Street paths made of wood. Wooden paths at the dacha from saw cuts

Paths on the site often appear spontaneously in those places where the summer resident most often sets foot: to the house, barn, greenhouse, vegetable garden. Usually these are just trampled paths that are periodically washed away by rain and look far from aesthetically pleasing. Meanwhile, any gardener can make them beautiful and neat. Boards, logs, logs - every yard is full of such goodness, but if you put in a little effort, you can make excellent paths from boards in your dacha with your own hands.

Design and planning of country paths

Wood is like no other material suitable for arranging garden paths. Natural wood is warm and pleasant to the touch, does not heat up in the heat, and is very comfortable to walk on even barefoot. Wooden paths in the country they are in perfect harmony with other elements garden landscape.

Boardwalk for the garden

There are a lot of options for arranging passages. You can make garden paths from boards located at ground level at some distance from each other, combining them with gravel or crushed stone, or make a dense boardwalk located on a slight elevation. Paths made from saw cuts and small logs look great. Paths can be straight, winding, rounded, or bifurcating.

The boards are at ground level

It is very important when designing a wooden path made of planks at the dacha to take into account the terrain features of the site. It is undesirable to place it in watering areas, as well as in lowlands and depressions, where moisture can accumulate, which is detrimental to wood.

In order for the path to fit organically into the surrounding landscape, its dimensions must correspond to the chosen location. For example, on small area It is not advisable to place a wide path in the depths of the garden; a width of 40 cm will be enough so that one person can comfortably fit on it. The wooden path in the central part of the site, on the contrary, should be spacious - at least one meter.

Winding path on a hill

Arrangement of a boardwalk

To make a path, it is best to choose larch. It is least susceptible to rotting. But any wood that will be used on garden paths must be pre-treated with an antiseptic or copper sulfate, and then applied to the boards. protective covering: varnish or paint for exterior use.

Once you have decided on the shape, width of the path and its location, you need to mark the outline of the path. To do this, drive in pegs on both sides of the future path, not forgetting to control its width using a tape measure. On straight sections, make the distance between them approximately 2–3 meters, and in places of bends - no more than 50 cm. Then stretch the rope along each side. Now you need to thoroughly clear the entire space of debris, old leaves and branches.

Boards are nailed to beams

Before you make wooden paths in your dacha with your own hands, you need to prepare a foundation for them. To do this, dig a trench approximately 20 cm deep between the stretched pegs. To protect the future path from weed germination, lay geotextiles on the bottom of the hole, and then pour crushed stone or gravel on top of it in a layer of 10 cm. If you have chosen a simplified version of the path and decided to make it level earth, then simply lay the boards on top and drown them in the crushed stone.

A wooden walkway will be much more practical and durable if you raise it above the ground. To do this, you will need beams, which are laid on both sides along the trench while backfilling the drainage layer. For greater reliability, you also need to lay another row of beams in the center of the ditch.

Foundation using transverse bars (1 – prepared soil; 2 – wood)

You can do it differently: instead of laying the middle row, fasten the outer, parallel logs together with transverse blocks, cutting them into pre-made cuts every 50 cm. After this, nail the boards. Be sure to leave 5 mm between the bars so that water can flow down them and the path does not deform when the outside temperature changes.

How to make a path from saw cuts

Original and very unusual garden path can be made from wood cuts. The logs are laid in random order, alternating stumps of different diameters. Thick branches will also be used, which can be used to fill the voids between large parts.

Ready-made path from saw cuts

Features of log preparation

To make a path you will need wooden blocks the same height, approximately 15–20 cm. Each log must be cleared of bark, since it is this that most quickly begins to peel off and rot. You should not use hemp with cracks; they can quickly deteriorate and crack even more.

To extend the service life of a wooden path, the saw cut must be pre-treated with hot drying oil or a special antiseptic solution, in which the log should remain for several hours. For more reliable protection the bottom of the round timber needs additional processing bitumen mastic. The upper part can be painted in any color or aged using copper sulfate. Laying should begin after the wood has completely dried.

Preparing the base and laying stumps

Marking a garden path from wood cuts is done in the same way as for a boardwalk. The depth of the trench should be 80 mm greater than the height of the stumps. Geofabric, polyethylene or waterproofing film is laid on its bottom. Then you need to make a two-layer drainage. First, small crushed stone or gravel is poured in a layer of 40 mm and compacted well.

A log is hammered into the sand

If you plan to make a border, then it must be installed at the stage of filling the first drainage layer. Side fences can be made of brick, stone, iron sheets, long logs or logs sawn in half. The second layer of drainage is made of sand, its height should also be 40 cm. To compact the sand cushion, water is poured over it.

Now the most pleasant moment has come - installation of wooden cuts. They are laid in random order and are well sunk in the sand. The space between them is filled with sand or earth.

Wooden walkways - simple and affordable way decorate your site with original and unusual paths made from scrap materials. With strict adherence to installation technology and careful preparation of the material, such paths will serve their owners for a long time and reliably.


Climbing in the grass garden paths, trampled underfoot, have one significant drawback– when it rains, they turn into slippery paths of mud. Garden paths made of wood do not have this drawback, and the low cost of the material allows you to save significantly.

Cheapness is one of the main advantages wooden covering, however, is far from decisive. Many homeowners prefer wooden country paths because of their decorative look, which fits perfectly into, and it’s very pleasant to walk barefoot along such a path - wooden paths in the country do not heat up as much as stone ones.

You can make a variety of flooring combinations from boards and round sawn wood, both in a strict modern style and in a natural forest style. Many people do not dare to undertake such experiments, since wood in contact with wet soil is short-lived, but when the right approach and proper technology, wooden garden paths can last for several decades.

The material is often at your fingertips - these are old logs and various boards that were left idle, and thick branches obtained after pruning trees. Quite often they lie around and slowly rot in the barn - so why not benefit them! It is very simple to prepare the boards for laying - cut them into pieces of equal length. The same needs to be done with saw cuts - in order for the path to be durable, the cuts are made up to 15 cm thick. And then the technology for creating paths in different cases significantly different!

If you value your time and at the same time want to get a beautiful and high-quality paved path, think about purchasing one like this.

To begin with, the boards need to be treated with antiseptic compounds or a solution of copper sulfate, however, a specialized antiseptic will cope with its task more effectively.

When the boards are dry, you can begin installing them. Under the path you need to dig a small trench up to 20 cm deep. To prevent weeds from growing in the trench in the future, we cover the bottom with geotextiles and make a 10-centimeter embankment of gravel or crushed stone on top. In the process of filling the trench with stones, install bars on the sides and in the center along the pit - the boards will be nailed to them. This design will fit into almost any interior design.

The second option is to lay the boards directly on the gravel bed, “sinking” them between the stones. In this case, the boards can be arranged randomly, which will give the paths a natural look. In any case, try to lay them so that they do not touch the soil - such contact will significantly shorten the life of the wood. The advantage of such tracks is that after some time, failed elements can be replaced quite easily.

Logs should not stand idle - they can be used to make original and textured garden paths. Wooden saw cuts are laid in a dug trench up to 40 cm deep. Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the trench, and then a cushion of sand is poured in a layer of 15-20 cm. The prepared saw cuts begin to be laid on top. Wood preparation consists of processing antiseptics and bitumen. Bitumen is melted in a metal container and immersed in it with the lower part of the cut.

Anyone, even a beginner who likes to delve into the garden, planting vegetables and fruits, thinks about how to make movement around their garden plot more comfortable. To do this, you have to make paths from various hard and durable materials, such as stone or concrete. One of the reasons for this lies in the durability of such buildings made of durable natural and artificial materials that are not destroyed by moisture.

Garden tools and other products in this Chinese store.

But with the advent effective means to protect building materials from moisture and other destructive factors, the popularity of wooden sidewalks has increased, which can last almost as long as their stone and concrete counterparts, while being in no way inferior to them in beauty, and in some environmental sense even surpassing them in beauty design and motivating gardeners to create a beautiful garden with their own hands. The ideas in the video below are also highly recommended to watch.

Self-construction of paths is justified. With it, there is no need to constantly clean your shoes, experience difficulties when moving, and easily move from one area to another, regardless of weather conditions.

Moreover, beautifully made paths will be a wonderful element to decorate the landscape, especially when you consider their appearance and combination with the design.

When choosing a material for the construction of paths, it is customary to comply with the general style of garden design and the budget that is calculated for the work. The peculiarity of wood as a material for building paths is its versatility. The tree harmonizes perfectly with lawns, flower beds, terraces; using it, it is not so difficult to make paths even for an inexperienced craftsman. A wide price range of boards, depending on the quality and degree of processing, allows you to significantly save money. Therefore, many who like to relax and work on their plots choose this method of giving a civilized look to the paths in the garden.

Advantages, disadvantages and manufacturing methods

Wood as a basis for making garden paths is not yet such a common material, but quite popular among gardeners due to its beautiful appearance, relative strength and availability. If you do not use a processed board, the cost of which is quite high, then construction remains, which significantly reduces the price of the issue.
But even if you plan to use new boards, the simplicity of woodworking technology reduces costs compared to other materials. There are two options.

Layered paths

The surface is raised above the soil level, the frame is installed on the base. The flooring is raised above the ground level so that air can flow freely under the path. In this case, the service life of the sidewalk will be significantly extended and there will be protection from moisture. A specially created slight slope will drain water from the surface, so that even after heavy rain the tree will dry out faster.

A frame made of longitudinal varnish serves as the base for the flooring; crossbars made of boards or timber are placed on it using fasteners. It is allowed to alternate segments that are identical in length but differ in width, depending on the design. To avoid warping, a wide board is installed on several screws or nails; for timber, you can limit yourself to two screws. At the same time, the caps are deepened and hidden to ensure safety for the feet when walking on the flooring.

Track width from wooden planks depends on the design intent. For normal movement a width of 80 to 100 centimeters with a thickness of 25-50 millimeters is sufficient. Such parameters will allow you to miss each other in oncoming traffic without any problems. If it is expected that people with a sufficiently large weight will walk along the path, or that heavy objects will be transported along it in a cart, another one is added - a middle lag. To protect lamps from moisture in places of contact with the ground, they are treated with liquid bitumen mastic or other means. The crossbars are treated with antiseptics, after which they are dried and mounted on the frame.

There are two assembly options. Tightly without gaps and with equal spaces between parts. The underside of the flooring must be treated with mastic, the outer surface is coated with paint or varnish. A much better effect is obtained if parts of the structure are treated in advance rather than using bitumen and tinting after assembly. Given that the flooring can be laid on a flat surface and used without any protection, it is better to follow the correct technology.

There are two ways to prepare. Under the joists or across the entire width of the flooring.
Preparation is carried out in several stages: a layer of soil of 20-30 centimeters is removed, the bottom is carefully compacted. Sand is poured, compacted, watered, fine crushed stone is poured on top and compaction is done again.

If conditions permit, geotextiles are placed between the layers. This allows the materials not to mix and increases the drainage capacity of the pillow. If the sidewalk is laid temporarily, then a cushion is not necessary; geotextiles, roofing felt and similar materials. To protect against weeds, treat the soil under the flooring with herbicides.

Budget wood flooring for a summer residence

The most economical a budget option– production of flooring from pallets. A pallet with a narrow span between parts is used. This wooden path is not particularly beautiful, but it requires a minimum of time and effort to install. To make the flooring made from pallets look decorative and durable, the pallets are divided into segments, treated with protective materials and made into a full flooring. The only thing is that you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is much more interesting. But the cost here remains very low.

The opposite option is decking paths - wooden modules made of decking boards. The boards are laid on a flat base and look much more interesting in design than homemade ones, but the cost of such a design is quite high, so this method is not used often.


The wooden parts in such paths are immersed in the ground at the same level with the surface or slightly raised above the ground, the voids are filled with drainage materials - sand, crushed stone. For the flooring, boards and thick timber with a length of 10 to 15 centimeters are used. Since the wooden materials are in contact with the ground in this case, there is a need to protect them from water. To do this, you need to use antiseptic or hot drying oil, cover the bottom with bitumen, top part can be coated with varnish or wax.

For beauty, small rounds are installed between thick rounds. When using timber, imitation brick is of interest.
The flooring can be laid directly on the ground, but dug-in paths require special preparation of the base, since the logs will be immersed in the ground.

To prevent water from stagnating and the sidewalk from wearing out, install drainage system made of sand and gravel more than 10 centimeters high.

After the trench is marked, it is compacted, sand is poured, which is also compacted and wetted with water, a layer of crushed stone is poured, and finally another layer of sand.

The saw cut is placed on a substrate; to make it decorative, the diameter dimensions alternate. The gaps are filled with crushed stone, sand, and clay.

One of the best materials For wooden sidewalk is larch. Conifers and oak can also be used, but their service life is not very long. However, modern protective materials increase service life many times over wooden parts tracks. Therefore, we can only proceed from the cost and availability of wooden blanks.
Let us remind you once again that it is important that the sidewalk looks in harmony with general style garden plot, so you need to immediately think about the design of wooden paths if you want to plan and make them yourself.

There are many possibilities for organizing garden paths. Many of these methods are very simple, and these ideas can be implemented on your own, without hiring professionals and even spending a very modest amount on materials.

The second most popular material for garden paths after stone is wood in all its shapes and colors. Wood is inferior to stone in terms of reliability, but it creates a feeling of warmth and does not require serious expenditure - both monetary and temporary.

Even in a garden decorated in modern style, the wooden garden path looks very impressive. We have found wonderful instructions for you on how to make a garden path from wood cuts with your own hands.

You will need:

  • several tree trunks of different diameters
  • varnish for waterproofing wood and protecting against mechanical damage

Do-it-yourself garden path from wood cuts - instructions

First of all, you need to cut circles from tree trunks. Here, of course, you can use regular saw, but, perhaps, then the whole process will take you almost the summer. Therefore, it makes sense to use benzo or circular saw. Remember about safety precautions! If you have little experience using this tool, start working in tandem with experienced craftsman. And don’t forget to wear safety glasses to prevent flying wood particles from injuring your eyes.

Garden path made of wood: the first step is to cut the circles

The number of laps needed depends, of course, on the length and width of your garden path. You need to work with trunks of different diameters in order to be able to close the space that appears between large circles with smaller cuts.

Step two - level the base for the path

The next step is to prepare the foundation for the garden path. Mark the width and path of the future path by loosening the ground with a rake. Don't make the path too straight; winding "paths" look more attractive. As a foundation, you can use sand, crushed stone or special mixtures sold in a hardware store.

Step three - compact the base for the path

If the base is too dry, moisten it in advance, then compaction will be more effective. Otherwise, there is a risk that the wooden circles will grow into the ground over time. Also, add weed killer to the water to prevent weeds from growing between cuts. You can compact the soil simply by trampling it with your feet - effective method at no extra cost.

Step four - varnish the wooden cuts

Coat the surface of each cut with a protective varnish to increase their strength and resistance to the vagaries of the weather. You can start laying the saw cuts as soon as the varnish has dried.

The last, final step is to lay the cuts on the path

Since all saw cuts have different diameters, laying them can be compared to assembling a puzzle. Place all the circles next to each other so that they match the intended width of the path. It is important to lay them tightly so that they do not start to slip over time. For the best fixation, you can even glue the cuts together: after applying glue, press them tightly together.

That's all the information that needs to be taken into account when building a garden path from saw cuts with your own hands. Below you can watch video instructions (at English language) on paving a garden path, as well as photos of garden paths made of saw cuts and wood.

DIY garden path - video

Wooden cuts as an accent

Wood cuts can be used as an accent in combination with gravel. This garden path looks even more romantic if delicate flowers grow on its sides.

Buried wood cuts

Another design option for a garden path is to place the saw cuts not close to each other, but at a distance. In this case, you should dig the saw cuts into the ground so that only their surface is visible. Then they will not move from their places over time, and your work will delight you with excellent results for a long time.

Bright garden path made of wood

A wooden garden path is good opportunity use wood scraps instead of throwing them away. The photo above demonstrates how pretty a path made of brightly colored pieces of wood laid at random can look.

Blue wooden planks

Using solid wooden boards you can create a colorful garden path. Of course, you choose the color yourself, based on color scheme your garden, terrace or gazebo. The gaps between the planks can be filled with earth, sand, crushed stone...

Wooden cuts and gravel

The color palette of gravel as a material for filling voids between saw cuts is very rich. In the example in the photo, a natural sand color was chosen, matching the color of the saw cuts. There are many possibilities. For example, white gravel in combination with gray, weather-beaten wood will create a very stylish and modern look your garden path.

Wooden garden path made of boards of different lengths

A garden path made of wooden planks does not have to be laid perfectly. As you can see from the example in the photo above, boards of different lengths look attractive and more natural than if they were carefully adjusted to each other. The stones along the edges of the path are associated with the banks of a mountain river and give the path a sense of wild nature.

One of original types coatings is natural wood. Wooden paths at the dacha look beautiful and unusual if the design style is thought out, and the material used is well processed and properly laid with your own hands. The arrangement of such paths in the garden and in the area adjacent to the dacha or cottage can be implemented in several options.

Possible options

Depending on the type of wood used and the method of its processing, paving coverings of this kind can be made from:

  • round cross cut of a tree;
  • processed board;
  • solid, glued or profiled timber;
  • wooden panels or garden parquet;
  • figured wood products;
  • bulk wood materials;
  • bamboo branches and trunks.

Each of these coatings has its own advantages and disadvantages. Most options differ not only in appearance wood material, but also the installation technology used.

The material can be laid on prepared from bulk building materials base, on supporting cross beams or in combination with other types of paving surfaces.

Round cross cut

Path made from wood cuts.

Wooden cuts are cuttings of trunks and large branches of trees 150-250 mm long. To increase service life, the bark is peeled off the workpieces, and the material itself is treated with a hydrophobic compound.

Under future path A well-compacted base of crushed stone and sand is prepared from wood cuts, with the obligatory laying of one or two layers with your own hands. The saw cuts are installed vertically on this base and the voids between them are filled with sand, dry cement-sand mixture or fine colored gravel. If desired, made of wood, plastic or stone.

Flooring made of boards, timber or panels

To increase the service life, the raw material for wooden walkways is processed until smooth surface on a machine or with an electric planer. To protect wood from moisture, fungus, mold and insects, each part of a wooden sidewalk is treated with special compounds, drying oil or liquid coating waterproofing.

Laying garden paths from boards, logs or panels can be carried out:

  • along transverse wooden or concrete joists;
  • directly to the ground;
  • on a sandy or cement-sand base.

Curly styling.

In this case, garden paths made of wood at the dacha can be at ground level or raised above it.

Paths made of figured products

Curved path paving technology wooden products quite labor-intensive, since you have to make a large number of parts of complex configuration. The more difficult geometric figures, the more difficult it is to lay them down. The technology for laying shaped parts is similar to making paths from saw cuts yourself. The only difference is that a greater distance is left between the individual paving elements.

Paths made of wood fill materials

Photo of a bark road.

Bulk materials include pieces of bark or mulch, nut shells, branch trimmings, and large shavings. Due to their fragility, such options are considered temporary. Their design requires the presence of a border to prevent material from spilling on the sides.

The base for backfilling is not prepared, since such paths are in use for a short time. To enhance the visual effect bulk material Can be pre-painted with waterproof pigment.

Let's consider the technology of laying a wooden path with your own hands using the example of using boards, timber or panel country parquet. These three types of wood materials are laid almost identically. The differences in technology are minor and do not affect general principles performance of work.

To arrange a path in the garden, in addition to wood, you will need:

  • river or washed sand;
  • gravel or small crushed stone;
  • material for making borders;
  • geotextile (non-woven synthetic material, capable of transmitting moisture in only one direction);
  • coating waterproofing or bitumen mastic;
  • pinotex to change the color of wood;
  • universal impregnation to protect wood from insects and mold.

From the necessary tool need to prepare:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • measuring tape;
  • metal hammer and mallet;
  • chainsaw;
  • electric plane;
  • paint brushes.

In addition, buckets and a wheelbarrow may be required to move materials.

Work procedure

Arrangement of a path made of wooden materials with your own hands begins with its marking. To do this, pegs are driven along the path of the gasket, along which the cord is then pulled. The width of the path is chosen so that two people can pass on it without leaving the surface. Typically this value is taken within the range of 0.8-1.2 meters.

Marking with pegs.

The distance to the trees should not be less than one and a half meters so that growing roots do not damage the base. It is advisable to make turns rounded, allowing the loaded wheelbarrow to turn while performing household work.

Base structure

To fill the base under a wooden garden path, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil to a depth of 20-25 cm. The width of the trench must correspond to the previously made markings. To the bottom thin layer sand is poured in, which is then compacted with help or by hand. After this, it is necessary to spread geotextiles with an overlap of 15 cm and an overlap of 10 cm on the trench wall. This will effectively remove incoming moisture from the lower layer of the base and will not allow weeds to germinate.

After this, a drainage layer of gravel 10-15 cm high is poured and compacted. The top is sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and covered with geotectile. Sand is necessary so as not to damage the canvas with the sharp edges of the stone.

Base diagram.

A curb is installed along the edges of the trench, which can be wooden, concrete or brick. The curb fence is fixed cement mortar or pegs. To create the possibility of draining rain and melt water from the surface, small gaps must be left between the fencing elements.

After installing the border on the woven covering, you need to pour a sand cushion flush with the surface of the ground and compact it well. A cushion made of a dry cement-sand mixture will be more stable, but will require additional costs for the purchase of cement.

Laying road material

Before installation wooden elements their coatings must be treated to protect them from moisture, mold, mildew and insects. For this purpose, special impregnating compounds and coating waterproofing are used. Boards and shields must be carefully processed on all sides. To change the color shade, you can use pinotex.

Boards or panels can be laid directly on the prepared base or on cross beams made of wood, concrete, brick or other building material.

Boards and logs can be laid both along and across the path, close together or with small gaps between them. If the covering elements are not laid tightly, then the spaces between them must be filled with sand, a cement-sand mixture or fine gravel.

Laying wooden path.

Laying a wooden covering along the joists is more labor-intensive, but provides better preservation of the wood and the durability of such a path. With this technology, boards can only be laid along the path. Structurally it looks like a single wooden shield, where all elements are connected to each other.


Arranging on personal plot DIY wooden garden paths, Special attention must be given to wood processing. Active exposure to moisture can in the most short time render it unusable. The formation of mold and mildew on the surface is also detrimental.