Foreign experience in personnel management (American and Japanese models). Personnel management models

There are reasons why Foreign experience HR management, both small and large companies, in many aspects differs significantly from domestic ones. main reason The point is that in Soviet times no specific manuals were published on this issue; the topic was practically not studied either by serious scientists or in pseudo-scientific circles. With absence private form There was simply no such need for entrepreneurship, since the individual did not play a serious role in the state mechanism.

How to adopt foreign experience?

Therefore, already in the modern period, most Russian entrepreneurs and managers at various levels are forced to turn to foreign experience, since domestic experience cannot help them sufficiently improve the efficiency of their staff. Correct Application Using some techniques can increase profits by significant percentages, improve the atmosphere in the team and achieve other useful results.

Main types of these models

There are several various models personnel management. They are usually distinguished by geographical and national characteristics: Japanese, European and the model adopted in the USA. We will try to dwell on each of them in detail, highlighting their pros and cons.

Japanese diagnostic model of personnel management

This model has several significant advantages, but also some disadvantages. They are based on the characteristics of Japanese national and corporate culture. Lifetime employment is widespread in this country, and most corporations are interested in keeping their employees on staff for many years. Therefore, the relationship between management and employees takes on a special character, which has many similarities both with the traditional family, where the boss plays the role of a father, and with the army, in which management is likened to military commanders. At the same time, personnel management in Japan implies the presence of a corporate philosophy. Conformity with its spirit is often even more important criterion when hiring than the professional skills of the employee.

IN classic form The Japanese model of personnel management requires following several organizing principles. First of all, this is the overall focus of the team on meeting the needs of the client. Employees must be able to constantly generate ideas and promote innovation. For this purpose, it is necessary that the formal distance between the boss and his subordinates is not too great. The boss should be like the first among equals. Typically, modern Japanese corporations do not have clear job descriptions, structural divisions are not at all strict in nature.

The chief of the company should be like a father, guiding his children, but not forcing them to make a choice unless there is an urgent need for it. It is typical for Japanese companies to want to familiarize employees with the entire work of the company; for this purpose, even those who should occupy leadership positions in the future, for example, the children of the owners, are usually promoted from the very bottom, transferred from department to department, so that they understand the entire structure of the company's work.

In the field of legal relations with employees, the Japanese model has several features. This is the already mentioned above lifetime employment and increase wages over the course of time an employee spends in the company, that is, according to length of service, regardless of whether he is promoted. Within the company, its own labor market is created, which allows employees to be sent to those departments whose work they can handle better, as well as internal training courses.

For the Japanese model, priority is given to social development company, maintaining corporate loyalty of employees at long years. That's why it attracts many executives around the world who are interested in keeping their employees with them for the long haul.
The disadvantage of the Japanese system can be considered that it is focused on the Japanese national worldview and may not be so effective in our domestic environment. A certain informality of communication may be perceived as weakness of management, and a lifetime contract as a guarantee of a job, regardless of success. However, measures to create a unified corporate ethos can be very effective and significantly increase profit levels and joint liability.

American model

It also has its own characteristic features. First of all, it is distinguished by the presence large quantity various manuals, textbooks and so on, that is, it is more formalized.
In general, the American model is almost the complete opposite of the Japanese model we have already considered, since it is aimed at individualism rather than maintaining collectivism. The national and cultural characteristics of the US residents play a significant role.

The first thing that characteristically distinguishes the American model from the Japanese one is the emphasis on the importance of the personality of the company's top management. Some corporations even create entire departments dedicated to the selection and training of personnel for senior positions in the company and individual work with candidates. As a result, the level of isolation from the rank and file of management in a classic American model company is very high.

The American model develops the idea of ​​individual responsibility and individual decisions. An unspoken rule is often used there - whoever put forward the idea implements it, but at the same time is responsible for it. At the same time, goals are developed that have predominantly quantitative rather than qualitative significance, and even for the short term.

Rivalry and competitiveness are encouraged between employees, especially between departments responsible for the development of various projects.

In the American model, it is the individual abilities of each employee that are considered as the basis for growth. Therefore, employees are given a certain amount of freedom in making decisions, but at the same time, as mentioned above, they personally bear full responsibility for the results achieved.

When hiring, the role is played not by a person’s personal qualities, but by his professional skills and previous work experience. At the same time, corporate loyalty, especially for rank and file and middle management, is not considered something strictly obligatory, and close attention is not paid to it.

American education is distinguished by the narrow specialization of graduates, which is typical for specialists in their future work. Therefore, promotion through positions follows an almost strict vertical line.

A financier always works as a financier, and a human resources manager always works as a human resources manager.

As a result, professionals who feel ready for growth often have to leave their companies because their senior positions are filled. As a result, the American model of personnel management is characterized by high staff turnover; most specialists change companies every few years.

The disadvantages of the American model include turnover of both managers and ordinary personnel, which interferes with the formation of a unified corporate spirit, ineffective support for teamwork, and low loyalty to immediate management, since such a model implies a desire to take the place of a boss.

European model of personnel management

This is the last of the three large models. One of its main distinctive features high social standards are the goal when working with personnel.

According to the European diagnostic model of personnel management, all production areas must be fully staffed with precisely those employees whose professional and personal qualities are most suitable for this service.
Activities should also be carried out aimed at increasing the efficiency of employees, for example, corporate holidays and group games that form a general corporate spirit.

In general, the European model of personnel management, like the work of companies, implies strict structuring job responsibilities, emphasis on personnel policy, clear organization of work for all company employees. The performance of all employees, especially those in management positions, is periodically assessed, and the results of the assessment are not disclosed. This practice, adopted in many German companies, forces employees to work harder for the opportunity to advance, while always leaving a hint of doubt about the results achieved, which does not allow them to relax.

  • Automated information processing and control systems for road transport.
  • Personnel adaptation, its directions. Adaptation management technology.
  • In the 70s XX century in American personnel management, the concepts of “human resources” and “human resource management” were established instead of “personnel” and “personnel management”.

    The difference between the concept of “human resources” and the concepts of personnel management that underlie schools “ scientific management"and "human relations", consists in recognizing economic feasibility investments related to attracting labor, maintaining it in working condition, training and even creating conditions for a more complete identification of the opportunities and abilities inherent in the character and individual differences of each person.

    The concept of human resources is primarily a practical concept that has emerged in response to changing conditions economic activity corporations in the production, technical and socio-economic spheres. The manifestation of these changes was the increased role of labor in production. The decisive factor in competitiveness in many industries has become the availability of qualified labor force, the level of its motivation, forms of labor organization and other features that determine the effectiveness of the use of personnel. As a result, the traditional approach to working with personnel, based on “minimizing costs” for personnel, has found its independence in many corporations.

    One of the postulates of the theory of “human resources” is the application of value categories and assessments to the use of labor.

    At the same time, on the one hand, the use of “human resources” is characterized by certain costs for the employer, in addition to the wages paid. These include costs for personnel selection, training, social insurance, etc. On the other hand, human resources are characterized by the ability to create income at the disposal of the employer. It is this ability that determines the “value” aspect of the use of human resources.

    The amount of income depends on individual labor productivity, its duration and efficiency. It is clear that a healthy employee with a high level of qualifications, training and motivation brings the company higher income, which determines his “value” for the company.

    The main theoretical postulate of the concept of human resources is the consideration of hired workers as a key production resource and the rejection of the idea of ​​labor as free wealth, the development of which does not require funds and organizational efforts on the part of the employer. Thus, “human resources” are equal in rights to financial resources and fixed capital.

    A major innovation in personnel work is the so-called “human resource planning”. It includes forecasting future needs, developing replacement schemes for a group of senior managers, identifying missing “human resources,” as well as planning measures to ensure their replenishment. The restructuring of personnel work began with managers and highly paid specialists, since investments in this personnel are most justified.

    The competence and personal “interest in the company” of top-level managers most radically influence the overall results of the corporation. Therefore, personnel work, including the system of remuneration, social insurance and various benefits, is focused on securing the management top of the company.

    The most significant changes are occurring in the way corporations approach employee development. The total costs of private business for all types of training exceed $30 billion per year. For example, in the companies IBM and ATT they exceed $750 million each. However, a differentiated approach remains to different categories of personnel.

    The pragmatic concept of human resources requires that the approach to each person is determined by economic criteria: the total costs “invested in a person” at the expense of the company’s capital must invariably pay off, and in the long term make a profit.

    American economists note that during the current stage of scientific and technological revolution, there is a sharp expansion in the ability of workers to influence the results of production and economic activities. Character modern technology production and management in many cases excludes strict regulation, requires the provision of a certain autonomy in decision-making directly at the workplace and at the same time limits the possibilities of supervision over the actions of the employee.

    Changes in the content of labor are visible not only at production, but also at all levels of management. Computerization of management increases the level of complexity and responsibility of decisions made at senior levels; a number of powers are additionally delegated to the middle and lower levels of management.

    Personnel training is considered within the framework of the “human resource approach” as a means of increasing individual labor productivity. It is believed that as a result of training, the gap in the “value” of employees for the company (in relation to the best) can be reduced by two to three times, and profits can be increased accordingly.

    In practical terms, such an approach is associated with such new aspects in personnel work as drawing up demand forecasts for individual categories personnel; special accounting of qualifications and professional skills with the formation of a data bank.

    A number of corporations interested in high quality human resources, in last years makes great efforts to study and develop new approaches to their planning and the use of new forms of management organization.

    Currently, two trends are operating simultaneously in the use of labor in the United States. The first is the desire of corporations to fully meet the needs of their own production with labor. High Quality and thereby achieve important competitive advantages.

    The second strategy involves additional investments not only in the training and development of personnel, but also in the creation necessary conditions for more complete use. This, in turn, creates interest among firms in reducing staff turnover and retaining workers in the firm.

    98. Personnel management in domestic organizations: condition, assessment.

    The American personnel management system is based on the principle of individualism, which arose in American society in the 18th-19th centuries, when hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrived in the country, breaking with their country, culture and language. In the process of developing vast territories, Americans developed such national traits as initiative and individualism. Therefore, in the United States, when hiring, companies try to hire bright individuals who are capable of independently adopting original and often brilliant ideas that lead to positive results.

    Managers of all levels of personnel management in the United States include any hired employee who must organize, coordinate and control the work of others in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to him. Personnel management in enterprises and organizations includes the following interrelated areas of activity: recruitment, selection of applicants, determination of wages and service systems, career guidance and social adaptation of workers, training of workers, their assessment labor activity, career transfer, management training, performance assessment of managers and specialists, personnel management services and others.

    Trends in the development of human resource management systems in the United States. American corporations are now faced with a number of problems arising in the field of human resource management. First of all, these are large multinational corporations (MNCs). Language, customs and age differences are becoming increasingly common problems, and there are signs of increased conflict between employees in the future. As you know, the socio-psychological climate of the team has a significant impact on increasing labor productivity.

    Therefore, in America, where the basis of the economy is MNEs, the tasks of human resource management include the development of mechanisms that will help the multicultural work of individuals. Such mechanisms also include acclimatizing different groups to each other, finding ways to build cohesive teams and thus eliminate conflicts. Companies such as Amadeus Global Travel Distribution, Mars and Hewlett-Packard face the challenge of recruiting staff in the foreign powers in which they have subsidiaries. For corporations, it is a ready supply of skilled workers who are versed in their home country's language and customs. This type of hiring also has a downside. Because these individuals come from different backgrounds and are mixed together, there is an overlearning effect, i.e., by working closely with each other, individuals informally learn the differences that exist between them and their cultures. The Mars Company, for example, builds on this informal development by providing formalized training that focuses on the “core frictions” that lead to problems.

    American researchers also highlight another problem in human resource management - workforce diversity. Forty years ago, human resource management was much simpler in the United States because the workforce was strikingly identical—mostly U.S. citizens. Since these workers were homogeneous, work with personnel was relatively simple. The hiring of these workers was carried out on a local regional scale, unless, in fact, the new employees were related to the employed workers. These workers shared the same interests and needs, so it was the HR department's responsibility to meet them, hire them, inform them of the standardized work benefit program, and plan the company's annual Christmas get-together.

    Many changes have occurred since 1960 with the passage of federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. Recruitment based on such laws allowed minors and female candidates to get hired. These two groups have since become the fastest growing portion of the workforce; and meeting their needs became urgent duty for HR managers. During this time, the birth rate in the United States began to decline. And as globalization became more evident, Latino, Asian and other immigrants moved to the United States and sought employment.

    Also a potential problem is the dichotomy that may exist between younger and older workers. Generally speaking, older workers (as a result of the post-war depression years) have stronger work morale, i.e. the age of the workers deserves more attention for the organization. There is evidence that older workers are more involved in their work, have intrinsic motivation, higher job satisfaction and are more committed to the organization. Usually right to work is directed at someone much younger who doesn't appreciate the effort. This -- main question in human resource management.

    At the same time, the skill level of low-wage labor abroad limits the range of high-tech jobs available to US MNCs.

    Today, the U.S. economy is essentially a service-based economy rather than a manufacturing-based one. 80% of workers are now employed in the service sector. The new workforce is simply not adequately prepared. Graduates high school sometimes have an insufficient level of knowledge necessary to perform modern high-tech work. New York Telephone screens all applicants for basic qualifications. The average score of diplomas is taken into account. In 1992, the company reported that more than 57,000 individuals took the exam, which covers reading, math and reasoning. Only 2100 applicants passed the test, which is less than 4% of the total.

    For the field of human resource management, the problem does not get any simpler. Lack of qualifications translates into significant losses for the organization due to poor quality work and lower productivity, increased industrial accidents and customer complaints. Losses reach billions of dollars. This is the main problem that needs to be solved. Correcting functional illiteracy requires significant investment of company resources and government involvement. Human resources have become the focal point for providing remedial education. But such programs do not seem cheap. It is estimated that a significant portion of the current $80 billion spent annually on education should be devoted to helping the potentially illiterate. In fact, the Ford automobile company is currently spending more than $200 million. in remedial education.

    In general, in the American personnel management system, companies provide for questionnaires and various kinds of tests at all levels - from hiring to further promotions up the career ladder. These are various sociometric studies, drug tests, etc. For example, when hiring sales representatives, traveling salesmen, managers lower level testing in American companies is aimed primarily at determining Y, identifying personal qualities, the ability to resolve production conflicts and logistics problems. If the survey results are positive (usually 70-90% of correct answers), applicants undergo a personal interview with employers. At the same time, it is very important to impress the company’s employees (even the external psychological effect is taken into account: behavior, clothing, communication skills), inspire trust, and show your initiative.

    Some companies look positively at the ambition of candidates, taking into account resistance to stress, health and some experience in the field of activity of the vacant position. And almost all American companies are trying to select people with a non-standard way of thinking, capable of making independent management decisions or introducing innovative ideas that benefit the company and contribute to sustainability in the market and in the fight against competitors.

    Japanese personnel management system in foreign branches

    The Japanese model, or management with a human face, is recognized throughout the world as one of the most effective management systems. In a country poor in natural resources, the morality traditionally cultivated is: “Our wealth is human resources.” Here they try to create conditions for their most effective use. Life in difficult climatic and natural-geographical conditions for centuries has developed discipline and hard work in the Japanese. The Japanese management model is based on the philosophy: “We are all one family.” The most important task is to establish normal relations with employees, create an attitude towards the corporation as a family, and create an understanding that both workers and managers work in the same family and for the same family.

    Personnel training in Japan is an integral part common system labor relations. The core of the organization production process and development creative potential Japanese firms in Lately becomes a “knowledge management” system. This term means turning a company into a self-learning system, using its capabilities as laboratories of excellence and involving the entire team in the process of search and discovery. To increase the flexibility of production and its sensitivity to changes in the market situation, Japanese companies widely use the konban system - a set of feedback links between consumers of products and their creators. Changes in consumer requirements are promptly transmitted to the beginning of the technological chain and are immediately implemented without stopping work.

    Japanese management experience in industry is very flexible; new technologies, even from abroad, which for various reasons have not found application at home, have been successfully introduced into Japanese production. But Japan also has its costs: many young people simply cannot withstand the pace of life dictated by modern society, and suffer mentally and physically from the increased pace of work.

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    Work organization criteria

    Philosophy of personnel management






    Attitude to work

    The main thing is fulfilling duties

    The main thing is the implementation of tasks


    Hardly ever

    Guarantees for


    High (lifetime hire)

    Making decisions

    Down up

    Top down

    Delegation of power

    In rare cases


    Relations with subordinates



    Hiring method

    After finishing studies

    By business qualities


    Depending on experience

    Depending on the results

    The American philosophy of personnel management is built on the traditions of competition and encouraging individualism of employees and is clearly focused on the company's profit, the size of which determines the employee's personal income. It is characterized by: clear setting of goals and objectives, high remuneration of staff, and promotion of consumer values. It reflects the high level of democracy in society and social guarantees.

    The Japanese philosophy of human resource management is based on the traditions of respect for elders, collectivism, consensus, courtesy and paternalism. The theory of human relations prevails here. It is characterized by: devotion to the ideals of the company, lifelong employment of employees in large companies, constant rotation of personnel, creation of conditions for effective collective work.



    General criteria for personnel selection are education, practical experience work, psychological compatibility, ability to work in a team. Management personnel in the company are appointed.

    Working conditions

    Transition to flexible forms of remuneration;

    Uniting engineers, scientists and production workers into end-to-end (from design to product manufacturing) teams - design-target groups.

    American firms that use traditional hiring principles focus on specialized knowledge and skills.

    Firms focus on the narrow specialization of managers, engineers and scientists. American specialists, as a rule, are professionals in a narrow field of knowledge, and therefore their promotion through the management hierarchy occurs only vertically, which means, for example, that a financier will make a career only in this field.

    When hired, all candidates are tested to determine their professional qualifications. Typically, each company develops its own selection criteria and hiring procedure. After hiring, an induction procedure is carried out, when the employee is introduced to his responsibilities according to instructions corresponding to his narrow specialization, the activities of the company as a whole and its organizational structure.

    In American companies, the dismissal of personnel, including managers, is always accompanied by a series of evaluation and educational techniques, with the exception of extreme situations (theft, fraud, obvious violation of order). Each employee is assessed once or twice a year. The results of the assessment are discussed by the employees and their boss and signed by them. They contain a list of shortcomings in work and ways to eliminate them, as well as, if necessary, a warning about dismissal or that continued tenure depends on improvement of work.

    The final decision to dismiss an employee is made by a manager two to three levels above the immediate supervisor. If the dismissed person is a member of a trade union, then the reasons for dismissal are discussed with representatives of the trade union in accordance with the labor agreement.


    Japan has its own specifics in personnel management, which is based on the following features: hiring workers for life or for a long term; salary increases with length of service; participation of workers in trade unions that are created at the company.

    The following basic principles of the Japanese type of management can be distinguished:

    The interweaving of the interests and spheres of life of firms and workers, the high dependence of the employee on his company, providing him with significant social guarantees and benefits in exchange for loyalty to the company and willingness to protect its interests;

    The priority of the collective over the individual, encouraging the cooperation of people within the company, within various kinds small groups, an atmosphere of equality between employees regardless of their positions;

    Thus, the personnel management system in Japan involves job guarantees, training of new employees, wages depending on length of service, and a flexible salary system.

    Guaranteed employment is ensured in Japan to a certain extent by a system of lifetime employment, which applies to workers until they reach 55-60 years of age. This system covers approximately 25-30% of Japanese workers employed in large firms. However, if it worsens financial situation Japanese firms still carry out layoffs; There are no official documents regarding job guarantees.

    Japanese companies are of the opinion that a manager must be a specialist capable of working in any area of ​​the company. Therefore, when upgrading qualifications, the head of a department or division chooses to master, new area activities in which he had not worked before.

    Firms use as a criterion the combination of professions, the ability to work in a team, understanding the significance of their work for the common cause, the ability to solve production problems, link the solution of various problems, write competent notes and draw graphs.

    Typically, candidates are pre-screened for their ability to work in semi-autonomous teams.

    In most firms, hiring involves familiarizing the employee with a description of the expected job functions, rights and responsibilities.

    Recruitment begins after proposals for a new position have been approved by senior management. The HR department helps the head of the department where the vacancy is advertised to select employee candidates. He usually prepares a short list of candidates who are qualified for the position. Some companies consider it mandatory to include employees from other departments of their company in the list of candidates. Recruitment of external candidates is carried out through advertising, personal connections, and professional hiring firms with electronic databases. Shortlisted candidates usually go through a series of interviews with future managers (two or three levels up), colleagues and, if necessary, subordinates. The interview results are summarized and supplemented with recommendations. The final choice is made by the immediate supervisor.

    Modern concepts of personnel management systems are based both on scientific approaches to management and on theories of psychology and communicative interaction between people. The basis of the concept of personnel management modern conditions is the increasing role of the employee’s personality, his knowledge, motivation, ability to form and direct them to achieve goals.

    The American personnel management system is manifested, first of all, in the fact that for the United States, personnel management is a special profession, craft and art, which is taught in many educational institutions, and the learning process which never stops. Characteristic feature The US management school has become that a significant place is occupied by a layer of “generalists”, i.e. performing general duties as general managers, competent in technology, economics, production, market activities, etc. In the process of personnel management, various organizational structures are used that require flexibility and psychological endurance from managers, especially at the highest and middle levels of personnel management. In addition, in the system of selection, assessment, incentives, and promotion of personnel in the United States (unlike other countries), an individual approach to each manager and specialist greatly prevails. Belyatsky N.P. Personnel Management. - M.: Modern school, 2010. - 448 p.

    In almost all American organizations, the main emphasis is on the psychological attitudes of each individual employee in order to generate a feeling of victory (remember, the entire national ideology in the United States is based on the principle of achieving individual success). Top managers of US companies constantly try to maintain an atmosphere of informal competition in the team, using various methods to encourage such internal competition.

    In the United States, it has long been learned that human resource management work must be based on the use of powerful research base, a network of advisory services, a developed management infrastructure with a high level of centralization.

    Thus, researchers A. Asaliev and G. Vukovich offer general conclusions characterizing the American approach to personnel management, which relate to trends in the development of human resource management practices, and are based on the results of research from American think tanks:

    Development of technology and technology - important factor, affecting employment indicators. If new technologies provoke a reduction in personnel, then higher-level employees are promoted to new and remaining personnel. qualification requirements. In this case, the personnel manager is called upon to motivate employees to improve their skills;

    Most organizations are experiencing increased staff mobility. Most often, highly qualified personnel with high salaries prevail among permanent employees. Temporary workers are low-skilled personnel who are hired depending on production volumes;

    In the case of increasing the level of automation of a company's production, it is necessary that personnel management most effectively stimulates workers to acquire new knowledge, skills, and to increase their qualification level. Otherwise, innovation may be unproductive due to degradation professional level personnel;

    There is an integration of responsibilities and qualification levels of employees, both managers and subordinates. For example, an engineer can combine the position of a workshop manager or production division, where he works;

    In connection with the integration of responsibilities, lower-level managers who directly supervise the work of subordinates take on the functions of personnel management for training and professional development. At the same time, they are financially motivated to manage personnel and act as instructors and consultants. Thus, collective responsibility for personnel management is increasing slightly in individualist American enterprises;

    New trends in remuneration are emerging - wages increase depending on the experience, level of qualifications and self-education of the employee, his skill, and not only depending on the volume of work performed;

    The organizational structure, in addition to flexibility, is multifunctional - it is built on the principle of a hierarchy of acceptance management decisions, and not on the basis of the structure of the location of the functional units of the company. Wherein important role play the so-called working groups;

    The restructuring of personnel management is carried out together with production and organizational changes. This applies to periods of operation of new equipment, changes in the line of manufactured products, innovations in the field of improvement quality characteristics products, for example the use of new materials, the introduction of new manufacturing technologies. At the same time, attempts to mechanistically transfer new management methods to long-established organizational structures, as a rule, do not bring success. Asaliev A.M., Vukovich G.G., Stroiteleva T.G. Economics and human resource management. - M.: Infra-M, 2013. - 144 p.

    The formation of human resource management strategy in the United States is usually carried out by the top management of companies. American companies have developed two semi-autonomous personnel management strategies, the demarcation of which reflects the legal differences between categories of personnel existing in US labor legislation. Management according to an expanded scheme using modern means and methods is carried out in relation to management personnel, highly qualified specialists, which are united under the name “administrative personnel”. Management systems for these administrative personnel, as a rule, are separate organizationally - in the main office and departments of the company, work is carried out with management personnel of different levels and specialists, while with employees, workers, and technical personnel, management tasks are solved by the corresponding departments at the enterprises.

    Strategies for managing senior and middle administrative personnel are the most developed in the American personnel management system. Special meaning is attached to systematic preparation and careful selection of applicants for higher leadership positions. Some companies highlight in their organizational structure headquarters services that ensure the processing on an individual basis of situations involving top level personnel: about their selection, preparation, training and advanced training, about holistic career development. Thus, in General Electrics since 1974 there has been a department that is removed from the subordination of the vice president for personnel and reports directly to the head of the board of directors, which works only with senior managers. Burchakova M. Human resource management in international business // Personnel management. 2009. No. 23. P. 43-45.

    In American companies, hiring involves the following stages:

    Introducing the employee to future functions, rights and responsibilities;

    If the specific type of activity for which an employee is hired is not included in the annual plan, it must be justified and registered with the personnel department to establish an appropriate remuneration system. Personnel selection starts only after the vacancy is approved by senior management;

    The personnel department in which a vacancy has appeared assists the manager in selecting a candidate. A short list of candidates is being prepared. Sometimes a mandatory requirement is to include company employees from other divisions in the list;

    Candidates included in the list undergo several interviews with their future managers (at two or three levels of management), colleagues and, if necessary, subordinates. Each interview is supported by conclusions and recommendations from managers, which serve as the basis for decision-making for the immediate manager.

    Dismissals of employees, including managers, are not carried out without interviews with the dismissed employees to determine the degree of their guilt or reasons for leaving, except in extreme cases (theft, gross violation of internal regulations). Each dismissal case is analyzed by managers.

    The work of each employee is assessed periodically from one to several times a year. An appropriate enterprise document is generated, which both the employee and managers become familiar with during the discussion of the assessment results. The document signed by the subordinate indicates a list of its errors and ways to eliminate them. Further tenure in a position may depend precisely on indicators of improving the quality of work. The dismissal of an employee or removal from duties can only be carried out by a boss at a several level higher than the immediate supervisor of the dismissed employee. If the latter is a member of a trade union, then the reasons for dismissal are discussed with its representatives and in accordance with employment contract(contract). The employee can appeal the decision to dismiss in court or with the involvement of the company's senior management. Sometimes the creation of special commissions is initiated for labor conflicts, considering the problems of employee complaints about wrongful dismissal. The commission includes representatives of the administration and staff. Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel Management. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 208 p.

    Regarding the functioning of the personnel evaluation system, an important feature of the American approach to personnel management is the fact that the direct superior must have information not only about his direct subordinates, but also about employees who occupy positions several levels lower in the organizational hierarchy. Such a manager reviews the performance assessments of each employee given by lower-level managers, taking into account the reactions they identified, checks and approves them.

    This principle allows senior management to provide good information when deciding on personnel management issues regarding the most promising employees. As a result, real centralization of personnel management in the enterprise is achieved.

    Consequently, there are three main features of the development of human resource management practices in the United States:

    Human resource management is always based on the strategic plans of the organization (which is a similar feature to Japanese management);

    There is a constant calculation of the effectiveness of human resource management of the organization;

    The problems of multinational personnel of American organizations are solved by applying an individual approach to each employee, creating an organization culture acceptable to everyone, which is especially relevant for transnational companies. Grigoriev L, Yu., Kamenskaya M.V. Personnel is a unique resource and source of success modern company// World of measurements. 2010. No. 2. P. 12-18.