Hitler's biological children - truth or myth? ThePerson: Adolf Hitler, biography, political activities.

On August 12, 1860, Clara Hitler was born - the mother of one of the most terrible dictators in human history. The family of the future dictator kept many secrets and skeletons in the closet. Suffice it to say that Hitler was born solely thanks to the intervention of the Vatican, and there is still controversy surrounding the identity of his alleged illegitimate son.

Alois Hitler was born in the summer of 1837 to a 42-year-old unmarried peasant woman, Maria Schicklgruber. The child was illegitimate, so he received his mother's surname. The real father of Alois and, accordingly, the grandfather of Adolf is still unknown. There are only versions about his alleged identity.

According to the most popular version among researchers, the father of the illegitimate child was Johann Georg Hiedler or his brother Johann Nepomuk Hiedler (in some sources referred to as Güttler). A number of facts testify in favor of both. Young Alois was brought up in the family of Johann Nepomuk Hiedler. However, the latter's brother Johann Georg later married Maria Schicklgruber.

In a word, both of them can almost equally be the fathers of Alois. A slightly more popular version is the one with the paternity of Johann Georg. And the fact that Alois grew up on the farm of Johann Nepomuk is explained by the fact that he was much richer, while his brother did not have the means to raise a child. However, there is another version that the real father was Johann Nepomuk, who asked his brother to marry an already middle-aged peasant woman as a cover, in order to be able to help his illegitimate son, whom he did not want to officially recognize.

Until the age of 39, Alois bore the surname Schicklgruber. After this, he asked to legitimize Johann Georg Hiedler as his father. The corresponding entry was made on his birth certificate. Johann Nepomuk Hiedler acted as a paternity witness. The newly-made father himself had long since passed away by this time. However, the notary who was handling the documents either misheard or made a mistake. One way or another, instead of Gidler, Alois received the surname Hitler.

The Vatican comes to the rescue

By the time he married Adolf's future mother, Alois had already been married twice. Both of his wives died, although the first one divorced him during his lifetime. As for the third wife, Clara Pölzl, she for a long time worked as a housekeeper in Alois's house.

Pölzl was 23 years younger than Alois. In addition, she was a close relative of her husband. Clara was the granddaughter of Johann Nepomuk Hiedler. Thus, if true father Alois was Johann Georg, then Clara was his cousin. If his real father was Johann Nepomuk, then Clara was his niece.

racial purity." In addition, apparently, he was embarrassed by the dark spots in his pedigree, which is why he devoted only a couple of lines to his relatives in “My Struggle.” Of course, Hitler’s political opponents could not help but take advantage of this. Long before His rise to power, rumors began to spread about Hitler's Slavic or Jewish roots.

The tabloid press wrote that the alleged grandfather of the German leader, Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, was an ethnic Czech. This means that Hitler himself had Slavic roots. Indeed, Johann of Nepomuk was named after one of the most revered Catholic saints in the Czech Republic (in Czech transcription - Jan of Nepomuk). However, it is worth noting that Nepomuk was also highly revered by German Catholics in Bohemia and Moravia, where they lived in large numbers.

Hitler's non-Aryan roots were so popular that before the elections to the Reichstag, the Nazi Party published in large quantities a special brochure, “Facts and Lies about Hitler,” which categorically denied the presence of any relatives other than Germans.

Unlucky brother

Hitler had no siblings; they all died in infancy. But he had a half-brother. Alois Jr. was born illegitimate, but was later legitimized by his father. The relationship between the brothers did not work out. Alois Jr. himself believed that main reason This was the stepmother Klara, who did not like her stepson and turned her husband against him in favor of Adolf. According to him, even if Adolf was naughty, only he himself was punished as the main culprit. In addition, he blamed his stepmother for dissuading his father from paying for his education.

As a result, Alois Jr. left home at the age of 14 after another quarrel. He wandered around different countries, served two prison terms (a total of a year and three months) for petty theft and finally settled in Britain, where he married a local girl. At the same time, her father was categorically against the wedding and was even going to report the kidnapping of his daughter to the police.

After some time, he returned to Germany, where he married another woman without divorcing his previous wife. Soon this became known, and Alois ended up in prison for the third time, this time for bigamy.

Where did you sell Opel? cars this brand. But this was clearly not what the ambitious William Hitler was counting on. He attempted blackmail, hinting that he would “leak” to the newspapermen some unsightly facts from the leader’s family history. The blackmail failed. Fearing that he would be forcibly left in Germany, William left the country and again began writing letters to his uncle asking for help with money, otherwise he would tell all sorts of bad things about Hitler’s family.

On the eve of the outbreak of World War II, the figure of Hitler was one of the most recognizable in the world. And the newsboys Western countries Having found out about a relative, they vying with each other and lined up for an interview with him. The famous American media magnate Hearst paid for Hitler and his mother to travel to the United States, where William happily told newspapermen how much he hated his greedy uncle.

After the start of the war, Hitler was prevented from leaving the United States. However, they later decided that Hitler's nephew in the American army would be a success for propaganda, and William enlisted in the US Navy as a pharmacist's assistant (a position in the US Navy, something between a corpsman and a military paramedic).

In 1947, he was demobilized, after which he changed his last name to Stewart-Houston and hid from the press. Then he was engaged in the medical business. Died in 1987. Three of his sons are currently living.

Stupid goose

Paula Hitler was the only sister of Adolf who lived to adulthood, and one of the few close relatives with whom Hitler regularly communicated and somehow helped. When their parents died, Adolf was already earning some money from his paintings, so he gave his share of the survivors' benefit to his sister.

Then their connection was interrupted for several years; they had no contact until the early 30s. Having become a political celebrity and then the leader of the country, Hitler began to exert his influence financial support sister, although they met very rarely, no more than once a year.

stupid goose." Until the end of the war, she worked as a secretary in a military hospital and did not take any part in political life. She wasn't even a member of the Nazi Party. At the insistence of her brother, who did not like to advertise her relatives, she also changed her last name to Wolf. This was one of Hitler's childhood nicknames, which he sometimes used in the early 20s.

Favorite nephews

Hitler had two more nephews: Heinrich (more often referred to as Heinz), whose father was Alois Jr. and whose mother was his second German wife, and Leo Raubal, the son of Adolf's half-sister Angela. Both are often referred to as "Hitler's favorite nephew", so it is not possible to find out which of them was more beloved.

Heinz was passionate about the ideas of National Socialism and was very proud of his relationship with the German leader. He served in the Wehrmacht with the rank of non-commissioned officer. At the beginning of January 1942 he was captured. Apparently, his identity was quickly discovered - he was transferred to the Lubyanka prison, where he died under unclear circumstances in February 1942.

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Geli Raubal. Photo: ©

It is even impossible to unambiguously characterize Geli. Some contemporaries considered her an innocent girl who became a victim of a relative with tyrannical tendencies. Others characterized her as a cynical girl beyond her years, trying to make the most of the bonuses from being related to her uncle.

One way or another, Geli Raubal, who lived only 23 years, was the only person of all Hitler’s relatives with whom he maintained a very close connection.

Alleged son

It is officially believed that Hitler never had children. The Nazi leader was more passionate about politics than women, so he got married only on the eve of his suicide. However, some of Hitler's biographers believe that he had at least one illegitimate child in France.

Hitler's supposed son was named Jean-Marie Lobjoie. He was born in 1918 and was an illegitimate child. Later, his mother got married, her husband adopted the boy, giving him his last name - Laura. According to Jean-Marie, his mother said all his life that his father was a certain German soldier. And only on the eve of her death, after World War II, she told her son that he was born from Adolf Hitler.

The press became interested in Lore's story. The version of Hitler's paternity was supported by some major researchers. In particular, Werner Maser, one of Hitler's most famous biographers, was an ardent supporter of this version.

There is a number of evidence both in favor of the version of the relationship between Laura and Hitler, and against it. Lore's favor is supported by some external resemblance to Hitler, the fact that part of Hitler was located not far from the place of residence of Charlotte Lobjoie, Lore's mother. Hitler's personal valet Heinz Linge claimed in his memoirs that Hitler allegedly assumed that he could have an illegitimate child from a relationship with a French woman during the First World War. In addition, during the Vichy regime, Lauret held a very high position in the Saint-Quentin police, which was somewhat unusual for a young man who did not have outstanding abilities and only rose to the rank of sergeant in the army.

Your father's name was Adolf Hitler." The question of his relationship with the Nazi leader has not yet been completely resolved.

70 years have passed since the suicide of the bloody Fuhrer of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler, and secrets and facts that remained unclear still excite the public today. At the beginning of the new millennium, several researchers decided to find out more details and turn history on its head and understand who Hitler was. despotism remains one of the burning topics of discussion among intellectuals today.

Parents and ancestors of the future Fuhrer

The official biography, which, as many of his contemporaries testify, Hitler often suppressed and rewrote in his own way, states that his ancestors were Austrians. According to unbiased historians, Hitler, whose nationality is no longer a secret to anyone today, was not a representative of the Aryan purebred race, but first things first.

The official history, adopted back in the Soviet period, told only about the mother and father of the future dictator. It is not surprising that this man's ancestry remains a mystery today. Hitler's life, like his death, is shrouded in many myths and rumors that have no documentary evidence.

It is only known for certain that Adolf’s father was Alois Hitler (1837-1903), and his mother was Clara Pölzl (1860-1907). If everything is clear about the pedigree of Adolf’s mother (it is recorded in documents of that era), then the origin and relatives of his father remain a mystery today. Russian researchers make the assumption that the father of the future leader of Nazism in Germany was born as a result of incest between relatives of the same clan.

European historiographers associate the name of Hitler, or rather his origin, with Jewish roots, claiming that Alois was born after the abuse of his grandmother Maria Anna Schicklgruber, committed by the son of a Jewish banker (presumably Rothschild), in whose house she worked as a maid. The last guess is not confirmed by historical facts.

The "secret" of the name Hitler

A group of researchers claims that Hitler's name, or rather the surname of his ancestors and even brothers, was written incorrectly for a long time. And only Adolf’s father Alois, being a customs officer, decided to change his family name Schicklgruber to Hitler. According to some researchers, the reason for this was the dark past of the Schicklgruber clan, which may have been involved in smuggling and robbery in the border areas with Germany. And in order to completely renounce his past and have the opportunity to make a career for himself, Alois took such a step. This version also has only indirect evidence.

Childhood and youth

But Hitler’s birthday, as well as the place of his birth, are an indisputable fact. In the border town of Braunau am Inn, on April 20, 1889, in one of the hotels, a boy was born, two days later he was baptized by Adolf.

My father managed to get out of poverty - he became a minor official. Due to the owner's occupation, the family constantly moved. Hitler recalled his childhood years with special trepidation, considering them the start on the path to his greatness. The parents paid a lot of attention to the child, and before the birth of his younger brother Edmund, he was generally for the mother, who had previously lost three children. In 1896, his sister Paula was born, and Adolf was attached to her all his life.

At school, the boy excelled academically and drew well, but, as modern historians testify, he never received a high school diploma, which is why his attempts to enter the Art Academy failed several times.

Adolf Hitler spent the years of the First World War mainly at headquarters. As his colleagues testify, he was distinguished by frail health and sycophancy towards his superiors. He was not respected among ordinary soldiers.

Climbing the career ladder

Adolf Hitler was an addicted person, which is why he could sit for hours in a cafe over a cup of coffee, reading literature that interested him. But, fortunately (or unfortunately), all his knowledge was superficial. But the future leader of the nation could not be denied the art of oratory. He owes his career advancement to this gift.

After the defeat in World War I, there were a lot of dissatisfied Germans in the state. Secret groups and societies were formed on a massive scale and organized coups and riots in Munich. At this time, Adolf was sent to political education courses and for some time worked as a “spy,” exposing left-wing gatherings and communists. The time of Hitler and the heyday of his Nazi ideology was just around the corner. At one of the meetings of a group that called itself the German Workers' Party, Hitler became imbued with the ideas of the people he was following, and, by decision of the top leadership, was introduced into its ranks. Thanks to his skills and oratory, he soon gathered numerous fans and attracted like-minded people into the ranks of the party. As a result, this group decided to remove the government in Berlin. After this clash with the capital's police, 14 Nazis were killed, Hitler broke his collarbone, was arrested and sent to prison. He spent 13 months in prison, where he published his work “My Struggle,” which made him a wealthy man.

It was in this work that he described the basic principles of Nazism and identified the main enemy of the Germans - the Jew. It was from this moment that Hitler, whose nationality at that time was of little interest to anyone, began to keep silent about his father and grandmother, and the surname Schicklgruber, which could compromise the new “Messiah of Germany,” was not mentioned at all.

Adolf Hitler and racial purity

Being a very intelligent man, Hitler correctly decided that the image of a single enemy in the form of the Jews would rally all the offended and offended around him. And so it happened. In 1923, an unsuccessful attempt to seize power led him to prison, but not behind bars in the literal sense of the word, but to a sanatorium with a garden and soft beds, where Adolf was able to reflect on the purity of the nation.

The main tenets of Nazi ideology were the accusation of Jews in everything about Germany and the desire of this race to weaken the Germans and drive them out of their own territories through assimilation and

The Aryans - the legendary fair-haired people with blue eyes - became objects of adoration and imitation. German scientists worked on issues of reproduction of this race. Thousands of Jews, blind, deaf, blacks and gypsies were deprived of the right and opportunity to bear children through sterilization.

Surprisingly, according to modern historians, Hitler, whose nationality was henceforth interpreted as Aryan, was friendly with a Jew as a child, and, according to historians, came to power relying on Jewish capital. Those closest to Hitler, whose nationality should have worried him, were Jews. Just look at Himmler, Goering, Goebbels...

"It's up to me to decide who is Jewish"

The fact that Hitler was a Jew was known even during his ascension to the “throne” by Churchill and Roosevelt, who were also representatives of Jewish nationality. Perhaps the Jews were targeted as bait for the uneducated poor population. Although today the facts are known that in the army of Nazi Germany, people who did not hide their Jewish past served in senior positions. It’s just that at that time it was not customary to shout about it at all corners. The facts were suppressed, and hordes of Jews were killed on the orders of this tyrant.

Himmler's catchphrase, "It's up to me to decide who is a Jew," masks politics for the undesirable. As practice shows, any undesirable person could become a Jew at that time, and it did not matter what nationality he was.

As recently declassified documents say, only European Jews were exterminated. Perhaps Hitler, with his anti-Semitic theory, did not fight for the purity of the Aryan race, but for the purity of the Jewish nation? There is evidence that German Jews, undergoing certain training, were sent to Palestine to protect the new future state.

Is Adolf Hitler a descendant of Jews and African Americans?

Thus, we can conclude that Hitler, whose nationality was kept silent for a long time, was a cog in a huge machine that was trying to create an ideal Jewish nation. Who knows, perhaps there is meaning in the words of the theory about a large Jewish conspiracy?

Be that as it may, Hitler’s birthday in the projection of history became a tragic day for all European Jews, Slavs, Gypsies and African Americans. Perhaps the top of the Zionist organizations saw in him precisely the murder weapon to which millions obeyed.

Journalist for the German publication Knack Jean-Paul Mulders spent a long time trying to find out who Hitler was. The nationality of the Fuhrer worried him especially. In order to collect the necessary material, the activist took a saliva sample from several relatives of the dictator, as a result of which a haplogroup was isolated that is found only in Jews and African Americans. So, most likely, Hitler was just a pawn in the bloody games of the powers that be.

Adolf Hitler is a German politician, the founder and central figure of National Socialism, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany, supreme commander of the German armed forces in World War II.

Hitler was the initiator of the outbreak of World War II (1939-1945), as well as the creation of concentration camps. Today, his biography is one of the most studied in the world.

To this day, various feature films and documentaries continue to be made about Hitler, as well as books written. In this article we will talk about the personal life of the Fuhrer, his rise to power and his inglorious death.

When Hitler was four years old, his father died. Four years later, in 1907, his mother also died from cancer, which became a real tragedy for the teenager.

Adolf Hitler as a child

After this, Adolf became more independent, and even prepared the appropriate documents himself to receive a pension.


Soon Hitler decides to go to Vienna. Initially, he wants to devote his life to art and become a famous artist.

In this regard, he tries to enter the Art Academy, but he fails to pass the exams. This upset him greatly, but did not break him.

The subsequent years of his biography were filled with various difficulties. He experienced difficult financial circumstances, often went hungry, and even spent the night on the street because he could not pay for accommodation for the night.

At that time, Adolf Hitler tried to make money by painting, but this brought him a very meager income.

It is interesting that upon reaching conscription age, he hid from military service. The main reason was his reluctance to serve alongside the Jews, whom he already treated with contempt.

When Hitler turned 24, he went to Munich. It was there that he met the First World War (1914-1918), which he was sincerely happy about.

He immediately enlisted as a volunteer in the Bavarian army, after which he participated in various battles.

Hitler among his colleagues (sitting on the far right), 1914

It should be noted that Adolf showed himself to be a very brave soldier, for which he was awarded the Iron Cross, second degree.

An interesting fact is that even after becoming the head of the Third Reich, he was very proud of his award and wore it on his chest all his life.

Hitler perceived defeat in the war as a personal tragedy. He associated it with the cowardice and corruption of the politicians ruling Germany. After the war, he became seriously interested in politics, as a result of which he joined the People's Labor Party.

Hitler's rise to power

Over time, Adolf Hitler took the post of head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), having great authority among his comrades.

In 1923, he managed to organize the “Beer Hall Putsch,” the goal of which was to overthrow the current government.

When Hitler, with a 5,000-strong army of stormtroopers, headed for the walls of the ministry on November 9, he met armed squads of police on his way. As a result, the coup attempt ended in failure.

In 1924, when he died, Adolf was sentenced to 5 years in prison. However, after spending less than a year behind bars, for unknown reasons, he was released.

After this, he revived the Nazi party NSDAP, making it one of the most popular in the country. Somehow, Hitler managed to establish contacts with the German generals and enlist support from major industrialists.

It is worth noting that it was during this period of his biography that Hitler wrote the famous book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”). In it, he described in detail his biography, as well as his vision of the development of Germany and National Socialism.

By the way, nationalist, according to one version, goes back precisely to the book “Mein Kampf”.

In 1930, Adolf Hitler became commander of the assault troops (SA), and 2 years later he already tried to get the position of Reich Chancellor.

But that time Kurt von Schleicher won the election. However, a year later he was dismissed by President Paul von Hindenburg. As a result, Hitler still received the position of Reich Chancellor, but this was not enough for him.

He wanted to have absolute power and be the rightful ruler of the state. It took him less than 2 years to realize this dream.

Nazism in Germany

In 1934, after the death of 86-year-old German President Hindenburg, Hitler assumed the powers of head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

The title of president was abolished; From now on, Hitler was to be called Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor.

That same year, brutal oppression of Jews and Roma with the use of weapons began. A totalitarian Nazi regime began to operate in the country, which was considered the only correct one.

In Germany, a course towards militarization was announced. In a short time, tank and artillery troops were created, and aircraft were also built.

It is worth noting that all these actions were contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, signed after the end of the First World War.

However, for some reason, European countries turned a blind eye to such actions of the Nazis.

However, this is not surprising if we remember how it was signed, after which Hitler made the final decision to capture all of Europe.

Soon, on the initiative of Adolf Hitler, the Gestapo police and a system of concentration camps were created.

On June 30, 1934, the Gestapo staged a massive pogrom against SA stormtroopers, which went down in history as the Night of the Long Knives.

More than a thousand people who posed a potential threat to the Fuhrer were killed. Among them was the leader of the stormtroopers, Ernst Röhm.

Many people who had nothing to do with the SA were also killed, in particular Hitler's predecessor as Reich Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and his wife.

After the Nazis came to power, active propaganda of the superiority of the Aryan nation over others began in Germany. Naturally, the Germans themselves were called Aryans, who had to fight for the purity of blood, enslaving and destroying the “inferior” races.

In parallel with this, the German people were instilled with the idea that they should become the rightful masters of the whole world. Interestingly, Adolf Hitler wrote about this 10 years ago in his book Mein Kampf.

The Second World War

On September 1, 1939, the bloodiest war in humanity began. Germany attacked Poland and completely occupied it within two weeks.

This was followed by the annexation of the territories of Norway, Denmark, and France. The blitzkrieg continued with the capture of Yugoslavia.

On June 22, 1941, Hitler's troops attacked the Soviet Union, whose head was. Initially, the Wehrmacht managed to win one victory after another quite easily, but during the Battle of Moscow the Germans began to have serious problems.

Column of German prisoners on the Garden Ring, Moscow, 1944.

Under the leadership, the Red Army launched an active counter-offensive on all fronts. After victories in the Battle of Kursk, it became clear that the Germans would no longer be able to win the war.

Holocaust and death camps

When Adolf Hitler became head of state, he created concentration camps in Germany, Poland and Austria for the purposeful extermination of people. Their number exceeded 42,000.

During the Fuhrer's reign, millions of people died in them, including prisoners of war, civilians, children and those people who did not support the ideas of the Third Reich.

Some of the most famous camps were in Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka (where he died a heroic death), Dachau and Majdanek.

Prisoners in concentration camps were subjected to sophisticated torture and cruel experiments. In these death factories, Hitler destroyed representatives of the “inferior” races and enemies of the Reich.

In the Polish camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz), gas chambers were built in which 20,000 people were exterminated every day.

Millions of Jews and Gypsies died in such cells. This camp became a sad symbol of the Holocaust - the large-scale extermination of Jews, recognized as the largest genocide of the 20th century.

If you are interested in learning how the Nazi death camps operated, read this short biography, which was nicknamed "the blond devil."

Why did Hitler hate Jews

Biographers of Adolf Hitler have several opinions on this issue. The most common version is "racial politics", which he divided into 3 parts.

  • The main (Aryan) race was the Germans, who were supposed to rule the whole world.
  • Then came the Slavs, whom Hitler wanted to partially destroy and partially make slaves.
  • The third group included Jews who had no right to exist at all.

Other researchers of Hitler's biography suggest that the dictator's hatred of the Jews was born out of envy, since they owned large enterprises and banking institutions, while he, as a young German, eked out a miserable existence.

Personal life

It is still difficult to say anything about Hitler’s personal life in the absence of reliable facts.

It is only known that for 13 years, starting in 1932, he cohabited with Eva Braun, who became his legal wife only on April 29, 1945. Moreover, Adolf had no children from her or from any other woman.

Photos of Hitler as he grew older

An interesting fact is that, despite his unattractive appearance, Hitler was very popular with women, always able to win them over.

Some biographers of Hitler claim that he could influence people hypnotically. At least he definitely mastered the art of mass hypnosis, since during his performances people turned into a slavishly obedient crowd of thousands.

Thanks to his charisma, oratory and bright gestures, Hitler made many girls fall in love with him, ready to do anything for him. Interestingly, when he lived with Eva Braun, she twice wanted to commit suicide out of jealousy.

In 2012, American Werner Schmedt announced that he is the son of Adolf Hitler and his niece Geli Ruabal.

To prove this, he provided some photographs showing his “parents”. However, Werner's story immediately aroused distrust among a number of Hitler's biographers.

Death of Hitler

On April 30, 1945, in Berlin, surrounded by Soviet troops, 56-year-old Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide, having previously killed their beloved dog Blondie.

There are two versions about how exactly Hitler died. According to one of them, the Fuhrer took potassium cyanide, and according to another, he shot himself.

According to witnesses from among the service personnel, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver cans of gasoline from the garage to destroy the bodies.

After discovering the Fuhrer's death, the officers wrapped his body in a soldier's blanket and, together with the body of Eva Braun, carried it out of the bunker.

They were then doused with gasoline and set on fire, as this was the will of Adolf Hitler himself.

Red Army soldiers found the remains of the dictator in the form of dentures and parts of the skull. At the moment they are stored in Russian archives.

There is a popular urban legend that the corpses of Hitler and his wife's doubles were found in the bunker, and the Fuhrer himself and his wife allegedly fled to Argentina, where they lived out the rest of their days in peace.

Similar versions are put forward and proven even by some historians, including the British Gerard Williams and Simon Dunstan. However, the scientific community rejects such theories.

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More than seventy years have passed since he disappeared, and we still remember Adolf Hitler. Many with horror, and some with nostalgia. It is impossible to imagine the history of the twentieth century without this ominous figure. Like a jack-in-the-box, he jumped onto the political scene of Weimar Germany and conquered it. Then, as if playing, he threw the countries of Western Europe at his feet and involved them in the massacre of nations. Now it is not customary to remember this, but until 1939, Hitler had many fans abroad, for whom the Fuhrer was an example of a strong, strong-willed leader. His dizzying career is fraught with many mysteries. Not all of them have been revealed to this day.

Nomadic childhood

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the village of Ranshofen in the family of Austrian citizens Alois and Clara. Not a single biography of the founder of National Socialism is complete without unraveling the “family” conflict. Some smart people who want to show off their education stubbornly call Hitler Schicklgruber. However, most historians adhere to a completely convincing version, according to which Alois took his father's surname before Adolf was born. Therefore, there is no reason to tease Hitler with Schicklgruber. However, this does not stop journalists who want to catch the next sensation in the maelstrom of the past of the great Fuhrer.

The mother doted on her offspring. Adolf was the first surviving child, after three who died. In those distant times, giving birth at the age of 29 was a feat and a miracle for a woman. Was it not this fact that prompted Hitler to think about his chosenness?

His father often changed his place of work, so Adolf was forced to wander from school to school. At first diligent and inquisitive, he significantly lost his student's ardor when he crossed the threshold of his fourth school. Favorite subjects were history, geography and drawing. Everything else was disgusting and led to the first serious problem in his life - Adolf Hitler was retained for the second year. One can imagine the indignation this caused in the father, who was too demanding of his sons. However, he soon dies. Adolf's nomadic childhood ends.

Failed artist

Now he can indulge in his main passion - drawing. At his mother's request, he continues to go to school, but lives separately. At this time, he wrote poetry and short stories, became seriously interested in Wagner, and read a lot. School was abandoned. In 1907, Klara Hitler dies. Having settled the inheritance matters, Adolf goes to Vienna. This period of his life is known from Mein Kampf. Hitler does not hide his plight in those years. It is not possible to enter the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. The life of a free artist could be exchanged for service in the Austrian army, but Adolf prefers to live from hand to mouth, doing odd jobs.

Vienna is the capital of a multinational empire, where Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Hungarians, Croats and Jews flocked. Most are poor and dirty. Their incomprehensible language seems to Hitler like a jumble of meaningless sounds. It is then that hatred of all strangers arises in him. It was a squabble in a large communal apartment, where the Germans were forced to fight for a handful of coins with foreigners. It is in the slums that the theory of racial superiority has its faithful adherents. Adolf Hitler did not invent anything, but absorbed these ideas.

His landscapes are usually called mediocre. This is wrong. Look at the sketches and pictorial miniatures of the young Hitler. They are elegant and detailed. But the era of classical art is a thing of the past. Impressionism flourished in France, based not on a truthful depiction of reality, but on the power of sensuality. But Hitler was a retrograde. Until the end of his days he will retain his disgust for the “incomprehensible daub” of the rotten intelligentsia. His whole life was a desire to return to the good old traditions. For this he was ready to destroy the whole world.

His fight

The formation of the Fuhrer of true Aryans is well described in Mein Kampf. Participation in the Great War, gassing, post-war poverty and dreams of revenge. Occult ideas and social Darwinism intertwined in Hitler's head in the most monstrous way. Once at a meeting of a tiny nationalist party, he becomes its leader. This is where questions begin that have no clear answers. A man with a hysterical temperament and an absurd figure was supposed to cause laughter among pub regulars. But the funny little man is confidently moving towards his goal. The National Socialist Party acquired rich patrons and capable organizers.

The Nazi putsch of 1923 coincided with proletarian protests in Berlin. Unrest is suppressed mercilessly, but fate is favorable to Hitler. His short imprisonment makes him a martyr of ideas. In prison, he writes his main book, where he sets out not only the details of his biography, but also his plans for the future. Anti-Semitism and aggression are evident in his every phrase. Why are England and France silent? They need him to fight the infection of Bolshevism.

With the Nazis coming to power in 1933, the “era of the thousand-year Reich” begins. Contrary to predictions of a quick collapse, the new regime is only getting stronger. Repression against dissidents and Jews begins immediately, but this does not bother the Western powers. Until recently, Germany groaned under the burden of reparations and indemnities, but now it dictates terms and inflames old grievances. On March 7, 1936, three of nineteen German battalions cross the Rhine, with orders to retreat immediately if the French army appears. But the French army did not appear. Hitler later said: “If the French had entered the Rhineland, we would have had to run away with our tails between our legs.”

Before September 1, 1939, the Third Reich annexed Austria, the Czech Republic and the Rhineland without much effort. Germany was strengthened by loyal allies: Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. The Wehrmacht command looked in horror at what their beloved Fuhrer was doing, but Hitler did not hesitate. He knew that everything would forgive him. And he was forgiven.

Historians of this era never tire of wondering how the nation of Schiller and Goethe turned into complete sadists!? The king (and the Fuhrer) is made by his entourage. Therefore, to call Hitler an ominous demon who dragged the Germans into the abyss would be an exaggeration. Of course, he is a bright figure, but behind him stood a team, some of whose members we still don’t know. The Fuhrer himself did not like to delve into details, entrusting the solution of specific issues to his assistants. But he loved to perform, bringing himself to ecstasy. He loved to travel around the country. The chronicles of his appearance in public are excellent examples of camera and director's work.

So, when we talk about Hitler, we talk about a symbol. There is no need to exaggerate the influence of this person. Hitler was thoroughly prepared for the role of a public leader. It is known that he took acting lessons. Gait, gestures and facial expressions are the result of hard training. His main mystery is those invisible helpers and well-wishers who armed him with racial theory, gave him guarantees of non-interference, paid for the construction of the Wehrmacht and the Nazi state, carried out extermination and inhumane experiments on the “Untermensch” in concentration camps.

Suicide or mysterious disappearance of Adolf Hitler?

Attacking the Soviet Union seems completely insane. The countries already captured by 1941 required human and technical resources. Little Germany was at the limit of its capabilities. The famous “tigers” and “panthers” have not yet been adopted for service. Some Wehrmacht battalions rolled through the cities and towns of occupied Poland on ordinary carts. There was not enough food, and sewing of winter clothes had not even begun. There was no frost-resistant machine oil. Didn't Hitler know about this? Or did he hope that the blitzkrieg would collapse the Soviet Union like a house of cards? Researchers are still scratching their heads over the reason for this act. But Hitler was not crazy. Proof of this is the Barbarossa plan. Everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail. Who actually ordered Hitler to attack the USSR?..

According to the official version, he committed suicide on April 30, 1945, by taking poison and shooting himself in the temple. A loyal adjutant doused the bodies of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun with gasoline and set them on fire near the entrance to the bunker. The corpses were identified by a dentist's assistant who made dentures for Hitler. This valuable recognition did not help her avoid being sent to a Soviet camp. Perhaps out of revenge, she returned to her homeland and renounced her testimony. Versions about the rescue of Hitler and Eva Braun continue to excite the minds of readers greedy for sensations, but they do not change anything. The Fuhrer of the German nation did not show himself in any way in the post-war world, remaining an ominous symbol of fascism.

The Second World War, the worst in human history, is over. The people who unleashed it were convicted at the Nuremberg trials. Almost all the leaders of the Third Reich were either childless, or their families died with them, like Goebbels' family. And there are no successors left of those who retained the genes of the people who drenched all of Europe with blood. But it turns out that this is not so.

Hitler, having committed suicide with his wife Eva Braun, left no half-blooded heirs. But despite this, the world press has been debating for more than half a century: “Does Adolf Hitler have descendants?”

In December 1935, by order of Himmler, a network of special maternity centers was created in Germany. They were supposed to give birth to “blond beasts” - children born from SS soldiers and racially carefully selected German women. It was to them, according to the Reichsführer SS, that the future should belong. All children born in maternity centers were officially considered “adopted by Hitler.”

The deputy Fuhrer in the party, “Nazi No. 2,” Rudolf Hess decided to go further than his main competitor, who was fighting for closeness to Hitler, and in 1940, at a secret meeting in the Reich Chancellery, he made a statement that surprised everyone: “Hitler must have his own children. Only those in whose veins the sacred blood of the Fuhrer flows have the right to inherit his supreme power in Germany.”

Hitler had an aversion to physical sex and was at first lukewarm about the idea. But he was jealous of Stalin, who had sons who could replace their father at the helm of government, so in the end he agreed. Thus, the carefully classified Thor project was “born”.

It was planned to fertilize about one hundred specially selected “Aryan” women aged 18 to 27 with Hitler’s sperm. The future mothers of the Fuhrer's children did not know about the great mission that was destined for them. They believed that they would bear the descendants of SS soldiers - “ideal Aryans.”

When the child was born, he was transported to a secret complex in the Bavarian Alps, near the Austrian border. Journalists learned about the nursery for Hitler’s children that existed in the Alps from former SS Obersturmführer Erich Runge, who made a sensational statement that dozens of the Fuhrer’s sons and daughters lived and worked in many countries. Moreover, none of them even knows about their origin.

The press was skeptical about the Obersturmführer's words. But they “changed their minds when Runge, who was completely healthy, according to doctors, unexpectedly died of a heart attack.

Time passed, and even more extensive information about the Fuhrer’s children was released by Dr. Alessandro Giovenese, who lives in Brazil. From 1943 to 1945, he was an SS medical officer and was directly involved in a highly classified project. From conversations among the laboratory staff, Alessandro Giovenese knew that before the end of the war there were about twenty children in the complex whose biological father was Adolf Hitler.

On May 6, 1945, an evacuation order was received. All documents were destroyed, and the children were distributed to the families of compassionate peasants, who were told that these were orphaned babies from a maternity hospital destroyed by Allied aircraft.

The babies were born as a result of the fertilization of women of the “Aryan race” with Hitler’s “biological material.” True, one exception was made. Among the mothers of Hitler's children were two Norwegians. The Fuhrer of the Third Reich wanted his blood to “mix with the blood of the Vikings.”

So, Hitler's children and grandchildren are walking around Europe. “But they do not pose any threat to humanity,” Giovenese is sure. “If they have not yet manifested bloodthirstiness and thirst for ambition, then it will not manifest itself in the future. Blood and genes play a big role! role in determining who a person will become, but the standard of living and upbringing play an even greater role... A second Hitler will never appear in Europe.”