Tyranny: Notes on the Conquest. Tyranny Guide: Conquest Mode What's Left

This section is intended for already experienced players to once again remind you of all the features of Tyranny. We advise beginners to use this.

  • Spells
  • Conversations take place between you and another character, in addition, sometimes there are additional participants - passers-by or companions who can interrupt you. The decisions you make influence the development of the plot and gradually shape the reputation of your hero. Characters in the world will become aware of your reputation - good or bad - and react accordingly.

    To create a spell, select a key sigil for the desired type of magic and an expression sigil to determine the form of the spell. For example, if you want to create a "Fireball", you need to select the Flame sigil as the key one and accompany it with the "Directed Impact" sigil.

    Spells have default names based on the key and expression sigils chosen. You can rename them using the spell screen.

    After creating a spell, use the "Assign" button to transfer it to one of the active fighters in the squad. Spells can be transferred to multiple characters.

    If you have found new sigils and want to change the spell, select the appropriate squad member whose spell you want to change. A window will appear on the screen that will allow you to make and save changes to the spell. Each sigil requires a certain level of Knowledge skill to learn to use. To cast a spell, the Knowledge skill level must be at least equal to the total difficulty of that spell.

    If you have companions, you can use unique and powerful abilities - the so-called "companion companions". They allow characters to act simultaneously and with incredible efficiency. Try using the Blood on the Stones combo ability against Tarkis Demos.

    A critical hit is much more effective than a normal hit, and is more likely to hit if the attacker's accuracy is greater than the target's defense. Critical hits from attacks deal more damage, and critical hits from spells and abilities targeting allies increase their effect. Attacks that change the target's state or have effects increase the duration of the effect on a critical hit. Grazes are weaker than normal hits and reduce the damage dealt or the duration of the effect.

    When a squad member's health drops to zero, he loses consciousness. This means that the fighter is taken out of the fight, but if you win, he will regain health after the battle ends. Losing consciousness reduces the character's maximum health in future battles until he rests or levels up.

  • Recon Mode
  • The tiers are a dangerous place, full of lurking enemies and hidden treasures. The reconnaissance mode will allow you to move secretly, as well as discover traps and secret chests. A character's ability to find hidden objects depends on his cunning. The higher the cunning, the greater the distance at which the character can find objects, and the more complex the method of concealment he can recognize.

    The reconnaissance mode is used both for covert movement and for searching for hidden objects and traps.

    As the enemy approaches your character while in reconnaissance mode, the latter's selection circle will begin to turn yellow. As soon as the circle turns completely yellow, the enemy will suspect an outside presence and begin searching. The circle will begin to turn red at this time, and once it turns completely red, your character will be detected.

    Some talents provide advantages when attacking from stealth.

  • Partners
  • The new companion can be controlled directly, or you can enable AI to have that ally attack and use its abilities automatically. After turning on the AI, you can select it at any time and order it to attack any enemy or use an ability.

    Right-clicking the AI ​​button will display the AI ​​settings for your squad members. You can set auto-attack conditions for each character that determine how they attack enemies. You can also choose AI packages for your companions that determine how their abilities are used in battle.

    After a companion joins your squad, you can talk to him at any time by selecting the conversation icon on his portrait. Each companion who joins you will have important information about the world of Terratus and their own opinions regarding factions and various situations. Understanding their attitude towards various events allowed you to make decisions that will improve your reputation in the eyes of the relevant companion.

    Companions will also interfere in conversations with other characters. Replies to their comments will change your reputation with this companion and your other companions.

    Each companion has their own talent tree with unique abilities. They are unlocked in the same way as your character's talents. New talent levels become available as points are invested.

    Magic in the world of Tyranny depends on the ability to write sigils and invest power in them. To create a new spell with a learned sigil, open the spells screen.

    Two or more sigils are used to create spells. The sigil of the key determines the type of magic: for example, fire, ice or illusion magic. The sigil of the expression determines the form of the spell: for example, a fireball or enhancing a weapon with ice magic. There are several categories of sigils that can enhance a spell, increasing its accuracy, increasing its range, or adding new effects.

    Factions react to your character in two ways: respect or anger. As you increase your reputation along each axis, at some point you will reach a certain threshold called a level. A new level of reputation can provide access to special abilities.

    Once you remove a character from the party, he will return either to his military camp or to the Spire, if it was already open.

    Messages are short messages carried by birds to distant parts of the Kairos Empire.

    Artifacts are powerful magical items that grant the owner a new ability. The artifacts are known throughout the Tiers and throughout the rest of the Empire. The higher the reputation of an artifact, the more powerful its ability.

    Rest fully restores the health and abilities of your party members, and also heals wounds. You can find places where rest is free, or use resting supplies that allow you to rest in any area.

    One point is spent on increasing a characteristic until the characteristic level reaches 19. In order to increase a characteristic from 19 to 20, 2 points are required.

    Use the "+" and "-" keys on the number pad to switch between fast and slow modes while playing.

    The most powerful type of Kairos magic are Edicts - spells cast over entire countries. Edicts can affect both people and terrain - or destroy them.

    An edict can rain fire, dry up fields, break the population of entire cities, bring endless night, or anything else that Kairos can think of. No known force, magical or not, can stop the Edict, although each is formulated to include some condition or random factor that can stop its effect.

    Some Edicts were short, and the duration of the catastrophes was calculated in days - others lasted for centuries.

    Unexpected announcement of expansion + release of Event-pack DLC + big patch with NewGame+. That's what Tuesday night brought. There is no price or release date for the addon yet.

    Paradox and Obsidian Announce First Expansion and Event Pack for Tyranny

    New Area, Stories, and Characters Coming Soon in "Bastard's Wound"; Expanded Game Content Available Now in "Tales from the Tiers"

    STOCKHOLM - June 13, 2017 - Paradox Interactive, a publisher of games for good and evil players alike, today announced new content for Tyranny, the award-winning role-playing game (RPG) developed by Obsidian Entertainment. Tyranny: Bastard’s Wound will launch later this year on Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs, and will offer players a new major quest line set in the mysterious illegal settlement of Bastard’s Wound. Read more about the upcoming expansion here:

    In addition, for players who can’t wait to experience new content, a new Event Pack has been released today, titled “Tales from the Tiers,” featuring new world events and expanded quests for the original Tyranny. Tales from the Tiers is available now; find it here:
    Tyranny, an original RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, takes place in the fantasy realm of the Tiers, where evil has conquered the known world and it's up to the player to decide what is right or wrong as a Fatebinder - to mercilessly enforce the law or recklessly flout it. During this quest, the player will encounter Bastard’s Wound, a settlement and refuge from the dark, war-torn world, established in secret as a haven for those fleeing the wrath of Kyros the Overlord. The player must decide what is to become of the inhabitants as they meet out Kyros’ justice.

    Featuring new characters and storylines, Bastard’s Wound takes a closer look at the race of the Beastmen, the fate of the refugee settlements, and all-new companion quests featuring three of Tyranny’s most memorable party members: Verse, Barik, and Lantry. Bastard’s Wound will also arrive alongside a free update to Tyranny, including new voice acting, expanded content in the game’s third act, and an all-new path to an unseen ending.

    What’s more, players can explore new content starting today with a series of hidden stories from the world of Tyranny in Tales from the Tiers, a new Event Pack available now. The Event Pack features the untold stories of the many inhabitants of the hazardous, war-torn Tiers, including rebels, merchants, servants of Kyros, and even dangerous creatures. With new random encounter events, new quests, and new interactions with iconic Tyranny characters, Tales from the Tiers will allow players to experience a new facet of the game’s rich and compelling story.

    Tyranny Patch Notes -


    • New Game+:
      A New Game+ mode has been added, and can be used from the New Game menu. Choosing to start a New Game+ requires a gamecomplete save. Gamecomplete saves are automatically generated when the game is completed (both in this patch and since the game was launched). When starting a New Game+, the following choices are now available:

    Spoiler: Full Patch Notes -

      • Item Importing
        • Players may select up to 2 items to bring from a previous playthrough.
          • The number of items that can be imported increases by 1 for each subsequent New Game+ playthrough.
        • Valid items include:
          • Spoilers
            • Artifacts that the player had previously gained renown.
            • Non-artifact Items acquired by killing an Archon.
            • Once an Item has been unlocked for a New Game+, it can be selected on future playthroughs of the same character without being unlocked each time.
    • Character Creation
      • All previous choices up until conquest will be kept, but can be changed.
      • Attribute Points can be reassigned.
      • Experience in Skills can be re-assigned.
      • If Attributes or Skills are re-assigned during character creation, all talent points will also be refunded. These can be reallocated after character creation.
    • Conquest
      • All previous actions chosen in conquest in the previous play-through are highlighted to remind players of which choices they made previously.
    • Reputation Abilities
      • Players will be able to unlock up to 2 reputation abilities they had unlocked in their previous playthrough.
      • The number of unlockable reputation abilities will increase for each new play-through.
    • New Merchant
      • On New Game+ playthroughs, there is a new merchant available in game.
      • Spoilers:
        • There is now a merchant in the Disfavored camp in Act 1, who possess some unique items that players may have found essential to their playstyle in previous play-throughs.
        • This merchant can also be hired at the spire starting in Act 2.
    • Other notes
      • All rings acquired from the previous play-through will carry over to New Game+ Characters.
      • All Spell Cores, Expressions, and Accents unlocked will carry over to New Game+ Characters.
      • The level cap for New Game+ Characters has been raised to 99.
      • Enemies will also scale to meet the player's new starting level.
    Training Improvements:
    • Gaining a level now increases the number of times a character can train by 5, with no maximum (Previously there was a maximum of 5 training points that could be acquired per character.)
    • Players may now disable selected skills from leveling via the lock icons on Character Screen menu.
    • Spoiler:
      • A new recruit has been added to the game. This new recruit will allow characters in your party to reallocate their Talents Points, Attribute Points and Experience, for a price. Retraining a character will refund all Attribute & Talent points, as well as allow you to re-assign experience from skills.
    Combat Updates:
    Changes to Difficulty
    • Enemies on Story Mode, Normal, and Hard now use abilities more frequently.
    • Companion AI now uses abilities more frequently on Normal, Hard, and Path of the Damned difficulties.
    • Characters on Normal and Hard difficulties will now only gain wounds when they are knocked out.
      • Path of the Damned still grants wounds when characters are reduced to 25% health.
    • Enemy AI Targeting has been updated for Hard and Path of the Damned Difficulties.
    • Health of enemies increased on Story Mode Difficulty.
    Thrown Weapon Skill Removed
    Characters using thrown weapons no longer need to level both their thrown weapon skill and One Handed (or Dual wield) skill. Instead they will now use their equivalent melee skill when attacking from range with thrown weapons.
    • Throwing skill has been removed.
    • Characters will instead use the One Handed or Dual Wield Skill when wielding thrown weapons.
    • Any experience previously gained in throwing will automatically be moved to either One Handed or Dual Wield based on whichever of the two had more experience before the game update.
    • Melee damage of thrown Daggers and Javelins increased to match melee counterparts.
    • Skill trainers that previously trained in Thrown weapons now train in another skill instead.
    • Javelin Expertise in Character Creation grants ranks in One Handed instead of Thrown weapons.
    • Lawbreaker background now provides a bonus to Dual Wield skill instead of Thrown Weapons.
    • Spoilers:
      • Updated Lantry's Learned Instructor to no longer provide a bonus to thrown weapons, and instead grant all party members an additional spell slot.
    Changes to Spells
    • Characters may only have 1 beneficial enchantment spell of each of the following types: Focused Intent, Material Force, and Guarded Form. Casting a second of the same type will replace the first.
    • Volcanic Weapon Mod now applies on Critical hits instead of hits.
    • Sigils of Bound Bolts I and II now cause +1 and +2 bounces instead of +2 and +4. Damage of bounces also reduced by 50%.
    • Spoilers:
      • Lore Requirement to craft Life and Gravelight spells increased by 20.
    Changes to Talents
    • Heavy Guard I & Heavy Guard II player talents now provide -5% and -10% reduction to character recovery time.
    • Duelist ability only grants Riposte to characters wielding nothing in the off-hand.
    • Healing amount from Second Wind reduced from 35% to 25%.
    • Warrior's Respite and Concealing shadows are now only usable while in combat.
    • Spoilers:
      • Sirin's Guise of Innocence Talent now grants 50% crit to hit deflection instead of 100%
      • Damage dealt by Terratus" Embrace has been reduced.
      • Kills-in-Shadow Relentless talent now reduces recovery time and grants hit Precision when Kills-in-Shadow is wounded.
    General Combat Changes
    • Finesse Attribute now applies +2 Accuracy per point instead of +3 per point.
    • Finesse now applies a flat amount of deflection per point over 10, regardless of what armor is worn.
    • Characters wielding a weapon in each hand now gain a base 20% reduction to character Recovery.
    • Scales of Mercy: Balance the Scales now applies a flat bonus to hit precision.
    • Precision granted by Gloves has been reduced.
    • Characters will gain more experience for landing low accuracy attacks, and less for attacks with a high chance of hitting.
    • Wounds no longer give a penalty to skills.
    • Healing Potions base healing amounts reduced from 35/50/100% to 25/40/75%.
    • Increased cooldown on Iron Walker's Ground smite and made it unusable during act 1.
    • Hobbled affliction is now removed at the end of combat.
    Quest Fixes:
    • Spoilers:
      • Bleden Mark will no longer forcefully take you to Tunon's Court, causing a scene load error.
      • Red Fang will no longer repeat a line of dialogue after negotiating a truce in Gulfglow.
      • Graven Ashe will no longer speak of Amelia being alive if the player killed her.
      • Portcullis now remains open in Iron Hearth upon loading a save after killing Graven Ashe.
    Gameplay Fixes:
    • Movement speed is now returned to normal when removing the Gambler's Threads.
    • Chaotic Descent spells now maintain their Intensity mods when loading a save.
    • Artifact abilities will now correctly queue as the next action when selected.
    • Fixed a rare issue where the HUD UI would disappear.
    • Updated Charge ability to only hit once when using 2 handed spears.
    • Updated Hierarch's Robes to be of Superior Quality when they are first crafted.
    • Using the Thrust ability no longer interrupts allies.
    • Fixed an issue where some Artifacts were changing their displayed quality when reloading a save after acquiring them.
    • Using attack abilities while unarmed will correctly display as a melee ability, rather than ranged.
    • Updated the time it takes to travel between locations in various places.
    • Spoilers:
      • Companions no longer gain stacks of Armor when sent to the player's spire.
      • Face of Judgment Active ability now scales correctly with Renown.
      • Lohara will now provide the player with the correct artifact when the player gives her recipes.
    Programming fixes:
    • Fixed an issue that was causing save files to become corrupted and not load.
    • Updated game launcher for Linux to 64 bit.
    • Shadows now display correctly on 64 bit machines.
    • Removed old 32 bit launcher for windows.
    • Added many Memory usage optimizations.
    • The version of Unity being used has been updated, including various Unity fixes to bugs.
    Text fixes:
    • Adding missing text to Gravebow to indicate that one of its effects works only on the Bane.
    • Many typos found by the community have been addressed throughout the game.
    • Spoiler:
    Sirin's Summons from Embodied Nightmare and Embodied Memory now display their translated names. What are the effects of decisions made by the Executor in Conquest mode?

    First of all, they affect the reputation of the main factions - the Disgraced and the Scarlet Choir. Some decisions affect the attitude of his companions towards the hero.

    A number of decisions give access to certain dialogue options, locations, characters and objects, and also affect the attitude of small factions and can serve as incriminating evidence at a court hearing.

    Reputation points are awarded for decisions made in Conquest mode not immediately after the start of the game, but during certain dialogues. For example, Sirin gives loyalty points for deciding on the “Cult of Sirin” during the first dialogue in the Scarlet Chorus camp, while loyalty points for deciding on the “Right of Command” can only be obtained in Act 2, by talking with Sirin about the Chorus.

    Each decision affecting reputation has a certain cost in reputation points, with the most significant decisions being those made by choosing a side. Therefore, there is no reason to seek high approval from the faction during the Conquest. For example, the Executor kills the Queen of the Crest and for this receives the wrath of the Vendrien Guard. The dialogue with Captain Arry changes, but she still agrees to the alliance and with the conclusion of the alliance, the queen’s killer will be more or less forgiven.
    Similarly with companions - the dialogue options in the game itself are quite enough to raise the loyalty of all companions to level 4 to open good endings.

    Thus, the formation of the Conquest mode can be either for reasons of roleplaying, or for reasons of maximum benefit. Let's look at those solutions that add useful characters, items and locations to the main game.

    Bastard City (428 AI – 1 year of conquest)

    The Executor enters the City through Tier Penetration. In the "Undercover Agent" event, we choose an agent who can be hired as a worker in the spire in Act 2 of the main game.
    For the Disgraced, the Executor will hire a knowledgeable security captain, who will be available as a regular teacher at the Training Ground Spire.
    For the Scarlet Chorus, the Executor will hire a smuggler who will be available in the Mountain Spire. The smuggler brings a random item each turn, these can be gems and other things for sale or ingots/hides for crafting. In addition, the smuggler tells interesting rumors. The Smuggler seems to be the most useful thing you can get in the first year of Conquest.

    In the “Betrayal of the Bastard City” event, the most interesting ability is “Warrior’s Rest”, which provides both protection and healing to the character.
    Selecting the “Burning Palm” will give the Executor access to the sigil of Fire, which can simply be purchased from the blacksmith in Letiana Crossroads at the very beginning of Act 2.
    The Hiding Shadows ability makes some sense as a combo ability, since the penalty to accuracy greatly affects only the Executor's physical attacks, while being inferior in ease of use to the healing Warrior's Rest.

    Choosing to side with the Disgraced in the events “Infiltration of the Tiers” and “Betrayal of the Bastard City” affects the opening of an additional dialogue in the tent with Graven Ash, where he will tell a little backstory and there will be 2 knowledge checks.

    429 AI - 2nd year of the conquest of Kairos.

    Letiana's Crossroads or the Crest?

    Conquering the Crest can give the Executor additional favor from the Vendrien Guard, which will give access to the Sunspear at the end of Act 1, subject to joining the Union. Without additional favor, an allied Executor will receive a Sunspear at the start of Act 2.

    If you go to conquer the Crest, a garrison of the Bronze Brotherhood will remain in the Crossroads, in which the Kaliya quest and the brothel will not be activated.

    If the Executor conquers Letiana, then the choice of a garrison of the Disgraced or the Scarlet Choir. When Disgraced, Kalia's quest and the brothel are activated, but Gino's quest disappears. But the garrison of the Scarlet Chorus gives access to Kalia’s quest and Gino’s quest, and to a line of dialogue from the headman with an increase in Fuga’s knowledge/loyalty, and they also have a brothel with the achievement.

    Of the events leading up to the appointment of a garrison, "Iron Must Flow" is useful. Choosing to side with the Disgraced simply grants the favor of the Forgebound, while choosing the Crimson Choir grants the favor of the Forgebound and access to an additional location with loot (usually 10 iron/6 bronze + a pair of leveled weapons).
    You can also go through the “Cult of Sirin”, then select “Ancient Dangers” - 4 bodies with the usual loot will appear in the wall near the Spire.

    430 AI - 3rd year of the conquest of Kairos.

    The path to conquer the Stronghold.
    Participation in the conquest of the Stronghold gives loyalty points to the Disgraced and Barik, and a dialogue option is added when convincing Barik about the alliance.

    The “March on an Empty Stomach” event with the support of the Disgraced gives access to an additional location only when playing as the Disgraced, the rest of the Executors should support the Scarlet Chorus for the sake of favor and 300 rings in the first dialogue with the Voices of Nerath.

    Selecting the “don’t warn anyone” option in the “Edict of Storms” event gives access to the Helm of the First Regent artifact. When passing as the Disgraced, the map with the location of the helmet is removed by the Executor from the body of officer Elia, when passing as the Scarlet Choir, officer Elia gives a hint after the end of her quest, the Anarchist Executor does not get to this location at all, and the allied Executor is hampered by a bug.

    The path to conquering the Velenia citadel.
    If you support the Scarlet Chorus in the “Captivating Song” event, the Executor will receive loyalty points to Sirin, as well as several magical skill teachers to hire in the Spiers.

    If you send a day's notice during the Edict of Fire event, the Executor will gain access to the Smoldering Hood and the Fire Sigil in the Burning Library. In addition, there will be a dialogue option with bookworms when completing the quest in the Burning Library, as well as a small increase in Lantry's loyalty.

    The path to conquer Lazuli involves protecting the city of the Steppe Gates.
    As a result, instead of the city of Half the Gate, the Steppe Gate location will be on the map; the quest to save the townspeople will not be activated there, but the quest to find the eternal inkwell will be available. You can submit the quest to your choice of two quest givers.
    The Empty Distance location will also be open - an area with regular loot and flagellants.


    What is the impact of the decisions made by the Executor in Conquest mode?

    First of all, they affect the reputation of the main factions - the Disgraced and the Scarlet Choir. Some decisions affect the attitude of his companions towards the hero.

    A number of decisions give access to certain dialogue options, locations, characters and objects, and also affect the attitude of small factions and can serve as incriminating evidence at a court hearing.

    Reputation points are awarded for decisions made in Conquest mode not immediately after the start of the game, but during certain dialogues. For example, Sirin gives loyalty points for deciding on the “Cult of Sirin” during the first dialogue in the Scarlet Chorus camp, while loyalty points for deciding on the “Right of Command” can only be obtained in Act 2, by talking with Sirin about the Chorus.

    Each decision affecting reputation has a certain cost in reputation points, with the most significant decisions being those made by choosing a side. Therefore, there is no reason to seek high approval from the faction during the Conquest. For example, the Executor kills the Queen of the Crest and for this receives the wrath of the Vendrien Guard. The dialogue with Captain Arry changes, but she still agrees to the alliance and with the conclusion of the alliance, the queen’s killer will be more or less forgiven.
    Similarly with companions - the dialogue options in the game itself are quite enough to raise the loyalty of all companions to level 4 to open good endings.

    Thus, the formation of the Conquest mode can be either for reasons of roleplaying, or for reasons of maximum benefit. Let's look at those solutions that add useful characters, items and locations to the main game.

    Bastard City (428 AI – 1 year of conquest)

    The Executor enters the City through Tier Penetration. In the "Undercover Agent" event, we choose an agent who can be hired as a worker in the spire in Act 2 of the main game.
    For the Disgraced, the Executor will hire a knowledgeable security captain, who will be available as a regular teacher at the Training Ground Spire.
    For the Scarlet Chorus, the Executor will hire a smuggler who will be available in the Mountain Spire. The smuggler brings a random item each turn, these can be gems and other things for sale or ingots/hides for crafting. In addition, the smuggler tells interesting rumors. The Smuggler seems to be the most useful thing you can get in the first year of Conquest.

    In the “Betrayal of the Bastard City” event, the most interesting ability is “Warrior’s Rest”, which provides both protection and healing to the character.
    Selecting the “Burning Palm” will give the Executor access to the sigil of Fire, which can simply be purchased from the blacksmith in Letiana Crossroads at the very beginning of Act 2.
    The Hiding Shadows ability makes some sense as a combo ability, since the penalty to accuracy greatly affects only the Executor's physical attacks, while being inferior in ease of use to the healing Warrior's Rest.

    Choosing to side with the Disgraced in the events “Infiltration of the Tiers” and “Betrayal of the Bastard City” affects the opening of an additional dialogue in the tent with Graven Ash, where he will tell a little backstory and there will be 2 knowledge checks.

    429 AI - 2nd year of the conquest of Kairos.

    Letiana's Crossroads or the Crest?

    Conquering the Crest can give the Executor additional favor from the Vendrien Guard, which will give access to the Sunspear at the end of Act 1, subject to joining the Union. Without additional favor, an allied Executor will receive a Sunspear at the start of Act 2. Almost all of the dialogue related to the conquest of the Crest occurs in the first act.

    If you support the Scarlet Choir in the “Battle at Ejeringa Pass” event, then in Act 2 Dorisi will appear in the Scarlet Chorus camp, giving the coordinates of the Forgotten Cache location.
    Supporting the Scarlet Choir in the “Swords of the Fallen” event will allow the Executor to visit the “Ruined Village” location in Act 1, the coordinates of which are reported by the merchant Snigler Dagos.

    If you go to conquer the Crest, a garrison of the Bronze Brotherhood will remain in the Crossroads, in which the Kaliya quest and the brothel will not be activated.

    If the Executor conquers Letiana, then the choice of a garrison of the Disgraced or the Scarlet Choir. Vintara or Tier Cathedral appear in the location and issue the additional quest Remnants to an executor allied with their faction. Vintara also gives out a quest to find Gino, and without her it is inaccessible. But the garrison of the Scarlet Chorus gives access to Kalia’s quest and Gino’s quest, and to a line of dialogue from the headman with an increase in Fuga’s knowledge/loyalty, and they also have a brothel with the achievement. Thus, if the Executor plans to support the Disgraced in the main game, then Crossroads should be given to them; when playing for the other factions, the garrison of the Scarlet Chorus is better.

    Of the events leading up to the appointment of a garrison, "Iron Must Flow" is useful. Choosing to side with the Disgraced simply grants the favor of the Forgebound, while choosing the Crimson Choir grants the favor of the Forgebound and access to an additional location with loot (usually 10 iron/6 bronze + a pair of leveled weapons).
    You can also go through the “Cult of Sirin”, then select “Ancient Dangers” - 4 bodies with the usual loot will appear in the wall near the Spire.

    430 AI - 3rd year of the conquest of Kairos.

    The path to conquer the Stronghold.
    Participation in the conquest of the Stronghold gives loyalty points to the Disgraced and Barik, and a dialogue option is added when convincing Barik about the alliance.

    The “March on an Empty Stomach” event with the support of the Disgraced gives access to an additional location only when playing as the Disgraced, the rest of the Executors should support the Scarlet Chorus for the sake of favor and 300 rings in the first dialogue with the Voices of Nerath.

    Selecting the “don’t warn anyone” option in the “Edict of Storms” event gives access to the Helm of the First Regent artifact. When playing as the Disgraced or the Anarchist, the Executor removes the map with the location of the helmet from the body of Officer Elia; when playing as the Scarlet Choir or the Union, Officer Elia gives a hint after completing her quest.

    The path to conquering the Velenia citadel.
    If you support the Scarlet Chorus in the “Captivating Song” event, the Executor will receive loyalty points to Sirin, as well as several magical skill teachers to hire in the Spiers.

    If you support the Scarlet Choir in the “Lost in the Mountains” event, then when you visit the Burning Library, the Censor will tell you the coordinates of the “Abandoned Battlefield” location, in the cache of which you can find craft components.

    If you send a day's notice during the Edict of Fire event, the Executor will gain access to the Smoldering Hood and the Fire Sigil in the Burning Library. In addition, there will be a dialogue option with bookworms when completing the quest in the Burning Library, as well as a small increase in Lantry's loyalty.