All brands of plastic windows - choose to suit your taste! Comparison of manufacturers of plastic window profiles PVC window profiles comparison.

Currently, in the Russian market of window products, despite the increasing number of sales of wooden and aluminum structures, leadership remains behind plastic windows. This is facilitated by a lot of advantages that PVC products have. The main ones, of course, are excellent heat and sound insulation, long service life, and the possibility of using additional accessories that increase the functionality of the window ( mosquito net, thermometer, etc.), as well as a great appearance coupled with an affordable price.

As is known, the basis plastic windows is the profile. In the entire light-transmitting structure, its share accounts for approximately 10% of the total area of ​​the product. The remaining 90% is occupied by double glazing.

It is no secret that all PVC profiles included in the windows sold are the same. In order to choose the best option that would fully meet the requirements for appearance, level of sound and heat insulation, as well as price, the buyer needs to have an understanding of each window element and be able to freely operate with technical terms associated with each of its components.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a window profile, describe its design, and explain the meaning of basic technical terms.

How many cameras should a plastic window have?

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When considering the characteristics of the light transmitting model you are interested in PVC structures, Special attention Three points should be taken into account:

  • profile;

Most significant characteristic profile is its chamberness, that is, how many chambers it consists of. Their number directly determines how well the plastic profile retains heat.

Profile with three cameras. For residents of regions where most times of year, cool weather conditions reign, the most preferred option is a three-chamber window profile. Three chambers reliably protect the structure from blowing, which means they perfectly retain heat in the room. In addition to this, they have a built-in metal frame designed to strengthen the plastic sidewalls. The three-chamber profile of a plastic window, as a rule, has a width of 5.8 cm.

Profile with four or five cameras. Products that contain four are either intended primarily for use in areas of the country in which the summer season is not long, but temperature conditions clearly leaves much to be desired. The protection provided by a profile with such an increased number of chambers copes with even the lowest temperatures (30 C and below). Therefore, inside the room, glazed with windows with a multi-chamber profile, it will be warm and cozy in any weather. It is worth noting that the use of such windows in warm regions of the country is little justified due to: mild weather conditions; prices that significantly exceed the cost of their three-chamber “brothers”.

Single-chamber and double-chamber profiles. They are mainly used for glazing apartments and private houses located in the southern part of Russia. The design flaw, which does not allow them to efficiently retain heat at low temperatures, is more than compensated for by their price - it is significantly lower than the cost of plastic window models, the profile of which has a larger number of chambers.

Structural elements of plastic profiles. Clicking on the mouse enlarges the image.

As a result. If you need maximum protection from the cold, opt for plastic window models with a 4 or 5 chamber profile. If there is no need for maximum heat conservation in a glazed room, for example, in the southern regions of the country where hot weather prevails, one- or two-chamber PVC structures should be chosen.

For most buyers the best solution for the home there will be the purchase of three-chamber systems.

Criteria for selecting a profile, depending on its thickness.

Sectional profile. Click to enlarge.

An important characteristic of a PVC profile is its thickness. It depends, first of all, on the number of chambers and indirectly speaks about the ability of a window to retain heat: the wider the profile the warmer it is, as a rule.

When choosing optimal width profile of a plastic window, it is necessary to take into account that there is only a large number of options, from which the following should be highlighted:

58 mm. The profile, 5.8 cm wide, is the most popular in the Russian window market. Compared to other, thicker brothers, it stands out due to its low price and fairly tolerable characteristics. As they say - cheap and cheerful. However, if the buyer pursues the goal of glazing a window opening without pretensions to super-results, then plastic window models with a 58 mm profile will fully satisfy his desire.

70 mm. The profile width of 7.0 cm allows the product to accommodate from 3 to 5 cameras. This thickness is more than enough to provide the glazed room with the appropriate level of heat and sound insulation.

90 mm. The widest profile option for PVC windows, which best copes with the issue of heat retention in the apartment. Contains up to 6 cameras. The main disadvantage of this 9.0 cm solution is its price, which is significantly higher than other similar products that have a smaller thickness.

There are also designs whose profile width is quite impressive 110-130 mm! Such windows are also called “Danish” or “Dutch”. They are, so to speak, designed for the amateur.

Cross-section of a double-glazed window.

A double-glazed window, as mentioned above, occupies about 90% of the area of ​​the entire window. Today, there are three types of double-glazed windows, differing in the number of glasses installed in them:

  • Single glass option. Not suitable for installation in residential buildings due to the presence of insufficient characteristics of such a double-glazed window. The main flaws in the design of single-glazed windows are poor heat retention, as well as the lack of protection from. With the onset of the cold season, such disadvantages can contribute to the cooling of the room, as well as the formation of an impressive layer of ice on the glass.
  • Double glass design. Represents the most optimal solution for installation in an apartment, or a private house due to the good price-performance ratio. The so-called heat loss is practically eliminated, and heat in a glassed room is retained much better than when using a double-glazed window that contains only one glass.
  • Three glass solution. With installed triple glazing, you can achieve not only the greatest heat savings, but also maximum protection of the apartment from all kinds of noise entering its territory from the street. Triple glazing has only two disadvantages - high cost and.

From the above information it follows that for most buyers the best option There will be a purchase of double-glazed windows, which will contain three glasses. In case of shortage Money you can opt for double glazing with the best price/quality ratio.

Selection of profile depending on manufacturer and class.

When choosing a suitable window profile, in addition to its characteristics, you should take into account its brand and class. Regarding the manufacturers of this type of product, it can be noted that today on the domestic window market you can find a fairly large number of brands producing various models plastic windows, differing in their constituent elements and, accordingly, characteristics.

Important! This issue was covered most fully in our previous materials entitled “” and “”.

Now a few words about choosing a profile class. There are two classes of such products:

Profile class A can be used both in residential buildings, and geometrically complex façade structures. It has a long service life and has a wall thickness of at least 3 mm.

Class A profile. Click to enlarge.

Due to design features Class B profile is usually considered a budget solution. The main factor influencing the price is the presence of a thin wall of the product. It is precisely because of the savings on the thickness of the material used for the chamber wall that manufacturers of PVC profiles class B were able to keep prices for their products extremely low. Price comes at a price, however, the buyer should remember that such marketing ploy cannot but affect the service life of a plastic window equipped with such a profile - the service life of the system will be significantly shorter.

To summarize all of the above, I would like to draw attention to a very obvious fact: all the elements of a plastic window are interconnected. When choosing a warm double-glazed window, you should also take care of purchasing a warm window profile. Otherwise, the design, due to the significant difference technical characteristics, may turn out to be unbalanced.


The profile for PVC windows is the main element. It affects the functionality, reliability, and durability of the structure. Despite the identical appearance, the profiles are endowed with different properties, which must be chosen very carefully.

What types of designs are there?

Currently, there are a large number of companies producing a variety of products. They can differ significantly from each other even from the same manufacturer, not counting competitive products. What's the difference and is it worth paying more?

There are various, comparison of which will help the buyer make right choice. They are the structural basis; frames and sashes are made from them. Different materials can be used: wood, metal-plastic, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride. The latter is the most popular: it is equipped with special steel inserts that make the product more durable and rigid. Air cavities help achieve good heat and sound insulation. Some manufacturers fill these cavities with nitrogen, so the windows do not fog up due to temperature changes. PVC profiles for windows must comply with Russian GOST 30673-99 or European EN 12608 SR.

PVC window profiles from all manufacturers are divided into the following categories:

  • Class A: characterized by an outer wall size of 2.8 mm. The inside thickness does not exceed 2.5 mm. This window provides good protection from weather conditions, perfectly keeps heat indoors.
  • Class B: characterized by thinner walls: external - 2.5 mm, internal - 2 mm. This sample copes worse with thermal insulation, but is suitable for use in warm climates or for glazing balcony rooms. It is worth considering that the risk of structural deformation increases by 15%.
  • Class C: products that do not meet Russian and import standards. Since there is no certification, there are no strict requirements for it, and manufacturers can choose the thickness at their discretion. As a rule, such windows are cheap, but their quality suffers.

On sale you can find an objective PVC profile. It is used for glazing non-residential technical premises and commercial halls, since it is not capable of retaining heat efficiently, and there is a high probability of deformation. Externally, it differs little from the standard one. You need to pay attention to the presence of the Object designation: unscrupulous traders sell such products for homes.

How to choose a suitable profile?

PVC window profiles have different characteristics, a comparison of which will help you make the right choice. Don't rely on external characteristics offered products. Attention should be paid to the following properties:

  • Uniformity of the material. Choose products whose plastic is free from flaws. It should be smooth, pleasant to the touch, homogeneous. If you notice that the surface is coarse-grained, most likely you are dealing with a fake made in violation of technology.
  • The coating must be complete, without streaks or traces of paint.

High quality windows always have factory markings. You should look for it at inside packaging. Firms put their stamps with their name; numbers may also be present: they indicate the number of the shift that released the batch. The numbers indicate the number of the device used to produce the window and the date of release of the product. Counterfeits either do not have such numbers, or the designations are the same.

  • Width. PVC window profiles often have a standard parameter of 58 mm. This window is quite suitable for living rooms and is most often sold in stores. If desired, you can order a thicker version, the width of which will be 70 or 90 mm. The first option is relevant on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, as it can withstand heavy loads and can effectively withstand strong winds. It is also important to use it in cold climates. The second option is considered premium, it has a high ability to insulate sound and heat, has high strength, but the mass of such a product is much higher; it is not recommended to install it everywhere.

If you decide to install a 90 mm PVC window profile, you should not order a window that is too large. Its sash will have a lot of weight and will begin to sag. It is better to take two small ones or make a design with two doors that are independent of each other.

  • Thickness. Can vary from 2.5 to 3 mm. However, placing such a structure in heavy window units not worth it. A heavy load may question its reliability.
  • Number of air chambers. The profile, whose thickness is 58 mm, has two chambers, less often equipped with three. This is quite enough for good thermal insulation. Larger number cameras are available for a thicker profile, the size of which is 70 mm. It can have up to 5 cameras. Such profiles are most often used as glazing in apartments of high-rise buildings. If necessary, a 90mm product can be ordered and can have up to 6 chambers. The level of soundproofing and warmth inside the room depend on their number. However, it is worth remembering that the number of glasses and profile dimensions increase the weight of the structure, and the difference between the 3 and 4-chamber package is not very noticeable.
  • Number of double-glazed windows. Different brands plastic windows offer products with different quantities these elements. They should not be confused with air chambers. A double-glazed window is glass combined with a frame and sealant. Between them there are air chambers; they can be filled with gas. A single-chamber double-glazed window is considered the lightest, since it includes a pair of glasses. Most often, such products are used for finishing terraces, balconies, loggias, since their mass is minimal, but such a window does not insulate heat well. For an apartment or private house, it is better to use a thicker version, which has three sheets of glass and two air chambers.

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should also be aware of this feature of the product: the more glass, the worse the light will pass through. In the server regions of the country, four-chamber products are installed; there is no need to install them in warmer climates, this will only be an extra overpayment. If the frost does not exceed -40 degrees, the difference between this product and the three-chamber one will not be noticeable.

When choosing plastic windows, you must first of all pay attention to the quality of the product, and also make a purchase based on the purpose of the profile and the climatic conditions in which you live. It is worth remembering that too cheap material cannot be of high quality.

The loud slogans of numerous sellers of plastic windows confuse any buyer. Each manufacturer presents their products as the best. Is it really? The answer to this question is known to those who are familiar with the criteria for window profiles from.

The ability to notice the first signs of counterfeits is a guarantee of not becoming a prey for scammers.

They have entered the construction industry very firmly. Very soon, wooden windows will become a curiosity that you won’t see very often. And there are explanations for this.

Advantages of plastic

Firstly, plastic is a cheaper material than wood, secondly, it is easy to use, and thirdly, such windows are very easy to repair.

Replacing any part of a window: sash, glass, opening mechanism takes a couple of minutes, and therefore is inexpensive.

Technical characteristics of PVC windows

They are determined by the type of its profile, of which there are quite a lot. The facade of the windows may be exactly the same, but the functionality and quality are different, due to the structural profiles. Then, if there is a strong intention to purchase plastic windows, then which profile is better to choose?


Absolutely disgusting products from a company with famous name can't afford it. Most likely, these will be one-day companies.

Therefore, give preference to products from manufacturers who have experience and have collected a list of positive reviews. In addition, the risk of stumbling upon a low-quality product when choosing windows from a large factory is much less. Expensive productive and technological equipment small firms are unlikely to purchase.

REHAU windows

Very famous manufacturer plastic windows. Well-deserved reviews, minimum defects, constant training and improvement of our employees, innovative development of manufactured designs. They cooperate with enterprises only if the latter have good equipment.

Interesting! REHAU certified production facilities are constantly inspected. Therefore, the risk of buying a low-quality product from the hands of a company partner is very small.


Also a representative of the German ones, loved all over the world. They produce white and colored profiles that are capable of not losing color after prolonged exposure. sun rays.

The seal is made of natural rubber and can withstand very low temperatures. Models are sold from 58 -90 mm thick. IN price category VEKA and Rehau are approximately the same.


It ranks third in our ranking after the first two companies. There are minor drawbacks: the number of defects is slightly higher compared to previous giants, there may be delays in deliveries, they do not arrange checks for their partners.

However, the products of this company are considered environmentally friendly and are recommended for installation in kindergartens and hospitals. The service life of such windows is around 50 years. There are offers in both luxury and economy classes. The profile is available in widths from 58 to 70 mm.


The company is one of the pioneers in the production of PVC profiles. They offer a huge range of decorative options.


These companies are still gaining their reputation. There are already reviews of their products on the Internet.

You can even choose a forum and ask the owners of such windows your questions. The main advantage here is the affordable price.