Insulation of a brick loggia from the inside. What is the best way to insulate a balcony? Choosing the best insulation! Insulation of the walls of a balcony or loggia

IN different rooms The loggia meets various requirements. Some people perceive it as an unnecessary addition to the apartment, for storing old things. Others rely on insulating the loggia as an opportunity to increase the area of ​​the apartment.

The first type of people stops at finishing the inside of the loggia with clapboard. This improves it a bit appearance premises, but no improvements from the functional side are observed. In order for a loggia to be fully used in our climatic conditions, it must be insulated. And in most cases, the cost of insulation is not much higher than the price finishing works, but the functionality of the room increases significantly.

Both professionals and simple people with your own hands, with a little effort. Independent work will require time investment, but will allow you to save quite a large amount of money.

Advantages of an insulated loggia

By thermally insulating your loggia, you get a number of benefits:

  • additional space is created - in such a room you can have breakfast, replacing the window sill with a bar counter, you can place cabinets, a refrigerator, and create a relaxation area;
  • noise insulation is increased - a glazed or upholstered loggia perfectly allows various street noises to pass through, but if insulation is done and combined with the room, then sounds from the street will not penetrate into the room;
  • the adjacent room will be warmer;
  • By getting rid of the partition between the room and the loggia, you can modernize the apartment by changing the layout in such a way that the room will not be similar to any other.

The option with insulation has quite a lot of advantages; the only argument against it, if you do the math, is the price, but it will be only 5-10% higher than upholstery or glazing. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to pay a specialist; following the algorithm indicated below, you can completely do everything yourself.

Selection of insulation

Today there is a wide selection of materials suitable for insulating loggias. The most popular include the following:

Mineral wool

Characterized by low cost, but this is the only positive side material. To lay this material, you will first need to perform lathing. In the process of getting wet, mineral wool loses its beneficial features, so before using it for a loggia, you need to think first.

Due to the presence of air between its fibers, mineral wool provides protection from the cold. But the installation of the material should be done extremely carefully, avoiding crushing, as this can negatively affect the heat-insulating properties.


Polystyrene foam is one of the light and durable materials that can easily withstand exposure to moisture. The cost of the material is quite affordable.

Expanded polystyrene

Extruded polystyrene foam is presented in the form of slabs and has a fairly high price. The material is convenient to use, it retains heat well, and during a fire it goes out almost immediately.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is seamless coating sprayed type. To save precious centimeters, its thickness can be changed.


Penofol is a thermal insulation material made from foil and foamed polymer. The reflective layer is used as additional protection from the cold. Is pretty thin material and is most often used as a complement to other thermal insulation products.

Expert opinion

Konstantin Alexandrovich

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To reduce costs and achieve the desired effect, you can combine several materials. For example, covered with a layer of polystyrene foam, and the walls are covered with polystyrene foam boards. Other combinations are possible.

Typical mistakes when insulating

A serious drawback is the condensation that appears indoors on the surface of the walls and ceiling. As a result, moist areas are formed, which short time covered with a layer of mold. This occurs due to poorly functioning ventilation and improper operation of heating systems.

When the ventilation in a room does not work well, air masses are transported almost at lightning speed from the warm part of the room to the cold part, that is, to the loggia. There, excess moisture settles on the coldest surfaces. This negative point can be avoided by using doors installed between rooms with different temperature conditions.

Many troubles arise with insulation systems. If the walls and floor were not properly insulated, then moisture will leave its mark on problem areas of the loggia.

If a decision was made to save on foam and cover the seams between the walls with putty, then there is a high probability of condensation forming in these areas. It is better to refrain from such mistakes, since eliminating them will lead to significant difficulties. That is why, when insulating a loggia, you need to strictly follow the technology.

A poor-quality heating system can also become a problem. If such a process occurs due to the arrival of warm air masses from the adjacent room, then mold will most likely form in the cold corners of the loggia. That is why the loggia must be insulated from the floor.

It is prohibited to install centralized water heating on balconies or loggias. A well-installed heated floor reacts to any temperature changes and eliminates the imbalance in a short time.

Work plan

Step-by-step instructions for proper insulation:

  • Clear the premises from excess furniture.
  • Remove old coating from the ceiling, floor and walls.
  • Analyze the condition of the base, note cracks, chips, and significant irregularities.
  • Correct any detected defects.
  • Get rid of old glazing, even if it does not require updating.
  • Treat all surfaces with any hydrophobic and antifungal composition.
  • Seal the joints.
  • Glaze the loggia.
  • Place insulation material on the ceiling, floor and walls.
  • Install electrical wiring.
  • Install the TP system.
  • Perform sheathing (plasterboard, etc.), install lighting.

It is especially important to evaluate the wear of fasteners. After installing double-glazed windows and thermal insulation materials, the weight of the structure increases significantly. To perform the necessary calculations and install reinforcing elements, you must contact companies that have the necessary licenses. Independent calculations can become fatal.

Insulating and finishing the loggia, Special attention should be given to sealing cracks and seams. In such areas, all crumbling elements are carefully removed to ensure a solid foundation. Gaps in concrete structures are filled with repair compounds; at this point you must strictly follow the instructions. If during the work a part of the reinforcement with traces of rust was discovered, then the rod is cleaned and treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

After completing the insulation and installation work electrical wiring, produced decorative finishing loggias with panels made of plastic or wood, use tiles, wallpaper or any other materials.

The vulnerable area is the filler near the window frame. The material used to fill the space loses its properties after 2-3 years. Before installing new glazing, the foam is completely removed. To insulate old window frames, the worn-out filler is removed from the grooves, and the resulting space is filled with a stable composition.

Waterproofing (vapor barrier)

The entire area of ​​the balcony must be protected from external exposure to water; for this purpose, waterproofing work is carried out. The floor is covered with special impregnations, paint, bitumen, glassine or roofing felt. Roll insulation is used for walls and ceilings.

The next stage is the installation of wood or metal sheathing. The distance between the bars should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation. The block should have a thickness one centimeter greater than the thickness of the mineral wool slab, this is necessary so that after installation a ventilation gap is formed.


The loggia cannot be insulated if the correct glazing is not selected. If on simple balconies You can choose absolutely any glass, but to insulate a room you will need to pay attention to special parameters.

Ideal option There will be PVC structures, the thickness of the double-glazed windows is 3.2 cm. The windows are created according to the standards of the owners of the premises, and their installation is carried out both by one’s own efforts and with the help of services from the manufacturer.

At this stage, savings should be abandoned, since regardless of the high cost of all further stages, poorly selected double-glazed windows will put an end to all repair work.

Warm floor on the balcony

This surface of the loggia is considered the most important space when combined with the living room. This is explained by the fact that the floor is the coldest part of the room. To keep it warm, insulation is done in 2 layers.

Basically, all operations related to the floor come down to cleaning it, leveling it, treating it with an antifungal agent, installing supports and insulating it. The “subfloor” is placed directly on the insulation, and then the selected coating. To ensure maximum tightness of the floor, logs are installed, between which there is rolled insulation.

Ceiling insulation

Algorithm for proper insulation:

  • Construction foam is cut from the ceiling and parts of the mortar are removed.
  • The surface is cleaned of peeling paint and dirt.
  • The walls and ceiling are treated with a deep action primer.
  • Holes and grooves are created for cable installation. Install sockets and switches. Thus, it will be possible to connect lighting elements, a heater or a warm floor.
  • Electrical cable should be laid inside PVC pipes, if the frame needs to be covered with wood.
  • The best insulation material would be foil-coated polystyrene foam.
  • Using a level, measure the base, this is done in order to determine errors.
  • A sheet of insulation is applied to the ceiling, and marks are made with a pen that interfere with the installation of the slab (pipe entry point). The marks are cut out using a cutter.
  • The adhesive solution is mixed. You must follow the instructions on the packaging. Next, the solution is infused for about 5 minutes and mixed again. It should have a uniform consistency, fairly thick and liquid.
  • The solution is applied to the insulation using a trowel. Then the sheet of polystyrene foam is tried on and pressed to the ceiling.
  • Next, holes are made, nails are inserted into the ceiling, but not driven in completely.
  • The remaining sheets are attached to the ceiling, and the surface is measured with a building level.

To adjust the surface plane, graters are used to erase the difference in differences. And the gaps between the insulation boards are filled with polyurethane foam (the excess is cut off).

Do-it-yourself insulation of loggia walls

If the loggia is presented in the form of an ordinary balcony where clothes are dried (there are not even window openings), then the insulation work looks like this:

  • installation of a parapet from foam blocks or brick structures, in which window openings will then be created;
  • all seams and holes present on the balcony from the outside and inside(typical for reinforced concrete structures) close polyurethane foam, large holes are covered with polystyrene foam and the joints are filled with polyurethane foam;
  • if foam plastic or polystyrene will act as insulation, then the sealing foam should not contain toluene, it corrodes the foam;
  • Foamed polyethylene is attached on top, which is a vapor barrier, and all joints must be sealed with foil tape.

Now you can move on to the sheathing. A wooden beam can act as a support. It is attached to the wall horizontally or vertically (depending on the finishing material). The bars are fastened along the edges of the wall, after which a fishing line is stretched at the top and bottom, along which intermediate (bearing) bars are installed, between which insulation and vapor barrier are laid.

Warm loggia in a panel house

By design panel houses cooler than brick buildings. This is explained by thermal insulation properties concrete is worse than brick, in addition, cracks often form between the panels over time, which will let the cold in from the outside.

When connecting a loggia to a living room in such houses, do not forget about this factor and use several layers of thermal insulation material to avoid the dew point, which destroys concrete. In this situation, it’s almost impossible to “overdo it,” but it’s easy to underdo it.

Izolon (foamed polyethylene with a reflector) is mounted on the main insulation with gluing of the seams.

Warm loggia in a brick house

Despite the fact that brick is a warmer material than concrete, you should not give up insulation.

Initially, you need to pay attention to the masonry. More often construction companies do not fill the gaps between bricks well, so you will have to get rid of the gaps yourself using special means.

Further work is no different from actions in panel buildings. The only difference is that only one thermal insulation layer can be used.

The first association that arises when we hear the word balcony is a cold small space outside the window, where we take out everything that seems to be unnecessary, but it would be a pity to throw it away. This is not surprising. More recently, the balcony was invented as an additional room to the apartment for drying clothes and storing vegetables. But in last years the situation has changed dramatically, and now the balcony is becoming part of the interior of the entire apartment, and can perform several useful functions both in summer and winter. "But how is this possible?" - you say. Very simple. Nowadays, balconies are insulated, sheathed, energy-saving windows are installed, and even heated.

Let's consider the best way to insulate the balcony of an ordinary apartment.

There are two options for insulating balconies: outside and inside. Both of these methods are radically different from each other. If in the first case the balcony is insulated without affecting the internal space of the already small balcony, then in the second, its usable area is reduced by at least 30-40 cm. For large balconies this is hardly noticeable, but for loggias with small dimensions this technique insulation is not entirely suitable. "So what's the deal! – you say, “let’s insulate all the balconies from the outside.” The idea, of course, is good, but there is one “but” in it.

What is the best way to insulate a balcony? What methods and types of materials for insulating balconies exist in general, and how to properly carry out insulation. Our experts will try to answer these questions.

You can only insulate a balcony from the outside with your own hands if it is located no further than the second floor. To work at higher altitudes, you need to resort to the help of professionals, which will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, it is cheaper, after all, to insulate the balcony from the inside. Moreover, many special materials are sold for this.

Materials that are suitable for insulating balconies inside:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Penoplex;
  • Penofol;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Expanded clay;
  • Izolon;
  • Polyurethane foam.

Each of the materials has its pros and cons, but they are all excellent for insulating balconies and loggias from the inside.

You can learn about the characteristics of other materials, as well as the stages of insulating a balcony, from our article:

The best way to insulate a balcony inside: finishing methods

There are many ways to insulate a balcony. When choosing your option, be guided by your personal plans. Based on what functions you want to provide your additional living space in the future. Modern technologies Nowadays, it is possible to install energy-intensive windows, insulate facades and walls with such materials that the cold will not penetrate into the room at all, and heat will not be able to escape outside.

The better to insulate the balcony inside, if you do major renovation? Based on your financial capabilities. From budget materials The most popular material for insulating a balcony is polystyrene foam. It is lightweight, fully meets the requirements for insulation and does not deteriorate for a long time.

The quality of insulation, for the most part, is not affected by the material you plan to insulate with. balcony structure, and the method of its insulation. How most you insulate the structure, the better the thermal insulation will be, and the warmer the balcony space will be in winter. If it is additionally equipped with heating, then such a balcony can be used all year round without feeling the cold outside the door.

What methods can you use to insulate a balcony from the inside:

  • Insulate the walls;
  • Cover the floor with insulation;
  • Lay insulation on the ceiling as well;
  • Line the entire perimeter of the balcony with insulation;
  • Add floor heating to a fully insulated balcony.

In addition, while performing work, you can add additional ways insulation as a gasket made of foil sheet, or a wind barrier made of polyethylene film.

Let's find out how to install insulation for a balcony indoors

After we have decided on the material for insulating the walls and the method of performing the work, we need to draw up a plan for subsequent actions. It should consist of construction stages and task completion periods. Once again, evaluate the capabilities of your balcony. If you don't have it yet energy-saving windows, then now is the time to install them. You are doing a major overhaul of the casing, and later it will be difficult to return to it, and installing plastic windows will require strengthening the positions that support them.

Insulation for the balcony inside the space must be prepared in advance. Try to correctly calculate the amount of consumables. This is not difficult to do; you just need to carefully calculate the area of ​​the insulated planes.

Next, step by step, according to your own plan and studying reviews from experts, move forward. Immediately think about how you will decorate the walls of your balcony. The method of laying insulating material during further cladding of the balcony with clapboard or plastic differs from insulating a balcony without further cladding.

Step-by-step instructions for insulating a balcony:

  1. If you already have windows installed, then we start by sealing cracks, cracks and damage. Wood paneling check for rotten boards and fungi. If they exist, then take measures to eliminate them. If there are no plastic windows, then you need to install them.
  2. If you will later cover the balcony with clapboard (which is done very often), then you need to start arranging the sheathing.
  3. Think about electrical wiring. Do the wiring in advance so you don’t have to mess up the repair later.
  4. We begin the insulation process. Place insulation in the space between the sheathing beams, attaching it in accordance with the type of material.
  5. Seal the gaps between the insulation if it is solid.
  6. Seal the joints with mounting tape.
  7. For greater thermal insulation, place a layer of foam foam on top.
  8. Level the surfaces.
  9. Cover the walls with finishing material.

When carrying out work on the balcony, one rule should be taken into account - to repair the balcony, choose the lightest Decoration Materials. The balcony is a special design and should not be overloaded.

Practice shows that it is best to insulate balconies from the inside with penoplex and penofol. It is better not to use mineral wool for this. Although it is soft and comfortable, it does not like dampness. And temperature changes on the balcony are inevitable, therefore condensation is also inevitable.

What is the best way to insulate a balcony from the inside if you don’t have a lot of money? Use foam. It's not expensive, but quite practical material. A balcony properly insulated with it will serve you for a long time and reliably.

Foam plastic, 4-5 cm thick, will be quite enough to insulate the walls of the balcony. Use liquid nails or special glue as an adhesive material. Do not use heavy mixtures for gluing. To ensure that the repair progresses in stages and the finishing materials do not interfere with each other, perform the work in a certain sequence.

Stages of work on insulating a balcony:

  • Install plastic windows;
  • It is best to start insulating a balcony from the ceiling;
  • Having finished it, go to the floor.
  • Lastly, the walls are insulated.

If you do everything correctly, then in the end your renovation will come together into one harmonious idea.

Insulating a balcony with penofol (video)

When the repair work on the balcony is completed, you can begin to arrange it. If this part is on sunny side that you definitely need to hang the curtains. You will find options and solutions in our next material:

What your balcony will look like after insulation depends only on you. Apply maximum skill, patience and time, and you will equip yourself a wonderful room where it will not be hot in summer and cold in winter.

We choose modern materials that are suitable for insulating the loggia from the inside

To create a comfortable functional room in the loggia, it is necessary to carry out work on its high-quality insulation. On the market today there are the most different materials, therefore, it is possible to insulate the loggia with mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam and other types of insulation. The choice of insulation depends on many factors. It is very good if you have the opportunity to consult with specialists on this matter.

Mineral wool

Insulation with mineral wool is the traditional and most common option.

This material can provide enough high level thermal insulation and sound insulation.

At the same time, it is recommended to use mineral wool for insulation only if there is no load on the insulation. Besides, insulation material it needs to be protected as best as possible from moisture and the formation of condensation on it.

Mineral wool insulation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, all surfaces insulated from the inside are waterproofed. This stage is preliminary. To create a high-quality waterproofing layer before insulating the inside with mineral wool, it is best to use special insulating impregnations. They can be bitumen and polyurethane mastic, special paints and varnishes. In addition, rolled polyethylene materials (sold at any hardware store) are often used as an insulator. What kind of insulator will be used is not particularly important.
  2. Then you need to install the sheathing. The installation step of the wooden blocks should be approximately 1 cm less than the width of the mineral wool sheets. In addition, you need to select the bars so that their thickness is slightly greater than the thickness of the slab of heat-insulating material. The sheathing elements can be fastened to rough surfaces using dowels and self-tapping screws.
  3. To install mineral wool slabs, you need to select and dilute a suitable adhesive composition (which one is not important). It is applied to the surface of the slab from the inside, after which it is placed in the cell formed by the sheathing. The slabs need to be adjusted so that they are slightly larger in size than the dimensions of the cell. This will avoid unnecessary voids.
  4. As soon as the adhesive composition has dried, it is recommended to additionally secure the heat-insulating material with your own hands using mushroom dowels.
  5. Surface cladding can be done using any suitable materials. Any type of finishing that will not create a large load is suitable for this - plastic panels, plywood sheets, lining...
  6. Finally, the surfaces are cleaned and decorative works. In this case, the work can be done with any finish.

ISOVER material gives good results and reviews.

Expanded polystyrene

Insulating your loggia inside with polystyrene foam gives enough good results. This material is produced by mixing polystyrene and special foaming components. The mixture is heated and subjected to high blood pressure, after which they foam and add carbon dioxide.

To insulate a loggia with polystyrene foam, slabs 45-50 mm thick are perfect.

  1. They are fastened with dowels, Double-sided tape and glue (which type of fastening to choose depends on the wall material). When insulating a loggia from the inside with polystyrene foam, it is best to place the material slabs in a checkerboard pattern so that they do not move during operation under their own weight.
  2. In order to prevent the occurrence of cold bridges, seams, gaps and joining areas must be filled with construction foam with your own hands (when insulating with expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam, the problem of cold bridges is especially relevant).
  3. As soon as the polyurethane foam has dried, you need to cut off the excess with your own hands.
  4. To provide additional insulation, which is required when insulating with expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam, it is imperative to lay a layer of special foamed polyethylene 5-8 mm thick. In this case, the layer with foil should be located inside the loggia. This approach will allow you to create a high-quality vapor barrier layer with your own hands and ensure heat reflection. The seams must be taped with construction tape yourself.
  5. You can attach a wooden sheathing to the heat-insulating layer (for this it is better to use small-sized bars that have been pre-treated with antiseptic compounds). In addition, instead of lathing from the inside, the loggia is often finished with plasterboard sheets.
  6. On wooden sheathing or plasterboard sheets, any finishing materials can be applied with your own hands.

You can do without sheathing and use mesh for reinforcement, under finishing.

Penoplex and penofol

Very often, penoplex and penofol for insulation are used in one insulation system.

One of the best materials.

These are high quality insulating materials, which have a lot of positive performance and technical characteristics. Many experts recommend using them specifically for insulating loggias from the inside. Using such insulation for a loggia will create a comfortable environment inside the room and maintain an optimal microclimate on the coldest days.

Penofol for loggia.

Insulation work using these materials is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, you prepare all insulated surfaces with your own hands: floor, ceiling, walls, parapet. The old finishing material is completely removed, all traces and debris are removed. After this, you need to carefully check the integrity of the structures from the inside to ensure that there are no cracks, holes or other defects through which cold air can penetrate into the room. It is important that the loggia is completely sealed on all sides.
  2. Then, vertical logs are installed. The material must be fastened in a certain increment, the size of which will depend on the thickness of the insulation used.
  3. Next, penofol is attached directly to the joists. To do this, you can use any suitable adhesive compositions that are suitable for use indoors. During the installation of the initial layer of penofol, it is necessary to direct the foil outward.
  4. After this, the installation of penoplex is carried out ( best option for a loggia - material 20 - 25 mm thick). Laying slabs from the inside of the loggia can be done independently - there is nothing complicated in this process.
  5. Finally, you need to glue another layer of penofol. In this case, the material must be positioned so that the foil layer is directed inward. As a result, we will get a kind of pie in which the main thermal insulation material (penoplex) will be protected by penofol on both sides.
  6. All joints that arose during the installation work from inside the loggia must be glued with construction adhesive tape.

What thermal insulation material should I choose to insulate my loggia?

You need to understand that work on insulating a loggia with your own hands can be done from the inside and outside. Of course, it is much easier to do insulation inside the loggia. For this, a variety of thermal insulation materials can be used. Their choice will depend on the design features, operating conditions, and the nuances of installation work, so in each case, special attention must be paid to the choice of insulation.

It will not always be justified to purchase the most expensive insulation on the market.

For example, if the loggia has high-quality glazing, high-quality construction, and no defects are observed, then the simplest materials can be used. In addition, the choice of insulation for the loggia will depend on whether heating is planned.

The best way to insulate a balcony inside: what materials to choose

If your apartment or house has a balcony, then you should definitely use it, since it is an additional, and sometimes simply necessary, area. If you approach the issue with imagination and think through all the nuances, you can end up with a small but very cozy room. In order for a balcony to serve as a room, it must be insulated. How to insulate the balcony inside is decided by each owner independently, taking into account his financial capabilities and urgent needs. But a few words should be said about the nuances of the process and the materials used to insulate the balcony. You need to choose these materials very carefully and pay attention to all the characteristics.

Where to begin

You need to start mastering any balcony with an objective assessment of its condition. If the apartment is located in a new building that has recently been handed over to residents, then you need to pay attention to the material from which the balcony structure is made. Also, in new houses, you need to pay attention to what the neighbors’ balconies are decorated with. Often in such houses neighbors try to adhere to the same style.

We make masonry from foam blocks

But if the balcony is far from new apartment and it has always been used as an open space, then the work will have to start with strengthening the balcony. Strengthening also includes reconstruction concrete platform balcony, and strengthening the metal handrail. Also, this process may include such an event as strengthening the lower part of the upper balcony; this must also be taken into account. After solving all these issues and choosing the material for the outer cladding of the loggia (balcony), you can move on to interior decoration. To simplify this stage, you can lay a wall of bricks or foam blocks up to half of the balcony, directly to the double-glazed windows. This will save on insulation.

Advice: If all stages of insulation are carried out at the same time, then it is better to immediately install double glass in the windows, since one glass gives 70% more heat loss in cold weather.

Preparing for insulation

To begin insulating the inside of the balcony with any materials, you need to make preparations. Having chosen the material for insulation, you need to create a special wooden sheathing under it, on which it will then be attached. The exception is roll materials, which can be mounted under the sheathing. This frame is made of beams with a cross-section of about 4-5 cm. Transverse and perpendicular beams must be fastened so that squares of 50 by 50 cm are obtained. The sheathing can also be made of a metal profile, but this material is somewhat more expensive than wooden beams. Main advantages metal frame is ease of design and ease of use.

Note: When calculating the required insulation for a balcony inside, you need to take into account not only the dimensions of the walls, but the floor and ceiling, since these two positions also need insulation.

Material selection

Insulation is placed in the sheathing on the inside of the balcony, which can be:

Foam insulation is one of the most common methods of thermal insulation of balconies and loggias

Styrofoam. The cheapest of these materials is simple white foam, 5 cm thick. If you are insulating a room in cold latitudes, you can take thicker polystyrene foam; it can reach a thickness of up to 10 cm. It can be easily cut into required amount parts, and you can not additionally strengthen them with anything, but immediately lay them in the cells of the sheathing under the finishing materials. The material is absolutely safe both when working with it and during subsequent use. The insulation is completely odorless, does not emit toxic substances, and styrene fumes in small quantities do not affect human health. Installation of the material occurs without the formation of dust.

Insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool. Mineral wool is a little more expensive, but its sound insulation properties are much higher, so if you need to get rid of extraneous sounds, it is better to use it. This material is completely natural and completely fireproof. The combustion temperature of mineral wool starts from a thousand degrees. The inconvenience of laying mineral wool briquettes lies in the mandatory compliance with safety precautions. The material contains small glass particles that cause itching of the skin. Installation must be carried out in protected special clothing, safety glasses and a respirator.

Expanded clay. The material is an environmentally friendly insulation. The word "expanded clay" is translated from Greek language like "baked clay". The material is often used for insulation of floors and ceilings. It is not entirely profitable for them to insulate the walls, since they additionally need to prepare a metal mesh as a support.

More information on how to insulate a balcony here. Tips from the experts and step-by-step instructions.

After insulation, you will need to move on to the interior decoration of the balcony. Plastic panels are well suited for these purposes. Read more about them and their differences in this article.

Installation of high-quality double-glazed windows plays a big role in insulating a balcony or loggia. Which window profile choose? - you will find the answer here.

Penofol. This material is one of the thermal insulation products that has a reflective effect. It is a layer of foamed self-extinguishing polyethylene with closed air pores. Aluminum coated High Quality, 14 microns thick and 99.4% pure on one or both sides. Penofol is a universal material with steam, hydro, wind and sound insulation properties. The material has the appearance of thin, flexible, light and environmentally friendly clean structure. Foiled penofol can be used as an additional vapor barrier; it is very convenient to work with, since it is sold in rolls and is easy to cut even with ordinary scissors. This material protects the room from external moisture and eliminates condensation from the room.

Penoplex. It is a new material specially designed for room insulation. The material is very convenient to install due to its light weight, so its use on the balcony is now relevant. It is produced in the form of rectangular slabs of different thicknesses, which are easily cut with a stationery knife. It is also possible to produce “sandwich panels” using the casting method. Insulation with a rough surface makes it easy to attach and glue them to other materials.


Izolon. It is also a universal material in terms of use. Confirmed safety for use as insulation and vapor barrier element. Excellent soundproofing characteristics.

The degree of thermal conductivity compares:

  • with 15 cm brickwork
  • with 4.5 cm wood
  • with 4.5 cm mineral wool
  • with 1.2 cm polystyrene foam

Reduces noise by at least 18 dB.

These are the main materials for creating an insulating layer, which are now easy to find in any hardware store. We hope you now have more information about How can you insulate a balcony from the inside?, and then we’ll look at how to do this.

How to insulate

One of optimal methods laying of insulation is layer-by-layer laying:

  • First, the surface is waterproofed
  • The next layer is the selected insulating material, which is also secured with appropriate fasteners. These can be nails, screws, plastic fasteners with wide heads.
  • Then a vapor barrier is laid, which is secured with a construction stapler.
  • On final stage, finishing material is attached to the sheathing using special fastening materials

Sheets of foam plastic are installed in the sheathing, and the joints are covered with polyurethane foam

The result should be a layer approximately 60 - 70 mm thick, this is the distance from the outer layer to the finishing layer. Depending on climatic conditions, this size may vary. You must understand that any layer of insulation requires financial costs and labor, so it is better to immediately build a balcony conscientiously and not try to save on trifles.

In a situation with insulating the floor on the balcony the sequence is also the same. If it is decided to fill the floor with concrete, then expanded clay is laid first and the solution is distributed on top of it. Concrete mortar you need to carefully distribute it using a special rule and try to make the surface as smooth as possible. Then on such a surface you can lay ceramic tiles or other finishing materials. Under the final finishing, you can lay rolled heated floors, and this will give additional insulation premises.

Find out more about how to raise the floor on a balcony with your own hands and what materials you can use to do this.

Read about how to choose an electric heated floor. Features of different models.

If you select the option wooden floor, then first the guide logs are laid, between which the insulation is laid. Then a finishing board or chipboard is laid on the logs. Laying chipboard is necessary if laminate or linoleum will be installed further. It is also worth noting that under the laminate it is necessary to lay special substrate, which will provide additional thermal insulation. When the finishing of the walls and floors is completed, skirting boards are installed to hide the joints of the finishing.

In the complex of works on insulating a balcony, it is necessary to pay attention to the ceiling. The insulation process is carried out according to the same scheme as walls and floors. The task will be complicated when the balcony or loggia is on top floor And ceiling absent. In this case, you need to take into account the additional costs of installing the ceiling and roof.

When working on insulating a balcony, you should not fuss and rush, this can lead to unreasonably high consumption of material. If you approach the matter carefully and carry out constant calculations, you can acquire a full-fledged additional room for little money.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article “Insulation for a balcony inside - choosing materials,” which shows in detail the entire process of insulating a balcony using penoplex and penofol.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: from a refrigerator to a warm island

To begin with, it’s worth saying that there are two ways to insulate a balcony – from the inside and the outside. External insulation, of course, is more convenient - precious centimeters of space are not “eaten up”, and the cladding of the balcony facade becomes more pleasant. But this is a labor-intensive process that requires the involvement construction crew and industrial climbers. Therefore, in this article we will focus on how to properly insulate a balcony in an apartment from the inside - you can do this yourself.

To insulate the inside of the balcony, it is first necessary to carry out preparatory work. They include several important steps:

  • Where to start insulating a loggia or balcony? Free up space from everything unnecessary. It’s best if the balcony is completely empty: it’s much easier to work this way. Also, get rid of old trim in advance.
  • Seal all the cracks - a lot of heat escapes through them. For small gaps, a weather-resistant sealant is suitable; fill larger ones with mounting foam - it will not only fill the voids, but will also serve as an additional heat insulator.
  • To make it easier for you to carry out insulation work, it is important to smooth out cracks and irregularities in the walls and ceiling using cement mortar.
  • If you plan to place light bulbs or lighting, it is worth taking care of the wiring in advance. To hide unsightly cables, place them in plastic boxes.
  • Before starting work, cover the opening between the balcony and the adjacent room with film to prevent construction dust and other pollutants from entering the apartment.

Is it possible to insulate a balcony in winter? Yes, you can. Only when carrying out work in winter is it necessary to choose frost-resistant materials, in particular polyurethane foam.

How to insulate a balcony: what materials are best to choose

To understand how to insulate a loggia or balcony, let’s first figure out what properties the materials should have:

  • high strength;
  • fire safety;
  • water resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of installation (if we want to do all the work ourselves).

Most often, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, etc. are used for insulation. Sometimes several of these materials are combined. We have reflected the pros and cons of each heat insulator in the table:

Which insulation for a balcony is better? The answer to this question depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. You can read more about the characteristics of insulation materials, as well as about insulating an apartment in general, in our blog.

If your apartment or house has a balcony, then you should definitely use it, since it is an additional, and sometimes simply necessary, area. If you approach the issue with imagination and think through all the nuances, you can end up with a small but very cozy room. In order for a balcony to serve as a room, it must be insulated. How to insulate the balcony inside is decided by each owner independently, taking into account his financial capabilities and pressing needs. But a few words should be said about the nuances of the process and the materials used to insulate the balcony. You need to choose these materials very carefully and pay attention to all the characteristics.

You need to start mastering any balcony with an objective assessment of its condition. If the apartment is located in a new building that has recently been handed over to residents, then you need to pay attention to the material from which the balcony structure is made. Also, in new houses, you need to pay attention to what the neighbors’ balconies are decorated with. Often in such houses neighbors try to adhere to the same style.

We make masonry from foam blocks

But if the balcony is in a far from new apartment and has always been used as an open space, then work will have to start with strengthening the balcony. Strengthening includes both the reconstruction of the concrete balcony platform and the strengthening of the metal handrail. Also, this process may include such an event as strengthening the lower part of the upper balcony; this must also be taken into account. After solving all these issues and choosing the material for the outer cladding of the loggia (balcony), you can move on to the interior decoration. To simplify this stage, you can lay a wall of bricks or foam blocks up to half of the balcony, directly to the double-glazed windows. This will save on insulation.

Advice: If all stages of insulation are carried out at the same time, then it is better to immediately install double glass in the windows, since one glass gives 70% more heat loss in cold weather.

Preparing for insulation

To begin insulating the inside of the balcony with any materials, you need to make preparations. Having chosen the material for insulation, you need to create a special wooden sheathing under it, on which it will then be attached. The exception is rolled materials that can be mounted under the sheathing. This frame is made of beams with a cross-section of about 4-5 cm. Transverse and perpendicular beams must be fastened so that squares of 50 by 50 cm are obtained. The sheathing can also be made of a metal profile, but this material is somewhat more expensive than wooden beams. The main advantages of a metal frame are lightness of construction and ease of use.

Note: When calculating the required insulation for a balcony inside, you need to take into account not only the dimensions of the walls, but the floor and ceiling, since these two positions also need insulation.

Material selection

Insulation is placed in the sheathing on the inside of the balcony, which can be:

Foam insulation is one of the most common methods of thermal insulation of balconies and loggias

Styrofoam. The cheapest of these materials is simple white foam, 5 cm thick. If you are insulating a room in cold latitudes, you can take thicker foam plastic; it can reach a thickness of up to 10 cm. It can be easily cut into the required number of parts, and you can not additionally reinforce it with anything, but immediately lay it in the cells of the sheathing under the finishing materials. The material is absolutely safe both when working with it and during subsequent use. The insulation is completely odorless, does not emit toxic substances, and styrene fumes in small quantities do not affect human health. Installation of the material occurs without the formation of dust.

Insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool. Mineral wool is a little more expensive, but its sound insulation properties are much higher, so if you need to get rid of extraneous sounds, it is better to use it. This material is completely natural and completely fireproof. The combustion temperature of mineral wool starts from a thousand degrees. The inconvenience of laying mineral wool briquettes lies in the mandatory compliance with safety precautions. The material contains small glass particles that cause itching of the skin. Installation must be carried out in protected special clothing, safety glasses and a respirator.

Expanded clay. The material is an environmentally friendly insulation. The word “expanded clay” is translated from Greek as “burnt clay”. The material is often used for insulation of floors and ceilings. It is not entirely profitable for them to insulate the walls, since they additionally need to prepare a metal mesh as a support.

Installation of high-quality double-glazed windows plays a big role in insulating a balcony or loggia. - you will find the answer here.

Penofol. This material is one of the thermal insulation products that has a reflective effect. It is a layer of foamed self-extinguishing polyethylene with closed air pores. Coated with high quality aluminum, 14 microns thick and 99.4% pure on one or both sides. Penofol is a universal material with steam, hydro, wind and sound insulation properties. The material has the appearance of a thin, flexible, light and environmentally friendly structure. It can be used as an additional vapor barrier; it is very convenient to work with, since it is sold in rolls and is easy to cut even with ordinary scissors. This material protects the room from external moisture and eliminates condensation from the room.

Penoplex. It is a new material specially designed for room insulation. The material is very convenient to install due to its light weight, so its use on the balcony is now relevant. It is produced in the form of rectangular slabs of different thicknesses, which are easily cut with a stationery knife. It is also possible to produce “sandwich panels” using the casting method. Insulation with a rough surface makes it easy to attach and glue them to other materials.


Izolon. It is also a universal material in terms of use. Confirmed safety for use as insulation and vapor barrier element. Excellent soundproofing characteristics.

The degree of thermal conductivity compares:

  • with 15 cm brickwork
  • with 4.5 cm wood
  • with 4.5 cm mineral wool
  • with 1.2 cm polystyrene foam

Reduces noise by at least 18 dB.

These are the main materials for creating an insulating layer, which are now easy to find in any hardware store. We hope you now have more information about How can you insulate a balcony from the inside?, and then we’ll look at how to do this.

How to insulate

One of the optimal methods for laying insulation is layer-by-layer laying:

  • First, the surface is waterproofed
  • The next layer is the selected insulating material, which is also secured with appropriate fasteners. These can be nails, screws, plastic fasteners with wide heads.
  • Then a vapor barrier is laid, which is secured with a construction stapler.
  • At the final stage, finishing material is attached to the sheathing using special fastening materials.

Sheets of foam plastic are installed in the sheathing, and the joints are covered with polyurethane foam

The result should be a layer approximately 60 - 70 mm thick, this is the distance from the outer layer to the finishing layer. Depending on climatic conditions, this size may vary. You must understand that any layer of insulation requires financial costs and labor, so it is better to immediately build a balcony conscientiously and not try to save on trifles.

In a situation with insulating the floor on the balcony the sequence is also the same. If it is decided to fill the floor with concrete, then expanded clay is laid first and the solution is distributed on top of it. The concrete solution must be carefully distributed using a special rule and try to make the surface as smooth as possible. Then ceramic tiles or other finishing materials can be laid on such a surface. Rolled heated floors can be laid under the final finishing, and this will provide additional insulation of the room.

Video instructions for self-installation plasterboard ceiling available at this address

If you choose the option of a wooden floor, then guide logs are first laid, between which the insulation is laid. Then a finishing board or chipboard is laid on the logs. Laying chipboard is necessary if laminate or linoleum will be installed further. It is also worth noting that under the laminate it is necessary to lay special substrate, which will provide additional thermal insulation. When the finishing of the walls and floors is completed, skirting boards are installed to hide the joints of the finishing.

In the complex of works on insulating a balcony, it is necessary to pay attention to the ceiling. The insulation process is carried out according to the same scheme as walls and floors. The task will be complicated when the balcony or loggia is on the top floor and there is no ceiling. In this case, you need to take into account the additional costs of installing the ceiling and roof.

When working on insulating a balcony, you should not fuss and rush, this can lead to unreasonably high consumption of material. If you approach the matter carefully and carry out constant calculations, you can acquire a full-fledged additional room for little money.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article “Insulation for a balcony inside - choosing materials,” which shows in detail the entire process of insulating a balcony using penoplex and penofol.

Value of additional square meters in a city apartment it is difficult to overestimate. The loggia can be a cold island for storing things or warm room for life. But, in order for it to be fully used, care must be taken to ensure an acceptable temperature in this room.

It has become the main task for those who want to expand the usable area of ​​the apartment.

The degree of insulation depends on the purpose of the room, as a living room or storage space.

And if the question of whether it is necessary to insulate the loggia has long been resolved, then there is still no consensus on the place of insulation.

Three directions for insulating a loggia

  • insulation of the loggia from the outside– the preferred option. In this case, the freezing point shifts to outer side, i.e. towards the insulation installed outside the loggia. This will not only insulate the surface of the wall, but also preserve the load-bearing properties of the material from which it is built. In addition, the internal space of the loggia is saved.

    The only drawback of insulation from the street is the cost of high-altitude work (industrial mountaineering). For external insulation, rigid thermal insulation material (expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam) is used, which is covered with a polymer mesh and protected with strong cement mortar and/or decorative plaster;

    Note. In some cases, the decision on whether it is possible to insulate a loggia from the outside is determined by the City Council. For example, if the house is of architectural value, carry out external works, changing the appearance of the building is prohibited.

  • double-sided insulation and finishing of the loggia. Involves installation of thermal insulation material outside and inside the loggia. Such a solution is inappropriate in principle, because From the point of view of thermal efficiency, it does not matter which side the work is carried out on.
  • insulation of the loggia from the inside. Internal insulation is the most popular option, because... There is an opportunity to do the work yourself. However, in this case, the usable space of the loggia is reduced. Nevertheless, we will dwell on this option in more detail.

Do-it-yourself insulation of loggias - step-by-step instructions with photos

Simple technology for beginners without construction experience.

Step 1 – Determining the need for insulation

Depending on the future purpose of the room, a decision is made on whether it is necessary to insulate the loggia from the inside or outside, what type of insulation and what thickness will be used.

By definition, a loggia is a room in a building with one open side. This specificity allows owners to carry out insulation with lower financial costs compared to insulating a balcony.

The fact is that only one side will need to be insulated - the parapet of the loggia. As for the other sides, if they border the heated rooms of the apartment, there is no need to perform insulation.

Step 2 – Degree of insulation of the loggia

It is a mistake to think that glazing a loggia with double-glazed windows is sufficient. reliable way save heat in the room. In order to ensure the desired temperature in the room with minimal costs, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of all surfaces: walls, floors, ceilings. It is better to do the work simultaneously, but you can also do it in parts, the main thing is to follow the order.

Step 3 – Selecting insulation for the loggia

At first glance, the selection is not difficult. However, the variety of thermal insulation materials makes you wonder what is the best way to insulate a loggia from the inside.

  • penofol(40-50 rub./sq.m.). Belongs to the group of semi-rigid insulation materials. It is distinguished by the presence of two layers: foamed polyethylene and foil, which will serve as a reflector (reflects up to 97% of thermal energy). Insulating a loggia with penofol is more justified than insulating a balcony with it, but despite this, the use of penofol alone is quite rare;
  • Styrofoam(2560-3200 rub./cub.). Optimal price/quality ratio. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, is non-hygroscopic, does not require the use of films, and is easy to install. The market offers foam with different densities (15, 25, 35 kg/m3) and different thicknesses sheet – 20-100 mm, which makes it possible to vary the thickness;
  • expanded polystyrene(extruded foam plastic or penoplex) (3500-5000 rub./cube). Newer generation of foam plastics. While maintaining the advantages of polystyrene foam, it is distinguished by its high density (40, 100, 150 kg/m3) and a tongue-and-groove fastening system, which makes it possible to avoid cold bridges. Insulating a loggia with penoplex is one of the most effective methods of thermal insulation, but widespread use limits its cost;

    Note. Insulating a loggia with polystyrene foam is advisable if you need to minimize space loss during the thermal insulation process.

  • cotton wool. Representative of soft insulation materials. Mineral (400-500 RUR/pack = 5.76 m2) or basalt wool (650-720 RUR/pack = 5.76 m2) are good because they make it possible to insulate a surface with uneven surfaces or cracks. The line of insulation of this type includes materials with different densities and prices. However, the general disadvantage of mineral wool is its susceptibility to moisture. This requires the use of waterproofing films;
  • polyurethane foam. Thermal insulation material that is sprayed onto the surface under pressure, allowing you to fill the smallest cracks. Work on insulating a loggia is carried out quickly, but is expensive;
  • expanded clay. Bulk insulation. It has significant weight and can only be used for floor insulation;
  • aerated concrete. Allows you to level the walls and insulate them, but the usable area is reduced.

With the exception of expanded clay and aerated concrete, each of the insulation materials can be used to insulate a loggia.

Factors influencing the choice of insulation:

  • technical condition of surfaces to be insulated: their configurations, the height of the floor/ceiling, the condition of the ceiling;
  • number of surfaces to be insulated. Often the wall adjacent to the room is not insulated;
  • climate. In regions with high humidity It is undesirable to use soft insulation;
  • environmental friendliness. Polystyrene foam is considered the least environmentally friendly material, basalt wool - the most;
  • ease of installation. Rigid insulation is easier to install. When using them, you can do without forming a lath for laying soft wool. There is also no need to use films. Best qualities from the point of view of installation, polystyrene foam has, thanks to the tongue-and-groove system;
  • type of finishing coating;
  • cost of the project: insulation of the loggia on a turnkey basis or with your own hands.

Step 4 – Preparing materials and tools

For the work you need to prepare: thermal insulation material, polyurethane foam, primer, wooden beams (50x50, for the floor) and slats (50x30, for installing lathing under soft insulation), vapor and waterproofing film (for soft insulation), hardware, metallized tape, Decoration Materials.

Tools: hammer drill, drill, level, hammer, tape measure, foam gun, vacuum cleaner, stapler, pliers, pencil.

Note. The wooden beam can be replaced with a profile for drywall. The dimensions of the timber are determined by the thickness of the insulation.

Step 5 – Glazing the loggia

Glazing and insulation of loggias are two interdependent actions. When installing plastic windows, you need to give preference to a 4-chamber profile and a 2-chamber double-glazed window. During installation, you need to ensure the tight fit of all structures. It is obligatory to install a low tide outside to prevent water from flowing in. A window sill is installed inside, taking into account the thickness of the insulation.

Installing PVC windows makes it possible to increase the temperature on the loggia by 2-3 degrees compared to the temperature outside the window.

If it is not possible to replace old windows, they can be sealed. It is better to insulate loggia windows using Swedish technology. It makes it possible to increase the thermal insulation properties of windows without changing their functional characteristics.

Step 6 – Surface Preparation

Whatever type of insulation is carried out on the loggia, due to its small area, it must be freed from everything extraneous. It is for this reason that it is advisable to insulate the entire loggia at the same time.

Then the actions necessary for further work are performed:

  • removing protruding parts that can be dismantled;
  • punching and drilling walls. If necessary, electrify the loggia;
  • processing of elements that cannot be dismantled. The metal is cleaned and coated with a primer;
  • primer treatment of all surfaces of the loggia. This will prevent the development of fungus;
  • cleaning.

Step 7 – Insulating the floor on the loggia

It is advisable to start insulation work from the floor.

Regardless of the material, it is carried out using logs. An exception is when laying insulation followed by screeding under tiles or when installing a heated floor system. The work is carried out in several stages:

  • installation of penofol. This is not necessary, but experts advise laying penofol with the reflective side up. Due to the reflective ability of penofol, almost all the heat that comes from the wall adjacent to the room or from a heating source remains in the room;
  • installation of logs. Before installation, the timber must be cut to size and treated with a primer. The longitudinal beam is laid at a distance of 50-70 mm from the walls, and the transverse beam with a pitch equal to the width of the insulation (for foam plastic 500 mm, for wool and expanded clay - 600 mm). The beams are attached to the floor with dowels. When installing the joists, make sure they are fastened correctly; in the future, they will serve as a guide for arranging the floor and installing the finished floor covering.

    Note. Installing joists close to the wall increases the risk of wood deformation if it gets wet.

  • installation of insulation. Rigid insulation is placed between the joists. When insulating a loggia with foam plastic or polystyrene, it is not recommended to use thick material. Craftsmen advise purchasing thinner sheets and laying them offset. This minimizes the surface of cold bridges. Cotton wool is also placed between the joists so that the material is laid freely, without knocking down. A vapor barrier film is placed on top of the wool to prevent it from getting wet.
  • seam sealing. If rigid insulation is laid with gaps, they need to be blown in with polyurethane foam, which is a good insulator.
  • arrangement of the subfloor. It is not recommended to lay laminate or linoleum until the work is completed. If the floor is finished with tiles, it is installed immediately and protected (covered) with cardboard.

Note. Using a heated floor system will ensure heating of the loggia, because it is prohibited to remove central heating radiators, and the use of a heater does not provide a long-term effect.

Step 8 – Insulating the ceiling on the loggia

This stage can be eliminated if the floor of the neighbors above is insulated. If not, then the most simple solution The loggia will be insulated with polyurethane foam. It adheres well to any surface, and the work can be completed in a day.

Often, the insulation of the ceiling on a loggia is done with rigid insulation, or less often with cotton wool. The order of work may vary.

Option 1 - frame method of thermal insulation of the ceiling on the loggia

  • installation of penofol. From physics course we know that warm air rises. And in order not to heat the floor of the neighbors above, it is advisable to install penofol on the ceiling;
  • arrangement of the frame. For work, wooden slats are used, with a thickness equal to the thickness of the insulation;
  • the insulation is placed in the cells of the frame. If cotton wool is used, a vapor barrier film is additionally installed;
  • The ceiling is being finished.

Option 2 - “wet” method of insulating the ceiling on the loggia

If the base of the ceiling is flat, you can glue rigid insulation to it. Additional fixation will be provided by the use of dowels with a large head. The junctions of the insulation sheets are foamed with foam. For additional effect, penofol is installed.

Option 3 – insulation of a suspended ceiling on a loggia

Place insulation (usually cotton wool) on the finishing material of the ceiling. Suitable for suspended ceilings or ceiling finishing with laminate or plastic panels.

Step 9 – Insulating the wall on the loggia

Insulating the walls of the loggia is the easiest step. However, it has an important feature, namely: the walls of the loggia are insulated in different ways.

  • the wall adjacent to the room is insulated in one layer;
  • the outer wall is insulated in two layers or a thicker thermal insulation material is used. Moreover, it is laid in pieces, and always with an offset.

Similar to work on the ceiling, there are two methods of insulation: “wet” and frame:

  • "wet"– suitable for rigid insulation and the only one possible for aerated concrete. Often this method is used to insulate the loggia with penoplex.
  • frame– Mandatory for soft materials. Without a frame, it is impossible to insulate a loggia with cotton wool. The frame can be made of wood or metal profile. The technology for laying wool on a wall is no different from installing it on a ceiling or floor. The protection of the cotton wool is ensured by the installation of the film.

Creating a favorable microclimate on the loggia involves not only insulating the walls, the entire space must be airtight. Floor and ceiling surfaces are also sheathed with material with a low degree of thermal conductivity. In our article you will learn how to properly insulate a balcony from the inside.

Selecting a thermal insulator

Advantages and disadvantages are inherent to each type of thermal insulation. In order to choose the most suitable insulation, you should compare the main characteristics of heat insulators.

The most common thermal insulator options:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex);
  • Foamed polyethylene (penofol);
  • Polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool.

Mineral wool

The thickness of the sheets varies from 2 to 20 cm. Mineral wool is divided into three types, depending on the components of the raw material:

  • Stone;
  • Slag;
  • Glass.

An example of installing mineral wool on a loggia. The material is placed into the prepared structure. The mounting frame can be made of metal profiles or wooden blocks.

Manufacturers produce cotton wool in the form of mats and soft rolls. In some cases, one side is covered with foil. Aluminium foil allows you to improve the level of thermal insulation.

When laying mineral wool, the foil side should be directed inside the room. This principle allows heat to be reflected from the aluminum coating and returned to the room.

This method is quite common, despite the existence of cheaper heat insulators. The insulation is resistant to fire and does not contribute to its spread. When mineral wool is heated, no harmful substances are released into the air.

The main disadvantage is that moisture is destructive; a vapor barrier is required.

Please pay attention to the integrity of the mineral wool packaging before purchasing. Moisture negatively affects the properties of the heat insulator. For high-quality insulation, it is necessary that the loggia space be dry.

Polymer-based insulation

Penoplex, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, foamed polyethylene are polymers treated with foam compounds.


  • The presence of gas bubbles provides not only good level thermal insulation, but also light weight of the slabs;
  • High degree of moisture resistance;
  • The materials are durable;
  • Antifungal resistance;
  • Simplicity and convenience when laying slabs or sheets, as well as rolls (foamed polyethylene);
  • An economical repair option, provided you choose polystyrene foam as insulation.

Main disadvantage: support the spread of flame during a fire, emit harmful substances during the combustion process.

When choosing polystyrene foam and other polymer-based materials, it is necessary to correctly select the thickness of the slabs and determine the density

If planned winter operation space, in this case choose a thickness of 50 mm. The density is determined by further coating - for putty, a value of 25 kg/cube is suitable. m.

1. Foam sheets

Insulator slabs (expanded polystyrene) during installation.

Foam plastic refers to budget ways insulation of the loggia, however, it is considered a rather fragile material, so lathing is required for installation. A worthy replacement is extruded polystyrene foam; its installation does not require the creation of a special frame.

2. Penoplex

Extruded polystyrene foam boards (50 mm thick) are used as insulation. The seams between the elements are sealed with polyurethane foam. Penoplex is attached using special disc-shaped dowels (“fungi”).

3. Penofol

The material is used as a separate heat insulator; foam polystyrene foam can also be used to provide vapor barrier. Due to the foil side, warm air is reflected and retained in the room.

In order to speed up the insulation of the structure, you can use alternative method thermal insulation - spraying polyurethane foam (PPU).

4. Polyurethane foam

PPU is one of the most modern thermal insulators. The cost of application services is considered high compared to other analogues, but many have managed to evaluate the performance properties of polyurethane foam. This insulation is characterized by high thermal insulation rates due to its fine-porous structure.

Spraying of polyurethane foam is carried out by specialists at installation work One day is enough; it also doesn’t take much time to dry completely.

The main stages of work on insulating the loggia space

In order to increase the usable space in your home and use the premises all year round, you need to:

1. Seal gaps, if any. Carefully examine the room to eliminate all design flaws. As a rule, cracks are filled with polyurethane foam, even if they are large.

After complete drying, it is necessary to trim off the excess.

2. Glazing with reliable double-glazed windows.

3. Organize a waterproofing layer. To protect against moisture, waterproofing with penetrating properties is used - “Penetron”, “Aquaton”, etc. The composition is applied with a roller, brush, or spray. This impregnation penetrates into the thickness, so the walls become as resistant to adverse weather as possible and their strength characteristics improve.

The installation of a waterproofing layer allows you to eliminate the most minor surface cracks that may not be visually visible.

4. Thermal insulation layer. For organization warm design We use the selected material (polyurethane foam, penoplex, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, etc.).

5. Installation of a vapor barrier layer. In order to make a vapor barrier, you should use special polymer membranes(“breathable”), as well as films “Rockwool”, “Izospan”, penofol.

When using penofol, lay the insulation so that the side covered with foil is directed into the room. Subject to this condition, heat will constantly be reflected from the foil, lingering inside the space.

6. Final finishing of walls, floor surfaces and ceilings.

A detailed description of each stage can be found in the article: .

Balcony room decoration

Goals for creating interior decoration:

  • External masking of the heat insulator;
  • Organization of a favorable indoor environment.

To create a balcony interior, you can choose various options finishing. Excellent for a finishing layer plaster will do, plastic panels, MDF, lining, plywood, gypsum plasterboard sheets and even a block house.

Lining panels are environmentally friendly and reliable. One of the main advantages of the finishing material is rigidity. The lining is fixed to a wooden frame-crate.

The walls of the loggia are covered with clapboard, flooring- laminate.

Facing the balcony with a block house.

IN plastic panels There are grooves for connecting elements. Plastic version lining has less rigidity and strength than wood.

Installation of gypsum board sheets on metal profiles. Plasterboard slabs can be decorated with wallpaper, painted, or covered with decorative plaster.

Decorating walls with wallpaper over gypsum board sheets.

Bamboo wallpaper. Reason for finishing- drywall.


1. The result of insulating the loggia.

Glazed balcony. Demonstration electrical terminals. Testing the strength of extruded polystyrene foam. Use of penoplex with a thickness of 30 and 50 mm, finishing the walls with putty. Concrete screed floor on top of insulation boards.

2. Stages of repair work on the balcony.

Consistent process of arranging a room. Scheme of thermal insulation of walls with polystyrene foam and foamed polyethylene, finishing - plastic panels. Floor: leveling, thermal insulation, cladding OSB board, installation of laminate lamellas.
