Installation of external thermal insulation systems for building walls. What are the building insulation systems and their types?

  • equalizes temperature fluctuations in the main mass of the wall, thereby preventing the appearance of cracks in it due to uneven temperature deformations, which is especially important for external walls made of large panels.

Wall insulation is carried out both outside and inside the building.

Installation of additional thermal insulation on the outside of the building:

  • protects the wall from alternating freezing and thawing and other atmospheric influences;
  • equalizes temperature fluctuations in the main mass of the wall, thereby preventing the appearance of cracks in it due to uneven temperature deformations, which is especially important for external walls made of large panels. The above factors contribute to increasing the durability of the load-bearing part of the outer wall;
  • shifts the dew point to the outer thermal insulation layer, thereby preventing dampness of the inside of the wall;
  • creates a favorable mode of operation of the wall according to the conditions of its vapor permeability, eliminating the need to install a special vapor barrier, including on window slopes, which is required in the case of internal thermal insulation;
  • creates a more favorable indoor microclimate;
  • allows in some cases to improve the design of the facades of reconstructed or repaired buildings;
  • does not reduce the area of ​​the premises.

If at external thermal insulation heat loss through heat-conducting inclusions decreases with thickening of the insulation layer and in some cases they can be neglected; however, with internal thermal insulation, the negative impact of these inclusions increases with increasing thickness of the insulation layer.

Another advantage of external thermal insulation is the increase heat storage capacity massive part of the wall. For external thermal insulation brick walls when the heat source is turned off, they cool down 6 times slower than walls with internal thermal insulation with the same thickness of the insulation layer.

This feature of external thermal insulation can be used to save energy in systems with controlled heat supply, including through its periodic shutdown, as well as with stove heating, which is very important for individual houses. The heat-storing capacity of externally insulated solid walls can also be effectively used during passive use solar energy in the case of significant sizes of translucent fences, which can provide up to 12-15% savings in thermal resources for the central and southern regions. When the rooms are oriented to the south, heat savings can increase to 18-25%.

It is permissible to use internal thermal insulation only if it is impossible to use external insulation with mandatory calculations and verification of the annual balance of moisture accumulation in the structure or in temporary buildings.

Before installing external insulation of buildings, it is necessary to conduct an inspection of the condition of facade surfaces with an assessment of their strength, evenness, presence of cracks, etc., since the order and volume depend on this preparatory work, and determination of design parameters, for example, the depth of embedding of dowels in the thickness of the wall.


The systems used for external insulation of building walls can be divided into:

  • insulation systems with plastering of facades;
  • insulation systems with a protective and decorative screen;
  • insulation systems lined with brick or other small-piece materials;
  • low-rise insulation systems wooden houses.

Insulation systems with plastering of facades provide for adhesive or mechanical fastening of insulation using anchors, dowels and frames to an existing wall, followed by covering it with layers of plaster.

Besides general requirement to securely fasten the system to the existing wall, in this insulation system, a requirement for the vapor permeability of the covering plaster layers is mandatory under the conditions of the annual balance of moisture accumulation.

Insulation systems with a protective and decorative screen, due, as a rule, to its insufficient vapor permeability, are made with a ventilated air gap between the insulation and the screen, the so-called ventilated facade.

Metal (steel or aluminum), asbestos cement, glass fiber concrete, plastics and other materials are used to make screens.

Insulation systems lined with brick or other small-piece materials have sufficient vapor permeability and do not require a mandatory ventilated system. air gap. Due to various mechanical and temperature-humidity deformations of the main wall and the facing brick layer, the height of the latter is limited to 2-3 floors.

Insulation of the walls of low-rise wooden houses can be done using any of the above systems.


Depending on the thickness of the facade plaster layers, two types of system design are used: rigid and flexible (movable or hinged) fastening elements (brackets, anchors). The first is used with a plaster layer thickness of 8-12 mm. In this case, temperature and humidity deformations of thin layers of plaster do not cause it to crack, and the weight load can be absorbed by rigid fasteners that work on transverse bending and tension from wind suction.

With a significant thickness of the plaster layer of 20-30 mm, flexible fastening elements are used that do not interfere with temperature and humidity deformations and perceive only tensile stresses, ensuring the transfer of loads from the weight of the plaster layers through the insulation boards to the existing wall of the building.

An insulation system with rigid fasteners provides for the installation of an adhesive (adhesive) layer, 2-5 mm thick, and in case of an uneven base - 5-10 mm, with the help of which the base is leveled and the insulation boards are glued (in particular, mounting).

Since the thickness of the plaster does not exceed 10-12 mm, in this system it is necessary, for fire safety reasons, to use insulation from non-combustible materials, for example mineral wool slabs.

The insulation boards are additionally secured to the insulated wall using screwed universal fasteners consisting of polymer dowels, screw rods made of corrosion-resistant steel and polymer or metal washers large diameter(up to 140 mm). A base layer of plaster 3-5 mm thick, similar to the adhesive layer, is applied to the insulation boards attached to the wall, and a reinforcing polymer mesh or fiberglass mesh made of alkali-resistant glass is embedded into it. An intermediate primer layer of a special composition with a thickness of 2-4 mm is applied to the base layer for better adhesion to the covering (finishing) one, matching the color of the layers and increasing the water resistance of the plaster. The finishing layer is a volumetrically colored plaster mass with grains of various sizes. Depending on this, the thickness of the finishing layer can be 3-5 mm. The total thickness of the plaster layers, as a rule, does not exceed 12 mm.

For the installation of plaster layers, compositions based on mineral and polymer materials are used. Moreover, these plasters must be sufficiently vapor-permeable, but durable and waterproof, and also have the necessary decorative properties.

The mineral composition may include white limestone hydrate, white cement, selected quartz sand and special additives. Colored plasters also contain light-resistant dry pigments.

In addition to the indicated components, this insulation system involves the use of additional fastening elements in the form of various metal profiles, corners and strips protected from corrosion.

An insulation system with flexible fasteners includes a heat-insulating layer of insulation boards of the required thickness, dry-fixed to the insulated wall by pinning them onto flexible brackets, as well as fixing them using reinforcing material. metal mesh and studs, followed by covering with two or three layers of plaster.

Materials such as polystyrene foam, penoizol, etc. can be used as insulation, since the thickness of the protective and decorative layers of plaster, equal to 25-30 mm, is usually sufficient to ensure the necessary fire safety. The most common use in this system is semi-rigid mineral wool slabs with a sanitary binder as insulation.

Insulation boards are installed in compliance with the rules for bandaging seams: horizontal displacement of seams, jagged bandaging in the corners of the building, framing window openings slabs with cutouts “in place”, etc.

On the surface of the insulation boards, in order to adhere to it and cover the reinforcing mesh, studs and flexible brackets, a layer of “spray” 7-8 mm thick is applied from a mortar mixture on a cement-lime binder. After the “spray” layer has hardened (set), a 10 mm thick primer layer is applied to it, providing protection for the slabs from atmospheric influences and metal parts from corrosion.

The finishing of the base is made from materials of increased strength and decorativeness that allow them to be cleaned and washed, for example, from facing bricks, natural or artificial slabs, ceramic tiles etc.

The advantage of the system is that pilasters, belts, cornices, and similar architectural details can be made on the facade, significantly enriching the appearance of the building.


In these systems, due to ventilation, the humidity of the insulation and the existing wall is reduced, which helps to increase the overall thermal resistance of the wall and improve the temperature and humidity conditions of the room. as well as increasing air exchange through the outer wall.

The protective screen not only protects the insulation from mechanical damage, precipitation, as well as wind and radiation erosion, but also allows you to give facades a variety of expressiveness through the use of different types of structures, shapes, textures and colors of finishing of facing elements. At the same time, it becomes possible to easily repair and update facades.

It is advisable to use fire-resistant mineral wool as insulation. semi-rigid slabs, the characteristics and thickness of which are determined by calculation depending on the characteristics existing walls and local climatic conditions.

All metal fastenings(including anchors, screws and nails) must be made of corrosion-resistant steel, all wooden frame elements must be antiseptic and fire-resistant. To fasten a wooden frame, it is advisable to use metal corners.

The choice of one or another type of cladding, insulation and fastening design is determined by a whole complex of factors, both objective (natural and climatic conditions, type of walls, physical and mechanical characteristics of walls. elements of cladding fastenings and insulation) and subjective (aesthetic qualities of screens and interfacing ).


The most common are log, cobblestone and panel (frame) wooden houses.

Before insulation begins, chopped log and cobblestone walls must be re-caulked at the seams, filling the grooves with heat-insulating materials: felt, tow, hemp or lime-gypsum mortar. The joints and seams of window frames and walls in panel houses are also carefully caulked, using gypsum mortar to secure the insulation.

To reduce heat loss, as a rule, a double wooden frame with orthogonal arrangement of bars is used when installing insulation.

If vapor-tight materials (metal and plastic siding, asbestos-cement sheets, etc.) are used for façade finishing, it is necessary to create a ventilated air gap between the finishing layer and the insulation.

When plastering facade surfaces, to prevent cracking of the plaster, it is recommended to use reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass with a protective coating or made of alkali-resistant glass, synthetics or galvanized steel. Houses with walls cut from timber or logs can be finished with plaster only after the completion of sedimentary processes in the log house, 3-4 years after construction.

Considering that there are a lot of methods for insulating building facades, it is difficult for a non-professional to understand this issue. Therefore, we will try to summarize the information and tell you what a facade insulation system is, what systems there are and what is their difference.

Insulation systems are complex finishes applied to the walls of a building, the main function of which is to preserve thermal energy indoors.

The thermal insulation system is a “pie”, which includes the following layers:

  1. Thermal insulation material;
  2. Adhesive composition;
  3. Reinforcing layer;
  4. Decorative finishing.

This design is not only an excellent heat insulator, but also has a protective function, protecting the load-bearing walls of the house and significantly extending its service life.

As insulation, various heat-insulating materials can be used that have different properties: heat insulator made of porous concrete, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, etc. The material can be in the form of plates or rolls. To attach the heat insulator to the wall, special facade glue and dowel-nails are used. A reinforcing mesh and a decorative layer are applied on top.

What facade insulation systems exist?

IN modern construction Three main insulation systems are used to insulate external walls: a light plaster system, a heavy plaster structure and a ventilated facade. Let's consider what each design is, and what advantages and disadvantages it has.

Lightweight plaster construction or “wet facade”

The easiest and most inexpensive way to make your home warm. The technology for carrying out work when using this method is as follows: they are attached to a pre-prepared base (wall) using glue mixture heat insulation sheets. Insulation system wet facade cannot be confused with another system. Below is a photo finished house, insulated using the wet facade technique.

The fastening is reinforced with dowels. After this, a layer of reinforcing mesh is applied. Next, decorative finishing is carried out by applying plaster and/or facade paint. Porous concrete slabs, polystyrene foam or mineral wool are used as thermal insulation materials.

The advantages of this insulation system include: simplicity of design, cost-effectiveness, and high efficiency. The insulation system using Velit porous concrete is durable, environmentally friendly and non-flammable.

The disadvantages are related to the characteristics of other materials used, for example, polystyrene foam is damaged by rodents, is flammable, and is not environmentally friendly. This insulation design is most often used for thermal insulation of low-rise buildings in private construction.

Heavy plaster construction for insulation of external walls

According to the technology of work, this option completely repeats the previous one, but the layer of plaster is applied thicker. This method of insulation makes the facade very resistant to various mechanical and climatic influences. There are still differences in the methods of installing heat-insulating boards: anchors are installed on the outer wall before attaching the insulation boards, and the reinforcing mesh used has a more dense structure.

The advantages of such an insulation system: very high heat-retaining properties, the possibility of final finishing with any material. The main disadvantage of such an insulation system is the creation of additional load on the walls and foundation. This design is also much more expensive than a light plaster design and requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists.

Ventilated facade

This design is practically not used for thermal insulation of low-rise buildings, but is very effective and reliable. main feature this system – the presence air gap between the thermal insulation material and the enclosing structure. The ventilated facade performs a protective function in relation to load-bearing walls and prolongs their service life.

Installation of the ventilated façade insulation system is carried out as follows: vertical and horizontal guide structures are mounted along the external walls, which form a lattice frame. After this, a layer of heat insulation is attached or filled in, which is covered with a special protective membrane on top. Upon completion of installation, attach protective screen, which can be used: porcelain stoneware, artificial and a natural stone, aluminum plates, siding, etc.

Advantages of a ventilated façade: high efficiency, variability of final finishing. Disadvantages: high load on the facade and foundation, high cost. To install a ventilated façade, it is necessary to order an insulation project.

So, something like this, I briefly talked about these structures. Of course, it will not be possible to describe everything in detail in this article, but general concept Now you have. Of course, I will write in more detail, perhaps even an article for each system, but that’s not now.

The problem of home insulation arose, perhaps, simultaneously with the birth of the art of construction itself. It is known that already in the Stone Age, primitive people built dugouts, because they knew that by covering the house with a layer of loose earth on top, they could make it warmer. Modern construction science offers us a variety of materials that can make a home cozy and warm without spending extra work and money.

One of the most important tasks of energy saving in buildings is heat conservation in cold weather, which in Russia can be most of the year. Proper thermal insulation of walls, roofs and communications is important in terms of energy saving, which leads to large savings in financial resources spent on housing maintenance.

Thermal insulation of private residential buildings should begin at the construction stage and be comprehensive - from the foundation and walls to the roof.

The greatest energy saving effect is achieved through the use of modern mineral and organic insulation. These include: mineral wool, basalt slabs, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, fiberglass and many others, having different thermal conductivity coefficients that affect the thickness of the thermal insulation.

Energy-saving structures must, firstly, be strong, rigid and bear loads, that is, be load-bearing structure, and secondly, they must protect the internal space from rain, heat, cold and other atmospheric influences, that is, have low thermal conductivity, be waterproof and frost-resistant.

There is no material in nature that would satisfy all these requirements. For rigid structures ideal material are metal, concrete or brick. For thermal insulation, only effective insulation is suitable, for example, mineral (stone) wool. Therefore, in order for the enclosing structure to be strong and warm, a composition or combination of at least two materials is used - structural and thermal insulation.

The composite enclosing structure can be presented in the form of several different systems:

1. Rigid frame with filling of the inter-frame space with effective insulation;

2. Rigid enclosing structure (for example, a brick or concrete wall), insulated on the interior side - the so-called internal insulation;

3. Two rigid plates and effective insulation between them, for example, “well” brickwork, reinforced concrete sandwich panel, etc.;

4. Thin enclosing structure (wall) with insulation on the outside - the so-called external insulation.

The use of a particular building envelope system is determined by the design features of the building being modernized and technical and economic calculations based on the given costs.

The cost of insulating 1 m2 of an external wall ranges from $15 to $50, excluding the cost of filled window units, modernization of ventilation and heating systems. However, the potential for energy saving when operating existing housing stock is quite large and amounts to about 50%.

Each of these designs has its own advantages and disadvantages, and its choice depends on many factors, including local conditions.

The most effective seems to be the fourth type of building insulation (external insulation), which, along with its disadvantages, naturally, has a number of significant advantages, namely:

Reliable protection against adverse external influences, daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, which lead to uneven deformation of walls, causing the formation of cracks, opening of seams, peeling of plaster;

The impossibility of the formation of any surface flora on the surface of the wall due to excess moisture and ice formed in the thickness of the wall, as a result of condensation moisture coming from the interior, and moisture penetrating inside the array of enclosing structures due to damage to the surface protective layer ;

Preventing the cooling of the enclosing structure to the dew point temperature and, accordingly, the formation of condensation on the internal surfaces;

Reducing noise levels in isolated rooms;

No dependence of the air temperature in the interior on the orientation of the building, that is, on heating sun rays or cooling by the wind.

To eliminate heat loss in old buildings, various thermal reconstruction and insulation projects have been developed and are being implemented, for example, the so-called thermal fur coat, which is a multilayer structure made of various materials.

Insulation of walls.

Most of the heat is lost through the walls of the house. On average every square meter regular wall 150-160 kW of thermal energy can be lost per year. Therefore, insulating the external walls of a building leads to the following undoubtedly positive aspects: saving time and money on heating the premises; additional strengthening of the house structure; increasing design options for building facades through the use of various materials.

Today no one builds houses with thick walls anymore - they approach the problem of energy saving differently.

First you need to figure out which part of the wall it is advisable to insulate - internal or external. If you insulate the inner surface of the wall, condensation may form under the insulation layer, which will lead to the formation of fungus, and the moisture accumulated in the pores of the wall, when frozen, will gradually destroy the wall, which will subsequently lead to the need for repairs. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate a residential building from the outside.

The following insulation materials are most often used as external thermal insulation:

- expanded clay, which is baked clay, foamed special method- a fairly cheap, accessible and durable insulation material used as a void filler and in the form of backfill;

Basalt fiber - has a high mechanical strength, fire resistance and biological stability;

Foamed polyethylene is a very effective and durable insulation material, which, due to its cellular structure, has high heat and waterproofing properties;

Polyurethane foam is a non-fusible heat-insulating plastic obtained by mixing two components and is distinguished by its high price and durability.

Various methods of external, or facade, insulation are used:

Wet method;

Dry method;

Ventilated facade system.

The wet, or plastering, method is most suitable for owners of country houses. Its execution technology is as follows: first of all, to strengthen the adhesion of the glue to the wall and to bind dust particles, the surface of the wall is primed. Then, using cement-adhesive mortars, insulation is glued to the wall, which is additionally fixed to the wall with dowels with a disc head. A reinforced fiberglass mesh is glued on top of the insulation using the same adhesive solution, which is necessary to prevent the plaster from cracking. A layer of decorative plaster is applied on top of the mesh.

The dry method involves covering the walls of a house with siding or clapboard. The cladding technology is quite simple, although there are some subtleties. A sheathing of bars is attached to the wall of the house, the thickness of which must correspond to the thickness of the insulation, and the bars themselves must be pressed onto the wall in increments equal to the width of the insulation sheet. Then the insulation is inserted into the sheathing and fixed to the wall using glue or disc dowels. The insulation closes at the top diffusion membrane, which allows steam and moisture formed under the insulation at the temperature boundary to be removed outside, but does not allow moisture from outside to penetrate into the house. The membrane is attached to the sheathing using a stapler. To form a ventilation gap, bars are sewn on top, along which siding is already being covered.

The ventilated facade system consists of a sub-cladding structure onto which a protective and decorative coating is attached - aluminum panels, steel cladding components, porcelain tiles, etc. The system is designed in such a way that there is a gap between the protective cladding and the insulation layer, in which, due to the pressure difference, an air flow is formed, which is not only an additional buffer against the cold, but also ensures ventilation of the internal layers and removal of moisture from the structure. Insulating a residential building using such a system is the most expensive, but it is possible to achieve significant savings on air conditioning and heating systems.

Insulation of premises from the inside has both positive and negative sides. The advantages include the fact that it does not require changing the structure of the building, you can work at any time of the year and not all areas of the premises will be insulated, but only the most vulnerable places. Cons - reduction usable area premises and an increase in the likelihood of condensation during the cold season.

One of the weak points in the thermal insulation system of a house can be called windows and entrance doors. Proper insulation of doors can reduce heat loss in a room by 25-30%. Choice high-quality insulation For front door is the key to success in the fight to save energy resources.

Most of the heat loss occurs from poor-quality connection of the door leaf to the door when closing. Cold masses of outside air enter the room through the cracks that are formed and invisible to the naked eye. This is especially true for wooden doors and is explained by the lack of reliable seals. Due to the fact that wood tends to change its geometric dimensions (dries out, swells), materials are needed to ensure reliable sealing of the door ledge.

The most accessible and cheapest are foam seals, but this material cannot be called the optimal choice. Foam rubber itself is short-lived, it is very sensitive to moisture. Its use on an intensively used door is undesirable. It can be used, for example, on a balcony door, provided that it is rarely opened in winter.

Currently, profile rubber seals on a self-adhesive basis are widely used, characterized by greater durability and reliability, which is quite suitable for entrance doors. When installing, it is worth considering the thickness of the seal, because If you use an excessively thick seal, it may be difficult to close the door.

Almost the only way to insulate wooden door is its upholstery. In this case, cotton wool, foam rubber and isolon are usually used as insulation materials.

Vata in Lately is significantly losing ground. Despite its good thermal insulation properties, its use is explained mainly by tradition, since until recently cotton wool was practically the only thermal insulation material. It is worth noting at least two significant shortcomings. Firstly, cotton wool rolls down quite quickly door leaf and moves downward; secondly, it is a fertile habitat for various pests that can cause irreparable damage to a wooden structure.

Foam rubber is an artificial material often used as a heat insulator. The main disadvantage is its fragility - under the influence of moisture it decomposes within two to three years, so its use is advisable in dry interior spaces.

Izolon - modern heat insulating material, which, despite its higher cost, is most optimally suited for insulating doors. This elastic foamed polyethylene is available in a huge range of thickness and density and is characterized by durability and high thermal and sound insulation.

The use of mineral insulation is impractical, since they will not be able to maintain the volume under the influence of the outer skin.

Depending on taste and financial capabilities, leather, dermantin and Various types leather substitutes.

Insulation for a metal entrance door is also varied. Standard metal doors usually supplied without internal insulation. Mineral insulation and foam plastic, both extruded and non-extruded, are usually used as internal insulation materials.

Polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) has low hygroscopicity and low thermal conductivity. Extruded foam also does not burn.

Mineral insulation is fireproof and provides reliable heat and sound insulation. It is desirable to use a material with high density.

The existing choice of insulation materials can significantly reduce heat loss and help solve the problem of energy saving.

Characteristics of insulation. The main purpose of insulation is to “help” the structural materials of the walls, roof, and floors of the house to maintain a constant temperature inside the room, i.e. do not let cold (or, conversely, heat) into the house, and do not let heat (cool) out of it. Therefore, the main characteristic of insulation is heat transfer resistance (thermal resistance), which depends on the composition and structure of the material.

In addition to heat transfer resistance, all types of insulation have other characteristics that are important for installation and subsequent operation:

Hydrophobicity is the ability of insulation to get wet or absorb water or, conversely, to repel it. Thermal conductivity also depends on the degree of hydrophobicity, because The thermal conductivity of water is much higher than that of air. For example, a mineral slab, when absorbing about 5% moisture, reduces its ability to resist heat transfer by 2 times;

Fire resistance - the ability to resist exposure to high temperatures or open flame. This is a very important indicator, because determines the scope of application of a particular insulation and the structural features of the house;

Other indicators: durability, resistance to mechanical stress, chemical resistance, environmental friendliness, density, sound insulation, etc.

Types of insulation.

Depending on the characteristics, all types of insulation can be divided into following types:

Bulk (slag, expanded clay, vermiculite, etc.) - exist in the form of small pieces or granules that are poured into voids in walls or ceilings. The voids between the granules determine the resistance to heat transfer. They are cheap, but short-lived (they become compressed or destroyed over time), absorb water well (hydrophilic), so their use is limited - usually filling a basement or attic floor;

Roll materials - usually consist of wool of inorganic origin (glass wool, mineral or basalt wool) or soft organic material (penofol), which is characterized by high heat transfer resistance. Used everywhere, both for vertical and horizontal surfaces. The combination of “hydrophobicity/fire resistance” varies depending on the material: mineral wool does not burn, but easily absorbs moisture, and organics are water-repellent but flammable;

Board materials - in their manufacture, mineral wool, organic materials (polyethylene, polyurethane, polystyrene, polystyrene) or wood shavings(Fibreboard, wood-cement boards). They have a high degree of rigidity, therefore, they are mainly used for structural insulation of walls and ceilings;

Materials based cellular concrete(foam concrete, gas silicate blocks, etc.) They are distinguished by high hardness and strength, which allows them to also be used as structural materials. However, cellular concrete is highly susceptible to moisture and, when wet, quickly collapses, so it can only be used in combination with other insulation materials;

Foamy - comparatively new class insulation. Usually this is an organic substance (polyurethane foam or others), which is supplied to the object under construction in the form of liquid foam and applied directly to the insulated surface or into voids. Within a few minutes the foam hardens, forming a relatively rigid porous material. They are characterized by fairly good thermal and waterproofing characteristics.

Roof insulation. Up to 10% of the heat escapes through the roof of a building, so its insulation is also important for energy saving of the entire house.

When insulating flat roofs, high demands are placed on thermal insulation in terms of compressive strength, tensile strength, thermal conductivity and low specific gravity. These requirements are largely met by extruded polystyrene foam boards. They are successfully used on any type flat roofs: exploited and non-exploited, lightweight and traditional. One more important property This material is characterized by its low water absorption, which has a positive effect on the stability of its thermal insulation qualities.

On pitched roofs All the same insulating materials can be used as for walls.

Polyurethane foam as a modern thermal insulation building material can be used for thermal insulation:

Joints of external walls;

Gaps between window and door blocks;

Floor of the first floor;

Ceilings over unheated rooms;

External walls;

Roofs (especially those roofs on which the loads should be minimal).

Two methods of polyurethane foam roof insulation are offered:

Laying of insulating boards made of rigid polyurethane foam with a stepped seam;

Spraying polyurethane foam directly onto the roof surface.

The second method is considered the most promising (Fig. 4.32.).

The main idea of ​​this approach is that in addition to spraying thermal insulation, the roof is sealed, whereas in the case of a conventional flat roof it would be necessary to lay several layers of different materials that perform different functions. When reconstructing roofs, thermal insulation with spray polyurethane foam can be applied even without first dismantling the roof.

Figure 4.32. Spraying polyurethane foam

The temperature resistance of sprayed materials for flat roofs ranges from -60 to +120 ºС, water absorption by the material is about 2% by volume. Practice shows that after continuous intense rain (8 hours), water does not penetrate deep into the polyurethane foam coating. The thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam spraying is in the range of 0.023-0.03 W/(m?K).

When using rigid polyurethane foam, a crust forms on its outer surface, which, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, becomes brown over time, while mechanical properties polyurethane foam coating does not change.

To improve resistance to weather conditions, the outer surface of the polyurethane foam should be protected from ultraviolet radiation either by painting or by backfilling with gravel at least 5 cm thick.

Insulation of communications.

In addition to the walls and roof, for the best energy saving of a building, it is necessary to insulate the communication systems of the building. Supply system cold water and the sewer system must be protected from freezing, pipes with hot water- to reduce heat losses. Modern thermal insulation materials for pipes can effectively solve this problem.

There are many solutions for thermal insulation, all of which depend on the operating conditions of the pipeline.

The most common types of thermal insulation are:

Foamed polyethylene insulation is the most affordable and cheapest material. Available in the form of pipes with a diameter of 8 to 28 mm. Installation does not cause any difficulties: the workpiece is simply cut along the longitudinal seam and put on the pipe. To increase the heat-insulating properties, this seam, as well as the transverse joints, are glued together with a special tape. It is used in domestic conditions for thermal insulation of all types of pipelines, even in freezing equipment;

Expanded polystyrene, better known as polystyrene foam. Insulation made from this material is called shell in everyday life (due to its design features). It is manufactured in the form of two halves of a pipe, connected by means of a tongue and groove. Blanks of various diameters and lengths of about 2 m are produced. Due to its properties, it retains performance characteristics for up to 50 years. It is characterized by high heat resistance both in high and low temperatures. A type of polystyrene foam is penoizol - it has the same specifications, but differs in the installation method. Penoizol is a liquid heat insulator that is applied by spraying, making it possible to obtain sealed surfaces;

Mineral wool. These heat-insulating materials for pipes are characterized by increased fire resistance and fire safety. They are widely used in the insulation of chimneys and pipelines, the temperature of which reaches 600-700 ºС. Insulation of large volumes of mineral wool is unprofitable due to the high cost of the material.

There are also alternative ways reduction of heat loss, which may be the future:

Pre-isolation. It consists of processing pipe blanks with polyurethane foam in the factory, at the production stage. The pipe reaches the consumer already protected from possible heat loss. During installation, only the pipe joints need to be insulated;

Paint with thermal insulation properties. A relatively recent development by scientists. It contains various fillers that give unique properties. Even thin layer Such paint can provide thermal insulation, which is achieved with a large volume of polystyrene foam, mineral wool and other materials. Easily applied to the surface, allows you to process communications even in hard to reach places. Among other things, it has anti-corrosion properties.

Modern thermal insulation materials are used on various pipeline lines. They are able to work as high temperatures, and in extremely harsh permafrost conditions.

The use of thermal insulation allows you to achieve the following results:

Reducing thermal energy leaks on heating and hot water supply lines;

Protection of various pipelines from freezing at subzero temperatures;

Increasing the service life of networks by reducing aggressive environmental influences;

IN refrigeration units and air conditioning systems, a significant reduction in the cost of maintaining the required temperature;

Reduces the risk of injury and burns from contact with hot or cold surfaces.

The use of high-quality thermal insulation of pipelines allows you to increase the period of trouble-free operation of communications and pays off within several years of operation.

Thermal bridges. Thermal insulation measures are effective only in cases where the absence of thermal bridges and leaky joints is ensured.

“Thermal bridges” are understood as such weak links in thermal insulation through which, due to geometric features or design flaws, a large amount of heat leaks through areas of a small area.

Geometric thermal bridges appear, for example, not only in bay windows and dormer windows, but also in the area of ​​the outer edges of the building.

Structural thermal bridges appear primarily at the junctions of various structural elements and at the lines of intersection of their surfaces. During reconstruction, they should be eliminated whenever possible, and when adding new structural elements, they should be avoided.

The better the surface of a building’s structural element is thermally insulated, the stronger the effect of thermal bridges. This effect not only leads to unwanted heat loss, but also to damage to the building if thermal bridges are located on cold surfaces, as moisture condenses and mold forms in this area.

To avoid the appearance of thermal bridges, the following measures must be taken:

Thermal insulation should be installed tightly to avoid leaks, and special attention should be paid to insulating joints where structural elements connect with each other or pass through each other;

Interpenetrating and protruding structural elements (for example, balcony slabs) in any case must be covered with insulating material on all sides;

Load-bearing structures subject to increased thermal load (made of steel, concrete or wood) must be provided with additional thermal insulation.

In most regions of the country, this can be achieved by using only soft insulation materials with insufficiently studied durability in the climatic conditions of Russia. The costs of repairing such walls significantly exceed the savings from reducing energy costs for heating buildings.

SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal Protection of Buildings” put into effect to replace SNiP P-3-79* did not solve the problems that arose, since it retained the same inflated requirements for the heat-protective qualities of the external walls of buildings. A situation has arisen in which the new system for regulating the heat-protective qualities of external enclosing structures does not satisfy modern construction practice and limits the use of new domestic heat-efficient, durable, fire-resistant ceramic, cellular concrete, polystyrene concrete, polyurethane foam (with fillers), lightweight expanded clay concrete materials, alternatives to soft mineral wool, polystyrene foam. This and the requirements of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” necessitated the development of a new normative document on thermal insulation of buildings.

Standard STO 00044807-001-2006 was developed based on the requirements of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” in order to ensure safe living, recreation and work of citizens in premises and increase the durability of walls with a rational level of heat-protective qualities.

The standard uses a two-level principle for regulating the heat-insulating qualities of external walls:

1 - according to sanitary and hygienic conditions that prevent the formation of condensation and mold on the inner surface of external walls, coatings, ceilings, as well as their waterlogging and frost destruction. Below this level, the heat-insulating qualities of walls are prohibited.

The main ideology of technical regulation is the safety system of manufactured products. The safety of citizens living or working in premises is characterized by ensuring the required sanitary and hygienic conditions under which There is no formation of condensation, mold and waterlogging of the walls, as well as an increase in the relative humidity of the internal air above standard values. Sanitary and hygienic safety in premises is ensured during design by implementing regulatory requirements to heat-protective qualities, air and vapor permeability and other physical properties of fences, taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction area.

2 - from the conditions of energy saving and durability. Second level installed in order to save energy costs for heating buildings and reduce costs for major repairs of walls.

For the first time after 11 years of oblivion, the section “Durability of external walls of buildings” was introduced. In this section, the data presented allow a differentiated approach to the selection of building materials to ensure the required level of thermal insulation of external walls, taking into account the number of major repairs within the predicted durability.

The durability of external walls is ensured by the use of materials that have proper strength, frost resistance, moisture resistance, heat-shielding properties, as well as appropriate constructive solutions, providing special protection for structural elements made of insufficiently resistant materials. When developing external wall structures for a specific building design solution, it is necessary to be guided by the predicted durability and pre-repair service life. For example, predicted durability of external walls of buildings (monolithic and prefabricated monolithic up to 30 floors high) with monolithic, reinforced concrete inter-window partitions in the external walls and hollow large-format stones made of porous ceramics (in< 1000 кг/м3) полистиролбетонными, ячеистобетонными автоклавными блоками, огнестойкими пенополиуретановыми плитами повышенной плотности с наполнителями, минераловатными плитами из базальтового волокна повышенной жесткости, облицованных керамическим кирпичом или крупноразмерными плитами из природного и искусственного камня составляет 150 лет.

Projected durability panel buildings up to 30 floors high with external walls made of reinforced concrete load-bearing, self-supporting and hinged three-layer panels with insulation from floor and styrene concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool slabs made of basalt fiber of increased rigidity is 125 years.

The same is the predicted durability of brick buildings with external walls that are self-supporting or load-bearing from solid masonry with a facing brick layer of 1.5 - 2.0 bricks, insulated on the inside by spraying a certain brand of polyurethane foam with a layer thickness of 30 - 35 mm.

Predicted durability of external load-bearing and self-supporting walls made of solid masonry made of hollow ceramic and sand-lime brick, insulated from the inside by spraying a certain brand of polyurethane foam with a layer thickness of 30 - 35 mm for ceilings made of reinforced concrete panels is also 125 years.

The standard introduces for the first time a section on the duration of effective operation various designs external walls of buildings up to the first overhaul. Thus, the duration of operation until the first major repair of brick walls with a thickness of 1.5-2.0 bricks with a frost resistance of at least F35, a facing layer of ceramic bricks with a frost resistance of at least F35, insulated with sprayed polyurethane foam in several layers with a thickness of no more than 30 - 35 mm is 65 years. With monolithic reinforced concrete, brick (F35) walls, insulated with polyurethane foam boards or spraying, lined with ceramic bricks with frost resistance of at least F35, the service life until the first major repair will be 50 years.

The standard allows for the same building height to accept external wall structures with different pre-repair periods. When choosing the design of external walls, the standard requires differentially combining the projected durability and pre-repair periods included in the project with the required level of thermal insulation, reducing material consumption and the load on the foundation.

The standard reduced resistance to heat transfer R 0 pr norms is established from the conditions of saving energy costs for heating buildings as a result of increasing the level of thermal insulation qualities of external walls minus the costs of additional thermal insulation and major repairs within the predicted durability. The standard requires that the first major repair of external walls, from the conditions of inadmissibility of violating the sanitary and hygienic safety of citizens’ residence and energy saving, should be carried out with a decrease in RonpHOpM by no more than 35% in relation to what is economically feasible at the moment or by no more than 15% in relation to the required resistance to heat transfer under sanitary and hygienic conditions. Before the deadline for the first major repair, a decrease in the level of heat-protective qualities of external walls must be established according to the GOST 26254 method and thermal conductivity tests of selected insulation samples in accordance with GOST 7076. In this case, the uniformity of the temperature fields of the walls along the facade must be recorded with a thermal imager in accordance with GOST 26629.

One of the sections of the standard is devoted to the air permeation resistance of enclosing structures, which is not sufficiently reflected in the regulatory and technical literature. The standard values ​​of air permeability of external walls, ceilings and coatings of residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings and premises, as well as industrial buildings and premises are given.

September 3, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and renovation ( full cycle carrying out finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

It is no secret that external insulation of the walls of a house or apartment is more effective than internal thermal insulation. By installing materials with low thermal conductivity outside, we not only reduce the heat loss of the building, but also normalize the humidity conditions, providing natural ventilation of the room and preventing the formation of condensation inside the house.

There are many technologies for insulating finishing, some of them are quite simple and can be implemented with your own hands. In any case, I managed to cope with similar works independently, without the involvement of third-party specialists. I will describe successful examples of insulation implementation in the article below.

Two insulation options

Reducing the thermal conductivity of the wall enclosure is one of the ways to reduce the heat loss of the building as a whole. Moreover, we are talking not only about improving the microclimate by increasing the temperature in a house or apartment.

From my own experience, I know that even a thin layer of insulation on the walls can significantly save on heating the room. In private houses, this saving will be more noticeable due to the reduction in coolant consumption, but also in an apartment with central heating we will feel financial effect- at least due to the fact that in the cold season we will not have to spend money on additional heating, and in the summer heat - on air conditioning.

Today, experts practice different types thermal insulation works, the main difference between which is:

  • in the method of installation of heat-insulating material;
  • in the insulation that is used.

And if there are quite a lot of materials on the market, I have insulated external walls with polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, ecowool, etc. – then there are only two installation methods that are fundamentally different from each other. Conventionally, they are called wet and dry - according to the finishing method:

Methodology Peculiarities
Wet Thermal insulation panels made of synthetic material or mineral fiber are glued to the prepared base and additionally fixed using mechanical fasteners.

After this, the surface is plastered, puttied and treated with decorative compounds.

Dry Mounted on load-bearing surfaces from wooden beam or steel profile.

Thermal insulating material is placed in the cells of the frame. Most often, mineral wool is used for this, but sometimes, in order to save money, foam plastic with a density of about 20-25 kg/m3 is used.

A cladding is installed on top of the thermal insulation layer - siding, lining, block house, etc.

Sometimes a false wall made of decorative bricks is erected as cladding.

By and large, it is the finishing that determines which method we will use:

  • if we want to plaster and paint the walls of the house, then we use wet technology - foam or polystyrene;
  • and if we want to cover it with siding or imitation timber, then we install insulation with a frame, making sure to leave a gap inside for ventilation.

Both methods have a right to exist, and therefore below I will describe in detail my own experience of their implementation, adding some useful tips from master finishers.

Wet technology

How to insulate?

“Wet” insulation involves sticking thermal insulation boards onto a pre-treated wall and then plastering them. For this process you can use the most different materials, and I will describe the most commonly used ones below:

  1. Polystyrene foam is the cheapest, but at the same time the most popular variety. Most often it is used for thermal insulation of outbuildings, as well as for insulation of the facade high-rise buildings. The thing is that the mechanical properties of the material do not provide the thermal insulation layer with a sufficient margin of safety, therefore the facade of a private house will be regularly damaged during operation.

For work, we take exclusively architectural foam, with a density of about 25 kg/m 3. Construction varieties PSB-S 15 or PSB-S 10 do not have delivery strength, and packaging marks not only crumble under more or less intense influences, but are also characterized by increased flammability. In general, this is the case when savings are clearly impractical.

  1. Foamed or extruded polystyrene is a more expensive alternative to foam panels. It is more dense, but at the same time it conducts heat less well and does not burn as intensely (or rather, it almost does not burn on its own, but melts when exposed to high temperatures). The price is higher than that of polystyrene foam, but the increase in price is compensated by an increase in the service life of the insulated facade.

  1. Expanded polystyrene derivatives - Technoplex, Penoplex, Sanpol and analogues - have approximately the same list of advantages and disadvantages. Most of them are characterized by low thermal conductivity, therefore, for example, insulation brick house with Penoplex thickness up to 100 mm allows you to reduce overall heat loss by about 15 - 20%.

  1. Mineral wool is another material that is used for “wet” thermal insulation. Unlike polymer boards, it does not burn or melt at high temperatures, provides natural ventilation and does not reduce the vapor permeability of walls, and retains heat well.

Many people are interested in what is the optimal density of mineral wool for plaster, and on this score I completely agree with heating specialists: the minimum limit is approximately 50-65 kg/m3, and to guarantee it is better to take products from 80 kg/m3. So the best choice is ISOVER slabs Plaster facade, ISOVER OL-Pe, etc.

Ultimately, the choice of material is determined by our financial capabilities. Yes, mineral wool is more reliable, more durable and more efficient, but if the choice is between no insulation at all and thermal insulation using foam plastic, then, it seems to me, it’s still worth gaining at least some savings.

Preparing the walls

In order for the outer wall insulation to hold firmly to the base and effectively protect the building from heat loss, the walls themselves must be carefully prepared for work. I usually follow this algorithm:

  1. The wall is cleared of old decoration, since attempts to glue heat-insulating material onto old plaster end in the same way - the insulation falls off along with fragments of the base and the decorative layer.

  1. All cracks and cracks identified under the plaster are sealed with a repair compound. Deep cracks are cleaned and expanded before this, which helps prevent their further expansion.
  2. The wall is treated with several layers of penetrating primer with antiseptic components - this not only improves adhesion to the thermal insulation material, but also protects against the development of fungal colonies in a warm and humid environment.
  3. When preparing for insulation in panel houses special attention is paid to sealing the seams: they are cleaned, embroidered and filled with special mastics that tightly seal all voids. From the quality of the seal interpanel seams The effectiveness of thermal insulation work largely depends.

All work - preparation, insulation, and finishing - can be carried out independently no higher than the second floor. For high-altitude work, it is necessary to invite specialists who have the appropriate permit and have professional safety equipment at their disposal.

Gluing and fixing the heat insulator

After preparing the base, you can glue the insulation for the external walls. I proceed like this:

  1. At the bottom of the wall I attach a base profile, the width of which corresponds to the thickness of the heat-insulating material. I level the profile strictly horizontally, fixing it with anchors recessed into the wall by at least 40-50 mm.
  2. I prepare an adhesive composition based on the dry mixture Ceresit CT-85 or its equivalent. I pour the powder with a high content of cement and plasticizers into cool water (the instructions from the manufacturer will tell you the proportions) and mix it at least twice using a mixer attachment installed in the chuck of an electric drill.

  1. I lay the panel of insulating material face down on the ground. On the reverse side, using a knife or a needle roller, I apply relief notches, which will ensure increased adhesion to the adhesive composition.
  2. I apply adhesive mixture to the insulation - a strip along the perimeter and several slides in the center of the panel.

  1. I attach the panel to the wall, placing the bottom edge into the base profile. I level the insulation and press it to the base for 30 - 45 seconds for primary polymerization.
  2. I paste over the selected section of the wall using the same pattern, arranging the panels in a checkerboard pattern so that the joints between them do not coincide.
  3. I drill holes with a diameter of 10 mm through the panels. The penetration into the wall fence should be at least 50-60 mm. For reliable fixation, you need holes in the corners of the panels, as well as one or two in the center.

The length of the drill used depends on the thickness of the insulating panels used for the cladding. In any case, it is useful to have at least two or three concrete drills with a length of 20 cm in your tool kit - they definitely won’t be superfluous!

  1. I hammer plastic dowels with a dish-shaped neck into the drilled holes. The wide part of the dowel should be recessed into the insulation by approximately 2-3 mm.
  2. After installing the dowels, I fix them with special nails (express installation) or locking screws with a conical point.

  1. I fill the gaps between the panels with scraps of insulation, fixing them with adhesive. I fill out small voids with self-expanding foam.
  2. I putty the seams and caps of the anchors using the same mixture for sealing as for gluing.


All insulation for the external walls of the house, used for “wet” finishing, must be protected from external influences. Most often, the technology of plastering followed by painting is used for this.

The technology of plastering for insulation has its own characteristics: we have to work with a base that is not the strongest, therefore without reinforcement to increase adhesion and improve mechanical characteristics can't get by here:

  1. I cover the corners of the structure and all the joints of the planes with perforated corners made of aluminum or plastic. If there is no corner, you can use a strip of reinforcing mesh.

  1. Then, using a plaster mortar for facade finishing, I glue an alkali-resistant polymer mesh for exterior use onto all surfaces. For gluing, I use a spatula, with which I press the mesh into a thin layer of mortar applied to polystyrene foam, polystyrene or mineral wool.

To avoid delamination, I lay the mesh rolls overlapping with an overlap of approximately 40-50 mm.

  1. After partial polymerization of the composition with which the mesh was glued, I grout the surface. I grout using a plaster float without an abrasive element.
  2. Then I apply a second, leveling layer of façade plaster. After drying, I also rub it down, but this time using a plaster mesh or sandpaper. During grouting, I smooth out all the unevenness as much as possible, achieving a perfectly smooth surface.

  1. Before finishing I prime the façade. Under decorative plaster or light facing material Ceresit CT-16 primer is used, Ceresit CT-17 is used for painting.

After polymerization of the primer, I perform finishing– I paint the façade with pigments for exterior work (I use a roller or spray gun), and veneer it decorative panels, fixing them with glue, or I apply a layer of pre-tinted decorative plaster, forming an attractive relief on its surface.

Dry technology

Preparing the base

Other methods can be used for external thermal insulation of walls, and one of the most popular is the arrangement of a so-called ventilated facade. This technology involves the installation of heat-insulating material under the cladding, fixed to a special frame, therefore here too it is necessary to pay great attention to preparing the walls for finishing.

By and large, the contact between brick walls and insulation is almost the same as in the case of a “wet” finish. But a wooden house - made of logs or timber - is prepared a little differently:

  1. To begin with, the wood is cleaned, which consists of removing all weakly adhering elements - wood chips, bark residues, etc. For a newly built house, this operation is not necessary, but it is better to clean out the old rear ones.

  1. The next stage is sealing the joints. We take a special spatula and a hammer in our hands and caulk all the cracks - both the gaps between the crowns and the cracks in the logs themselves or beams formed due to uneven drying. For caulking we use jute, linen tow or special cords made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers.
  2. After sealing the cracks, we treat the wood with an antiseptic. Under the layer of thermal insulation, we create an area with high temperature and humidity, so it is very important for us to protect the wood from the effects of microorganisms, fungi and insects.

Frame installation

Next, we move on to installing the sheathing on which the facing material will be held. It can be made either from a wooden beam impregnated with an antiseptic (it will be cheaper) or from a galvanized steel profile (it is more expensive, but it lasts longer and is less susceptible to deformation).

We work like this:

  1. WITH outside We install brackets on the building wall, securing them with anchors.
  2. To reduce heat loss at the point of contact between the wall and the metal, we place either a layer of roofing material or a paronite gasket under the base of each bracket.

  1. We select the length of the bracket so that it is 10-20 mm greater than the thickness of the heat-insulating panels used. This reserve is necessary to organize the internal ventilation gap.
  2. We install the beams or sheathing profiles themselves on the brackets. Their location depends on how the finishing panels will be attached: for horizontal finishing we need a vertical frame and vice versa.

The use of a metal profile allows you to finish the wall with thermal insulation panels without cracks or gaps. In this case, the frame is attached to the brackets after the heat insulator is installed.

  1. When installing the sheathing, we control the position of its elements using a level and plumb line. It is extremely important that a flat plane is formed - this is what determines how neat the façade cladding will look.

After completing this stage, you can proceed to the actual insulation.

Insulation and cladding

Thermal insulation of the outer wall of a house using sheathing is carried out as follows:

  1. We cut through panels of thermal insulating material based on mineral fiber, forming holes in the places where the brackets pass.
  2. We put the insulation on the brackets and press it tightly against the wall.

For additional fixation strength, you can use adhesives, as well as umbrella dowels with metal locking screws.

  1. An alternative this method It may be possible to lay mineral wool panels in the cells of the sheathing, where the thermal insulation material will be held in place due to its own elasticity. In order for us to succeed, we need to think in advance about the placement of the frame parts, making the width of the cell equal to the width of the insulating panel.

  1. Another method of insulation is spraying so-called ecowool. This material is a loose substance based on cellulose fiber impregnated with glue. Ecowool is sprayed inside the frame using special pumps and forms a continuous layer with low thermal conductivity.

  1. We install a windproof membrane on top of the insulation, which will prevent the wall from blowing through and reduce the risk of the thermal insulation getting wet if the cladding loses its tightness. For wind protection, it is worth using special membranes with high vapor permeability: if we take ordinary polyethylene, then condensation will inevitably collect under it, moistening the insulation and reducing its effectiveness.
  2. After this, we install the frame guides (if this has not been done previously) and attach the façade trim to them.

To cover a ventilated façade over a heat-insulating layer, you can use:

  • siding (PVC or metal);
  • block house;
  • false beam;
  • durable lining;
  • planken (wooden panels that have undergone heat treatment);
  • products made from wood-polymer composite;
  • corrugated sheeting (suitable for outbuildings and production facilities);
  • ceramic and porcelain tile panels, etc.

When choosing a finishing material, we focus on our financial capabilities, the complexity of installation, and also the overall stylistic decision of the building. It is important that the facade looks attractive and lasts long enough, since we provide it with a basic level of energy efficiency thanks to the insulation hidden under the finish!

Materials and tools - background information

Thermal insulation of walls is a rather labor-intensive process, so it is worth undertaking it only if you have the appropriate technical equipment. And first of all, we should think about how we will work on the upper tier, because even in the case of one-story house the height turns out to be decent, and it will not be possible to stick insulation from the ground or plaster it.

So first you need to either purchase or (preferably) rent suitable scaffolding or at least trestles with a variable platform height.

In addition, we will need:

  • a hammer drill with a set of concrete drills and a chisel attachment;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • foam knife;
  • a set of spatulas for glue and plaster;
  • brushes for priming and painting;
  • measuring tool;
  • wood saw or metal scissors for installing sheathing;
  • graters with abrasive elements for grinding the surface.

Naturally, each master will add something of his own to this basic set, but the minimum must be at our disposal!

We should also talk about the costs of insulation. When carrying out centralized facade thermal insulation work, their cost is calculated according to elemental estimate standards (the collection GESN 2001-26 “Thermal Insulation Works” is used). But for private construction, the proposed method is unlikely to be suitable, because independent work You need to start first of all from the cost of materials.

In the table below I will provide an indicative list of prices that you can use when drawing up a budget for thermal insulation work:

Material Unit Average cost, rubles
Mineral wool ISOVER plaster Facade, 1200x600x100 mm pack 4 pcs. 1400 -1700
Facade foam plastic PSB-S 25, 1000x1000x50 mm sheet 170 – 220
Expanded polystyrene sheet, 1250x600x50 mm sheet 180 – 220
Alkali-resistant facade mesh 160 g/m2, 1m roll 50 m 1200 – 1600
Facade plaster corner m. linear 45 – 70
Disc-shaped dowel 100x10 mm 100 pieces. 250 – 350
Primer Ceresit CT 16 10 l. 780 — 900
Plaster Knauf Diamant 25 kg 350 — 420
Adhesive for polystyrene foam Ivsil Termofix-P 25 kg 350 — 400
Windproof membrane for walls ROCKWOOL 70 m2 1500 — 1700
Sliding bracket for ventilated facade PC. 25 -35
Profile for sheathing, panel 3 m PC. 200 – 350
Vinyl siding, 3500x205 mm PC. 120 – 450
Facade porcelain tiles, panel 60x60 cm PC. 500 – 1200
Block house made of larch, 22x90 mm 1 m2 650 — 1200


Effective insulation of the external walls of a brick house, just like the thermal insulation of buildings made of wood or wood, provides us with normalization of the microclimate and significant savings in energy resources.

So if you don’t want to overpay for heating (and in the summer, also for air conditioning!), then you should think about how to arrange a thermal insulation circuit yourself. A fairly detailed video in this article will help you with this, as well as advice from practitioners (including mine), which you can get by asking a question in the comments.