How to clean aluminum pans. How to clean an aluminum pan at home (from blackness, soot, scale) inside and out? – general recommendations

It is believed that aluminum does not corrode, but this is not true. Aluminum is a highly reactive metal. Under the influence of oxygen and moisture, it oxidizes. This process accelerated due to aggressive environments and the presence of certain materials near aluminum. As a result, the metal darkens and becomes covered with a loose layer of oxides. Let's try to figure out how to clean aluminum from oxidation and what is needed for this.

Among all types of kitchen utensils, most housewives choose aluminum utensils. This is easy to explain - this metal heats up very quickly, the heating is uniform, the dishes withstand wear well, have a light weight, which is very convenient during operation.

Aluminum products are distinguished by a bright sheen, but over time this sheen is lost - the metal is covered with grease, white bloom or dark spots.

For the cleaning kitchen utensils most women use a regular dishwashing detergent. The effect, of course, will be, but insignificant. There are several secrets that allow you to wash aluminum more efficiently:

  • Wash only completely cooled dishes. If you wet hot metal, then there is a risk of deformation.
  • If there are burnt food residues inside the pan, then the pan is poured warm water and add detergent to it. Next, the water should be left for about an hour. After that, the burnt food residues will easily leave.
  • Do not try to clean the dishes with acids and alkalis - after such cleaning, dark areas may form on the surface. It must be remembered that alkali and acid deprive aluminum of its luster.
  • It is better to wash products made of this metal by hand - if they are washed using hard brushes and metal sponges, then traces will definitely remain on the surface.

On the video: how to wash aluminum pan from burning and fat.

How to clean aluminum from corrosion products and oxide

Let's see how to remove corrosion, oxidation, carbon deposits, plaque and other contaminants:

  • To combat dark spots, sour milk, kefir, and also brine will go. Any of these means is poured into the bottom and left for 12 hours. Then you need to rinse the product abundantly under running water. cold water. Further, all darkening will be washed off with a regular rag.

  • Nagar removes sour apple well, you can also use lemon. To do this, it is cut in half and rubbed with half the surface to be cleaned. Due to the action of acids, carbon deposits can be removed very quickly.

  • You can remove the oxide with salt and warm water. The solution is prepared in equal proportions. The temperature of the water can be any, the most important thing is that the salt is completely dissolved in it. Further, using this solution and a sponge, you can clean the surface.

Vinegar is an effective remedy

This method of care aluminum cookware and products are quite simple and effective. You need to take vinegar or vinegar essence. Wipes are moistened in the liquid and the contaminated area is cleaned. Vinegar will easily remove oxides of varying complexity.

If the dirt does not lend itself, then process the part in boiling vinegar. The liquid is brought to a boil and then cooled. When the vinegar has cooled, you can start cleaning the workpiece. If the pollution is strong, then the product is boiled in vinegar.

Soda and glue against old oxides

You can clean oxides and deposits with the help of these substances. At home, you can prepare a very strong tool that will not only make the aluminum part clean, but also give it the new kind. Hot water is poured into the container, and then baking soda and glue are added to it. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions - for 10 liters of water you need 100 g of soda and 100 g of clerical glue. All components must be thoroughly mixed.

You also need a small bar of ordinary soap, grate it and add it to the water with glue and soda. The workpiece is placed in the finished solution for 2-3 hours. Then when time will pass, you need to rinse the product in water and wipe dry with napkins. This method will remove the oxide film.

Recipes from the garage

Some car parts are also made of aluminium. Often they are oxidized and require cleaning. Motorists have developed effective ways to clean parts even from complex oxides:

  • For 2 tablespoons of soda take a liter of water. The product is immersed in the solution and then boiled. The process should be controlled. Already after 10 minutes of cleansing, a visible effect appears. To give perfect purity aluminum may need several boils.

  • You can remove the oxide film from aluminum using borax. For 10 g of the substance you need a few drops ammonia. It is enough to apply the solution to the surface of aluminum parts and let it dry (approximately 30 minutes). After that, the part is wiped with a dry cloth.

  • Well cleans aluminum caustic soda. It is necessary to prepare a solution: for 1 liter of water, take 1-2 teaspoons of caustic soda. A part is placed in the resulting mixture - a stormy chemical reaction. Within five minutes there will be no trace of an oxide film on the surface. Then it remains only to rinse the treated parts with water.

  • They also process parts from this metal with Coca-Cola. Cleaning will take some time, but the drink will effectively remove rust, oxidation, and dirt. If the desired effect does not come, you can boil the part in Coca-Cola.

On the video: polish for cleaning aluminum.

Anodizing as a way to protect aluminum

In order not to have to constantly clean aluminum products, you can protect the surface by applying anodizing technology. So, a film of oxides is formed on the parts, and also painted outer layer. First, the part is cleaned of plaque, for this it is skinned, immersed in oxalic acid and washed with water.

Then prepare a special solution - electrolyte. For this you need to plastic container of a suitable size, pour distilled water and sulfuric acid in a ratio of 1: 1. As the latter, an electrolyte for a lead battery, which can be purchased at a car dealership, is suitable.

Important! When mixing water and sulfuric acid, you need to be as careful as possible. Use thick rubber gloves and goggles, as a violent reaction occurs during the mixing of the components.

Further processing will be carried out by the electrochemical method. To do this, the power source is connected in this way: the positive wire goes to the workpiece, and the negative contact goes to the electrolyte bath. That is, electricity is passed through the solution, and an oxide film will begin to settle on the aluminum part. The procedure time is approximately 30 minutes, after which the part is taken out of the container and washed thoroughly.

Oxidation creates reliable protection. A part covered with such a film will also have an attractive appearance. It is quite difficult to damage this coating, which means that the protection will be as durable as possible.

« How to clean an aluminum pan?”- a well-founded question for those who have dishes from this material at home. Many housewives prefer aluminum pans because they are light, heat up quickly and well, and also have a long service life. However, at the same time, aluminum is quite brittle and soft material, which is very easy to leave scratches if the dishes are washed incorrectly.

To prevent damage to dishes, the following rules should be observed:

  • when cleaning aluminum, it is not allowed to use iron sponges or sponges with a hard, abrasive coating, and do not rub the pan too much, otherwise its surface may be damaged;
  • it is forbidden to use for cleaning aluminum pan from any kind of pollution washing powder or powder-type dish detergent, as this may damage the container;
  • never use a knife, or worse, sandpaper to clean the surface of an aluminum pan from soot or burnt food, such as jam;
  • aluminum reacts very poorly to alkali, under the influence of this substance the material tarnishes and darkens;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use substances containing chalk to clean an aluminum pan, because this will lead to irreparable damage to the dishes;
  • do not try to wash the aluminum pan in the dishwasher, as the high temperature will warp or stain the soft material.

When we figured out exactly how not to clean and wash aluminum dishes at home, we can move on to the correct and effective ways to wash the pan.

Methods for cleaning an aluminum pan

Methods for cleaning an aluminum pan depend on the type and degree of contamination of the dishes. Before we talk in detail about how you can remove scale inside the pan and from the outside of it, as well as how you can effectively clean carbon deposits at home, we will look at common ways to wash an aluminum pan:

  • to get rid of grease stains, it is not necessary to resort to household chemicals, it is enough to rub the contaminated area with ordinary mustard powder, and then rinse the pan with warm water;
  • if over time the aluminum pan has darkened, you can restore its color and shine with the help of table vinegar: just rub the surface of the dish inside and out with a cotton swab dipped in nine percent vinegar;
  • for everyday effective washing of aluminum pans, you can use the following solution: a mixture of grated soap, a liter of warm water and a couple of teaspoons of ammonia;
  • no less effective in the fight against any contamination on an aluminum pan at home will be Coca-Cola, which can even cope with persistent, old soot.

Now let's look at special cases of aluminum pan contamination and how to clean them.


Over time, the bottom of any aluminum pan turns black. This is natural, and you should not worry that you are somehow taking care of the dishes incorrectly. To get rid of blackness on aluminum, we recommend the following folk remedies:

  1. Mustard powder is not only great for greasy spots and plaque on aluminum cookware, but can also remove blackness from the bottom of the pan. To do this, mix in a deep container about two tablespoons of mustard powder without a slide, the same amount of table salt and table vinegar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then apply the paste to the problem area. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the aluminum pan under warm running water. The effect will really surprise you!
  2. In the event that blackness appears inside the pan, it is necessary to boil fresh sorrel leaves in it. To do this, put the greens in a bowl, fill with water and send to the stove. Bringing the liquid to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and boil the broth for half an hour, then it can be drained into the sink, and the used leaves thrown into the trash can.
  3. Vegetable acids can be used to clean blackness on aluminum. For example, to clean the pan, you can take homemade cucumber pickle or sour milk. Boiling such a liquid is not worth it, but you can leave it in a pan that needs to be cleaned overnight. After the specified time, the dishes must be thoroughly washed.
  4. Citric acid will help to cope with the blackness at the bottom of the pan. Pour water into the dishes, pour the contents of 1-2 packages there citric acid and bring the liquid to a boil. It is necessary to boil water with acid from 15 to 30 minutes (the time depends on the degree of darkening of the bottom).
  5. If you want to definitely clean the bottom of blackness, you can resort to using a factory cleaning agent. However, make sure that the selected product does not contain aggressive chemicals and abrasive particles.
  6. Another option effective cleaning darkened aluminum or just spots on the surface of the dishes - this is the use of cream of tartar. To do this, pour hot water into the pan, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of the powder in it and insist the liquid for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the pan should simply be rinsed with warm water.

All of the methods described above will not only help remove browning from aluminum pans, but will also return the dishes to their original color and shine.


Nagar is one of the common contaminants not only for aluminum pans, but also for other utensils. It is very difficult to deal with such contamination, given that hard sponges and brushes cannot be used to remove carbon deposits from an aluminum surface. In the table below, we have presented the most simple and effective folk ways cleaning carbon deposits from aluminum pans at home.


Mode of application

Few people know, but you can remove a small layer of soot from an aluminum pan with an ordinary apple. To do this, you need to cut the fruit in half, and then carefully rub the half of the place that needs cleaning. As in the case of sorrel, the apple is a source of vegetable acid, so without harm to aluminum, it can help clean the pan from carbon deposits. Leave the pan grated with apple for a while, and then wash the dishes in soapy water.


Another effective method to get rid of soot inside an aluminum pan is to boil a few onions in a bowl. Take 4-5 pieces of small onions, cut them in half and put them in a saucepan. After pouring water over the vegetables, bring the liquid to a boil, and then reduce the gas to a minimum. After boiling water with onions under the lid for half an hour, drain the liquid into the sink and discard the onions. After that, rinse the aluminum pan thoroughly with detergent.

Soap and Vinegar

This method will help remove carbon deposits both inside and outside the aluminum pan. For cleaning, we need another enamel pan, which will be larger in volume than the one that we will clean. Buying a small piece laundry soap and rub it on a grater. Pour the resulting shavings into an enameled pan, add half a cup of table vinegar and about a liter there. pure water. We insert an aluminum pan into an enameled dish, send the design to the stove. We bring the liquid in the container to a boil, after which we reduce the fire, cover the enameled pan with a lid and boil the aluminum utensils for 30 minutes. If necessary, the procedure time can be increased. At the end of the process, the water must be drained, and the pans thoroughly washed with detergent.

food salt

This method consists in using edible salt to remove carbon deposits from an aluminum pan. At the same time, you can make both a saline solution and an equally effective paste. Finely ground edible salt should be mixed with warm water so that a slurry is obtained, and then rub the resulting mass into soot. AT saline solution the pot should be boiled for 20-30 minutes. Then the dishes must be thoroughly washed with liquid soap and rinsed.

This recipe is suitable for those cases if the soot is very serious and the previous methods could not cope with it. First of all, boil 2-3 liters of water in a saucepan, then add two teaspoons of glue, as well as a third of laundry soap grated on a fine grater, to the bubbling liquid. Close the pot tightly with a lid to keep out harmful fumes. Boil water on low heat for 30-50 minutes, depending on the layer of soot. If the carbon is on the outside of the pan, you can use an additional larger pot, as is the case with washing off the carbon with soap and vinegar.

dishwasher tablet

It's not quite folk method, but this option is also possible if the carbon deposits on the aluminum pan are not too old and persistent. Pour a little water into the dishes so that it covers the contaminated area, add a tablet and bring the liquid to a boil. Boil the liquid for 25-30 minutes, then the water can be drained, and the pan washed and rinsed.


This folk method should be used only as a last resort, if the soot is very persistent and cannot be removed in another way. In the evening, it is necessary to cover the problem areas of the aluminum pan with powder, spray the loan on top with a clean warm water and leave the dishes to infuse overnight. During this time, the soot will lag behind the walls of the pan by itself, it will simply be removed using a silicone cloth or an ordinary spatula made of wood or plastic.

Carbon deposits are very difficult to clean from an aluminum surface without damaging the pan, so try to avoid a persistent and dense layer of such contamination.


Scale is the kind of pollution that affects almost all the dishes in the house, whether it be pots, stewpans or kettles, if water is brought to a boil in them. The easiest, most popular and most effective way to remove scale from an enameled surface involves the use of citric acid. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Get citric acid and pour the contents of one pack into an aluminum pan with scale, pour the crystals with about one liter of clean water.
  2. We put the container on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil, covering the pan with a lid.
  3. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, the lid can be removed, allowing the water to boil for 6-8 minutes. After that, the gas can be turned off.
  4. Once the water in the pot has cooled, drain the liquid down the sink.
  5. Then boil the water several times in a saucepan, you can even with detergent.

After such simple actions, there will be no trace of scale on the aluminum surface. Of course, this is taking into account the fact that the pollution is not old. If the scale has covered the walls of the pan with a dense layer, you will have to resort to more serious methods of removing it.

You can remove scale from the walls of an aluminum pan using 3% table vinegar, which must be boiled. The disadvantage of this method is the smell, which will be quite unpleasant and persistent. After such a procedure, the pan will have to be boiled more than once with clean water, adding liquid soap or other detergent.

Helpful advice! If, after cleaning the scale with vinegar, the pan still has bad smell, try to use dried citrus peels. To do this, it is enough to pour the crusts into a saucepan, pour them with water and heat slightly. Pleasant and natural citrus aroma is guaranteed!

  • before washing or cleaning an aluminum pan, let the dishes cool completely, otherwise the heated material will deform under the action of water;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use aluminum dishes for preparing home preservation for the winter, despite the fact that some folk methods involve the use of brine as a cleaning agent, boiling a liquid with a high acid content will harm a new pan;
  • in an aluminum pan it is very convenient to cook soups or cook cereals, but you should not leave food in such dishes, and even more so send cooked food for storage in the refrigerator: this way you will spoil both food and containers;
  • in order not to scratch the walls of the pan, use silicone, wooden or plastic spatulas to mix the ingredients during cooking;
  • after washing the aluminum pan, immediately wipe the container dry with a clean cloth, because long exposure to water will lead to the formation of dark spots;
  • store such utensils in suitable place, for example, a dry and clean kitchen cabinet.

By adhering to these rules, you will never wash a dark coating, a dense layer of soot or fat, and scale from an aluminum pan!

How to clean aluminum pans? Here it should immediately be noted that not all products are suitable for this material - the use of inappropriate compounds can completely ruin your favorite aluminum saucepan. First of all, do not wash dishes that have just been removed from the stove.

And all because hot aluminum is very soft, and when in contact with water, it can change shape.

It is also worth forgetting about any strong alkali-based products - their use can seriously damage the material, leaving scratches on aluminum. No need to use cleaning powders and abrasives - they will leave ugly scratches on soft metal. Exactly the same can remain on the pan even after cleaning them with hard sponges or brushes. Do not try to pick something with a sharp dish, noticing pieces of food stuck to it. So you just leave ugly marks on the metal surface that completely ruin the appearance of the pans.

The use of hard brushes can seriously damage the material.

Do not use sand or sandpaper for cleaning - these products are only suitable for, and even then not always. And in order not to scratch the product during use, get a wooden spatula and in no case use knives or forks. As you can see, it is not so easy to find how to clean aluminum dishes, because most of the means and tools familiar to us are simply contraindicated when working with this metal.

Get a wooden spatula and never use knives or forks

How to clean aluminum cookware at home from carbon deposits

This method is simple but very effective. In this case, the process can be accelerated by pouring water into the pan and putting it on the stove. After half an hour, it remains just to arm yourself with a sponge and the usual dishwashing detergent. By the way, when cleaning aluminum products, it is better to use products for glass, and not for metal pans - they will not only remove carbon deposits, but also restore shine to the dishes.

Soaking is a simple but very effective method.

If the option of soaking products failed, try using table salt– Sprinkle the bottom of the pan and wipe thoroughly with a sponge. However, do not forget to wear gloves so that the salt does not corrode the small scratches on your hand.

Try using table salt - sprinkle the bottom of the pan and rub thoroughly with a sponge

Is it possible to restore shine to aluminum products and remove dark spots from long-term use of dishes? There are ways that can easily help you eliminate even old stains. But remember that you should carefully follow our instructions for cleaning dishes so as not to spoil them.

How to remove dark spots?

This product is formed during the production of wine, perfectly removes any contamination from aluminum dishes. We act simply: pour hot water into the pan, dissolve about 3 crystals of the product in it. Leave to infuse for an hour (to speed up, put the container on the fire - 10 minutes is enough). Rinse with clean water and dry the product.

Cream of tartar perfectly removes any dirt from aluminum dishes

Getting wine vinegar is not so easy. But there is more available funds including vinegar or citric acid. Just pour the selected product into the pan, add water and leave to infuse for half an hour. To speed up the process, put a container on the stove, but remember that the vinegar, when heated, starts to smell unpleasant, so open the window in the kitchen.

Vinegar or citric acid work well on stains.

These products, dissolved in water, can bring old pots and pans almost to the state of new in just half an hour. First prepare the mixture by taking:

  • 100 g of glue;
  • 100 g of soda;
  • 5 liters of water.

A mixture of glue, baking soda, and water can make old pots look like new.

Mix everything thoroughly in a large basin, put on the stove, and after the mixture boils, immerse the pans in it. After 10 minutes, rinse the products thoroughly - not a single dark spot will remain on them. If soda is not at hand, replace it with laundry soap, ground on a grater.

Aluminum kettles need to be cleaned a little differently. And all because of the layer of scale at the bottom of the product. Remove deposits using a solution of water and vinegar, taken in equal proportions. You can use Coca-Cola - it not only removes scale, but also.

How to care for aluminum cookware correctly?

So that you do not have to guess what is the best way to clean an aluminum pot or pan, you should properly care for this utensil. This minimizes the risk of dark spots or soot. A few helpful tips:

  1. Before using the dishes, it is better to boil them in slightly salted water. Due to this, the metal will become more rigid, and pollution will not stick so much to the walls.
  2. Aluminum products will shine if washed with soapy water, while adding 1-2 drops of ammonia.
  3. To maintain shine, periodically use tooth powder - apply it to a damp cloth and wipe the surface.
  4. Try not to boil potatoes in pans and do not cook dishes without salt - this will cause dark spots on the walls.
  5. Try not to store anything in aluminum utensils, as many foods can leave dark spots behind. In addition, aluminum is considered not the most environmentally friendly and safe material.
  6. If there were eggs or milk in the dishes, first rinse the products with cold and then hot water.

Before use, boil the dishes in lightly salted water.
Aluminum products will shine if washed with soapy water and ammonia.
Use tooth powder - apply it to a damp cloth and wipe the surface

Dark spots appear from potatoes and dishes without salt
Try not to store anything in aluminum utensils
After eggs and milk, rinse the products with cold and then hot water.

Under influence external factors aluminum products, whether it be pots, ladles, cups, plates, cutlery, tend to get dirty over time. You can’t cook in untidy dishes, but it’s a pity to get rid of them. Therefore, aluminum is periodically cleaned of greasy deposits and so-called oxides. To do this, you can purchase special substances in the store, as well as resort to effective home remedies.

When it fails, it remains to use more effective options for cleaning it. There are 2 types of removal of oxides and dirt at home:

  • Mechanical - used on smooth surfaces, with an uncomplicated relief.
  • Chemical, or etching, is effective on complex planes, with fine details.

Required to work standard set improvised means: water, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, liquid detergent composition. Of the tools, a soft towel, sponge, scraper and a large container are enough. The people widely use oxalic acid, apples, kefir, onions. You can buy ready chemical composition, but homemade version more economical and environmentally friendly.

Aluminum is a soft metal that will not tolerate hard impact. metal brush. It is recommended not to use any abrasive materials in the process.

Aluminum utensils are valued for their lightness and convenience in cooking. In the new condition, it has an impeccable appearance, but gradually fades and becomes covered with a persistent coating of dirt and oxides. They usually clean it universal means, but they will not return the former brilliance and beauty. To get the maximum result, there are a number of recommendations:

  1. Wash dishes only after complete cooling. Immersion of hot metal under water leads to deformation.
  2. Food residues burnt on the bottom must not be removed with a knife, hard sponge or other sharp instrument. Such manipulations forever leave scratches on the metal. It is necessary to fill the dishes with warm water, add a little liquid detergent. After 30 minutes, everything will fall behind on its own, and it will not be difficult to wash off the dirt with an ordinary sponge. In extreme cases, they use wooden or plastic shovels.
  3. Clean aluminum accessories only by hand. Dishwasher not suitable due to high temperature water.
  4. Do not use strong acids and alkalis for cleaning. From them the surface instantly darkens.

It is undesirable to apply excessive force when cleaning the inside of pots. As a result of heating the damaged metal, harmful oxidation salts freely enter the food.

Methods for removing contaminants

Any acidic product copes well with soot, dirty deposits and oxides: vinegar, kefir, apple, cucumber pickle. Everyone chooses an acceptable ingredient for themselves to clean aluminum. The most popular home remedies are as follows:

  • Pour the liquid to the bottom and leave for 10-12 hours. After exposure, they are washed clean with running water and easily rubbed with a sponge. The outer walls are treated with vinegar or apple, while the soot comes off more easily.
  • No less effective option - soda solution. Soda is diluted to a state of slurry and applied to problem areas of the metal. Remove dirt effortlessly, in a circular motion so as not to scratch the surface.
  • Scale and remnants of adhering food are removed with ammonia and laundry soap. The soap is rubbed on a fine grater, dissolved in water and a tablespoon of ammonia is added. The pan is put on fire along with the contents and boiled for about 20 minutes.
  • Traces of burnt porridge are removed with an onion. Pour some water inside, throw onions there and bring to a boil. An aqueous solution of vinegar, baking soda and salt works similarly.
  • An acidic composition is suitable for internal and frying pans: 30-40 ml of cream of tartar, wine vinegar or lemon juice is diluted with water. Heated and kept on low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • The original shine returns a mixture of soda and hot water. The mass is applied outside, left for a short time. Using a sponge, the walls of the dishes are cleaned.
  • Old dirt and stubborn soot can be removed with a silicate-based clerical glue. Boiling water is poured into a large container, 100 g are poured into it. baking soda and glue. Completely immerse the pan in the resulting product and wait 3-4 hours. After the set time has elapsed, the plaque is wiped off and polished to a shine.

If you use aluminum cookware correctly, you can avoid serious pollution . Aluminum containers are not suitable for salting and pickling. The process is accompanied by the release of acid, which adversely affects the metal. The brine reacts with aluminum, and harmful substances. This threatens with serious food poisoning.

Do not cook daily in such dishes. This is due to rapid wear and loss of the original appearance. It is unacceptable to store food in aluminum utensils for a long time. At the same time, an unpleasant smell and taste appears, and the walls quickly darken.

Aluminum is a soft and vulnerable metal that does not withstand prolonged and high temperature exposure. Therefore, it is used only on low or medium heat. Otherwise, the bottom bends, the pan loses its stability.

Aluminum utensils will not withstand frequent cleaning with powder products and a rough brush. The integrity of the metal is broken, and this is dangerous to health. The shells are brought to a shine with a slice of fresh lemon.

Metal does not rust due to its ability to oxidize, but it is a form of corrosion. The oxide film on the surface protects it from the influence of water. The downside is that over time, the oxide layer grows, the metal darkens. Dishes become unattractive. To avoid major cleaning, you should regularly care for utensils. Then aluminum accessories will last more than one year.

Aluminum, due to its technical features, quickly covered with a dark coating (oxides) and soot. And if food is allowed to burn in such pans, then the burnt layer is subsequently very difficult to wash off. How to properly use aluminum cookware and how can you clean it at home to avoid possible problems?

Varieties of contamination of aluminum pans

There are several types of contaminants that form on the surface of aluminum:

  • Darkening. They are formed due to the oxidation of the metal, which, in turn, occurs due to the storage of food in aluminum containers.
  • Nagar. Dark spots, denser in structure. Formed during the operation of the pan: a conventional detergent does not completely remove dirt, they gradually accumulate on the surface and darken. If this soot is not cleaned for a long time, then it can form rather thick layers.
  • Burnt food. Everything is obvious here: they did not follow the cooking process and appeared thick layer burnt food.

Theoretically, all these contaminants can be easily removed with any abrasive - a metallized sponge, emery, sand or a metal brush. However, this should by no means be done. The metal is very soft, and under the influence of a hard abrasive, its surface is severely damaged.. A rough, scratched surface, in turn, will be more contaminated.

There are many ways to deal with dirt and tarnish on aluminum pans without the use of harsh abrasives, even when it comes to layers of soot that build up over several years. The most popular and effective options solutions and how to work with them.

Acid stain removal

Simple darkening on the surface of an aluminum pan can be easily removed with acids. Here are some easy options:

  • Acetic acid (preferably 6%). Spots on the metal are wiped with a sponge dipped in vinegar, after which the dishes are rinsed well with water.
  • Apple. The fruit is cut in half and rubbed with a slice problem areas on the saucepan.
  • Lemon acid. Citric acid powder is poured into a saucepan, water is poured there (at a level of 1 cm above all browning). The solution is boiled for 15–20 minutes, after which it is drained, and the pan is wiped with an ordinary sponge. On average, 1 sachet (10 grams) per liter of water is used.
  • Also, kefir, whey or brine from canned cucumbers / tomatoes can act as an acid. These liquids are poured into the pan for about 1 hour, then drained. Next, the metal should be walked with a soft sponge with the usual dishwashing detergent.

Of the methods given in this section, the simplest and most effective method of cleaning with vinegar can be considered. The concentration of acid in vinegar is higher than in other products, and it is constant. Therefore, the process will take less time, and the quality of cleaning will be higher.

Important! Do not use concentrated acids, in particular vinegar essence, to clean aluminum pans. This can cause severe damage to the dishes. Also, you should not leave any acids on the aluminum surface for a long time, as there is a risk of getting reverse effect: The dishes will darken.

You can use citric acid to clean aluminum pans.

Soda, salt and ammonia

Soda has a mild abrasive and chemical effect on dirt. Good for removing light to medium soiling from aluminum pans. In addition, this method is very simple: a little soda is poured onto a highly moistened sponge, which is then wiped over the pan. Work should be done with gentle pressure. Then the dishes can be simply rinsed with water.

With a mixture of soda, salt and citric acid (1/1/1), you can clean the bottom of the dish from burnt food. The indicated ingredients are poured into the pan and filled with water so that the carbon level is blocked. Boil for 20 minutes, then drain and finish cleaning with a plastic sponge. This method is suitable for fresh, uncomplicated dirt.

Another tool for removing carbon deposits from aluminum is an aqueous solution of grated laundry soap and ammonia. The level of effectiveness is about the same as that of a mixture of soda with salt and citric acid.

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Laundry soap - 1/3 piece.
  • Ammonium chloride - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Pour the mixture into a contaminated container, put on the stove and boil for 10-15 minutes. After pouring the liquid, and clean the pan with a plastic sponge. If the soot is strong, then you can leave the solution in the container for 1.5 - 2 hours, and then perform mechanical cleaning.

More options for aluminum cleaners

How to clean with silicate glue

The most effective way to clean aluminum pans is by boiling in water with silicate glue, soda ash and laundry soap. This mixture will even cope with years of soot, against which even metal brushes are powerless. It is very important that the metal surface is not damaged in any way from such cleaning.

Ingredients for 10 liters of water:

  • Silicate glue - 1 bottle.
  • Laundry soap (the simplest, 72%) - 1 bar.
  • Soda ash - 1 cup.

Pour water into any dish of suitable volume, add glue, grated soap and soda there. Place over high heat and stir until the soap chips have dissolved. Lower the pots intended for cleaning into the solution and, after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum. Close the container with a lid. The duration of boiling depends on how heavily soiled the dishes are, but on average - from an hour to two. After the time has elapsed, turn off the stove, remove the pans and finish cleaning. mechanically: using a plastic or synthetic sponge.

The final stage: mechanical cleaning

There is an opinion that soda should not be used to clean aluminum pans. This is only partly true and only applies to nickel-plated cookware, which is irreversibly destroyed by any abrasive.”

Option using PVA glue and vinegar

Rules for use and cleaning at home

The first thing to talk about is the preparation of new aluminum pans for operation. It consists in creating protective film on the surface of the dishes. It's very simple:

  • Wash and dry the pot.
  • Pour refined vegetable oil on the bottom. A thin layer, just to cover the bottom.
  • Pour in a tablespoon of salt.
  • Ignite the pan, shaking it so that the oil and salt are distributed along the walls.
  • When the characteristic smell of burnt oil appears, turn off the fire.
  • Allow dishes to cool naturally.

Pour into the bottom of a clean and dry saucepan thin layer vegetable oil

A few rules regarding the operation of aluminum pans:

  • Do not store food in them after cooking.. This will avoid the formation of oxides on the surface of the metal, and consequently, its darkening.
  • Preventive cleaning of soot. They are best done at least once a week. In this case, you do not have to use "heavy artillery" in the form of multicomponent compositions. For prevention, it is enough to use ordinary soda and a foam rubber sponge.
  • For washing aluminum pans, foam rubber or other soft sponges should be used. Of the abrasives, only soda and plastic sponges can be used.
  • From the "purchased" chemistry, you need to choose those products that indicate that they are suitable for aluminum utensils.

When it comes to funds industrial production, then you should choose those whose PH is neutral. Usually in their name there are the words "liquid / gel for cleaning metals." They have complex chemical formula, due to which they cope with heavy pollution. Rinse off such products should be very carefully. As for soda-containing products, they should not be used daily.

For aluminum, it is necessary to choose products designed for cleaning metals.

It should be noted that soda, both simple and calcined, gradually destroys the protective oxide film on the aluminum surface. This is not critical, provided that cleaning with the use of these substances is not daily, and the procedure for restoring the protective film is carried out at least once. The process is the same as for preparing a new pot for use: roasting the cookware with vegetable oil and salt.

Aluminum pots must not be washed in dishwashers. Inside them, conditions are formed that contribute to the destruction of the oxide film, which is applied to the aluminum surface to protect it. In the absence of an oxide film, the metal first begins to darken, and in the process of further operation it gradually collapses. Metal particles can get into food, which is not very useful for the human body.

Aluminum cookware is versatile and easy to use. But so that its operation does not cause problems, you must strictly follow the rules for working with it.