Laying clinker tiles on convex steps. How are clinker tiles laid on steps? Variety of types and shapes

When raising the issue of facing steps, it is necessary to understand that a huge variety of finishing materials made this process simple. But when choosing from all the variety, it is impossible not to touch on clinker tiles. Positive characteristics this material a large number of, but there is one drawback - it’s meager color palette and a small size range. True, everyone (both consumers and specialists) notes that clinker tiles seem to be created for finishing steps and stairs. And anyone who has already seen steps laid with tiles could realize that it wins in all respects compared to other finishing materials. And this despite the paucity of variations offered.

Let's just list the advantages of clinker tiles.

  • Wear resistance.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Anti-slip qualities.
  • Mechanical strength, especially flexural strength.
  • Excellent adhesive properties.

Types of clinker tiles for steps

Modern clinker tiles are available in a fairly wide format.

  • Ordinary steps.
  • The same steps only with a notch.
  • Steps with Florentine profile.
  • Corner designs.
  • Skirting boards: straight and angular.
  • The plinth is figured, there are left and right options.
  • Angle for steps.
  • Profiled corner.
  • And even a covering for balconies.

It should be noted that all of the above elements are today produced in various variations. There is not only a color difference here, but also a purely geometric one. For example, look at the photo below and you will immediately understand everything.

Laying clinker tiles on steps (porch, stairs)

Cladding degrees is considered one of the most complex processes for the tiler. Of course, much will depend on the complexity of the geometric parameters of the finishing material, but even without them there are enough difficulties. For example, complex markup, the need to constantly control a large number of parameters, not to forget about preparatory activities, which include waterproofing steps, cleaning them from cement laitance by grinding and dust removal. That is, there is enough work.

Therefore, it is worth breaking the entire process of laying clinker tiles into several main stages.

Layout marking

There are certain standard parameters for steps (porch, stairs), in which their height should be within 15-16 cm and width 30-35 cm. Although these are purely recommended sizes, because everything can turn out differently. In order, for example, to find the exact height of the steps, it is necessary to divide the height of the entire structure by their number. In this case, you will have to take into account the complexity of the structure itself or the binding of the screed being poured, which is a continuation of the steps.

Attention! In any case, purely visually the steps should look the same.

And one more thing that will make the process of laying clinker tiles easier and less expensive. This is the need to design the steps in such a way that full-size tiles fit on their plane without undercutting. Therefore, even at the stage of creating the project, you need to select clinker tiles, deciding on its dimensions and profile. And based on these indicators, build steps (porch or stairs).

Concerning street structures, then very often it includes sidewalls that form the steps themselves. Therefore, cladding will be carried out not only in the horizontal plane, but also in the vertical. And this will also have to be taken into account when marking.

Laying technology

As such, there is no standard technology for laying clinker tiles. That is, the installation instructions are based on the same processes as the installation of other tile materials, mounted on the steps. There are two types of processes that differ from each other in the priority of installation.

  1. First, the tiles are laid on the steps, and then on the risers.
  2. First, the risers are covered, then the steps.

In the first case, it is very important to correctly set the slope of the plane, which is designed to drain water from the surfaces of the steps. It is equal to 1.5-2.0%. First, two outer tiles are installed, between which a level is installed; intermediate elements will be laid on it. Usually this technology used if the steps are faced with ordinary rectangular tiles no corners.

The second technology is used when laying tiles with shaped elements. These include the Florentine profile or a purely angular profile. First of all, the planes of the risers are lined. The tiles are laid in vertical plane. Next, horizontal cladding elements are installed (see video).

Attention! Laying of tiles should be done according to a level, which is laid to be checked in all planes.

What you need to pay attention to when tiling the steps.

  • The slope angle has already been mentioned.
  • The thickness of the adhesive solution is within three millimeters.
  • If you have to lay the tiles outdoors, it is best to use a special frost-resistant adhesive composition(see video).
  • The shaped part of the tile should not touch the edge of vertically installed elements for risers. The distance between them should be within 2-3 mm. This gap is left in case of temperature changes.
  • Cladding of steps can be done in two ways. To help you understand how this can be done, look at the picture below. In one of the options, the presence of grout is mandatory.
  • Seams must be left between the clinker tiles (see video).

Grouting joints

Laying clinker tiles requires the presence of seams between elements, the size of which can reach up to 12 mm. Therefore, to grout such wide joints, a special grouting material is required. It is produced either based on cement or based on epoxy resin. The semi-dry mixture is distributed over the surface of the steps and evenly introduced into the internal cavities of the joints with a rubber spatula.

note that a semi-dry mixture is used for grouting. You can determine its consistency in a simple way- squeeze in your fist so that the material does not crumble.

Conclusion on the topic

Violation of the technology for laying clinker tiles can lead to various unpleasant moments. For example, the one shown in the photo below.

Therefore, all stages should be carried out with special care. And it cannot be said that just laying clinker tiles is the main stage. Preparing the steps is an important stage, especially with regard to markings. Be sure to check out the video.

Clinker is reliable and durable tiles, made of clay, which is perfect for cladding a porch. Steps made of clinker have one drawback - the lack large selection collections in contrast to the standard tiles or porcelain stoneware. This material structured and decorative, well suited for cladding stairs. Yes, you yourself have noticed many times staircases that are finished with clinker tiles.

Characteristics of clinker steps

There are several good reasons why many people prefer clinker steps.

Low temperature resistance

Clinker has a fairly low water absorption (up to 2%), that is, it tolerates temperature changes normally. The most serious fluctuation is the zero point, at which the liquid changes its state. Clinker can easily withstand about 300 such cycles. This is one of the main factors that determine what exactly the porch will be covered with. This is mainly the case with stairs, since the joints between the steps experience enormous loads and even a small delamination can cause destruction of the entire structure.

Wear resistance

Flooring material that is used outdoors must be wear-resistant. Tiles made from clinker belong to classes 4 and 5 in terms of abrasion. This is also a guarantee long term cladding services.

Wear resistance for the most part depends on the manufacturer of the tile. The most durable coating considered to be from a German manufacturer (Stroeher). If you scratch it with any object, sparks will fly from it, but there will be no scratches. Clinker produced in Spain is a little worse, but its cost is much less. Manufacturers in Poland often sell standard ceramic tiles instead of clinker.

Anti-slip properties of clinker

Using a porch can contribute to injuries, therefore, the non-slip surface of clinker tiles is very useful when finishing steps. In the absence of such a standard that characterizes the degree of slippage of clinker tiles, in Russia buyers are content with only own feelings and understandings. But today, manufacturers of Russian tiles are guided by the European standard DIN 51130, in which ceramic tile distributed into 5 categories R9-R13. For cladding porch steps, it is better to use classes R11-R13.

Mechanical strength

This feature characterizes the resistance of ceramics during bending loads. The average strength of clinker is 20 MPa. When using stairs with any type of cladding, the stress often falls on the edge of the steps, therefore, the strength features of this tile are difficult to overestimate.

Laying clinker steps

One of the most difficult jobs for a tiler is tiling stairs. Decorative components can either assist in installation or complicate the work. Before installation, it is necessary to perform waterproofing.


When laying stairs with clinker tiles, the planes and evenness of the seams are maintained, and the steps are also kept at the same height. In order to calculate the size of individual steps, you need to divide the total height by the number of steps. The standard for stairs is 15 centimeters, but it can be more or less. The tiler is obliged not only to maintain the height, but also the integrity of the tiles, when calculating their number by width and length.

Laying tiles

Finishing can be done different ways, but often practice involves the initial installation of a horizontal row of lighthouses. After the first row has been laid, the remaining slabs are faced. After the work has been done, you need to wait until the laid clinker sets and lay the risers. If installation is carried out outdoors, then frost-resistant glue must be used.

Steps and risers can be joined in various ways. If the tiles are laid overlapping, the cladding will become voluminous and impressive. If you want to install using this method, then you need to leave a gap of 2-3 millimeters between the riser and the nose of the figured step. This method also involves laying tiles on wood or metal. You can lay tiles end-to-end only if you lay them on concrete base.

Tiles made of clinker are usually laid with wide joints up to 12mm. For this purpose, highly specialized mixtures are used for grouting wide joints. They are made on a cement basis. Grouting is done using rubber spatulas or narrow metal ones, which are no larger than the width of the joints.

The size of the joints often forces tilers to work with a semi-dry mixture, which can be checked by squeezing it in a fist - the grout should under no circumstances crumble.

Clinker steps and clinker cladding for stairs are modern, durable and reliable. There are practically no disadvantages to clinker steps, except that the choice is not too wide when compared with collections of porcelain stoneware slabs or tiled non-slip cladding. But even with a lack of options, clinker cladding for steps and stairs offers many advantages over other tile materials. Finishing stairs, steps and landings with clinker has been used since the creation of this unique material. Both in structure, and in properties, and in terms of decor, clinker cladding is simply created for external stairs. The main reason for the popularity of clinker for porches among private builders is its special specifications of this material.

The frost resistance of the cladding is directly related to its water absorption, and for clinker it is only 2%, a record low. With temperature changes in a wet state, clinker steps can withstand more than three hundred freeze-thaw cycles. For the cladding of street stairs, this is the main quality, since it is on porches that the joints of steps and risers should not become a weak link, working in extreme conditions - heat, humidity, frost and considerable mechanical loads. These sections of joints, at the slightest damage, quickly lead to the unusability of the entire porch structure - but in the case of solid and frost-resistant clinker steps, this negative is impossible. In terms of frost resistance, clinker has a lead over porcelain stoneware: water frozen in the finely hollow structure of pressed porcelain stoneware will inevitably expand and lead to micro-destructions in the tile, and then possible chipping. But clinker initially abolishes this physics, thanks to extrusion manufacturing technologies - the structure is already preset with fine-capillary open channels through which free water will escape, and the risk of frost damage is eliminated.

No less important factor The value of outdoor flooring materials is their resistance to wear. For ordinary ceramic tiles, there is a chance to last for several years only on a little-frequented porch country house. For houses and cottages, porches are needed much stronger - preferably class 4.5 in terms of abrasion, so that expensive cladding is durable. Wear resistance of clinker from different manufacturers is also different, and many experts consider the German clinker from the Stroeher company to be the best. You can try to scratch these tiles, and even sparking is possible, but scratches are impossible. Cheaper clinker from Spanish companies is somewhat inferior, and it is difficult to buy clinker from an unknown manufacturer - you need to have a very good understanding of the material in order to distinguish fakes from the original and not buy ceramics or tiles that look like clinker tiles.

The porch must be safe - since any stairs can become a source of injury. Non-slip surfaces of steps are required, both in rain and snow, and in the fall under wet foliage. It is recommended to take tiles for the porch highest categories in terms of anti-slip properties - according to the European standard these are R11, R12 and R13. Clinker steps are made with a non-slip surface.

By mechanical strength to bend clinker shows up to 20 MPa. The edges of the steps must withstand the main load, and record high strength It is difficult to overestimate clinker. Another the most important indicator– adhesion to substrates. Here clinker also has an advantage, even over porcelain stoneware. The mounting bases of clinker steps are structured in a special way, this can be seen when comparing downsides porcelain stoneware and clinker tiles. Reliable adhesion of the cladding to the base increases the strength, rigidity, and durability of the staircase.

Laying clinker steps

Clinker steps for stairs and porches may not amaze with their fancy textures and textures, but there are formats for both imported and domestic products:

  • Ordinary stage;
  • Step with notches;
  • Florentine profile steps are popular for modern cottages;
  • Corner steps for winder stairs with turns;
  • Curly right and left plinths;
  • Corners for steps and profiled steps with corners;
  • Balcony clinker lining.

Each element can be purchased in different variations - geometric, color and tonal. Even complex and non-standard designs the porch can be clad using special clinker parts, format steps and extensions according to standard sizes. The market also offers design elements - albeit without dominant functionality, but stunningly decorative and original, even fantasy.

Laying clinker steps is considered the highest test of a tiler's professionalism. Tiled special elements for decoration and precise geometry do not necessarily simplify the cladding; they also create additional difficulties - the need for precise, complex markings and constant monitoring of several parameters at the same time. A waterproofing layer is always laid under the cladding; this greatly increases the already high durability of clinker cladding. The best reason Experts call clinker steps a monolithic reinforced concrete staircase.

The marking of the steps should ensure the same height of the steps. The calculation is simple - dividing the height of the entire staircase by the number of steps, you get the height dimensions of an individual step. Standard width steps of 300 mm and a riser height of 150 mm are not always chosen for owners of all ages and builds - for a private country house, more comfortable porches with steps 120 mm high are possible, as well as other options. A step height of more than 200 mm is considered unacceptable. Sometimes they cover an existing porch non-standard forms, or you need to attach the dimensions locally to ready-made tie-rods-continuations of the steps. In any case, for a harmonious staircase, all steps must be the same. In addition to the standard for step height, there is also the complexity of the geometry in terms of maximum quantity solid slabs, since narrow cuts along the edges reduce decorative effects porch, and they are very difficult to make perfectly neat. Sometimes the center slab is shortened, but provides a seamless look to the borders, especially if the side of the street porch is adjacent to vertical cladding. The porch itself is also often faced along the side, and these facings should be in harmony. All this is taken into account when marking, and in addition, the plane and evenness of the tile seam is maintained. The mandatory slope of street steps is from 1 to 1.5 degrees to prevent moisture stagnation.

Laying is underway various methods, but in the usual practice of tilers, you can see cladding with the initial laying of beacon horizontal rows - to set the main plane and seam. After laying the first row, the master begins lining the remaining horizontal planes. And only after the adhesive compositions in the laid clinker linings have reliably set, do they begin laying the risers. The seam width for clinker is only 8, 9, 10 mm, and the extruded version requires a thin seam of 4-5 mm. Never glue the edge part of the Florentine step, leaving a “degree of freedom”; this is very important, given the high adhesion and adhesion strength of the clinker to the base - on the street, the glued edge joint can lead to damage during movement or deformation of the bases of the stairs.

For outdoor use, special adhesive compositions are needed - frost-resistant. A universal mixture does not always provide both strength and elasticity, and a lack of plasticity can lead to the destruction of the strongest clinker stage. Important nuance: clinker is low-porous, so glue is applied to mounting surface steps, and on the base - this is how durable cladding is obtained.

The joining of steps and risers is carried out in different ways - overlapping and end-to-end. With an overlap, it is impressive and voluminous, and there is no need to precisely trim the vertical tiles, they are closed under the step. Clearances of at least 2-3 mm under the shaped edge of the step are required so that deformation of the base does not create stress. In this way, both metal and wooden bases. Clinker is laid end-to-end exclusively on concrete, since the linear thermal expansion indicators of these materials are similar. Grouting of clinker steps is also important: wide joints up to 10-12 mm require jointing with special grouting mixtures “for wide joints”, on a cement or epoxy base, and you have to work with semi-dry mixtures.

It is confidently gaining its place in the field of facing work. Primarily due to its good performance and decorative function.

Laying clinker tiles on steps is characterized by a number of nuances that must be taken into account during the work process.

The basis for the production of this facing material is shale clay, which is subjected to a special processing technique, which in turn allows the tiles to acquire the necessary qualities for laying them on steps.

Clinker tiles are a subtype of ceramic facing, but the shale clay in its composition is fired at a temperature of 1200ºC and, at the same time, placed under a press to give the desired shape and thickness.

Advantages of clinker facing tiles:

  • Excellent level of resistance to wear and mechanical damage;
  • Long service life;
  • High level of moisture resistance;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • The frost resistance of the tiles makes it possible to use it for cladding outdoor objects;
  • Safety of the material - the tiles do not slip even in wet weather.

The production technology makes it possible to form a special layer on the surface of the tile to protect against contamination. At the same time, the color of the material is well preserved, even when cleaning with chemicals and abrasives.

How to choose high-quality clinker tiles?

Taking into account the fact that the tiles will be used for cladding stair steps outdoors, pay attention to the parameters responsible for the ease of use of the material and durability.

Criterias of choice

Advice. Choose the design of clinker tiles taking into account the exterior of the house. Also, do not forget that dust and all kinds of dirt are more noticeable on dark surfaces than on light ones.

Frost-resistant clinker tiles

Understanding the strength of the material you choose depends on the results of the bending resistance test. For clinker tiles this indicator is at the level of 20 MPa. Taking into account the distribution of load on the edges of the object of operation, strength indicators play an important role.

Anti-slip properties of clinker tiles

We all know that ceramic tiles have a very slippery surface. In this regard, there is a misunderstanding among developers shopping centers, public places, when they line the floors in the premises or on the steps of these facing material. This is quite dangerous, especially in winter time years when snow sticks to the soles of shoes, or in rainy weather.

You can easily fall flat on such tiles and get injured. In this regard, clinker tiles with their non-slip surface have a significant advantage. In the Russian Federation there is no standard defining the level of slip of a material. Therefore, when choosing clinker, be guided by your own feelings or European standards.

In addition to anti-slip properties, clinker tiles have high degree adhesion to the surface. This material has a textured back surface, and when applying glue, it turns out good level clutch with steps.

Types of clinker facing tiles

The color range of clinker tiles is small, and the same can be said about the texture. But when you line the porch steps with this material, you will get a wonderful, attractive-looking result.

Clinker tiles are presented in several variations, including:

  • Tiles for steps: regular, notched, corner, with Florentine profile.
  • : corner, ordinary, under steps, figured.

In addition, balcony coverings and profiled corner plinths are on sale.

Tile elements are made in a variety of geometric and shading variations. Even if the design of the staircase is of a bizarre or complex shape, cladding the steps with clinker will not be difficult. The product has some individual products that do not have any operational impact on the structure as a whole, but with their help you can achieve decorativeness.

Technology for laying clinker tiles on steps

In order for the process of installing clinker tiles to be successful, you must have a reliable brick, stone or concrete surface.

Preparing the surface

Taking into account the fact that clinker tiles have a rigid base, the surface of the steps should be almost ideal, without deformation and not subject to destructive influences external environment. It is considered the most reliable and durable in this regard.

To begin installation, you must first take several steps:

Making the markings

In order for clinker tiles to fit perfectly, you need:

  • Maintain a horizontal plane;
  • Form even seams;
  • Maintain the same height of steps.

It is not always possible to achieve the extreme point, since the rough structure is often made incorrectly. In such a situation, the master’s task is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to achieve the same height. When marking, you should try to maintain the integrity of the length and width of the tiles. Trimming along the edges does not add aesthetics, so the central tiles are slightly shortened to ensure the integrity of the poles. Also, given the presence of sidewalls at the steps, it will inevitably be necessary to lay the tiles vertically.

The technology for laying clinker tiles involves marking steps and tracking the directions of lines on the surface of the structure. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that they do not run perpendicular to avoid cracks at the seams.

Laying clinker tiles

To lay steps with clinker tiles, you will need the following tools:

  • tiles with a margin of 5 - 10%;
  • leveling mixture for the base;
  • waterproofing agents;
  • primers or PVA glue diluted with water;
  • glue with frost-resistant properties and grout;
  • crosses to form the distance between the tiles;
  • tile cutter;
  • spatula with teeth;
  • rubber spatula for spreading the grout;
  • mixer for mixing the solution;
  • glue container;
  • building level;
  • silicone sealant for finishing joints.

Before you begin cladding, you must select adhesive for clinker tiles. Can be used at work cement mortar in combination with sand, the ratio of components is 1:4. To mix the glue, take sand with a fraction of no more than 7 mm. It is this size that will ensure a sufficient degree of adhesion of the tile to the surface. Also, there is a ready-made adhesive composition on sale, specifically for laying clinker tiles called Ceresit CM12. The powder from the bag must be diluted in certain proportions with water.

Clinker tiles can be laid in different ways. Someone starts work from the top flight of stairs, someone from the bottom. Regardless of which method you prefer, there are several points that need to be taken into account when working.

Start laying the beacon type in a horizontal direction. This way you will set the plane and determine the thickness of the clinker tile joint. After this, the laying of tiles will occur only in a given direction. After the glue has dried, proceed to finishing the risers.

Note. When decorating the steps with clinker tiles, the protruding part of the elements is not fixed. In this way, you can ensure the safety of the material, which may be damaged as a result of various deformations.

The adhesive is applied to the tiles using a notched spatula. You can also distribute it over the surface of the steps. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 1 cm. It is important to leave a gap between the base and the protrusion to avoid splitting of the material. Plastic crosses must be inserted into the seams between the tiles. The evenness of the installation is checked using. If necessary, the tiles can be corrected within the first 15 to 20 minutes after fixing.

Grouting joints of clinker tiles

The width of the joints is affected by the type of clinker tiles. Experts recommend making joints 4-5 mm thick, but not more than 1 cm. In order to apply and distribute the grout on the tiles, you need to arm yourself with a rubber or metal one. The tool must be narrow, matching the width of the tile joints. Grout for clinker tiles should be semi-dry. To check the consistency, take the grout in your hand and squeeze; if it does not crumble, then everything is done correctly.

Raising the topic of porch cladding, it is impossible not to touch upon clinker - durable and reliable tiles from clay. Clinker steps have only one drawback - the lack of a large selection of collections in comparison with ordinary tiles or porcelain stoneware. Although this is not entirely negative, the material, both structurally and decoratively, seems to be created for stairs. Yes, you yourself have seen stairs lined with clinker more than once: despite some scarcity of variations, they still outperform the usual tiles.

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Characteristics of clinker steps

Why all more people prefer clinker when constructing a porch? There are several reasons, all significant.

Frost resistance

Clinker is characterized by low water absorption (up to 2%), which means adequate reaction to temperature changes. In vibrations, the zero mark is especially dangerous - the transition of a liquid from one state to another. Clinker can withstand up to 300 such cycles. This is probably the main factor determining the choice of material for street cladding. This is especially true for stairs, since the joint between the steps and risers is subject to enormous load, and the slightest delamination is fraught with rapid destruction of the structure.

Wear resistance

Outdoor flooring material must resist wear well - crowds of feet don't stand a chance with ordinary ceramics. Clinker tiles for steps belong to classes IV and V of abrasion. This, along with other parameters, guarantees the durability of the cladding.

Wear resistance depends on the manufacturer. The strongest coating is made from German clinker (Stroeher). You can try to scratch it with anything - sparks will fly, but there will be no scratches left. Spanish clinker is worse in this regard, but it is also cheaper. Polish manufacturers often sell ordinary ceramics under the guise of clinker.

How to distinguish a fake from an original and buy good products is described in the video:

Anti-slip properties

The operation of the porch is associated with an increased risk of injury, so the non-slip surface of the clinker helps when finishing the steps. In Russia there is no standard that determines the degree of slip of facing tiles; buyers have to be content with their own feelings and ideas. But today and Russian manufacturers, and consumers are increasingly guided by the European standard DIN 51130, according to which ceramics are divided into five categories based on anti-slip performance: R9-R13. It is recommended to use tiles for laying tiles on steps last three classes: R11-R13.

Mechanical strength

An important indicator characterizing the resistance of ceramics under bending loads. The strength of clinker tiles in this regard reaches 20 MPa. When using stairs, the main load falls on the edge of the steps, so the importance of the strength properties of clinker is difficult to overestimate.

Adhesion with glue

The smooth structure of porcelain stoneware reduces adhesion to glue. The clinker has a mounting base with structural surface, which provides the best adhesion to the glue.

All these qualities of clinker tiles contribute to the durability of the structure.

Types of clinker slabs for steps

Clinker for stairs, including Russian production, although it does not amaze with its textural and textural diversity, it is produced in a considerable number of formats. Among them are:

All elements are available in various variations: geometric and tonal. This allows cladding to be carried out even structurally complex stairs. Some species do not have much functional significance, but play a huge role decorative role, opening the way to designer fantasies.

Laying clinker steps

Cladding stairs is one of the most difficult jobs for a tiler. Decorative elements, on the one hand, they help with styling, on the other hand, they complicate it. And even without them there are enough difficulties: complex markings, the need to constantly monitor several parameters. Before installation, waterproofing is carried out.


In addition to maintaining the plane and evenness of the seams, when facing stairs, the steps are kept at the same height. To calculate the size of an individual step, divide the total height by the number of steps. The standard for stairs is 15 cm, but it varies. It is not always possible to maintain dimensional uniformity; sometimes this gets in the way irregular shape rough porch and/or the need to be tied to finished screed, which is a continuation of the steps. However, visually the steps should be the same.
Complex geometry obliges the tiler to keep in mind not only the height - it is advisable to adhere to the integrity of the slabs when calculating their number in length and width. A narrow cut around the edges looks unsightly. It may be necessary to slightly shorten a pair of central tiles in order to ensure integrity of the poles. The street porch has sidewalls, part of which is vertical cladding. Keep this in mind when marking the stairs.


Cladding is done in different ways, but the usual practice involves the initial installation of a horizontal row of lighthouses. It sets the plane and suture. Having laid the first row, they are faced with the remaining horizontal slabs. Lastly, after waiting for the laid clinker to set, the risers are laid.

When working outdoors, use a special one. Universal mixtures do not have the required strength and elasticity; as a result of their use, clinker steps quickly collapse. Due to the low porosity of clinker, both the base and the tiles are treated with glue. By adhering to these rules, you will get a durable cladding.

The variety of form factors allows you to join steps and risers in different ways. Overlapping installation makes the cladding more voluminous and impressive. When decorating in this way, leave a gap of 2–3 mm between the riser and the “nose” of the figured step. The method is also convenient because it eliminates the need for precise cutting of vertical slabs. The method has one more advantage: the possibility of installation on metal and wood.

Butt cladding is possible only when laid on a concrete base, the coefficient of thermal expansion of which is close to the corresponding indicator of clinker.

1 - Gap 3-5 mm,
2 - Grout,
3- Tile adhesive,
4- Clinker tiles.

Laying steps with a straight nose, end-to-end and overlapping.
1 - Gap 3-5 mm,
2 - Grout,
3- Tile adhesive,
4- Clinker tiles.

What you need to know when installing clinker steps:


Clinker steps are designed with wide seams - up to 12 mm. When jointing, use special grout mixtures for wide joints. They are cement-based or belong to the class of epoxy compounds. Rub the gaps with rubber spatula or narrow metal, whose width is equal to the width of the seams.

The size of the gaps forces you to work with a semi-dry mixture, whose consistency is checked by squeezing it in your fist - the grout should not crumble.
Grout video:

Having finished lining the porch, provide the steps proper care. Clinker is unpretentious in this regard, and in general its use when laying tiles on street stairsthe best choice. In addition to the strength provided by firing highly plastic clay at temperatures close to +1200, the material is famous for its environmental friendliness - no artificial plasticizers or dyes.
In conclusion, a few photos of installation errors and what they led to.

The lack of clearance under the step led to the appearance of a crack.

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