Valery Gerasimov: biography and military career. Army vertical of power

Biography of General Gerasimov

Colonel General Valery Gerasimov was officially appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation- First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The corresponding Decree was signed today by Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the same document releasing him from the post of commander of the troops of the Central Military District.

Website: Dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Victory

Article: Gerasimov Ivan Alexandrovich

Born August 8, 1921. Son - Gerasimov Alexander Ivanovich, lieutenant general, head of the department of the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Daughters - Olga, Natalya. He has three grandchildren: Ivan, Maxim, Denis, granddaughter Lyuda, great-grandson and great-granddaughter.

Colonel General Gerasimov Valery Vasilievich was born on September 8, 1955 in Kazan. In 1973 he graduated from the Kazan Suvorov Military School, in 1977 – from the Kazan Higher Tank command school named after the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar ASSR, in 1987 - the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after R.Ya. Malinovsky, in 1997 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


2. General Vladimir Shamanov in the war “080808”

...order to Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov to lead the group Russian troops in Abkhazia. On the same day, Shamanov arrived in Adler, and from there to Sukhumi.

When the Russian naval convoy approached the shores of Abkhazia, an incident occurred. sea ​​battle with five Georgian missile boats attacking it, one of which was sunk by an anti-ship missile.

Big at night landing ships In the Sukhumi area, they landed a battalion tactical group of the Airborne Forces and again went to sea, taking up positions to provide cover from attacks by the Georgian Navy. At night, the first transport aircraft from Ulyanovsk arrived at the Babushary airfield with paratroopers of the 31st brigade on board.


3. General Vladimir Shamanov in the Chechen campaign

The snow-capped mountains, on the slope of one of which is the village of Laha-Varanda, still pose a danger. Every day shots are heard from nearby heights: they are working Chechen snipers. From there, groups of militants are trying to break through the military barrier from the mountains. Army sappers place mines on their paths, leaving small passages for their own.

Before my eyes, a detachment of flamethrowers in white camouflage suits went on a special mission to the not yet liberated village of Pionerskoye. It is located 500 meters from Laha Varanda. “Immediately open salvo fire,” the commander gives the final instructions. “Then take positions.”

The situation, I must admit, is difficult,” says the commander of the Shamanov group. “The troops cannot move forward yet.” This is due to the general situation in Chechnya. The pockets of resistance of the bandits narrowed sharply, and this was clearly visible in Grozny and in the mountainous territory of the republic. Mountains interfere with the maneuvers of armed forces: there are impassable places, and crevices and caves serve as good shelter for bandits. The actions of aviation and artillery here are not so effective. Plus, difficult weather conditions. There are fogs and frosts for weeks. The other day, one of the units was conducting reconnaissance in the area of ​​the Wolf Gate. The guys began to climb to a height of 800 meters above sea level. There are icy slopes, visibility is about a hundred meters, no more.

In 1922 he graduated from the Higher academic courses at the Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze. During the interwar period, from October 1922, M. N. Gerasimov served in Western Front, then in the Belarusian Military District: assistant commander of the 5th Infantry Division, from October 1923 - commander of the 33rd Infantry Division. In 1928 he graduated from the Advanced Training Course for Senior Commanders at the Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze. From January 1930 - assistant inspector, then deputy inspector of the Red Army Physical Training Inspectorate. From January 1934 - Deputy Inspector of the Red Army Infantry, from November 1935 - Deputy Chief of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of the Red Army. November 26, 1935, with the introduction of personal military ranks The commanding staff of the Red Army, M. N. Gerasimov, was awarded the rank of “brigade commander”. From April 1936 - assistant to the head of the Combat Training Directorate of the Red Army. On June 4, 1940, after the establishment of general ranks in the Red Army, M. N. Gerasimov was awarded the rank of “lieutenant general.” Since July 9, 1940 - commander of the 19th Rifle Corps in the Leningrad Military District.

For several months, Major Gerasimov parted ways with his combat tank friends: the command, seeing him as a promising officer, sent him to courses at the Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces. Ivan Aleksandrovich ended the war as chief of staff of the 32nd Separate Guards Tank Brigade, which subsequently took part in battles on the Far Eastern Front.

In the post-war years, General I.A. Gerasimov commanded a division, an army, the Northern Group of Forces, and was the commander of the Kyiv Military District for almost 10 years. Before finishing his military service, he was Commander-in-Chief of the South-Western Direction for more than 4 years.

November 9, 2012 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu introduced him to President Vladimir Putin as a candidate for the post of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Introducing Valery Gerasimov to the president, Sergei Shoigu called him a “military man to the root of his hair,” with enormous experience, respected in the army.

November 9, 2012 - Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed him to the position of Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The President outlined the main tasks for the new military leader as follows: “One of the most important tasks is, of course, the rearmament of the army and navy, but not only that. There are other tasks: to improve both the structure and command and control of troops.”

  • Medal "For Impeccable Service" II degree

“In general, on the one hand, the reform that Anatoly Serdyukov began is aimed at the changes needed by the army. On the other hand, the way these changes were implemented provoked the emergence of new problems,” concludes Business FM.

Gerasimov Valery Vasilievich - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General.

Born on September 8, 1955 in the city of Kazan, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a working-class family. Graduated in 1971 high school, and in 1973 - the Kazan Suvorov School.

IN Armed Forces USSR since 1973. In 1977 he graduated from the Kazan Higher Tank Command School named after the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He commanded a platoon, company, and battalion in the 80th Tank Regiment of the 90th Guards Tank Division in the Northern Group of Forces. In 1977-1984 - chief of staff of the battalion in the Far Eastern Military District.

In 1987 he graduated from the Marshal Military Academy of Armored Forces Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky. Since 1987, he served as chief of staff and commander of a tank regiment, chief of staff of the 144th Guards Motorized Rifle Division in the Baltic Military District (Tallinn). In 1993-1995 - commander of the 144th Guards Motorized Rifle Division in the North-Western Group of Forces (in 1994 it was withdrawn to the Russian Federation and became part of the Moscow Military District).

In 1997 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since 1997 - First Deputy Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army in the Moscow Military District. Since February 1998 - Deputy Commander - Chief of Staff, and since February 2001 - Commander of the 58th Army in the North Caucasus Military District. Participated in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Since March 2003 - Chief of Staff of the Far Eastern Military District.

Since April 2005 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training and Troop Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since December 2006 - Chief of Staff of the North Caucasus Military District. Since December 2007 - Commander of the Leningrad Military District. Since February 2009 - Commander of the Moscow Military District. Since December 2010 - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since April 26, 2012 - Commander of the Central Military District.

Since November 9, 2012 - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. In this post in 2015-2016, he exercised general leadership over the actions of Russian troops during military operation to destroy terrorist groups on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in May 2016, for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, Army General Gerasimov Valery Vasilievich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with a special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation since November 2012.

In 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 he commanded parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square in Moscow.

Military ranks:
Major General;
Lieutenant General (2002);
Colonel General (02/22/2005);
General of the Army (02/20/2013).

Awarded the Order of St. George 3rd (2017) and 4th (2015) degrees, “For services to the Fatherland” 3rd degree with swords (2014) and 4th degree with swords (04/27/2002), “For the military merit" (05/16/2000), Honor (2012), "For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, medals, including "For military merit", as well as orders and medals foreign countries, including the Order of Friendship of Peoples (2010, Republic of Belarus).

Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation (2009).

Honorary citizen of Kazan (2015).

TASS-DOSSIER /Valery Korneev/.

Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov was born on September 8, 1955 in the city of Kazan (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, now the Republic of Tatarstan), into a working-class family.

Having entered the Kazan Suvorov Military School in 1971, he graduated from it in 1973.

In 1977 he graduated from the Kazan Higher Tank Command School. Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces", VUNTS SV "OVA RF Armed Forces"), in 1987 - the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky in Moscow (in 1998 joined the VUNTS SV "OVA RF Armed Forces"), in 1997 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In 1977-1984. commanded a platoon, a company, then a battalion in the 80th tank regiment of the 90th Guards Tank Division of the Northern Group of Forces, stationed in Poland People's Republic(now the Republic of Poland).

In 1984-1987 - Chief of Staff of the battalion in the Far Eastern Military District.

Between 1987 and 1993 - chief of staff - deputy commander of a tank regiment, then - commander of a tank regiment, chief of staff - deputy commander of the 144th Guards Motorized Rifle Division in the Baltic Military District (Tallinn, now Estonia).

From 1993 to 1995 - commander of the 144th Division of the Guards Motorized Rifle Division in the North-Western Group of Forces. In 1994, he led the withdrawal of the division to the Moscow Military District (Yelnya, Smolensk region), where it was transformed into the 4944th weapons and equipment storage base (BHVT).

Between 1997 and 1998 served as first deputy commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army in the Moscow Military District (Smolensk).

In 1998-2003 - Deputy Army Commander, Chief of Staff - First Deputy Army Commander, then - Commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army in the North Caucasus Military District.

From March 2003 to April 2005 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Far Eastern Military District (Khabarovsk).

In April 2005 - December 2006 - Head of the Main Directorate of Combat Training and Troop Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

From December 2006 to December 2007 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

From December 11, 2007 to February 5, 2009, he served as commander of the Leningrad Military District (headquarters in St. Petersburg).

In the period from February 5, 2009 to December 23, 2010 - commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District. On December 23, 2010, he was appointed Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, serving in this position until April 26, 2012. In 2009-2012. commanded parades in honor of Victory Day in Great Britain Patriotic War 1941-1945 on Red Square in Moscow.

From November 9, 2012 to present V. - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Replaced Army General Nikolai Makarov in this post.

In November 2012, he became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, in connection with the events in Ukraine, it was included in the sanctions lists of the USA (March 17), EU (March 21), Switzerland (April 2) and Australia (June 19).

Awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (2014), "For Military Merit", "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree, Order of Honor, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals. Also awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, 2010) and the Order of the Army of Nicaragua (2013).

The General Staff (General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces) is the unit commanding the troops of the Russian Federation. He also plans actions to protect the country from external invasion, establishes a hierarchy of military units and performs other duties that are prescribed for this body by the Council of the Ministry of Defense.

The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces is federal body and reports directly to the Ministry of Defense. The main task of the unit is considered to be the protection of state borders and intelligence activities.

History of the creation and reforms of the headquarters

The Ministry of Defense arose a year after the collapse of the USSR. It used the standards and part of the resources of the USSR Ministry of Defense. By decree of the Ministry, the General Staff was formed. However, the day of the formation of the modern General Staff is not celebrated as a holiday.

The official holiday of the General Staff employees is associated with an event from long history, when Catherine II founded the first General Staff in Russia on January 14 (old style), 1763. By order of the Minister of Defense dated January 30, 2002, this day is celebrated on January 25 annually.

In 2004, a reform was carried out within the ministry, as a result of which functions (administrative, economic) that did not correspond to its tasks were removed from the General Staff.

The military conflict with Georgia in 2008 accelerated the reform of the Russian Armed Forces, its goal was to optimize management. As part of the reform, two basic sets of tasks within the ministry were identified:

  1. Planning for the use and construction of aircraft.
  2. Economic and strategic calculations for providing military units.

A clear distinction was made between the administrative responsibilities of the General Staff units:

  1. Training activities and training of fighters are the responsibility of the main command of the troops.
  2. Operational work is the prerogative of the General Staff and the joint strategic commands.

The reform made it possible to rid the General Staff of secondary functions that were performed by other bodies. The General Staff became an exclusively strategic body aimed at solving military problems. A striking example such a task is .

The Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces acts as Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Defense. Since 2012, the position of Chief Staff of the RF Armed Forces has been occupied by V.V. Gerasimov. This is the eighth chief since the formation of the modern General Staff. The NGSH has a deputy appointed in 2014 - N.V. Bogdanovsky.

Structure and tasks

After the reform, the headquarters was left with 12 tasks. The range of functions clarified as a result of the reforms can be briefly formulated as follows:

  • aircraft use planning;
  • organization of training of military forces;
  • management of the creation of divisions;
  • ensuring regular inspection and training campaigns;
  • mobilization of troops;
  • analysis of the situation in conscript army units, ensuring security in these units;
  • intelligence activities;
  • ensuring communications between different kinds troops;
  • coordination of the use of radio communications;
  • creation of radio and electronic obstacles in a situation of active hostilities;
  • training of personnel with the function of protecting state secrets;
  • carrying out scientific research with a military focus (creation of research institutes and financing of military scientific projects).

All functions lie in 14 departments, which include centers, departments and services. There are four main departments:

  • The main thing is operational;
  • 2 Main thing;
  • The main thing about mobilization;
  • The main thing is communication.

There are also lower-level departments with practical tasks:

  • counter-electronic communications department;
  • military topography;
  • eighth division;
  • operational and preparatory;
  • construction and development of UAVs.

The Eighth Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces is a unit for collecting information for the Ministry of Defense necessary to solve current problems of managing the country's Armed Forces.

It is interesting that the 8th Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces has its own insignia “For Merit”, which is awarded to the personnel of this unit for reasonable initiative, diligence and excellent service. Persons involved who assisted the work of the department are also awarded; these can be military figures from other structures or civilians.

The headquarters system includes a research center, the National Defense Center, an operational (special) unit, a personal archive, and an automobile and motorcycle base.

GOU, tasks and command

Main operational management The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces plans operations at various levels. In 2013 V.V. Putin approved a system for protecting our state, including full set papers on the defense of the Russian Federation. The GOU was given the task of developing documentation support for the defense program, ensuring the organization of units and mobilizing troops in the event of a military threat.

Other tasks of the State Educational Institution:

  • search for military risk factors for the state (including collection and analysis of intelligence information);
  • military construction planning;
  • development of strategic and operational plans for the use of armed forces;
  • management of operational departments at any time (military and peaceful);
  • ensuring communications for the army and federal agencies;
  • anti-terrorism activities, including monitoring their implementation and providing support;
  • verification of the preparatory activities of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring international military cooperation
  • initiatives under the State Armament program (military development of weapons and equipment).

After the collapse of the USSR, nine department heads were replaced. The current head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces is S.F. Rudskoy, who has held the position since February 2017.

VAGS of the Russian military forces

The structure of the General Staff includes Military Academy. This educational institution intended for personnel training and retraining officers. VAGS trains specialists to provide protective military units. Academy graduates receive positions in the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, intelligence, and secret units.

This instruction has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for the position " Deputy Chief of Staff", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "Directory of professional qualification characteristics of typical positions of ordinary and commanding staff of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine", which was approved and put into effect by order of the Administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine dated 08.08. .2009 No. 171. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine July 10, 2009.
The document status is "valid".


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Deputy Chief of Staff" belongs to the "Managers" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements- complete higher education appropriate professional direction according to the educational qualification level of master, specialist. Work experience in the specialty leadership positions at least 3 years.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- The Constitution of Ukraine, legal acts Verkhovna Rada Ukraine, decrees and orders of the President of Ukraine, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and normative legal acts that regulate the activities of the State Special Communications Service, the Disciplinary Charter, job responsibilities of the personnel of the territorial unit;
- fixed government communications networks;
- requirements regulatory documents to ensure the readiness and preparation of territorial units to perform tasks as intended;
- principles of staffing territorial units personnel, equipment, special equipment and other material and technical means;
- possibilities, specifications equipment of the territorial unit;
- requirements for maintaining secrecy and storage state secrets;
- features of the government communications system, the purpose of its elements, methods of its application and protection;
- measures to ensure communication security at communication nodes and lines;
- safety regulations and fire safety;
- computer facilities;
- basic principles of working on a computer and related software;
- basics of psychology, rules business etiquette. Must speak the state language.

1.4. The deputy chief of staff is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The Deputy Chief of Staff reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The Deputy Chief of Staff supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The Deputy Chief of Staff during absence is replaced by a person appointed to in the prescribed manner, which acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper fulfillment of the duties assigned to it.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Organizes the work of the headquarters within the powers delegated by the chief of staff.

2.2. In the absence of the chief of staff, he performs his duties.

2.3. Ensures the implementation of tasks assigned to the headquarters.

2.4. Participates in the development of draft regulations, instructions, teaching materials on issues within the competence of the headquarters.

2.5. Organizes work on the accumulation and analysis of data on the commission or attempt to commit unauthorized actions regarding government information resources and their consequences.

2.6. Analyzes, within the limits of the granted powers, the state and development trends in the direction that falls within the competence of the headquarters, makes proposals to eliminate negative and consolidate positive trends.

2.7. Ensures the organization of provision of organizational, methodological and practical help in performing the tasks and functions assigned to them.

2.8. Organizes and controls the activities of headquarters personnel.

2.9. Within the limits of the granted authority, organizes the interaction of the headquarters with other structural units of the territorial unit.

2.10. Submits, within its competence, proposals for appointment to positions, dismissal from positions and relocation to the chief of staff officials, timely filling of vacancies, incentives and penalties.

2.11. Ensures that headquarters personnel comply with regulations on service, internal labor regulations, regime of secrecy, legality.

2.12. Monitors the conduct of office work and the safety of documents in accordance with current legislation.

2.13. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.14. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the authority to take action to prevent and correct cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to demand assistance in the execution of his duties. job responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.4. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his official duties and management orders.

3.7. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The Deputy Chief of Staff has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The deputy chief of staff has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the requirements of this job description obligations and (or) non-use of granted rights.

4.2. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for non-compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for the disclosure of information about the organization (enterprise/institution) related to trade secrets.

4.4. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

5. Specialization

5.1. Has the right: on behalf of management, to represent the territorial unit in the bodies of the State Special Communications Service, government bodies and bodies local government, on state enterprises, in institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, on issues within the competence of the territorial unit; make proposals for improving the activities of the headquarters of the territorial unit; receive in the prescribed manner from the State Special Communications Bodies, other executive authorities, enterprises, institutions, organizations various forms property reference materials on issues related to the scope of activity of the territorial unit; participate in the organization and conduct of meetings and meetings on issues within his competence.