Beige black wallpaper. What to combine beige wallpaper with to create an elegant interior? Beige wallpaper in the living room interior

It has long been noted that the enormous influence on emotional condition person, as well as on his well-being and psychological attitude, rendered by the colors that surround it.

Psychology experts believe that brown shades are calming and help restore psychological balance. Canvases of such colors will certainly help you create an original and stylish design any room. To avoid dullness and gloom, designers advise combining dark and light palettes.

Room with brown canvases

Most people believe that chocolate color is dull and a room decorated this way will certainly be gloomy. However, if you combine brown wallpaper with light furniture, you can get a harmonious atmosphere.

For deep color, it is enough to choose the “ideal friend” and the interior will turn out incomparably beautiful.

Selecting wallpaper

When choosing brown wallpaper, you need to be extremely careful. Small room overloaded with this color will seem even smaller.

Combination with white

This combination can be considered the most ideal. With such a union, snow-white will expand the room and visually increase its space. When decorating in such colors, you need to add a little variety, in the form of colorful details, to avoid the dullness of the interior.

For small rooms, feel free to choose white and brown wallpaper, they will visually increase the size of the space, and the room will look much more spacious.

Union with pastel shades

To create a warm and relaxed interior, choose this combination. This union is perfect for a living room or bedroom. In the hall, designers successfully practice the technique of accentuation. This is when coffee wallpaper is glued to only one wall, and the other three walls are decorated in pastel shades. Bright decorative items will fit perfectly into such an interior.

A rich bedroom decoration can be created using chocolate colors or with gold motifs. Beige and brown wallpaper will make your apartment warm and welcoming.

Blue notes

The combination of these colors will make the room cold and dark. This design solution is suitable for rooms located on the south side.

For a children's bedroom you should not use a lot of brown; here you can and should add blue. For example, blue you can select a playing area.

Duet golden and brown

Designers consider this union to be the most sophisticated and chic. These colors complement each other. In the sunlight, the walls shimmer with gold. Using this combination, you can emphasize the wealth and status of the homeowners.

Yellow wallpaper goes well with brown. Using this combination you can create a beautiful room with a cozy atmosphere.

Combination with green

Brown-orange mood

If you want to get an energetic atmosphere without losing warmth and comfort, feel free to decorate the room in these colors. Light-colored furniture is perfect for such an interior.

Duet with lilac

By choosing such a duo to design your room, you can achieve a calm and relaxing atmosphere. A bedroom made in this style will help you unwind after a hard day and will always set you up for a pleasant rest.

Features of using these shades

Shades of brown have different intensities. Therefore, there are quite a few alternatives for its use. When using brown wallpaper in the interior, you need to pay attention to some features:

  • Rich chocolate, without sufficient lighting, it seems dull and gloomy.
  • When choosing dark wallpaper, you need to choose more quality models. They last longer appearance and are more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • To create such an interior, it is imperative to use bright accents.
  • In a large room, use dark brown wallpaper. In tiny rooms, give preference to light brown wallpaper.
  • Massive patterns should be used only on one wall. A large drawing can greatly “saturate” and overload the room.
  • Beige or white-cream furniture is perfect for chocolate canvases.

Wall color with brown furniture

Chocolate-colored furniture goes well with brown fabrics if you add a few other colors to the room. Green, yellow or cream decorative elements will do this perfectly.

Chestnut-colored furniture harmoniously combines:

  • A pale gray color will bring austerity to the interior and can slightly expand the space.
  • Milky shades also visually increase the space and add softness to the room.
  • Add a romantic mood, create cozy interior the color of coffee with milk will help.
  • Unique and stylish house can be achieved using golden shades.

A large number of photos brown wallpaper in the interior you can see in the portfolio of any designer. The noble color can be used to decorate a room in any style. Don't be afraid bold decisions when creating the style of your home.

Photo of brown wallpaper

Beige wallpaper in the interior - a gentle, cozy and comfortable option. They can be used either in one palette or diversified with bright details.

Nuances of beige color

Color is the main component that creates the atmosphere in a room and the mood of people. It is necessary to choose a color scheme that the owners of the house like. It is necessary to organize the space expediently, hiding shortcomings and highlighting advantages, giving the room a certain style.

The beige color scheme is a traditional solution in creating an interior. The style involves the use of a combination of bright elements together with warm neutral shades. The beige color fits into a classic interior, as it has a characteristic charm, elegance and severity.

IN modern design Such tones are chosen to create a natural atmosphere that gravitates towards nature and external comfort.

This color sets you up for rest and relaxation, improves your well-being, while it sets you up for important things and does not distract your attention.

It is not correct to believe that such a design is boring and not emotional. The beige color can be combined with different palette options, and the range of its shades and tones is diverse. These can be nut, cream, biscuit, caramel and others.

Even if you use only one color scheme to create the interior, the room will become cozy, warm, and at the same time have stylish accents.

Types of wallpaper

Popular option wall decoration this is wallpaper. They are inexpensive, have a wide variety of colors and patterns, and are practical. Wallpaper can be either plain or have a variety of prints, textures and colors, which include the entire beige color palette.

The main types of wallpaper based on the material of the product are:

  • Paper- This is the most budget and environmental option. But paper wallpapers are short-lived; after a couple of years they begin to peel off and lose their original color.
  • Vinyl durable and moisture resistant. They allow you to hide the unevenness of the walls and can be painted. Not recommended for pasting bedrooms and children's rooms, as they do not allow air to pass through.
  • Non-woven- do not have pronounced shortcomings.
  • Liquid- This is a combination of the qualities of painting and decorative plaster. When gluing, they do not have seams, dust does not collect on them, and they have a deep texture that helps to diversify and emphasize even the lightest shade of beige.
  • Textile will give the room luxury and elegance. The combination of beige color with a floral pattern will emphasize the classic style of the room. However, they are not resistant to any type of contamination.
  • Photo wallpaper quite difficult to match to a beige shade.

The choice of wallpaper depends on the area of ​​application, budget and style of the room.

Beige wallpaper in the interior

Consider the use of beige wallpaper in the interior of different rooms. Where will they look best?

In the living room

Many people traditionally create a room for receiving guests in beige tones. Designers recommend using additional elements to create bright accents and add style to the room. decorative elements, How:

  • overflow;
  • textured inserts;
  • bright splashes.

Inserts and panels of wallpaper with patterns will add additional solemnity to the room.

This range has various tones and shades that differ in saturation and some may be darker, closer to brown color. For this reason, the tone of beige wallpaper should be selected carefully; for example, dark beige wallpaper will make the room visually smaller and insufficiently lit.

The pattern on the walls should match the style of the room. Strict lines, floral arrangements and unusual large ornaments are an option for interiors in classic style.

In the kitchen

Creating a kitchen interior, and especially choosing wallpaper, is quite a serious task. After all, constant exposure to moisture and steam spoils wall covering, A light shades on the walls they get dirty pretty quickly. To do this, designers advise you to think carefully about all the advantages and disadvantages of wallpapering in the kitchen, and then make a decision.

To create a positive, spring atmosphere, beige wallpaper should be combined with warm sunny shades.

Gamma selection flooring It depends only on the preferences of the owners; it can be either dark or light. The overall palette for the kitchen should be chosen in a more saturated range so that the tones are more balanced.

When choosing furniture set For a kitchen, you must first focus on the area of ​​the room. If the kitchen area is not large, then it is better to choose furniture in light, delicate colors. If there is a lot of space in the room, then dark or rich wooden furniture is also allowed in the kitchen with such wallpaper.


Bright accents on the walls of the room can interfere with a healthy, full sleep; for this reason, designers recommend using them behind the headboard. The rest can be covered with plain wallpaper or with stripes or small prints in neutral colors.

The color of the furniture in such a bedroom should bring coziness. To emphasize the tenderness and lightness of the atmosphere, preference should be given to light or white tones in the headset. Massive dark furniture or furniture in rich colors will also be perceived quite harmoniously.

Curtains for the bedroom can have a variety of shades, the main thing is that they match the style of the interior and are thick so that in the morning sunlight didn't get into the room.

In the children's room

The beige color will also look appropriate on the walls in a children’s room, especially if its owner is still a toddler. Thanks to the warm soft colors, the baby will sleep better and calm down.

Designers advise combining a single-tone background with a patterned covering in a children's room. The pattern can be animals, cartoon or fairy tale characters, space, flowers or elements of nature. This combination will enliven the room, giving it more bright colors.

The disadvantage of this palette is that they are soiled. At a certain age, a child may want to decorate the room themselves, and wallpaper can become a canvas for creations. Therefore, designers recommend this color in a nursery for children under three or already in adolescence.

The main combination methods are:

  • halftones and monochrome scale;
  • contrasting tones.

Monochrome scale and halftones

This combination implies the use of different tones, shades of the same color. This helps create the most visually comfortable palette, as there are no bright accents, but there is a variety of natural options.

Against the background of beige wallpaper, furniture with gray or white upholstery and curtains in these tones look very harmonious and stylish. If the textiles have any pattern, then the walls should be covered with a single-color coating. This design solution helps balance the interior.

A set made of light-colored wood will be harmonious in this style of room. Despite the fact that the interior is made in one color, it is recommended to create contrast in tones or shades. For example, white items require rich beige wallpaper with texture, and wooden furniture requires wallpaper in muted tones.

Bright contrasting colors

The basis of this palette is to add bright elements to the design of the room. Contrasting tones are quite noticeable on beige, for this reason the combination should be carefully selected.

A pattern on wallpaper of a different color must be present when designing decor or textiles. In other cases, you should focus on a beige undertone, which can be pink, peach or purple, which provides guidelines for future searches.

A cool shade of turquoise looks unusual against the background of beige wallpaper. This color combination gives the room a touch of freshness. Green accents will add a natural atmosphere that complements natural landscapes. Pink against a beige background gives the room tenderness, and red gives warmth.

A bright contrasting color scheme should not dominate the space, otherwise the beige color will be completely lost.

Gray-beige wallpaper

For balanced and calm people, an interior with gray-beige wallpaper. This palette gives the room coziness and creates an atmosphere of home relaxation. These two shades complement each other in contrast, yet they are completely neutral.

If you add green accents to an interior with gray-beige wallpaper, the room will become brighter and gain charm. This combination has a beneficial effect on nervous system person, calming him down.

Gray-beige wallpaper will look appropriate when decorating a living room or bedroom.

With the correct distribution of shades, you can visually change the area of ​​the room. Light beige and light gray wallpaper will help expand the room, but darker shades will visually reduce it.

Brown and beige colors complement each other and fill the room with comfort and warmth. This combination consists of feminine and masculine principles.


Brown and beige colors should be combined correctly. If the interior is dominated by chocolate, then the overall atmosphere in the room will not evoke a feeling of calm and relaxation, but will bring a feeling of heaviness and oppression.

Beige striped and patterned

Geometric patterns are used to increase space small room, and make the ceiling higher. For small rooms, designers advise choosing light beige striped wallpaper, and in rooms with a large area you should choose more intense shades.


It is recommended to use striped wall coverings with caution. Vertical stripes not only raise the height of the ceiling, but also make the room visually narrower. Transverse stripes expand the exterior of the room, while the ceiling height becomes smaller.

Beige wallpaper with a plot ornament, for example, people, animals, birds, is not recommended for decoration on large area. Since such a print makes it difficult to perceive.

Small abstract and geometric ornament

Smudges, strokes, lines and spots that differ in intensity are an abstraction. The pattern is placed randomly on the wallpaper. This version of beige wallpaper will be a salvation when finishing not smooth walls, since the ornamental elements hide them.

Small geometric figures, like squares, circles and diamonds, also help hide surface imperfections. It is recommended to use golden-beige wallpaper with this pattern in corridors or bathrooms. This ornament does not reduce space.

With pattern

Beige wallpaper with a pattern emphasizes the color scheme and creates a stylistic solution for the room. Thanks to the ornament, you can create bright accents in the room and hide some design flaws.

Beige wallpaper with a pattern fits into any room and gives it romance and lightness.

Models with monograms can look completely different in each interior, despite the same style. This effect can be achieved by combining various colors and shades, lighting features and its dimensions of the room.

For a classic style, you should choose beige wallpaper with shimmer and gilding. This pattern on the walls gives the room a special luxury and charm. For modern interior Products with bright ornaments are appropriate against a calm, warm background.

Positive aspects of beige patterned wallpaper:

  • Easy to create accents. To do this, you should use wallpaper with bright patterns, expressed in relief or with tints.
  • Simplicity combined with other elements such as stripes, abstract or floral patterns.
  • Products with gilded patterns and iridescence add comfort and sophistication to the interior.
  • The ability to visually change the space.
  • Wall coverings with monograms are unobtrusive and are perceived quite easily.
  • Models with monograms will help to convey the classic style of the room.


While creating the interior of a room, one of important points is the choice of curtains. They are playing important role to give comfort and atmosphere to every room, with no exception to the room with beige wallpaper.

Curtains allow you to both enlarge and reduce the visual appearance of a room, give a special flavor to the window and things, dilute the color scheme and highlight certain design elements.

When choosing a product, you should match the color scheme to the upholstered furniture or match the fabric pattern with the prints of the canvases. It is better not to use plain curtains when creating an interior, as they will not create any psychological effect, attract attention, emphasizing the interior.

The color can be absolutely any. Curtains can be either beige or brighter shades, such as red or of blue color. Curtains in chocolate or blue shades look very harmonious with beige wallpaper.


The color scheme of curtains should not destroy the color of the wallpaper; it should emphasize the integrity of the style.

Transparent lightweight fabrics look quite impressive; they give the room the necessary sunlight. But this option is not suitable for all rooms. In the kitchen, this option will be much more appropriate than in the bedroom or living room, since the sunny color will wake you up in the morning. Therefore, you should give preference to denser fabrics in the bedroom.

Beige color, despite its versatility, has its advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when decorating the interior.

The basis of a calm and elegant interior are discreet pastel shades. An excellent backdrop for decorating residential and office premises the wallpaper will be beige. This color has many variations and is not as noticeable as white. Beige is easy to combine with other colors; it is not at all capricious and unpretentious.

Character of color

Beige is a calm, neutral color. Along with white, black and gray, it is a design classic. Shades of beige have a calming effect on the psyche, allowing you to relax and enjoy the comfort of home. This color is very warm and soft in nature; it is often chosen by those people who are tired of the hustle and bustle of the working day.

When decorating walls with beige wallpaper, the designer has two options: make beige the leading shade or use it as a background. In the first case, the interior will be calm and soft, in the second – more aggressive and making a statement.

Beige wallpaper looks great in any texture. When choosing a shade, pay attention to its intensity and ability to combine with other colors.

  • Light beige, milky, shade Ivory will be a wonderful backdrop for an interior in a classic style. “Antique” beige is used to create an antique interior.
  • Rich beige looks great in natural and artificial light. Suitable for rooms with windows facing north. It can be used in contrasting interiors and goes well with both light and dark tones.
  • Beige-brownish, the color of baked milk. Quite dark, so it is better to use it in well-lit rooms together with light or two-color contrasting furniture. The color is very active and is not suitable as a background color.
  • Beige with a yellow tint. Such wallpaper can be safely used as a basis on which elements of rich warm colors are applied.
  • Cold beige with a bluish tint– quite capricious, but interesting color for wall decoration. It will be combined with cool colors of blue, gray and purple.
  • Grayish beige. Strict neutral shade. Suitable for decorating living rooms and office spaces in combination with classic cool colors.
  • Beige pink. A very interesting color, depending on the saturation, it can serve as a background or play a fairly active role in the interior.

Since beige is a light color, it will visually increase the volume of the room, making the space light and airy. It can be safely used in small rooms, children's rooms and hallways.

Which curtains to choose?

Curtains and furniture play an important role in the interior design of a room. What curtains will suit beige wallpaper, how to choose the right color and texture? Here general rules combinations of beige with other colors.

  • Warm shades of beige are combined with brown, yellow, gold, orange and red.
  • Cold tones (with gray, dove and pink tints) are used together with gray, blue, and purple colors.

IN beige interiors It is not recommended to hang curtains that are too bright. It is better to shift the color accent to furniture, lamps and various accessories. And it’s better to choose curtains from color range, similar to wallpaper, but several tones darker. As for the pattern, if there is an ornament on the wallpaper, it is better to choose curtains without a print. If the design of the walls is monochromatic, then you can choose a suitable pattern for the curtains that is in harmony with the general direction of the interior (flowers, ornament or abstraction).

Any textiles in the interior, be it curtains or upholstery, should not match the color of the wallpaper, otherwise the room will look inexpressive.

However, as an experiment, you can choose curtains in fairly saturated colors, similar to the shade of the furniture. In this case, the interior will look more expressive, but will lose its tenderness and airiness. With this approach, you should not use bright accessories. To the arrangement color accents you should approach it thoughtfully and carefully so as not to create a feeling of tackiness. Let’s say they use bright curtains and sofa upholstery, but the wallpaper and carpet and the rest of the furniture should be plain, neutral in color and without a pattern.

Furniture color

Any beige will go well with white furniture, but if the wallpaper color is too simple, then you need to actively use accessories in rich colors so that the room does not look bland.

The combination of beige walls and light blue or lavender furniture looks very interesting. Other fashion trend– decorating the interior with beige wallpaper with a greenish tint and “revitalizing” it with pistachio inserts or furniture.

When choosing furniture for wallpaper, pay attention not only to the color, but also to the texture. Wallpaper with linen-like hooks harmonizes well with textile upholstery.

Beige wallpaper in the interior of classically decorated rooms is complemented by furniture in natural “wooden” colors: dark brown, alder, walnut. The beige and black pair is also considered a classic.

Living room in pastel colors

Beige wallpaper in the living room – perfect option to create calm, classic interiors. This color is suitable for creating modern eco-friendly spaces and for lovers of minimalism. It is also popular to use ivory wallpaper to create an antique style.

  • The black and beige living room looks strict and formal.
  • Combination in the living room only beige flowers varying intensities will give the room warmth and comfort. Complemented with ornaments on the walls and upholstery of upholstered furniture, this design looks very cute and romantic. The beige color of the floor and ceiling will visually expand the room and create a feeling of volume.
  • Beige with pink or yellow is often used to create Provence style living rooms.
  • A combination of beige with blue, green, gray or lilac flowers carried out according to the principle of bright spots. Pastel colors are complemented with accessories of bright colors - pillows, ottomans, lampshades, decorative vases.

Decorating the living room walls in beige provides the opportunity to choose wallpaper with an unusual natural texture: bamboo, reed or a natural stone. By choosing the appropriate curtain design and adding themed accessories, you can create very interesting options.

Beige wallpaper is very popular in bedroom decoration. This is a room in which they try to create a calm, relaxing environment, and beige is perfect for this.

Floral or floral ornaments, used on wallpaper and upholstery of upholstered furniture. To create a romantic atmosphere, use bedspreads with ruffles and frills, lush curtains with lambrequins. In the bedroom it is appropriate to use companion wallpaper, which takes into account the arrangement of furniture when decorating the walls. The wall at the head of the bed can be decorated more intricately, using wallpaper with a pattern or a richer tone, and the walls behind the cabinets and with the window opening can be covered with a plain canvas without a pattern.

Kitchens often suffer from the small size of the room, and beige perfectly solves this problem. The combination of beige walls and dark brown furniture creates a feeling of solidity and calm. If you want something more modern, use beige as a background for a bright kitchen set in modern or techno style. At the same time, they give preference to cold beige shades - grayish or greenish-beige wallpaper.

When decorating a kitchen with wallpaper in beige tones, use lamps warm light. Cold light can give walls a dirty tint.

Beige color is considered by designers to be a “basic” color along with white, black and gray. The main advantage of beige over these colors is that it is warm and goes well with other shades.

Those who think beige wallpaper is boring should pay attention to the rich palette of shades. The beige scale opens with the lightest transparent tones and ends with rich colors of brown and sand. Non-standard shades of beige - greenish, gray, lavender - represent a cold range and can be combined with rich purple, carmine and lilac colors.

When choosing beige wallpaper for walls, determine the general direction design solution. Will the walls be presented as a background to create a fairly bright and active interior, or should the room be decorated in soft, calm colors? Both solutions have their pros and cons. A calm beige room will create a feeling of lightness, space and at the same time warmth and comfort. Beige rooms with bright accents They look stylish and sophisticated, but you risk losing the effect of expanding the space and making the interior too active. The choice depends primarily on the function of the room: is it intended for relaxation, work or entertainment.

Beige color is an ideal basis for interior experiments, because it is versatile and well compatible. The variety of shades and textures of the flesh palette conceals a sea of ​​different solutions that can take design to a new level.

A little about color

Beige tones are classic and natural, therefore they have a positive effect on human psychology. This color is characterized by calm, warmth, tranquility, regularity, stability and harmony.

When used in the interior, beige has undeniable advantages:

  • Versatility;
  • Basicity;
  • Combination with the entire color spectrum;
  • Visual increase in space;
  • Adding light to the room;
  • An abundance of shades and textures;
  • Stimulation of mental activity, calming, no irritating effect on the nervous system;

Ideal combinations

Beige wallpaper amazes with its versatility: noble caramel, enchanting creme brulee, playful pearls, mysterious sand and much more. Each shade brings its own mood to the environment, especially when combined with other colors.

The entire palette, from wheat to ivory, pairs perfectly with pastels and dark warm tones and acts as a backdrop for richer colored furnishings.

A room in creamy white tones looks harmonious with the use of dark green shades in furniture, paintings and textiles. metal surfaces. Especially relevant this decision for kitchen and bathroom.

Beige-brown wallpaper is classic version and bring conservatism, restraint and elegance to the room. Against such a background, it is permissible to use any accents: bright prints, contrasting furniture and accessories.

The following combinations are also winning:

  • Caramel + yellow + sea wave;
  • Biscuit + gray + metallic;
  • Beige + white + wood;
  • Opal + black + gold;

Beige wallpaper with a print also looks interesting in the interior. On a warm pastel background, sophisticated silver patterns look expensive and luxurious, muted red floral patterns add rustic coziness, and geometric pearl lines give off respectability and formality.

In general, the versatility of nude allows you to combine it with any colors. The main thing is to maintain balance and be sure to add contrasting and intense accents.

Room solutions

The use of beige directly depends on the purpose of the room. In living rooms, caramel decoration is a win-win classic, giving the space comfort and sophistication. This color scheme will be optimal for eco-style, modern, high-tech, minimalism and rustic.

In small areas, it is recommended to give preference to light and light shades, slightly noticeable textures, soft upholstery, simple ornamentation, white ceiling and wooden flooring. In the spacious rooms any options are possible.

A solid design is selected for the kitchen to maximize the space. For these purposes they are also used bright hues, with the emphasis being on the headset or wooden furniture. IN large rooms You can place brown and black furniture, which is complemented by gray curtains and dark appliances.

In the bedroom, double wall decoration is popular: a combination of white wallpaper on three sides and a central plane occupied by beige wallpaper with an unusual pattern. More often, contrasting colors of the same color scheme are chosen for such rooms, making gold or gray accents on pillows, paintings and blankets.

Selecting curtains

The sophistication of pearl walls can be emphasized by harmoniously selected curtains, which are selected for a cream interior according to special rules.

Firstly, curtain rods are chosen to be as neutral and simple as possible. Secondly, it is recommended to purchase the canvases themselves in a similar color scheme, but of a different tone, which will prevent them from merging into one plane. Moreover, if there is an ornament or pattern on the walls, curtains, on the contrary, should not have a pattern and vice versa.

Thirdly, it is necessary to remember about optimal combinations: Warm tones can be combined with red, yellow, brown and gold, while cool tones look better with shades of blue, steel, purple and black.

Rules for using beige

Before you build your interior in flesh tones, you need to familiarize yourself with some tips and recommendations for using color:

  • You shouldn’t fill all the space with monochrome beige;
  • A combination of only cream shades is allowed, which must be the most contrasting colors;
  • The optimal formula: light walls, bright furniture and dark floors;
  • You can complement beige wallpaper with any other wallpaper: both neutral white and accented red or burgundy wallpaper are suitable;
  • Lighting is of great importance, it can change the atmosphere from mysterious and mystical to festive and solemn;
  • Curtains for beige wallpaper are selected in neutral and warm colors: gray, yellow, gold, white;

Look at the photos of beige wallpaper below and appreciate the diversity of existing ones. design ideas. Neutral and boring at first glance, caramel or sand, with certain accents, can sparkle with incredible colors and enrich the interior with an amazing atmosphere.

Photo of beige wallpaper