Bar visual bookmarks. Where to download and how to install visual bookmarks for Chrome, Mozilla browsers

Hello, friends! In today's article we will look at how to install visual bookmarks in the browser. Mozilla Firefox, we will dwell in detail on those developed by Yandex and learn how to configure a panel with them in this web browser.

Unlike the Yandex and Opera browsers, in Mozilla they are not a built-in feature. Therefore, to install them in Mozilla, you will need to download and install one of the suitable extensions in the browser.

Setting visual bookmarks

The principle of installing different browser extensions is no different. Accordingly, following further recommendations, you can install any add-on in Mozilla Firefox, thus expanding the capabilities of your Internet browser. This could be, for example, a page translator or a widget for weather and mail.

If you are interested, read the article by following the link.

You can install the extension we are interested in in Mozilla Firefox using the browser add-on manager. To do this, click on the button with three horizontal lines on the right top corner and select "Add-ons" from the drop-down list.

On the left side, go to the “Get Add-ons” tab.

To view all search results, scroll down the list and click on the “View 195 results” button (there may be a different number).

To find out more about the selected extension, click on the “Details” button next to it. To install the extension in the browser, click “Install”, and then, in the window that appears, confirm the installation. After this, you may need to restart the browser.

After installing the selected add-on, its icon will appear to the right of the address bar. The most popular are Speed ​​Dial, Fast Dial, Atavi. You can read more in another article on the site.

Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

Now let's look at how to install them from Yandex in Mozilla Firefox. The required extension can be found in the list through the add-on manager, as described above. Then click Add to Firefox.

Another way to add them to Mozilla is to enter “visual bookmarks for mozilla” in the search bar. Under the first link, click "Install".

The Yandex Elements page, or, as they were called before, Yandex Bar, will open in a new tab. The set of these elements also includes visual bookmarks. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Install” button.

Allow installation in the window that appears.

Once everything is downloaded, click Install, then restart your browser.

Setting up visual bookmarks

After installing the selected extension in the browser, you need to configure it in Mozilla Firefox.

First, let's see where they are. Click on the button with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and select “Add-ons”. Next, go to the “Extensions” tab. Here you will see a list of all extensions that are installed in the browser. At the previous point, in addition to what we needed, two more components were installed; if they are not needed, remove them by clicking on the corresponding button.

Let's move on to the settings. Let's look at this using the example of visual bookmarks from Yandex. Open a new tab in Mozilla by clicking on the plus sign in the top line.

The Yandex search bar will be displayed at the top, and below it there will be a panel with miniature images of the selected sites. By clicking on any of them, you will immediately go to the desired site. Below you will see buttons with which you can go to downloads, favorite sites, history, and view recently closed tabs.

In order to add the desired page to the panel in Mozilla, click on the “Add bookmark” button.

Visual bookmarks is an extension with which you can go to sites you frequently visit in one click. Bookmarks are saved as thumbnail images and are available when you open a new browser tab. In addition, Visual Bookmarks allow you to:

Add a visual bookmark

By default, the new tab page displays the sites you visit most often. This list is constantly changing.

You can add the sites you need manually, in which case they will always be on the screen. To add a visual bookmark:

    Open a new tab.

    On the right under visual bookmarks, click the button Add a bookmark.

    Enter the website address. You can also select a site from the Popular or Recently visited.

    If you want to change the site name on the widget, click the button Edit description.

Edit list of visual bookmarks

To reposition or edit a bookmark, hover your mouse over the bookmark. In the upper right corner of the bookmark you will see icons that you can use to:

Change the position of bookmarks
Pin bookmark
Unpin bookmark
Delete bookmark Click the icon.
Change bookmark position
Edit bookmark
Edit description
Change the position of bookmarks
Pin bookmark The position of your bookmarks changes, as their list is automatically generated from the sites you visit most. To ensure that the bookmark always remains in the same place and does not disappear over time, click the icon.
Unpin bookmark Click the icon. The bookmark may then be replaced over time by a site you visit more often, or moved.
Delete bookmark Click the icon.
Change bookmark position Touch and hold a bookmark and drag it to a new location.
Edit bookmark
Change the page the bookmark goes to Click the icon and enter the site address in the window that appears.
Add or edit page title on a bookmark Click the icon, then in the window that appears, click the button Edit description and enter or edit the page title.

Customize Visual Bookmarks

Also on the new tab, you can further customize the extension: change the number of bookmarks and their appearance on the page, as well as select the background and make a backup copy of the bookmarks.

To open the settings menu:

    Open a new tab.

    On the right, under visual bookmarks, click the Settings button.

You can change the following settings:

Number of bookmarks Allows you to increase or decrease the number of displayed bookmarks.
Bookmark type Allows you to change the appearance of visual bookmarks:

    logos and headings;

    logos and screenshots;

    website screenshots.

Change background Changes the background to one of the preset images.
Upload your background Allows you to upload an image from your computer. We recommend choosing an image that is the same size as your screen, such as a desktop wallpaper. If the image is smaller, the browser will stretch it.
Change background every day Enables alternating preset background images.
Extra options
Bookmarks bar Allows you to quickly go to the main page and home page browser, as well as to Yandex services.
Search bar Shows the Yandex search bar in a new tab.
Context Suggestions Allows you to enable or disable contextual advertising on the page with visual bookmarks.
Take into account my location in Yandex services When this option is enabled, services take your location into account. For example, Weather will show the forecast for the location where you are.
Automatically send anonymous statistics Allows sending anonymous statistics to Yandex. This helps make our services better.
Show information panel Enables an information panel in a new tab. The panel displays:
  • location;
  • weather;
  • traffic congestion;
  • Exchange Rates.
Show in a new tab Zen - personal recommendations feed Enables Zen when opening a new tab. The selection of content is based on your interests, search queries and browser history.
Save to file You can save a list of your bookmarks to a file. This will help you avoid losing them if synchronization was not enabled and the browser crashed.
Load from file It will help you transfer your bookmarks from another browser or restore them if a failure occurs or you accidentally deleted them.

Are you constantly confused by bookmarks in search of the right web resource? Place the most visited sites on home page browser - this will make surfing much easier. You can do this using the Visual Bookmarks add-on from Yandex.

These “tiles” look more than attractive.

Visual bookmarks - what are they?

Visual bookmarks are a list of your bookmarks in the browser, displayed as organized icons on the start page and in a new browser tab. Maximum amount There are 25 links that can be placed, which is quite enough for comfortable access to the most visited resources.

Visual bookmarks from Yandex compare favorably with competitors thanks to:

  • Easy to install and configure;
  • They do not load the browser with additional advertising;
  • The design is thought out to the smallest detail;
  • Ability to import/export your own bookmarks directly into the panel.

Installation methods

There are two ways to install Visual Bookmarks in Chrome, Mozilla, and Opera browsers:

  1. Download a special extension from the store, for example, or
  2. Install Yandex elements from the page

In the Yandex browser, bookmarks, like , are part of it; you just need to enable them in the settings.

Enable bookmarks in Yandex Browser

1. By default, bookmarks are already enabled and appear in a new tab. If they are not there, go to settings.

2. Enable the items shown in the screenshot and restart the browser.

3. Switch to the “Scoreboard” section and the coveted “tiles” will appear in front of you.

Custom Settings

You can add the site you need or rearrange the list by clicking on the inscription “Customize screen”.

To make changes, use the buttons indicated in the figure and at the end, confirm by clicking on “Done”.

Visual bookmarks for FireFox and Chrome

As mentioned above, there are two options for installing Visual Bookmarks in third-party browsers.

Installation and configuration will be carried out in Mozilla, believe me, the differences from Google Chrome are minimal and you can easily repeat all the steps.

Special extension

1. The first method is to install a special extension for Mozilla. Download and activate it from the link -, from the official add-on store.

2. Open a new tab - the bookmarks should already appear. Go to settings and adjust the number of addresses displayed and their appearance.

3. You can sort the “tiles” to your liking by simply dragging them across the screen. To change or delete an address, hover your mouse over it and wait until the settings icons appear.

1. The website was created so that users do not bother themselves with long searches for the desired extension in stores - just press one button.

The setup is no different from the procedure described above.

How to remove visual bookmarks

As you may have already understood, you cannot delete bookmarks from them - you can only hide them by doing all the steps in reverse order.

To remove it from Chrome and FireFox, go to the add-ons section and delete the “Visual Bookmarks” extension.

How to restore bookmarks

When you change browser or move to a new computer, there is a need to transfer and restore previously added bookmarks.

You can restore them only if you have a previously saved data file. The method for obtaining it depends on the browser used, which we will discuss below.

Yandex browser

1. To save all data in the Yandex browser, go to the bookmark manager.

2. By clicking on the “Arrange” inscription, select “Export all bookmarks to an HTML file”.

3. Save the file in a safe place, and if you need to restore, do the same steps, selecting “Copy bookmarks from HTML file” at the end.

Visual bookmarks

Saving bookmarks using the Visual Bookmarks add-on is no different in other browsers.

1. Going to the add-on settings, select “Save to file”.

2. To restore – “Load from file”.

To summarize today's review, it should be emphasized that the add-on in question makes surfing the Internet much easier. Installation and configuration does not cause any special problems for users, apparently the experience of Yandex employees has affected it.

And most importantly, visual bookmarks are absolutely free and do not pose a threat to your computer.

What are visual bookmarks from Yandex? This is an add-on that is available not only in Yandex Browser, but also in browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and even Internet Explorer. Such extensions allow simplify your work with sites, since the most important ones can be added to the display on the main window of the program.

If you install a plugin from Yandex, you will have access to an address bar where you can enter resource addresses and search queries, and you will also have quick access to elements and social networks.

In Yandex Browser, elements are configured as follows:

At the top we see the Yandex search bar; if you wish, you can change the search engine in the settings.

To delete a site, right-click on it and click on the item “ Delete».

The functions for supplementing Yandex visual bookmarks differ depending on the browser used.

How to set up visual bookmarks in Google Chrome

Chrome is a very popular and used tool. It has many plugins for increasing functionality. Go to settings and go to the section " Additional tools" There we find the item “ Extensions».

In the window that opens, scroll down and click on the link “ More extensions».

We are redirected to the browser add-ons page. In the search bar on the left, enter the phrase “ visual bookmarks Yandex" and select the desired result.

Click install extension.

Now open a new tab and make sure that the add-on has installed correctly. You have access to panels with elements where you can add any site, a search bar from and the necessary settings.

Click on the button " Settings" A panel will open on the right where we can:

There are also additional options where you can enable or disable the address bar, information bar, zen (news) and contextual suggestions.

On the main window you can go to history, view the dollar exchange rate and the weather, and below you can see blocks with news, which you can turn off if you wish.

Bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla is also a popular browser among users. In particular it has a large number of various plugins that other browsers do not have.

On the empty tab there will be many blocks with resources; you can delete them and add your own. The settings for this add-on are exactly the same as in Chrome.

To remove a site from the main panel, move the mouse cursor to its upper right corner, after a couple of seconds it will appear several shortcuts: Pin, customize and delete.

How to set visual bookmarks for any browser

In order not to search every time in the extensions for each browser for the necessary add-on, you can take the simple route. Using Google Chrome as an example, we perform the following operation: