Deflection analysis of a cantilever staircase structure. Cantilever staircase

Cantilever staircases in the interior look very impressive and incredibly stylish. This type of design has fundamental differences from other models, not only in visual terms, but also in manufacturing and installation technology. Not every master is capable of fulfilling such an idea. This is partly why console products are so attractive and in demand for rich interiors.

Design Features

Cantilever staircase models are unique products of their kind; they can radically transform the interior, giving it lightness and a modern feel. The main difference is in the fastening of the elements and the configuration itself. The fact is that console stair steps have no obvious support as such. You will not find in them either the stringers usual for marching variations, or rough vertical supports, characteristic of screw structures, the steps remain open on all sides, as if they are floating in the air.

An indescribable feeling of lightness is achieved by fixing only one part of the steps to an invisible support. Wall handrails are used as handrails. Penetration of light occurs to the maximum, due to the absence of risers, open treads are not cluttered with anything.

To secure the movement of people along such stairs, to strengthen the steps and at the same time not to disrupt the overall concept of the product, you can use metal cables or rods attached to the edge of the step and ceiling. Thus, the staircase seems to be suspended in space.

Cantilever staircase will be the highlight of any interior

Advantages and disadvantages

Console models can fascinate anyone, they simply cannot help but like them, but is there any point in using them to climb to the second floor? Their strengths and weaknesses should be examined in more detail.

Advantages of cantilever stairs:

  • does not clutter up the space, and therefore takes up much less space;
  • does not block light and air flows in the room;
  • looks very stylish and impressive, can become the highlight of any interior;
  • the consumption of materials for the main elements of the staircase is reduced;
  • creates a feeling of lightness and elegance.

However, the cantilever staircase also has its disadvantages:

  • requires more durable fastenings;
  • not very convenient for movement;
  • complex in design and execution;
  • expensive;
  • due to the lack of fences it is less safe.

Based on all this, we can draw a conclusion about the advisability of erecting such a structure in a given case.

The main disadvantage of a cantilever staircase is the lack of a fence

Materials used

In order to achieve desired effect important to use suitable materials. Because main principle– this is airiness, for this purpose the following can be used:

  • Metal. Steps from this material are rarely made, except perhaps in the form of a frame. Metal is primarily used for supporting elements.
  • Wood and MDF. This is a standard option for cantilever stairs and can be combined with any details, especially MDF. It is the latter that is the favorite due to the variety of designs and the possibility of producing lightweight structures.
  • Plastic. Only strong variations are used, most often only for finishing the tread of a step.
  • Glass. Steps from tempered glass- This perfect option, they look almost weightless, although in reality they require additional strengthening.
  • Concrete. The material is quite complex and heavy for this design, since reinforcement of each element is required.

Various materials are used to make a cantilever staircase.

However, cantilever stairs also have a hidden part, which ensures its fixation. For fastenings with support, metal is used primarily. We are talking about anchor bolts, channels and brackets.

Methods of fastening steps

The cantilever staircase does not have any obvious support as such; instead, there are several options for attaching the steps:

  • Wall. The steps cut deep into the wall to a depth of 20-40 cm, depending on the type of material from which it is built.
  • Kosour. It has the appearance of a complex welded structure, but on the outside it is presented as an elegant product to which steps are discreetly attached. Replaces wall mount.
  • Bolza. Connect the free part of the treads, transferring the load to each next element until they are fixed in the floor and ceiling.
  • Cables. An additional support that in parallel replaces the handrails; in this case, the load from the free side of the step is transferred to the ceiling.
  • Profile. More reliable option, similar to using a stringer, the steps are fixed to the profile, and then the whole thing is covered with plasterboard.

Methods of fastening the steps of a cantilever staircase

Errors during design and construction

Because it's pretty complex look staircase design, builders and designers often make mistakes:

  • incorrect way of attaching the steps to the support;
  • use of thin fasteners;
  • incorrect load distribution;
  • installation of elements on the free edge of the step, increasing the pressure on the support;
  • insufficient recess into the wall;
  • use of plastic fasteners instead of metal ones;
  • lack of damping gaskets in the wall for sound insulation.

If the technology is not followed, it becomes unsafe to use such a design. If the process of loosening the elements has already begun, there are two ways out of the situation: use additional fasteners or convert the console model into a standard one.

This type of stairs will be an excellent solution to the issue of arranging the ascent to the second floor in modern houses. In particular, styles such as minimalism, hi-tech, modern, loft or art deco should be noted. In order to maximize the service life and reliability of the design, involve construction work only craftsmen with a good reputation and experience in performing similar work.

Quite often, when designing houses, a contractor has to deal with problems of saving space when placing flights of stairs and creating certain interiors. This is due to the fact that these structures are quite bulky and require a lot of space for their normal functioning.

That is why many craftsmen are interested in the question of how to make a cantilever staircase with their own hands, since a similar type of this device can help solve this problem.

At first glance, this device gives the impression that it consists of separate sections that are suspended in the air. However, it should be noted that creating a cantilever staircase requires a lot of effort.


  • This product has original appearance, which at the right approach can fit into any interior. (see also the article Interior of a hallway with a staircase in a private house - “recipes” for a cozy environment)
  • To create such a design, a minimum amount of material is required.
  • Space savings when using console devices increase significantly.
  • Creating stairs of this type quite problematic and associated with a lot of different difficulties.
  • When designing such a staircase structure, it is necessary to carry out very accurate calculations and measurements, since a load of at least 150 kg must be placed on a step fixed on one side.

Before choosing a cantilever staircase for your home, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this device and make a decision that is ideally suited to specific conditions.


  • First of all, it is necessary to understand that this staircase mounted on one support. In this case, the installation instructions assume the installation of additional fasteners in the form of hanging systems, but the main load does not fall on them.
  • To solve the problems of installing consoles, two installation methods are used. The first of them involves fastening the steps during the manufacturing process of the walls. The second method is to install a supporting structure, which may look like a column.
  • After the steps are installed, cables or slings are attached to them from the other edge, which are secured to the ceiling. Thus, the result is a structure in the form of individual staircase elements, fixed on one side to a wall or column, and on the other side, suspended on cables.
  • It is worth noting that the suspension system itself begins to act as a barrier, but to increase safety, you can stretch additional elements, the purpose of which is to reduce gaps.
  • Railings for cantilever stairs should be installed on the wall. They can be purchased in specialized stores, and the price of such products is sometimes so low that self-production It just doesn't make sense.
  • It is very important to use a water level when carrying out all work., For correct placement details in space.
  • It is worth noting that not all types of these systems are equipped with suspensions. There are completely independent products that can withstand significant weight without additional support.

When organizing suspension system it is necessary to create a certain level of tension that will support the steps in one position.
If the tension is too strong, you can loosen the area of ​​the main fixation.

Buy or make it yourself

First of all, you need to understand that the main criterion in the manufacture of flights of stairs is safety. At the same time, console devices require only high-quality elements and accurate measurements during their manufacture and installation. Therefore, such designs must be created very carefully, paying attention to even minor details.

Considering all the complexity similar work, some craftsmen prefer to purchase finished products. They will definitely have correct forms, appropriate fasteners and will withstand the required load. However, installation must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, which must be included in the delivery package.

By purchasing ready product, you should make sure that fasteners are available, since not all manufacturers include them with the parts.
You should also check all elements for visible defects.


In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text stated above, you can get an idea of ​​the design and structure of cantilever stairs and methods of their installation.

At the same time, we can conclude that it is better to purchase this product ready-made, since factory parts have a large margin of strength and reliability.

Modern stairs are less and less often simple bulky structures. Instead, real designer works adorn the houses. See for yourself with our inspiring photo selection. Perhaps you will find an option here that will fit perfectly into the interior of your home.

Types of wooden stairs

To choose a design that will fit most harmoniously into the space, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main types of wooden stairs for your home.

Marching staircase- this is the classic and most simple design, consisting of separate marches - straight or rotary. True, flight stairs are rarely made entirely of wood. Often their base is made of concrete, and the railings and steps are made of wood.

Cantilever staircase looks more original, and its design gives the impression of “floating in the air.” Such stairs do not have massive railings and do not have a static base. The steps are attached to the load-bearing wall using anchors, which ensures their strength and absolute safety of operation.

Spiral staircase It saves space and fits perfectly into small spaces. But it should be remembered that in operation this is not the most convenient option. When installing a spiral staircase, it is recommended to choose durable railings, as well as a rough surface of the steps. If space allows, elements of marches can be included in its design: this will provide a more comfortable and safe use stairs.

Spinal stairs but consists of individual elements connected to each other. This design resembles a puzzle and can be assembled in almost any shape. Visually, such a staircase looks light and airy, while being comfortable, durable and reliable.

Ideas for decorating wooden stairs in the house

Having decided on the type of wooden staircase, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most interesting options its design.

Such a staircase performs two functions at once - it connects the first and second floors, and is also the main accent in the design of the room. Its massive base is harmoniously complemented wooden elements simple geometry, additional security is provided by a glass fence, which, however, does not take over the main visual emphasis.

This staircase will ideally complement the interior, made in the style of classicism. Its main highlight is the carved details, combined with other elements of furniture and decor. Such stairs are made from noble woods - cherry, wenge, sandal, teak and others.

Original and light, this staircase will become a real highlight of the room. Its main advantage is its compactness and visual weightlessness. And the steps, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, turn this ordinary element of the interior into a source of pride for the designer’s craftsmanship.

Lightweight and modern design This staircase model is characterized by rhythm, which is further enhanced by the repeating geometric contour of the enclosing element.

This staircase looks simple and modest, but this is where its charm lies. It will fit perfectly into a classically decorated interior and can be made in different color solutions. Both its natural and only slightly sanded surface and its coated with transparent varnish look advantageous.

A “broken” staircase will emphasize the originality of the design approach, and will also save room space. Looks good in dark colors, contrasting with the light walls of the interior.

Original and bold decision for creative people. The supporting structure of the staircase is made in the form of a tree trunk. The curved lines of the railing imitate branches, and all this is combined with massive, wide wooden steps.

The spiral staircase not only saves usable area, but also gives the room lightness. Looks especially impressive in combination with forged elements, which advantageously dilute wooden steps and provide additional structural strength.

Such a staircase will undoubtedly become the main element of the room. So brave option will do spacious interiors. It is important that the surrounding space is sufficiently light and well lit; this will relieve the room of an oppressive feeling and will favorably emphasize its main accent.

This spiral staircase will not cause any trouble in operation. Stable steps with a fairly wide step and a smooth bend will make the descent and ascent along it almost imperceptible. Light wood looks harmonious with a snow-white supporting structure, which, in combination with a glass railing, makes the staircase a welcome guest in rooms decorated in a minimalist style.

This staircase will be a bold addition to the interior, furnished with the latest design art. Operating such a beauty will require certain skills and accuracy. The main advantages are space saving and creative execution.

Sustainable, safe and beautiful design stairs will be an ideal addition to almost any interior. In this case, the main accent is a combination of white and mahogany shade. This technique allows you to emphasize the contours of the staircase and harmonize with other wooden objects in the house.

Another classic version. Thin carved railings give the staircase an airy feel. The main element here is the carpet, which emphasizes the status of the owners and helps make using the stairs as comfortable and safe as possible.

A low staircase leading to an additional floor can not only fulfill its main function, but also have a pleasant bonus: pull-out shelves for storing rarely used items.

In the under-staircase space can be placed drawers, shelves with doors and open niches different forms and sizes.

Often entire corners are placed under the stairs. For example, workplace It will look quite organic here. This technique will save precious meters and allow you to use the freed up space more efficiently.

Such a multifunctional staircase will not let children get bored. The built-in slide for outdoor games will become a favorite pastime for the little ones.

Using such a ladder will require some skill. But with it you don’t have to worry about saving space, and it will fit into almost any modern interior.

A variation on the theme of a stepladder can become a full-fledged staircase in the house. This design somewhat limits the possibilities of its operation. For example, it is not suitable for families with small children or elderly people. Otherwise, it is practical and quite easy to use.

The staircase can also become a way for owners to express themselves creatively. Placed on her steps beautiful pictures, motivational inscriptions or simply painting it in your favorite colors, you can create a unique design accent that allows you to highlight the beauty of the space and demonstrate your self.

There are a huge number of options for staircases for your home. The main thing is to find among them exactly the one that will harmoniously fit into the interior and give its owners maximum comfort and aesthetic pleasure.

1. Introduction

2. Stairs made of natural and artificial stone

3. Concrete and reinforced concrete stairs

4. Wooden stairs

5. Stairs made of steel structures

6. References

7. Introduction

Faulty condition of stairs (corrosion of metal stringers, increased deflections of landings and flights, loose fit of landings and flights to the walls, cracks, potholes, peeling of the floor in landings and steps, depressions in steps from abrasion, loosening of fences, handrails and safety nets, damage railings, rotting of wood, insufficient strength of fastenings of bowstrings to strut beams, etc.) should be eliminated as they appear and further destruction should be prevented.

The metal elements of stairs should be periodically painted every five to six years, after first cleaning the surfaces from rust. Metal stringers must be plastered or painted

providing a fire resistance limit of 1 hour.

When deflections of flights of stairs and landings exceed permissible standards (in the case of increasing deformation), workers of the housing maintenance organization must strengthen load-bearing elements stairs (according to the project), having previously taken measures for the safe operation of stairs.

Repairing cracks, depressions, potholes and edges in staircase structures should be done as defects appear, using materials similar to the material of the structures. Stair steps that have lost their strength in collapsible flights must be replaced with new ones.

Gaps between the flight of stairs and the wall should be sealed cement mortar. It is recommended to correct chips in tread rollers by using ready-made inserts or concreting on site.

In stone steps, damaged areas should be cut out and repaired with stone inserts.

Replacing damaged ones and fixing loose ones ceramic tiles on staircase landings, new ones must be carried out immediately after detection of defects.

4.8.6. Wooden handrails that are cracked or warped should be replaced with new ones. Minor damage (burrs, uneven surface) should be eliminated by cleaning the surface or replacing individual unusable parts with inserts and then finishing the handrail.

Damaged sections of PVC handrails should be cut out and replaced with new ones of the same shape and color. The joints of the handrail inserts must be welded and cleaned.

Bowstrings and coverings that have fallen into disrepair landings steps and damaged parts of fences must be replaced, and loose fences must be strengthened.

When conducting overhaul staircases must include ramps.

Staircase structures should be painted every five years.

Staircase elements:

minimally permissible value resting on concrete and metal surfaces- 50 mm, on brickwork- 120 mm;

permissible violation of the horizontality of landings is no more than 10 mm, and steps of stairs - no more than 4 mm;

the deviation of the railing from the vertical is no more than 6 mm.


glazing must be in good working order; the presence of fittings on windows and doors (handles, hardware), staircase lighting;

the room must be regularly ventilated, the air temperature is at least +16°C;

Regular cleaning must be ensured: sweeping of windows, window sills, heating devices- not once every 5 days; walls - at least 2 times a month; washing - at least once a month;

inputs from stairwells into the attic or roof (with no-attic roofs) must be locked.

It is prohibited to use staircases (even for a short time) for storing materials, equipment and inventory, or to arrange flights of stairs storerooms and other utility rooms.

Valves, electrical panels and other disconnecting devices located on the stairs must be in closed cabinets, the keys to which are kept by the manager of the housing maintenance organization.


1.1 Divergence of external staircase steps due to freezing

Cause: Incorrect installation

Freezing of external staircases of old buildings can
be the result of an improperly executed foundation. When the foundation settles, the slope of the steps changes, rainwater and snow falls between them, freezing occurs in winter. The reason may also be incorrect installation steps. The right way, when the treads slope outward, is to create such profiles when the seams are located above the planes of the treads.

Repair method: in most cases, complete dismantling, then thorough correction of defects and installation of steps by qualified specialists. Naturally, damaged steps are repaired, and some of them are replaced. In the latter case, you should select a more resistant stone material (granite, syenite, gabbro, andesite, freshwater hard limestone, marble).

1.2 Cracking of steps, violation of the rigidity of the cantilever (hanging) staircase seal

Cause: Uneven shrinkage of the load-bearing wall; poor seal; poor wedging

Defects in the flights of stairs with stringers, in many cases their destruction are caused by defects in the supporting (load-bearing) structures. Such structures must be examined on site, to determine what and how they were made from, and in what condition
are located, sometimes it is possible to determine at what stage of manufacturing the defect occurred.

In buildings built at the turn of the century, stringers made of wood were used. These beams were usually covered with reeds and plastered. Thus, the structure was hidden and it was impossible to determine its diseases (fungus, insect damage). In such a situation, it is necessary to replace the supporting structure; repair and reinstallation of steps.

1.3 Violation of the continuity of a flight of stairs, breaks in treads, steps, wear and tear

Cause: Natural wear and tear, mechanical stress

Natural wear and tear on the running line of old steps becomes a cause of accidents over time. Typical defects: broken edges of steps that have become thinner due to abrasion, formation of a wavy surface of steps. Defects are aggravated by impacts with heavy objects, for example when carrying bulky items.

Repair method: Minor damage to monolithic or wedge-shaped steps is repaired by cutting out a recess in the form swallowtail, then remove dust, moisten and make an insert from the step material or artificial stone that matches the color and structure.

Typically, when making artificial stone, stone chips are used, obtained by chiseling a recess for an insert. If it is not enough, then crushed stone is added. Repair material prepared with 2/3 crushed stone of various sizes and 1/3 cement. The main requirement is a good seal. In most cases, to achieve a reliable result, it is necessary to install firmly secured formwork. Newly manufactured or repaired surfaces require wet treatment for 7 days. The surface of the artificial stone is polished after 1-2 days. Sanding to a mirror finish is not advisable as the slippery surface can cause accidents. The initial signs of abrasion of the treads, which will later manifest themselves in the form of waviness or slippery areas, are eliminated by notching the surface.

Defects in stairs made of natural and artificial stone can be repaired using various modern adhesives. In this case, metal staples made of reinforcing steel are used in stretched belts (Fig.).

Rice. 1.2. Wedging a hanging ladder

1 - wedging; 2 - hanging ladder; 3 - load-bearing wall

Rice. 1.3. Installation of stringers from steel beams

1 - flooring made of tiles; 2 - solution

1.4 Cracks on individual steps, sometimes kinks

Cause: Mechanical influences

When replacing steps or an entire flight of stairs, hanging stairs should be supported with supports, starting from the base of the wall, from the lower floor and along the outer contour. Work begins with hollowing out the embedding areas. The steps are dismantled from top to bottom. New flights are mounted from below, paying attention to the correct installation of the tread planes so that water flows freely from them when washing the stairs. During replacement, individual steps are inserted at least to a depth of half a brick with wedging and sealing with cement mortar bricks (Fig. 1.2). If replacement is not necessary, then flights of stairs can be reinforced with stringers made of steel beams (Fig. 1.3).

1.5 Shell-like peeling of the staircase material, cracking

Cause: Exposure to fire

Natural stone is not resistant to fire, although it itself does not burn. Under the influence high temperature it cracks, peels, crumbles. Limestones lose much of their strength under the influence of relatively low temperatures; chemical processes occur in them (lime burning). Igneous rocks behave better in this regard. If water unexpectedly gets onto hot stone steps when extinguishing a fire, it can severely damage the material from which they are made and result in severe destruction of stone structures.

1.6 Loose railings

Cause: Weakening of handrail posts, fractures due to corrosion

A typical defect in stair railings is loosening of the posts at the fastening points and cracking of the stone. The reason may be severe corrosion of metal racks, freezing at their base, mechanical stress (forced loosening), exposure to water, or the grinding effect of particles with sharp edges moving in the seams.

It is necessary to periodically inspect the sealing areas of the railing posts. In the initial stage of defect development, you can use simple pouring of cement mortar followed by grouting sand-cement mixture(1:1), which stops further destruction sometimes for many years.

When repairing more significant defects, it may be necessary to install a new socket or replace a rusted rack. Attention should be paid to the care of concrete during its hardening period, since rapid drying of a small amount of concrete or artificial stone leads to its destruction. A good result can only be achieved with proper care and normal hydration.

2.1. Fractures and cracks in concrete stairs

Cause: Cracks in a stretched or compressed belt

Cracks that appear in the compression flange of stairs reinforced as double-support beams indicate a weakening of the cross-section and can cause trouble. If the edges of concrete cracks become colored or peel off, this indicates a defect in the compressed chord. After an expert assessment, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen or replace the structure.

2.2. Loosening the seal of cantilever (hanging) stairs

Cause: Insufficient embedment length, which causes loosening; Incorrect installation of steps, due to which water flows towards the wall when washing the stairs.

The repair method is identical to that described in paragraph 1.4

2.3. Damage to cladding, potholes, breaks

Cause: Mechanical stress: natural abrasion, waviness, damage from loads carried up stairs

The repair method is identical to that described in paragraph 1.3

2.4. Abrasion of plastic or rubber mats covering treads, tears

Cause: Mechanical influences

Destroyed plastic or rubber inserts on the treads are removed, the concrete surface is cleaned, and after checking the correct slope, new ones are glued on.

2.5. Fractures, curvature of handrails, deformations of stringers, fractures of monolithic staircase landings

Cause: Construction defects, errors in concrete care, corrosion of reinforced concrete, damage to concrete under the influence of acids, alkalis, oils, fats

In any case, you need expert review. After the necessary examination and calculation, a decision is made on repair or replacement; in the latter case, factory-made elements can be used.

2.6. Weakening of concrete of external stairs, spalling, fractures, surface peeling

Cause: Exposure to frost during the curing period or frequent freezing of finished concrete

Constantly wet or frequently wetted concrete stairs Frost can cause great damage. Especially for external stairs, frost-resistant concrete is used using frost-resistant inert materials and with an appropriate selection of the quality and quantity of cement. Repairing old concrete stairs is only a temporary measure, since further freezing leads to their destruction.

2.6. Deformations of reinforced concrete structures, exposure of reinforcement under exfoliated concrete, etc.

Cause: Exposure to fire

Under the influence of fire (already at a temperature of 500 ° C), additives to concrete burn out; crushed limestone added to concrete begins to decompose (burnt lime is formed); The strength of the reinforcement also decreases. After any fire, you should certainly conduct an expert examination and determine further measures based on it.


The material for making stairs inside buildings can be soft and hard wood. Frequently used designs are a spiral staircase, a straight or curvilinear unstrung staircase, which are usually well designed and structurally simple. Their defects are usually the result of damage. In rare cases, damage by insects and fungi occurs. Defects also rarely occur due to corrosion of metal connecting elements.

The way to repair severely worn or broken steps is to completely replace them. Smaller damage is repaired by insertions. Taking into account the opinion of experts, defects that may arise due to exposure to fungal diseases and insects must be prevented. An essential requirement is to exclude in all cases the possibility of moistening staircase structures.

Defects in the construction of stringers, deficiencies in joints with walls are eliminated in accordance with the rules for the manufacture of carpentry structures.

A wooden staircase quickly burns out in a fire, so it should not be intended for evacuating people both inside and outside the building.

In the process of reconstruction of residential buildings, regardless of bearing capacity and material condition wooden stairs should be replaced with reinforced concrete, stairs made of natural and artificial stone, with the exception of internal stairs in one-story houses, if they meet the requirements for material and load-bearing capacity.


4.1 Bending of load-bearing elements, cracks, fracture of connecting elements, deformation of steps

Cause: Static and dynamic overvoltage

Replacement or strengthening of load-bearing elements in accordance with the expected additional static or dynamic loads, replacement of a metal step (plate), sometimes the installation of stiffeners against possible bending.

4.2 Excessively smooth surface, not safe for walking; protrusions of connecting elements above the step

Cause: Constructive effect

Replacement of steps originally made from slabs, without adding roughness or ribbing. In order to avoid accidents, eliminating protrusions of connecting elements by lowering them under the plane of the step slab (welding from the bottom side) or in another way.

4.3 Abrasion of the surface of the steps, polishing; jagged edges

Cause: Mechanical influences

Creation of a rough surface or replacement.

4.4 Deformation of all or part of the staircase structure due to high temperature

Cause: Fire

Depending on the expert opinion, replacement of individual elements or the entire staircase structure, depending on the degree of damage.

4.5 Corrosion of all or parts steel structures

Cause: Corrosion

First of all, eliminating the causes of moisture, then cleaning from rust structural elements, suitable for use, and anti-corrosion treatment.

Steel staircases are very rarely used in residential buildings; V public buildings, offices - in the form spiral staircases(due to space limitations). For the most part, they are used in industrial buildings for access to the corresponding technological posts. Typically, flights of such stairs are characterized by high steps (more than 20 cm); Steep stairs are equipped with double-sided railings. Increased attention to the condition of such stairs is very important from the point of view of preventing accidents.


1. Rules and regulations for the technical operation of housing stock

2. A.V. Kolomeets, E.M. Arievich “Operation of residential buildings”, reference manual, M. Stroyizdat. 1985

3. N.V. Nechaev “Major repairs of residential buildings” M. Stroyizdat 1990

4. Boyko M. D. “Maintenance and repair of buildings and structures.” Tutorial for universities. L.: Stroyizdat, Leningrad. department, 1986.-256 p.

  1. Introduction
  2. Stairs made of natural and artificial stone
  3. Concrete and reinforced concrete stairs
  4. Wooden stairs
  5. Staircases made of steel structures
  6. Bibliography
  7. Introduction

Faulty condition of stairs (corrosion of metal stringers, increased deflections of landings and flights, loose fit of landings and flights to the walls, cracks, potholes, peeling of the floor in landings and steps, depressions in steps from abrasion, loosening of fences, handrails and safety nets, damage railings, rotting of wood, insufficient strength of fastenings of bowstrings to strut beams, etc.) should be eliminated as they appear and further destruction should be prevented.

The metal elements of stairs should be periodically painted every five to six years, after first cleaning the surfaces from rust. Metal stringers must be plastered or painted

providing a fire resistance limit of 1 hour.

When deflections of flights of stairs and landings exceed permissible standards (in the case of increasing deformation), employees of the housing maintenance organization must strengthen the load-bearing elements of the stairs (according to the project), having previously taken measures for the safe operation of the stairs.

Repairing cracks, depressions, potholes and edges in staircase structures should be done as defects appear, using materials similar to the material of the structures. Stair steps that have lost their strength in collapsible flights must be replaced with new ones.

The gaps between the flight of stairs and the wall should be sealed with cement mortar. It is recommended to correct chips in tread rollers by using ready-made inserts or concreting on site.

In stone steps, damaged areas should be cut out and repaired with stone inserts.

Replacement of damaged ceramic tiles and fixing of loose ceramic tiles on staircase landings with new ones should be carried out immediately after detection of defects.

4.8.6. Wooden handrails that are cracked or warped should be replaced with new ones. Minor damage (burrs, uneven surface) should be eliminated by cleaning the surface or replacing individual unusable parts with inserts and then finishing the handrail.

Damaged sections of PVC handrails should be cut out and replaced with new ones of the same shape and color. The joints of the handrail inserts must be welded and cleaned.

Bowstrings that have become dilapidated, staircase coverings and damaged parts of fencing must be replaced, and loose fencing must be strengthened.

When carrying out major repairs of stairs, provide ramps.

Staircase structures should be painted every five years.

Staircase elements:

the minimum permissible value of support on concrete and metal surfaces is 50 mm, on brickwork - 120 mm;

permissible violation of the horizontality of landings is no more than 10 mm, and steps of stairs - no more than 4 mm;

the deviation of the railing from the vertical is no more than 6 mm.


glazing must be in good working order; the presence of fittings on windows and doors (handles, hardware), staircase lighting;

the room should be regularly ventilated, the air temperature should be at least +16C;

Regular cleaning must be ensured: sweeping of windows, window sills, heating devices - at least once every 5 days; walls - at least 2 times a month; washing - at least once a month;

Entrances from stairwells to the attic or roof (with no-attic roofs) must be locked.

It is prohibited to use staircases (even on a short time) for storing materials, equipment and inventory, to arrange storerooms and other utility rooms under flights of stairs.

Valves, electrical panels and other disconnecting devices located on the stairs must be located in closed cabinets, the keys to which are kept by the manager of the housing maintenance organization.


1.1 Divergence of external staircase steps due to freezing

Cause: Incorrect installation

Freezing of external staircases of old buildings can
be the result of an improperly executed foundation. When the foundation settles, the slope of the steps changes, rainwater and snow fall between them, and freezing occurs in winter. The reason may also be incorrect installation of steps. The correct way, when the treads slope outward, is to create such profiles when the seams are located above the planes of the treads.

Repair method: in most cases, complete dismantling, then thorough correction of defects and installation of steps qualified specialists. Naturally, damaged steps are repaired, and some of them are replaced. In the latter case, you should select a more resistant stone material (granite, syenite, gabbro, andesite, freshwater hard limestone, marble).

1.2 Cracking of steps, violation of the rigidity of the cantilever seal (vithousand) stairs