How to paint a wooden floor on a terrace. How can you paint a wooden floor on an open veranda? How to treat wooden terrace floors

Any owner summer cottage dreams of adding a wooden veranda to the house. This cozy place becomes the most popular for all family members. After erecting the main structure, it is necessary to paint it. What paint to choose for the terrace to reliably protect the wood from external factors? Today we will try to consider this issue from all sides.

Before you start painting the veranda, you need to prepare in advance required material. About what material is best to use for covering wooden surfaces under open air, there has been debate for a long time. The fact is that open areas made of wood can only be protected for a while, since it natural material, which is difficult to protect.

Main destructive factors

Wood products are constantly under the influence of weather conditions. The structure of this material can easily pass any liquid. The moisture content of wood allows a variety of harmful organisms to develop. As a result, the product begins to rot and disintegrate. In addition, fibers swollen from moisture can begin to destroy the tree from the inside, especially during the cold winter period.

Throughout the year, the boards are exposed to strong changes temperature regime. As a result, they change their shape. In this case, not every coating can become reliable protection from such deformation of the material.

Natural wood is the most breeding ground for many mold fungi. They quickly attack material with a lot of moisture, destroying all the fibers inside with their juices.

Important! There are fungi that can short period time to destroy the entire structure.

Ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun negatively affect some properties wooden coverings. They can also ruin the paint, turning it into a faded look.

Wood is loved by a variety of worms, larvae and others. harmful insects. Bark beetles gnaw through many tunnels and eventually eat up the structure. In addition, wood is attacked by mice and rats, which like to settle in summer cottages.

Now we know that there are quite a few enemies near a veranda made of wood. As a result, difficulties arise in caring for this structure. Therefore it is necessary to find best option to protect the object from rain, sun, heat and frost.

Choosing material for the veranda

The best option for coverage wooden veranda is paint. However, when choosing of this material, you need to pay attention to the fact that you should buy a special paint composition for the floor. To paint the remaining parts of the structure, you can use any paint intended for exterior woodwork.

Coniferous wood is often used in the construction of verandas. They are the most available materials among tree species. Moreover, they have natural protection from water - these are resins with which the wood is impregnated.

For decking boards coniferous species you will need significantly less paint to cover it.

Acrylic latex paint

This coating is in Lately is becoming increasingly popular among consumers. It has good feedback about operational properties Oh. In addition, the paint is easy to work with: it has no odor and is not harmful to health. Manufacturers produce this composition in a huge range of colors and shades.

Scuba diving

Aqualaki today are also popular among summer residents. They are excellent for processing decking boards.


This coating is used when they want to preserve the beautiful texture of the wood. However, this composition has one drawback - it is expensive.

I would like to note that all of the above compositions refer to expensive types of coating for wooden surfaces. But their advantage is that they look very beautiful, and they also have the longest service life.

Now we can talk about the floor covering on the terrace. This is a separate issue and quite vulnerable. This building at the dacha bears a heavy load due to the constant influence of unfavorable factors from the outside. And for the floor, such a load increases significantly, so people walk on it in shoes that are often in the swamp, and also the water on the floor does not dry out for a long time, etc.

Features of the floor

Every year, summer residents have to face such a problem as replacing terrace floor boards. As mentioned earlier, atmospheric conditions can damage even strong coatings. Sometimes wooden floors can save correct styling, which provides a gap between the boards of 2-4 mm.

But even with perfect styling, it is necessary to treat the wood with paints and varnishes to preserve the floor from destruction. They are selected depending on what type of wood the flooring is made of.

Basically, they prefer to buy floor boards from coniferous trees, in particular larch. Those who have the opportunity order a decking board for this purpose.

Before covering the veranda with paint, it is very important to properly prepare it for this process. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the floor and other structural elements with a primer and antiseptic. In this case, it is possible to use the object for as long as possible.

Any paint coating intended for wood in an open structure can last about three years.

Regular enamel paint or varnish is only suitable for indoor work. To cover the floors of open verandas, it is better to use terrace oil, which does its job perfectly.

Preparing wood for processing

  1. If wooden floor was previously painted, it must be cleaned old paint. IN advanced cases It is recommended to use any solvent for this purpose.
  2. Before painting wood, all kinds of knots and other defects should be removed. Sometimes the material becomes unsightly after prolonged contact with rain and sun. dark color. To get rid not only of defects, but also of fungi that have settled in the wood, it is necessary to remove upper layer using a special device.
  3. Boards that have become unusable must be replaced with new ones, otherwise they will simply crack.
  4. If, during the period of use of the material, cracks, holes and other gaps appear in it, they need to be sealed with putty and then sanded.
  5. Before you start covering the boards with a protective substance, the floors must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and foreign objects.
  6. It is recommended to cover the floors with more than one layer of primer so that the composition saturates the wood well. Complete drying of the material is achieved after three days. And only after that you can start covering the floor with paint or terrace oil.

Floor covering

After finishing preparatory work, we begin the painting process, which should take place in several stages. The first layer of paint can be applied with a roller, and the gaps between the boards can be painted with a brush.

If the tree is being painted for the first time, the paint should be applied in a thin layer and wait for it to dry completely, which can last up to 7 days. There must be at least two such layers, and all of them must be applied as much as possible. thin layers. After finishing work, the floor must be rinsed well with warm water.

Wood flooring without proper protection does not retain its natural color and beauty for long. Rain, snow, direct sunlight, temperature changes, and biocorrosion processes significantly reduce the service life of the material. Therefore, you need to know how and with what to cover a wooden floor on an open veranda, terrace, private dock and other similar structures.

Since ancient times, people have tried to preserve buildings and wood products in their original form. To do this, they were treated with any available fat-containing products (vegetable oils, beeswax, animal fats), tar or pine resin, and soaked in saline solutions, including sodium and sulfate (vitriol). Modern chemical industry produces many coating compositions wooden floors in the gazebo, on the terrace or veranda. This is a whole range of tools that can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Enamel paints.
  2. Lucky.
  3. Oils and waxes.

All of the above products labeled “for external use” or “universal” are intended to coat wood exposed to harsh weather conditions, as well as heavy foot traffic. Manufacturers recommend using them only in combination with special non-washable primers. These are special impregnations that:

  • partially bleach the wood and make it fire resistant;
  • equalizes the degree of surface absorption,
  • prevent infection of wood by fungi, mold, and bugs.
  • reduce the consumption of finishing coating;
  • increase the service life of the coating.

It is advisable to buy primers of the same brand as the varnish. Can be combined taking into account the characteristics of the wood and the desired effect. Manufacturers such as Senezh, Rogneda, Ultan, Neomid and others have developed a whole series of products for wood, including simple biocidal solutions, fire-retardant primers, de-resinizers and even winter concentrates with a water-repellent effect.


They are multi-component tinted mixtures that, after drying, form a durable protective film with decorative effect. For outdoor use they are produced on the basis of:

  • Natural modified and mineral oils. It turns out the so-called Oil paint, which has good wear and weather resistance, fits perfectly on wood, concrete and metal.
  • Solvents. Time-tested nitrocellulose paint can be used even in permanent conditions high humidity(on the coast, etc.), creates a smooth, glossy, durable film on the surface. The material is considered toxic, although when used externally this is not significant - the smell will disappear in a few days.
  • Polymer resins. To treat floor coverings, you can use the entire range of products labeled “for floors”. These are alkyd universal and specialized paints, alkyd and urethane-alkyd, polyurethane-acrylic and others. They are divided into aqueous and acetone-containing formulations. The former have a low odor, are safe for others, and are characterized by high spreadability and wear resistance. But the latter are considered the most light-, abrasion- and impact-resistant. Solvent-based enamels are thicker and have a pronounced smell of petroleum products, which quickly disappears.

Almost every Russian and foreign manufacturer has a series of alkyd, cellulose ether, polyurethane-acrylic or urethane-alkyd enamels for floors. Domestic factories produce a limited palette - from yellow to dark brown. Zobel, Tikkurila, Akzo Nobel and other chemical industry giants can offer a wider selection, including white shades and special base paints for tinting in any of 5,000 tones.

Before covering a wooden floor with paint, you must carefully read the instructions for using the finishing paint. The surface must be dry, smooth, polished, without areas of rot, mold or other defects. Enamels can be applied using any painting tools: brush, roller, spray, sponge.


Varnish compositions are considered the most capricious among paintwork materials. These are complex transparent or translucent solutions consisting of film-forming resins, solvents (organic or synthetic origin), various additives and pigments. Varnishes are chosen in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the texture of wood and highlight its pattern.

Only parquet varnishes based on polymer resins are suitable for floor coverings - alkyd, urethane-alkyd, polyurethane, polyurethane-acrylic. Products are produced, as a rule, for indoor use. This material is not suitable for external processing - the varnish film does not have sufficient elasticity. Therefore, as a result seasonal change linear dimensions The top layer of the floor board will quickly begin to crack, peel and peel. Life time parquet varnish on the veranda - no more than 1-2 years.

Note that on forums you can often find recommendations from craftsmen about using yacht varnishes to finish the floor in a gazebo or on a terrace. Yes, this type of product is weather-resistant, but does not have proper wear, impact and abrasion resistance. Therefore, it is not suitable for wooden floors, especially with increased foot traffic.

Oil and cellulose ether compositions are used for carpentry (doors, windows, lining, panels, railings) and furniture. It is not advisable to use them on the floor.

Oils and waxes

We can say with confidence that this is the most popular type of wood coating in Russia. They are multicomponent mixtures of organic fat-containing and synthetic components. As a rule, they are based on vegetable oils(linseed, rapeseed, sunflower, soy) and waxes (bees, candelilla, carnauba).

Oil for treating wood on the terrace, veranda.

Oils and waxes are applied to the surface of the wood by rubbing in and are literally absorbed into the pores, emphasizing the natural beauty of the floor. In this case, a film is not formed; rather, the wood turns out to be oiled. Such impregnation protects against water, dirt, partial abrasion and the formation of dents from impact loads. They produce colorless, tinted and pigmented compositions.

For the treatment of terraces, verandas, piers, a separate series is produced with the addition of special additives (anti-slip, fungicidal and frost-resistant), thanks to which the deck board for a long time will not crack, darken or rot, and the service life will increase significantly. These are finishing Pinotex Wood&Terrace Oil, Tikkurilla Valtti Puuöljy, Osmo Antirutsch Terrassen Öl and others. Used in combination with primer sealers or water-based or hydrocarbon-based impregnations.

Applying oil using pads.

When choosing suitable oil and wax, the type of wood must be taken into account. The label usually indicates whether the coating can be applied to exotic or resinous varieties, as well as the approximate consumption and method of application - with a brush, sponge, pad, rag, or Scotch Brite. When purchasing, ask the sellers to show you professional dyeing - this will help you decide on both the product and the shade.

Choosing protective agent For wooden flooring on open terraces, verandas or balconies, remember that the most durable floor enamels, oils or waxes for outdoor use. At correct application they will save you from hassle for at least 5-7 years. But it’s better not to mess with varnishes - it’s too problematic and unreliable.

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Availability in the house open terrace provides great opportunities for comfortable rest- on summer evenings you can have long family tea parties there, spending a lot of time on outdoors.

There may be some difficulties in caring for your veranda. Since the most optimal material to create a veranda is wood, it requires the use special means that perform protection against factors environment- moisture and temperature changes.

Features of the floor on open terraces

Scheme of flooring on the terrace.

Many owners of private houses are faced with the need to annually replace wooden ones. This is due to the fact that the veranda is an open space that is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, snow, temperature changes and rain. Such conditions can ruin even the most reliable coverage.

In some cases, proper installation of wooden floors contributes to their better preservation. If the work is done correctly, the tree will not collapse. So, if you lay the boards, keeping a gap of about 3-5 mm between each, moisture will not accumulate in the structure, and the floor will be well ventilated. Thus, the floors will not accumulate moisture, and the chance of rotting will decrease.

Scheme of a terrace with wooden flooring.

It is worth considering that even the most good styling will not be able to save untreated wood from destruction. paints and varnishes should be selected depending on the type flooring. So, in most cases they are made from pine wood with a natural degree of humidity. Wealthier home owners can afford to purchase decking boards. In old-style buildings, ordinary boards are used everywhere for terraces.

Exists a large number of materials High Quality, capable of creating a stable and reliable covering for an open-air terrace. It is extremely important not only to choose the right materials, but also to prepare the floors before processing.

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Painting material options

Scheme for painting the floor on an open veranda.

If you properly prepare the floors and treat them with primers and antiseptics, you can count on the maximum service life of the new floor covering. There is no perfect wood coating product, but you can expect to protect your floors for at least three years.

Materials needed to paint the floor on the veranda:

  • sanding paper and machine;
  • solvent;
  • putty knife;
  • antiseptic primer;
  • materials for creating coating;
  • rollers and brushes.

The first thing you should do is select necessary materials to paint the veranda floor. Standard enamel floor paint or varnish only protects the interior surface well. Terraces painted with such materials and located outdoors will not last even one season.

The best option for covering floors is a special terrace oil, recommended both for covering floors of verandas and for piers, which are even more exposed to destructive factors on wood. There are several options for decking oil, each variety is suitable for specific purposes. Thus, some are used for painting boards not intended for quick installation- Mostly they dry in a warehouse for several years. This time is needed for the oil to thoroughly saturate the boards.

Other brands of deck oil can be used directly on finished floor with an open terrace.

Scheme of the veranda floor.

If you want to preserve the natural beauty of the tree and at the same time protect it, you can use a combination varnish coating and high-quality impregnation - stain. In this case, the previously prepared floor must be covered with a special impregnation and waterproof varnish. It will be good if the varnish can perform the function of protecting the floor from ultraviolet rays- this is necessary to maintain high quality impregnation. You need to be prepared for the fact that varnishes that can protect the material from ultraviolet radiation have a fairly high price.

If there is no need to preserve the natural grain of the wood, you can use yacht paint or acrylic paints for verandas. Preliminary preparation of floors involves the application of a glazing or priming antiseptic. When using paints to cover verandas, you should strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, otherwise you may damage the paint layer. If the materials are applied correctly, the floors will not require maintenance for many years.

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Preparing floors for treatment

Scheme of the foundation of the veranda.

The key to a long service life of a floor is the correct preliminary preparation. If the floors have already been painted, it is necessary to remove the old layer from the surface. In especially severe cases, you can use SM-1 emulsion or a solvent and a spatula.

Before painting the floor, all possible wood defects should be eliminated. So, when the material is in contact with the sun rays or moisture, it acquires a characteristic black-gray color. Defects and bacteria in the wood should be eliminated using a sanding machine, removing the top layer. Work must be carried out before the appearance light shade wood Damaged boards need to be replaced, as they can crack under the weight. If there are cracks or gaps in the floor, they should be thoroughly puttied and sanded. After processing grinder floors must be cleaned of accumulated dust and sawdust. At this stage, you can begin treating the boards with a protective compound.

The role of a protective layer can be played by the most various materials, differing in the method of application. So, if you decide to use an antiseptic primer, the floors should be opened and allowed to dry. It is advisable to prime the floors with several layers of primer so that the material is well saturated. The primer should dry for about three days after the last application. Only after complete drying can you begin to apply the base coating material - acrylic paint or terrace oil.

When a special impregnation is applied to wooden floors, it becomes necessary to apply a protective varnish. Depending on the manufacturer, the technique for applying materials may differ.

The question of how to cover a wooden floor laid on an open veranda is quite relevant and very complex, since wooden structures used in the open air are subject to various negative impacts and therefore it is necessary to carefully select the protective properties of the compositions. At the same time, they must also retain their decorative, adhesive and strength properties.

What are the requirements for decorative coatings?

Wooden floors on terraces and verandas are subject to all possible negative influences of the external environment, which negatively affect their aesthetic and strength properties. Therefore, decorative coatings should be selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • have increased adhesion to wood: form a continuous, uniform layer on the surface that is not prone to peeling or peeling;
  • have optimal ratio strength and ductility, allowing you to easily tolerate temperature changes and various mechanical impacts without damage or loss of aesthetic properties;

Important! Before application decorative covering it is necessary to treat the wood with special protective impregnations, which will provide maximum protection from pests, atmospheric and climatic factors, as well as fungus and rot. In this case, the protective and decorative compositions must be compatible with each other.

  • be resistant to various atmospheric and climatic conditions: high humidity, direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, low or high temperatures;
  • the ability to form a coating with minimal porosity so as not to accumulate dust and dirt on the surface during operation;
  • not be exposed to various biological influences: fungus, mold, microorganisms;
  • maintain the original color shade throughout its service life.

What types of coating can be used to treat the floor surface on the veranda?

You can cover wooden floors on the veranda with the following compounds:

  • varnish;
  • oil or wax;
  • enamel paints.

It should be understood that each composition has specific protective and decorative properties and their operation in specific conditions should ensure a long service life of the coating and wooden structures. That is, the manufacturer in technical specifications must indicate their purpose, maximum permissible mechanical loads, types protective functions and service life.

Varnish compositions - preserving the natural decorative properties of wood

Varnish compositions for wooden floors are very advantageous, since, on the one hand, they preserve natural color shades and texture patterns, and on the other hand, they form an airtight seal on the surface protective film and partially impregnate the outer layers of wood. That is, the floors look completely natural and very organic, and acquire protection from moisture and various pests.

Important! For verandas, special varnish compositions should be used, which form elastic coatings with increased strength that can withstand various negative factors. Their distinctive feature from conventional varnishes is the presence of special additives that can prevent the appearance of cracks, peeling or loss of performance properties of the protective layer.

Varnishes have excellent hiding power and excellent adhesion to wood, thanks to which they easily impregnate even rough surfaces and form a smooth, high-strength protective layer. Protective covering It is characterized by increased resistance to wear, mechanical damage and shock, without losing its aesthetic appearance. Their service life is up to 2 years.

Oil and wax compositions – comprehensive protection of wood and preservation of its decorative properties

Oil and wax compositions for treating wood outdoors are mixtures based on organic and synthetic components that have increased resistance to negative external factors. They have excellent adhesive properties, making them quite easy to apply. wooden surface and form a uniform, high-strength protective coating.

The main advantages of using such compositions include:

  • wood is protected from loss of decorative properties;
  • the surface of the material will be able to withstand abrasion and other types of mechanical influences;
  • ample opportunities choice of color shades or level of transparency of compositions;
  • the resulting surface is non-slippery in any weather and ambient temperature, so the terrace can be safely used throughout the year;
  • the protective properties of wood from biological, chemical and climatic negative factors are increased.

When choosing a suitable composition, it is important to consider the type of wood, which can affect the following important properties:

  • porosity, which affects the consumption of the composition;
  • the presence of oils that can impair adhesion;
  • material density, which may require the use of compounds with increased adhesion and elastic properties.

Enamel paints - excellent aesthetic properties of a decorative coating with a long service life

Enamel paints for veranda floors are an excellent remedy to give them unique decorative properties, wood protection and long service life of the structure. They are distinguished by a wide choice of color shades, increased wear resistance and ease of use.

  1. Polymer resins that give coatings unsurpassed resistance to ultraviolet radiation, impact, abrasion, scratching, temperature changes and all types of precipitation. The composition is quite viscous, due to which it is applied to the surface in an even layer, and also hardens within several hours, but does not contain toxic substances.
  2. Solvents that allow for maximum hardening speed, as well as increased moisture-resistant characteristics of the coating. They have excellent decorative properties: a wide range of colors, the ability to choose a matte or glossy finish. However, such enamels are characterized by increased toxicity, so they should be applied using protective agents.
  3. Modified oils that not only have excellent penetrating ability, but also increased protective properties: weather resistance and mechanical strength. They are distinguished by increased adhesion to any type of wood, so the technology for their application is quite simple.
  • Before painting new wooden floors, it is necessary to apply a high-quality impregnation to them deep penetration, which will provide reliable and durable protection of wood from negative climatic and biological influences;
  • the wood must have an optimal moisture level at the time of coating, which does not exceed 20%;
  • to obtain a bright and rich shade of the coating, and, most importantly, durable, it is recommended to apply several thin decorative layers instead of one thick one, and you must wait until the previous coating dries;
  • the painting composition must fully comply with the operating conditions in a particular region of the country, therefore it is recommended to purchase only certified compositions where all characteristics are guaranteed by the manufacturer.

A wooden veranda is a useful, bright extension where you can comfortably spend time outside. fresh air without leaving home. However, this design will constantly be influenced by various destructive factors, so you need to decide how to cover the veranda for maximum effective protection. You will have to choose materials for exterior and interior decoration, and especially to properly protect the floor from destruction.

Veranda exterior finishing options

Exterior decoration has two goals at once: it should provide the veranda with an aesthetic appearance and protect the walls from destruction.

You can choose simple painting, but you can decorate the walls with more modern materials:

When choosing what to cover the outside of the veranda, you must also pay attention to modern paint and varnish materials.

Any painting is carried out in several stages:

Before painting the structure, everything wooden elements It is advisable to sand it. This is especially true for old buildings: the wood gradually darkens, small, unnoticeable cracks and other defects appear in it.

Sanding will renew the surface and new materials will be applied to the prepared wood. Painting can be done with a simple paint brush or a roller of a convenient size.

The interior of the room can be very diverse: it depends on the type of wall filling. Usually the walls of the veranda are a low parapet with large area glazing. For interior wall decoration, you can use lining and other natural materials.

You can purchase top-class lining: it is made from jointed wood and is practically free of knots and other defects. Rovnaya smooth surface the wood will have a pleasant color; later the panels can be painted.

The lining is installed on a frame made of bars: it is pressed onto the walls in a horizontal or vertical direction. Wooden panels will be located perpendicular to the bars, the lining is attached to them with clamps that hide the joints of the panels.

When choosing how to cover the veranda from the inside, you need to immediately take care of the preliminary protective treatment walls Even if you decide to hide them behind a clapboard or block house, all wooden elements must first be treated with a deep penetration antiseptic, then the frame and walls can last a long time.

Finishing the floor on the veranda

Most complex issue- how to cover a veranda at the dacha, and what is the best floor covering to choose. Unlike a living space, everyone usually wears shoes on the veranda; any covering will constantly suffer from the effects of temperature fluctuations, precipitation, changing humidity, and in addition, in winter, the floor of the open veranda will be covered with snow.

In such conditions, even the most durable paints and other types of coatings wear off within a year or two, and after that the floor boards themselves begin to deteriorate. They quickly begin to creak and rot, so they have to be replaced.

There are a few possible options durable flooring for verandas and terraces:

  • Deck (terrace) board. This is a very durable material made from larch wood and other species that are not subject to rotting.
  • This is a fairly expensive solution, but it can really last for decades. Larch is not destroyed by water, it only becomes stronger, so the floor on the veranda will not suffer from any natural vagaries.

  • Composite decking board. In fact, this is not a board at all: such material is made from sawdust and other lumber production waste, impregnated with special polymer-based compounds.
  • Composite boards last a long time and are easy to install. The special porous structure provides it with very low weight, unlike larch and other wood species.

  • Terrace oil and liquid plastic. These are special types of coatings for polymer based, which are initially designed for high loads. Their use ensures durability regular boards floors, and they will retain their strength and decent appearance for a long time. However, it is best to use them only on closed verandas: there will be a snow cover on the open area, which is destructive for almost all paint compositions.

If any wood types of materials are selected, a small distance should be left between the floor panels. As humidity increases, wood swells and increases in size, so cracks will help compensate for this expansion. Slots are needed for tongue and groove boards and decking boards, this also applies to other natural materials.

Listed are common solutions that have long proven their effectiveness. However, almost all of them require large expenses, which are not always justified, for example, in an ordinary country house.

You can, for example, choose a rubber coating, linoleum, and if the veranda is on concrete platform, colored self-leveling floors are perfect for it. All parameters have to be taken into account: the size and location of the site, the presence of a foundation and much more.

Proper finishing of the veranda will make it possible to maintain the strength of the walls and floor for many years, as well as give it beautiful design. Choice finishing materials has now expanded significantly, and you can choose optimal solution for any interior and exterior decoration.