Learn spoken Turkish on your own. Learning Turkish from scratch

Have you always dreamed of trying to learn the language of some eastern country? Then turn your attention to Turkish. This interesting language With rich history. In this article you will learn the best way to learn Turkish and where to start.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Why should you start learning Turkish?

Every person who is interested in learning Turkish language, can pursue different goals. Some people are interested in learning about the culture of this country, others want to travel or even live there, and others need to know Turkish to create new business partnerships and for their business in general.

It is known that Türkiye is a kind of “bridge” between the European world, eastern countries and Asia. This strategic position means that it is very profitable to have partnerships with this country, which is why many Russian businessmen are very interested in learning Turkish. And this applies not only to Russia, all European countries are turning their attention to Turkey and doing this from an economic point of view.

Besides business relations and connections, Türkiye also attracts with its history and extremely interesting culture. That is why many tourists are very interested in visiting this country and immersing themselves in its world at least once.

Whatever your goal, in order to better adapt to this country you will have to start learning Turkish.

How to learn Turkish on your own from scratch?

Many people may immediately start asking about speed, how long it will take to learn a language, or how long it will take to master it at a decent level. There is no clear answer to such and similar questions; it may be different for each person. If you have polyglot skills or experience in learning languages, then it is possible for you time will pass faster, although when it comes to Turkish, one cannot say for sure.

Turkish is a very interesting language that has its own special logic. It is somewhat similar to the mathematical formulas by which words and sentences are constructed. Here, not everything is as simple as in English, and simple cramming of words will not help, although you cannot do without it in Turkish.

Understanding now what it is Difficult language, you must determine in advance whether you are motivated enough to learn Turkish, because learning it is difficult, especially if you want to do it quickly using an express program. If you don't have enough motivation and time to learn Turkish from scratch on your own and master it from a beginner's textbook at home, it may be better to enlist the help of a tutor or teacher who will give useful advice and will explain everything you need in detail. It is not difficult to find teachers in Moscow; today many people practice this language.

If you yourself are very motivated, you are not afraid of difficulties and you have a clear goal, then you will be able to master even such a difficult language as Turkish.

Where to start learning Turkish?

Definitely the most main question in learning any language - where to start? And this always leads to a dead end, it would seem that there is a desire, there is a goal, but we don’t know where and how to start, and therefore we often stop and cannot move.

In learning Turkish, like others, the beginning is immersion in the language itself, in its atmosphere and culture. Always ideal option is to visit the country as a tourist, but this is not always possible, especially if you want to go there already prepared. Therefore, in order to create this “immersion”, you need to provide yourself with the opportunity to hear Turkish speech in every possible way.

An excellent option would be television. Now everyone has access to the Internet, which has Turkish online channels. There are also audio books in Turkish, many TV series and films. Of course, music recordings are also available. Use these materials for daily listening. This practice will help you better perceive new language, understand its pronunciation and subsequently easily master phonetics.

The main feature of the Turkish language and even its highlight are affixes. This is an interesting point: a single word with one affix can significantly change the meaning of an entire sentence. Moreover, affixes in Turkish are built up on a word, adding to it a meaning that is enough for a whole sentence. There can be up to ten such affixes on one word at a time, and each individual one will mean belonging, case, predicate, etc.

Moreover, a separate translation of words can be confusing and it will be difficult to understand what is being said. Therefore, it is still very important to adjust your thinking to new way, because in the process it will change a lot, and you will look at things from a completely different angle.

It’s very easy to get confused in all this and you won’t be able to do it without enough time. So, create for yourself the maximum comfortable conditions to study and do not be afraid of difficulties.

Main stages of learning Turkish

Moving on to the process of learning Turkish at home, you should understand that you will have to devote some time to your learning, preferably at least 30-40 minutes every day. This is not a very significant waste of time, which will allow you to master the language at an elementary level in the near future.

We warn you that any undertaking is difficult, especially when it comes to the Turkish language, since you will need to rebuild your logic for forming sentences and word forms. If you love puzzles, then you will definitely like this language.

So, we figured out where to start: you need to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and culture of the language in order to feel at ease.

The next step is to study words and their formation. This is one of the most difficult yet fascinating things to learn. Understand the formation of affixes and how they combine with words.

Here you will have to cram a lot and memorize a huge number of words. On initial stage This is always the case, so get yourself a notebook in which you will write down words and then memorize them. Try to learn as much as possible possible quantity words that you come up with. Usually this is 15-20 words per day, but some may have less, while others, on the contrary, are given more. It is difficult to say what quantity is correct, the main thing here is quality, so try to do everything conscientiously.

Learn not only words, but also entire sentences, and even write them down in your dictionary. This is good practice to get the hang of it quickly. By knowing pattern sentences and how they are read, you can begin to understand people easily.

You need to pronounce words, phrases and sentences as much as possible. This is the main way to achieve phonetically correct sound. Phonetics in Turkish is not very complicated, even quite simple, so it will not pose any difficulties for a Russian person. Try to pronounce phrases from memory as often as possible or read them several times. When teaching TV series with subtitles, try to write down and repeat phrases you like or don’t understand. This helps a lot in learning.

Remember that the key to learning a language quickly is regularity. If you conscientiously and regularly devote time to Turkish (at least 40 minutes a day or about an hour), then in just 16 such intensive lessons you will be able to see the first results.

Pay attention to the grammar of the language, but don’t get hung up on it if you don’t want to study speech deeply, but just want to understand and communicate with people. Pay attention to the main points that are associated with affixes, learn them, remember the cases, and also understand the logic of the language. Then you will master everything you need and will be able to start communicating freely.

How to learn Turkish: results

So, summing up the results of learning the Turkish language, we recommend that you remember the following points:

  1. Create a favorable “Turkish” atmosphere for yourself, immerse yourself in it.
  2. Use online courses and a tutor if you have difficulty studying.
  3. Pay special attention to affixes.
  4. Learn words, phrases and pronounce them, studying vocabulary and improving phonetics.
  5. Spend as much time as possible on your activities, at least 30-40 minutes every day.

Only you can decide whether learning Turkish is worth it. It is complex, but very interesting and opens up new opportunities in many directions.

IN modern world knowledge of foreign languages ​​is an undeniable advantage. More and more more people Instead of hobbies, they choose independent study or going to a special school.

Not only English is popular, but last years Even Turkish began to be in demand. This is explained good relations between Russia and Turkey, as well as the abolition of the visa regime. Besides, Russian businessmen They often cooperate with Turks, so knowledge of the language will only be a plus.

Interest in the culture, traditions and customs of Turkey came to Russia quite recently. This country has given Russians an affordable and high-quality vacation without the hassle of obtaining a visa. Turkish TV series, especially “The Magnificent Century,” also fueled interest. It was watched by millions of people all over the world, who were able to get to know this country and its history better.

If you want to learn the Turkish language, first of all you need to define your goal. The method of learning will depend on this: independently or with a teacher.



If you just want to get to know the culture of this country better, travel around Turkey without language barriers, or watch films without translation, self-study is suitable.

Before you start learning, it is important to know that Turkish is quite different from English or German. If you have previously studied only European languages, when learning Turkish you will have to get rid of all the stereotypes. It is more like mathematics with formulas and examples, and has a clear logic that can be seen in every sentence.

Study through online courses or homeschooling Suitable for those who have strong motivation. This language is quite difficult, so it will take some effort.

At the beginning of training, you will have to spend about 30-40 minutes on classes every day. Independent lessons enough to master skills at the level of everyday communication.

Why not learn a new language while enjoying a cup of famous Turkish tea?

Who can't live without a "mentor"

If you need to learn Turkish for work or business, and are also far from mathematics and do not like puzzles, then it is better to learn Turkish with a professional.

This language is structured differently from English, French or German. The main difficulty is caused by the presence of affixes in a huge number. One word can have up to 10 affixes, and each of them can radically change the meaning of the word.

You need to change your thinking in a new way, then the language will become clear. This is why many students have self-study Difficulties arise when leaving your comfort zone. If you need to learn a language quickly, then better way There’s simply nothing better than classes with a tutor.

Despite the complexity of Turkish, it is considered the simplest of all eastern languages. It experienced a global reform in 1932 when the Turkish Linguistic Community was created. They were removed from it foreign language borrowings, and the language itself has become more modern and easier.

Pros and cons of both methods

  • When studying with a tutor, you should be prepared for the fact that it will take time and money. When studying with a teacher, you will need to highlight sufficient quantity time for both lessons and homework.
  • An obvious advantage of studying with a tutor is that you don’t have to wade through the jungle of Turkish rules alone. A professional will build a process depending on your knowledge, linguistic abilities and goals.
  • With self-study, you will not spend money and can distribute your time in a way that is convenient for you. However, then the learning process will take longer. In addition, you need serious motivation not to quit classes and devote time to them every day.
  • The main difficulty in learning Turkish on your own will be adjusting to a new way of thinking. At first there will be difficulties due to the fact that it is radically different from the languages ​​of the Indo-European group. To begin with, all these affixes will simply have to be memorized; only after hard practice will you learn to determine the meaning of a word at first sight.

Bodrum, Türkiye

Learning Turkish is often compared to mathematical formulas. You need to understand the algorithm, systematically consolidate knowledge, and then learning will be much easier - all words will obey already memorized formulas.

How to make a choice

  1. First of all, you need to determine your goals and motivation. If you need to learn a language to enter into a contract with a Turkish partner, self-study is out of the question. For training in connection with work, study or business, it is better to leave this process in the hands of a professional.
  2. If you are simply in love with, want to travel around the country without experiencing difficulties, then you can start studying without leaving home. Then the process will be a little more difficult and longer, but with due effort you can learn the language.

Now on the Internet there are many online courses that will help you learn Turkish, both with a teacher and on your own. And you can consolidate your knowledge by traveling around the country and communicating with the residents of Turkey.

A selection of useful sites for learning Turkish. Save it for yourself so you don’t lose it!

  1. turkishclass.com. Free English language website for learning Turkish. Turkish language lessons include sections: pronunciation, vocabulary, chat, stories, poetry, site rules and contacts. The site is convenient for practicing vocabulary. In addition, there is a lot of information about Turkey, photographs, detailed reports from students and travelers, sketches and essays. The user must log in and then select a lesson from one of the teachers on the desired topic. There is both theoretical material and homework for the lesson. The site will be of interest not only to students, but also to teachers. After authorization, the teacher can post his version of the lesson.
  2. turkishclass101.com. Free English-language site. The material is divided into levels - from zero to intermediate. The menu contains the following sections: “Audio lessons”, “Video lessons” for pronunciation training, and a dictionary for vocabulary. There is a support service and user instructions. It is possible to take notes in a special form during the lesson. Lessons in PDF can be downloaded. There are iPhone, iPad, Android Apps free. Content is divided into free and paid. To work with the say, authorization is required. Quick user registration is available.
  3. umich.edu. English language site. The University of Michigan has prepared a selection electronic lessons, textbooks, tests, training exercises, here you will also find literary works, and reference materials. You can download audio and video files that are used in different universities around the world when studying the Turkish language. There are a lot of materials, there is content for learning the Old Turkish language.
  4. sites.google.com. An English-language site that contains theoretical information on Turkish grammar. There is an interesting application that conjugates Turkish verbs.
  5. lingust.ru. Free Russian-language site, suitable for beginners and beginners. Theoretical material is arranged by lesson, which makes it easier to find the desired topic. There are no training exercises, but there is audio support and lessons from Radio "Voice of Turkey" (TRT-World).
  6. cls.arizona.edu. An English-language online textbook developed by the University of Arizona for learning Turkish from beginner to high level. After authorization, the user works with DVD lessons; after each video there is training exercise on grammar topics, pronunciation or listening comprehension.
  7. book2.de. English and German language site. Simple and convenient interface. You can use the main services of the site for free and without authorization. The main sections are vocabulary, pronunciation examples, flash cards for strengthening vocabulary, you can download audio for free for work. There is an iPhone App and an Android App . The textbook can be purchased. Suitable as additional material.
  8. internetpolyglot.com. Free website, Russian version of the menu is available. It is an interesting and convenient additional tool in language learning. The site offers to memorize words and expressions by performing lexical games. There is a demo version. Authorization will help you track your success and allow you to post your materials on the site.
  9. languagecourse.net. A free website for learning Turkish with an intuitive interface, suitable for vocabulary training. Ukrainian and Russian language versions of the site are available. Suitable for vocabulary training. Levels from beginner to advanced. You can choose the desired topic for training - work, travel, transport, hotel, business, romance/date, etc. When registering, success is tracked and learning results are saved. Available educational material for downloading and working on a PC. The service also offers to buy a language trip to the country or pay for a course at a language school anywhere in the world.
  10. franklang.ru. Russian-language free site, extremely easy to use. Contains a lot useful information– Turkish language textbooks in PDF, a library of texts in Turkish, Turkish language via Skype with teachers from the I. Frank school, texts for reading using the I. Frank method and useful links to Turkish channels, radio stations, TV series.
  11. www.tdk.gov.tr. Free Turkish site where you will find different types dictionaries, publications by Turkish bloggers and an online library of works of various genres.
  12. www.w2mem.com. A free site with a Russian menu, but before you start you need to log in. Very simple interface. The site was created for practicing vocabulary - you compile your own dictionary, and then consolidate your knowledge by completing tests.
  13. languages-study. A free site that contains links to services that allow you to study the Turkish language from all aspects - grammar, aphorisms, poetry, crosswords, different types of dictionaries.
  14. seslisozluk.net. Free online Turkish dictionary. Working languages: Russian, Turkish, German, English. Services that are provided for in the rules for using the site - translation and decoding of words and expressions, text editor, correspondence, pronunciation. The site offers training exercises in the form of online games to reinforce vocabulary.
  15. onlinekitapoku.com. Free Turkish site where you will find books, reviews, overviews, information about the author. Quick search available. The site contains electronic and audio books of different genres.
  16. hakikatkitabevi.com. Free Turkish-language site where you can find and download free audio books in Turkish.
  17. ebookinndir.blogspot.com. A free resource where you can download books in Turkish in PDF format in different genres.
  18. www.zaman.com.tr . The website of the daily Turkish online newspaper, the main headings of the publication are politics, sports, economics, culture, public and social blogs politicians, video reports.
  19. resmigazete.gov.tr. The site of a Turkish online legal newspaper that publishes laws and bills, legislative acts and other legal documents.
  20. evrensel.net. Official website of the Turkish newspaper. Lots of sections, reviews and applications.
  21. filmifullizle.com. Free Turkish site where you can watch or download films with Turkish translation or dubbing. Each video has short description plot. A review section is also available.

Turkey is a kind of bridge between the Middle East and Europe, so for many centuries its culture, traditions and language have attracted people from different corners peace. In the era of globalization, distances between states are decreasing, peoples communicate with each other, maintain friendly relations, and establish businesses. Knowledge of the Turkish language will be useful for both tourists and entrepreneurs, managers, and scientists. It will open doors to another world, introduce you to the culture and history of such a colorful and beautiful country.

Why learn Turkish?

So, it would seem, why learn Turkish, Azerbaijani, Chinese or some other language if you can master English and communicate with representatives of different nationalities only in it? Here everyone must set priorities for themselves, understand what they are doing and why. Unable to learn foreign language, if there is no desire and motivation. Indeed, basic English is enough to go to Turkey once; Turks in resort areas also understand Russian quite well. But if your goal is to move to live in this country, establish business with its representatives, go to study abroad, build a career in a company cooperating with Turkish companies, then the prospects for learning the language seem very tempting.

Don't forget about self-development. Chekhov also said: “The number of languages ​​you know, the number of times you are human.” There is a lot of truth in this statement, because each country has its own culture, traditions, rules, and worldview. By learning a language, a person trains his memory, slows down the aging of the brain, increasing its activity. In addition, it becomes possible to read literature, watch films in the original, and how nice it is to listen to your favorite singer and understand what they are singing about. By learning Turkish, people expand the vocabulary of their native language and remember the rules of writing words.

Where to start studying?

Many people have a logical question - where to start, which textbook, self-instruction video or audio course to take? First of all, you need to set yourself specific goal. You can’t just want to know Turkish; you need to clearly define what it’s for. Motivation and an irresistible desire will do their job and help you cope with critical moments, overcome laziness, and reluctance to continue studying. In addition, there must be love for the country, its culture and history. If you don’t have a soul for it, then progressing in language learning will be many times more difficult.

How to “immerse yourself” in Turkish as quickly as possible?

You need to surround yourself with appropriate materials on all sides. Some experts advise going to Turkey to learn the language on the spot. It should be noted that without basic knowledge it is not even worth taking such a step, since not every native Turk will be able to explain grammar, rules for using certain words, etc. It is enough to learn 500 of the most common phrases in order to speak. Turkish is not that difficult for a tourist. You just need to choose the most common words, learn them, familiarize yourself with the grammar (boring, tedious, but you can’t do without it) and rehearse the pronunciation. You definitely need to surround yourself with textbooks, dictionaries, films and fiction books in the original language.

Read, listen, talk

You cannot do only writing and reading, because the chances of speaking in this case will be negligible. Studying grammar, translating texts, reading, writing - this is all good and you can’t do without these exercises. But still, if the goal is to understand speech by ear and communicate with Turks, then you need to learn Turkish a little differently. Studying can be supplemented with audio and video courses. It is best to print out the text spoken by the speaker, write down unfamiliar words on a piece of paper, and try to remember them. While listening to the dialogue, you need to follow the printout with your eyes, listen to the intonations, and grasp the essence. Also, don’t be shy about repeating words and entire sentences after the speaker. Let nothing work out at first, a terrible accent will appear. Don’t be upset or embarrassed, these are the first steps. Turkish for beginners - how to native language for babies. At first you hear only babble, but with practice you can pronounce foreign words It's getting easier and easier.

When and where should you exercise?

You need to do small but frequent approaches. The Turkish language requires constant repetition, so it is better to improve it for 30 minutes every day than to sit for 5 hours once a week. Professional tutors do not recommend taking breaks for more than 5 days. There are days when you can’t find a free minute, but you still shouldn’t give up and let everything take its course. While stuck in traffic on the way home, you can listen to several dialogues from the audio course or songs in the original language. You can also take 5-10 minutes to read one or two pages of text. This is how it will be done new information and repeat what has already been done. As for where to study, there are no restrictions. Of course, it is best to translate, write, and learn grammar at home, but you can read, listen to songs and audio courses anywhere: walking in the park, relaxing in nature, in your car or public transport. The main thing is that studying brings pleasure.

Is it difficult to learn Turkish?

Is it easy to learn a language from scratch? Of course, it’s difficult, because these are unfamiliar words, sounds, sentence construction, and its speakers have a different mentality and worldview. You can learn a set of phrases, but how to use them, what to say in a given situation in order to express yourself clearly and not accidentally offend your interlocutor? In parallel with studying grammar and words, you need to get acquainted with the history of the country, its culture, traditions, and customs. For rare tourist trips, it is not so important what level the Turkish language is. Translation of individual texts and books can only be carried out with a good knowledge of Turkey, its history, and laws. Otherwise it will be superficial. To express yourself well, it is enough to know 500 frequently used words, but you shouldn’t stop there. We need to move on, comprehend new horizons, discover unfamiliar sides of Turkey.

Is it necessary to communicate with native speakers?

Communication with Turks will be useful if you already have basic knowledge. A native speaker gives good practice, because it can tell you how to correctly pronounce this or that word, which sentence is more appropriate in a particular situation. In addition, live communication allows you to replenish lexicon. Therefore, it is worth going to Turkey to improve your Turkish language. Words are remembered easier and faster, and an understanding of the correct construction of sentences appears.

Turkish language is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world!

At first acquaintance, many may think that the Turkish dialect is too harsh and rude. Indeed, there are a lot of growling and hissing sounds in it, but they are also diluted with gentle, bell-like words. You only need to visit Turkey once to fall in love with it once and for all. Turkish belongs to the group of Turkic languages, spoken by more than 100 million people, so it provides the key to understanding Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Bulgarians, Tatars, Uzbeks, Moldovans and other peoples.

Good Turkish language textbook can become a serious help and reliable adviser when mastering new material. It can be used both for independent learning of the Turkish language at home, and as an auxiliary aid during language courses. How to choose a “helper” among the many books on the market? We have selected for you the best Turkish language textbooks, which will come to the aid of both those who are beginning to learn a new language and those who want to improve their knowledge.

  • Bengis Rona "Turkish in three months." The author is an experienced language teacher at the University of London. Turkish language textbook for beginners with lots of illustrations. Well-chosen examples, tests and exercises have answer keys. The first lesson can be used as a reference book - it contains all the features of consonant alternation and vowel harmony in the Turkish language.
  • Morozov A., Shen Y., Akhmetov B. Yeni Diyalog Turkce kursu “Learning to speak Turkish.” Consisting of 18 lessons manual in Russian language, contains a grammar section with several topics. For each topic there are special exercises to reinforce the material, dialogues and texts. Simple material supply interesting topics and well-chosen exercises allow you to acquire excellent knowledge.
  • Karepina I.V. “How to speak Turkish clearly.” If you dream of speaking Turkish like a native of this sunny country, this book is for you. The manual teaches correct conversational speech, step by step the necessary pronunciation is developed and the accent disappears.

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  • Hengirmen Mehmet “Turkish in thirty lessons.”Russian-Turkish textbook designed for learning the language from “zero level”. At the end of each lesson there are reinforcement exercises, there is also a dictionary.
  • Kabardin O.F. "Turkish language self-teacher."Author does not offer a breakdown of lessons - the student is encouraged to go at the speed with which he is able to master the material. The chapters are divided into different topics, which allows you to use the tutorial as a phrasebook. The answers come immediately after the exercises.
  • Ahmet Aydin, Maria Bingul “Textbook of spoken Turkish. Funny interjections." An educational publication describing “emotional signals” - interjections; the situations in which they are used are also given. Great option to improve knowledge and enrich vocabulary.
  • Kuznetsov P.I. “Textbook of the Turkish language. Beginning course." All basic information on the phonetics of the Turkish language, rules of syntax and morphology are presented. There are detailed instructions on pronunciation features. At the end of each topic, 30-50 new words are added separately.
  • Olga Sarygez “Turkish grammar in tables for beginners”. An excellent tool for systematizing knowledge - summary tables, pictures and diagrams greatly facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. Can be used in lessons as teaching material.

The Dialogue Language Center offers a textbook store where you can purchase books for learning Turkish, phrase books and dictionaries.