Why do we need spelling rules? Essay on the topic: Why you need to know spelling rules

Despite the fact that everyone can get an education in our country, the problem of literacy of the population remains relevant even now, and, therefore, it is impossible to do without spelling.

Many people with “limping” literacy may have a question: why do we need spelling? , because once upon a time they could do without spelling rules?

Despite the protests of some “ignoramuses,” it is necessary to know the basic principles of Russian spelling. After all, from correct spelling words depend on the meaning and accuracy of conveying thoughts. Spelling rules are the key to correctly expressing and understanding other people's thoughts. Thanks to the rules of spelling, we can correctly understand the meaning of words, correctly convey the meaning of written information, and avoid errors in pronunciation or spelling of words that can change the entire meaning of a sentence. In addition, knowledge of spelling allows you to become a literate and cultured person, and you cannot do without literacy in life. Not only does ignorance of the basic rules make a person a big ignorant, but it’s also unlikely that anyone will like to read a text with errors and think about what the author wanted to say.

What is spelling?

The word “spelling” consists of two words of ancient Greek origin – “orthos” - correct, “grapho” - I write. In other words, the word "spelling" means "spelling."

History of Russian spelling

Modern Russian orthography is based on the Old Church Slavonic alphabet - Cyrillic. To facilitate Christian preaching among the South Slavic population, the Greek missionary Cyril came up with a new alphabet, the basis of which was Greek graphics supplemented by letters taken from other languages ​​and adapted to the sounds of the Old Bulgarian language. The popularity of the Cyrillic alphabet was so high that this alphabet was used not only for oral communication, manuscripts were published in Cyrillic and books were printed.

The Cyrillic alphabet in its original form existed until the 18th century, until, by order of Peter I, a new alphabet was invented - the civil one. Her distinctive feature the simplicity of writing and the absence of some letters that have doubles in the Cyrillic alphabet. Despite such changes, the civil alphabet still retained some doublet signs, which were removed as a result of the reform of Russian orthography in 1917, aimed at changing the letter system of the language.

Russian spelling underwent changes several more times. And in 1956, a new set of rules of Russian spelling and punctuation appeared, which are still relevant today.

Principles of Russian spelling

The orthography of the Russian language is based on a combination of several principles - morphological, the essence of which is the unity of spelling of parts of the word (roots, suffixes, endings and prefixes), and traditional, preserved from Old Slavonic language. So, for example, we know that after the letters “zh” and “sh” the letter “i” is always written. And the words “good” and “passed” are written according to the morphological principle of spelling.

In addition, the phonetic principle of spelling also works in spelling - I write as I hear.

I would like to note that in order to be considered a spelling expert, you need to know more than 100 rules, a large number of exception words, as well as correct spelling vocabulary words. In addition, the already complex spelling system of Russian vocabulary is constantly replenished with words borrowed from foreign languages, the writing of which causes additional spelling difficulties.

It is clear that it is simply impossible to learn all the words of the Russian language. However, you need to know where to look for answers to questions about the spelling of certain words.

Historical significance of spelling

Everyone decides for himself whether he needs spelling or not. Looking for an answer to the question " Why is spelling needed? ?”, we should not forget that Russian orthography is not only a method that facilitates written speech, but also the centuries-old traditions of writing not only the Russian language, but also other existing languages. With the change in speech culture, spelling also changes. For example, our modern written language would hardly have been understood in Russia 100 years ago and would have been mistaken for a foreign language.

"Modern" spelling

Some people may object that why do we need spelling? , if any computer application can handle spelling perfectly, where there is a built-in automatic check?

One can object to such statements: when typing, the program highlights some spelling errors, but misses lexical ones. Therefore, the “work” of such applications still needs to be checked.

Why is spelling needed?

So, why do we need spelling? ? Spelling is more than just spelling. This word carries more deep meaning. Spelling as a basis writing, which allows the transfer of information between different generations, over the course of historical time allows society to learn from old mistakes, allows not only to read, but also to pass on the best to future generations literary works, and also prevents society from returning to using only oral speech. Spelling is the linguistic heritage of any existing culture, so every native speaker must know the basic rules of spelling in order to correctly convey information to those who will use it.

The hero of one of Anatoly Aleksin’s books reasoned in a monologue: “... what difference does it make whether to write “morshrut” or “route”, “bicycle” or “vilasiped”? This does not make a bicycle a motorcycle. It is only important that everything is clear.” Shura was a poor student and put a lot of effort into eliminating this unfortunate circumstance. How surprised he would be now to see that adults are quite seriously repeating his reasoning, not considering a “D” in the Russian language to be something worthy of attention. It is especially often and heatedly discussed why spelling is needed in online discussions, after one of the participants points out the mistake of another. However, the positions of the parties are reduced to primitiveness: on the one hand, “the main thing is the meaning,” on the other, “we must write correctly, otherwise we will degrade.” The combatants do not think that one does not cancel out the other, and that content needs form just as much as form needs content.

Spelling is a set of rules that govern written speech. This alone makes her modern world one of the main regulators of communication processes. So the traffic rules to which all participants obey traffic, allow you to safely get from point A to point B. Spelling - traffic rules for participants in written communication. If earlier, having left student age, the average person practically did not use written language in everyday life, today she is a prima ballet human communication. We write SMS, emails, messages on social networks, blog posts, comments under publications. All this must obey the rules of spelling, otherwise we will cease to understand each other.

It would seem that the content of the message will not change if someone made a spelling mistake. Let’s say a person receives the message “I want a bike.” In fact, a “wheelie” cannot be confused with either a motorcycle or a scooter. However, this is mysterious vehicle Only the person who wrote it seems to have two wheels, with a triangular frame, a straight steering wheel and pedals. The addressee will have to read the context, and if there is none, it will be painful to guess what is meant. Considering that the recipient can ignore the rules of spelling to the same extent as the sender, we have many options: a hybrid of a pitchfork with something pedal; two fantastic designs “vilas” and “ped”; the name of some place: “I want to go to ilasiped” (yes, since we don’t need spelling, then the rules for using lowercase and capital letters extra); architectural structure with the transcription of a proper name (“villa siped”)... And in general, how your fantasy will play out. Remember that our hypothetical participants in the dialogue ignore the rules of both writing and reading? Both can be sure that it is written exactly as they imagine, and the interlocutor is free to write incorrectly. Will they understand each other? They will understand, of course, but not right away.

Of course, for today's speech this is an exaggerated example, but in just a few years of spelling anarchy it can become a reality. It’s like a child’s game of broken telephone: a message is transmitted along the chain with distortion, who both heard it and transmitted it, and in the end - a completely different word.

In addition to ensuring mutual understanding in written communication of any kind, spelling also ensures its culture. A letter, post, or comment with many errors causes a negative reaction from readers. Firstly, it’s quite difficult to get through them to the meaning, like through blackberry bushes: all these typical “from the beginning”, “never”, “we’ll do”, “honest” and so on make the eye “stumble”, linger on the word, and the reader’s brain is to urgently look in his dictionary for the original word, which has been mercilessly distorted.

Secondly, general literacy and spelling in particular are an indicator of the level of culture of the writer. Usually, cultured person, educated and broad-minded, reads a lot, and not just blogs. He develops competent literary speech, even if he does not remember the rules of the Russian language. Even if unconsciously, he follows them, guided by the texts he has read. A person who makes many spelling mistakes does not accept either professional or recreational reading, but his poor lexicon typed by ear. Therefore, when you try to reproduce words in writing, what you get is illiteracy. He can be a worthy person, he can have remarkable personal qualities, he can stop entire herds at a gallop and walk through burning huts, but at the same time he can be uncultured. And the decrease in level general culture limits both communication topics and argumentation.

Thirdly, ignoring spelling rules and defending the position of “if only they understand” demonstrates disrespect for the interlocutor, no matter who he is. Behavior that is not regulated by rules and norms is always disrespectful behavior. Who would like it if someone who comes to visit blows his nose in the curtain, puts his boots on the table and starts swearing at the TV, even if Syabitova is playing on it from morning to infinity? You, owner, understand that sniffling is indecent, your legs should rest, and the blue screen is only for these short words and worthy? It’s the same with written speech: someone who ignores the rules looks like a boor, even if the essence of his statements is correct and his point of view appeals to others.

And one last thing. Literacy in modern communication- about the same as a decent, neat and expensive suit for a person. Neglect of spelling and connivance transform your image, like stains, wrinkles, holes, bubbles on your knees and elbows. And the next time, having written in a blog or letter “It’s crazy, I went, I wouldn’t have gotten there - good,” take it out of the basket with dirty laundry socks, find homemade pajama pants in the closet, borrow a work jacket from a car mechanic, and galoshes from your grandmother - and go for a walk dressed up until it rains. I do not like? Uncomfortable, ugly, people shy away? Well, the main thing is that the person is dressed, not naked. Or is spelling still needed...

Orthography is a branch of linguistics that studies and develops a system of rules that ensure uniformity in the transmission of words and their forms in writing. It is the spelling rules that make up most the subject "Russian language", which is studied at school throughout the entire eleven-year education.

From the first grade we began to study the most simple rules. And the older the student gets, the more complex the rules in the textbook. The spelling of some words just needs to be remembered, and we write the unstressed vowel in the root only after we have checked it under stress. If the root has an alternating vowel, then remember the rule and write the correct one. Spelling of endings, suffixes and prefixes, separate or continuous writing words, and many other rules. Why so much, sometimes complex and incomprehensible?

Along with punctuation, spelling rules form the basis curriculum Russian language. And this is no coincidence. After all, we always need them, no matter what profession we choose. Competent oral and written speech is an indicator of a person’s education. And in order for people to understand what is written in a document or letter, we must ensure that the word is recognizable.

Imagine if we wrote everything the way we hear or pronounce words, what a mess it would be! Through an ineptly written transcription of a word, it is very difficult to get to the meaning of the statement. As in those cases when one letter can radically change the meaning of a word. A company is a group of people, and a campaign is a system of events. It would seem that two words sound the same, but in writing they have completely different spellings and therefore different meaning. Many more examples can be given that only confirm that spelling rules must be taught thoroughly in order to successfully apply them in life.

Spelling helps us every day, because literacy is the key to success. With the help of rules learned by heart, you can competently structure your speech and achieve success in your chosen professional activity.

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Spelling is a branch of the science of language that sets out a system of rules for writing words. You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules, is on this page! Is it really impossible without her? But still, some people think that spelling rules are no longer needed by anyone. Why do we need spelling rules? Do we need knowledge of spelling rules? Why do you need to learn spelling? Template: The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. In writing, it is impossible to do without knowing the rules of spelling. But, still, why are spelling rules needed in this case? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules for essays, is on this page! Essay-reasoning why spelling rules are needed. The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. It is impossible to write without knowing spelling rules.

You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? Is it really impossible to live without her?” Spelling is needed so that a person correctly understands the meaning of the word he read. So, for example, in M. Prishvin’s story “Grandfather’s Felt Boots” the word “it’s time” (25) can be written in accordance with the pronunciation - “couple”, while making a spelling mistake. Then the meaning of the word will change.

To write words correctly, it is enough to know the basic rules. Some might say there are too many rules. But in the Russian language there are simple principles of spelling, which you will not have difficulty mastering: morphological, phonetic, traditional and differentiating.

For example, the words “life” and “fluff” are written according to the traditional principle, while “look” and “passed” - in accordance with the most common morphological one.

Thus, spelling is an eternal section of the Russian language and one cannot do without it.

Spelling is a branch of the science of language that sets out a system of rules for writing words. You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules, is on this page! Is it really impossible without her? But still, some people think that spelling rules are no longer needed by anyone. Why do we need spelling rules? Do we need knowledge of spelling rules? Why do you need to learn spelling? Template: The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. In writing, it is impossible to do without knowing the rules of spelling. But, still, why are spelling rules needed in this case? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules for essays, is on this page! Essay-reasoning why spelling rules are needed.


Essays - reasoning on linguistic topic according to all the rules of the Russian language

Why is spelling needed?

Knowledge of language is the key to correctly expressing your own and understanding other people's thoughts. And it is impossible without knowledge of the rules of Russian spelling. Therefore, I completely agree with Ilya’s opinion.

We must know spelling rules in order to avoid mistakes in writing, in order to correctly understand the meaning of what is written. You might say that it is impossible to know the correct spelling of all words. But there are simple principles of Russian spelling, which you will not have any difficulty mastering. In the text “Grandfather’s Felt Boots” by M. Prishvin, the spellings of the words “good” and “passed” are based on the morphological principle, and, for example, “paramedic” and “fluff” are written in accordance with the traditional one.

In a word, we cannot do without spelling rules. Not knowing them means not loving and not respecting, first of all, yourself.

The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. It is impossible to write without knowing spelling rules.

You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? Is it really impossible to live without her?” Spelling is needed so that a person correctly understands the meaning of the word he read. So, for example, in M. Prishvin’s story “Grandfather’s Felt Boots” the word “it’s time” (25) can be written in accordance with the pronunciation - “couple”, while making a spelling mistake. Then the meaning of the word will change.

To write words correctly, it is enough to know the basic rules. Some might say there are too many rules. But in the Russian language there are simple principles of spelling, which you will not have difficulty mastering: morphological, phonetic, traditional and differentiating.

For example, the words “life” and “fluff” are written according to the traditional principle, while “look” and “passed” - in accordance with the most common morphological one.