Installing a geyser with your own hands. Self-installation of a gas water heater: rules, step-by-step instructions Connecting a gas water heater with polypropylene pipes

How much does it cost to install a geyser? Dismantling and replacing a geyser by the hands of specialists will cost an average of 3,000 to 4,500 rubles. This is in Moscow, in the regions it will be cheaper. The amount is not astronomical, but, nevertheless, it is still a pity to give it for work that you can easily do yourself. And everything would be fine, but in this matter there are a great many nuances, ignoring which can greatly hit the user’s pocket.

What are these nuances? What kind of rules and regulations generally govern these types of work? And you simply must know the basic provisions, because this is not a plumbing system with which you can experiment. Gas is gas, negligence and carelessness in dealing with it ends very badly. In this article we will look at the procedure for replacement and installation gas water heater. Let's look at step by step how and what you can do yourself, and what is best left to a gas industry representative.

Standards and requirements governing the installation of a geyser

Note! Let’s immediately make a reservation that all types of work related to gas supply, i.e. supplying a gas pipe, installing tees, shut-off valves on the gas pipe, etc. carried out only by organizations that have the appropriate special license. Ignoring this provision in the very best case scenario will result in a hefty fine and a severe headache.

All work on installing a geyser can be divided into two categories:

  • installation from scratch, i.e. it wasn’t there, but you decided to put it in;
  • replacing the old column with a new one.

In the first case, a design and supply of a gas pipe to the location of the future water heater is required. All this work is the responsibility of the gas industry in your area or a company that has a license for the corresponding type of activity. It is impossible to do without this. Do not try to do anything yourself in this case. This is not smart, because... You yourself risk your life and property, and when installing a gas water heater in an apartment, you endanger other people. And it’s not easy to play such games with the state, it’s not the right weight category. Therefore, entrust this work to people authorized by law for this type of activity.

If the project is ready, everything is agreed, then by completing part of the work properly you can save a significant amount. Any work that you decide to carry out yourself must be carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of the approved project; if this is not done, the gas industry will not accept this gas water heater for operation.

Note. All installation work gas units begin only when you receive the project with all the necessary permits and approvals.

All standards for installing a geyser are regulated by the following acts:

SP 42-101-2003 " General provisions on the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes"


In order to bore the reader with many clever words, we present the basic standards for installing a gas water heater, which apply to the intended installation location:

  1. The room in which the column is installed must have a volume of at least 7.5 m3.
  2. The room must have ventilation (vent, window, etc.).
  3. The ceiling height in such a room must be at least 2 m.
  4. The room must have a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 mm (at the same time, “smotherers” in apartments do not qualify as such).
  5. The pressure in the water supply must be at least 0.1 atmosphere.
  6. It is prohibited to install geysers in bathrooms.
  7. The column is installed on a wall made of non-combustible materials, installation over gas stove and at a distance closer than 10 cm to it.

At the same time, those speakers that are installed in bathrooms, in accordance with technical standards valid at the time of installation, its operation is permitted in the future. That is, the law does not clearly prohibit its further exploitation. This means that replacement with a new one does not prohibit. And does not require transfer at the user's expense.

If all these requirements for installing a geyser are feasible, then you can order a project. The exact installation location and other details will be displayed in the project.

Removing the old column

Since the basic requirements and standards have been reviewed in general terms, if everything complies, you can begin replacing the gas water heater. And we should start with dismantling. You can do this yourself and save from 300 to 800 rubles.

We start by shutting off gas access to the column by closing the tap at the end of the gas pipe. Using an adjustable wrench or an open-end wrench of the appropriate size, unscrew the fixing nut of the hose (rarely, but there is a method of supplying gas using metal pipe). It is quite difficult to damage the gas pipe when unscrewing the hose, but with the “ancient” connection method, i.e. a piece of metal pipe, quite realistic. Especially if the joint has been painted over for years. In this case, do not use excessive force; to remove paint, use a modern solvent specifically for this work. When unscrewing, hold the gas pipe with a second adjustable wrench, this way there is less chance of damage.

After disconnecting from the gas pipe, it is necessary to remove the hose (pipe) from the point of entry into the column. If the hose has recently been changed and its condition is satisfactory, then it can be reused when connecting a new column. If you have any doubts about the reliability of the hose, purchase a new one. When purchasing, take a certified and tested hose; after all, it is gas and buying a cheap hose is not famous manufacturer is not appropriate here.

The next dismantling step is to turn off the water supply system. If there are taps to turn off the column, turn them off. If this is not possible, shut off the supply to the apartment. In the case of the latter option, before installing a new column, purchase two taps for the inlet and outlet of water from the column and install them on the pipes in the place where the connection will be made. This will make it easier to maintain in the future.

After disconnecting the column from the water supply, remove the connecting pipe from the outlet of the column and remove it from the chimney. The speaker is disabled and can now be removed from the wall mount. The installation site is free, you can begin installing the new unit.

Installation and commissioning of a gas water heater

During the initial installation, it is better to entrust the connection and verification, with the registration certificate of the gas water heater, to gas specialists. If it changes old column- You can do all the work yourself. But there are two nuances if you doubt your ability to install correctly geyser- trust the experts, the wallet will be somewhat thinner - but nervous system will remain unaffected and, ultimately, the benefit will be yours.

If you decide to do everything yourself, you will succeed, the main thing is to do everything slowly and progressively. But even in this case, you cannot do without a representative of the gas industry; he must register the dispenser. The best option, perhaps, is the situation when you do all the connection work yourself, with the exception of gas-related work. In this case, you will save a significant amount and there should be no problems with the gas service, because connection to the gas main will be carried out by their representative. This option and consider it.

Tools and materials

Before starting work, you must purchase and have following materials:

  • Galvanized pipe or corrugation, no thinner than 1 mm. If it comes with a speaker, great. If not, measure the diameter of the outlet of the column boiler or look in the instructions and purchase the appropriate pipe.
  • Purchase a ring-socket for arranging the entrance to the chimney, also according to the size of the corrugation.
  • If you plan to install a gas water heater in your house and you need chimney equipment, you will need an asbestos or metal pipe with a diameter of at least 120 mm, or more. The length is at least 2 meters, more is possible - the traction will be better.

  • The gas hose is standard, the size of the hose will depend on your conditions, i.e. distance from the end of the gas pipe to the inlet into the column. Pay attention to the type of thread at the inlet to the column, the hose tip must be suitable, there must be a match in the type of thread external/internal and a diameter of ½" or ¾". The diameter of the fixing nut on the hose is ½" and if the inlet to the column is ¾" you will need an adapter (coupling).

  • It is better to prepare the water supply connection point in advance, so you only need two connecting hoses of the required length. Connections can be made using metal-plastic pipes, whichever is more convenient for you. In the latter case, determine whether couplings are needed to match the dimensions of the pipe and the connection location and thread (external/internal).
  • Dowels for mounting the speaker on the wall.
  • If your home does not have a coarse filter installed, we recommend installing one. The service life of the new unit will directly depend on the quality of the water.

Tools you will need:

  • Depending on the complexity of the work and the material - a hammer drill with a set of drills and chisels, a drill with a drill for ceramic tiles.
  • Adjustable wrench (2 pcs.).
  • Open-end wrenches 27/30 and 32/36.
  • Tow and sealant type "Unipak".

Installation and testing of a new unit

IN this description it is assumed that the water supply and the presence of a chimney have already been implemented. At the location where the gas water heater is installed, mark the points for installing the fasteners. You must calculate the height of the column in such a way that the connecting pipe (corrugation) has a vertical length from the outlet of the column to the socket of at least 50 cm, if the room height exceeds 2.7 m - 25 cm. At the same time, the installation height of the geyser is not should give children free access to the device. Also measure the distance between the mounting holes on the speaker body. After you calculate the installation locations for the dowels using a hammer drill or drill, depending on your conditions, make holes and install hooks. The speaker can be hung on the wall.

Now, using connecting hoses or PVC pipes We connect the water supply to the input and output of the column. Using a hose is convenient because it does not require tow or FUM tape at the joints. We connect the tap in series cold water with a gas water heater inlet, indicated in blue. In the same way we connect the output hot water with tap (indicated in red). We open the cold and hot water tap and see if everything is sealed. If a leak is detected, carefully tighten the hose fixing nuts. Without unnecessary efforts, as you can crush the rubber gasket - seal. The connection using pipes will need to be unscrewed in places of leakage and the tow with a sealant or FUM tape must be twisted.

After we achieve the tightness of the water supply, you can go in two ways: either call a gas technician, or install the gas water heater yourself in full. You decide.

If the second option, then take a gas hose and screw it to gas tap. After this, connect the other end of the hose to the inlet in the column. Clamp without extra effort, no matter what crushes the paranitic gaskets. We take a soap solution, generously smear the joints around the entire perimeter, open the gas supply tap and carefully observe to see if there are any bubbles. If there is, press the nut a little and apply it again. So until we achieve complete tightness.

So, we have a sealed connection between water supply and gas. The next step is to install the corrugation. Here everything is much simpler, on the one hand we put the speakers on the outlet, on the other we insert them into the chimney socket.

We insert the batteries into the column, open the hot water tap and adjust the water temperature according to the operating instructions for the column. We use it.

And one last thing. Usually in big stores connection service has also been organized. When purchasing, ask how much it will cost to connect them to a specialist. It will be cheaper or even free, and there will be no issues with the warranty on the column at all. Yes, and registration in gas industry will pass without unnecessary friction.

If this is not available, I still recommend that you entrust the connection of the gas hose to a gas installer (the cost of installing a gas water heater for such a connection is several times less than for complete dismantling and installation), and he will be pleased (he will earn money) and there will be no complaints against you. Plus a guarantee of safety and integrity. But it is, of course, up to you to decide.

At all times, the geyser has been a convenient and practical equipment that provides hot water and does not require large amounts of electricity. Previously, speakers were made, as they say, “conscientiously.” Such devices were quite effective, but by modern standards they are unsafe. In order to heat the water, it was necessary to unscrew the hot water tap in the bathroom, and then use a match to light the gas in this column.

Such a miracle of technology could cause a lot of trouble: it could become clogged and stop burning, causing the entire apartment to fill with gas, or, on the contrary, explode if the water boiled in the pipes through which it circulated and they could not withstand the pressure.

In addition, Soviet gas water heaters were bulky and looked downright scary and funny. Therefore, the first priority was to answer the question: how to install a gas water heater so that it would not be seen. This was explained by the bulkiness of the design due to the need to create normal conditions for operation and the need to contain a certain amount of air, without which the gas simply would not burn.

After decades, the concept of “design” has spread to all types of products and has taken an equal place along with functional characteristics. Nowadays geysers have become stylish and ergonomic. In addition, a special piezoelectric element is used instead of a match. How to install such a geyser is no longer a question.

The threat of explosion is now also minimal: if the heating wick goes out, the gas supply will automatically stop. Columns come in different capacities, depending on the need to heat a certain amount of liquid per minute.

Column installation

The main rule: the connection diagram for the gas water heater must be agreed upon with the special authorities that are responsible for the safety of gas supply in houses and apartments. In addition, for all gas supply issues, you should contact only organizations licensed to carry out such work.

Do not forget also about the special technical conditions that must be adhered to if you connect a gas water heater with open camera combustion.

Required materials and tools:

  • geyser;
  • PVC water pipe;
  • American fittings;
  • metal-plastic pipe for gas supply;
  • gas tap;
  • magnetic filter;
  • salt filter;
  • fittings for metal-plastic;
  • Water taps;
  • corrugation;
  • screws and dowels;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • drill;
  • pipe cutter;
  • soldering iron designed for soldering pipes;
  • spanners.

Choosing an installation location

How to install a geyser so that it fits harmoniously into the interior and complies with all standards and technical specifications? Let's start with choice suitable place. It is necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to make a hood for it. If there is a chimney, then the hood can be easily installed, but if not, you will have to sweat.

It is necessary to make a hole in the ceiling or wall and insert an asbestos pipe, the length of which will be at least 1.5 meters. After this, you can install a column under the hood. It is important that it is at a height inaccessible to children, but not near the ceiling, since you still have to adjust the automation to supply the required water temperature.

The next step is to mark the holes for the dowels and install them. To do this, use a drill to drill holes into which you will drive dowels. Screw the column using self-tapping screws. Now it is securely mounted on the wall.

Connecting a geyser

It is necessary to connect the hood to the column using a corrugation so that one end of it is put on the hole, and the other must be inserted into the socket of the chimney (hood).

The next step will be supplying gas. But how to install a gas water heater in order to properly screw on the gas tap? You need to cut the tee into the gas pipe. This can be done by welding or by having threaded connection, by screwing in the tee.

Your gas supply is now working. But you need water that the column will heat. Now we have come to the next step.

Connection to water supply

In the same way as in a gas pipeline, it is necessary to insert a tee. If the pipe is metal, do not forget to install compression fitting, and then install the water tap.

As in the first case, you need to mark the path from the water supply to the column in order to connect them using pipes. It is necessary to install a salt filter next to the gas water heater, and after it a magnetic filter.

The rules for installing a gas water heater imply the installation of a Mayevsky tap. This action is necessary to extend the life of the device. After this, the geyser must be connected to the hot water supply system.

Switching on for testing purposes

Now you have completed the installation. But in order to give advice on how to properly install a geyser so that it works, you need to test the unit you installed yourself. To do this, open the tap so that gas enters the column.

Using soap and water, make a solution with which you need to check all joints for gas pipes oh, and also the mounting locations for the crane. If bubbles form, you may notice a leak that needs to be repaired.

The next step to deciding how to properly install a geyser and test it is to check the water supply. It is necessary to open the hot water tap and slightly open the Mayevsky tap. Next, you need to wait a while for the air to come out of the pipes and for the filter to fill up. After this, the tap can be closed. After short work The speakers can be used for bathing and using hot water for other purposes.

Most best option– invite a gas service employee or service center for installation of dispensers and boilers. But this option does not always suit home owners. A specialist cannot always come to a call at a time convenient for the client; residents will not want to let a stranger into the house or simply do not want to overpay for expensive services, believing that the work is not worth the money spent. In this case, it is permissible to install the heating device yourself.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • preparatory procedures;
  • gas shutoff;
  • installation of columns in utility networks;
  • sealing connections between gas and water pipes;
  • first start.

Important! Remember that gas is dangerous substance, therefore, to avoid an explosion, comply with all requirements specified in regulatory documents! You perform all work performed at your own peril and risk. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to contact a specialized specialist.

Today there are two types of heating columns most in demand on the market: flow-through and storage.

Flow-through has a number of advantages, the main of which are:

  • compact size;
  • fast and uniform heating of water;
  • Autonomy from electricity due to the use of batteries;
  • can be installed in an inconspicuous place;
  • easy to install.

The accumulation column has larger size, therefore requiring free space. Remember that the equipment is filled with a decent amount of water, so before installation you should take care of a mounting system that can withstand considerable weight
tank filled with water.

Trust exclusively proven manufacturers, the quality of whose products is beyond doubt. Most speakers from Bosch, Electrolux, Ariston, Siemens, Edison, Vaillant or Oasis are equipped with reliable automation with the ability to turn on/off gas burner manual control method.

Chinese analogues are also reliable, but require relatively high energy consumption.

Preparatory work

Pre-determine the location where it will be located heating device and receive a certificate of compliance and other technical documentation in the gas service.

Please note that the area of ​​the room should not be less than 7 m², and the ceiling should not be lower than 2 m. Clear the ventilation shafts of debris. In a private house, provide a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 mm. The drainage system must supply water at a speed of around 0.1 atm. The wall to which the column is attached must be made of materials that are not subject to combustion.

Remember that the column must never be combined with a column and a slab. The distance between them should be at least 10 (preferably 20) cm.

According to GOST, water heating devices using gas should be installed only in the kitchen. Their placement in bathrooms is prohibited.

The tools to perform installation work will need two adjustable wrenches, two open-end wrenches, sealant and tow. Also, additionally purchase the following materials:

  1. Galvanized pipe of the required diameter specified in the instruction manual. Most often it comes complete with gas equipment.
  2. Round ring for attaching the structure to the chimney.
  3. Typical gas hose.
  4. Wall mounts.
  5. Purifying water filter.

To connect the gas water heater, mark the mounting points on the wall. Drill the wall and securely fasten the hooks. Using a flexible hose and pipes, connect the structural elements to the main device according to the attached diagram. Pay attention to the correctness and order of installation, and also check the strength of the gaskets going to the water valve.

When the main work is completed, connect the device to the water supply system. Opening the cold and hot water taps alternately, check the tightness of the connections for leaks.

If you detect streams or even small drops, carefully turn the nuts at the hose attachment point using a wrench. In this case, you should not pinch, as you may accidentally damage the rubber gaskets.

Connection to the gas system

Take a flexible hose and carefully screw it to the gas valve located at the inlet of the system. Bring the other end to the input into the heating device and screw the edge in the same way. Treat the joints with soap foam. Carefully open the gas and observe the result. If soap bubbles appear at the joints, it means that the equipment is connected incorrectly and you need to additionally check the tightness of the connections.

If there are no bubbles, congratulations! The installation of the geyser was successful.

Important! Often sales consultants gas equipment offer free column replacement or installation services. This nice bonus will allow you to save on calling a gas service employee and will not require time for self-installation. If necessary, inquire about such a service.

Are you planning to install and connect a gas water heater in own apartment or a private house? Then it won’t hurt you to familiarize yourself with all the rules that must be followed during this event, and with the progress of the installation work itself. I am ready to bring all this, including explanatory photographs and diagrams, to your attention.


Before performing installation work, you must obtain all the necessary papers and permits, the number of which varies depending on whether you are only replacing the device or installing it from scratch:

Documents required when replacing equipment

If you already had a water heater and you simply want to change it to a newer and more efficient model, then all you need to do is visit the gas service to write the following statements:

  • For permission to replace equipment at the same location;

  • On carrying out dismantling and installation work on gas and water mains.

Documents required when installing equipment from scratch

But here a lot of difficulties arise. You will need the following list of documents, without which installation of a geyser is impossible, or rather strictly prohibited by law:

  • A certified report from the ventilation and ventilation control service smoke channels , indicating the satisfactory condition of your chimney;
  • Technical data sheet of the new water heater;

If the equipment has not yet been purchased, but you have already decided on the exact model, then you can simply indicate it in the project at GORGAZ.

  • Installation project with technical specifications . Ordered from GORGAZ;
  • Application for reconstruction with the personal signature of the apartment owner. Submitted to the city administration;
  • Application for installation work. Also submitted to GORGAZ, but only after receiving the project;
  • Act from the fire service;
  • Certificate from technical supervision;
  • Certificate of acceptance of the device into operation.

Also, the placement of the column must be entered in the BTI.

In fact, I don’t recommend taking on the task of installing a gas water heater from scratch at all. Not only will you have to worry about obtaining all the listed documents, but you should also not forget about the need to connect gas pipes to the place where it is located, and this means additional expense and effort. For example, installing the same boiler in a similar situation with your own hands will be much easier and cheaper.


After everything Required documents will be in your hands, you can proceed to the preparatory steps, which should not be neglected even in the case of a simple replacement of equipment, and not just installing a column from scratch.

Plan diagram

As a rule, geysers are located in the kitchen, and from there they supply hot water to the sink, the bathtub located in the next room and other possible water points. And in order to better navigate the installation of equipment and all auxiliary elements, it is better to sketch out an approximate drawing of the installation location on paper or in a graphic editor in advance:

You will also need a diagram for connecting the water heater to the communications, which may look like this:


Now we check the state of communications if we are talking about installing a new column instead of the old one, and bring them up if the work is being done from scratch:

  • Pipe leading to the chimney, must be made of stainless steel or galvanized steel with a thickness of at least one millimeter, as specified in regulatory document GSN V.2.5-20-2001;
  • The gas tap is mounted closer to the water heater. Moreover, it must necessarily have a yellow handle in accordance with SNiP 2.04.08-87;

  • Cold water supply implemented from the riser using a separate pipe equipped with a mechanical filter;
  • For hot water output it is best to use copper tube or corrugated stainless steel with a cross section of 15 mm;
  • The installation site, or rather the wall on which the device will be hung, should be covered first with basalt insulating cardboard, and then with a millimeter galvanized sheet. This will completely eliminate the possibility of a fire hazard.

Another nuance that needs to be taken into account before connecting a gas water heater: the volume of the room in which it is located must exceed 8 m3.

Tools and materials

To install a geyser, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • PVC pipe to connect the device to the water supply;
  • "American Women";
  • Pipe cutter;
  • Pipe soldering iron;
  • Metal-plastic pipe to connect the device to the gas pipeline;
  • Gas taps;
  • Filters salt and magnetic types;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • Water tap;
  • Kit wrenches, including pipe;

  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws with dowels.

Installation work

The instructions for installing and connecting a gas water heater look like this:

Photo Description

Apply markings on the wall using a mounting template. As a rule, it can be found in the box along with the gas water heater itself. If none is found, then the location fastening elements We mark using a tape measure.

Installing a rail for mounting the device, fixing it on the wall using dowels and self-tapping screws, having drilled the required holes in advance.

We check its horizontal position with a spirit level. Crooked position of the device is not permissible.

We fix bar to connect. Here again you will need a hammer drill, dowels, screws and a screwdriver.

Installing gaskets on the bar, ensuring the tightness of each input and output of the column.

Removing protective plugs from a new column.

Hanging up the device onto the mounting rail.

Connect from below connection strip using a suitable key. Then we bring all communications to it.

Checking the draft in the chimney.

We connect from above chimney or coaxial chimney. The diameter of the chimney should be 110 mm, length 30-200 cm, and the slope should be at least 2 degrees at the top.

Connecting drain hose to the safety valve.

Connecting the device to power supply.

Checking access to the inside of the gas column.

Delete protective film from the surface of the device.

Open the gas supply valve and perform a test run water heater.

If the described installation work things seem complicated to you, or you are simply not confident in your abilities, then you can always turn to specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently. The average cost of their services looks like this:

  • Installation of a geyser domestic production – 2400 rubles;
  • Installation of a foreign-made geyser– 3700 rubles;
  • Installation of a chimney– 1000-1300 rubles.


You have learned how to properly install and connect a gas water heater. We found out what documents and preparations are needed for this. The video in this article contains Additional information, and in the comments you can ask any questions you are interested in.

Residents of the private sector value autonomy. The main thing is to ensure a comfortable life, which is impossible without hot water. Installing a geyser will solve problems with hot water supply (hot water supply). But how to solve the problem of connecting it? What do you need to do the work yourself? Let's figure out what permits need to be obtained and what documents to draw up in order to legalize the installation of equipment.

Connection procedure and standards

Not all residents try to install the column according to the rules. After studying the opinions of users on the forums, we realized that many install equipment illegally. Nothing complicated: they called a gas technician they knew and connected the equipment. If the gas service comes for an inspection, you are not allowed into the house.

In such cases, people do not take into account the characteristics of the room, whether it is possible to install a speaker in it at all. As a result, accidents and explosions occur, which lead to dire consequences. Not only will no one compensate you for your losses, you will also pay a fine for illegal installation.

If you live in a gasified private house, then you need:

  • Contact the housing office for a diagram of the gas and water supply systems, as well as the chimney;
  • Receive an act of technical condition chimney in the fire inspection;
  • Go to gas service, taking with you an application, a house plan from the BTI, documents of the owner of the building, a passport;
  • Get a project for placement additional equipment. This can be done at any certified gas service.

After this, the organization sends a specialist to install the gas water heater in accordance with all the rules.

Installation Rules

It is important to know the requirements and standards of SNiP.

  • Norms fire safety It is prohibited to place a column in wooden house or on a wooden wall;
  • The wall for fastening is selected from non-combustible materials: brick or concrete. For protection, the lining is made of basalt cardboard and galvanized sheet 1 mm thick;
  • The area of ​​the room must be at least 15 m³;
  • Ceiling height - from 2 meters;
  • Placement height from the floor - from 1 meter;
  • The presence of a window measuring at least 0.5 m³;
  • Availability of ventilation or exhaust;
  • Pressure in the pipeline - from 0.1 Atm;
  • According to safety regulations, installation in a bathroom or toilet is prohibited. High humidity contributes to extinguishing the wick and rapid failure of the device.

Before hanging the speaker on the wall, you should consider the following parameters:

  • The distance from the body to the stove is from 20 cm;
  • There should be no furniture or other foreign objects at a distance of 60 cm from the front panel;
  • There should be free space around the water heater: on the sides - 5 cm, from below - from 15 cm.

Important! The gas shut-off valve is installed before installing the equipment.

How to install a column

Before connecting the device, inspect the room. Objectively evaluate the possibility of installing gas equipment in the house.

  • Check the room’s compliance with SNiP standards (ceiling height, area, etc.);
  • Choose the right column. It must be suitable for your water and gas system. If you experience interruptions in pressure, and you buy powerful equipment, then you can’t expect stable operation;
  • Self-installation is carried out using hardware that is included in the kit. If there are none, then dowels measuring 10 mm are used;
  • The gas connection is done last and is carried out by specialists.

Is your home not supplied with gas? Then you can put the balloon. In this case, to start the device normally, you will have to use a water pump.

Chimney organization

Installing pipes to remove combustion products is not difficult. If the house has a chimney with normal draft, adhere to the following rules:

  • From the heater nozzle to the entrance to the chimney, the pipe should not be turned more than three times;
  • You cannot connect two devices to one outlet (for example, the pipes of a dispenser and a turbocharged gas boiler);
  • It is prohibited to block the chimney outlet with antennas or weather vanes;
  • It is important to ensure that the pipes are sealed when extending.

There are two ways to perform installation without a chimney:

  1. Prepare a pipe made of steel or asbestos. At the outlet above the column, do through hole. You need to connect the pipe to the device pipe and bring it outside. The pipe should rise 50 cm above the roof of the house, the total height is at least 5 meters.

  1. Select model closed type. Thanks to the availability closed chamber combustion they do not need a chimney. Horizontal pipe is brought outside through a hole in the wall. This is called a coaxial chimney. Inside there is a fan and two tubes. The fan pushes combustion products out through one pipe, and combustion air enters through the other.


The documents have been collected and the installation location has been selected. Let's start installation:

  • Drill two holes for fastening, following the markings;
  • Secure the column with dowels or fasteners that come in the kit;
  • Connect the gas hose to the fitting on the housing. It differs from water pipes in diameter;
  • To organize a water supply from the collector, make a separate outlet to the column. This way, pressure drops in the system will be avoided, and the hot water pressure will be stable. Connected to the fittings flexible hoses no more than 2.5 meters long;

  • Use corrugated or steel pipe- connect it to the housing pipe and the chimney. Seal all cracks with sealant - you can use putty or asbestos.

It is better to entrust the connection to the gas main to a specialist. After completing the work, you can check the serviceability of the equipment. Open the gas valve, lubricate the connections soap solution to prevent leakage. Open the faucet to supply hot water. If there is a hot stream, it means the installation was successful.

We have given the order of work. Act yourself or contact a specialist - it’s up to you. In any case, do not forget about current legislation and safety precautions.