached to the top of the chimneys to protect against precipitation.

The last thing to do is insulate the places where the chimney passes through the walls and ceilings.

Safety during chimney installation

To avoid problems with the operation of the chimney and fines from gas industry, a number of official standards for chimney installation should be observed:

  1. A special moisture collector is installed at the bottom of the pipe to remove condensate.
  2. The system has good traction to avoid getting hit dangerous products combustion inside the home.
  3. good ventilation, ventilation ducts in a private house need to be checked and cleaned in a timely manner.
  4. All connections are sealed.
  5. The diameter of the pipe and its cross-section meet the requirements specified in the instructions for the boiler.
  6. The location of the chimney is vertical, without ledges. The maximum permissible inclination is 30 degrees, while maintaining the diameter.
  7. The pipe connecting the boiler and the chimney is at least 50 cm long and must have a vertical section.
  8. The total length of all horizontal sections is less than the height of the room.
  9. If the walls of the house are made of flammable materials, the distance from them to the chimney is at least 20 cm. And at least 5 cm if they are made of non-combustible materials.
  10. wall in a wooden house, you need to make a layer between it and the wall from non-flammable heat-insulating material.
  11. The height of the chimney relative to the roof ridge is not less than 50 cm, and when flat roof- 1m.


What not to do when installing a chimney for a gas boiler:

  • Fungi in the pipe that removes smoke from a gas boiler. They prevent the free release of hazardous combustion products.
  • Chimney pipes should not have more than 3 turns.
  • Laying a chimney through unventilated or residential premises.
  • Use porous materials.

The installation of a chimney should be taken seriously, because the life and health of the residents of the house, as well as the functionality of the entire heating system, depend on whether the chimney is made correctly. If the installation of the chimney is performed poorly, combustion products can lead to smoke or dangerous carbon monoxide entering the home.

One of the most problematic stages of organizing a ventilation or chimney is their passage through the roof surface. In this matter, there are individual features of installing a chimney or ventilation pipe, which depend primarily on the material from which the ceiling and the roof itself are made. We will learn further about how to make ventilation with your own hands and how to properly install a chimney through the roof.

Do-it-yourself ventilation of a private house - characteristics and features

At the design stage of a private brick house, ventilation is installed directly in the walls. In this case, ventilation is vented outside through the roof. Thus, there is always fresh air in the room, and there is no fungus or mold on the walls.

If natural ventilation in the room does not work well enough, then forced exhaust is used to supplement it. However, it will not be required when arranging a competent vent on the roof. The level of ventilation in the room directly depends on the height of the pipe installed in the house. Improperly arranged risers in ventilation shafts above the roof lead to the following unpleasant situations:

  • since the ventilation ducts are unevenly combined, the smell from the bathroom and kitchen gets into the bedroom;
  • a pipe that is not long enough leads to a decrease in the performance of the ventilation system;
  • incorrect installation location of the pipe on the roof leads to reverse and incorrect operation of the hood;
  • Lack of proper insulation of the ventilation pipe leads to freezing of the channels.

Modern types of roofs are characterized by a complex configuration and design in the form roofing pie. Therefore, in order to install a ventilation pipe through the roof, you need to work hard. If the installation work is performed poorly, damage to the rafters and sheathing may occur. Where the vent cover is installed, there are often gaps that allow rainwater to enter the attic. Therefore, in order to maintain the tightness of the roof during installation work, it is necessary to use special elements for passage purposes.

Ventilation exit by hand: calculation work for planning passages

You need to start working on the ventilation system of a house by drawing up a project or drawing that describes in detail all the passages of the ventilation shafts. It is recommended to remove ventilation pipes from all rooms in which hoods are located and connect them together. The central pipe exhausts air outside through the roof. However, in this case, it is necessary to install special valves that prevent reverse draft. Otherwise, air from the kitchen will flow through the ventilation holes into the bedroom.

When installing ventilation ducts on a new roof, it is much easier to install the pipe than on a roof that is already equipped. Ventilation passages are installed on the roof to perform the following functions:

  • for ventilation of rooms inside the house;
  • as fan pipes sewerage purposes;
  • for ventilation of the under-roof space in the attic.

In addition, in some cases, television antennas and chimney pipes are installed through the roof. The final top element on the duct system has the shape of a previously constructed section of pipe, which is called the ventilation outlet.

Technologically correctly installed ventilation tube is the key to high-quality air outlet from the room to the outside, while water leaks under the roof in this case are unacceptable.

There are ready-made kits for venting ventilation ducts through the roof. They are particularly airtight. There are two options for such kits in relation to the materials from which the roof is made. They allow you to quickly and efficiently remove the ventilation pipe through the roof, without losing its attractiveness. In addition, these sets have the function of preventing dust and dirt from entering the ventilation duct from the street.

The dimensions of the ventilation passage are determined strictly individually and depend on the individual characteristics of the house, the number of rooms, the material from which the roof is made, etc. The cross-section of pipes for organizing exhaust can be round, rectangular or square.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in a private house diagram

The simplest ventilation passage mechanisms consist of a steel pipe, which is installed in the ventilation hole and fixed with a reinforced concrete or metal cup. At the same time, the roofing penetration has a valve to close the hole and a ring inside which condensate collects.

The lower part of the pipe is connected to an exhaust-type air duct; a deflector or a simple protective umbrella is installed on the upper part of the assembly. In some cases, it is used to insulate pipes mineral wool, in this case, it is necessary to ensure high-quality waterproofing, since this material is unstable to moisture.

The previous option for arranging ventilation with your own hands is outdated. Modern sets for the installation of ventilation passages are characterized by versatility of use, aesthetically attractive appearance and ease of installation. Among the advantages of installing ventilation ducts from the manufacturer, we highlight:

  • For the manufacture of the pipe, two types of materials are used - galvanized steel inside and light polypropylene outside;
  • to fix the output elements, a reliable conductor is used that exactly follows the shape of the pipe;

  • the value of the pipe height is determined individually, depending on the optimal length of the ventilation duct;
  • in order to prevent the appearance of ice plugs, heat-insulating material is installed on the pipe;
  • in some cases, an electric fan is installed on the pipe;
  • the presence of a cap prevents debris and moisture from entering the ventilation pipes.

Some manufacturers do not include pass-through elements with the kit; they must be purchased separately. Please note that the passage part must match the shape of the hole previously installed for it.

With the help of pass-through elements, it is possible to quickly install a ventilation pipe. These works are carried out both at the stage of roof construction and already finished roof. These elements provide high-quality sealing and stable ventilation of a private house with your own hands. At the same time, ready-made kits speed up installation work at least twice.

Organizing ventilation in the house with your own hands

In addition to the main ventilation pipe, an additional aerator is installed on the roof. Its main function is to prevent the formation of condensation under the roof in winter time of the year. This ventilation part is easy to operate. The air naturally moves through it. Through a special hole, air is supplied to the cornice, and the aerator ensures its release to the outside. A special cover protects the aerator from snow or rain.

In the process of organizing ventilation in a private house with your own hands, special attention should be paid to the place where the ventilation pipe is attached to the roof. It is recommended to install the pipe directly above the riser, thus the ventilation will be most effective. If there are still bends in the system, then a corrugation adapter is used to arrange them. On pitched roofs, it is recommended to install a ventilation duct near the ridge. This method of pipe installation allows most install the pipes under the roof, and its short part will easily withstand the wind.

Besides, Special attention pay attention to ventilation shafts located above the roof. If they are located low in relation to the roof, this leads to reduced traction. The minimum value of the pipe in relation to the roof is half a meter. For a flat roof this value increases three times.

A properly installed ventilation pipe must be in optimal proportion to the wind load. Otherwise, wind pressure will block the ventilation.

Manual ventilation installation diagram of air duct penetrations

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for installing a ventilation duct on a roof finished with metal tiles. This technology is also used for other roofing options, however, with some adjustments.

Instructions for arranging ventilation:

1. Decide on the location of the ventilation hole. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a drawing of the ventilation system in advance.

2. On the top of the roof, make a drawing according to the template that comes with the instructions for the kit. If there is no template, then the diameter of the drawing must exactly match the diameter of the pipe that passes through it.

3. Cutting the hole is done using a chisel or metal scissors. The same is done in the lower parts of the roofing pie in the form of heat and waterproofing materials.

4. In relation to the template, you need to drill holes for installing self-tapping screws. Remove water and dirt from the surface of the metal tile, degrease the part of the roof that is located near the pipe installation.

5. Sealant is applied to the bottom of the sealing gasket. The gasket is placed in the place of its installation. The passage part of the ventilation system is fixed to the gasket; use self-tapping screws to secure it. Most often, they come with the main set.

6. A pipe is installed inside the passage element; its verticality must be checked using a level. Make sure that the installation of the passage element is tight both in the attic and on the roof.

The pass-through pipe must be in such tight contact with the gasket that the sealant is squeezed out of it. To protect the pipe from precipitation and debris, a special protective cover is installed on it.

Do-it-yourself ventilation installation technology in the cellar

The presence of properly organized ventilation in the cellar ensures comfortable conditions for storing various food products. There are ready-made kits for organizing a ventilation system. However, it is much cheaper to build ventilation yourself.

In order to arrange the simplest ventilation hood the basement will require two pipes. One of them will perform the function of an extractor, and the second - an element for inflow fresh air. Thus, it is possible to organize optimal natural air exchange.

There are two options for organizing ventilation - forced and natural. The second method is cheaper, but less effective. In addition to forced ventilation, I install additional fans and hoods on the pipes, which improve air circulation.

In order to ensure high-quality circulation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross-section of the pipes and determine the location of their installation. The exhaust pipe is located in the lower part of the room, next to the products. The supply type pipe is installed closer to the ceiling of the cellar. In this case, both pipes are led out. The exhaust pipe requires mandatory insulation.

To increase the efficiency of the hood, various types of deflectors are used. These devices not only protect the device from precipitation, but also improve their draft. The supply pipe is equipped with a grille that protects it from rodents and insects. Polyethylene or asbestos-cement varieties are used as pipes for organizing ventilation. The first option has a long service life, easily tolerates temperature changes and moisture, is quickly installed and is lightweight. Asbestos pipes are used less frequently due to their heaviness, installation time and instability to precipitation.

In order to improve ventilation in the cellar, it is especially important for large rooms. Hoods and fans are installed on the pipes. Duct fan options are installed directly inside the pipe. Axial fans mounted on the end of the pipe. The choice of one or another option must be justified performance characteristics, power and performance of devices.

To provide natural traction In a fireplace, you must first take care of the normal operation of ventilation and chimneys in the house. Natural draft can be increased by raising the height of the chimney pipe or exhaust duct. Thus, the temperature difference will increase - flows of warm air naturally rise through the ventilation ducts and chimney, which creates rarefied air in the room, and the air from outside gets inside the house. It turns out that ventilation and chimneys are closely connected.

Natural draft is a directed air flow in the ventilation ducts and in the fireplace itself, without igniting a fire, which occurs due to differences in air temperature and vacuum (pressure) in the house and outside the house.

Indoor ventilation

Ventilation in a room depends on the overall air exchange in the entire house. Natural circulation air and ventilation in the house interfere metal-plastic windows with sealed glass packages, interior doors with seals, kitchen hoods with powerful fans. But there are legislative norms on air exchange in apartments and houses. They say that all rooms must have the same air pressure, and air inflows must compensate for the exhaust.

When drawing up a house project, you should take into account all devices that require ventilation, namely: gas boilers with chimneys, ventilation in the boiler room, in the kitchen, in bathrooms and bathrooms, as well as the supply duct in the fireplace room. When insufficient quantity supply air, the operation of the ventilation duct is disrupted and reverse draft is formed. But it is not always possible to correct the situation by ventilation alone.

Chimneys and ventilation ducts

It is permitted to erect and place a chimney and ventilation in a private house only if there is a design and compliance with all norms, rules and requirements for construction work. In this case, all rules and requirements for fire safety, ease of installation and repair work, as well as maintenance and operation must be taken into account and observed.

A ventilation system with natural draft ensures the removal of air from the room where the fireplace is located, and the chimney system is responsible for removing combustion products from the hearth. By the way, the channels for ventilation and chimney must be made vertically, a slight slope is allowed, but without ledges. The internal surface of the chimney must be smooth and of the same cross-section. If you correctly design and install chimneys and ventilation, then thanks to this there will always be optimal air exchange in the room and the possibility of reverse draft in the ventilation ducts will be eliminated. Also, carbon monoxide in the living room with a fireplace. It is allowed to place a single block in ventilation and chimney ducts, separating them in height with partitions (hermetically sealed). It is recommended to place the ventilation pipe close to the chimney. There are no strict requirements here.

A chimney with a height of more than 4 meters will be the key to good draft. A towering chimney above the crowns of trees and neighboring high-rises, with thermal insulation, which in turn maintains a high temperature inside the pipe, will ensure the removal of combustion products under different weather conditions. The height of the chimney head of the fireplace must be higher than the outlet of the ventilated duct pipe.

The ventilation duct is capable of passing a limited amount of air, which depends on the cross-section of the pipe and the speed at which the air flow moves. The quality of natural draft may deteriorate due to the narrowed cross-section of the channel, clogging inside, unevenness of the inner surface of the pipe and the complex shape of the channels - these are the main factors that affect draft. And one more thing: air flows that pass through the channel create noise. Strong draft (ventilation through the chimney) is always accompanied by a hum in the chimney. In order to reduce the noise in the chimney, you need to choose optimal cross section channel and thereby maintain a low air flow rate.

Inspection of ventilation and chimneys must be carried out at strictly defined times, guided by established standards and common sense, + clean them if necessary. As a rule, chimneys are checked quarterly before the start of the heating season, and it is enough to check ventilation ducts once a year.

Ventilation system and draft

The effective operation of natural ventilation is influenced by many variable factors - pressure, air temperature, wind direction and speed. IN winter period year it is necessary to close the blinds a little, i.e. reduce the traction force. IN summer period natural ventilation is almost inactive (does not work). In order for the draft to increase, you must create a vacuum in the ventilation ducts. Installation will help with this special device– a spherical rotary turbine or deflector on the head of the ventilation duct. The deflector turbine will continuously rotate and draw dirty air from the room to the street, regardless of the direction and strength of the wind.

A fireplace is a powerful exhaust device that can remove a lot of air. If there is a fireplace with an open heating chamber in a house where there is natural ventilation, when the fireplace is heated, the air flow can flow from the kitchen, bathroom, basements and other rooms into the living room with the fireplace. If forced ventilation for the fireplace is missing, then the ventilation duct will start working for inflow. To compensate for the removed air from the living room with a fireplace, care should be taken to supply air from outside or from an adjacent room to the heating chamber of the fireplace.

The presence of ventilated systems that encourage air removal prevents the appearance of reverse draft in the ventilation ducts, regardless of weather conditions. Air flows in naturally, but comes out forcefully. The efficiency of the hood depends on the fans that are installed on the head of the exhaust pipe or in each ventilation duct of the house. The supply and exhaust ventilation system, connected to the street through an insulated duct, takes in air, cleans it and heats it, directing it to all rooms using an air duct. This system has a positive effect on the efficiency of the fireplace and provides an influx required quantity air that is already at room temperature.

Hearth and air exchange

In houses where the ventilation system has a natural draft and in houses where an automatic supply and exhaust system, air exchange and natural draft are different. A fireplace in action increases ventilation in the room and requires regular heating.

Often, the main mistake of fireplace owners is that they do not take it into account in the overall ventilation system of the house. The air exchange system of the room is interconnected, and based on this, the following should be taken into account: how air will be removed through the ventilation ducts, how fresh air will enter the room, and how much air will be burned. Therefore, the design of the chimney and ventilation should always be taken into account at the construction stage of the facility.

Ideas about the correct operation of a chimney are necessary not only for its installation, but also for proper operation. A chimney for a gas boiler is required. Its purpose is to prevent combustion products from entering the room. Waste from gas combustion is extremely dangerous for humans, so ventilation should be given special attention.

Types of structures

The exhaust pipe for a heating boiler is manufactured using four technologies. When designing a ventilation system, choose which one to use.

Brick chimney

Technology that was invented many centuries ago. A brick gas pipe is a time-tested but outdated option. Design disadvantages include:

  • Price. Brick is not a cheap building material, even if you can find ceramics at a bargain price, the cost of making one cubic meter brickwork costs from 2000 to 5000 rubles. The price depends on the complexity of the masonry and the region of construction.
  • Labor intensity. The work will take a long time to complete.
  • Massiveness. Brickwork is a heavy structure. A brick exhaust pipe will create additional pressure on the foundations of the house, which will increase their cost.

For these reasons, more modern technologies are now preferred.

Stainless steel

Characterized by a wide range of models. Stainless steel pipe is made from the following grades of materials:

  • 430 for chimneys operated in a low-aggressive environment;
  • 321, 316, 304 are characterized by resistance to acids and high temperatures;
  • 310S is the strongest and most durable.

Stainless steel chimneys are resistant to mechanical damage and aggressive acidic environments. They can be either single or double. When using the technology, insulation is placed in the free space between the walls, forming something like a sandwich. Thermal insulation prevents heat loss and overheating of rooms. It is especially important that the quality of the gas roller passes through an unheated attic space. It is necessary to insulate the chimney pipe to prevent condensation.

If condensation appears, it is important to notice it in time and take measures to eliminate it. To do this, they understand the nature of the phenomenon. Condensation will form if warm air comes into contact with a cold surface. This problem occurs for all types, but is especially relevant if it is made of steel.

Steel has high thermal conductivity, which means it quickly releases heat. In a cold attic without proper insulation, it is always cold. And the air coming from the gas boiler is heated, this leads to the precipitation of liquid droplets on the inner surface. Galvanized steel requires insulation, this will prevent the occurrence of undesirable phenomena. The rules are also relevant for other types of chimney.

Fireplace with coaxial chimney looks very aesthetically pleasing

Coaxial chimneys

The uniqueness of the device is that the ventilation pipe is made using a special technology. The chimney consists of two pipes nested one inside the other. To prevent contact, retaining jumpers are provided between them. The chimney performs two functions at once:

  • removes combustion products through the primary circuit;
  • provides supply to the second circuit.

The design makes it possible to remove the requirements for the chimney for a gas boiler for room ventilation. This is relevant when installing a heating device in a kitchen, the volume of which does not allow for normal ventilation for the accepted power of the device.

Due to the special features of the system, condensation does not form in it. This is due to the fact that the air between the two pipes provides the required thermal insulation. The design is efficient, so it may be less than in other cases.


An uncommon phenomenon in construction. Ceramic products for chimneys are characterized by the following advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • ease of installation;
  • reliability;
  • fire resistance;
  • price.

Chimney elements

Phoenix chimney elements: adapter Ø150.

Regardless of the material chosen for manufacturing, installation of a chimney involves the use of the following elements:

  • adapter for connecting the chimney pipe and the heating device pipe;
  • clamps and brackets for fastening to walls;
  • gas condensate collector;
  • telescopic pipe;
  • chimney pipe cap;
  • bends.

Condensate collector in a tee intended for inspection. At the bottom of the tee there is a fitting for removing settled resins and combustion products.

Ensuring efficient operation of the smoke removal system

Typically, stainless steel chimneys are modular system chimney

The safety of people in the room depends on the quality of installation and design of the chimney. A pipe of any design is installed in accordance with SNiP “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. Deviations from this regulatory document will lead to improper operation of the ventilation and smoke removal system. SNiP ventilation and heating regulates the basic requirements for the design, so familiarization with it during independent installation is mandatory.

The effective operation of smoke exhaust is influenced by:

  • correct assembly of the condensate collector;
  • absence of unnecessary elements on the head)"
  • correspondence of the diameter of the outlet pipe to the power of the gas boiler and the volume of the room;
  • tightness of connections and joints;
  • sufficient outlet height above the roof;
  • ensuring good traction;
  • correct assembly of the structure, absence of errors during installation;
  • timely verification gas equipment, elimination and prevention of problems;
  • cleaning the condensate collector from contaminants.

Advice! If the pipe is not raised high enough above the roof, a phenomenon called back draft may occur. This is typical not only for chimneys, but also for ventilation ducts. In the case of ventilation ducts, incorrect operation of the system leads to unpleasant consequences, but not hazardous to health. If backdraft occurs during smoke removal, there is a danger of human poisoning from combustion waste, therefore, to prevent disastrous consequences, care must be taken to ensure sufficient exhaust pipes.

Chimney device

Chimney device for a gas boiler

There are two options for the location of pipes for removing combustion products:

  • inside the building;
  • outside.

The internal chimney is located in the wall structure. For a brick building, chimney channels are arranged using the same technology as ventilation ones. Depending on the power of the boiler, the diameter of the pipes is selected. For one heating device for a small house, for example, a coaxial pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is enough. If several pipes are laid in the chimney channel, the distance between them is taken to be at least 20 mm. This will ensure work safety.

Having decided on the pipes, the dimensions of the shaft in the brick wall are selected based on their sizes. It is important to remember that a brick wall with a thickness of at least 120 mm is erected on each side of the channel. It follows that it will not be possible to install a chimney in a wall less than 380 mm thick. The location of heating devices and the required wall thickness in these places are determined at the building design stage, which avoids additional problems during construction.

The device for removing combustion products inside a building is characterized by one advantage: insulation is required only for the part of the pipe that goes to the roof or passes through the cold attic. The method has many more disadvantages:

  • probability of entering the premises;
  • repair without disassembly wall structures it won't work;
  • complexity of the construction process.

Despite the disadvantages, this method remains the most common. Since a pipe on the roof looks more aesthetically pleasing than attached structure. In addition, the location of the smoke exhaust pipe is determined depending on the location of the gas heating device. It is not always possible to place equipment so that it is adjacent to the external walls. At the same time, make sure that the chimney does not hit the main facade of the building. When installing internally, there is no need to solve such problems.

Fire safety measures when installing stoves and chimneys

The advantages of autonomous chimneys include:

  • safety of use;
  • ease of construction;
  • accessibility for repairs.

Disadvantages - it is necessary to provide thermal insulation along the entire height, it is difficult to fit into the external appearance of the building. The choice of pipe location is left to the owner of the future home.

There are two ways to position the chimney:

  • horizontally - output through the wall;
  • vertically - outlet through the roof.

It is allowed to lay horizontally if the heating device is located close to the outer wall. The best option is the second one.

The work is performed in the following order:

  • marking the location of holes for pipes and checking it (holes are cut out in a horizontal arrangement; in a vertical arrangement, channels are already provided for them when laying the walls);
  • cutting holes;
  • connection of the pipe from the boiler and the adapter;
  • connection of an inspection device and a condensate collector;
  • installation of pipes, increasing their height (length, if horizontal);
  • joints are reinforced with clamps;
  • at the floor level, a steel sheet is attached to the pipe, which is pinched by slabs or beams;
  • fastening with clamps at intervals of 200 cm and brackets every 400 cm;
  • installation of a braid-shaped end (tip);
  • insulation.

Chimney requirements


Requirements for pipes are regulated by such regulatory documents as SNiP and GOST. The following are important requirements from these regulations:

  • The chimney has a vertical orientation; ledges or bends are not allowed. If absolutely necessary, it is possible to rotate the gasket 30 degrees while maintaining the diameter. The length of the turning section is limited. After moving to the required position, the pipe is laid vertically again.
  • If the height of the room is three meters, horizontal sections whose total length does not exceed 3 m are allowed.
  • It is prohibited to install more than three turns of one pipe.
  • The chimney should not be laid through rooms with no ventilation.
  • It is not allowed to lay through residential premises.
  • Channels are laid only in wall structures made of durable materials. In porous areas, laying is not allowed (for example, foam concrete).

Dl I normal operation gas appliances require a constant supply of clean air, which is provided by natural supply and exhaust ventilation.

The removal of combustion products from gas appliances is provided through a chimney.

To remove gas combustion products into the atmosphere, there must be a certain draft - a force that forces air to penetrate the chimney, and the resulting combustion products to move along the chimney and dissipate into the atmosphere.

The draft depends on the temperature difference between the smoke and the air, the height of the chimney and a number of other factors.

To ensure better draft, the temperature of the exhaust gases must be high. The temperature of exhaust gases from water heaters is 180-200°C. Due to the cooling of the reinforced steel and the suction of air in the draft stabilizer, the temperature drops. When operating chimneys, condensation of vapors from flue gases must be prevented. Wetness of the channel reduces traction, leads to its destruction, and in the winter season it can lead to freezing and blockage of the channel. The temperature at which condensation begins is called the “dew point”. For natural gas combustion products = 60-65°C. The air intake in the draft stabilizer reduces the relative humidity of the exhaust gases, and the dew point also decreases to 40-50 degrees. To exclude condensation, the temperature of the flue gases at the exit from the pipe head is usually taken to be 65°C. Traction decreases when high humidity ambient air.

Purpose and design of the chimney. Requirements for chimneys. Operation of chimneys

Chimneys are installed in internal main walls. They are made from red burnt brick of the 1st grade, from asbestos-cement, pottery pipes and heat-resistant concrete blocks.

The cross-section of the chimneys should be:

  • Red brick – 130 x 130mm, 130 x 250mm,
  • From pipe materials - with a diameter of 100 (150) mm, but in all cases not less than the diameter of the outlet pipe of the device. It is allowed to lay chimneys in external walls, provided that the thickness of the outer wall of the chimney must be no less than the thickness of the wall itself and no less than 38 cm

Chimneys must be installed vertically without ledges. Deviation from the vertical is allowed at an angle of no more than 30 degrees with a horizontal deviation of no more than 1 m. Deviation from the vertical is carried out by smooth deviations with a constant, unchanging cross-section. The laying of chimneys must be dense. The inner surface of the masonry should be flat, smooth, without mortar sagging. The cross-section of the chimney must be respected along its entire length.

At the bottom of the chimney there is a pocket with a hatch and a lid, which serves to clean the chimney from soot debris, etc.

The depth of the pocket must be at least 25 cm, counting from the bottom of the iron connecting pipe at the point of entry into the chimney.

At the intersection of the chimney with the interfloor ceilings, fireproof cuts (thickening of the masonry) are installed. For combustible floors - at least 38 cm. Fireproof cutting is made from felt soaked in a clay solution.

The distance from reinforced concrete to fireproof ceilings is at least 5 cm, to wooden plastered (non-combustible) ceilings and walls is at least 25 cm. A reduction from 25 to 10 cm is allowed when upholstering a wall or ceiling with roofing steel over a 3 mm thick asbestos sheet. The insulation should extend beyond the dimensions of the pipe by 15 cm on each side.

The part of the chimney located above the roof is called the “chimney cap”. The outer surface of the head is plastered cement mortar in a ratio of 1:3, with a layer thickness of at least 4 cm. The upper part of the head is “ironized” - dry cement is rubbed into the solution in a ratio of 1:1. After plastering, the heads are whitewashed and numbered.

It is allowed to provide windproof devices on the channels.

Chimneys must have a certain height relative to the roof ridge

Location of chimneys relative to the roof ridge

  • If the head is located horizontally from the roof ridge no more than 1.5 m, its height should be 0.5 m above the roof ridge. If the head is located relative to the ridge at a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters, its height corresponds to the level of the roof ridge. If the head is located further than 3 m from the roof ridge, its height should not be lower than a line drawn from the ridge to the horizon at an angle of 10 degrees.
  • The operation of chimneys is significantly influenced by the wind pressure zone - the space below a line drawn at an angle of 45 degrees from the top point of the building, a structure located closer than 15 meters from the house with the chimney heads.
  • Extension (extension) of the chimney above the wind pressure zone (the extended part is shown in dotted lines). At a certain wind direction, increased pressure is created in the wind support zone. This causes the draft in the chimney to deteriorate until it stops and overturns. To eliminate this phenomenon, the chimney is built up above the backwater zone. Similar work is carried out according to the project.
  • In any case, for gable roofs, the height of the head should be at least 0.5 m relative to the roof. The height of the caps for flat roofs must be at least 2 meters.
  • The chimneys provided from each appliance are called separate.
  • In existing residential buildings It is allowed to connect no more than 2 devices to one chimney, provided that the cross-section of the chimneys allows their simultaneous operation and the introduction of combustion products into it on different floors or on the same level, when installing a cutting channel in the cross-section with a height of at least 75 cm. Such chimneys are called combined.

Requirements for chimneys:

  • must be dense;
  • a certain section;
  • permitted materials were used;
  • must provide the necessary traction;
  • should not have blockages, blockages, blockages;
  • should not be located in the zone of wind pressure.

Chimneys are tested for density by burning highly smoky materials in a pocket. The pipe outlet above the roof is closed. The appearance of smoke in adjacent ducts or rooms adjacent to the duct indicates that the duct is not isolated or tight. The cleanliness of the internal cavity of the chimney and the density of the channels in small houses you can check by lowering a 12-volt electric lamp into the channel on a strong cord; 500 W. They look through the channel being checked and adjacent channels. The presence of light from a lamp in an adjacent channel indicates a leak. The location of the leak is determined by the length of the cord.

Iron connecting pipes

  • To remove combustion products from a gas appliance into the chimney, iron connecting pipes (ICP) are made of roofing or galvanized steel with a thickness of at least 1.0 mm. Flexible corrugated metal pipes or standardized elements supplied with the equipment are allowed.
  • The diameter of the liquid pipe must be no less than the diameter of the outlet pipe of the device. The links of connecting pipes must fit tightly, without gaps, into one another along the flow of smoke by at least 0.5 of the pipe diameter. In case of leaks, asbestos cord and soaked asbestos are used.
  • The size of the vertical part of the reinforced concrete structure must be at least 0.5 m. If a traction breaker is provided in the design of the device, and the height of the room is 2.7 m, then it is permissible to reduce the size of the vertical section to 0.25 m. Total length horizontal sections of reinforced concrete in existing residential buildings should not exceed 6 m. For new construction - no more than 3 m.
  • No more than 3 rotation angles are allowed with a bend radius of the elbows no less than the diameter of the pipe itself. At the point of entry of the reinforced steel into the chimney, a conical insert is installed to prevent the exit of the reinforced steel into the chimney section, or a restrictive washer is installed.
  • The place where the reinforced concrete elements enter the chimney is sealed. The suspension and fastening of pipes must prevent their deflection. The slope of the connecting pipe must be at least 0.01 (1 cm per 1 m) towards the device.
  • The distance from reinforced concrete structures to fire-resistant floors must be at least 25 cm.
  • ZhST are painted with fire-resistant varnishes (Kuzbas-varnish, bronze paint, silver paint).

ZhST malfunctions:

  • incorrect assembly of links;
  • narrowed section;
  • the presence of a counterslope;
  • leakage in links;
  • leakage at the point where reinforced concrete enters the chimney;
  • deviation of the rigid structure from the vertical;
  • burnt out links.

Malfunctions of chimneys in which gas appliances are disconnected from the gas supply:

  • blockage, blockage, blockage of the channel section;
  • destruction of the brickwork of the chimney;
  • the chimney head is located in the wind pressure zone;
  • violation of chimney maintenance schedules;
  • narrowed section of the chimney;
  • absence or insufficient pocket depth;
  • lack of draft in the chimney.

Purpose and arrangement of ventilation ducts. Inspection procedure and maintenance. Registration of verification

Ventilation ducts serve to ensure natural supply and exhaust ventilation of rooms where gas appliances and gas pipelines are located, and must provide 3 times air exchange within an hour. Unorganized air flow into apartments occurs through windows, vents, balcony doors, basements through vents in external walls. In gasified rooms, unregulated grilles with a constant cross-section are installed.

The ventilation system in a gasified house consists of:

  • ventilation grille;
  • a small horizontal section of the ventilation duct;
  • vertical ventilation duct.

Exhaust grilles should be placed:

  • under the ceiling, no closer than 2 m from the floor to the bottom of the hole;
  • not lower than 0.1 m from the ceiling plane to the top of the opening in a room no more than 4 m high.

Ventilation ducts for buildings less than 5 floors high are carried out individually. Such ducts ensure fire safety of the ventilation system and fully meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

When the number of floors is 5 or more than 5, it is allowed to combine individual vertical exhaust ducts into a prefabricated one ventilation duct, which is located in the attic, and from there the air is exhausted outside through a vertical exhaust shaft.

For one apartment exhaust ducts The kitchen and bathroom, as well as the toilet and bathroom, are allowed to be shared. The draft is checked with a sheet of thin paper, which should be attracted to the exhaust grille and held in this position. At the same time, in accordance with the standard “Ventilation systems for residential buildings” ZHM-2004/02, the influx of outside air and its flow from other rooms of the apartment must be ensured. If double glazed windows are installed or sealed window frames control of the operation of natural ventilation is carried out with the air supply devices slightly open.

It is prohibited to check the draft of ventilation ducts using fire.

The methods and techniques for cleaning vertical channels are similar to those for chimneys.

The main malfunctions of ventilation systems are low draft or its complete absence, which can be caused by:

  • clogging of channels with debris;
  • leakage of vertical channels, prefabricated ventilation ducts;
  • incorrect position of the head;
  • malfunction of the finishing of the shafts outside or inside;
  • malfunction or absence of umbrellas or deflectors;
  • malfunction of drains through the boxes in the attic.

The most serious malfunctions that can lead to poisoning of people and fires should be eliminated immediately.

The correct release of combustion products is perhaps the main requirement for the normal operation of heating units, as well as a necessary condition for ensuring safety in the house. Incorrect chimney installation and an irresponsible approach to the assembly process can cause smoke in the room, backdraft and, finally, a fire.

The chimney is an integral part of any heated room. It is a vertical pipe where natural draft is created. With its help, all combustion products that were formed during the operation of the heating system are freely released into the atmosphere.

What are the main parameters of a good chimney?

  • High-quality fuel combustion
  • Active heating of the walls
  • Ideal traction
  • Overcoming the condensation threshold
  • Strength
  • Convenience

The materials used in the manufacture of the device can be very different. Ceramic, welded, brick and stainless steel bends are widely used. Each of them has its pros and cons.

It is considered the most fireproof and practical, but during operation, soot gradually settles on the inner walls, which leads to a decrease in traction. Installing a ceramic channel is a very labor-intensive and difficult process, since metal rods pass inside, giving the structure strength. But such chimneys are resistant to atmospheric conditions and condensation. Welded devices are cheap, but are “afraid” of corrosion, and stainless steel ones, although a little expensive, are universal.

In any case, when installing a structure made of any material, you must follow the basic rules of the VDPO:

The amount of pipe elevation can depend on many factors. These include the presence of taller structures next to the heated building, roofing material, and neighboring extensions. During installation, it should be taken into account that the smoke outlet must be:

  • Above a flat roof - at least 50 cm
  • Above the roof ridge - at least 50 cm, subject to a distance of 1.5 m from the edge of the ridge
  • Not lower than the ridge of the roof, provided that the smoker is located at a distance of 1.5-3 m from the ridge
  • Not lower than a line laid at an angle of 10 degrees from the ridge, and the location of the device at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge

Coaxial chimney: installation standards

Today there are heating boilers that are already equipped compulsory system traction and a special fan. The exhaust gases, in this case, are discharged through a coaxial mechanism. Its device is quite simple.

The equipment consists of two pipes, one of which takes air from outside, and the other removes exhaust gases. There are two types of coaxial outlets - vertical and horizontal. The advantages of such structures are high efficiency of heating units, economy, high fire resistance, good condensate drainage system, low weight and ease of use.

All installation work must be carried out by qualified personnel. They not only know perfectly how to install a chimney, but are also guided by generally accepted standards for the installation of such devices (SNiP 2.04.08-87) and “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”:

  • The gas pipeline is entered directly into the room with heating units
  • The optimal pressure of natural gas when supplied is 0.003 MPa
  • Flue gas removal is regulated by SNiP 2.04.05-91
  • Removal of gases is permitted through outer wall buildings, if heat generators have a forced gas removal function

Before starting work, you should read the technical documentation and installation instructions for the device, since the design of coaxial devices differs from others.

Features of installation of chimneys in baths and saunas

A smoking stove in a bathhouse is the main source of discomfort for a person. Combustion products can seriously damage your nerves and health, as well as damage the furniture and decoration of the steam room. To avoid smoke in the room and significant material waste, it is necessary to properly organize the smoke removal system.

Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse must be carried out taking into account all standards, as well as structural features. Since we are talking about a room with a high temperature, the material must be as heat-resistant as possible. There is no need to invent a lot of twists and turns. The simplest form of smoke channel will work more efficiently.

The issue of the size of the sauna chimney should be approached with all responsibility. It is the height and diameter, or rather their ratio, that will play a decisive role in the traction force, which must always be present in the pipe. The diameter depends on the power of the equipment and on the outlet pipe, and the height depends on the type of roof, but be at least 5 meters.

There are also some peculiarities. For example, horizontal parts of the structure should not be made longer than 1 m. Hot air always tends upward, and wide horizontal sections can cause a decrease in draft and rapid soot deposition.

If you plan to go to the bathhouse brick version removal of combustion products, the masonry plan should be drawn up in such a way as to achieve maximum smoothness of the internal walls of the pipe and tightness of the seams.

The important point is insulation. Its quality will determine its efficiency and safety. For example, non-flammable mineral wool will be an excellent cutoff in places where the smoker comes into contact with flammable elements of the building (wooden beams, trim, etc.)

Basic requirements for the chimney:

High-quality installation of chimneys for gas boilers is the basis for effective heating equipment service and safety. Today, almost every modern boiler has an automatic system that shuts off the gas supply if the draft deteriorates. But you shouldn’t connect the heating equipment to the chimney yourself; let the professionals do it.

Requirements for installation of gas boiler chimneys

Most often, it is an incorrectly installed chimney that can ruin the mood of the owner of a country house. The smell of smoke that appears in the premises from time to time, drops of condensation outside the pipeline, sometimes backdraft and the danger of fire - all these misunderstandings are a direct cause of a violation of comfort. The top of the chimney, protruding above the roof, represents only a small part of the complex design solution that helps remove combustion products from the house.

In order to properly build a chimney and then operate it with high efficiency, every homeowner simply needs to know what factors influence the quality of work and the requirements for smoke ducts and the rooms through which they pass. Such technical details and characteristics are explained in SNiP collections. Chimneys made in accordance with the standards will always please the owner with impeccable work.

Types of chimneys depending on material

Brick pipe is used very rarely nowadays. To install such a pipe, the construction of a supporting foundation is required. Over time, the brick undergoes destruction from the inside and can allow a certain amount of gases to pass through.

For some interiors they use decorative brick chimney. but a stainless steel pipe is laid inside. The operation of a mixed chimney is actually quite effective.

Chimney made of steel pipe

  • Single pipe is used for insertion into a brick structure, for repair work or for temporary testing installation.
  • A double-wall pipe or sandwich is very often used for a chimney. Its principle is based on the operation of large and small pipes nested one inside the other. The gap between their walls is filled with insulation, which prevents condensation from forming on the walls of the chimney.
  • The coaxial version of the chimney is used in those heating systems when combustion requires air supply and smoke outflow at the same time. Chimneys designed for double action have two pipes, as in the double-walled version, only the space between their walls is not filled with insulation, but serves to move fresh air. Smoke is removed along the inner diameter.

Prefabricated elements for steel chimney of gas equipment

  1. Connecting adapter couplings for connecting the outlet of a gas boiler and a pipe.
  2. The main pipes, produced for ease of installation, are 1 m long.
  3. A tee for cleaning and checking pipe clogging, installed on a horizontal section.
  4. A tee for collecting condensate, mounted at the point where the chimney turns to a vertical position.
  5. Angles for turning pipes from a gas boiler.
  6. Compensator to soften the linear expansion of the chimney when temperature changes.
  7. A unit for designing a channel exit through the ceiling.

Conditions for the installation of smoke ducts for gas boilers in accordance with SNiP

A separate chimney should be provided for each gas device. As an exception, it is allowed to connect two boilers to this smoke removal system. But this can be done with an interval of 0.75 m from the previous insert.

Provide mandatory sealing of pipes and their connections to prevent carbon monoxide leakage into interior spaces Houses.

Take all measures to remove condensate from the pipes. To prevent its formation, it is recommended insulate external sections of pipes .

The entire length of the internal cavity of the chimney must be free from cluttering objects, dirt and soot. All pollution leads to decreased cravings.

Pipe size cannot be smaller size exit from the gas boiler, the same width or more is allowed. A round pipe cross-section is considered ideal, sometimes it is possible rectangular or square .

Requirements for chimney material according to SNiP standards

The chimney pipe must be made of a material that does not burn; it must resist fire at high temperatures for an hour.

Sealants must be fire resistant

and not lose their insulating properties when heated, much less disintegrate and open places for smoke to escape outside.

Changing the diameter of the pipe, expanding and narrowing along the entire length of the chimney is not allowed. This reduces draft and leads to poor combustion or smoke in the interior of the room.

The top of the chimney should rise above the ridge of the roof or be equal in height to it. The further the chimney exit is from the ridge, the lower the chimney can be made.

Requirements for the room in which gas equipment is located

The utility room in which the gas boiler is planned to be placed must be well ventilated. Be sure to provide natural ventilation outflow of air flow. To ventilate the room you need a window in the window. If the exhaust is forced, then air exchange occurs due to the entry of fresh flows from adjacent rooms.

Entrance doors to the premises should swing outwards as required by safety regulations, so that a person can freely leave the premises in an emergency, and not be pinned down by a door.

In a room with gas boilers and water heaters it is not recommended to install switches and sockets. If there is a gas leak, a fire may occur from a spark generated when connecting the switch terminals.

Requirements for chimneys of gas boilers in accordance with SNiP standards

The design of the boiler chimney must be carried out strictly according to the instructions and special attention pays attention to the little things. It must meet the standards and requirements specified in the description of the heating gas boiler. These conditions are necessary for the normal functioning of the chimney structure for a long period of time.

When assembling and installing the chimney, it is mandatory compliance with fire safety rules. When passing through a wall made of wood, the pipe is wrapped in asbestos, and the insulation around it is made of non-combustible material.

When installing a passage through a brick or concrete wall, it is enough to insulate the hole around the pipe polyurethane foam for winter work.

The speed of gases and combustion waste inside the chimney must be at least 15 m per second.

The thickness of the pipes is at least half a millimeter. Steel is more suitable for making pipes. Sometimes an admixture of titanium is added to it for strength. Such materials resist corrosion well from aggressive gases.

To make it easy to clean the chimney of gas boilers from time to time, you need to do inspection tees along the entire length of the outlet structure.

No matter how complex the smoke channel is planned, it should not turn more three times, and the radius of direction change cannot be less than internal diameter pipes

All pipe connections are made using crimp clamps. using temperature sealants. External fastening is done with brackets on dowels or anchors at a distance of 2 m.

The horizontal or vertical line of pipes must be straight, no bends are allowed.

If the chimney from the gas boiler is located on flat roof, its height should be at least half a meter above the covering. If the outlet of the smoke duct of a gas boiler is located closer than one and a half meters to the ridge of a pitched roof, it should protrude half a meter above the ridge.

If the exit is located more than the specified distance, then the top of the chimney should match the roof height in its highest place.

Requirements for connecting parts according to SNiP

Installation of all elements of the smoke duct of a gas boiler is carried out from the bottom up, from the boiler outlet.

All non-standard pipe connections for which ready-made shaped elements are not provided are made of steel using welding equipment .

Total length the joined parts should not exceed a length of 3 m for new buildings and 6 m for old buildings.

The slope of the horizontal pipe from the boiler should be 0.01. The slope is made away from the boiler to prevent the condensate from flowing in.

If ferrous metal is used to install the chimney of gas boilers. then you need it treat with fire-resistant primers or varnish.

After installation of all gas equipment and installation of the chimney, the relevant services carry out acceptance of the structure, about which an acceptance certificate is drawn up. These same authorities have the right to disconnect you from the network for failure to comply with the requirements until they are corrected.

Some differences between chimneys

Internal chimney

External chimney

  1. This type of smoke duct consists entirely of standard prefabricated elements. Using the installation manual, the owner can independently assemble and strengthen the chimney.
  2. Relatively safe level of operation outer pipe. Cleaning and maintenance is simpler and does not require effort.

Installation procedure

It is prohibited to make a pipe connection where it passes through the thickness of the wall. If such a connection occurs in this place, then the pipe is cut so that it reaches the wall or further, depending on the circumstances.

When the pipe is brought outside, immediately before turning up, install tee for condensate collection with one opening end. If such a tee is located in a place below a person’s height, then it must be insulated to prevent contact and burns. The tee is secured with a clamp on dowels to the wall.

A special truss is used to secure the pipe to the wall. The first fastening is carried out immediately after the top of the tee. At this place they install and compensation plate. which will take on the thermal expansion of the pipe.

The pipes are connected by putting one on top of the other, which allows a small amount of condensate to flow freely down the pipe.

If the ridge of the building is high and the protrusion of the chimney top is required more than 2 m, then for additional rigidity use fastening with guy wires. which are attached to the walls of the building.

Each owner decides independently which gas chimney to the boiler to install at home, but it should be clearly remembered that a correctly executed smoke channel is guarantee of efficient operation and is not dangerous to the health of his loved ones.

Zabarykin Sergey Nikolaevich

A chimney is necessary to remove “exhaust” gases outside due to natural draft. When installed correctly, it ensures safe and productive operation of the entire heating system. Chimneys are subject to certain requirements that comply with the instructions of gas boiler manufacturers, generally accepted building codes and fire safety rules.

In this article:

Basic installation rules

When installing an internal chimney, it should be located near the main wall of the house. At outdoor installation the chimney must be additionally insulated to avoid freezing.

External chimney

  • Pipe location is strictly vertical. A slight slope is allowed, but not more than 30 degrees.
  • The diameter of the cannula inside the chimney should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe connected to the gas boiler.
  • The boiler is connected to the chimney using a special corrugation or steel pipes with an enameled heat-resistant coating.
  • The chimney pipe connecting the boiler to the chimney must have a vertical section, the length of which must be at least 50 cm. However, more than three turns must not be allowed.
  • The connection between the chimney and the gas boiler must be sealed.
  • All elements of the chimney pipe must fit snugly against each other.
  • If the ceiling height is 3 meters, the horizontal section of the pipe going into the chimney should not exceed this parameter.
  • The chimney must have a window for cleaning or removing the container with condensate.
  • If the chimney is located at a distance from the wall (up to 3 m), the height of the pipe should be level with the ridge.
  • With a flat roof the height of the chimney should be less than one meter.

Second stage: selection of automation, stopping the operation of the boiler during periods of inactivity. Perfect for these purposes GSM module boiler control. devices.

Today our story will be devoted to the elements of the heating system, with which many tragic incidents are associated, and first of all we are talking about chimneys. If you have a bathhouse, cottage or residential building where an autonomous boiler is used, then you can potentially suffer from poor draft, which does not remove combustion products outside.

The accumulation of CO in the body can lead to “silent” death. If you want to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones, read the article to the end.

What can await you due to carelessness?

Alas, we so rarely pay attention to clogged chimneys and ventilation ducts that we could find ourselves in “another world” several times already. This happens because of our carelessness, since we begin to at least do something when, due to the smoke in the room, we cannot see the picture on the TV.

However, this is not so bad, the main danger is invisible and not felt by our receptors - this carbon monoxide. It gradually begins to displace oxygen from below until it is completely squeezed out of the room.

Advice: the chimney and ventilation are not installed in the same pipe according to SNiP.

After this, there is very little time left to save a person who will not even understand what is happening to him. It would seem that what could be simpler than cleaning the chimney and ventilation duct in a timely manner, and then such a tragedy would never have happened.

Advice: set a time for yourself and regularly carry out preventive maintenance of ventilation and chimneys, doing the procedure yourself or hiring specialists.


Below we will consider the most common causes of malfunctions of chimneys and ventilation ducts. Although there are many more of them, almost all of them are associated with the usual irresponsibility of the owners:

Project flaw Often the operation of supply and exhaust ventilation in an apartment leaves much to be desired due to shortcomings in the design of the system. At the same time, there are frequent cases when during construction workers use smoke and ventilation ducts as a kind of garbage chute. If clogged, they will not be able to perform their tasks to their full potential.
Blockage It happens that the system becomes clogged due to foreign objects:
  • dust;
  • cobwebs;
  • istiev;
  • birds accidentally falling into the pipe.
Sediments Natural deposits on the walls of chimneys and ventilation ducts in the form of soot, dust and grease. The first ones need to be cleared of soot immediately after such signs appear.
Humidity A blockage can appear very quickly even after burning poorly dried wood, as well as with a large amount of resins and household waste. In such cases, cleaning the ventilation and smoke exhaust systems is mandatory.
Other reasons The instructions also say that traction may weaken due to:
  • the appearance of malfunctions in the ventilation ducts or chimneys themselves; corrosion;
  • cracks;
  • collapses;
  • house shrinkage;
  • aging of building materials.

Advice: if there is no draft immediately after connecting the fireplace or stove, you should file a claim with the builders who installed it.

The cause of most poisonings during a fire from combustion derivatives is usually poor ventilation and smoke removal. Therefore, rules and requirements have been developed that must be complied with when operating these systems.

Let's find out about them:

  1. The ducts of fireplaces and stoves using solid fuels should be checked and cleaned before and after the heating season. When the furnace operates continuously, inspection should be carried out once every three months. To remove smoke, it is necessary to check every quarter, as well as in summer and winter.

  1. If serious faults requiring repair are revealed during the inspection, it is prohibited to use heating and gas appliances until the defect is completely eliminated.
  1. Installation and repairs must be carried out by organizations that have the appropriate license, since their specialists usually have all the necessary skills for this. They should begin work only after drawing up a ventilation and chimney inspection report.

Advice: these rules apply to both owners of private houses and institutions responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of apartments and ventilation systems in them.

In addition to the above generally binding rules, we recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  • use completely dried firewood in stoves and fireplaces, which has a low percentage of resin content;
  • It is prohibited to burn household waste in stoves and fireplaces, especially any plastic - bags or bottles;
  • periodically clean the firebox and vent from ash, and roof hoods from dust and grease;
  • purchase a roof fan that will help improve draft in a duct or pipe; its price depends on the power. This is especially necessary for those whose chimneys have a small internal cross-section;
  • Install a protective cap with a mesh on the chimney with your own hands, which will prevent debris from entering the ventilation duct. In winter, regularly check this part of the system to clear it of blockages and frost in a timely manner.

Prevention and repair

To examine smoke and ventilation ducts, you can use two methods - classical and modern. In the first case, you will need a “ruff” on a long rope and a weight. The second uses a lot of methods, including a video camera with spotlights.

The developed devices allow a short time and without special effort assess fairly accurately the draft in the ventilation and chimney. Based on the results of the inspection, a canal inspection report is drawn up, drawn up in the form of a technical report of the established form. Then a conclusion is issued, which contains recommendations for design and repair work.

The check determines:

  • materials that were used to make the channels, as well as their cross-section;
  • length of channels, sections of connections, bends and narrowings, marks of cracks and congestions found in the system;

  • isolation and density of channels;
  • the presence of traction, horizontal sections, zones with or without wind support;
  • cleaning hatches, fire cuttings and heads;
  • tightness of pipes;
  • condition of ventilation ducts, exhaust shafts, as well as air intake grilles.


Draft in the chimney and proper ventilation premises allow you to create comfortable and safe conditions accommodation. We recommend that you do not ignore the proposed recommendations and try to follow them. Ultimately, your health and the health of those who live with you will depend on this.

The video in this article will help you find Additional information on this topic.