Large canopy for home photo gallery. Canopy over the entrance: beautiful and original design options

In the hot summer months, you really want to hide in the shade from the scorching sun, but often the lack of trees near a new private house does not allow this. In winter, the owners suffer from snow drifts in the yard, which they constantly have to clear on their own or with the help of hired workers. A canopy to the house will help to get rid of such problems completely or at least partially.

Ready-made canopy made of metal profiles attached to the house

A canopy is a structure located, as a rule, near a building. The main weight load can be distributed between the wall of a private house and the supports or fall entirely on the constructed supports. In fact, a canopy is a roof without walls or attached to a wall.

Sheds are designed to solve a number of specific problems:

  • Shading. In the hot season, canopy structures are designed to create shade in the recreational area, parking area or storage areas for any supplies.
  • Rain protection. You don’t want to get caught in the rain and get wet during a picnic, and it will stay cleaner.
  • Snow protection. You will be able to spend less of your personal time clearing snow drifts in the yard, in front of the porch, and cleaning your car after a snowfall.

As you can see, the canopy is very convenient.

An example of a canopy for a house made of polycarbonate and metal poles

Thanks to the development of construction, a design can be not only functional, but also very beautiful.
Among hanging structures, several main types are most widespread:

  • metal,
  • wooden,
  • forged,
  • stone.

Polycarbonate, slate, corrugated sheet or other roofing material can be used as a covering material.
The shape of the canopies can also be different. Today, there are multi-level decorative canopies, extensions to the house in the form of an extension of the roof, and simple hanging structures.


A special group is the canopy over the porch or window - the canopy. This is usually a small structure with two supports attached to the wall or ground surface in front of the porch.
Typically, canopies are made in the form of a welded frame made of metal or wood and covered with polycarbonate or corrugated sheeting.

This is what a canopy for a house made of corrugated board looks like

Entrance areas can also be decorated with a forged frame, then the canopy looks especially elegant and beautiful.

Material selection

Before making a canopy for your house, you should decide on the choice of basic materials for the structure. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Wooden structures

Wooden canopies are not uncommon today. For their construction, 10x10 timber is usually used as supports, smaller timber and boards for roof sheathing. A decorative canopy can also be decorated with railings, which also increases the strength of the structure. The advantages of wooden canopies include the following:

On the downside, it should be mentioned that wood is a flammable material, so you need to monitor nearby fire sources. It is unacceptable to locate the barbecue near such a structure.
Wood can also rot when exposed to excess moisture. To prevent this from happening, special coatings are used: primers, varnishes and paints.

Metal constructions

Metal structures are pipes welded or otherwise secured to each other, covered with some kind of roofing material.
As supports, a round or profile pipe with a sufficiently large diameter (at least 10 cm) and a metal thickness of at least 2 mm is usually used.

An example of a metal canopy for a car area

The advantages of such canopies include:

  1. High structural strength (provided by welding elements together).
  2. If you have a welding machine and certain skills, you can make a canopy structure yourself. This will also reduce the final cost of the product, since the price for welder services is quite high.
  3. The profile pipe bends quite easily using a special device - a pipe bender. Due to this, it is possible to produce quite elegant designs that are attractive in appearance.
  4. A metal structure will be lighter than a stone or wooden one. Metal does not absorb moisture and does not become heavier after heavy rains or melting snow.

However, the metal is susceptible to corrosion. Periodic painting of the surface of the frame will help to cope with this problem. Before applying a layer of paint, the metal surface must be primed.

Forged structures

Such designs, as a rule, consist of a metal frame base, decorated with forged elements. They are welded to the frame, providing not only an attractive appearance, but also increasing the strength of the structure. Wrought iron canopies have a number of advantages:

  • look light and elegant;
  • strong and durable (forged products have been standing near various ancient castles for centuries, without losing their visual appeal and pristine strength);
  • relatively inexpensive (among the elite structures of canopies, forged can be considered quite inexpensive compared, for example, with a canopy with stone supports);
  • design flexibility is another advantage. Due to the increased load, the product will not break, as could happen with a wooden one, but will only bend slightly.
An example of a canopy for a house using forged elements

Compared to wood or simple metal structures, a wrought iron canopy will be much more expensive. However, it is worth it when it comes to prestige and creating a representative image of the owner of a private home or a successful company.

Most likely, to build a forged canopy, you will have to resort to the help of a specialist. You can count the number of good blacksmiths on one hand, but if you find such a master, you will be satisfied with his work for the rest of your life.

Stone structures

Only very respectable citizens can afford to make stone structures the basis for a canopy. But such a contribution of funds is justified in some cases.

  1. Stone is an almost eternal material. It is not afraid of heat, cold, or temperature changes, so the structure will last for many years.
  2. The stone structures look very respectable and beautiful.
  3. The high strength of the canopy frame allows you not to worry about reinforcing it with additional elements.

Stone is undoubtedly a very expensive material. Therefore, many people lay a metal structure as the basis of the frame, and on top of it they cover the surface with a finishing material that imitates the surface of natural stone. Building a canopy using this approach will significantly reduce the cost and speed up the construction process, while the appearance will remain at the highest level.

Preparing for installation

In order to make a canopy in front of the house, you need to prepare for the construction process. For convenience, it is worth dividing the entire preparation process into several stages.

Selecting a location

It should be remembered that if you are going to build a canopy in front of a porch or just against a wall, you will need to install fewer supports than if you were making a free-standing canopy.

Original canopy for a house made of wood

This must be taken into account, because an increase in the number of supports entails an increase in overall costs: for the construction of the foundation, for the purchase of material for the supports.

If it is not possible to attach the canopy to the wall, you should choose a place where it will be convenient to dig holes for the foundation (without plantings and asphalt or sidewalk paths). You need to try to find a free space between the already landscaped area and a private house, if possible, and only then start arranging the yard.

Purchase of materials

Before purchasing material, it is worth carefully calculating how much of something you will ultimately need. For this purpose, possible structural designs are being considered. If you wish and have the ability, you can prepare projects yourself, but you should remember that this requires certain engineering knowledge. Otherwise, the structure may turn out to be flimsy and will not last long.

Canopy for a cottage made of metal profile

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to play it safe and order projects from a special construction organization. The price of the issue is high, but health and life are more expensive.

Having chosen the base material, supports, additional connecting elements, and fasteners are purchased. For wood and metal surfaces, it will be necessary to purchase a certain type of primer and paint (or varnish) to protect the frame from the harmful effects of sunlight and moisture. To construct the foundation you will need sand, crushed stone and concrete, as well as reinforcement if the base is solid. For welding you will need electrodes, for cutting parts you will need grinder discs, and to tie the frame together you will need angles, screws, bolts, etc.

When choosing a covering for a canopy, many people opt for canopies made of polycarbonate or corrugated sheets. Each of these materials has its own advantages.

Ready-made canopy for the house made of wood and polycarbonate

Thus, polycarbonate canopies look lighter and more elegant due to their transparency and high degree of flexibility. Structures made from corrugated sheets are much stronger and are not as susceptible to hail as products made from polycarbonate.

On the other hand, you can buy higher density polycarbonate (8 or 10 mm) to minimize the likelihood of material penetration.

However, corrugated sheet canopies are opaque and provide better protection from the sun in hot weather. Profiled sheets will also cost less. When choosing between these two materials, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

When purchasing material according to calculations, it is always worth adding an additional 10% of the total volume to the required quantity. Practice shows that unexpected costs of materials always arise due to errors in projects or difficulties encountered.

Tool preparation

The list of tools required for the job may vary depending on the selected canopy material.
During construction you may need:

  • for pouring the foundation - shovels, concrete mixer, wheelbarrow;
  • for level installation of supports and frame elements - level, square;
  • for welding metal structures - a welding machine;
  • to install a canopy made of metal or wood - a screwdriver, a grinder or a circular saw, a drill (especially if you plan to attach the structure to the wall).

A stepladder or tall ladder may also be needed for working at heights. If you have to lift up a solid welded metal frame structure, you will have to resort to the services of a manipulator.

Planning the arrangement of the courtyard space of a private house often involves making a canopy. This relatively simple and reliable design can be used to protect the car from rain, snow or direct sunlight. Places for outdoor recreation are arranged under it. How to make a canopy in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands at minimal cost?

Choosing a canopy design

At the first stage, you need to choose the right place for the future structure. To do this, the total area of ​​the canopy, its height and configuration are calculated. It should not reduce the natural lighting of rooms in a private house; there must be no direct contact with power lines. The next stage is the choice of design.

The main difference between the models is the roof configuration. According to this parameter, canopies are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Single-pitch. The easiest option for self-production. It is important to correctly calculate the angle of inclination of the roof and choose the appropriate material for its arrangement. Disadvantage – insufficient degree of protection in case of side winds during rain or snow. Such canopies are most often made close to the house to reduce the influence of this factor.
  • Gable. They have all the advantages of a similar roof for a house - uniform load on the snow cap, protection from slanting rain. The complexity of the arrangement lies in the formation of the ridge part and the calculation of the angle of inclination of the slopes.
  • Arched. They have the best aesthetic and performance properties. They are used as roofing material. Difficulties arise during the manufacture of the frame - the arched parts must be identical to avoid refractions of the polycarbonate and ensure its tight pressing.

The choice depends on the availability of materials, the possibility of purchasing them, tools and experience in the construction of such structures. Most often they stop at a simple lean-to canopy.

Manufacturing materials

The future design is subject to special requirements - it must be reliable, not subject to change over a long period of time, and resistant to moisture and temperature changes. In addition to the configuration, these parameters are affected by the material of manufacture.

The main elements of a canopy for the yard of a private house:

  • Support posts. They must withstand the weight of the roof, and the snow load is additionally taken into account.
  • Roofing material fixation system. Most often, a lattice base is made on which the roofing material is installed. If it is polycarbonate, the distance between the fasteners is as large as possible to ensure illumination of the enclosed area.
  • Roofing material. You can use any suitable material, from ordinary roofing felt to cellular polycarbonate. It is important to follow the installation technology and provide waterproof protection.

Each of these elements needs to be considered in more detail.


To save space and reliability, it is recommended to choose round or square pipes as the material for making racks. They are relatively easy to process; after installation, a protective coating of a layer of paint is applied. The connection of elements is done using welding. The mechanical assembly is not reliable enough.

The supporting racks must be made of square pipes with a minimum size of 100 * 100 mm. The support for the roof deck is made from scraps of a smaller section - 50 * 50 mm. The amount of material depends on the size of the canopy and its height.

An alternative to steel pipes is a frame made of wooden blocks and boards. It is less reliable than metal; wood dries out and changes shape under the influence of moisture and temperature.

It is used if consumables are available, in order to create an architectural ensemble that is unified with the house. Before assembly, the elements must be treated with moisture-proof and antifungal agents.


The use of traditional roofing material will provide protection from moisture and a long service life of the coating. Additionally, you need to take into account the rules of arrangement. Some will require a solid base, which will increase the labor intensity of the work.

Materials used for canopy roofing:

  • Polycarbonate. The best choice in terms of quality, installation complexity and reliability. The low specific gravity and windage are compensated by the increased frequency of fastening. ABOUT .
  • Sheet slate. An economical option, but it is heavy, so be sure to use a waterproof film.
  • Bitumen roofing. It is laid on a solid base and is light in weight. Disadvantage: to ensure tightness, the seams undergo heat treatment, which requires standing on the roof. This is impossible if the structure is not designed to support the weight of an adult.
  • Profiled sheeting. Its properties are similar to slate, but it is characterized by light weight and ease of installation.

After selecting all consumables, you can begin construction.

Canopy in the courtyard of a house: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

First you need to prepare the site. It is leveled and filled with concrete. An alternative is laying paving slabs. An option with less labor costs is to arrange a foundation only for support columns. A prerequisite is a flat surface for attaching the racks.

Then you need to do the following.

  1. Install support columns and secure them. Use a level and plumb to check the correct position.
  2. Temporary stiffeners can be used to secure the supports.
  3. Installation of the base for the roof, fastening it to the supporting structure.
  4. Installation of roofing material.
  5. Checking the reliability of the canopy.

If profile pipes were used as the manufacturing material, after assembly they need to be primed and painted.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

An important part of the exterior of a country house is the canopy. It is designed to protect part of the yard from precipitation and ultraviolet rays, and also performs a decorative function. A small area, covered with material on top, consists of sheds attached to the house. Photos of similar structures can be seen in this review. In this case, the supports of the structure are brought to the required height. Attaching to the main structure involves attaching one side of the structure to the wall of the house.

The canopy structure allows you to create a magnificent outdoor recreation area

Sheds attached to the house can be made with your own hands. The photo shows the main stages of installation. The frame of the structure is often made of profiled pipe or timber. This structure is adjacent to the wall and takes on the load from the snow accumulated on the roof.

The roof is usually covered with corrugated sheets, slate or galvanized material. The metal for the frame structure has ductility and strength. It suits different design styles. Such structures can be erected with your own hands.

The wood frame system combines well with other materials. Wood suits most architectural designs. Before use, this material should be treated with protective agents. Polycarbonate canopies attached to the house are becoming increasingly popular, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet.

Polycarbonate is easy to assemble and comes in a variety of colors

Polycarbonate enjoys the following advantages:

  • plastic is characterized by durability. Mechanical impact is not scary for him;
  • light weight of the material;
  • polycarbonate transmits light well;
  • flexibility of the canvas.
Helpful information! When purchasing a design kit for self-assembly, you must check the integrity and strength of all connections.

Sheds attached to the house: photos and design features

Sheds attached to the house, as shown in the photo, can be of two types. These are cantilever models and awnings on supports. The console version can be of any length, but its width should not be more than two meters. Support structures can be used for a variety of purposes.

Awnings can have different purposes:

  • awnings for car protection;

  • various awnings: with posts, retractable or basket.

Related article:

Features of wooden canopies attached to the house: photos and design solutions

Homeowners often choose wood sheds. Such structures have an excellent set of characteristics:

  • are distinguished by ease of construction;
  • can withstand long periods of exposure to the open air, especially when properly processed;
  • characterized by safety for human health;
  • have an affordable price.
Helpful information! For comfortable use of the canopy, it is worth taking care of the installation of light and lighting fixtures.

Options for canopies attached to a house made of corrugated sheets: photos and design features

An awning made of corrugated sheets can be made in various configurations. Single-pitch, gable and arched structures are created from corrugated sheets. In addition, a structure made from this material has the following features:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • saving money;
  • long service life.
Important! A canopy made of corrugated sheets is mounted only with galvanized self-tapping screws that have a rubber seal.

Creating a Project

When choosing a design project, it is worth deciding on the following parameters:

  • dimensions and purpose of the structure;
  • plot size;
  • snow and wind loads;
  • snow depth and expected annual precipitation;
  • structural features of the main structure.

Before installation work, a drawing must be completed. Based on the size of the building, the required amount of material is determined.

Helpful information! When creating a carport, it is worth considering the passage of a loaded vehicle.

Preparatory work

Before the planned sheds attached to the house are created, photos of which can be viewed on the website, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. For this purpose, a suitable area is marked out, and trees are uprooted from it. The clean area is leveled. At the same time, sand and gravel are added.

Recesses are drilled under the canopy supports. And at this stage it is worth considering laying the cable under the lighting sources. A certain step for placing supports is selected. It depends on the weight of the roof and frame part.

The stands are lowered into the prepared pits and filled with concrete mixture. The pillars are set according to level.

Important information! If groundwater is located nearby, then the ends of the pillars need to be additionally waterproofed. Metal supports are pre-treated with a primer.

How to make a polycarbonate canopy attached to a house: photos and installation steps

12-15 days after the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin assembling the structure. Brackets are mounted on the wall, and then a transverse beam is mounted on top.

Creating a sheathing

The top trim is being done. The end parts of the racks are connected using a transverse beam and to each other. In this case, parallel laid profiles are used. The metal frame system is welded together, and the wooden frame system is tightened with steel corners.

Welding areas are cleaned, primed and painted. The rafters are mounted with transverse parts in increments of 600 mm. The structure is attached to the supporting beam using steel angles. The sheathing is laid across the rafters and mounted with self-tapping screws.

Roof installation

Sheets of roofing material are cut to size. Then they are attached to the sheathing. Holes for self-tapping screws are first made in the polycarbonate.

To facilitate water drainage, the cells should be directed downwards. When working with plastic, do not forget to leave gaps between. The dimensions of the holes should be made with a margin of 2-3 mm. There are some features of installing roofs made of other materials.

Wood beams can be used as beams. Over time, cracks may appear in the material, which will reduce the rigidity of the structure. After installing the beams, transverse boards are installed, and then the metal tiles are fastened. Installation of this material is carried out from the bottom sheets. It is worth considering that there should be an overlap of the upper sheets on the lower ones.

A canopy is a roof located on supports. This is an uninsulated stationary structure designed to protect the local area from precipitation and rays emanating from the sun. It is often used for parking a car; in the summer, you can place a table under it and organize a seating area in the shade.

The manufacture of a canopy can be carried out according to different schemes. They differ in roof design, materials used, installation method (attached, support-cantilever).

Types of structures

The extension to the house must be functional and match the exterior of the structure. A properly planned canopy will protect not only from rain and sun rays, it will become a beautiful addition to the overall design of the building. There are several types of roof construction, it can be:

  • Straight. Used to protect vehicles from precipitation. Can be installed on terraces and serve as an additional decoration for the entrance to the house;
  • Sloping. They are divided into single-slope and double-slope. The planes are made at an angle to allow water to drain and snow to fall off. The slope is located on the leeward side, this reduces the possibility of the roof falling off;
  • Figured. Dome, arched, hipped, compositionally complex structures are used.

Depending on the construction method, sheds are divided into free-standing, attached, and support-cantilever. According to the installation option and fastening method, they can be divided into:

  • Supporting. Install vertically or at an angle to the wall on supports. They have different sizes and are built from any materials: wood, metal, stone.
  • Console. Using special pendants, the structure is fixed directly to the wall. To reduce pressure on the facade of the house, lightweight materials are used to make canopies, which serve as protection for windows and doors from precipitation.

Materials used to build a canopy

When choosing building materials for the construction of load-bearing elements and floors, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements. The type of extension must correspond to the general character of the structure. The product must be durable and resistant to mechanical damage. Racks should be made of wear-resistant materials that are protected against corrosion. To reduce the load on the supports, light coatings are chosen. Such a fact as the transmission capacity of solar rays is also taken into account.

Materials for frame and supports

The frame is the main structural element; it carries the entire load, so durable materials are used in its manufacture. It consists of separate parts fastened together (beams, supports, trusses, rods). The main materials for this base are:

  1. Metal. The skeleton is assembled from metal, galvanized pipes and profiles. The joints are connected by welding and special rivets. The frame may have a complex shape and contain forging elements. The installation of metal structures can be done with your own hands; the work does not require much construction experience. To prevent corrosion to which metal products are susceptible, they are coated with a layer of primer and painted. Among the advantages of such bases are increased strength, reliability, long service life, and resistance to environmental influences. Disadvantages include susceptibility to oxidation due to improper processing or lack thereof.
  2. Tree. A wooden box is constructed from logs or timber. For sheathing, slats, lining, and boards are used. The material is easy to process, environmentally friendly and natural. Disadvantages include the poor sustainability of raw materials to the environment. It can absorb moisture or dry out, causing deformation of the wood. Wood is susceptible to rotting, is easily flammable, and serves as a breeding ground for various insects. To avoid negative effects, wood is coated with varnishes, special solutions, and painted.
  3. Forged supports. The most expensive type of frame is comparable in cost to stainless steel supports, which are welded using special welding - argon. The skeleton can consist entirely of forged parts; they can complement other structures. It is distinguished by its durability, special, unique appearance. The elements can be relatively light and still have good flexibility.
  4. Stone or brick. You can find brick frames, very rarely made of stone. This foundation is used for fundamental construction. It is durable and strong. Stone structures take a very long time to erect, however, their characteristics significantly exceed the various properties of their analogues.

You should not erect a wooden canopy over a grill or barbecue; the wood near the fire can heat up and become deformed and catch fire.

Methods for attaching a wooden frame

Canopies with a wooden skeleton can be fixed with one edge directly to the façade of the building, and the other can be placed on the load-bearing beams. Not all structures are attached to the wall; they can only stand on support pillars. Small curtain rods can be attached directly to the wall.

The first thing to do is to fix the supporting logs and beams. They can be installed in several ways: concreted, secured to a screed, concrete, or wooden base using a metal bearing.

If there is a supporting beam located vertically, markings are applied to the wall of the structure, along which the support is secured with self-tapping screws. To strengthen such a structure, it is supplemented with special triangular structures that support the floor beams.

The slats are fastened to the supporting posts using nails, screws, self-tapping screws, and galvanized metal plates. Also, special grooves are made in the racks on both sides, which are attached to the support beams. The corners are reinforced with metal bridges and corners.

Roofing materials

The construction market offers a wide variety of roofing coverings used in the construction of sheds. You can cover the roof with polycarbonate, acrylic glass, metal-plastic, and other sheet materials. Each type of cladding has its own characteristics. To do this, let’s take a look at the most popular coatings:

Metal profile

Metal profile is another name for corrugated sheet, corrugated sheet. It is a galvanized steel profiled sheet. Roofing corrugated sheeting is made more rigid so that it can withstand the loads from fallen snow, and the corrugated sheet for the roof also differs in the method of connection - the joining is done with an overlap. Metal profiles are used to cover the roofs of private houses, cottages, gazebos, terraces, garages, hangars, canopies, and are even used as a fence. When using corrugated sheeting, a durable structure is obtained that does not allow moisture and sunlight to pass through. The material is light weight and low cost. Requires a flat surface during installation. It is not recommended to walk on it, as it may cause dents. If cracks appear during installation, they should be painted over, otherwise the sheet will begin to rust. Also, the corrugated sheet has low sound insulation and thermal insulation.


Polycarbonate is a good option for covering verandas, swimming pools, and outbuildings. The material is durable and can be used in all climate zones. Several types of this raw material are produced, each of which has characteristic differences:

  • Cell phone is the most common. It has a cellular structure of different sizes. It is covered with a special layer of film, which is glued to the front side and protects it from sunlight;
  • Monolithic - rarely used, a reinforced frame is required, which significantly increases the cost of the structure as a whole;
  • Profiled - made from monolithic sheets. Has increased resistance to bending.

Polycarbonate is a synthetic raw material. It is lightweight, highly durable, and resistant to precipitation. The material is transparent, comparable to glass. It is soundproof and, thanks to the presence of a special coating, does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Disadvantages include its expansion when heated, and destruction of the structure under the influence of alkalis. During installation, certain requirements must be adhered to: the polycarbonate sheet is laid so that the protective film is on top; fastened with self-tapping screws with a mandatory distance from the edge of at least five millimeters. Due to the low weight of the product, it can be laid on a lightweight frame.

Metal tiles

Metal tiles are obtained by molding sheet metal, which is coated with protective compounds and special primers. Mostly steel is used, very rarely copper, aluminum (on request). Products differ in the type of protective-coloring coating, which consists of: glossy (PE), matte (MPE) polyester; plastisol (PVC); glossy (PUR), matte (MatPUR) pural; polydifluoride (PVF, PVDF).

The material is very durable and reliable. Unlike corrugated sheeting, it is resistant to corrosion and various mechanical damage. It insulates sound well and does not allow heat to pass through. It is easily cut with a grinder, and if you don’t have one, you can use ordinary metal scissors. Lay the sheets from the bottom edge overlapping each other.

Wooden grate

Wooden lattice - is a double frame, with a grid of slats fixed inside. It is used to create partitions and has a decorative function for gazebos, terraces, verandas, and patios. It differs in the way the slats are crossed; it can take the form of rectangular or diagonal weaving.

To create the lattice, different types of wood are used - oak, pine, birch, larch, and others. It is not used as an independent covering. To cover the canopy, it is better to use materials made of wood, such as planks, ploughshares, shingles, shingles, and spindles. However, such designs will have a fairly high price.


An awning is a fabric canopy located above a window, balcony, or entrance to a house, used as protection from sunlight. She creates a shadow. It is a covered canopy. This covering does not require vertical supports, as it is designed for wall mounting, with the exception of pergola awnings.

Depending on their location, awnings are divided into window, balcony, terrace, and pergola. Each type is different in its design. The disadvantage of such products is their coating, because fabric of any strength and treatment fades over time. Some structures are heavy, so when placing them, the strength of the building material on which they will be attached is taken into account (foam block, a thick layer of plaster will not withstand such loads).


Fabric. Various fabric materials are used to sew and cover canopies and awnings. It is necessary that the fabric not only provides shelter from the sun, but also protects from rain. There are several of these:

  • Tarpaulin. Traditional material. It is durable, inexpensive, and resistant to moisture. However, the structures are heavy and have an unattractive appearance;
  • PVC based fabric. It is light in weight and comes in many colors. The disadvantages are that it breaks easily and melts at high temperatures.

Materials for flooring under the canopy

The flooring located on the street (gazebo, veranda, attic) does not have heating. It is constantly exposed to changes in temperature. Therefore, they approach the choice responsibly. Materials must meet certain qualities, such as moisture resistance, strength, wear resistance, frost resistance. Chipboard panels and linoleum are not suitable, but there are many materials that meet the requirements. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • Wooden flooring. A board made of solid logs is used. The flooring can be installed before the canopy is erected or later. The preparation of the base for the floor depends on this. Load-bearing beams can be laid directly on the ground, but if you want the structure to last for a long time, you need to make a high-quality base. It can be a cement screed, or compacted crushed stone poured onto agrofibre, which covers the soil. Having laid the sheathing on the base, nail down the lamellas;
  • Terrace board. Made from solid wood or WPC (polymer-wood composite). Laying is also done on the sheathing. The board has its advantages and disadvantages, but WPC is resistant to moisture, withstands temperature fluctuations, has a long service life, and is not afraid of deformation;
  • Paving slabs. Initially, a base is prepared, which consists of a layer of crushed stone, and sand is laid on top, it is filled with water and compacted. Paving slabs are laid according to the level represented by stretched ropes, adding sand in the shrinkage areas. The flooring is highly durable, not afraid of precipitation, and neutral to temperature changes. Has many shapes and colors;
  • Concrete flooring. Before pouring, a crushed stone cushion is laid. If there is a need for increased strength, reinforcement is used. Curbs, boards, flat slate, and plywood are used as formwork. For beacons it is advisable to use a metal profile. After pouring the concrete mixture, it is leveled, stretching the rule along the beacons, and the concrete is allowed to dry. Natural patterns can be created on the surface.

What to consider when designing a canopy

Any construction begins with the creation of a drawing. At this stage, the scheme of the future structure, its size are considered, the load on the base and load-bearing beams is calculated, and the required number of supports is calculated. Provision is made for the slope of the coating plane and the presence of a drain. Proper planning requires compliance with certain requirements:

  • The height of the canopy must be more than two meters;
  • The skeleton of the structure must be made as simple as possible, without loading it with unnecessary details;
  • It is necessary to measure the area occupied by the canopy;
  • Take into account the thickness of the load-bearing walls, the design of the main room, the presence of wind, the amount of seasonal precipitation;
  • The foundation should be selected based on the materials of the frame and coating;
  • It is necessary to provide protection for individual elements from adverse effects (use of impregnations, paints, antiseptics, protective varnishes);
  • You should take into account the roof material, its ability to transmit light; under it you can install a special fabric covering that can be easily rolled up;
  • When calculating additional lighting, consider the functional purpose of the structure;
  • Take into account the presence of façade cladding (siding, decorative plaster), and select the color of the porch or canopy covering to match it.

Choosing a location

The protective function of the canopy is very important, but its location and compatibility with the design of the structure are also important. If a dacha or country house, also located within the city, has not yet been built, then the canopy is installed separately from the structure being built. It is good to attach the structure to the facade of the house, directly against its wall.

If the size of the plot allows, then preference is given to a canopy with a larger area, under which several cars can be placed. This will perfectly solve the problem of relatives coming to visit by car, or the family having several cars. When choosing the side of the facade, the windy side and architectural differences of the house are taken into account; sometimes its design does not allow installing the structure from the front side.

According to building regulations, the distance between the canopy attached to the side wall and the end point of the site must be more than three meters.

Do-it-yourself canopy installation with a wooden frame

Such designs are found everywhere. They are used in the country, they can be attached to a private house, and even observed on the territory of factories. Many people prefer building materials such as wood. This is due to its characteristics. It's easy to work with him. Even with a huge selection of materials, wooden structures remain in trend.

It is possible to make a wooden canopy for your house with your own hands. To do this, you will need to draw up a plan, purchase building materials, have tools for work, decide on a location, and perform preparatory work.

Required tools and materials

Having finished all the calculations and having decided on the quantity, you can begin purchasing the missing building materials. When constructing hand-made structures, materials must be taken with a small margin, this will avoid unpleasant situations with incorrect calculations. To start work you will need the following building materials:

  • Wooden floor beams, load-bearing supports, slats;
  • Roofing coverings;
  • Crushed stone, sand, wood, cement, geotextiles;
  • Fasteners (angles, screws, bolts, etc.).

To carry out work you will need the following tools:

  • Drill, shovel;
  • Wheelbarrow, cart;
  • Old bathtub, concrete mixer;
  • Hammer, axe, hacksaw;
  • Drill, screwdriver, grinder;
  • Roulette, level.


A canopy with a wooden frame does not require powerful support. A lightweight foundation is suitable for it. Use columnar, concrete. Usually a blind area is made around buildings. Therefore, load-bearing supports located near the wall are attached directly to it.

Professionals recommend preparing sites, but you can do without them. The creation of such foundations begins with the removal of the top layer of soil in the yard - up to thirty centimeters. The surface is treated with special solutions that prevent the remnants of the plant root system from growing, and is covered with geotextiles. A layer of sand and crushed stone is poured on top of it. They need to be filled with water and compacted well.

A columnar foundation is different from a concrete foundation. To fill it, you will need to dig a hole and drill a hole to the depth of soil freezing - up to one meter. A sewer plastic pipe is inserted into the resulting recess and leveled. A wooden beam can be concreted in a pipe, or attached to a screed after the foundation has dried. For the first case, the support is impregnated with varnishes, antiseptics, wrapped with roofing material from below, and wrapped with film.

The concrete foundation is poured into the trench. They deepen it half a meter, and dig it in width with a shovel bayonet - up to forty centimeters. The bottom should be covered with a layer of sand, crushed stone should be poured on top of it. If necessary, reinforcement is made. Concrete is poured onto the prepared base, while supporting beams are leveled. Next, the foundation stands, dries, and hardens. Only after this can you begin further installation of the wooden frame. The beams can be secured to the surface of the concrete screed using a thrust bearing.


It is mounted on a concrete foundation and a wooden base. To do this, use a thrust bearing, a corner. To create a strong structure, all elements must be attached to the base at a right angle, perpendicular. Support beams can serve as the basis for only one side of the frame, in the case where the second rests directly on the facade, or support both sides when installing load-bearing logs near the wall.

Its structure depends on the type of roof (single, gable, curved). A pitched roof is the most common, low-cost option. At the final stage, they begin to create the sheathing, which is laid on the rafters and trusses.

Roof installation

The covering is attached to the finished sheathing. The laying technology for each material is different. For example, corrugated sheets and metal tiles are fastened with self-tapping screws, slate with special nails, and for fabrics a slats and an industrial stapler are enough. When attaching the material, its edges should be moved beyond the base area. These actions will create an additional barrier from precipitation.

The roof does not require the installation of a vapor barrier layer or additional insulation. However, you can lay a layer of waterproofing. When attaching different coatings, it is enough to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Floor installation

Doing the flooring yourself will not be difficult. It all starts with a base on which the flooring material can be laid. It is advisable to combine a wooden frame with the same floor covering. Consider the option of laying wooden flooring:

  • For the foundation of the deck, you can use wooden beams, the size of which is comparable to the area of ​​the canopy. They are laid out along the edge of the support posts. To level the foundation beams, concrete blocks can be placed under them;
  • Recesses are made under the concrete substrates, crushed stone is poured under them to obtain a flat plane for the base being used;
  • After leveling the surface, they proceed to the stage of installing the logs, creating the sheathing on which the floor covering will be attached;
  • Flooring boards can be attached to the finished structure. They are laid with a small gap.
  • Since the boards are not always the same height, they are sanded;
  • At the final stage, it is recommended to treat the surface with varnishes, stains or paint.

Decorative design

A practical canopy can also be beautifully decorated. Give it your own twist. There are many design options, for example:

  • You can make a closed canopy by installing wooden bars on the sides;
  • Cover the load-bearing supports with savage;
  • Plant hanging varieties of plants and grapes around;
  • Partially glaze the structure;
  • Install a decorative fireplace inside;
  • Decorate with forged products;
  • Decorate the building with bright colors.


Build a foundation, erect a frame, cover the canopy with roofing material - all the steps can be done with your own hands. The presence of a huge selection of building materials offered by manufacturers allows you to create a canopy for your home, a canopy for every taste. If desired, you can install a straight or curved roof shape, use wood or corrugated pipe as load-bearing supports. Create the necessary decor.

A canopy in the courtyard of a private house is a structure that allows you to solve practical problems. A roof on supports will protect the recreation area from the scorching rays of the sun and rain, a canopy from the gate to the house itself will once and for all solve the problem of clearing the main path after snowfalls, and a covered structure attached to the bathhouse will solve the problem of storing firewood.

Canopy for a private house made of polycarbonate

Regardless of their purpose, sheds are built according to the same principle: supports are installed and the roof is mounted. Depending on the design, the following types of canopies are distinguished::

  • canopy - the long side of the canopy is fixed to the wall of the structure;
  • canopy-extension - one of the sides of the roof is attached to the wall, the rest is supported by support pillars;
  • a free-standing structure - only pillars serve as supports; a canopy of this design can be installed close to the house to make an extension without loading the wall.

To build an aesthetic and functional canopy in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands, you need to think through the project well and choose suitable materials. Numerous photos that can be found on the Internet will help you choose the appropriate design option.

Project preparation and selection of materials

First of all, you need to decide where the canopy will be located and what function it will perform. For example, a canopy in front of the entrance to a private house, depending on the size and configuration, can:

  • protect the porch from precipitation;
  • play the role of a terrace located along the wall of the house;
  • protect the path from the gate from precipitation.

A canopy-terrace attached to a house does not have to be located along the same wall as the main entrance to the house. Typically, such structures are built on the south side so that you can spend more time in comfortable conditions.

Extension in the form of a terrace on supports made of metal profiles

Vertical supports. For their manufacture, timber or logs, metal and forged racks can be used. This depends on the chosen design of the structure, its size and planned loads. Supports on the ground can also be pillars made of brick or stone, or concrete columns lined with any suitable material.

Supports on the wall. The principle of attaching the edge of the roof to the wall depends on the design and characteristics of the attached canopy. Horizontal supports are used (a beam or a piece of metal profile is attached to the wall) and brackets.

Rafter system. The material of manufacture may not be the same as that from which the supports are made. Wood or metal profile pipes are predominantly used, which make it possible to construct roofs with curved surfaces.

Roofing material. The same one can be used as on the roof of the house. For a canopy over the entrance to a house or a roof protecting the path leading to it, transparent polycarbonate is suitable - such a design will not clutter up the space. It is better to equip a canopy-terrace with an opaque roof or a matte polycarbonate roof, so that the place to relax is comfortable in the heat.

One of the points that you should pay attention to at the design stage is the angle of the roof.. An extension with a flat roof, capable of withstanding increased loads, can be used as a two-level terrace - a convenient ladder is installed to climb to its roof.

Two-level usable terrace

A flat roof should be sloped away from the house to prevent moisture from accumulating at the junction of the wall and the attached structure. If you plan to make a usable roof, the slope of the slope should be 3-5°. For a regular pitched roof the figure is 10-15°.

Arched structures and roofs of complex shapes are calculated individually, and the preparation of the project should be entrusted to professionals. Errors in calculations can lead to the fact that the canopy cannot withstand the loads and collapses.

Site preparation

Since the area under the canopy will be actively used, it is necessary to replace the soil on it with a durable and aesthetic coating. This could be concrete, paving slabs, paving stones, wood flooring, etc. In all cases, it is first necessary to prepare a pit with a tightly compacted sand cushion 10 cm thick.

It is recommended at the design stage to “link” the principle of installation of support posts to the selected type of coating.

Sometimes wooden supports can be installed on a pre-assembled deck or terrace board - this looks aesthetically pleasing and protects the lower part of the columns from rotting in the ground. The flooring can be raised above the ground, while steps are provided for the entrance, and the end part is covered with boards or decorative panels. It is important to provide ventilation for the space under the flooring so that its supporting frame does not begin to rot..

Adjustable supports for wooden flooring

Stone or brick pillars are usually erected before finishing the surface of the site itself. The pillars can be connected with parapets, visually separating the recreation area. You can use precast or monolithic concrete, followed by finishing with decorative stone or other materials. The area is paved with tiles, stone mosaics, paving stones, etc.

Metal supports from a profile pipe can be concreted in the ground, or attached with anchor bolts to a concrete platform or even to a parapet made of concrete, brick or blocks. The procedure for constructing a canopy depends on the choice of technology.. Racks made of metal profiles go well with a platform finished with tiles or paving stones. If the flooring is wooden and you want to make the appearance of the canopy more harmonious, the metal posts are painted in a suitable color or even hidden in a box made of boards, imitating wooden supports.

Examples of successful solutions in the design of areas under canopies can be found in the photo.

Wall support

If the canopy rests on one side of the wall, its roof is usually a shed or semi-arched structure. You can also mount the roof in the form of part of a cone or hemisphere, but this is a task for professionals.

Consider the simplest option: a wooden canopy for a house with a pitched roof. In this case, a hanging beam is attached to the wall. The height of its installation depends on the following factors:

  • slope angle + height of vertical supports on the opposite side;
  • the presence of a roof overhang on a given wall - for a one-story house this limits the height of the extension.
If the beam is mounted under the overhang of the roof of the house, it is important to leave a gap of suitable dimensions for mounting the junction of the canopy roofing system to the wall.

Attaching the rafter to the wall support

The beam is attached to the wall using anchor bolts or using special shaped metal holders with holes for fasteners. Subsequently, the beam serves as a support for the upper part of the rafter legs. Additionally, wooden brackets can be installed under the beam, securing them to the wall. Supports with braces will increase the load-bearing capacity of the structure. For their manufacture, timber of a suitable cross-section is used.

Support pillars

If you are installing a structure made of wood or metal profiles with your own hands and installing pillars in the ground, the work technology is as follows:

  1. holes for supports are being prepared;
  2. a layer of sand and crushed stone (about 20 cm) is laid and compacted at the bottom;
  3. a small amount of concrete mixture is poured and a support is installed;
  4. After leveling the support vertically using a level, concrete is poured into the hole to the top (it will take about 7 days for the concrete to gain strength).

Both metal and wood should be pre-treated so that the material is not damaged by moisture. Bitumen mastic is suitable for these purposes.

Laying a metal profile post

The supports can also be mounted on a ready-made site:

  • A mounting plate is welded to the profile pipe, the metal is primed with an anti-corrosion compound and painted. Through holes in the plate, the support is attached to the concrete or tile surface using anchors.
  • Wooden supports can be attached to a finished flooring made of deck boards using special metal bearings with a thick leg, which are screwed into the wooden covering.

Before installing the rafter system, it is necessary to check the height of all supports - it must correspond to the design parameters in order to maintain the correct angle of the roof and avoid distortions.

Rafter system

The supports should be connected to each other for structural rigidity. If the canopy near the house rests on a wall, the outer vertical supports and the hanging beam are connected by purlins, and the support pillars are connected by a load-bearing beam.

If the structure next to the house does not rest on the wall, load-bearing beams are laid on both sides, and the outer supports located opposite each other are connected by jumpers made of boards.

When erecting a canopy made of wood, the load-bearing beam can be further strengthened by installing braces from timber of the same section as the pillars.

Fastening the load-bearing beam to the supports is done in one of the following ways::

  1. The beam is placed on top and fixed with long-length self-tapping screws (vertically and at an angle) or metal plates.
  2. If the supporting beam is made of a rectangular beam placed on a narrow edge, a groove can be cut into the pillars for it (the width of the pillar must exceed the thickness of the beam by at least 10 cm).
  3. Thick boards are fastened on both sides of the column with the edge up - in terms of load-bearing capacity, such a structure is not inferior to a beam made of timber, and at the same time it will be cheaper.

At the next stage, the sheathing is installed. Beams or boards (flat) under an opaque roof can be placed on top of the supporting beams or secured end-to-end using metal fastening holders.

Installation of sheathing

But a wooden canopy for the house looks more impressive and stylish if the support for the polycarbonate matte roof is thick boards, fixed edge up. Curly cuts can be made on the edges of the boards that form the roof overhang.

If a canopy for a house is built with your own hands from metal structures, the elements of the rafter system are secured by welding or using bolts.


Installation of roofing decking is carried out using technology corresponding to the selected type of covering. If a decision is made to build an opaque canopy, a layer of waterproofing material is placed on the sheathing (if this is provided for in the installation instructions for the roofing material), a sealed joint is made between the wall and the canopy, and only then the roofing material is laid.

Flexible tile covering

Polycarbonate is attached using special profiles so that the joints of the sheets fit onto the sheathing. It is recommended to fill the gap between the outer profile and the wall with sealant for external use.

When designing a canopy, you need to think about where the water from the roof will flow? If the entrance to the canopy is located from the bottom of the slope, you cannot do without installing a drain to drain away precipitation.

Construction of a canopy will help improve your yard, make it more beautiful and comfortable.