Conducting personnel records in the LLC. Personnel records management in an organization or enterprise - personnel records and document flow

Successful leadership and personnel management of any enterprise begins with the correct activities of personnel production, organization and regulation of work with documents and information about employees.

Personnel records management is a special type of activity that specializes in formalizing labor relations, maintaining and registering employee records and drawing up a report on the movement of personnel. In fact, this type of activity is narrowly focused and deals exclusively with the employees of the enterprise, their employment, dismissal, vacations and wages.

Record keeping is an integral and important part of the work carried out at any enterprise or in any organization, regardless of its form of ownership and the number of employees. Unfortunately, some enterprises neglect such an important process, or it is carried out unskilledly, with errors in documentation, which can lead not only to penalties from government services, but also to lawsuits from enterprise employees.

Personnel records management and the importance of its management

The structure of almost any enterprise or organization requires the presence of personnel. The relationship between the manager and the employee in the course of production activities is not limited to just remuneration. Proper distribution of responsibilities, resolving current issues and organizing the work of subordinates is the basis of administrative personnel management, which in turn requires record keeping. Based on personnel documents, wages are paid, bonuses are paid to employees, social assistance and benefits are provided. An employee may need copies of documents to submit to the Pension Fund or the court; in addition, they can be checked by the tax office at any time.

Personnel records management is carried out in accordance with legal norms and the Labor Code, and reporting forms and documents are filled out using unified forms. Federal laws on labor protection, protection of entrepreneurs' rights and trade secrets provide the guiding basis for the work of human resources department employees. The presence of many state standards in each area of ​​economic activity and the presence of regulations regarding the preparation of reporting documentation is the basis for organized record keeping in each organization.

HR documents

Since all personnel documents are of great legal importance, they must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements labor legislation RF and according to a single form. The main documents for personnel records management of any enterprise, which are drawn up first, are the following:

Internal documents labor regulations;

Documents to protect employee rights;

Documents related to labor protection and fire safety.

Another important area in the work of the HR department is drawing up the staffing table of the enterprise, issuing orders for hiring employees, making entries in work books and maintaining personal files compiled for each employee.

One of the very important documents for personnel records management is also a time sheet, which reflects the time actually worked or not worked by the employee. The time sheet is the basis for calculating wages to employees, and, accordingly, the basis for calculating tax withholdings.

Vacation schedules, payslips, orders regarding the movement of personnel, work books and documents related to the personal data of employees - all this is at the disposal of the personnel department and is subject to strict reporting and preservation.

To illustrate the work performed by the HR department, consider the registration of a new employee. When applying for a job, documents are drawn up in the following order:

1. conclusion employment contract, with a full description of working conditions;

2. signing an order regarding employment;

3. filling out a personal card for a new employee;

4. making entries in the work book and in the accounting journal.

Another example of the work performed by HR department employees is the vacation schedule, the preparation of which, as a rule, is carried out in advance with the coordination of dates with employees and taking into account the peculiarities of the enterprise’s production processes.

Organization of personnel records management

The correct organization of the functioning of the HR department and its management of personnel records helps to properly organize all the activities of the enterprise, as well as to avoid unwanted fines in the event of an inspection by government agencies. Depending on the structure of the enterprise and its size, the number of employees in the HR department may vary. The qualifications of these people and competent organization They influence personnel records management on ensuring the smooth operation of the enterprise and the management of the organization as a whole.

The HR department may have direct management or report in full directly to the head of the enterprise. Regardless of the structure, the work of the department is strictly regulated by labor standards, according to which office work is organized and carried out.

Ensuring the competent distribution of specialists, designing the work schedule and working hours of employees, that is, measures that ensure the smooth and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise - this is the main task assigned to the personnel department. In order to develop the enterprise and to fulfill the tasks facing it, the HR department develops plans to increase the efficiency of employees by improving their qualifications, and analyzes the suitability of the position held.

Personnel records management allows you to solve the following tasks at the enterprise:

Maintaining documentation related to labor relations and of great social significance for each employee;

Development and creation of a personnel management system, which ensures the achievement of the goals and strategic objectives of the enterprise;

Resolving conflict situations, providing documents to various government authorities, including the court.

How is personnel records carried out?

First of all, record keeping must be based on a legislative framework related to the direction of the enterprise's activities. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the main guide for personnel officers, but forums and websites on record keeping, which are especially interesting for beginning entrepreneurs, can be very useful.

1C is recognized as the most widespread and accessible HR administration program, widely used by the majority of HR workers in their practical activities. In the process of work, each HR department employee is assigned a large number of responsibilities related to the performance of specific tasks. Proper organization Their work allows us to make the work of the entire department more efficient. In particular, storing work books, personal files and personal cards in alphabetical order greatly simplifies and speeds up the search for the required document, and maintaining files in chronological order helps to create a complete picture of regular movements.

There is no doubt that the decision on how to conduct personnel records is made directly by the head of the enterprise, however, he must do this taking into account the legal requirements and regulatory documents relating to this type of activity.

To summarize, it should be noted that the presence of a human resources department or a human resources specialist, as well as their qualified management of the relevant office work, is one of the essential conditions for the success of any enterprise. It is impossible to ignore such an important area that affects the work of any organization.

Every day, personnel workers are faced with the need to issue orders for their main activities (business trips, leave, incentives or penalties) and other situations affecting the interests of employees, for example, temporary transfer due to medical reasons.

Office work. Orders
* Organization of office work.
* Regulations
* Approximate composition of documents
*Orders by
* Grounds for orders on personal information – reports and explanatory notes, submissions, protocols, acts
* Orders for core activities,
* Documentation
* Documents for
* Notices, notifications, directions, certificates
* Sample orders,
* Save time when

Personnel records management is a branch of activity that documents labor relations, records information about the availability and movement of personnel, as a result of which personnel procedures acquire documentary form.
Almost any personnel document has legal (commercial) value. With the help of personnel documents used as written evidence, the employer can prove its position in court. For example, an organization, in order to confirm tax benefits for profit and property tax, must submit a staffing table, salary slips, personnel orders, copies of work books, time sheets and other documents.
In practice, tax inspectors allow that if the staffing table includes the position of a lawyer or marketer, then the organization can no longer take into account the costs of paying for the services of third-party lawyers or marketers for tax purposes. However, arbitration practice confirms that in order to take into account expenses when calculating profit, it is sufficient that the services are provided within the framework of production or commercial activities, are aimed at generating income and are documented (Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
In addition, detailed job descriptions, employment contracts and staffing tables, as written means of evidence in court proceedings, establish the production necessity of the organization's expenses for business trips and the costs of training and retraining of personnel.
When documenting employment relationships, the vast majority of personnel documents contain very important information. Therefore, the attitude towards working with such documents should be extremely serious. The correctness of filling out personnel documents depends on confirmation of certain legal facts on the basis of which certain employee rights arise. This may make it difficult for an employee to obtain the right to early assignment of a labor pension, in particular for work with harmful and difficult working conditions, however, any error or inaccuracy in the title of the position may lead to the fact that the period of work in a “harmful” position will not be counted as a preferential and The employee will not have the right to an early retirement pension.
Special attention attention should be paid to the procedure for maintaining work books, which, in accordance with Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are the main documents for calculating the employee’s work and insurance experience.
In general, the provision of social, pension, and other guarantees provided by Russian legislation to employees may depend on documenting labor relations.
Laws, regulations, instructions and other documents containing standards labor law, are necessary for the professional work of a personnel specialist. Therefore, the first step in creating a personnel service is formation of a sufficient base of regulatory documents.
The documents that a human resources employee should have at hand every day can be divided into two separate groups.
IN first group includes legislative and by-laws containing labor law standards and labor protection standards. These documents are binding.
Co. second group include methodological documents on managerial work and personnel records management. They are advisory in nature. The documents contain recommendations on how best to draw up personnel papers and how to more conveniently organize work with them. At the same time, the personnel officer has the right to independently decide whether to adhere to these recommendations or act in accordance with corporate standards.
In the “Documents on labor law and labor protection” block, five regulatory legal acts can be noted.

First - Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is the basic law that a personnel specialist of any organization must follow in his work. Labor Code norms regulate the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, organizing their working time and rest time, conditions for paying wages, and providing employees with various benefits and compensation.
Second- Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ"On information, information technologies and information protection"On the basis of this law, all work of the personnel service with the personal data of employees is based. For example, the issue of how the information received from the employee upon his employment will be processed and stored.
Third- Law of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ "About trade secrets". It establishes a list of information that may constitute a trade secret of an organization, a list of employees who have access to it, a procedure for familiarization with secret data, as well as responsibility for the dissemination of confidential information.
Fourth- Law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation." The provisions of this document make it possible to competently build a labor protection system in an organization. And this is very important. After all, healthy and safe working conditions are one of the main conditions that the employer guarantees when concluding an employment contract with employees. If a violation of safety rules is detected labor and safety labor inspector brings the guilty officials to administrative responsibility.
Fifth - Law of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2001 No. 134-FZ"About protection of rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs at conducting state control(supervision)". The law gives an idea of ​​the rights and responsibilities of the employer when conducting various inspections in the organization. For example, the law talks about the documents that the employer has the right to demand from the inspector when he appears in the organization, about the right of a company representative to be personally present during the inspection , on how an organization can appeal unsatisfactory inspection results.

To another group regulations, necessary in the work of the personnel service, include materials of a methodological nature on the organization of managerial work and on working with personnel documents.
Firstly, this is GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation." This state standard determines the list of details that must be present on a document issued by the organization, the order of their arrangement, and the requirements for letterheads.
For example, the standard dictates the rules for the location of the State Emblem, the emblem of the organization and its trademark. Establishes in which case the abbreviated name of the organization is written in the title of the document, and in which it is not, and what elements the registration number of the order consists of. The standard applies to all organizational and administrative documents of the company: resolutions, instructions, orders, protocols, acts, letters. HR department employees work with all of the above documents.
Secondly, This Scroll standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000. This regulatory act provides an exhaustive list internal documents, depending on their legal significance, regulates the procedure and terms of their storage. How long should, for example, the staffing table, bonus regulations, timesheets, job descriptions and other documents be kept, a personnel employee will learn from this departmental document.
Third, This unified forms primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment. Forms of orders for hiring, dismissal, transfer, sending on a business trip, promotion, as well as forms of employees’ personal cards and some other documents are included in the album approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.
Moreover, maintaining these unified forms in accordance with clause 2 the said resolution mandatory for all organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership.
Fourth, this is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225.
"ABOUT work books "and Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69" On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books". These documents will be needed by the HR officer when working with employees' work books. The recommendations contained in these documents will help the HR employee fill out the employee's work book correctly, without errors, and, if necessary, make appropriate changes to it or issue a duplicate instead of a damaged or lost document.
Fifthly, these are intersectoral enlarged time standards for work on staffing and accounting of personnel and intersectoral consolidated time standards for work on documentation support for management, approved Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 1994 No. 72. These documents can also be included in the list of necessary HR tools. With their help, you can calculate the number of HR employees, as well as determine the amount of time each of them needs to perform their job duties.
It is necessary to follow the recommendations contained in the regulatory and methodological documents, although they are not mandatory. The fact is that in most cases they simplify working with documents. In addition, the labor inspectorate attaches great importance to these instructions and, in case of non-compliance, may fine the organization.
It is important to know which documents are mandatory for the company, which become such only under certain conditions, and which documents do not need to be drawn up, since they are advisory in nature. This will allow you to be well prepared for the meeting with labor inspectors.
When creating documents, HR specialists need to be guided in their activities by the following:

1. View internal documents, the procedure for their development, approval, etc. the one that is convenient for the organization is used;
2. View external documents must obey general rules giving these documents legal force;
3. Documents must be stored in the organization taking into account the requirements of the archival service.

Giving documents legal force

For a document to have legal force, the following rules must be observed:
1. The employer is obliged to comply with the current legislation when preparing it;
2. A document may be published only within its competence;
3. The employer is obliged to comply with national rules for the preparation and execution of documents.

To document all personnel transactions in an organization, certain knowledge and skills are required.

Office work at the enterprise is regulated by instructions independently developed and approved by the director. It is an internal regulatory act and is mandatory for compliance by all employees of the business entity. The HR department develops and monitors its implementation.

The law requires the preparation of many documents that document all aspects of the employee’s employment relationship with the employer.

Experienced and novice personnel officers must improve their skills. To help them, Internet sites have been created on which theoretical courses in personnel administration are presented.

Personnel records reflect the activities of personnel and confirm the length of service of employees, which plays a primary role in calculating pensions. Management is responsible for the documentary fund of the enterprise.

The main details in control on paper

Competent organization of personnel records requires knowledge of the regulatory framework, tracking its changes, and orientation in the forms of documents used.

For what purpose is it carried out?

The procedure for maintaining personnel records is regulated by law. On large enterprises With a large staff, as a rule, a personnel service is formed. Its employees draw up the relevant documents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.

Papers can have a unified form or be developed at the enterprise and approved in local acts.

Personnel records management is an activity aimed at developing and maintaining documents related to personnel accounting, working hours, and payroll calculations.

Personnel issues include the following positions:

  • registration of employment;
  • internal movement of workers;
  • dismissal;
  • regulation of relations between the manager and employees;
  • organization of the labor process;
  • others.

Proper organization of personnel records helps solve a number of problems.

Its main goals are presented in the table:

Direction of personnel work Performed tasks
Accounting and control reception, accounting, dismissal of personnel.
Planning and regulatory selection, relocation, adaptation of workers.
Reporting and analytical
  • studying employees, evaluating their work;
  • analytical work;
  • making report.
Coordination and information
  • preparation, training, retraining of personnel;
  • reception of employees on official and personal matters;
  • processing written requests from workers;
  • archival and reference activities.
Organizational and methodological
  • documenting the work of employees;
  • work with department personnel;
  • personnel planning and management.
  • maintaining personal files and work records;
  • drawing up orders and papers for personalized accounting;
  • registration of sick leave, pension certificates, etc.

In Moscow and other large regions of the Russian Federation, organizations with separate divisions can maintain personnel records online. For this purpose, appropriate programs have been developed that allow the exchange of documents in in electronic format.

The legislative framework

The legislative basis for personnel records management is contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This activity is regulated by a number of regulations:

  • Instructions for filling out and applying primary documents for accounting and remuneration (Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/04);
  • unified documents and requirements for their preparation (Gosstandart Decree No. 65-st dated 03.03.03);
  • Standard instructions for office work for federal executive authorities (order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536 of 08.11.05);
  • Rules for the operation of archives (decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/02);
  • Rules of office work for federal executive authorities (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 of June 15, 2009);
  • Law on Information, Its Protection and Information Technologies No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006;
  • Law on consideration of appeals from Russian citizens No. 59-FZ dated 02.05.06;
  • Law on the state language of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ dated 01.06.05;
  • Law on Archival Affairs No. 125-FZ dated October 22, 2004;
  • Law on Trade Secrets No. 98-FZ dated July 29, 2004;
  • Order on work books No. 117n dated December 22, 2003;
  • Resolution on the adoption of instructions for filling out labor documents No. 69 dated 10.10.03;
  • Resolution on work books No. 225 dated April 16, 2003;
  • instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory documents

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges organizations to have their own legislative framework, which includes a number of mandatory local regulatory documents.

These include:

Charter Main constituent document. It states legal form enterprises, founders, field of activity, procedure for hiring and dismissing a manager, his powers. Many internal regulations companies are formed on the basis of the provisions of the Articles of Association.
Work regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules)
  • The presence of a document is provided for in Art. 189, 190 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It establishes the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the rights, obligations of the parties to the agreement, work and rest schedules, a system of incentives and penalties, and other issues regarding labor relations at the enterprise.
  • The rules are approved by the director. If there is a trade union in the organization, its opinions regarding the adoption of the document are taken into account. In organizations where personnel work irregular working hours, there must be a List of relevant positions and professions. It is drawn up as an appendix to the Rules.
Instructions on the protection of personal data
  • According to Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes the requirements that must be met when processing personal information about employees, ensuring their protection, use, and storage.
  • Personal information is considered to be information about an individual worker that the employer needs for labor relations. Employees must be familiar with the documents defining the procedure for processing their data.
Regulations on labor protection It is located in the HR department. Each employee is familiarized with the document. Enterprises with more than 50 employees must have a position of occupational safety specialist.
Shift schedule Used in companies with a shift work schedule. The document is urgent and is valid for a certain period at the discretion of the employer.
Papers on labor standards They reflect the necessary time costs for manufacturing products (performing work) by one employee or group and establishing labor standards on their basis.

Regulatory acts

After hiring a manager, the number of positions required for normal operation organizations. Taking into account the obtained figures, the production cycle and other features of the enterprise’s activities, it is being prepared.

To draw up a document, a unified form is usually used. You can download the sample for free from the Internet. The employer has the right to adjust the schedule at its discretion.

The document lists positions in hierarchical order, starting with the director and ending with support staff. For each of them, the number of units per state, salary and allowances are indicated.

At the next stage, a work schedule is formed. It represents work schedules for all employees. If there are shifts, detailed shift schedules are created. The document briefly describes the requirements for employees’ appearance, behavior, daily routine, etc.

Next, the form of the employment contract is developed. In this case, the basic norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents of the company must be taken into account. An employment agreement is usually drawn up by the organization's lawyer or an outsider.

The document must include the following items:

  • information about the legal entity: name, address, telephone number, full name and position of the manager;
  • employee passport details;
  • employee position, types of contract (permanent or fixed-term) and workplace (main or additional);
  • a list of main responsibilities with reference to the instructions for this position;
  • information on wages, additional payments, benefits, vacations;
  • work schedule, payment for overtime;
  • reasons for termination of the contract and other conditions;
  • signatures and details of the parties, seal of the enterprise.

To check and optimize the work of HR officers, management can conduct an internal or independent audit. This helps reduce the risk of administrative penalties, disputes and complaints from staff.

Stages of organizing HR records from scratch

To create personnel records, it is convenient to use the following step-by-step instructions:

Preparation of necessary To organize a personnel service, you first need to purchase furniture, office equipment, stationery, etc. You will definitely need a personnel program, for example, “1C: ZUP” and a legal reference system. Thanks to this, department employees will monitor the latest changes in legislation and have access to the necessary documents. A safe is needed to store work and important papers.
Manager's registration A director is the executive officer of any company. He signs the documentation. To vest him with full powers, he is hired under an employment agreement. A corresponding order is issued, by which he appoints himself.
Appointment of a person responsible for personnel work In a small company, these functions can be performed by a manager. If an individual employee is engaged in office work, an employment contract is drawn up with him. Based on it, an order is being prepared. If the duties are assigned to one of the previously hired employees, an additional agreement and order are drawn up.
Drawing up internal acts They are signed by the director and stored in a special folder along with the orders. Local documents include the papers listed above (section “Regulatory Acts”).
Documentation of personnel reception For each employee, you should create a folder for filing all papers related to his data and work activities (employment agreement, employment order, personal card).
Filling out work books Records of admission, transfers, incentives, etc. are made in these employee documents. The employer is required to open a new record book for an employee who has never worked before. Labor records and their registration journal are available in the office supply departments. These papers must be stored in a safe.

This instruction is also suitable for teapots who have no experience in this matter.

How are records kept?

To maintain records, you need to properly organize document flow.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • develop an internal regulatory framework;
  • prepare a staffing table for each staff unit;
  • make staffing arrangements;
  • prepare labor agreements;
  • develop forms for personnel;
  • issue T-2 cards;
  • approve application forms for employees;
  • prepare internal orders.

All personnel actions must be confirmed. Their list is fixed in regulations.

Additional points

Personnel accounting from scratch begins with the hiring of personnel. It is important to correctly apply for job applicants, prepare necessary documentation.

Staffing and vacations

One of the mandatory standard documents that must exist at an enterprise is the staffing table (form T-3).

  • list of structural units and positions;
  • number of staff units for each position;
  • salaries, allowances by position;
  • organization's salary fund.

Divisions are indicated in the document according to the degree of their importance to the operation of the organization. Within them, employee positions should also be listed in order of importance. The job titles in employment agreements and staffing schedules must match.

The staffing arrangement is a form of schedule with the full names of employees entered in accordance with their positions.

The vacation schedule (form T-7) reflects information about the time of provision annual leave to all employees. Compiled for a year. It is approved by the director in agreement with the trade union body. The document must be completed at least 2 weeks before the new year. The data entered into it is binding on both employees and employers. The exception is for beneficiaries.

The schedule includes the following details:

  • department name;
  • Job title;
  • Full name and personnel number of the worker;
  • number of vacation days;
  • dates of going on vacation according to plan and actual;
  • reason for rescheduling vacation, estimated date.

The employee is informed about this 2 weeks before the vacation. An order is issued, with which the employee is familiarized with signature. In November, you can prepare an order for all department heads obliging them to submit vacation schedules to the accounting department by December 1. This will make it easier to prepare the overall schedule.

Employee registration

The full-fledged work of an organization begins with the recruitment of employees. Filling vacancies is accompanied by paperwork.

The responsibilities of the HR officer when hiring employees are as follows:

  • registration of an application from an applicant in a special journal;
  • familiarizing the newcomer with current instructions and local regulations;
  • drawing up an employment agreement and monitoring its signing by the parties;
  • issuing a copy of the contract to the employee and putting a note about it on the organization’s letterhead;
  • execution and registration of the order in the accounting book;
  • filling out a personal card, filing documents in the file (applications, copies of personal papers, orders, contracts);
  • transfer of documents to the accountant for calculating the employee’s salary.

When building a personnel records management system, you should initially decide which documents must be prepared and which are needed for a specific field of activity.

Required papers include:

  • orders for personnel (reception, transfer, etc.);
  • personnel orders (for vacations, bonuses, business trips, etc.);
  • T-2 cards;
  • labor;
  • agreements;

Other required papers include the following:

  • staffing schedule;
  • OT position;
  • travel log;
  • inner order rules;
  • others.

It is not necessary to maintain job descriptions and a collective agreement, but almost every employer has these documents.

After establishing the list of mandatory documentation, you should study the statutory documents. Based on them, other documents need to be developed. Their list depends on the nature of the legal entity’s activities and the characteristics of working conditions. For example, if it is necessary to provide employees with uniforms and PPE, it is necessary to prepare an order on the procedure and timing for their issuance, and which employees need them.

Compensation and benefits for work in special conditions: in hazardous industries, irregular hours, night work, etc. Next, they draw up the Regulations on personnel records management. It reflects the list of papers necessary for the organization’s work, the procedure for their execution and storage.

The legislation does not oblige the development of such a Regulation, but it will significantly facilitate the work of personnel officers. To work in new organization First the director is hired, then he recruits the rest of the staff.

The composition and number of required positions is reflected in the staffing table. The operating rules reflect all work schedules, requirements for employees, etc. A standard labor agreement is developed based on the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Before using accounting journals, they should be prepared: the sheets should be numbered, stitched, and sealed. A piece of paper is glued to the last sheet of firmware. The number of pages is indicated on it, the director or executive officer signs, and a seal is affixed. On the first page of the journal they write the name of the organization and the start date of its maintenance.

One of the most important personnel records documents is the work book. To maintain them, the order appoints a responsible person who fills them out and is responsible for their safety.


The organization of personnel records has certain subtleties and nuances:

Recovery procedure The procedure is not reflected in the legislation.

It usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Study of current standards.
  2. Determining the list of required documents.
  3. Drawing up a plan for the further work of the organization.
  4. Determination of persons responsible for documents.
  5. Formation of staffing.
  6. Checking the correctness of hiring of employees, movements, personnel changes, dismissals.
  7. Determining the legality of the labor regime at the enterprise.
Features of individual entrepreneurs with hired employees An entrepreneur hires staff according to a standard scenario.

The contract is concluded in several stages:

  • Obtaining the necessary papers.
  • Filling out an application.
  • Drawing up and signing an agreement.
  • Formation of an order for admission.
  • Establishing a T-2 card.
  • Making an entry in the labor record.
  • The employment of citizens who speak English has its own characteristics.
Managing a small business
  • In these organizations, personnel issues can be dealt with by the manager himself or a special department.
  • An employer can outsource HR records. All issues will be resolved by a third-party specialized organization.
  • Difficulties with document flow arise if the organization is large, has structural units and a large volume of documentation. In this case, the courier may be responsible for handing over the papers. At the same time, representatives of the performing organization often do not visit the customer’s office, i.e. the work is carried out completely remotely.
Simplification of accounting for micro-enterprises All working conditions are fixed in an agreement with the employee. In 2019, managers of these companies and individual entrepreneurs have the right to refuse to draw up local regulations. Within 4 months from the date of loss of micro-enterprise status, management is obliged to prepare “traditional” personnel documentation.

So, organizing personnel records management at an enterprise is a complex procedure. It requires a detailed study of the regulatory framework and tracking of all changes. Competent construction HR records contribute to building labor relations within the framework of the law. To train a personnel officer, an employer can use the services of specialized companies.

Office work in personnel work



1.1 Documentation system in personnel records management

1.2 Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel service of the enterprise


2.1 General characteristics of office work in the personnel work of JSC Polygraph

2.2 Orders for personnel and their registration in ZAO Polygraph

2.3 Manager’s resolution

2.4 Making entries in work books. Filling out a personal card











A feature of modern labor law is the expansion of contractual regulation of the labor relationship. Many of the issues that were previously resolved centrally may be the subject of consideration of a collective agreement, agreement, or employment contract. Yes, Art. 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines a specific list of workers who are given a preferential right to remain at work in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of workers, and at the same time indicates that the collective agreement may provide for other categories of workers who enjoy a preferential right to remain at work with equal labor productivity and qualifications.

The tasks of the personnel service have now increased due to the fact that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has classified local regulations as sources of labor law: orders and other documents containing labor law norms. It should be borne in mind that in cases provided for by the Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, agreements, the employer, when adopting local regulations, must take into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. All of the above explains the relevance of this work.

The purpose of the work is to study office work in personnel work.

The objectives of the work are

  • consider the theoretical foundations of organizing office work in personnel work;
  • study the organization of office work in personnel work using the example of Polygraph CJSC;
  • consider methods for optimizing the organization of office work in the personnel work of JSC Polygraph.

The subject of the work is the organization of office work. The object of the work is JSC Polygraph.


1.1 Documentation system in personnel records management

When entering a job, a citizen enters into an employment relationship with an organization or individual entrepreneur. The content of these relations is the mutual labor rights and obligations of employers and employees. The employer is obliged to provide the employee with work stipulated by the employment contract, ensure working conditions and pay wages on time, and the employee must personally perform the labor function defined by the employment contract, subject to internal labor regulations.

Labor legislation provides for documentation of the relationship between the employee and the employer, as well as between the job seeker and the employer (written refusal to hire). Correct design the emergence, change and termination of labor relations is important for every employee not only during the period of work, but also after dismissal.

Work with personnel requires the employer to decide many management problems: personnel selection, adaptation of new employees, assessment of employee performance, improvement of their qualifications, work motivation, etc. Personnel management also leads to the creation of numerous documents 1 .

Taking into account the above, all personnel documentation can be divided into two groups:

  • documents related to labor relations (for example, employment contracts, personnel orders, personal cards of employees, employee statements, vacation schedules, shift schedules, etc.);
  • documents related to personnel management (personnel plans and reports; regulations on personnel selection, on the adaptation of workers, on personnel assessment, etc.; questionnaires, tests, professiograms, personograms, etc.) 2 .

Personnel records management traditionally includes documents related to labor relations, most of which are necessary for processing procedures such as hiring, transfer to another job, dismissal, granting leave, sending on a business trip, etc.

When documenting labor relations, numerous organizational, administrative, accounting, information, reference and other documents of various types and varieties are created. Among these documents two groups can be distinguished:

  • local regulations of the organization related to labor relations;
  • documents related to personnel accounting and movement.

Local regulations these are documents of the organization containing labor law norms (Part 1 of Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example, internal labor regulations. The preparation of certain types of local regulations is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Such documents are mandatory for use (for example, a vacation schedule). Documents not provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are advisory in nature and are developed at the discretion of the organization (for example, regulations on the structural division of the organization).

A number of local regulations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be applied by all employers, including individual entrepreneurs. Such acts include: staffing schedule, internal labor regulations, vacation schedule, regulations on remuneration, regulations on the procedure for processing personal data of employees.

Some local regulations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are mandatory for use only by those employers who have the appropriate features of labor organization and work with personnel, for example, shift schedules, regulations on certification, regulations on labor standards, regulations on rotational work, regulations on apprenticeships, list positions with irregular working hours, etc.

Documents related to the accounting and movement of personnel include: documents that an employee presents when applying for a job, and documents created for specific personnel functions.

Documents required for employment include:

  • identification documents;
  • documents confirming work experience, work experience;
  • documents confirming the level of education and qualifications;
  • documents related to state pension insurance;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents (if necessary) required taking into account the specifics future work(for example, health certificate, driver's license, etc.) 3 .

Documents created for specific HR functions include:

  • contractual documents: employment contracts, agreements of the parties, additional agreements to employment contracts, student contracts, agreements on full individual financial responsibility, agreements on full collective (team) financial responsibility;
  • administrative documents: orders (instructions) for personnel;
  • information and reference documents: employee statements, reports and explanatory notes, protocols, acts, etc.;
  • primary accounting documents: personal cards of employees, time sheets, notes, calculations for granting vacations and dismissal 4 .

Along with the documents, books, journals, cards are drawn up in which the documents compiled in the organization are taken into account (registered): a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them, a receipt and expenditure book for recording forms of work books and inserts in them, books for registering employment contracts, orders, personal cards of employees, personal files, etc.

Thus, personnel records management is a set of procedures for the compilation, execution, processing, execution, formation into files, storage and use of personnel documentation.

Currently, after the Labor Code of the Russian Federation came into force, the following main changes have occurred in personnel records management:

  • some traditional personnel documents have ceased to be mandatory, long years completed in a mandatory manner (for example, a job application);
  • new documents mandatory for the employer have appeared (for example, documents establishing the procedure for working with personal data of employees);
  • increased total documents processed in the personnel department (for example, documents when applying for annual paid leave);
  • the range of documents that must be delivered to the employee against signature has expanded;
  • a number of documents adopted by the employer require taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees;
  • personnel documentation must be freely presented to state labor inspectors when they carry out inspections of employers’ compliance with labor legislation 5 .

Preparation of personnel documentation continues to take up most working hours of personnel service specialists and often causes serious trouble during inspections and conflict situations. An analysis of the state of work with personnel documentation in numerous modern organizations shows that the most common mistakes in this area are:

  • lack of (mandatory) documents provided for by current legislation;
  • violation of the procedure for developing and putting into effect documents containing labor law norms;
  • incorrect execution of documents, ignorance of the rules for giving legal force to documents;
  • incorrect documentation of management situations, resulting in the absence necessary documents or a lack of understanding of what type of document should confirm the events taking place;
  • organization of storage and destruction of personnel documentation with gross violations rules for operating archives of organizations.

One of the main tasks of every employer in the field of work with personnel is the timely and correct conduct of personnel records.

1.2 Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel service of the enterprise

Accounting for labor and wages in the organization is carried out on the basis of primary documents generated in the personnel department. Poorly done work by the HR department inevitably affects the work of both the accounting department and the entire organization. The consequence of this is untimely payment of employees, sick leave, and untimely preparation of documents for submission to state social authorities. As a result, there is a decrease financial indicators enterprises as a whole.

Compliance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the correct execution of personnel documentation are controlled by both the bodies of the Federal Labor Inspectorate (Rostrudinspektsiya) and the bodies of the Federal Tax Inspectorate. A state inspector can come to the office of any organization, regardless of its form of ownership, and demand documents relating to personnel records, and other mandatory internal regulations and orders available in the organization (Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 134-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)”) 6 .

Documenting the activities of the HR service covers all processes related to the preparation and processing of personnel documentation for established rules, and solves the following personnel management tasks:

  • organization of workers' labor;
  • concluding an employment contract and hiring;
  • transfer to another job;
  • providing employees with vacations;
  • employee incentives;
  • imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees;
  • employee certification;
  • maintaining staffing;
  • recording the use of working time;
  • attracting employees to work on weekends and non-working holidays;
  • registration of business trips;
  • termination of the employment contract and dismissal from work 7 .

The list of personnel documents that organizations must maintain, regardless of their form of ownership, is given in Appendix 1. It also contains regulatory documents regulating the employer’s obligation to maintain certain personnel documents, and the periods for their storage (in accordance with the List of standard management documents generated in activities of the organization, indicating storage periods, approved by Rosarkhiv on 10/06/2000, as amended on 10/27/2003).

The organization of workers' labor is carried out through the adoption (approval by the head of the organization or an official authorized by him) of local regulations. Every employer must have internal labor regulations and regulations on the protection of personal data. Other local regulations, such as regulations on wages, labor standards, bonuses and material incentives, certification, etc., are adopted if necessary.

The collective agreement (agreement) is advisory in nature, as it is concluded by agreement of the parties (Chapter 7 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Maintaining personal files of employees is recommended for private companies. The employer’s obligation to maintain personal affairs applies to employees of state organizations in accordance with Federal Law No. FZ-79 of July 27, 2004 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation.” For convenience, we can still recommend creating personal files or personal folders, and the procedure for their formation should be fixed in the local regulatory act of the organization, approved by the head.

In the employee’s personal file (personal folder), you can include copies of documents that are required when hiring (passport, military ID, certificate of TIN assignment, pension insurance certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate of children - to provide income tax benefits; documents on education, etc.) and subsequently all the main documents created during the employee’s working life, which characterize his work activity (applications for transfer to another job, resignation letter, characteristics, documents on advanced training, copies of orders for admission , transfer, dismissal, etc.).

In addition, the employer must have the following labor protection documents:

  • instructions on labor protection by profession;
  • log of the briefing (familiarization with the instructions);
  • log of employees undergoing mandatory medical examination and others 8 .

These documents can be stored in the personnel service of the enterprise, if the organization does not have a separate labor protection service, or in the office.

In accordance with sub. "a" part 1 art. 356 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the federal labor inspectorate carries out state supervision and monitoring compliance by employers with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts.

The heads of organizations bear personal responsibility for the documentary fund generated in the process of their activities. For violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, incorrect maintenance of personnel documentation or the lack thereof, the legislator provides for the imposition of an administrative fine: for officials - from 1000 to 5000 rubles, for legal entities - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days, and again - entails disqualification of the official (Articles 3.11, 3.12, 5.27, 5.44 and 14.23 of the Administrative Code).


2.1 General characteristics of office work in the personnel work of JSC Polygraph

Labor relations between the employee and CJSC Polygraph arise on the basis of a concluded employment contract (Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the future, the resulting labor relations, as well as their changes and termination, must be properly formalized (Articles 68, 73, 80 and other Labor Codes of the Russian Federation).

Registration of labor relations means their documentation, i.e. the creation of appropriate documents.

As a result of documentation, organizational, administrative, accounting, information, reference and other documents of various types and varieties are created. Simultaneously with the documents, books, magazines, cards are drawn up, in which the documents compiled in the organization are taken into account (registered).

The mandatory registration of documents is directly determined by the requirement of clause 4.1.2 of the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved. by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536: “... all documents that require recording, execution and use for reference purposes are subject to registration.”

It must be emphasized that the procedure for registering documents itself is not limited to putting registration dates and numbers on them. Registration of documents is a record of accounting data about a document in the prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt (clause 4.1.1 of the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies).

Working with personnel documentation is not limited only to the preparation, registration and execution of documents. The most important part of this work is the formation of executed documents into files for organizing their storage and use for reference purposes.

Thus, personnel records management is a set of procedures for the compilation, execution, processing, storage and retrieval of personnel management documents. For timely and correct execution of these procedures, it seems most appropriate to regulate as much as possible both the composition of personnel documents and the technology for working with them through the creation of a set of local regulations on office work: a Sheet of Document Forms, an Album of Document Forms, a HR Service Document Flow Schedule, Instructions for Personnel Office Work.

One of the main objectives of these acts is to reflect the characteristics of the organization’s production activities, and for novice HR workers, local regulations on office work should become a reference book that provides answers to questions they have about documenting labor relations.

The basis of the regulatory framework for personnel records management is the Table of Document Forms. The purpose of preparing the Timesheet is to determine the necessary and sufficient set of types of documents for the legal registration of situations that arise in working with personnel. The use of the Timesheet allows you to reduce the working time and labor costs of the organization’s employees when solving the problems of documenting management activities.

The form of the Report Card (Appendix 2) is determined by the organization itself, developed by the personnel department and approved by order of the manager.

The preparation of a Sheet of Document Forms should be accompanied by the development of an Album of forms and samples of personnel documents included in the Sheet. The presence of the Timesheet and Album allows you to quickly and correctly document the work with personnel at JSC Polygraph.

The Timesheet and Album must first of all include documents provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, i.e., which are mandatory when registering labor relations.

2.2 Orders for personnel and their registration in ZAO Polygraph

The basis of personnel records management are orders (instructions) for personnel, issued after the conclusion of employment contracts, upon their changes and terminations. The content of the personnel order must comply with the terms of the concluded employment contract. From the orders of the head of the organization on personnel, information is transferred to accounting documents and work books of employees.

According to clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations, approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/02 (hereinafter referred to as Basic Rules), orders for core activities and for personnel are maintained separately and formed into different files. This procedure also applies to small organizations, where a small amount of administrative documentation is created, and one of the employees (secretary, accountant, economist, etc.) is responsible for personnel records management.

Selected species documents on the personnel of JSC Polygraph have unified forms, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (Table 2.1).

The listed forms of personnel orders relate to the primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, therefore, when filling them out, you should be guided by the Procedure for using unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 No. 20.

Table 2.1

Types of personnel documents that have standardized forms

In accordance with the said Procedure, additional details can be entered into the unified forms of primary accounting documentation if necessary. In this case, all details contained in the forms should not change (including code, form number, document name). Removing individual details from unified forms is not allowed. The formats of the forms indicated in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are recommended and are subject to change.

When producing blank products based on unified forms, it is allowed to make changes in terms of expanding or narrowing columns and lines for ease of placement and processing of information.

Changes to the unified forms of primary accounting documentation are made by issuing an order (instruction) from the head of Polygraph CJSC (see Appendix 3).

In the absence of a unified form of order for personnel approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia (for example, when issuing orders to change the biographical data of employees, to apply disciplinary sanctions, and in other cases), forms are used on which orders for core activities are issued (Appendix 4).

It seems advisable to include in the Album of document forms the maximum number of sample orders for personnel, as well as systematically supplement it with new examples after documenting situations that arise in the practice of working with personnel.

For personnel orders, correct indexing and registration are of great importance. It is unacceptable to use one registration form for all personnel orders and further compile these documents into one file. It is the requirements for the subsequent formation of files that determine the procedure for working with orders for personnel in the “current” office work: orders for personnel are grouped into files in accordance with the established periods for their storage (clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules).

Orders from different terms storage must be registered in different accounting forms and have different registration indexes (numbers). The rules for indexing personnel orders are developed by Polygraph CJSC itself. In the practice of personnel services, alphanumeric indexing has become most widespread.

If there are large volumes of documents, it is advisable to group personnel orders related to various issues of working with personnel separately (clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules), applying different indexing, for example: to the serial numbers of orders on the movement of personnel (hiring, transfer to another work, dismissal) the letter “k” is added, for orders on secondment of workers “km”, on granting vacations “o”, on promotion “p”, o disciplinary sanctions“in”, etc.

The order indexing system adopted by Polygraph CJSC is reflected in registration books (magazines), the forms of which are established by the organization itself. When developing accounting forms, you can use the advisory forms contained in Appendix 2 to the Intersectoral Integrated Time Standards for Work on Recruitment and Personnel Accounting (1991).

In the case of maintaining a record form in which information about personnel orders drawn up on various issues is entered, we can recommend the following book (journal) for recording orders (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Form of the book (journal) for registering orders

Accounting forms developed by JSC Polygraph with various options their completion must be presented in the relevant sections of the Album of Document Forms.

Orders regarding personnel are issued if there are appropriate written reasons, which, in addition to employment contracts and amendments to them, include information and reference documents: employee statements, memos (reports and explanatory notes), representations, protocols, acts, etc.

Documents grounds for orders must be correctly drawn up and registered. Some documents (statements, memos, explanatory notes, submissions, notifications) are drawn up in any form, others (protocols, acts) have unified or recommendatory forms.

2.3 Manager’s resolution

Statements from employees and memos refer to internal correspondence and require consideration and decision-making by the head of Polygraph CJSC. Decision is reflected in the resolution, the content of which in most cases boils down to very brief instructions: “To the order”, “Execute”, “To the personnel department”, which do not correspond to the meaning of this detail.

Another serious mistake when putting resolutions on documents is the semantic discrepancy between the decision made by the manager and the content of the document being reviewed. Most often, such errors are found in resolutions on employee applications.

The employee asks in the application to divide the annual paid leave into parts and provide him with a part of the leave lasting 5 days (from Monday to Friday). The head of the organization, disagreeing with the employee’s request, indicates in the resolution: “Grant leave of 7 days” (from Monday to Sunday).

This resolution does not correspond to the content of the statement, and therefore is not a consideration of the substance of the issue raised. In this case, the resolution must contain a refusal to grant part of the leave.

The employee, on his own initiative, wants to terminate the employment contract and warns the employer about this in writing, but not two weeks in advance, but a shorter period of time. Not wanting to satisfy the employee’s request, the manager issues a resolution: “Dismiss with work within two weeks” or indicates in the resolution the date of dismissal after two weeks’ notice, i.e. does not coincide with the date contained in the employee’s application.

Again, instead of refusing the request expressed by the employee, he is “made an offer” that does not meet his wishes.

To avoid such errors, the Album of Document Forms should contain options for possible resolutions when making decisions on the most typical, frequently recurring situations.

A feature of protocols and acts is the creation of these documents either in the process of collegial discussion and decision-making (protocols), or when several persons establish (confirm) facts and events that occurred in their presence (acts). Therefore, the protocols additionally include information about the members of the collegial body who were present (i.e., the presence of a quorum), and when drawing up most acts, the presence of disinterested witnesses is required.

To record the internal documents created at Polygraph CJSC, the following approximate form of registration journals can be used, which are maintained separately by type and variety of documents (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3

Log form

2.4 Making entries in work books. Filling out a personal card

Another important information The Album of document forms should contain examples of making entries in workers’ work books. As is known, current Instructions on filling out work books, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69, contains several sample records (for example, on the establishment of a second profession, on renaming an organization, on dismissal, etc.), but this is clearly not enough, especially for novice personnel officers.

Sample entries in work books can be placed in the Album after examples of execution of orders for personnel or in the form of a summary table (Appendix 5).

Difficulties in working with work books, as a rule, are caused by gaps or conflicting requirements contained in the current regulatory legal acts for their maintenance.

For example, in accordance with the approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 555, the Rules for calculating and confirming the length of service for establishing labor pensions, the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is the work book original, and not a certified copy. However, in Section IV of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 states that a work book is issued to an employee only upon dismissal (termination of an employment contract). Thus, a problem arises with issuing the original work book to a non-retiring employee.

In this situation and other similar cases, when an employee must present the original work book to a particular authority, it is advisable to show in the Album of Document Forms the procedure for documenting the procedure for issuing a work book.

The document on the basis of which a work book will be issued, in our opinion, should be an application from the employee addressed to Polygraph CJSC, and not the “receipt” that is widely used in practice. After registering the application, considering it by the head of the organization and putting down a resolution, the employee must confirm in writing (on the same application) the fact of receiving the work book for temporary use with the obligation to return it in a timely manner without any damage, corrections, blots, etc.

The personnel service must organize control over the return of the work book issued for temporary use and check it when the employee returns the book. If the employee does not have a valid reason for receiving the original work book, he can only be given a certified copy.

Detailed instructions on the procedure for filling out should be accompanied in the Album of Document Forms by such accounting forms as a time sheet (forms T-12 and T-13) and an employee’s personal card (T-2).

Maintaining a time sheet is mandatory, since Polygraph CJSC is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When filling out the timesheet, use following methods:

complete daily registration of hours worked or indication of the reasons for the employee’s absence (vacation, disability, etc.);

registration only of absences, absenteeism, tardiness, etc.

Time worked may include: daytime hours, night work, overtime work, business travel, and work on weekends and holidays. Different types of working time are taken into account and paid separately.

Notes on absences from work for valid reasons must be supported by supporting documents. Hours worked part-time are entered into the timesheet in accordance with the conditions included in the employment contract.

The timesheet is drawn up in one copy by the timekeeper or an authorized person, signed by the head of the structural unit and the HR employee and transferred to the accounting department. In large organizations, time sheets are kept by structural divisions.

The employee's personal card is filled out for all employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded, including part-time workers. Personal cards are filled out in one copy by a personnel service employee based on the personal documents of the citizen applying for work. Cards can be filled out by hand or using an electronic version followed by printing. When filling out the card manually, no blots or erasures are allowed.

If errors occur or changes need to be made (for example, when changing a surname, changing a home address or passport data), the incorrect or outdated entry is crossed out on the card, and the correct entry is placed above or next to it. Corrections made must be confirmed by the signature of a HR employee.

An important role when filling out personal cards of employees is played by all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information (OKATO, OKIN, OKSO, OKPDTR), the use of which allows you to correctly fill out the corresponding lines of the card (Table 2.4).

If it is necessary to encode information in an employee’s personal card that is not included in the all-Russian classifiers, local classifiers of the organization are developed. The cards filled out when applying for a job are registered in the book of personal cards, the form of which is developed at the discretion of Polygraph CJSC.

Table 2.4

Errors in processing personal cards of JSC Polygraph

The logical conclusion of the development of regulatory support in the field of personnel records management is the preparation and approval of the Document Flow Schedule for the personnel service of JSC Polygraph. The Schedule reflects in tabular form the procedures for documenting labor relations according to the following positions:

drafting documents (basis for drafting, frequency, person responsible for preparation, number of copies, etc.);

preparation of documents (coordination, signing, approval);

processing of documents (registration, transfer for execution, familiarization of employees);

operational and archival storage of executed documents (place and terms of storage, frequency of submission to the archive).

The procedure for applying the considered local regulations on working with personnel documentation, as well as responsibility for its violation, must be enshrined in the Instructions for personnel records management, approved by order of the head of Polygraph CJSC.


An automated system in an enterprise today is not a tribute to fashion, but urgent need. One of the trading companies managed to implement an automation project, literally from scratch. By the time of implementation, the organization’s staff numbered more than five hundred people. At the same time, the personnel service did not have a single software product.

It was difficult to establish communications between the company's services. The desire to eliminate this problem, as well as solving the urgent problem of creating a common employee database, became the main reasons for automating business processes. The project was initiated by two divisions: the financial department and the personnel service. It was they who formulated the main parameters of automation, answering three fundamental questions:

  1. What would you like to get as a result of the project?
  2. What financial costs will the company incur in connection with this?
  3. How long will it take to prepare and implement automation?

To work on the project, an initiative group was created, which included specialists from three departments:

  • information technology services its tasks included analyzing programs on the market, assessing the possibility of their interaction with IT products that the company planned to implement in the future, as well as resolving issues related to further maintenance of the program;
  • financial department determination of the range of automation tasks related to payroll calculation;
  • personnel services formulation of project objectives in terms of employee management.

First of all, the initiative group analyzed the information services market. It turned out that from the point of view of the tasks facing the company, almost all software products need improvement. Choosing the most convenient one required a rather lengthy discussion, which took place during several round tables. These events revealed the pros and cons various solutions. As a result, the choice was made in favor of the 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 program. At that time, it did not yet include the “1C: Personnel Management and Salary” block, so some modifications had to be made, which were carried out by external specialists.

A detailed action plan was developed and approved for the project, indicating the deadlines and those responsible for the implementation of each item. The entire project (development, testing, implementation and personnel training) was allocated 4 months (Table 3.1). First of all, employees of each HR department decided what data they needed in electronic form. For the HR inspector personnel document flow, for the HR manager the candidate database (previously it was collected on paper), for the training specialist lists of those who attended training (all company personnel undergo training). Thus, for the personnel service it was necessary to configure several blocks:

1. “Recruitment”. A special directory was created to store the most complete information about all candidates invited for interviews, as well as potential employees of the company who might be of interest to it if some vacancies open.

2. "Training". To record information about training completion, the existing “Employees” directory was improved. It included a list of everyone who works (and previously worked) for the company. It turned out to be convenient because it contained information about each employee: date of birth, address, passport details, title of position and department, schedule, salary, etc. Therefore, this particular directory was chosen for revision. It is now possible to enter information about the date and name of the training, its results, as well as what training is necessary for the further development of the employee, both new and existing.

3. “Personnel records management.” This block was also refined in order to expand its capabilities, in particular, for entering a vacation schedule, monitoring its compliance, and drawing up employment contracts.

4. “Reporting and statistics.” It is the preparation of reports and the collection of statistical data that allows you to analyze the work done and formulate plans for the future. For these purposes, the following electronic reports were created:

  • “Percentik” it collects information as a percentage: the staff turnover rate, the ratio of the number of candidates who were interviewed and the number of employees hired;
  • “Interesting statistics” The HR department familiarizes all company employees with the data from this report every month. It contains information about how many men and women there are in the organization, education statistics, marital status, average length of service in the company.

Table 3.1

Project Execution Plan


Project stage



Determining the needs for improving the program for the financial service


Financial Director

Determining the needs for improving the program for the personnel service


Setting up program blocks for the financial service


Development company

Setting up program blocks for personnel services


Providing the company with a trial version, testing


Finalization of comments


Installing a company program, setting up access rights for employees


Company developer, financial director, head of personnel services

Training staff to use the program


Development company

Entering all necessary information into the program


Head of HR

After installing the program and testing the settings, it was time for the most difficult stage of implementation. To begin with, all employees were trained in using the new program. It took place at the training center of the development company in two stages: first of all for the personnel service, then for the financial department (at this time the personnel officers were already entering information into the program). Classes were held for a week every morning from 9 to 11 o'clock. The process of mastering the program among employees proceeded at different paces, but everyone was convinced that automation allowed them to work more efficiently.

After training, all information was entered into the system (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1 Entering information about personnel

After the introduction of automation, the results were summed up. Analysis of the results showed the following:

1. Labor costs for simple personnel procedures have decreased significantly (Table 3.2).

2. The interaction between the personnel service and the financial department has been simplified.

3. It has become more convenient to store and use information about employees.

Table 3.2

Changes in the employee hiring process

Checkout point

What happened before

After automation

Entering employee data into the program

Did not have

Process duration 10 minutes

Drawing up an employment contract

Design in Excel within

15 minutes

Making an admission order

10 minutes

Design in the program 5 minutes

Filling out a personal T-2 card

20 minutes

Key press in program 1 minute

The HR department should be aware of the following difficulties in automating HR processes:

  • a good and high-quality project requires a lot of money (especially if it is necessary to significantly change or supplement the program configuration);
  • HR specialists involved in an automation project will have to communicate with program developers. Meanwhile, not all personnel officers can speak “the same language” with programmers (as well as vice versa), therefore, they will have to learn this;
  • the process of entering all the necessary information will require maximum concentration of attention from HR employees.


Currently, the volume of work of the personnel department of enterprises in general and JSC Polygraph in particular has increased significantly. This is due to the need to conclude an employment contract in writing and prepare orders at all stages of the employment relationship, from hiring to dismissal.

In practice, there is no general agreement on how best to formalize the combination of professions (positions), changes to the employment contract in the form of permanent or temporary transfer to another job. It is also necessary to distinguish between provisions that are an integral part of the employment contract and agreements that have independent significance.

Today, the legal field in which the personnel service operates is very extensive. It includes not only the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also other federal laws, in particular the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On the provision of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth of citizens subject to compulsory social insurance", Federal Law of April 20, 2007 N 54-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Minimum Wage” and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, according to which the minimum wage from September 1, 2007 was set at 2300 rub. per month.

An important role in regulating labor relations is played by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, in particular Resolution No. 922 of December 24, 2007 “On the specifics of the procedure for calculating average wages” and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

Knowledge of extensive regulatory material, judicial practice and the ability to apply them is a necessary condition successful work all personnel services.


  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 05, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.”
  3. GOST R 6.30-2003
  4. Andreeva V.I. Office work: requirements for the company's document flow (Based on the State Standards of the Russian Federation). - M.: Bizn.-shk. Intel Synthesis, 2004.
  5. Andreeva V.I. On complex issues of documenting labor relations//Human Resources Directory, 2006, No. 10.
  6. Barikhin A.B. Office work: textbook. M., 2006
  7. Belushchenko S. Auto order in personnel //Handbook of Personnel Management, 2007, No. 4.
  8. Boriskin V.V. Official paperwork. M., 2007
  9. Bykova T.A. Office work. M., 2008
  10. Vyalova V.M. Personnel records management in organizations with a separate division // Personnel Directory, 2008, No. 8.
  11. Galakhov V.V. Office work in the personnel service. M., 2006
  12. Doronina L.A. Basics of office work. M., 2007
  13. Magazine "Office Management", 2007, N 4
  14. Iritikova V.S. Office work//Secretary work. 2007. - No. 1 p. 20-27
  15. Kirsanova M.V. Office management course. M., 2006
  16. Koryakina Yu.S. Office work. M., 2007
  17. Kudryaev V.A. "Organization of work with documents" V.A. Kudryaev et al. M.:INFRA-M, 2006
  18. Kuznetsov D.L. Personnel records management. M., 2007
  19. Kuznetsova T. Office work. M., 2008
  20. Kurnoskina L.V. Modern office work. M., 2007
  21. Lenkevich L.A. Office work: tutorial. M., 2007
  22. Makarova N.A. Office work at the enterprise. M., 2008
  23. Bad weather A.V. Organizational records management. M., 2007
  24. Novikova E.A. Office work in the personnel service. M., 2006
  25. Pustozerova V.M., Solovyov A.A. Hiring and dismissing employees. M.: Prior, 2006.
  26. Pshenko A.V. Basics of office work. M., 2006
  27. Smirnova E.P. Office work: textbook. M., 2006
  28. Sokolov A.V. Documentation support for management. M., 2006.
  29. Stenyukov M.V. Documentation and office work. M., 2007
  30. Stenyukov M.V. Documentation. Office work: Practical. A manual for document support of enterprise activities. M.: Prior, 2006.
  31. Stolyarov Yu.N. Document classification: solutions and problems. // Book: research and materials. Sat. 70. M., 2005. P. 24-40.


List of personnel documents required for the organization



What document regulates


Shelf life

Internal Labor Regulations (ILR)

Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the PVTR against signature. Valid until replaced with new ones.


Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees

Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees against signature. Valid until replaced with a new one.


Staffing table (form T-3) (staffing arrangement)

It is compiled every time certain changes are made to it.


Book of accounting of the movement of work books and inserts for them

Stored in the HR department and maintained continuously.

Receipt and expense book for recording forms of work books and inserts for them

Instructions on the procedure for filling out work books and inserts for them (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69)

Stored in the accounting department along with the forms of work books and inserts for them; Forms are received by the HR department at the request of a HR employee.

50 years (but upon liquidation of the company, it is handed over to the city archive along with other documents, the shelf life of which is 75 years)

Regulations on remuneration, bonuses and material incentives

Section 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

In the presence of complex payment and labor systems and bonus systems. Valid until replaced with a new one.


Regulations on the training system

Articles 196, 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

If there is a training system in the organization.


Regulations on employee certification

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When conducting certification by decision of the employer.


Vacation schedule

Approved by the employer no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year.

1 year

Employment contract

Articles 16, 56, 57, 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Concluded in writing with each employee.

75 years old

Job descriptions for each position in accordance with the staffing table, work instructions for professions

Accepted at the discretion of the employer.


Orders for employment

Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Published on the basis of an employment contract. They are announced to the employee against signature within three days from the date of actual start of work.

75 years old

Orders for transfer to another job

Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Issued on the basis of an agreement on transfer to another job (additional agreement to the employment contract).

75 years old

Orders of dismissal

Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

75 years old

Orders on main activities

Published as needed. Orders for core activities prepared by the personnel service are registered and stored in the office. The personnel service maintains the file “Copies of orders for core activities.”

1 year (copies of orders stored in the personnel department)

Orders for granting vacations

Issued based on the vacation schedule or employee application

5 years

Employee applications for leave without pay

Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Leave without pay is provided at the request (application) of the employee in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or as required by law on the basis of an employee’s application (Part 2 of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

5 years

Employee personal card (form T-2)

Conducted for each employee.

75 years old

Employment history

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”, Instructions on the procedure for filling out work books and inserts for them (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69)

The employer keeps work books for each employee who has worked for him for more than five days.

Upon dismissal, the employee receives a work book in his hands. Unclaimed work books are stored in the organization for 50 years; upon liquidation of the enterprise, they are archived

Agreements on full liability

They are concluded with employees who directly service material assets.

5 years

Accounting book (log book) of orders for core activities

Instructions for office work in the HR service of VNIIDAD “Approximate instructions for office work in the HR service of an organization” (recommendatory)

Must be numbered and laced, sealed and signed by the employer

5 years

Accounting book (log book) of employment orders


75 years old

Accounting book (log book) of dismissal orders


75 years old

Accounting book (log book) of orders for granting leave


50 years

Journal of registration of travel certificates


5 years

Time sheet

Part 3 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The employer is required to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee

75 years old

Shift schedule

Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before it comes into effect.

1 year

Logbook for inspections of inspection bodies

Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 134-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)”

Conducted by all legal entities and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity


Minutes of meetings, resolutions of certification qualification commissions

Regulations on certification of enterprise employees

Are being issued certification commission

15 years

Workers' time sheets and orders harmful professions

Part 3 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Compiled monthly.

75 years old

Lists of workers in production with hazardous working conditions

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10 “On approval of lists of production, work, professions, positions, indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision”

If the production has harmful working conditions; is ongoing.

75 years old

Lists of employees retiring on preferential pensions

50 years

Correspondence regarding the appointment of - state pensions and benefits;

Preferential pension


5 years

10 years

Occupational safety instructions by profession

Section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


Briefing log (familiarization with instructions)

Section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

10 years

Log of employees undergoing mandatory medical examination

Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1996 No. 90 “On the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession” (as amended on February 6, 2001)

5 years

Accident reports

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2002 No. 73 “On approval of the forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, and provisions on the specifics of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations”

45 years

Acts of investigation of occupational poisonings and diseases

45 years


Example of a document form sheet


An example of an order to amend the forms of primary accounting documentation


An example of an order for personnel on the order form for the main activity


Example of an application for the issuance of a work book


Pivot table example

1 Basakov M.I. Office work. M., 2007

2 Orlovsky Yu.P. Office work in the organization. M., 2007

3 Rogozhin M.Yu. Office work in the personnel service. M., 2007

4 Stenyukov M.V. Documentation. Office work: Practical. A manual for document support of enterprise activities. M.: Prior, 2006

5 Trukhanovich L.V. Office work. M., 2008

6 Malkova E.N. Mandatory personnel documents formed in the personnel service of the enterprise // Personnel decisions, 2008, No. 7.

7 Malkova E.N. Mandatory personnel documents formed in the personnel service of the enterprise // Personnel decisions, 2008, No. 7.

8 Malkova E.N. Mandatory personnel documents formed in the personnel service of the enterprise // Personnel decisions, 2008, No. 7.

Personnel records management is one of the key points for managers of all organizations, requiring serious knowledge of labor legislation, the basics of maintaining and preparing documentation. He cannot be underestimated.

In this article you will read:

  • What is personnel records management
  • What documents are important in personnel records management?
  • What is the basis of personnel records management?
  • How to organize HR records in your company
  • What mistakes do HR professionals most often make?
  • What are the advantages of HR automation?
  • What changes affected personnel records management in 2016?

What is personnel records management

HR records management includes personnel management, which allows you to timely regulate the organization’s document flow. It can be related both to employees, their movement within the company, and to the recording of working hours and settlements with employees.

Best article of the month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation you are doomed to time trouble.

We have published in this article a delegation algorithm that will help you free yourself from routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task so that it is completed, and how to supervise staff.

Not so long ago, any company had its own personnel department, and the office work process was completely systematized and did not require any special knowledge from the department employees. Now almost everything has changed: HR employees simply need to use creative thinking when hiring potential employees. Thus, for an HR manager, education and legal literacy, accuracy and thoroughness in conducting accountant affairs, and studying training programs are important.

As a rule, an accountant-lawyer-HR manager collectively corresponds to the title of HR master.

What are the responsibilities of a HR specialist?

The main documents that a HR specialist has to deal with are:

1. Maintaining document flow dictated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Establishment of personal files of company employees;

Writing certificates, sick leaves and statements;

Preparation of personnel orders;

Creation of time sheets and control of working hours;

Preparation of quarterly reports on the unified social tax;

Calculation and calculation of salaries for employees, etc.

2. Competent drafting of employment contracts, job descriptions and internal regulations.

3. Maintaining documents related to the hiring of new employees:

Studying candidates' profiles and resumes;

Monitoring the market for wages;

Processing the list of vacancies of the organization;

4. Accounting for documents on personnel certification and assessment:

Writing evaluation forms and regulations;

Preparation of employee certification characteristics.

It is important that the HR specialist signs a document on the non-distribution of personal data of employees.

Fundamentals of HR Administration

Various documents, for example, laws, regulations, instructions, which set out labor law standards, are of paramount importance in the work of an HR employee. There are two main groups of official papers:

1) Legislative and by-laws that describe labor law standards and labor protection standards. All employees of the company must comply with these standards. This includes:

1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Is a basic law. It is followed by the personnel department employee of each enterprise. According to the norms of the labor code, employees of the organization are hired and fired, work and rest hours are regulated, the procedure for issuing wages, and the registration of various benefits and compensations.

2. Law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ “On the fundamentals of labor protection in the Russian Federation.” This law allows you to organize a labor protection system at the enterprise. The manager takes control of the provision of harmless working conditions and bears administrative responsibility for this.

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection.” The processing of personal information is based precisely on this law. For example, they determine how all data about the person being hired will be processed, as well as where the information will be stored.

4. Law of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2001 No. 134-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision).” This law talks about the rights and responsibilities of the employer during ongoing inspections. In particular, in The law prescribes the documents that the manager has the right to demand from the person who came to conduct an inspection at the enterprise; it mentions the right of the person performing the duty to take part in the inspection itself, as well as what to do if its outcome is unsatisfactory.

5. Law of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ “On Trade Secrets”. Includes a list of information classified in this enterprise, as well as a list of employees who have secret information and are responsible for its disclosure.

2) Documents of a methodological nature on managerial work and personnel records management. These documents are not mandatory and include information on the most efficient work with the papers of the HR department.

1. GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation." They determine the rules for maintaining documentation, a list of details that are required to be present in the document. This state standard defines the list of details that must be present on the document, the order of their arrangement, and the requirements for letterheads. For example, the location on documents of the state emblem, emblem of an organization or its trademark is provided for by these standards. They tell you when to write the abbreviated name of the company, and when to write the full name, as well as constituent elements registration number of the order. Such rules apply to all organizational and administrative documents of the organization: resolutions, instructions, orders, protocols, acts, letters. HR records management handles all these official papers.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” and Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books”. The personnel employee turns to them to correctly fill out and further maintain the work books of their employees.

3. List of standard management documents approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000. This regulatory act includes a complete list of internal documents, establishes the procedure and terms of their storage. Thus, if a personnel employee needs to find out how long, for example, a staffing table should be kept, he brings up this particular departmental document.

4. Intersectoral integrated time standards for work on staffing and accounting of personnel and intersectoral integrated time standards for work on documentation support for management, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1994 No. 72. With their help, the number of personnel service employees is calculated, and the amount of time required for each of them to perform their job duties is determined.

5. Unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment. Samples of orders on employment, on termination of employment, on transfer, on sending on a business trip, on bonuses, as well as some other documents are included in the document, according to Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

How to conduct personnel records in a company

HR activities can be conducted in the following ways:

1) On your own, hiring an employee specifically for this purpose.

2) By resorting to the help of third-party organizations specializing in HR outsourcing.

3) Automated personnel records management.

Both of the first methods are acceptable and each has its own advantages.

According to the first, by establishing a human resources department in an organization, its personnel will be able to combine accounting, jurisprudence and the responsibilities of an HR manager, as well as have a good grasp of all the necessary information from within the company.

If the staff is small, then usually the manager performs these duties himself, thereby saving on wages for employees specialized in this area.

The second option is now gaining great popularity, since such a service costs the company much less than hiring an employee on a permanent basis. This is especially true before inspections, when changing management or during the dismissal of an experienced employee in this field. Highly qualified specialists come to the organization temporarily and put all internal documentation in order.

How to organize HR records from scratch

Stage 1. Development of documents that must be in the company

First, various manuals for the work of personnel records are developed. To do this, the organization must have the following necessary documents:

Internal labor regulations;

Law on the Protection of Employee Personal Data;

Law on labor protection and fire safety.

These documents are mandatory and are processed first.

Stage 2. Adjustment of staffing

Before drawing up a work schedule, employment contracts are concluded with the organization’s employees, all necessary employment documentation is drawn up, and work books are created. However, errors in maintaining this documentation are quite common.

The staffing table is verified according to data on the salaries of employees and the names of their positions. This information is in the accounting department.

Pay attention to the correspondence between the positions in the staffing table and the actual positions of the employees. This information is mainly needed for entering into the 1C program, but in reality, gross distortions in the database are very common. Accordingly, when drawing up the staffing table, all information about employees must be reliable and verified.

  • Methods of personnel incentives: tangible and intangible

In accounting, each employee is assigned his own unique personnel number. As a rule, this process is automated. Otherwise, they are assigned manually. Since each personnel number is assigned to an individual person, even after dismissal it is not transferred to anyone.

Carefully check the status of employees' personal files and their personal cards. If any documentation is missing, write a reminder to the employee of the organization what exactly he must still present to the HR department.

Stage 3. Checking the compliance of information in employment contracts and staffing schedules

Be sure to check the staffing table information with the information in the employment contracts. It is possible that the information will not be reliable. For example, a salary is indicated that does not correspond to reality, or the indicated date for signing the contract falls on a day off and other inconsistencies. In such cases, contracts urgently need to be redone. The agreement must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules and signed by an authorized person. If any changes occur in the employee’s activities, it is enough to draw up an additional agreement and thus make adjustments to the employment contract.

Such an agreement is drawn up separately for each specific employee of the organization.

All documentation is made in two copies: one for the company, the other for the personnel department.

Stage 4. Checking the correct execution of personnel orders

All documentation is checked for the correctness and reliability of the entered data. All nuances, such as dates, signatures and all information relating to the person applying for work, must be true. All documents must correspond to each other. Always pay attention to the presence of not only the signature of the head of the enterprise, but also the employee himself. If any inaccuracies are found in the documents, they should be redone or possibly sent for signature.

Stage 5. Checking the correctness of work records

Next, make sure that your work records exist. They are all in the organization. You may come across the work record of an employee who has not been working with your organization for a long time. Then you are supposed to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery with a request to appear for the work book or to give an address to which it can be sent. Depending on the answer, it is either sent by mail to the specified address with receipt of receipt, or a notice of delivery of the letter is included in the work book. The shelf life of the work book of non-working employees is until required, but not less than 50 years.

When starting to fill out a work book, first study the documents regulating the maintenance of work books. These include:

Instructions for filling out work books;

Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers.

Stage 6. Registration of personal files or personal folders of employees (if they have not been kept before you)

When hired, a personal card is created for each employee in form No. T-2. As a rule, this process is currently automated - there are special programs for filling out these cards and then printing them. It should be noted that state archives accept personal cards only on “half-cardboard” paper.

Personal cards are maintained by an employee of the HR department - such an instruction is contained in the instructions for the use of unified forms (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

All copies of documents: passport, insurance certificate, are placed in “file” folders and an inventory of each case is made. This is how personal folders are formed. Copies of orders and contracts relating to this employee are also placed there. This is done for convenience. It is advisable to attach photographs of employees to personal cards.

Remember that it is highly undesirable to store personal files together with Form No. T-2.

Stage 7. Preparation of the necessary accounting books or journals

Documents such as the Book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them and the Receipt and Expenditure Book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts in them are kept exclusively by hand. Each page must be numbered, and the book must be bound, since this is a journal of strict reporting forms.

Stage 8. Drawing up a vacation schedule

In the pre-New Year period, a vacation schedule is drawn up and approved.

In a small enterprise, you can conduct a survey about employees going on vacation; in a large enterprise, this task delegated heads of departments of the organization.

To ensure that the work process of the enterprise is not affected, vacation periods should not coincide for employees of the same department.

If controversial issues arise among employees regarding the vacation period, the decision is made by the manager or head of the department. Obtaining all the necessary information to create a vacation schedule takes from one to three weeks.

Once the vacation schedule is drawn up, it is approved by the head of the organization.

Two weeks before the start of the vacation, you are required to notify the employee of its occurrence and issue an order to grant the vacation. However, the time for going on vacation can be adjusted by agreement between the employee and his superiors.

When a sick leave certificate is presented at the beginning of the planned vacation, it is transferred to another period of time, indicating it in the application. The changed data is entered into certain columns of the vacation schedule.

Always remember that an employee is required to go on vacation at least once every two years. And upon dismissal of an employee, annual paid leave is compensated financially.

Stage 9. Formation of personnel files

Cases are structured like this:

- “Orders for personnel (hiring, dismissal, transfer, bonuses, promotions, leaves without pay, assignments on long-term business trips and business trips abroad)” - storage period - 75 years;

- “Orders for personnel (regular and educational leaves, duty, penalties, short-term business trips within the country)” - shelf life - 5 years;

- “Employment contracts”;

- "Personal things";

- “Personal cards”;

- “Regulatory documents of the company (regulations, instructions)”;

- “Personnel issues related to government services and trade organizations”, etc.

Leave lists, duty sequences and schedules are usually classified as separate matters.

Considering that personal orders can be stored for five or seventy-five years, it is recommended to sort them into different cases. Please note that all documents not included in the case list with a 5-year retention period automatically have a 75-year retention period.

If the company is large enough, and more than 250 sheets appear within 12 months, then it needs to be sorted into separate folders. For example, “Employment contracts (A–L)”, “Employment contracts (M–Z)”; “Orders for personnel (planned and educational leaves)”, “Orders for personnel (duties, reprimands, business trips)”).

Stage 10. Registration of the list of cases

A systematized list of the names of company cases, which also indicates how long a particular document is stored, can be prepared separately for cases related to company personnel, or can be included in the general list of company documents.

The process of filling out documents related to personnel is the same as filing files and compiling a list in general office work.

Correct management of personnel records: typical mistakes

1. Errors when issuing orders:

The rules for drawing up the textual component of orders are violated, especially orders for the admission, transfer or dismissal of a person.

The conditions of employment and job description are incorrectly indicated, and information about the probationary period is not included.

There may be incorrect spelling of various data when placing an order. Mistakes are often made in a person’s name, in the name of a company department or place of work, or in a job title.

Incorrect use of standard forms in document preparation. Problems also arise in specifying the composition of the details.

2. Mistakes when concluding employment agreements:

Concluding an agreement on the basis of incorrectly completed documents or in the absence of one of the required ones.

Concluding an employment contract with an employee who has not reached or has already exceeded the permissible age limit.

Acceptance of a citizen who cannot perform this work for health.

3. Errors when maintaining work records:

Organizations often forget to enter the data of the new employee’s work record into the work book.

Corrections in the work insert are unacceptable if the data was entered incorrectly.

You cannot enter information about your work in the “information about awards” section or format the insert in any other way that does not comply with the law.

Automation of personnel records management: implementation algorithm

Owners of large companies often face problems:

Employees are slow to complete paperwork;

Agreements take a long time to be agreed upon, contractual obligations are fulfilled with delays;

The employee claims that there was a specific document, and even remembers what was written in it, but cannot find it;

When employees leave, important documents with which they worked disappear.

As a result, the company does not respond to requests from customers or suppliers in a timely manner, and the speed of decision-making decreases. It is at this stage that you should seriously think about implementing a unified electronic document management system (EDMS). Such a system will allow you to cope with the listed problems, and in addition will help you control performance discipline and quickly obtain the necessary data for analyzing the situation.

When preparing and implementing a project to automate document flow, you should adhere to a certain algorithm:

Step 1. Describe the document management system

You can entrust the description to a secretary (if the company is small) or a specially appointed employee. Here's what he needs to do:

Prepare a document (regulations) that lists business processes and defines the procedure for document execution;

Draw up instructions for office work (or its equivalent) describing the procedure for each process (procedures, roles and functions of employees; an example of a process is working with contracts and accompanying documents);

Write (or update) job descriptions for employees; they must clearly indicate the functions of each employee and determine who will perform his duties in the event of temporary absence.

Step 2. Determine the customer (owner) of the system and the project manager

The customer is an employee or department of the company (represented by his boss) who will work with the system more than anyone else (clerk, head of the legal or personnel department). The customer’s responsibilities are to provide the implementation team with information about business processes, reporting forms, forms, advise team members, organize work on adapting the program, and test ready-made blocks.

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You also need to appoint a project manager (in small companies the customer and the project manager can be the same person). Sometimes someone from the IT service becomes the manager. This is not true. Firstly, an employee of this department does not know the area in which the system is being implemented, and secondly, it is unlikely to be able to effectively manage a process that affects many key areas of your company. But where the help of IT service specialists will be significant is in compiling a list of software products, selecting a contractor, coordinating its activities, providing the necessary powers and access rights to employees, as well as in consulting (together with relevant specialists) company employees who are mastering a new system for them.

Step 3. Form a project team

The team should include the customer, representatives of all departments working with documentation, and IT service employees. In addition, the project team should include representatives of the contractor company that will develop and implement the system (if you decide not to do it yourself).

Participation in the project of the General Director

Nadezhda Merkuryeva, Head of the direction for promoting the 1C: Document Flow solution at 1C, Moscow

Participation in the project of the General Director is mandatory. You have to hold key meetings, agree on key documents, lead by example using the system - all of this essential conditions successful implementation. If there is no active participation of the head of the company, attempts to introduce automated document flow are obviously doomed. Failure is guaranteed even if middle managers persuaded you to implement automated system, but you yourself don’t really understand why it is needed, and you decide on a project based on the principle “we’ll try it, and we’ll see.”

The role of the leader in managing the work group:

1. Transfer operational control to one of the employees involved in the project. Well-trained specialists or heads of relevant departments are usually appointed to manage projects.

2. Empower the project manager. This is especially necessary if the team members have a higher status than the project manager you have appointed.

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3. By order or verbal direction, release project team members from some of their normal duties so that they can devote sufficient time to the project.

4. Define criteria for project success.

5. Hold regular meetings to quickly resolve problems that are slowing down the process. They are often associated with poor communication between departments.

6. Inspire the team for the final push. There is always a decline towards the end of the project - this is the “strength test” phase. A lot has already been done, everyone is tired, money is running out, failures are piling up, etc. In 90% of cases, project teams cannot get past this point, and the endeavors fizzle out. The project will quietly die one step away from its completion if its leader or general director does not find the strength to turn the situation around.

Step 4. Identify the problems you want to solve and choose a software product

Sometimes at this stage the tasks are confused: the main one is considered, for example, to increase transparency and controllability organizational processes, although this can only be achieved through organizational change. Any global task must be divided into a number of local ones. It is obviously useless to immediately try to “increase transparency,” but you can “reduce the time required to approve contracts to three days” or “receive a report on the employee’s labor costs for each project at any time.” These objectives dictate the choice of software product. In addition, the following criteria must be taken into account:

Compatibility with the platform on which other company products are developed;

The ability to improve the system using our own IT service;

Support for working with mobile devices.

Step 5. Conduct explanatory work, talk about first successes

Usually, the next day after the launch of a new system, the manager begins to receive complaints from employees: “the system doesn’t work”, “it’s inconvenient”, “I don’t have time for this”, “why should I press these buttons”, “I already have there's enough to do..." The flow of such complaints is endless, because employees are not interested in you seeing what and how they do. To minimize opportunities to sabotage innovations, it is necessary to keep employees informed of the changes taking place: talk in detail about each new stage of the project and all planned changes, discuss them, respond to objections, demonstrating private advantages (speeding up the procedure for reviewing contracts, making it easier to search for documents, etc.). First of all, you should focus your efforts on processes whose automation will quickly provide visible results. CEO and all top managers of the company should conduct explanatory work, and in addition, use the system in their daily activities: this will be an excellent incentive for subordinates. This approach will provide the project with a positive image, and the system will be implemented faster.

3 advantages of electronic personnel records management

1. Saving money on storage. Almost all documents, according to the rules, are stored for at least five years. Thus, the company has to plan and organize the place where archival materials will be stored. This is not always possible and causes some inconvenience.

2. Save time. To properly formulate a case or formalize required document, the HR manager has to spend time collecting all the necessary signatures. Using documents in electronic form simplifies this procedure. All employees who need to sign can simply sign electronically. The HR officer can only verify the information.

3. Reduce errors. Any person is capable of making mistakes. Electronic document management helps to avoid unnecessary corrections and erroneous completion.

New in personnel records management: changes in 2016

Since 2015, labor laws have undergone some changes, which remained in 2016. The amount of fines for non-compliance with labor laws was increased, and the list of categories of employees who can take leave at any time of the year was expanded. Also, work books began to be issued to employees. In 2016, these amendments will also cause other changes, such as:

LLCs and JSCs may not have a seal;

Business trip arrangements are simplified;

The applicant must be notified in writing of the reason for the refusal within the prescribed period;

Introduction of a different system of administrative responsibility for employers;

Changing the rules for providing a certificate of no criminal record when applying for a job;

Another structure for the process of obtaining information from the register of disqualified persons;

New procedure for notification of employment of former civil servants;

Addition of a new article to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which covers the issues of priority for the provision of annual paid leave;

Adjustment of the system of inspections of small businesses;

Changes in the situation of dismissal of pregnant women working under a fixed-term employment contract.

So, from April 7, 2015, limited liability companies and joint stock companies may not use the round seal. But Rostrud believes that the company is still obliged to certify with a seal the entries in the work book. Rostrud stated this in a letter dated May 15, 2015 No. 1168-6-1. The department sent the above document to the necessary authorities in the regions so that they could rely on this information when conducting inspections.

If a company refuses to use a round seal in the work books of employees, it will be subject to a penalty of up to fifty thousand rubles (clause 1 of Article 5.27 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is important for business owners to know that the inspector has the right to impose a fine for each individual violation.

Personnel records documents - 2016. All processes and necessary forms for personnel records management are prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the procedure for processing documents is specified in federal laws. Of course, the HR department is required to process sufficient quantity information. In 2016, the main documentation can be divided into the following sections:

All kinds of orders, for example, on hiring, dismissal, transfer, bonuses;

Local regulations of the organization, that is, internal labor regulations in the company, regulations on personal information of team members, regulations on income levels, etc.;

Labor contracts;

Collective agreement, if present;

Agreements on full financial liability;

Personnel records documents, i.e. work schedule, vacation schedule;

Work records;

Forms for recording working hours;

Documents for registration of a business trip;

Labor protection regulations.

Unified forms in personnel records management 2016. Before the entry into force of the federal law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting,” it was mandatory to use unified forms. After the adoption of the law, the situation changed: companies began to have a different attitude towards registering household details. activities.

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From now on, any company has the right to draw up the form of the primary accounting document that suits it, making additions or removing unnecessary elements. But unified forms in personnel records will still remain in force.

So, in 2016, the following documents will continue to be used in personnel records management:

Forms No. T-1 and T-1a (order on hiring employees),

Form No. T-2 (personal employee card),

Form No. T-3 (staffing table),

Forms No. T-5 and T-5a (order to transfer an employee to another job),

Forms No. T-7 (vacation schedule) and T-6 (order for granting vacation),

Form No. T-9 is used when registering a business trip; it is advisable to clarify it by writing down the purpose of the business trip.

Professional standards- 2016. From July 1, 2016, Articles 195.2 and 195.3 of the Labor Code will come into force. Occupational standards will become necessary for employers to implement if Labor Code, other federal laws, and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation will prescribe qualification requirements, necessary for a person to perform certain work activities.

Until this time, employers were only advised to use such standards. But today, many companies prescribe professional job requirements when drawing up job descriptions for employees.

Information about the author and company

Nadezhda Merkuryeva, Head of the direction for promoting the 1C: Document Flow solution of the 1C company, Moscow. Specialist in optimization of document flow processes and implementation of electronic document flow systems in government institutions and on commercial enterprises. Author methodological manuals, training courses and seminars on creating systems based on the “1C: Document Management 8” solution. Group of companies "1C". Field of activity: development, distribution and support of computer programs. Territory: head office – in Moscow; work with users is carried out through an extensive partner network (more than 7,000 companies of the 1C:Franchising network in 750 cities in 23 countries). Number of personnel: 900. Number of software product users: over 4 million employees in more than 1 million organizations.