Baltic leasing group of companies. Unique solutions from the Baltic Leasing company: sale of former seized cars

FC Otkritie Bank became the main owner of one of the largest private leasing companies, Baltic Leasing. On its basis, a credit institution owned by the Central Bank plans to develop the retail segment of the leasing business and has already provided the company with impressive funding. However, even taking into account third-party financing, the problem of expanding its presence in the market remains: the retail segment of car leasing is competitive and strictly divided, experts say.

On Wednesday, the bank FC Otkritie, owned by the Central Bank, announced that it had consolidated almost 100% of the shares of the Baltic Leasing company. At the end of last year, the bank already acquired 79.5% of the shares of the leasing company from Trust Bank, on the basis of which the regulator is creating a fund of non-core and distressed assets. Until recently, another 20% remained with Otkritie Holding (OH, before the reorganization of FC Otkritie, the main shareholder of the bank). Yesterday the holding confirmed the sale of its share to the bank. A minority share of 0.5% remained with the general director of Baltic Leasing, Dmitry Korchagov, as follows from the company’s quarterly report for the third quarter. As FC Otkritie explained, “this is historically the share of management; there are no plans to buy it out yet.”

"Baltic Leasing"- one of the largest Russian private leasing companies. According to Expert RA, the volume of net investments in leasing at the beginning of October 2018 amounted to 29.7 billion rubles. At the same time, the company ranked ninth in the agency’s ranking in terms of new business volume (31 billion rubles) and eighth in terms of portfolio size (48.9 billion rubles). Almost 60% of the portfolio was car leasing and about 13% leasing construction equipment.

The bank did not disclose the cost of acquiring the company, noting only that “the price conditions of all transactions are market conditions.” At the same time, as a representative of OH stated, “the amount of the transaction was calculated taking into account the total valuation of Baltic Leasing at 8.5 billion rubles.” At the same time, according to him, settlements for the transaction were “made in real money.” It is possible that these funds were used in settlements of other assets of the holding. Moreover, his representative recalled that “previously, Otkritie Holding bought its own bonds from the Otkritie group.” Indeed, in December OH partially repaid its BO-06 bonds for 5.9 billion rubles, the owner of which, according to market participants, was Trust Bank (see Kommersant of December 25, 2018).

FC Otkritie says that they want to establish cooperation between Baltic Leasing and the Open Leasing company, where in the second quarter the bank plans to complete the consolidation of the corporate portfolios of LK located within the framework of FC Otkritie and Trust. The bank then plans to “seamlessly combine retail and corporate leasing.” According to Ruslan Korshunov, director of bank ratings at the Expert RA agency, Baltic Leasing “will be able to work more effectively with those problematic leasing assets that could have been acquired by FC Otkritie from the previous owners. She has a large client base and experience in remarketing repossessed properties.”

In November last year, FC Otkritie opened a five-year credit line to LK in the amount of 10 billion rubles, which is almost a quarter of the company’s assets. In addition, the bank is considering the possibility of raising financing for the company by issuing bonds. At the same time, analysts agree that as a quasi-state leasing company, it will be easier for Baltic Leasing to attract third-party financing. However, according to Ruslan Bulatov, junior director of Fitch Ratings, “even if the company’s funding is slightly cheaper than that of its competitors, it is almost impossible to quickly increase the portfolio in a short period of time in the retail car leasing market.” As the expert explains, this “market is small, very competitive, and there is a high margin of margin for companies operating in it.” “The growth of LC’s auto leasing business through organic growth will be limited in 2019–2020 due to the fading growth rate of the auto segment as a whole and high competition among large LCs,” agrees Mr. Korshunov. “Our plans are to grow the portfolio ahead of the market,” said FC Otkritie, without specifying which segments they were talking about, and also noted that the bank “does not anticipate new purchases in the leasing segment.”

Baltic Leasing did not respond to Kommersant’s request.

The leasing services of the Baltic Leasing company find new fans every year. Despite their relative novelty, they have already attracted the attention of not only legal entities, but also individuals due to their individual approach, relative simplicity of registration and a number of advantageous offers that are in no way inferior to, and in some cases even exceed, the terms of a car loan.

An undoubted convenience was also the fact that the Baltic leasing agreement applies to almost any car, regardless of its year of manufacture or country of manufacture. In addition, the company offers to lease seized property: despite the scary name, this practice is widespread and carries absolutely no risks for the client.

Why is an agreement required?

Anyone who has already encountered Baltic leasing knows that it involves renting an object.

However, as a rule, a leasing contract is not limited to rent: it often allows you to buy out the equipment or vehicles taken at the residual price after the expiration of the term.

This turns out to be very convenient in many ways for many organizations - after all, the car is not listed on their balance sheet, which means there is no need to pay additional taxes. In addition, individuals can also benefit, especially if the chosen car is valued at a decent amount.

Today there are operational as well as financial varieties. In the first case, the buyer receives the right to subsequently purchase the selected car, but in the second option, the client does not have such an opportunity.

Favorable conditions for Baltic leasing clients

The Baltic Leasing company specializes in concluding leasing agreements. You can take out financial lease from this organization not only cars:

  • any special equipment, commercial and cargo transport, as well as buses and trailers are available to customers.

According to the terms of the Baltic Leasing company, the sale of seized cars is carried out at special prices favorable to the purchaser.

All seized property is thoroughly checked and then provided for use by the buyer.

The safety of such an acquisition is guaranteed by the fact that any seized vehicle is always the property of the company, and third parties do not claim ownership.

When purchasing a confiscated car from a leasing organization, you can be sure that the documents for it will be completely in order.

As a rule, the sale of collateral occurs at a price significantly lower than the market price, since the leasing company tries to get rid of the increase in unproductive expenses. To purchase such a vehicle, you must contact the company and fill out the necessary paperwork.

In this article we will look at how to conclude an agreement with Baltic Leasing. Let's find out under what conditions a leasing company sells a car and how to calculate monthly payments using a calculator from the official website.

About company

The leasing company "Baltic Leasing" began its work in 1990. The organization is one of the first to start operating in the Russian Federation. At the moment, this is already a group of companies that has 69 branches throughout the country, and is also a co-founder of the National Leasing Union (since 2017).

Baltic Leasing provides a full range of leasing services, from car leasing to real estate leasing. In addition, the list of services includes assessment and insurance of leased property.

The company finances most of its leasing projects using its own funds, which ensures additional financial stability of the organization. The organization ranks 6th among leasing companies in the Russian Federation.

Leasing programs in Baltic leasing

To run a successful business, expansion and renewal of the company's vehicle fleet is required. But funds do not always allow you to purchase several cars at the same time. There is a way out of this situation - to lease a car. Let's look at what programs are available at the Baltic Leasing company.

It is worth noting that there is a profitable leasing program with a down payment of 0%. A preliminary decision on an application is usually made within one business day.

Under the “Express” and “Operational Leasing” programs, early purchase of property is allowed, and the payment schedule for them is drawn up at your choice.

The period of validity of the leasing agreement depends on what your needs are and how much the chosen car costs.

How to calculate the cost of a car

To calculate the cost, you can use a special calculator on the company’s website. To receive a preliminary calculation, you need to enter the following information:

  1. Select the type of property you plan to purchase.
  2. Indicate the make and model of interest, the full cost of the vehicle, and the advance amount.
  3. Please indicate which payment schedule suits you best.
  4. Select the validity period of the leasing agreement.

Let's say you are interested in a BMW 5 Series sedan. An example calculation and payment schedule would look like this:

Important! The calculation is preliminary, all conditions are negotiated individually, based on the situation of each client.

How to submit a leasing application

It is not necessary to visit the company's office to submit an application. The website has a special form for submitting a questionnaire. Let's figure out how to fill it out:

  1. Go to the official website of the company.
  2. In the upper right corner of the menu, select the “Send a leasing application” section.
  3. A special form will open that you need to fill out.
  4. Please provide your name, contact phone number and email address.
  5. From the list, select the city in which you are registered.
  6. Specify the subject of leasing, type of property, its value.
  7. Select your currency type.
  8. Please check the box indicating your consent to the processing of personal data.
  9. Click the "Submit" button.

Now wait for a call from a company specialist to clarify and agree on all the details.

There is no personal account on the company’s website, and all information about payments can be obtained by communicating with the manager.

Business requirements

The company’s main requirement for its clients is to conduct business for at least 12 months. This requirement applies to both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The possibility of financing a company that operates for less than this period remains at the discretion of the head of the leasing organization.

As for securing the transaction, both classic types (collateral) and less onerous ones (increasing the down payment, signing a repurchase agreement, and so on) can be used.

One of the important requirements for the client is the presence of a break-even balance, which is easily verified using tax and financial reporting.

List of documents for individual entrepreneurs

To conclude a leasing agreement, a potential client - individual entrepreneur - must provide the following documents:

  1. Completed application for participation in leasing.
  2. Questionnaire.
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  4. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  5. Personal account statements for a certain period (most often for the last 6 months).
  6. Financial statements and tax documentation.

List of documents for legal entities

Legal entities provide:

  1. Application.
  2. Questionnaire.
  3. Financial statements for a certain period.
  4. Company charter or other constituent documentation.
  5. Order on the appointment of a manager to a position.

What kind of car can you buy from Baltic Leasing LLC

Baltic Leasing LLC sells both new and used cars on lease. It is possible to purchase foreign-made passenger cars with a minimal overpayment, as well as light commercial vehicles and trucks from Russian manufacturers.

All cars with mileage undergo diagnostics before being handed over to the client, so you can be sure that they are in full technical condition.

In addition, the company sells seized cars and confiscated vehicles, and sells collateral. All terms of purchase in this case are discussed individually with each client.

For the convenience of potential borrowers, there is a whole Baltic Leasing store on the website. and the portal

Turnkey leasing

The turnkey leasing program provides financing for small businesses to provide them with a full set of inventory and equipment. This service is somewhat similar to project financing. The maximum amount of financing for a turnkey enterprise directly depends on the profitability of the client’s business.

In this case, leasing schemes are used, which allow you to take advantage of significant tax advantages, for example, accelerated depreciation of equipment.

Additional services

In addition to a wide range of leasing services, the company provides a number of additional ones. In particular, this list includes:

  1. Coordination of individual terms of the transaction between the participants (seller and lessee).
  2. Conducting complex transactions.
  3. Valuation of leased property.
  4. Insurance services for the leased object.
  5. Consulting assistance on taxation and accounting. accounting (under the contract).
  6. Registration of property with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and GosTechNadzor.

You can get advice on the use of these services from the company’s consultants.

Advantages of leasing at Baltic Leasing company

Leasing is most profitable for companies that belong to the small and medium-sized business sector. Compared to bank lending, the requirements for the borrower are lower, which is important for start-up organizations. In addition, leasing payments can be charged to cost, and the tax base is reduced due to accelerated depreciation of property.

An important advantage of leasing is that you do not need to provide additional collateral, since the subject of the transaction itself is the security under the contract.

Contacts Baltic Leasing LLC

The head office of Baltic Leasing LLC is located at: 190103, St. Petersburg, st. 10th Krasnoarmeyskaya, 22, lit. A, BC "Kellerman". You can contact Baltic Leasing Group of Companies at 8 800 222 0 555.

On the company's official website you can find the addresses of branches in Moscow and other cities.

Brief details of the Baltic Leasing company: INN 7812022787, KPP 783901001.

Group of companies "Baltic Leasing"- one of the largest leasing companies in Russia. It occupies a leading position in servicing the supply of vehicles, construction equipment and engineering equipment on the Russian market.

Provided by the company

About company

"Baltic Leasing" is the first company in Russia to receive license No. 0001 from the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation for leasing activities. The company has been on the market since 1990.

Baltic Leasing operates on a universal business model and finances vehicles, equipment, special equipment, real estate and other property for its clients.

For several years in a row, the company has been among the top 10 leaders of the Russian leasing market according to the analytical agency RAEX; today Baltic Leasing Group of Companies ranks 8th in this rating.

The branch network of Baltic Leasing covers the entire country - from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin, and has 74 branches.

Baltic Leasing has been a member of the United Leasing Association (OLA) for 20 years. In 1999, the company became one of the founders of OLA, and the general director of Baltic Leasing, Dmitry Korchagov, became the first president of OLA, he held this post until 2001.

In 2017, Baltic Leasing joined the International Finance and Leasing Association (IFLA), becoming the only representative of the Russian Federation in the business community, uniting leading non-state lessors from more than 20 countries.

Baltic Leasing also co-founded the National Leasing Union NLS, created at the end of August 2017 in order to coordinate the activities and represent the interests of participants in the Russian leasing market.

The company is actively introducing digital technologies into its business processes. In 2018, an electronic personal client account was launched. Baltic Leasing has also built an innovative search system into its auto catalog. Thanks to this tool, the company’s clients can, firstly, instantly find the car they need, which is available at a car dealership in their city, and secondly, in two clicks, calculate the cost of purchasing it on lease directly on the website. In addition, work is underway to introduce legally significant electronic document management into the company’s general databases.

As Kommersant learned, Otkritie Holding is straightening out the ownership structure of Baltic Leasing in order to sell it. In 2017, the company, which was in the top 10 by portfolio size, wanted to buy Europlan of the Safmar group, but the deal fell through due to the reorganization of the FC Otkritie bank. Now “Baltic Leasing” may be of interest to banking groups developing the specialized segment.

The Otkritie Holding company is preparing to sell Baltic Leasing, an interlocutor close to FC Otkritie Bank told Kommersant, and was confirmed by a top manager of one of the largest leasing companies. The main shareholder of Baltic Leasing at the beginning of 2018 was Interservice (79.5%), which is controlled by Pavel Shishkin through a number of offshore companies. His full namesake is the owner of Tactics Group, business partner of the former shareholder of FC Otkrytie Boris Mints. Slightly less than 20% of Interservice shares are directly owned by Otkritie Holding, the former main shareholder of FC Otkritie. The board of directors of Baltic Leasing is headed by former vice-president of the bank Andrey Ryabtsev. In November 2017, Otkritie Holding applied to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) with a request to acquire 100% of the shares of Interservice. Permission to purchase was received last week.

According to Expert RA estimates, at the end of the third quarter of 2017, Baltic Leasing ranked tenth in terms of leasing portfolio size among Russian companies. At the beginning of 2018, it was equal to 41.1 billion rubles. The company focuses on the development of car leasing and other retail products.

41.1 billion rubles

constituted the leasing portfolio of Baltic Leasing at the beginning of 2018

A Kommersant source close to FC Otkritie claims that Baltic Leasing was previously controlled by Otkritie Holding. In 2017, Europlan (now Safmar Financial Investments, controlled by the Gutseriev family) showed interest in the leasing company. At the end of July 2017, the FAS even approved a deal for Europlan to acquire 99.5% of the shares of Baltic Leasing. But a month later, FC Otkritie Bank was subject to reorganization by the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund of the Central Bank, and the purchase fell through. After the reorganization began, it was impossible to understand who the seller was, explained a Kommersant source close to the negotiations. According to him, “doubts arose about the seller’s authority; it was impossible to discuss the price or conduct due diligence.” A representative of Safmar Financial Investments confirmed that the holding was considering the acquisition of Baltic Leasing. Otkritie Holding and Baltic Leasing did not respond to Kommersant’s request, and it was not possible to contact Tactics Group.

But the leasing company was not included in the reorganization of FC Otkritie, says a representative of the group. Now Otkritie Holding is looking for a buyer for the asset, according to a top manager of one of the largest leasing companies and a Kommersant source close to FC Otkritie. “Most often, in this way, the ownership structure is straightened out before a potential sale,” confirms managing director of the National Rating Agency Pavel Samiev. And market conditions are favorable for such transactions. According to Mr. Samiev, “subsidy programs have a positive impact, as well as a significant increase in the availability of funding for leasing companies.” “The good quality of the leasing portfolio allows the company to show a return on capital of about 20%,” Alexey Suchkov, leading analyst at Expert RA, assesses the asset.

Currently, transactions with leasing assets are extremely rare. According to Mr. Suchkov, the high quality of the asset allows it to be sold at a premium to capital (at the end of 2016 it amounted to 4.7 billion rubles according to IFRS). “If the transaction is forced, then a discount to own funds is possible,” the analyst notes. Large leasing companies that are part of banking groups and “would like to strengthen their positions in the retail segment, especially in car leasing,” says Pavel Samiev, may be interested in Baltic Leasing. The buyer could be a company aimed at developing a retail business, agrees a top manager of one of the leasing companies. However, a representative of Safmar Financial Investments said that now this asset is not within the scope of the holding’s “short-term interests.”