Black aphids on plants. Pests in the garden: photos of aphid species and their descriptions

Aphid or plant louse -a very dangerous sucking insect, from whose vital activity a huge number of different crops suffer. Plants affected by this pest usually stop growing, are depressed, and often die.

How dangerous are aphids, description of the pest

An insect can be with or without wings. Those individuals that are able to move only on the ground are usually carried by ants.

Aphids are very prolific, multiplying quickly and massively. Every two weeks a new generation of 150 larvae is born. Therefore, the fight against aphids is garden plot often involves enormous effort.

Did you know? In one season, a plant louse has 12-18 generations.

The main danger to plants is caused by aphids when they drink cell sap from buds, leaves, stems, and with it they absorb everything nutrients. As a result, the plant crop withers and may even die if it is massively damaged.

Its leaves and tops are bent, shoots do not grow. Aphids pose the greatest danger to young, immature plants.

Sticky secretions of the pest (honeydew), covering the leaf, inhibit the process of photosynthesis. In addition, aphids are carriers of dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause a variety of diseases.

Most often, plant louse breeds in unkempt areas, on soils with an excess of nitrogen or a lack of phosphorus.

There may be several signs that your garden or vegetable garden has been attacked by aphids:

  • covering the underside of leaves with honeydew;
  • the presence of white scales under the plant - discarded insect shells;
  • the presence of a cluster of ants around the plant, “ant paths”;
  • curling and yellowing of leaves;
  • undeveloped twisted buds.

Did you know? Aphids are transported by garden ants. It secretes sweet honeydew, which these little hard workers love to feast on. Therefore, without destroying the anthills, efforts to get rid of aphids will be unsuccessful.

However, since the plant louse often attacks vegetable crops, greens that are eaten, the use of chemicals is an undesirable, extreme and even unsafe measure.

Therefore, gardeners and summer residents prefer to use gentle methods, using soap solutions, decoctions of insecticidal plants, tobacco infusions, etc. They also often resort to mechanical treatment, which includes the destruction of anthills, dousing plants (in the initial stage of infection) with strong pressure cold water, collecting insects by hand.

Traditional methods of fighting aphids in the garden

As a prophylactic agent for use in the garden, a well-proven wood ash infusion, which need to powder the leaves. It is prepared like this: 300 g of ash is boiled in 10 liters of water for half an hour, and before direct processing, 40 g of soap is added.

Ammonia against aphids

Ammonia is effective means to get rid of plant lice in the garden. 2 tablespoons of alcohol are diluted in 10 liters, and soap (40 g) is added before spraying. After two weeks, the treatment is repeated.

Important! After using folk remedies, you should not immediately water the plants, at least for two to three days.

Soap and aphids

One of the most simple ways To repel insects, treating plants with soap solutions is considered, since crops sprayed with them are not suitable for aphids as food. There are several ways to prepare them.

Laundry soap for aphids use in an amount of 300 g per 10 liters of water. It is rubbed or finely planed and dissolved in a bucket of water.

Also prepare solution from liquid soap (125 g / 10 l). You can add ash or onion peels to soap products. The solution is sprayed or wiped on the stems and leaves, especially where aphids accumulate - their lower part.

Safe folk remedies such as soap solutions. Rose bushesin case of severe damage, spraying with an infusion of 100-200 g of laundry soap dissolved in 10 liters of water will help.

There are many recipes that recommend adding dish soap, but gardeners who have already tried this option often complain that it burns the leaves of the plants.

How to remove aphids with a solution of washing powder

A solution of washing powder can kill aphids. However, when using it you need to be extremely careful so as not to cause burns on the leaves of the plant. Since all powders are different, you will need to select the concentration yourself. It is recommended to start with a 1% solution.

Important!Before fighting aphids with folk remedies throughout the infected area, it is necessary to test the effect of the solution or decoction on one plant. Once you are convinced of its safety, you can process all plantings within a day.

Potato tops against aphids

Except household products, there are a number of plant crops that the plant louse carefully avoids meeting. What plants do aphids not like? First of all, this chamomile, marigolds, dandelions, wormwood, celandine, yarrow, tansy, garlic, onions, red peppers, horse sorrel, tomatoes, potatoes and others.

Did you know? To repel plant lice, garlic, onions, chamomile, and mint are planted in close proximity. From flower crops aphids do not like begonia, cosmos, or mallow.

Has repellent properties potato tops remedy for the preparation of which: 1 kg of fresh (0.7 kg dry) tops needs to be chopped, poured with a bucket of water, left for three hours and strained. For greater effectiveness, add to the infusion laundry soap(30-40 g).

Onions and onion peels, how to get rid of aphids using folk remedies

Aphids are also afraid of treatments with onion infusion and onion peel. They are prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of onion peels must be infused for 12-15 hours in 10 liters warm water, then strain;
  • mix onion peel with citrus zest, pour boiling water over it, stand for three days, strain, and dilute with water before each spraying;
  • Chop 200 g of onions, leave in 10 liters of water for 12-18 hours, strain, add 40 g of laundry soap.

Important! When using herbal decoctions and infusions, you need to take into account that in large doses and high concentrations they can burn the leaves. Some of them are dangerous both for plant lice and other insects, and can also pose a danger to human health.

How to fight aphids with chamomile infusion

Helps fight plant lice infusion of chamomile.To prepare it you will need 1 kg of dry leaves and inflorescences. They are infused for 12 hours in 10 liters of water. Then filter through cheesecloth. For one treatment, prepare a solution by diluting the chamomile infusion with water in a ratio of 1:3 and adding soap (40 g / 10 l).

The use of conifers in the fight against aphids

Aphids cannot tolerate the smell of pine, so they can be fought with the help of such folk remedies as decoctions and infusions from pine needles.

For a week, you should infuse 2 kg of pine needles in 10 liters of water, stirring the composition every day. The infusion must be stored in a dark place. After a week, it needs to be strained, and before use, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 (for spraying), for application into rows - diluted in a ratio of 1:1.

You can make a solution from pharmaceutical pine concentrate: 4 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water.

Fighting aphids with shag and tobacco

The insecticidal properties of tobacco allow it to be used to protect against aphids. Tobacco, tobacco dust and shag are used in the preparation of infusions, decoctions and solutions.

Infusion: Grind 200 g of (dry) tobacco leaves, add 5 liters of water, leave for 24 hours, bring the volume of liquid to 10 liters, boil for two hours over low heat.

How to deal with black aphids

Aphids are not only green, but if you see small dark gray or greenish-brown insects on leaves and stems in your garden and beds, you know they are black aphids. It happens different types, for example, there is a viburnum aphid. Or black cherry. All of them are very harmful to plants, so you need
Be sure to fight black aphids.

You will need

Tobacco dust;
- ash;
- clay;
- lime;
- a solution of washing powder or soap.


Black aphids, like green aphids, are very afraid of pollination with pure ash or mixed with tobacco dust. Therefore, try treating small bushes with this composition. But it will be difficult to rid trees of black aphids using this method, because they are tall.

This is how you can fight black aphids on cherries, viburnums and plums. Pour soapy water under the root several times after washing. It could even be water washing powder. In a few days the aphids will go away. She certainly won't like the sap from treated trees.

To prevent black or green aphids from appearing on plants in the garden in the summer, carry out preventive measures. This is a mandatory whitewashing of tree trunks with a solution of lime and clay. Take 2-3 kg of clay and 1 kg of slaked lime per 10 liters of water. Hunting belts on trunks also help a lot garden trees. You can purchase them in a special store for gardeners and gardeners. When watering trees, release the stream directly into the crown; the water will wash away some of the harmful insects.


Do not use chemicals, you will also destroy beneficial insects, for example, the ladybug, which destroys aphids. Therefore, it is better to fight black aphids without chemicals.

It is not necessary to use strong chemicals to control aphids. It can leave behind unpleasant consequences.
It is better to prepare infusions and decoctions of plants. It is good to use green potato tops, tobacco, yarrow, chamomile, and garlic to combat aphids.

There are also very effective solutions for combating aphids, which consist not only of herbal decoctions.

The first recipe.

Mix slaked lime or ash with tobacco dust in a 1:1 ratio. Add 200 g of onion peel to the mixture and pour warm water. It's better to do this in a bucket. Fill the bucket to the top.
This solution should sit for approximately five days. After this, strain the infusion.
This infusion must be sprayed on the foliage several times until the aphids disappear.

But aphids can attack more than just trees. Garden greens are often the target of aphid attacks. Moreover, it is not advisable to treat greens with any chemicals.

The second recipe.

In order to get rid of aphids, take one and a half glasses of wood ash, scald it with boiling water, dilute it in 10 liters hot water. Now all that remains is to add a tablespoon of soap and stir well. Strain and spray the greens on which aphids have bred.
Do not wash off the solution for about a week. And then use a watering can to water the greens to wash the plants.

Recipe three.

Plants can be treated not only with solutions. There is a fairly effective dry processing method.
For it you need to make a mixture of ground pepper (one tablespoon), sifted ash (one tablespoon) and dry mustard (one tablespoon). That is, the ingredients should be equal. Mix the resulting mixture well. You need to sew a small bag from gauze. The gauze needs to be folded in two layers. You need to pour the mixture into this bag and treat the plants, carefully dusting them.
After a week, wash off the powder by watering the plants from a watering can. To rinse off the mixture well, you need to pour it at least twice, taking a break for two hours.

Black aphid. How to fight. Advice from Alexey Chatsky

If we are talking about aphids in the garden: plant umbrella plants - carrots, dill, fennel, parsley and others. Thus, you will attract tireless aphid eaters - hoverflies - to the garden. Place in the garden flower pots With wood shavings– earwigs can live in them, and they are also big fans of aphids for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Attract birds to the garden - arrange feeders and birdhouses for them, do not destroy the nests found in the garden, birds eat aphids in huge quantities.

Lavender planted in a rose garden will repel green aphids.

Thyme (savory), sown next to legumes, will protect them from black aphids.

Sow nasturtium in the tree trunk of a cherry tree - it will attract black aphids, reducing the load on the tree, and it is easier to fight aphids on nasturtium than on a tree.

Do not overuse chemicals unless absolutely necessary - together with the pests you destroy their enemies: hoverflies, earwigs, ladybugs, lacewings, ichneumon wasps, ground beetles and predatory bugs.

Balanced feeding of plants is very important - aphids prefer plants that are overfed or weak from a lack of nutrients.

Except proper fertilizing a strong healthy plant needs right choice places of growth, sufficient quantity light and water, good air circulation - all this is also prevention against small parasites. It is important to loosen the soil under the plants, or better yet, mulch.

Abundant watering with liquid nettle fertilizer can sometimes drive out aphids in a few days. Plants quickly absorb this nutritious, strengthening mixture and, therefore, through a short time become more resistant to pests.

Used sources.

Black and also green varieties of aphids - small insects which cause a lot of harm to garden cherries. They settle on back side leaves flowering tree and multiply at a rapid rate, reducing yields. The article will tell you about the experience of gardeners in preventing the spread of this pest and how to deal with it.

Aphids and their harmful effects

This is a recognizable insect, the size of which does not exceed 7 mm. It settles on green shoots and leaves of cherry trees in places protected from rain and sun. In addition, these are the juiciest areas, and it is the plant sap that aphids feed on. It is easy to distinguish - these are small black or green insects that leave extensive colonies of their larvae on areas of the tree. After the pest appears, the leaves become sticky, begin to darken, curl, stop photosynthesizing, and eventually dry out. The shoots and ovary suffer similarly.

Aphids on cherry leaves

Regardless of the type of aphid, in the seasonal cycle individuals have winged and wingless forms:

  1. The former, with the help of the wind, can move a colony over an impressive distance, up to 25 km. They also lay eggs during the winter.
  2. The wingless ones significantly expand the population, being responsible for mass reproduction in spring and summer.
    Simply put, when there are too many aphids on a plant, a generation with wings is born, which transfers part of one colony to another place. Peak pest activity occurs in June. During a season, about 14 generations of insects are born in one colony.

Attention! Aphids and ants are mutually supportive insects. The ants feed on aphid excrement and in return protect its larvae.

The appearance of aphids: causes and prevention

There are other preventative methods:

Attention! Among garden crops, aphids love cherries and viburnum the most, so the farther they are from other fruit trees, the better.

How to deal with black and green aphids

Most often, a gardener discovers aphids when part of the flora on his site is damaged. Over the winter, the larvae turn into insects. In the spring, when it has become warm enough, they quickly occupy green surfaces. From the outside it looks like a bunch of moving dots on the leaves and shoots.

Larvae and adults overwinter under the tree bark. During this period, you can treat the tree with chemicals, the most popular are “Iskra”, “Commander”, “Fitoferm”. Treatment must be done no later than 1-1.5 months in advance. before harvest (for “Phytofarms” the terms are slightly shorter). We need cool, dry, windless weather. The first procedure is carried out while the buds have not yet opened.

Advice. Follow the dosage, timing and other recommendations on the drug label.

There are many common folk remedies. They can process cherries at any time and with any frequency. Among the recipes:

  1. Liquid or dissolved soap (2 tsp), diluted in a glass vegetable oil. You can try it without oil.
  2. Infusion of wood ash (0.5 kg per bucket of water, should stand for 3 days).
  3. An infusion of chopped potato or tomato tops and tobacco leaves.
  4. An infusion of garlic (3-4 cloves), vegetable oil (2 tsp) and liquid soap (1 tsp).

During spraying Special attention give back side leaves. Of course, no drug treatment will be effective without parallel prevention. The most important measure is ant control.

How to treat trees against aphids: video

Fighting aphids on cherries: photo

A garden, fragrant and decorated with bulbous flowers, lifts your spirits and gives you strength. However, colorful gladioli, fragile lilies and huge peonies often suffer from aphid attacks. small insects different color settle on tender young leaves and suck out nutrients. They especially harm the bulbs when they are stored in winter.

Flower aphids are a common pest of edible and ornamental crops, that's why it was invented a large number of ways of fighting. Want to know more? Then go ahead with us!

IMPORTANT! The pest's body is not protected in any way, so it is easy to destroy it mechanically.

White aphids multiply at lightning speed on flowers, creating huge communities. In the winter, the female lays eggs, from which larvae emerge in the spring. They do not need males, reproducing independently, without their participation. In one season, about ten generations may appear, including insects with wings. These are females who must find a new home and bring offspring.

Males with wings appear on the new plant only at the end of summer, from where they return to their previous place of residence to fertilize the females there. They easily spread throughout the countryside and attack flowers growing in open ground. Various are used to combat aphids in the country!

If you have aphids on your flowers, how to get rid of them, how to get rid of them and what to do next - read below!

Aphids on flowers

Black aphids attack flowers and are found during winter storage planting material. Green aphids on flowers multiply quickly and unnoticed by the grower, hiding under the scales of the bulb and sucking out the nutritious juice. Sick bulbs lose strength and cannot grow into strong and healthy flowers.

Development cycle

The eggs of the pest are also helped by ants that feed on the dew they secrete. In winter, they carry eggs into anthills, and in spring they spread them to plants.

From eggs that survived winter cold, females appear without wings, reproducing without males.

In early to mid-summer, winged varieties of females appear and, with the help of the wind, move to other similar crops.

There are species with a dioecious development cycle. In the spring they develop on one host, then move to another plant, and in the fall they come back to the first host to lay eggs. After mating in autumn period the female lays eggs for the winter.

ATTENTION! During the development of insects there are three periods when they are most fragile.


An important rule in fighting insects is that it is much easier to prevent their appearance than to try to remove large colonies later. So, now we will look at the main preventive measures, helping to eliminate the widespread proliferation of aphids throughout the garden plot and in the area where bulbous flowers are planted.

Autumn work

We get rid of all the weeds that grow in the shade of trees, cut them out along with the roots and take them outside the boundaries of the site, sending them to compost pit or destroying. We whitewash the trees with a solution of lime, clay, copper sulfate and PVA glue.

IN winter time when it appears free time, be sure to find out the composition of your plantings. Remove chamomile, poppy, mallow, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, viburnum and linden away from bulbous flowers, as these plants are the favorite delicacy of merciless aphids.

In summer, rid the area of ​​anthills, and in autumn time, before the onset of frost, dig out a wider area of ​​the anthill and fill it with water or solution.

Spring prevention

After the snow melts, carry out a preventive inspection, trim the plants for sanitary purposes and remove all debris from the area. Destroy the anthills that remain from the fall. When you see the first ants on the trees, whiten them again and spray them with the preparation. Apply glue to the strain and place special traps (catching belt). The ants will not be able to get out and will die along with the aphid egg laying.

IMPORTANT! One of the most terrible features of aphids is their omnivorous nature; they eat a huge amount crops, actively reproduces and harms bulbous flowers!

Spray before the buds open fruit trees a solution of nicotine sulfate, nitrophen or other modern means.

In spring and summer, you should not actively feed plants with fertilizer containing nitrogen.

Active growth of young green mass will create comfortable conditions for the development of aphids. At that time in a great way Irrigation is sprinkling. You will wash aphid eggs and aphids from bulbous flowers. Once on the ground, the insect dies. Such watering is stopped when the bulbous flowers begin to bloom.

Summer site care

Aphids cause the most severe damage to bulbous flowers during bulb storage. It also affects young shoots that are just beginning to grow from the bulb. Bulbous flowers are checked for the presence of aphids even before buds form.

The struggle should be especially merciless and “bloody” if you grow flowers for cutting. Aphids damage flowers and field garden. It is a little more difficult to fight if it is not possible to live next to the garden, but there are some methods, more details!

Safe ways

Aphids are easily destroyed due to their vulnerable cover, which is not protected by anything. For this reason, folk remedies can be used to combat it. Almost all recipes contain laundry soap.

ATTENTION! With the help of soap, the solution takes on one viscous consistency and sticks well to the leaves!

In addition, aphids cannot tolerate soap because the leaves become unsuitable for food. So, choose a folk remedy for aphids on flowers:

There are several more traditional methods control of aphids on bulbous flowers. You will learn more about this on this page!


Often in the battle against aphids it is impossible to do without chemicals. Systemic, contact and intestinal agents are used. Contact drugs have a lightning-fast effect on aphids, intestinal- strikes digestive system. Pay attention to products with minimal chemical content. These include: “Biotlin”, “Fitoverm”, “Strela”, “Entobacterin” and many others. They destroy aphids but do not harm plants. Solutions are prepared in accordance with the attached instructions.

Read more about chemicals, used to combat aphids on bulbous flowers, you will read in a special!

Biological control measures

If you approach getting rid of pests responsibly, delightful bulbous flowers will delight you with delicate buds for a long time!

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to protect your plants from aphids and caterpillars:

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