What are the benefits of green beans, dietary recipes. Are green beans healthy?

The value indicated is per 100g. product:

beans are somewhat different from regular beans. Unlike the latter, green beans are eaten together with the pods. Sometimes called green beans. Initially, only bean seeds were used. However, the Italians soon fully appreciated the plant.

Externally, green beans are similar to other types of beans, but differ in more elongated pods and seeds inside them. The shades of the pods can be different: yellowish, green, purple. Green beans have become the most popular. The leaders in production, as in many other legumes, are China, Indonesia, and India. Among the main consumers of green beans in Europe are France and Belgium. In Russia, this product is also gaining popularity.

Green beans also owe their popularity to their unpretentiousness to growing conditions. It is grown in various soils. The main requirement of this plant is sufficient light. After harvesting, it is often not uprooted, because it fertilizes the soil by supplying it with nitrogen.

Useful properties of green beans

The benefits of green beans for the body

Green beans may not have as much protein as regular beans, but they do have many other health benefits. Vitamins A, C, E, as well as thiamine and riboflavin (B vitamins) are found in green beans in larger quantities than in white beans, soybeans and other legumes. There is also enough fiber in this product to significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Among the minerals, the presence of potassium, iron and magnesium should be highlighted. Current microelements are perfectly absorbed by the body thanks to their complex combination with vitamins. For example, magnesium is in symbiosis with vitamin B6.

Consuming green beans is recommended for diabetics. Arginine, which is part of it, is similar to some extent to insulin. And regular consumption of the product will help lower blood sugar. The number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level, on the contrary, will increase thanks to the iron that is included in the composition of asparagus beans.

Green beans have anti-inflammatory properties. It has an antioxidant effect that helps fight free radicals. The product helps prevent the occurrence of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Bronchitis, hypertension, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis - this miracle vegetable will help you cope with all these diseases.

The benefits of green beans for men and women

Green beans are beneficial for both men and women. The stronger sex can protect themselves from prostate adenoma with the help of this product. Beans will help restore genitourinary function and potency. Regular consumption of green vegetables helps eliminate small kidney stones and cleanse the bladder. Women normalize menstrual cycle, menstruation itself will be less painful.

The amount of water in green beans reaches 90%. The French sometimes call it butter because of its tenderness and juiciness. Green beans have no calories at all. Its energy value is 23 kcal per 100g. Thus, it is an excellent dietary product. Green beans are often prepared for dinner by those who want to lose weight or simply watch their figure, preventing excess fat deposits on their body. Helps speed up metabolism.

Preparing green beans is very simple. Young green beans are simply blanched in boiling water or stewed with other vegetables for a couple of minutes. Broccoli goes great with it Brussels sprouts, carrots, corn. The combination of these products on a plate makes the dish not only tasty, light and healthy, but also very beautiful.

The benefits of frozen green beans

After freezing and subsequent defrosting of green asparagus beans, almost all the beneficial substances remain in it. Vitamins are reduced, but only slightly. The fiber content remains completely unchanged. The benefits of frozen green beans are comparable to fresh ones, so we advise you not to ignore this useful product. After all, it can be found frozen in almost any grocery store at any time of the year.

The main thing to pay attention to is the absence of re-freezing. When beans are frozen twice (repeatedly after defrosting), they lose vitamins. Many manufacturers provide their packaging with re-freezing indicators. If the indicator has changed color, then this product is not worth buying.

Harm to green beans. Contraindications

Green beans are practically harmless. But some caution should be taken with stomach diseases, gout, nephritis and colitis. Green beans can cause harm to the body if consumed raw. Toxic substances in green pods and beans harm the condition of the mucous membrane. To get rid of them, the product should be subjected to heat treatment. Even simply blanching vegetables will make them safe to eat.

The benefits and harms of green beans. Bottom line

How is it useful?

  1. The content of dietary fiber is huge, which helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove waste and toxins
  2. It is an excellent dietary product. Promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism
  3. Has anti-inflammatory properties
  4. Improves blood composition. Increases hemoglobin, increases the content of red blood cells
  5. Helps with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, such as bronchitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.
  6. Protects against prostate adenoma in men
  7. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women. Facilitates menstruation
  8. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder

There are approximately 50 varieties of green beans. Among the people, it acquired the following names: green, sugar, asparagus - all because it is eaten in whole pods, without removing the grains from the juicy leaves, as in other types. In cooking, it is always held in high esteem: preparations for the winter, vegetable stew, side dish, salad and others. green beans are determined by the composition of the product, but most importantly, it does not absorb harmful substances from environment. It is recommended to boil it before eating it to get rid of the toxic component pheazine.

Calories in green beans

  • ascorbic acid
  • riboflavin
  • a nicotinic acid
  • pyridoxine
  • tocopherol
  • thiamine

The vegetable also includes micro- and macroelements such as phosphorus, iodine, calcium, zinc, sodium, potassium, selenium, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur.

Complex of vitamins and chemical elements It is able to perfectly satisfy hunger, provide energy and nutrients for the normal functioning of the body’s metabolic processes.

Beneficial properties of green beans

The composition of green beans determines its beneficial features. Thanks to the abundance of fiber, which, like a sponge, absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body.

Protection against free radicals, which act as aggressive oxidizers of vital structures, is provided by a balanced composition of healthy carbohydrates, sugar, fat and fiber.

Green beans are full of vitamins necessary for a young body, so they are recommended to be included in the diet of teenagers. Green beans will also help pregnant and menopausal women cope with hormonal imbalances.

Due to its ability to lower insulin levels in the blood, the green product is recommended for diabetics.

The insulin-like element arginine comes from food and reduces the need to take special medications for correction.

The cardiovascular system will also find many useful elements that prevent tissue aging and reduce cholesterol levels. People who regularly eat green beans are less likely to suffer from atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and arrhythmia.

If you make it a rule to include green beans in your menu, then when overweight you don't have to stick to it strict diet. It saturates the body with everything necessary elements and vitamins, after which he does not experience hunger and overload.

Consumption of the product in this case leads to flatulence. To avoid problems, it is recommended to boil green beans longer than usual or pre-soak it in a soda solution.

A fried product with abundant addition of fat or animal origin will also not benefit the body, but will make the work of the pancreas more difficult.

Pancreatitis or cholecystitis are contraindications for inclusion legume on the menu.

Vegetables are not allowed to be included in the diet of older people due to increased gas formation in the body. You can afford this dish in small quantities, rarely, and with the addition of thyme and dill.

The article is about what green beans are, how they are useful and how they help you lose weight.

Beans have been a valuable plant for humans since the time Ancient World. For example, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used powder made from it. It is known that later the Aztecs ate it.

In Europe, the plant first took root as an ornamental plant, and then its taste and nutritional properties were appreciated. Moreover, they eat not only the fruits of beans, but also their young pods. The latter are the source of many useful substances, promote weight loss and are used to prepare delicious dishes.

What are green beans, what are they called?

One day it occurred to the Italians that they could eat not only beans, but also the pods, as long as they were soft and easy to chew. At first, unripe pods of ordinary white beans began to be eaten; later, a new tender variety became a breeding achievement. Its pods come in different colors:

  • green
  • yellow
  • purple

Green and yellow pods are similar in their taste and nutritional qualities.

Green beans are called:

  • asparagus
  • French
  • sugar (due to its sweetish delicate taste)
  • buttery (this “nickname” was assigned to yellow beans due to the fact that they literally melt in your mouth)

The leaders in the export of useful products are Asian countries: China, India and Indonesia, as well as Turkey. They consume it as much as possible in the Benelux and France. Today the product is taking root in the kitchens of Eastern Europe.

Green beans: energy and nutritional value. What vitamins are in green beans? How many calories are in green beans per 100 grams?

If white beans V large quantities contains vegetable protein, there is slightly less of it in legumes. But there are much more vitamins and other useful substances.

The composition of nutrients (per 100 g) of the product is as follows:

  • proteins – 2.5 g
  • fat – 0.5 g
  • carbohydrates – 3 g
  • organic acid – 0.1 g
  • starch – 0.6 g
  • fiber – up to 1 g
  • ash – up to 2 g
  • water – more than 90 g

IMPORTANT: You still need to look for properties harmful to the human body in green beans. But one of them is that green pods contain lectins that can cause carbohydrate agglutination

Green beans are a storehouse of vegetable protein.

The vitamin and mineral composition of asparagus beans is very diverse. Product contains:

  • vitamins A, C, E, PP
  • B vitamins
  • iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus

IMPORTANT: There is no cholesterol in green beans

The energy value of French beans is 30 kcal per 100 g.

How are green beans beneficial for the human body?

Of course, no food product can be considered a cure for diabetes mellitus. But it is recommended to use green beans to prevent the disease and to improve the condition of patients, as it helps reduce the level of:

  • Sahara
  • cholesterol

By consuming green beans, a person also saturates the body with vitamins, due to which:

  • increases its resistance
  • stabilizes all processes occurring in it
  • strengthens the immune system
  • increases stress resistance and performance

Sulfur and iron contained in green beans help fight bacterial and viral infections. Doctors even say that it would be good to cook dishes from it during seasonal outbreaks of influenza and ARVI.

Green beans are good for the cardiovascular system. It is eaten for:

  • strengthening the heart muscle
  • normalization of heart rate
  • prevention of atherosclerosis
  • prevention of anemia (copper and iron increase hemoglobin)

Fiber and ash in the product help improve digestion.

In addition, green beans are useful for:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis)
  • kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis)
  • violations hormonal levels
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis)
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatism)
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of men and women
  • skin diseases

IMPORTANT: People who eat green beans have noticed that the condition of their skin, hair and nails has improved significantly

Product containing antioxidants plant origin reduces the risk of a person developing cancer, in particular breast cancer.
Any Negative consequences from eating green beans are observed very rarely, and only if you eat them often and in large quantities. This is, for example, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
So, it is better to refuse its use for those who have acute diseases. digestive system, stomach ulcer or gastritis. The product contains a lot of dietary fiber, and their digestion is difficult.
Very often, the question of the possibility of eating beans in pods arises among pregnant women and nursing mothers. They are afraid that legumes may cause bloating. But 150 g of a healthy product with a high iron content 1-2 times a week will not only not harm, but will be very useful.

VIDEO: Green bean. Joy for the intestines and more

Green beans for weight loss

Green beans are low-calorie, they contain vegetable protein necessary for building muscle tissue, complex carbohydrates that turn into clean energy and are not stored as fat, as well as fiber, which the human body spends a lot of energy digesting. Isn't it an ideal dietary product?

Indeed, green beans promote weight loss if eaten correctly.

  1. You need to carefully combine it with fats of animal and vegetable origin. If it’s oil, then olive oil, if it’s meat, then it’s beef. And the best thing is chicken or turkey
  2. It is not recommended to combine green beans with cereals or, especially, potatoes.
  3. The ideal complement to green beans is eggs, vegetables and herbs, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.

If a person loses weight by proper nutrition, he has no contraindications, he must definitely include this healthy product in his diet. By burning calories, cleansing the liver and the entire body, saturating but not burdening, green beans will improve your weight loss results.

Example dietary dish- green beans with sesame seeds.

In addition, there is a three-day diet based on green beans. Those who sat on it can boast of two or three kilograms lost.

  1. On a diet, the pods are eaten boiled, steamed or lightly stewed in olive oil.
  2. Fatty, floury, sweet synthetic foods are not eaten during these three days.
  3. Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime
  4. Be sure to drink 3 liters of water per day

Breakfast options on a green bean diet:

  • omelette of two egg whites and 200 g of pods in olive oil
  • salad with beans in pods, sweet peppers and herbs, dressed lemon juice

Lunch options:

  • boiled chicken, boiled green beans, cabbage and carrot salad with lemon juice
  • green bean stew with zucchini and tomato, boiled egg
  • boiled fish, steamed beans with herbs

Dinner options:

  • beans with green apple, kefir
  • bean casserole with egg and cottage cheese
  • green beans with sesame seeds and lemon juice

IMPORTANT: On the third day of the diet, you can completely abandon additional products, boil 1.5 kg of bean pods, lightly salt them, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice and eat in 4-5 portions

VIDEO: Beans for weight loss Fresh green beans What are the benefits of them?

Green bean pods are immature fruits with soft young leaves. Many athletes and supporters know about the benefits and harms of green beans. healthy eating and active lifestyle. The shoots of the legume plant help control the condition of the figure, maintain immunity and contribute to the entry of a number of useful components into the body.

The basis of the benefit that the product brings to the body is the presence of bioactive substances in the composition.

Green beans contain vitamins and minerals, in particular:

  • ascorbic and folic acids;
  • methylated phenols;
  • nicotinamide;
  • lactoflavin;
  • macro- and microelements (sodium, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iodine, iron).

The combination of different components allows you to eat bean pods not only to get rid of hunger, but also to improve your health. In the absence of medical contraindications, you can include dishes with the addition of legumes in your daily diet.

100 g of product contains 24-32 kcal. Of these, the amount of fat is 0.3 g, protein – 2.5 g, carbohydrates – 3.1 g. The priority share of the product mass is fiber and moisture.

What are the benefits of green beans?

The main benefit of bean sprouts is its ability to repel harmful toxins and impurities from the atmosphere when grown.

The substances in the product have a positive and comprehensive effect on human body and are important for the health of any person.

It is worth noting the following beneficial properties of the pods:

  1. The presence of iron microparticles helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system.
  2. Green beans are beneficial for women because they balance hormonal levels.
  3. Regular consumption activates the healing process for various infectious diseases intestines.
  4. For men, the main beneficial properties are to improve potency.
  5. Soluble fiber is indispensable in the fight against excess weight and diabetes.
  6. The product helps with feelings of weakness, chronic fatigue, for stress and migraine.
  7. Carbohydrates supplied with legumes fill the body with energy, help increase efficiency and active life.

Correlating the benefits and harms of the product, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that with moderate consumption it is possible to have an exceptional effect on your body. positive impact.

Benefits after treatment

The calorie content of green beans does not depend significantly on the variety and degree of maturity, but can increase significantly as a result of further processing. Since the product can be eaten only after heat treatment, which is necessary to neutralize indigestible particles, it is important to take care of its safety useful characteristics. When frying the pods, 100 g of product will contain 175 kcal, and when stewing - 136.

Considering that in addition to the main ingredient, the dishes include a number of others, the total calorie content and benefits for the human body may vary.


To extend the shelf life of the product, you can freeze bean pods. To do this, they are thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, dried and placed in containers for freezing. The storage period increases to six months. The freezing method has no effect on medicinal properties legumes, and the benefits of consumption remain the same. In addition, cold processing destroys bacteria and dangerous toxins from the surface of the fruit.


The benefits of consuming canned green beans are due to the preservation of a key portion of the vitamin and mineral complex. The nutritional value canned product is only 16 kcal per 100 g. After processing, the product has a positive effect on circulatory system due to the formation of red blood cells. Periodically eating canned beans also helps reduce the amount of sugar in the body.


Short-term boiling of green shoots preserves up to 80% of all bioactive components. At the same time, due to the change in the properties of carbohydrates, the number of calories almost doubles. The main advantage of boiled beans is that even a short stay of the product in boiled water kills all microbes and cleans the surface of the beans. Boiling the shoots is the most common processing method. During the boiling process, toxic substances are eliminated, which allows the product to be safely consumed.

Features of use

If you want to add green beans to your diet, you need to take into account several features of using the product. This is necessary for extraction maximum benefit and prevention negative impact on the body. When thinking about adding pods to the diet, it is important to take into account the individual specifics of the body, the presence of diseases and susceptibility to a given crop.

For children

Green beans are extremely beneficial for any growing organism. The product is necessary for children, but only if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Compared to ordinary beans, the pods are more actively digested by the body and do not provoke an increased release of gases.

You can add the product to your diet from the age of 10 months.

For children, it is recommended to thoroughly boil and grind legumes so that the beans are better digested. You can simply consume the pods in grated form, or add them to baby vegetable purees or make soup based on them.

Nursing mothers

Legumes are often excluded from the list of permitted vegetable crops during breastfeeding, as they can lead to bloating and colic in the baby. But green beans have the ability to increase the amount breast milk without creating a danger to the baby. By adding a product to the diet, you can add variety to the daily nutrition of a nursing mother and saturate the milk with a complex of healthy vitamins.


Since green shoots contain mass nutritional components and are not heavy foods, they are recommended to be added to the diet of pregnant women. In addition, beans improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, which is most important when preparing for the birth of a child. At the same time, it is worth using the product in limited quantities, avoiding abuse.

Harm and contraindications

Like any member of the legume family, green beans have a number of contraindications for consumption.

Dishes containing pods may cause pain and side effects in people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • internal inflammation and unstable bowel function;
  • development of stomach ulcers.

It is important to be careful when consuming the product not only during the chronic course of the above diseases, but also during the remission stage, since legumes can lead to severe gas formation and stimulation of the digestive process.

If you experience pain or discomfort after eating beans, you should temporarily abandon the product and consult a doctor.

The main harm from eating beans is their improper preparation. Freshly picked green pods should not be eaten, as raw product contains dangerous substance Pheasin. Only heat treatment helps eliminate all toxic substances and maintain beneficial characteristics.

Application in cosmetology

In home cosmetology, the product has not received much demand, since the structure of the beans requires pre-treatment to create care products. At the same time, the fruits, softened to a homogeneous mass, have an indispensable effect on dehydrated and flaking skin. Masks made from pods help plump up the skin nutrients and perform a facelift.

Decoctions of green pods are often used for hair care. Natural decoctions for hair make it healthy, soft, silky, and also prevent the formation of dandruff and promote active growth.

Application in dietetics

Many nutritionists recommend including beans in your diet for effective fight overweight. In addition to the fact that it is a low-calorie product, as a result of its consumption, the body activates the process of inhibiting the absorption of a number of carbohydrates and blocking starchy foods. Different kinds beans for weight loss can reduce appetite by activating the production of the hormone cholecystokinin, which is involved in metabolism.

Green beans should be added to the diet, as they contain the largest amount of mineral and vitamin components. The product helps to carry out painless and active cleansing of the body from harmful substances and clusters. Systematic adherence to a diet using green fruits helps to constantly stay in good shape and control body weight.

How to use it in cooking

The use of young pods in the preparation of many dishes helps to add variety to their taste. Due to their structure, beans are suitable for canning, preparing stews and many soups. You can use shoots as a separate side dish, in combination with meat and fish, or as an ingredient in vegetable salads. To add pods to the composition different dishes It is recommended to freeze and store them in the refrigerator for use at any time.

To eliminate toxins from the product, the cooking time should be at least 1.5 hours. After such processing green culture can be added without risk to any dish.

One of the most popular culinary recipes with the addition of green beans is a salad with garlic.

To prepare you need:

  1. Wash the beans and divide several pods into 3 equal parts. Cook in boiling water for 5 minutes, adding a small pinch of salt. Immediately after cooking, drain the water and pour the ingredient into a colander.
  2. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic through a press. Fry the resulting mass together with beans in oil, season with soy sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  3. Serve the finished dish with meat or fish.

There is also a simple recipe for cooking in a slow cooker; it involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the pods into small slices. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the onions and tomatoes into large cubes.
  2. Start the multicooker in baking mode, pour vegetable oil, add carrots and onions. Cook for 5 minutes, then pour in tomato paste and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add beans and chopped tomatoes to the resulting mass, add half a glass to the multicooker clean water And Bay leaf. Start the extinguishing mode for half an hour.

When using the product for culinary purposes, the most important thing is not to consume it raw. The surface of untreated fruits contains a toxin that can cause poisoning or other side effects.

Traditional medicine recipes

Green, fragile fruits have become widespread in folk therapy for the treatment of many diseases. Beans have a beneficial effect on the body in case of pancreatitis, as well as in the fight against rheumatism, dropsy, and diabetes.

In home medicine, it is very easy to prepare tea from green legume leaves. Like many decoctions, tea is a diuretic for edema, kidney inflammation, gout and bladder diseases. Drinking green bean tea also helps with gastritis. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of chopped bean leaves with ¼ l cold water. The mixture requires boiling for 3-5 minutes, after which it is enough to strain the tea and drink it 2-3 times daily, regardless of meals.

Tea based on pods, just like oil, can be single-component or with the addition of other medicinal ingredients and plants.

All folk recipes should be used while on a diet or against the background of glucose-lowering therapy. As independent method therapy, solutions from the pods are needed exclusively for initial stages development of diabetes mellitus.

Traditional therapy also involves the use of juice squeezed from green beans, which is used to treat diseases of the pancreas and intestines. The juice squeezed from the leaves contains a high content of carotene, B vitamins, folic and ascorbic acid, and plant estrogens. Drinking bean juice in adulthood is especially useful for maintaining normal hormonal balance, eliminating wrinkles, and smoothing the skin.

Many people are well aware of the benefits of green beans. Side dishes made from tender and juicy vegetables are often present in the diet of those wishing to lose weight, because with a low calorie content they provide the body with valuable minerals and vitamins.

A little history

The origin of beans is not known for certain. The first information about it appeared in China and Ancient Egypt. Colonists who came to South America, were surprised to find a new plant there, which local residents eaten and used to make medicines.

After some time, a vegetable from the New World was brought to Europe, but people did not appreciate it. For a long time bean bushes were grown near hedges and on personal plots as a decorative decoration.

People began to eat this healthy product only in the 18th century, and gradually beans gained popularity among Europeans due to their taste qualities. Scientists began breeding new varieties of vegetables, and a wonderful variety appeared with long, juicy pods, which were particularly tender. These were the green beans that many people call French.


Today, the benefits and harms of green beans have been thoroughly studied. It is grown in almost all countries with warm climates.

The fruits of the vegetable are elongated oval pods of pale green or yellow color. They contain small seeds inside. When cooking, the grains are not removed from the shells, but are stewed or boiled whole.

  1. Unlike other types of beans, this variety has little protein. Scientists have found that 100 g of vegetable contains 2.5%.
  2. The big advantage of green beans is their high fiber content. Therefore, dishes made from it perfectly cleanse the intestines of harmful substances and food debris.
  3. It contains many useful elements. Iron helps improve blood composition and prevents the development of anemia.
  4. Copper has a beneficial effect on ligaments and reduces pain in the joints.
  5. Magnesium is essential for calming nervous system and to prevent headaches.

Green beans contain a lot of vitamin B9, which is needed to improve hormonal levels. That is why green beans are recommended to be included in the diet of teenagers and pregnant women.

The high percentage of sulfur in the pods makes them indispensable for the recovery of people after infectious intestinal diseases. Potassium and zinc improve the condition of blood vessels, the heart and stabilize carbohydrate metabolism.

In addition to these beneficial substances, the vegetable contains 11 more vitamins. They activate the body's defenses, improve metabolism and become a serious obstacle to the development of many diseases.

The main benefit of green beans, which outweighs possible harm, this is that it does not absorb poisons and toxins from the soil and air. Thanks to this, vegetable lovers eat a product without harmful impurities.

Beneficial features

Doctors have long found out that chemical composition bean pod has a destructive effect on many bacteria and viruses. Therefore, they often recommend it when therapeutic nutrition to prevent infections. Experts have noted that daily consumption of green pods makes colds milder and improves the condition of the skin.

The cleansing capabilities of the vegetable benefit people suffering from the following pathologies:

  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • disorders of the heart.

Nutritionists strongly advise including stewed vegetables in your diet if there is a risk of a stroke and to prevent arrhythmia.

For kidney health

Green thin pods, cooked without adding seasonings, have the ability to remove excess water from the body and eliminate excess salts. Thanks to their diuretic properties, they quickly cleanse the kidneys of stagnant urine and help get rid of sand and small stones. They are useful to eat in the treatment of cystitis and to relieve swelling.

For men, the green vegetable helps restore potency. A delicious side dish of French beans for lunch several times a week improves the functioning of the genitourinary system and prevents the development of prostate adenoma.

For diabetes

Tender green pods are a must for diabetics. Endocrinologists recommend including beans in the diet because they contain a unique complex of substances:

  • vitamins;
  • flavonoids;
  • valuable amino acids.

In addition, it contains dietary fiber that prevents an increase in blood sugar.

The vegetable contains an amino acid, which is an antioxidant. It is involved in protein synthesis and metabolism. Doctors consider it indispensable for the production of hormones.

For weight loss

Girls who watch their figure appreciate bean pods for their low calorie content. 100 g of vegetable contains only about 32 kcal. It is worth noting that during cooking the properties of carbohydrates change and the number of calories increases slightly.

During a diet, a plate of boiled green beans can easily replace a higher-calorie side dish. The vegetable is well absorbed, providing the body with vitamins, and is quickly digested.

  1. Young pods that have grown to 4 cm require boiling for 5 minutes.
  2. Fruits larger than 5 cm - 7 minutes.
  3. Cook overripe beans that have become a bit harsh for about 12 minutes.

The boiled vegetable can be added to soup, salads, low-calorie casseroles and much more.

Pods in cosmetology

The healing properties of beans were used for cosmetic purposes back in Ancient Egypt, so its rejuvenating and refreshing effect has been known for a long time.

Women who are upset by the appearance of the first wrinkles can benefit from a smoothing vegetable mask.

  1. To prepare it, boil the pods for 20 minutes.
  2. Drain the water, cool slightly and mash the beans into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it and stir.
  4. Distribute over the face and neck for a quarter of an hour and then rinse with warm water.

This mask does not cause an allergic reaction, noticeably whitens and tightens the oval of the face.

For dry skin prone to flaking, mash boiled green beans, measure 1 tbsp. l. puree, add 1 tsp to it. natural butter, lightly beat the mixture with a fork and use for a mask.

Can a vegetable be harmful?

Knowing the benefits of green beans, you need to take into account that they can also be harmful. In some diseases, the properties of the vegetable can lead to a worsening of the condition. This applies to people who have been diagnosed with the following pathologies:

  • acute stage of pancreatitis;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis or cholecystitis.

Frequent consumption of bean dishes causes stimulation of the digestion process and increased gas formation, which is harmful for patients.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, you need to be careful with the inclusion of any legumes in your diet. If you really want to pamper yourself with green pods, eat them little by little, without adding too much oil or seasonings.

There are no strict contraindications for consumption of beans. If eaten in reasonable quantities, it will not cause harm. The main thing is not to eat it fresh.

Green beans contain poison - pheazine. It can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, the pods must be boiled or subjected to other heat treatment.

Having studied the benefits of green beans, we can say with confidence that this is an incredibly healthy and nutritious product that should definitely be eaten. It is often prepared as a side dish for fish, meat, used in salads and as an independent dish.