Safe, fragrant indoor plants for comfort and tranquility in the home.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, the range of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it’s worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to great content various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell you about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring to next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Blueberries are a rare and promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins and have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and tonic properties. The berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it’s hard not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the most colorful garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

A coniferous tree or shrub on a site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils released by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an item of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as the pieces of dough turn into real ones. Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so that everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Thanks to its beautiful appearance and exotic origin, lemon will become a real decoration for your home. And the pleasant lemon smell from the plant spreads even from the slightest breeze, so it is placed on the balcony and the air entering the apartment is already filled with the freshness of a citrus aroma.

Pelargonium is a species of the Geramiaceae family. Fragrant pelargonium is often called scented geranium. The confusion in names occurs because the plants have very similar foliage and are all identified as the same family. Geranium is a plant called Herb Robert, as well as cranes-bill because of the shape of the fruit's seed pod, or storks-bill for its resemblance to a bird's beak.

Pelargonium leaves have a very distinctive appearance. They have beautiful, sometimes deep slits, and their curved shape sometimes resembles a ruffled frill. The color spectrum of their foliage parts ranges from light green to dark green, and the leaves of some species have cream, red and even purple colors. The plant reaches a height of 30 to 80 cm.

The geranium family of the genus Pelargonium has more than 200 species. Among them, the five most common types can be identified:

  • decorative deciduous;
  • ivy or balcony;
  • fragrant;
  • English, they are noble;
  • zonal (standing).

You can also pay attention to the sixth type - these are succulent pelargoniums, they have fleshier stems and an original appearance, for which they are often used in ikebana and compositions.

A green shoot can sprout roots simply in a glass of water; such water can be protected from rotting by dipping a little wood ash into it. After the sprout takes root, it can be planted in soil with added sand and charcoal, drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. Don't forget that lemon geranium does not like stagnant water.

You need to place the flower on a windowsill where there is a lot of bright but diffused light, with dark lighting the plant will stretch and turn pale.

Necessary care for lemon geraniums

Geranium breeders often face the problem of rare flowering and “correct” this deficiency with generous fertilization or bright daytime sun. This is not worth doing. The main reason for the lack of flowering of lemon geranium is excessive fertilization and heat. Fertilizers can provoke the growth of luxurious green mass, but not flowering. The situation can be corrected by two days of abundant watering, this will help wash away the fertilizers from the root system and after that you should immediately return to the normal watering regime without.

Fans of geranium flowers should remember that only zonal geraniums prefer very bright light and if there is not enough light, they stop blooming.

During the cold season, they even need additional lighting to stimulate their flowering. Other types of plants should be placed in places of partial shading, especially during the daytime and summer.

Lemon geranium will tell you about insufficient lighting with its increased growth and light-colored leaves, by this it expresses the need for sunlight at least 6 hours a day.

With increased growth, you need to pinch the shoots and the plant will grow wider.

IN winter time geranium must be removed from a cold place; its temperature should be +8-12 degrees.

Caring for lemon geranium is not difficult, you just need to follow the basic rules for maintaining the plant. Basically, you need to properly monitor the lighting, hide the flower from direct sunlight, water it not often, but regularly and not very abundantly, spraying is allowed only in extreme heat.

The right soil for planting geraniums

The percentage of soil acidity plays an important role when planting geraniums. The plant does not tolerate soil acidity lower than 5.5 pH, otherwise the plant stops feeding. For normal nutrition of lemon geranium, the soil should be slightly acidic and equal to 6.5 pH.

While watching the video you will learn about the plant in more detail.

A convenient capacious flowerpot, properly selected soil and compliance with all the rules for caring for the plant will make your lemon geranium beautiful, lush, fragrant and blooming.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

The smell of a home consists of a large number of aromas. Among its components there are also various types of flowers, the delicate smell of which is a worthy alternative air fresheners and interior perfumes. When choosing scented indoor plants, it is important not to go overboard. Heavy odors or an overabundance of spices are not the best for creating home comfort. It is also necessary to take into account that among flowers with a charming aroma there are conditionally poisonous ones, constant proximity to which in a confined space is undesirable. For different rooms inside the house the choice will be different.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

There is no competition for geranium, the leaves of which exude a pleasant aroma. The smell of them different varieties not the same: from mint to chocolate.

Myrtle also has a beneficial effect on humans, as it has the unique ability to purify the air while emitting a light, pleasant odor.

Plectranthus will also help you forget about insomnia. This flower also has other names: Cuban oregano and Mexican mint. The plant is easy to care for and has a distinct minty scent. Can be used as a spice.

Lavender is also good for the bedroom, but will require specific care, which beginners are not always able to cope with.

You can also place citrus fruits in your resting place.

Flowers for foyers and living rooms

Gardenia looks great, but does not tolerate drafts. Its thick floral aroma is good for those rooms where you are not supposed to sleep.

Orchids also feel great in the living room, although fragrant varieties are rarely found on sale. In nature, an orchid is a “simulator” of smells. Her signature scent is vanilla, but this beauty can smell like rose, lily of the valley and even coffee.

Always appropriate in the living room indoor roses. And even though they are much smaller than their garden relatives, this does not diminish their dignity. This flower will not tolerate being placed near a battery.

Indoor fragrant plants in the kitchen

Catnip, rosemary, peppermint, bay, thyme - this is not a complete list of plants for the kitchen. The spicy aroma of herbs will come in handy here; if you wish, you can even plant dill and parsley on the windowsill.

What is the name of a flower or plant that smells like lemon?

It has grown all over my windowsill. I don't know how to take care of him(((

Zhigareva Larisa Pro (676) 7 years ago

Lantana camara also smells like lemon. (Family - Verbenaceae)

The genus bears the old Latin name viburnum. About 150 species of perennials and shrubs, common in the tropics of America and Africa. An evergreen shrub up to 150 cm high. The shoots are erect, branching, sometimes rough, 4-sided. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, ovate or oblong, pointed, serrate along the edge, pubescent along the veins. The flowers are collected in corymbose multi-flowered dense axillary inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter, on a peduncle up to 15 - 20 cm long. Each flower is equipped with a lanceolate bract equal in length to the corolla tube. The limb is wheel-shaped, 5-lobed, with unequal lobes of various colors: yellow, pink, red, orange, purple, white, sometimes with a yellow, orange or red spot in the throat. Homeland - tropics South America; grows in forests and river valleys. In a culture with early XIX century. Many hybrid forms are known, differing in flower color.

Propagated, as a rule, by semi-lignified cuttings at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C in water or in a light, loose substrate made from a mixture of peat and sand or sphagnum in equal parts.

Works great in hydroponic and ion exchange cultures. Used as an ampelous plant. 6 - 8 plants are planted in one vase.

Lyudmila Privalova Genius (51467) 7 years ago

Pelargonium smells like lemon, lemon balm (but this is a meadow grass) also smells. Pelargonium is a type of geranium. But it would be nice to have a photo of your plant. I really love caring for my house flowers - I have 50 pots of them!

Linda Artificial intelligence(148750) 7 years ago

There are several such plants. There is lemon balm. There is fragrant geranium. And if you hadn’t bothered to take care of it, it wouldn’t have grown to cover the entire windowsill, but would have died.

Iolanta Artificial Intelligence (104688) 7 years ago

Sun, 2011-05-15 15:18 LadyGa

Lemon-scented plant. Name unknown.

I understand that I mistakenly call this plant Schisandra; I have seen Chinese Schisandra. But the exact name is unknown, and the smell of the leaves speaks for itself. At the slightest touch, they emit a strong, pungent, but pleasant lemon aroma.

The plant is unpretentious, any soil is suitable for it. But it is sensitive to overdrying of the earthen coma - the leaves immediately wither. In addition, it does not like crowded spaces, immediately starting to grow sharply upward, which is why it loses the splendor of its “crowns” (as happened to me this time!).

Watering is required daily because root system shallow and thin. Also, the leaves can wither in strong sun on a hot day, although the plant is light-loving.

I would be grateful to more experienced flower growers for a hint - what is it called?

About reproduction. It is produced by cuttings growing at the base of the main stem.

Replies: 7

rara avis says:

Eat different varieties, including with a “lemon” aroma (and there is a floral or mint shade). The name of the group is Pelargonium roseum, and the one in your photo is referred to in the literature as Pelargonium graveolens. It would be good to prune your specimen more strongly and divide the stem into cuttings - both stem and apical ones are well accepted, and from the root and from the remaining lateral buds a strong, lush bush will grow faster (despite the cramped space, if the lighting is sufficient). Grows well in black soil with baking powder (perlite, vermiculite, coarse river sand) and the addition of charcoal. Blooms with small pink flowers. - I really like both the smell and general form(if you form the bush well!), and even flowers. And besides, like many pelargoniums, it has a bactericidal effect on the air of the room where it lives. True, some allergy-prone or simply sensitive people may experience unpleasant reactions to it (and this is a shame).

PS. If you decide to trim, act quickly! The growing season is in full swing. And try to arrange a “summer in the fresh air” for your fragrant treasure.

Lemon-scented plants

Advice for young housewives from an American cookbook.

Not every gardener can grow a lemon tree, but everyone can grow one if they want. spice plants with the smell of lemon. It's amazing how much these plants imitate the smell of lemon.

They are all easy to grow. The most fragrant part of these plants is the leaves. By collecting leaves regularly throughout the season, you can always use them for culinary recipes. You can use them to prepare tea, seafood, and desserts.

Even if you don't cook with the leaves, the lemony aroma of growing plants in the garden will give you new strength.

Melissa officinalis (Melissa officinalis)

It has a strong lemon flavor, but sweeter than you might expect. This plant easily adapts to different conditions, and over time can become unnecessarily spread throughout your garden. It is better to keep the spread of lemon balm under control or grow it in containers.

It is usually free of pests. Frequent collection of greens helps to ensure better tillering of each plant. A wonderful honey plant. It grows without problems in full sun and dry soils.

Lemon-scented lemon balm is often used in sauces, desserts, and with fruits and vegetables.

Lemon Basil (Ocimum xcitriodorum)

An easy way to add lemon flavor to your herbs is to grow lemon basil. It will grow well where other species of this plant grow. It can even be grown from seeds with special effort.

Its foliage is small and there is a lot of it. Therefore, it is easier to cut the stems and not just the leaves. Basil loves full sun and regular watering. Suffering from drought. The more often you cut the greens, the more of them will appear on the basil bush.

If the basil throws out flower stalks and even blooms, do not be embarrassed. Its flowers are also edible and fragrant. The aroma persists during cooking and is clearly audible even in dishes with garlic.

Lemon catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’)

I don't think too many gardeners grow catnip species for their culinary purposes. If you have cats, you'll be glad to know that they generally don't like lemon-scented mint.

I have a flower whose name I cannot determine. But he has one peculiarity. after ruffling the branches. there is a strong aroma of lemon. Please tell me what it's called?

There are several types of fragrant pelargoniums, the leaves of which (pinnate or patterned) emit the smell of lemon (for example, fragrant pelargonium, grape-leaved pelargonium, etc.). Fragrant or aromatic pelargoniums, containing a large amount of essential oils in their leaves, are used in herbal medicine (scent therapy) and cooking. Outwardly, fragrant pelargoniums are not at all similar to the usual geranium and look much more modest than their “sisters” that bloom profusely on balconies and in flower beds - zonal with round leaves and ivy-leaved pelargonium.

The unpretentious houseplant plectranthus also has a lemon-mint-camphor scent of leaves that are similar in appearance to nettles (aka “fly wagon”, aka “moth tree” - expels moths and flies from the room, has healing properties).

All about pelargonium on the website

Unknown plants on the website

The aroma of indoor flowers

Plants with a pronounced smell: are they indoors?

Many people, when choosing potted plants for a mini-garden on a balcony or windowsill, do not pay attention to whether these plants smell. But it has long been known that smells can affect our feelings and mood. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. It was fashionable to attach a bouquet of pleasantly smelling flowers to a corsage or camisole. Some traditions still exist today; mini-bouquets of myrtle or rosemary twigs are often presented at weddings. The aromas of coniferous plants, lavender and thyme are wonderfully soothing, while lily, heliotrope and fragrant tobacco can invigorate. If you want the smell to be more intense, you need to plant them in a group in a container located on the south side of the balcony. Fragrant plants love places protected from cold and wind.

Fragrant green friends are loved not only by family members, but also by bees, bumblebees and butterflies. All day long, strong aromas of nasturtium, sweet pea, gilded lily, hyacinth and roses exude. Especially if they are in the light. The indoor plant stephanotis also smells strongly when it blooms. There are also twilight “charms” such as petunia, jasmine, gardenia, gillyflower, fragrant tobacco and mignonette. There are plants whose scent is subtle and subtle (for example, exacum and European cyclamen).

Your enthusiastic attitude towards fragrant plants may not be shared by other family members, because many aromas that one person likes cause irritation to another. Such plants should not be placed next to each other.

Need to keep an eye on correct placement fragrant apartment residents. If you place a lily in a small room in flower pot, you won’t be able to stay in such a room for a long time: a strong aroma can even cause faintness or headache. And especially you shouldn’t put it on the windowsill under Sun rays or above a working radiator.

Often in apartments you can see hyacinths, which, with proper care, bloom in winter, as if promising their owners that spring will come. Not everyone can get along with them either because of the strong smell. But if a person has a poorly developed sense of smell, then such plants will be ordinary pleasant and barely fragrant indoor plants for him.

And if you grow a citrus tree at home, you can get an idea of ​​how beautiful it is to walk through blooming orange orchards. Or maybe even set a goal for yourself - to go to the nearest Botanical Garden. The pleasant smell of the leaves and flowers of a citrus tree does not cause negative emotions, but rather increased salivation at the thought of a little lemon. And after everything beautiful flowers They will fly around and the same fragrant fruits will appear. Very interesting fragrant plant called hoya, now it is becoming less and less common in our apartments. Its fleshy flowers have a sweet, intense scent, but its appearance, on the contrary, is very austere - ivy with leathery, dark green leaves.

Clerodendrum Ugandan looks different. This is a subtle plant with pale blue flowers and its scent is also delicate. But if you touch its leaves, the smell will remain on the skin for a long time. It's about essential oils that smell a little harsh and tart. However, it is still weaker than the smell of hoya and citrus. If you have a musty smell in your apartment, despite ventilation, you can kill the smell with lavender, violets, myrtle or rosemary. The myrtle tree has recently been in high demand. Many girls specifically buy myrtle, and then after a few years they cut off the branches to give to their wedding guests. Nowadays this custom is rarely seen, but the myrtle tree is still one of our favorites.

Gardenia also looks impressive. It has porcelain-like, white-cream flowers and shiny dark green leaves. This exquisite appearance is matched by its intense and sweet scent.

It must be placed in a spacious room, then there will be no danger that people will feel unwell in such conditions from oversaturation of the air with this aroma, which is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. A beautiful jasmine bush will attract the attention of guests in any apartment and will be noticeable when walking in the garden even at night. Its aromas evoke strong associations with the long-awaited May. Just remember that being in a small room can also make a person dizzy. Therefore, if you really want to have such a plant at home, then you need to place it in the largest room and ensure constant ventilation.

A slight note of nostalgia is woven into the strict scent of primrose, a little sharp, a little tart. This is a pleasant aroma in its own way, it’s just very rich. And it noticeably intensifies when the plant is touched.

The recognized mistress of the entire flower kingdom is the rose. Moreover, to the delight of gardeners, there are varieties that live well in pots at home. And then all year round she diligently fills the room with aroma. Owners of a private house can be advised to take the rose out to the veranda or garden every summer.

Pelargoniums are as diverse in appearance as they are different in scent. You can find species with the smell of rose, lemon, mint, the more unusual smell of nutmeg, eucalyptus and others. Some people don't like the smell of this flower. Well, this is also a matter of taste. The main thing is that all family members feel comfortable being in a room with such a fragrant flower.

Also, let's not forget about cacti and tropical guests, orchids. Some types of these plants have a strong odor, while others, on the contrary, have virtually no odor. For example, sansevieria, when it blooms, smells very strong and sweet. But echeveria is not. It's the same with orchids. Such a strong aroma is a way for some plants to attract the attention of insects that pollinate spruce trees.

So when choosing a plant in the store, check what the flowering plant smells like. And decide for yourself whether you can provide the flower and your family with comfortable living together.

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Let's get acquainted with different types mint from photos with names and descriptions

Like any ancient plant, mint is described accompanied by myths and legends. Culture is mentioned as an item of trade back in Ancient world. Spicy herb used in cooking, perfumery and medicine. One of the many names of the plant is “chill”; it accurately conveys the first sensation of inhaling the aroma of mint. Descriptions and photos with the names of mint varieties will help you understand the features.

General information about mint

The perennial plant loves cultivated soils, grows in the shade or in sunny places, and is unpretentious. It does not require fertilizing; moderate watering is sufficient. All types and varieties of mint reproduce by growing roots, petioles, rooting leaves, and seeds. On garden plots The plant is best grown in flowerpots or in a fenced area for roots.

Since the herb is used for culinary purposes, the above-ground parts of almost all varieties can be collected during the end of flowering. This is the moment when the plant has the highest concentration of essential oils. Store dried leaves and petioles in a glass container in a dark place. They are used as a seasoning for dishes and as one part of herbal tea.

Industrial cultivation various types and mint varieties allows the resulting essential menthol oils to be used in perfumery and medicine. The aroma of menthol calms and makes you concentrate.

Students in the Middle Ages were required to wear a mint wreath on their heads to improve brain activity. If you put a mint leaf in your wallet, you will make a profit. If you rub yourself with mint, the forest midges will fly around.

Peppermint is especially often used for medicinal purposes. The content of essential oils in the culture depends on the growth conditions. In warm regions it is more saturated with useful substances, and there it is cultivated in industrial scale. The extracted oil contains a lot of menthol and other volatile ester derivatives. The varieties of mint, photos of which are presented, differ not only in the shape of the leaves and inflorescences, but also in the properties that make the culture necessary.

The use of mint is based on its beneficial effects on the human body:

  • relieves inflammation in the respiratory tract;
  • exhibits an antispasmodic effect;
  • has an analgesic and antiseptic effect;
  • Houseplant with the scent of mint and lemon

  • relieves panic and discomfort.
  • Photo of peppermint

    The cultivated plant was obtained by crossing wild mint, watermint and spearmint. It was obtained in England, hence its other name, English mint. Total based peppermint, 25 species have been created, 15 are cultivated in our country. The plant is a good honey plant, and the aroma is retained in the product. Peppermint leaves contain up to 4.4% oil. It is this variety of herb that is often grown in the apothecary garden at the dacha. The plant is unpretentious, but does not like the presence of weeds. After 3-4 years, the site needs to be replanted, as the old bushes lose their decorative properties. Mint is used in landscaping as a background plant; its height reaches a meter. This species is cultivated to produce menthol on an industrial scale. Menthol oil is in demand both in its pure form and as an ingredient in perfumery. Menthol serves as the basis for some dosage forms.

    In the photo there is field mint

    Tibetan healers use this variety of mint to create mixtures for the treatment of tuberculosis. They also use this type medicinal plant for organ treatment digestive system and for external rubbing or powdering. In traditional medicine, it is recommended to use field mint for use in gastritis with high acidity, liver diseases, and bloating. As a powder, mint stops vomiting and nausea goes away.

    It has been noted and collected statistical data that if spearmint is used for weight loss, the effect is surprising. By inhaling the aroma of mint throughout the day, a person naturally and effortlessly reduces food intake by about 1,800 calories per day. The experiment was carried out in America on large group women.

    Pictured is lemon balm

    This type of mint is also called lemon balm, honey mint, or bee mint. The names themselves say that this is an excellent honey plant. Melissa is a cold-resistant plant, but in northern regions it requires shelter for the winter. Honey honey reproduces by seeds, layering, and petioles. Since it grows slowly in the first year, they practice growing seedlings. The bush can be from 14 to 125 cm in height. The upper parts of the shoots are mainly fragrant.

    In dense plantings in rainy summers, lemon balm can develop fungal diseases. The shoots are cut before flowering, dried in the shade, and used in cooking. The seasoning is valued for its special taste. She combined the aroma of citrus and the freshness of mint. This seasoning makes any dish delicious. There are 8 varieties cultivated, which are included in the Rosreestr of the Russian Federation. They differ in leaf color, bush height and winter hardiness. But the main difference will always be the created aroma and its subtle notes.

    Ombalo flea mint in the photo

    This type of plant has long been used as a remedy against insects. The difference between this bush is that it is not menthol that predominates - pulegone, limonene. The plant is low-growing, no more than 30 cm in height, creeping. Ombalo easily takes root from the stem and resembles creeping thyme. The foliage has dense pubescence, the flowers are collected in a false whorl. The plant is heat-loving, decorative, and a good honey plant. The same pulegone is also present in other types of mint that repel insects - lemon balm, indoor mint.

    Photo of curly mint

    Curly, spicate, garden, meadow, German - these are all the same plant. A variety of mint is used for spells for prosperity and protection, and helps to endure separation.

    This mint has a pungent odor based on linalool ester, but there is no menthol in this form. The leaves contain ascorbic acid and dietary supplements. The bush grows 30-100 cm high. This plant reproduces like all other varieties of mint.

    Catnip photo

    Another name for this plant is catnip. It has a lemon scent and attracts cats. For people in magic, the grass attracts love and courage. The plant is used to create pharmaceutical gardens and rocky compositions. Catnip attracts with its decorative effect and long flowering. The plant loves moderate watering and does not tolerate stagnant water. It has no diseases or pests.

    Like all mints, catnip is used in folk medicine. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, restorative and expectorant drug.

    Wild mint photo

    This type of mint also has another name, oregano. The plants are low and perennial. The lower shoots lie down and take root. Therefore, the plant seems to cover the ground. The leaves are used both for cooking and for flavoring tea. The plant is used as a medicinal plant for colds. Oregano repels moths.

    The plant is unpretentious and reproduces by seeds, division of rhizomes, and cuttings. After three years, the bushes should be replaced, since the yield on old plants is reduced. Wild mint is affected by aphids. To combat the pest, a soda solution is used.

    For storage, shoots with leaves are used, cutting them off above the soil at a height of 6 cm. The dry collection is stored in tightly closed packaging for several years.

    Menthol mint

    Menthol mint is a type of peppermint. The difference is the higher menthol content. One leaf per glass of tea makes the taste already excessive. The plant reaches 65 cm in height. In the first year of the growing season, the harvest is harvested after 3 months; in subsequent years, simultaneously with the growth of leaves, they are already fragrant and have consumer properties. This type of mint is resistant to diseases and pests. The main species characteristics are dark stems and a very pungent aroma.

    Indoor plant

    There are three known types of indoor mint. The houseplant will adapt to any conditions and bring benefits with its presence. Among the many types used indoors are:

  • prayer tree;
  • Scandinavian ivy;
  • Plectranthus Ertendahl.
  • Indoor moth mint is best known and grows as a potted plant. It actually releases phytoncides that repel not only moths, but also other insects.

    The varieties of spice culture presented in the material do not exhaust the diversity. There are many more plants of this species not included in the description. But they all differ in their beneficial properties, decorativeness and application in various spheres of human activity.

    Video about growing indoor mint - plectranthus

    My flowers. Plectranthus - indoor mint

    I always dreamed of having mint in the house, but I always thought that it could only be grown in the summer on the balcony or in the garden. Everyone knows the medicinal mint - peppermint, growing in gardens and orchards.

    But there is also the so-called home mint - Plectranthus. which can grow lushly and densely on windowsills.

    I found Plectranthus on the street. Apparently someone trimmed the plant and threw away all unnecessary things. A few days later the cuttings took root, and I planted them in a pot. That's how I got plectranthus. They say that this plant attracts money to the house. So, it turns out to be a double benefit - she saved the plant and lured Denyushka into the house.

    In general, mint is unpretentious, and for many it grows on garden beds, someone grows it at home on a windowsill, but somewhere it just grows like a weed. But all this is medicinal mint, the decoction from which we drink when we have a cold. But not everyone knows that there is also indoor mint. Meanwhile, this fragrant plant of the Lamiaceae family, also known by its botanical name Plectranthus, is quite popular among amateur gardeners. And if one can argue about the healing properties of this specimen, then its ability to replace peppermint as an additive to tea is undeniable. What kind of plant is this, and how easy is it to grow it at home? Let's figure it out.

    Varieties of Plectranthus or indoor mint

    Like all Lamiaceae, plecranthus is valuable for its fragrant leaves. And they smell thanks to special glands in the leaves that secrete essential oils. IN indoor floriculture There are several varieties of plecranthus known, and the most popular of them are three:

  • Plectranthus bush or Moth tree - evergreen shrub reaching one meter in height;
  • Southern plectranthus, also known as Swedish or Scandinavian ivy - herbaceous plant with lodging shoots reaching a meter in length;
  • Plectranthus Ertendahl (has no other names) is an evergreen subshrub, the crown of which forms clumps.
  • However, the most common type of home mint in indoor floriculture is the Moth tree. This is what they mean when they talk about growing indoor mint. And it looks more like garden mint than its other brethren.

    As already mentioned, this plant is unpretentious. However, for favorable growth and reproduction it requires certain conditions. Plecranthus bush (domestic mint) grows well on fertile substrates and organo-mineral fertilizers. He does not like exclusively mineral supplements. This plant is light-loving and needs year-round (evergreen after all) bright, but diffused lighting. The leaves of homemade mint are pubescent, like those of a violet, so it does not tolerate spraying well, and when water gets on the leaves and stems, spots appear on them, which then dry out or rot. But this plant requires abundant watering in the warm season and moderately abundant in winter.

    In nature, the moth tree grows in a temperate climate, so when kept indoors, an average temperature of about 20-24°C is favorable for it. However, homemade mint can also tolerate hot weather, but hypothermia is destructive for it. The minimum temperature this plant can withstand is 10 degrees Celsius. Homemade mint is undemanding in terms of air humidity, but does not tolerate proximity to a heating radiator or dry hot air. So the ideal conditions for this plant would be a warm, bright room, good watering without spraying, and fertilizing with flower fertilizers twice a month.

    Care and cultivation

    The main care for indoor mint consists of timely watering, fertilizing, pinching and replanting. It must be replanted once every two to three years, pouring the mixture into flower pots turf land And garden compost. During the period of active growth (and the plant is active almost all year round), indoor mint needs to be pinched and the flower stalks broken off. These measures will make it possible to form a compact and fluffy bush. Woody shoots that lose their foliage and decorative properties need to be pruned. Rejuvenating formative pruning can be done at the end of winter or in March, and pinching can be done all year round. Mint tolerates pinching and pruning painlessly and responds with numerous new shoots.

    IN summer period I plant plectranthus in the garden, where it instantly grows.

    Possible problems:

  • if the plant experiences a lack of light, then its shoots become very elongated and droop, and the leaves become yellow;
  • the edges of indoor mint leaves dry out and turn black if it is not fed or watered enough,
  • hypothermia is fraught with damage to roots, young leaves and growth buds,
  • Homemade mint is quite resistant to pests and diseases, but it is possible that the plant can be damaged by aphids, scale insects, whiteflies or spider mites.
  • Indoor mint is propagated by cuttings, cutting off the apical shoots or rooting parts of woody stems. You can take mint cuttings throughout the year, and root the cuttings in water or wet sand. Rooting cuttings do not require special conditions, except constant temperature about twenty degrees.

    With good care, homemade mint lives in a flower pot for about five years. But experienced flower growers They claim that with constant rejuvenation and cuttings, its lifespan is unlimited. So it's not just evergreen home plant, but also practically ever-living.

    So if you want to have an unpretentious, fragrant and grateful plant in your home, then homemade mint will be a quite suitable flower for these purposes. In addition, it is believed that she is able to expel moths from the house, and mosquitoes and flies do not tolerate her presence. If you don’t believe me, then place some indoor mint in your home and see for yourself. Good luck!

    At first, the young plant actively grows, but it must be pinched to form a kind of compact “crown,” especially since the torn leaves go into tea. A more mature plant sheds large leaves (it is better to tear them off yourself), its stem hardens, and many smaller leaves appear. The “oldest” plants can wait until they bloom, but the main value is in the leaves!

    Plectranthus is considered an easy plant to grow. We can say that its main problem is that it requires regular rejuvenation, due to the fact that it grows quickly. To do this, in the spring, instead of transplanting from plectranthus, cuttings are cut, and after rooting they are all planted in one pot. To give it a bushy and more compact shape, the growing ends of the shoots of plectranthus need to be pinched.

    Leaves, especially those that have grown after transplantation young plant, have a special decorative effect and can decorate your interior. At first, the young plant actively grows, but it must be pinched to form a kind of compact “crown,” especially since the torn leaves go into tea. A more mature plant sheds large leaves (it is better to tear them off yourself), its stem hardens, and many smaller leaves appear. The oldest plants can wait until they bloom, but the main value is in the leaves!

    It is not a medicinal herb like peppermint, but its fleshy, slightly hairy leaves give off the same minty aroma. Herbal tea will always be on the window, all year round! In addition, the leaves, especially those of a young plant that has begun to grow after transplantation, are particularly decorative and can decorate your interior.


    Medicinal . The leaves have many traditional medicinal uses: to treat coughs, sore throats, asthma (as a decoction and by chewing the leaves) and nasal congestion, to promote lactation in nursing women, against infections, against rheumatism and for flatulence. Crushed leaves are applied to insect bites or as a poultice.

    Cooking . In Indonesia, Plectranthus amboinicus is a traditional food, used for soups, salads and the preparation of drinks and infusions, for canning. It is also used as an aromatic seasoning for various meat and poultry dishes. For lamb and fish as a strong fragrance. Leaves in fries are also made in batter.

    Other: Plectranthus shrubby is popularly called the moth tree, as its smell repels many insects, such as moths, flies and even mosquitoes.

    Whether the moth tree really repels moths, justifying its name, is not entirely clear. Although, on the other hand, this plant has been grown on windows for more than 150 years, obviously believing in its effect. In addition, shrubs were grown at home as folk remedy against malaria. Nowadays this plant is rarely found in homes, mainly in rural areas.

    Its magical ability to favor all financial transactions has been known for a very long time. Back in the Middle Ages, merchants fumigated their counters with mint. It was believed that this would help attract buyers. Nowadays, it is enough to place a pot with this plant in the office room - and there will be no end to clients, and the air will be filled with a pleasant fresh aroma.

    Whether to believe in the magical properties of all these plants or not is everyone’s business. Most often, when purchasing this or that small sprout, we start from its appearance. Although it has long been proven that each plant has its own unique energy, which can either negatively affect people’s feelings and emotions, or, on the contrary, set them up for good luck and lift their spirits.

    I'll introduce you to some of the mints I've found.

    In first place, of course, is peppermint (menthe piperita), the most common and aromatic. Grown as a result of crossing water mint and spearmint.

    Apple mint, or fragrant mint, is also found in our gardens. It is distinguished by graceful, more rounded and velvety leaves, but is inferior in the intensity of the aroma.

    Lemon balm is a type of peppermint. With a characteristic lemon aroma.

    Green mint, or spearmint, is a fairly powerful, profusely flowering plant with a strong aroma.

    Mint “Iokka” is a little-known variety that has a specific oriental aroma.

    Pineapple mint (fragrant) - has two-colored very beautiful leaves with a white border. Can decorate any garden bed and flower arrangement.

    Thuringian mint is a type of peppermint valued for its high menthol content.

    Corsican mint can be quite used in garden landscaping, since the plant is only a few centimeters high with very small leaves and forms a continuous carpet that blooms with light purple flowers.

    Ginger mint (fine) - also garden decoration thanks to the beautiful variegated (yellow-green) color of the leaves.

    Curly mint can also be found in our gardens; it is very similar to spearmint. Has a pleasant aroma.

    Bergamot mint has a complex aroma and is widely used in perfumery.

    English mint is a variety of green mint. Its crushed leaves smell like chewing gum.

    Rich and varied vegetable world of our planet. Flowers are amazing creatures. They are beautiful, gentle, perfect. And their amazing aroma captivates women and inspires perfumers all over the world. We present to you the favorites of the perfume industry.

    Rose is the queen of perfumes. This flower with a warm, slightly spicy, sweetish odor was one of the first to be used by humans to produce essential oil. The aroma of a rose combines tenderness and regal splendor, beauty and inaccessibility. In perfumery they use Rosa Centifolia, which grows in Morocco and Grasse, and Rosa Damascene, which is grown in Turkey and Bulgaria.

    It is impossible to imagine modern perfume production without lavender. Lavender exudes an attractive, pleasant scent that promotes calm - the aroma of serenity. Endowed with the aroma of misty freshness, lavender is much loved by perfumers in all countries.

    The elegant, sophisticated scent of jasmine makes it the king of flowers in perfumery. Its aroma is floral, fresh, light, with a sweet fruity nuance.

    The flower is native to the Philippine and Comoros Islands. Ylang-ylang, which Filipinos call the “flower of flowers,” is considered the flower of seduction and pleasure. The unique aroma of ylang-ylang is the top note of the well-known Chanel No. 5 perfume.

    5. Orange tree flower or orange blossom

    The refined aroma of orange blossom is somewhat similar to the scent of jasmine, but shimmers with more honeyed and tart shades. Fresh, delicate and clean aroma - the aroma of happiness and love. It is not for nothing that the orange tree flower is called the “Flower of Happiness”, “the Flower of Brides”, “the Flower of Innocence”.

    Thanks to its intoxicating, intoxicating and captivating aroma, tuberose is a symbol of forbidden pleasures and passion. The scent is very intense, like sweet honey, with hints of jasmine and orange, heavy and sensual. Essential oil this magnificent flower considered one of the most precious floral oils in modern perfumery.

    Gardenia flowers emit a sweet, silky scent reminiscent of jasmine. Gardenia symbolizes love, harmony and grace. Its warm, voluminous, but at the same time light and airy aroma is often used as the “heart” of floral perfume compositions.

    The delicate, very fresh, tart, cool aroma of lily of the valley awakens sensuality and creates an atmosphere of love. This is the most spring smell; a scent that lifts your spirits and gives you confidence.

    9. Lily, whether Asian or Oriental

    Lily flowers have a pleasant, mysterious, exciting aroma. The Greeks attribute divine origin to the lily; among the Spaniards and Italians, as well as in other Catholic lands, the lily is considered a flower Holy Virgin, among the French in the Capetian and Bourbon eras, the lily was a symbol of royal power. Thick, slightly balsamic, with a sweet floral note, the scent of lily is intended for real kings and queens.

    Hyacinth is a flower of love, happiness, fidelity. Its aroma is honey-sweet, floral, bright, with a hint of lily and jasmine, it makes you dizzy and excites. Perfumers often use the scent of hyacinth as top or middle notes.

    11. Plumeria or frangipani

    Plumeria - tropical plant with amazingly beautiful flowers correct form. Plumeria exudes a warm, sweet, deep floral aroma with soft fruity notes, attracting perfumers all over the world.

    12. Tiare or Gardenia Tahitian

    This national flower French Polynesia and Cook Islands. Graceful creamy white tiare flowers are endowed with a strong, pleasant, captivating aroma. The sweet, exotic scent of this flower conjures up images of calm seas, a spice island, and the lush vegetation of a tropical paradise.

    Mimosa flowers have an extraordinary aroma; you can’t confuse it with anything else. Sweet, floral, woody, green, with a bitter honey note - this is the smell of spring, a holiday.

    Peony in China is one of the most revered plants; they say about it: “a hundred roses in one flower.” Its subtle, sweet, floral aroma is reminiscent of old roses. The romantic aroma of love of this flower has taken its rightful place in perfumery.

    Narcissus flowers have a strong, sweetish, slightly bitter, intoxicating smell. Early spring is permeated with this exciting aroma. Narcissus absolute is very rare and expensive, it is used only in high-end perfumes.