Byzantine planting and care in the open field. Woolly stachis: planting features, care, growing in the open field

Woolly chisel is a herbaceous crop of the Yaroslavl family, growing in coniferous and mixed forests, in forest and forest-steppe territories. The plant is also cultivated in home gardens for future medical uses. Popular names for the chisel are hare ears and the Byzantine chisel. The first name was invented because of the white edge on the leaves of the culture.


This plant is considered perennial, has massive elongated leaves tapering downward. They seem to be wrapped in light gray down, which makes them especially decorative and beautiful. This is the beauty of the woolly purse. His photo is presented below.

The flowers of the culture are small, lilac-pink and lilac in color, in dense spike-shaped inflorescences, placed on oblong peduncles. Chisetz blooms in June-September. Due to the fact that the peduncles are elongated, they often lie on the ground due to rains.

Growing conditions

The plant is very fond of light, grows remarkably in open and sunny areas, but it can also be bred in partial shade. The culture is winter-hardy, it prefers light drained soil with a certain composition of rotted manure or plant fertilizer. Woolly and in dry areas develops very well. In moist soil, it quickly rots, and the luxurious pubescence of its leaves is lost. Tubers left on winter season in the soil, do not perish. The growing season of a flower is 130-140 days.

Planting a plant

You can start harvesting areas for planting cuttings, grown seedlings and rooted cuttings in the middle of summer. For 1 sq. m, you need to add 20 g of potassium sulfate, 50 g of ordinary superphosphate and dig up the soil to a depth of 30 cm. Then select the roots of the weeds and add at least 10 kg of organic feeding.

In August, it is already possible to plant the future woolly chisel on permanent place distributing it at a distance of 30-40 cm between crops. The soil should be light (ideally - loamy and sandy loam), drained, not very wet, without stagnant water, properly fertilized.


In principle, the flower does not require any special care. It is perfect unpretentious plant, and it is easy to care for it. All soils are suitable for him, with the exception of those that contain too much moisture. The woolly handsome man is not only cold-resistant, he also withstands drought perfectly and does not need constant watering. At the same time, it is undesirable to water the leaves, it is enough to moisten root system.

After the flowering of the peduncles, you should get rid of them. You need to trim them as far as possible. You can also remove the spoiled lower leaves to allow new ones to recreate a lush and wonderful look again.

Already an adult woolly chase, who spent the winter in an open area, needs special feeding. A mixture of mullein or chicken droppings with ammonium nitrate is suitable for this. It will be enough to fertilize the flower twice in spring with such a top dressing.

Young seedlings planted at the end of the spring season will need to be filled with mineral fertilizers every 15 days. If organic feeding is not available on the farm, herbal extract can replace it. Nettle, for example, contains all the essential trace minerals. The plant can become even more decorative and beautiful if its flower sprouts are cut off at the moment of bud formation. And it will take on a very spectacular look, the woolly chisel (the photo below demonstrates this).


Such a culture is bred by three methods: cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds. For cuttings, the lower shoot is mostly used. They need limited moisture to take root, and it must be controlled so that they do not rot. The method of dividing the bush is good in any season except winter. For separation, it is not necessary to dig out the entire bush, you can simply cut off a part and transplant.

Woolly scum: growing from seeds

Basically, this flower is grown from seeds. The most the best time for sowing seeds for seedlings - this is March. In less than 3 weeks, the first shoots will appear. A young plant is slightly different from an adult. Its leaves are not fuzzy at all, and this is why at first many gardeners may think that they have messed up the seeds.

Around the end of May, when the seedlings of the culture grow up and get stronger, it can already be planted in open ground. It should not be forgotten that the soil lump on the flower should in no case be destroyed.

The purist unfolds all his amazingness and charm in an open and abundantly sunlit area. After some time, the leaves of the culture begin to gradually peel down, acquiring their natural appearance and silver color. By the end of the summer period, you can already observe a real living carpet in the garden, which will not lose its beauty even in winter. The plant can withstand frost remarkably and looks very unusual against the background of snow.

Those who want to grow something original and very unusual in their garden can safely plant gorgeous flower- woolly scum. Planting and caring for such a wonderful culture will not be difficult, and will bring great pleasure to gardeners.

Woolly chisel (stachis, sheep's ears, Byzantine chisel) - herbaceous plant, belonging to the Lamiaceae family. In its natural environment, stachis grows in China in the forest-steppe, mixed and coniferous forests. The plant is unpretentious in care and gardeners grow it in open ground on their backyard plots. Woolly chisel is not only a decoration of the garden, but also vegetable raw materials used for the preparation of traditional medicine.

Short description

About 400 varieties are included in the genus Chistets, but woolly species look the most decorative. The stachis shrub reaches a height of more than 60 cm and has rounded leaves covered with dense villi with a silvery sheen. The foliage of this plant is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Stachis stems are erect with few leaves on them. They end with a false ear, consisting of 7-10 flowers. The flowers of the woolly chisel are painted in a bluish, lilac or pinkish shade.

The flowering period is in July and lasts until the beginning autumn period... The seeds look like tiny brown-colored triangular nuts.

Stakhis is suitable for growing in central Russia, Siberia and Altai. He also feels good in colder areas.

Planting and care in the open field

It is necessary to prepare in advance the sites for planting the woolly purse. It is recommended to start training in the middle of summer. You need to make 1 sq. m of land 20 grams of potassium sulfate and 50 grams of superphosphate. The soil should also be dug up, weeds removed and about 10 kg of organic fertilizer added to it. At the end of the summer period, sheep ears should be planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The soil should be well-drained, slightly damp and light.

It is advisable to choose a well-lit place for planting. Stakhis tolerates slight shading quite well, but on shadow side loses its decorative effect.

In leaving, the woolly cleanser is unpretentious. The gardener will need to regularly carry out the following manipulations:

  1. 1. Timely watering. Stakhis does not tolerate waterlogged soil and, with an excess of moisture, it begins to rot. It is advisable to water it only in dry, hot summers. Watering is recommended in the evenings when Sun rays stop getting on the plant. To understand that woolly clean needs moisturizing, it is possible on falling foliage. It is necessary to moisten the plant at the root and prevent water from falling on the foliage.
  2. 2. Loosening the soil. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the summer, every 14 days.
  3. 3. Fertilization. It is advisable to fertilize the woolly cleaner once a season. In this case, compost is suitable as a top dressing. In spring, young seedlings can be planted with an adult plant, but before replanting, it is advisable to add wood ash, superphosphate, peat, potash and mineral fertilizers to the soil. It is not recommended to make fertilizing with nitrogen content, since they have an extremely negative effect on the development and growth of sheep's ears. V summer period it is advisable to feed the woolly cleanser with a non-concentrated solution of poultry droppings. It should be borne in mind that the litter must be infused and rotted.
  4. 4. Pruning. Since stachis is an ornamental plant, it must be pruned periodically. The arrows of the inflorescences should be shortened after the end of the flowering period. If the procedure was not carried out at this time, then on next year it is necessary to cut new shoots. With the onset of autumn, you need to cut off the stachis leaves, keeping only 3-4 leaf plates in the center of the rosettes.
  5. 5. Preparing for winter. In cold regions, it is recommended to cover the plant for the winter. Stakhis survives snowy winters without shelter. It is undesirable to prune the plant before the onset of winter.

Woolly cleaners are susceptible to gray rot. It can be recognized by its characteristic whitish bloom on the leaves. When damaged by rot, the plant gradually rots, the foliage loses its elasticity and color, and the stachis eventually withers. If the disease was detected on early stage, then it is enough to treat the foci with a special mixture. It is made from a glass of wood ash and chalk, a teaspoon copper sulfate, taken in 10 liters of water. One serving is enough for 2 sq. m of land. In case of severe damage to stachis, it is recommended to use fungicides ("Fitosporin-M").

Woolly chisel, aka stachis, as well as hare or sheep ears, is a fairly popular culture for decorating suburban areas and urban landscapes. This stunted plant with silvery, fleecy and soft to the touch leaves. The cultivation of its varieties is practiced with the aim of creating a background for bright accents design. Florists recommend how to properly plant and care for stachis in open ground.

Description: varieties and varieties of chitose

Sheep ears is a perennial herbaceous crop from the Lamiaceae family. The plant itself is low, about 20 cm. In spring, it throws out peduncles 40-60 cm in height. Other characteristics:

  • leaves - silvery green, with villi;
  • form sheet plate- oblong, thickened;
  • stem - erect, tetrahedral, few leaves;
  • the size of the flowers is small;

Silvery bush of sheep ears

  • the color of the buds is pink and shades close to it;
  • inflorescences - spike-shaped, no more than 1 cm in diameter;
  • flowering of the plant occurs from June to early autumn;
  • the root is vertical.

There are several decorative varieties in the woolly purse. Choose by botanical features or just from the photo:

  1. Silver Carpet. Most popular variety in Russia. Low - up to 15 cm. Group planting of this plant helps to create a thick silvery carpet on the site.
  2. Cotton Ball. The flowers are like cotton bolls.
  3. Striped Phantom. The variety is distinguished by the presence of light longitudinal stripes on the leaves.
  4. Big Ears. The plant forms long leaves up to 25 cm.
  5. Sheila Macqueen. The variety has short shoots and does not bloom.

Sheep ears: planting a plant

The scrub is planted in open ground with seedlings at the end of May. Choose a sunny or slightly shaded place to plant the plant. The composition of the soil is not fundamental, but the less nitrogen it contains, the better. Type - alkaline or neutral. The main condition is that the soil is light and well-drained.

Young seedlings

Planting stages:

  1. Dig holes along the root of the plant.
  2. Pave the bottom with a layer of pebbles or stones to create a drainage effect. Add coarse sand.
  3. Top with a layer of a mixture of regular garden soil with fertilizer, humus.
  4. Carefully move the seedlings together with the lump of soil into the hole.

Advice. For normal cultivation in a rock garden, stachis are placed in those corners where water does not stagnate. For example, on rocky slopes.

Stachis care, fertilization and feeding

Woolly chisel is an example of unpretentiousness on the site. Caring for it is simple:

  • Watering - once a week in small doses. During a prolonged drought, the volume of water and the frequency of its application should be increased, otherwise the plant risks shedding its foliage.
  • At the beginning of flowering, stachis will need hilling. Also, loosen and weed the soil periodically.
  • Pick dry old leaves every spring. Watch out for overgrowing root shoots in summer. If they are not removed in time, they will creep apart and take over neighboring territories.
  • Prune inflorescences regularly. Due to ripe buds, the bush may decay.

Water the sheep's ears regularly, but little by little.

  • To avoid bald spots in carpet planting, periodically plant young bushes in bare areas.
  • Chisel is resistant to light frost. However, it is better to cover the plant during severe frosts. Pay close attention to winter weather. As soon as there is a thaw, remove the protective cover. Otherwise, the bush may flare up.
  • With the aging of the plant, a void will appear in the center of the leafy rosette. Once every 3-4 seasons, new soil should be poured into this place and a young seedling should be planted.

Advice. Cut buds can be used for bouquets as dried flowers in combination with other flowers.

The scrub is unpretentious not only in care, but also in feeding. Fertilizer growers advise to make 1-2 times a year, in the spring. Use chicken or cow dung in combination with ammonium nitrate. Sometimes organic matter is replaced with complex mineral mixtures... Fertilizer will help to increase the plant's resistance to frost.

Sheep ears: plant propagation

Reproduction of culture is possible by sowing or vegetatively. In the first case, the seed is scattered on a moistened sandy-peat soil in spacious boxes. Sprinkle seeds on top thin layer land and wait about a week before germination. Temperature and humidity are indoor, watering is minimal. The seedlings may need to be thinned out. In this mode, young plants will be in open ground before planting.

Advice. The growing container does not need to be changed. The sprouts do not need a pick. Although, in general, sheep ears tolerate transplantation well.

In warm regions, stachis are planted with seeds directly in open ground: both in autumn and in March. Seedling care is the same. Sometimes gardeners use a simpler breeding method - dividing the bush. For plants from 2-3 years old, this procedure is even useful in order to get space for development. Perform work in the spring:

  • dig up the plant;
  • remove the earthen lump;
  • manually divide the root into several slices;
  • plant the fragments on the site at intervals of 20 cm.

Sheep ears just propagate by cuttings

The method of propagation by cuttings is also good. Use branches of branches with at least a couple of leaves or the leaves themselves from the lower nodes. Sandy-peat soil is also suitable for growing rootlets. Watering is very careful. At proper care expect rooting in 2-3 weeks. This will be noticeable by the fact that the cutting itself will begin to form shoots.

Attention! Optimal timing planting stachis in open ground with any method of reproduction - May.

Diseases and pests of the woolly beetle

Proper grooming is a key factor in stachis health. If you overdo it with moisture or plant the plant in the shade, then its resistance to fungal infections will dramatically decrease. It is not difficult to identify the causative fungus and compare it by photo on the Internet. Usually, measures to combat it are reduced to treating greens with a special fungicide. V neglected cases the contaminated parts should be removed and incinerated immediately. The plant does not suffer from pests.

Sheep ears in landscape design

Stachis: combination with other plants

Delicate and fluffy sheep ears look great in many landscape compositions in the garden. They are used to decorate flower beds, paths, borders, rockeries, alpine hills. The purist will accentuate and highlight bright flowers: marigolds, lavender, campanula, ageratum, etc. It also looks good in combination with soft shades of geyher, milkweed, yaskolok and cuffs. Sometimes the plant is used for bouquets.

Sheep ears are unusual due to the appearance of the leaves. Take advantage of this feature and add a touch of warm sophistication to your garden design.

Byzantine purist: video

Agree garden flower beds only from tall plants they look boring. You can disguise the voids between them with the help of such a plant as the Byzantine purse.

Byzantine chastetz- This is a herb that is popularly known as "sheep's ears". This perennial is found in wildlife Iran, Armenia, Dagestan, Turkey, less often in the Crimea. Due to its unpretentiousness and large silvery-fluffy foliage, "sheep's ears" adorn flower beds in the gardens of the middle lane. The Byzantine Chistess is planted in rockeries, on alpine coaster, from low bushes (20-60 cm) they form borders or frame them with soda paths and flower beds.

"Sheep ears" - planting and care

Florists appreciate the Byzantine purse not only for its silvery leaves, but also for its unpretentiousness and endurance. Despite the fact that the Byzantine Chisetz loves light, loose, drained and nitrogen-poor soil, it grows well and retains its decorative effect until the end of autumn and on heavy, poor lands. The plant can plant both in autumn and spring.

Sheep ears - foliage

The reference books indicate that "sheep ears" - light-loving plant which can withstand temperatures up to 35 ° C. But as practice shows, the cleaner feels great in the shade... You can plant the plant under a bush or tree (in diffused shade).

Sheep ears need moderate watering... The plant tolerates drought more easily than waterlogging. Too wet soil causes root rot, which can destroy the purifier. Over-irrigation worsens appearance plants: silvery villi stick together, and the green leaf surface becomes clearly visible.

The Byzantine purist does not need frequent top dressing... It is enough to add rotted compost under it once a season - and the plant will thank you with a thick carpet of fluffy foliage.

Sheep ear care « is to maintain a decorative shape. In early spring it is necessary remove dried and brown foliage... During the summer, the plant needs trim inflorescences to prevent blooming. The purse blooms from June to September lilac color... Peduncles grow up to 50 cm and spoil the whole composition with their appearance.

Reading sheep ears

Periodically, you can plant new bushes to avoid bald spots in the flower bed. Chisetz is a winter-hardy plant, withstands temperatures up to -30 ° C. "Sheep ears" growing in regions with harsh climatic conditions should shelter for the winter... The cover should be light so that the plant does not come out.

How to propagate a purse

You can propagate the plant seeds, stemcuttings, dividing the bush or rhizome... Seeds of "sheep's ears" can be sown directly to a permanent place in the fall or spring, or sown in containers. With the seedling method, sowing is carried out in early March. Seedlings appear quickly - after about 7 days. Seedlings are planted in the soil at the two-leaf stage. For cuttings, use the lower parts of the stems. The plant is transplanted and divided in spring, autumn, summer - on cool days.

Woolly chisel "sheep's ears" - specific in appearance unpretentious plant with a pleasant smell perfect for those who are taking their first steps in floriculture.

Woolly chisel (Byzantine stachis): description and characteristics of the flower

Woolly chisel (aka Byzantine stachis) is popularly called differently: hare ears, black-spotted grass, tenacious.

Perennial herbaceous ornamental plant from the Lamiaceae family, with a creeping rhizome, pubescent oblong leaves silver color and pleasant aroma small pink flowers.

It reaches a height of 40 cm, the flowering period lasts all summer. The fruit is a nutlet with three sides.

The purist is used in folk medicine as an antispasmodic and expectorant drug, but an increased dosage can lead to poisoning.

Grows wild v middle lane Eurasia and the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, sometimes in Africa.

Perennial plant, blooms all summer, height up to 40 cm

How to create favorable conditions for growing from seed?

For growing stachis it is required to prepare the soil with good drainage , in too damp ground, it will quickly rot and die.

Also prefers open areas with lots of light, therefore, it is widely used in alpine slides for summer residents, in carpet plantings, as well as in curbs, it looks very elegant and noble.

The "hare's ear" tolerates frosts very well, which it can withstand without shelter, often without even shedding foliage, and prolonged droughts. In partial shade, it can also feel good, provided there is good air movement.

Also, when the lower leaves are gone - a signal that the plant is old, you need to plant young bushes in order to avoid bald spots.

Woolly chisel, he is stakhis, he is sheep's ears:

The cleaner has no special care features, since it is quite unpretentious, it is only recommended to water under the roots, and do not spray water on the leaves.

Once a year ( better in spring) can be fertilized with rotten compost. It tolerates transplants very well, so you can safely transplant from place to place.

It is better to take an alkaline or neutral soil for planting with a pH of 7, add a little chalk to it, or dolomite flour, well-rotted compost.

At the same time, do not get carried away with fertilizers - on rich soil, the leaves of the purist will lose their silvery and become bright green. And if the bushes, on the contrary, are bare and stretched out, then the soil is too dry and poor in trace elements.

The cleanser is almost never affected by pests. but in damp conditions it can suffer from fungal diseases.

The land for sowing must be prepared in advance, enriched with superphosphate (50 grams per 1 sq. M) and potassium sulfate (20 grams per 1 sq. M) in a couple of months.

If planting is done from boxes, then try to leave up to 40 cm between the plants for growth.

Purist matches perfectly with lungwort, silvery wormwood and heucheras. These plants are companions, they have a beneficial effect on each other.

Water the plant at the root, fertilize with compost in the spring, take the soil for planting neutral or alkaline

Rabbit ears (sheep's ear): breeding methods

Woolly chickpea reproduces very well by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush and root.

Flower seeds are sown directly into the ground in spring or autumn... The first shoots will appear from 10 to 20 days, while at first the leaves will differ from the adults (they will be without villi and the usual color), you do not need to think that you made a mistake with the seeds.

If the sowing was in boxes (in areas with severe frosts), then the seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the formation of at least a pair of true leaves, preferably in May, leaving about 20 cm between the bushes.At the same time, we keep a lump of earth at the roots intact.

Reproduction by cuttings can be carried out during the entire warm period.... To do this, you can use the lower leaves or cut shoots with 2-3 leaves.

Make a mixture of peat and sand, root the stalk there and make sure that the mixture does not rot. It will take about three weeks and new shoots will appear.

The simplest is to divide the root... To do this, carefully cut off a part of the root system, divide it by hand into separate roots and transplant it to a new place, at a short distance from each other - about 20-30 cm.

Chisel is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings, dividing the root

The division of the bush in the spring is done to make space for new leaves. You need to dig up the plant, carefully free the rhizome from the ground and divide the bush into two or three parts.

Plant in the right place, keeping an eye on the moisture content of the earth - do not flood!

There are several types of chisel, so when buying seeds or cuttings, check which type you need. Only the woolly variety has strongly pubescent silver leaves.

In flower beds, the purist looks great with marigolds and bells, ageratum and cuffs.

Due to its ascetic properties, it will delight your eye with its unique view, without requiring great efforts and close attention in return.

Chisetz is a herb that can be found in coniferous and mixed forests. And also it is grown on personal plot as a medicine. Chistets has several more names. Due to the fact that the leaves of the plant are covered with a small white fluff, it is called hare ears or sheep ears. There is one more name - Byzantine chistets or Byzantine stakhis.

In this article, we will dwell on this plant in more detail.

Byzantine (woolly) purse: description and characteristics

Byzantine chisel is a perennial plant. Its leaves are large and beautiful, covered with white fluff, as if with wool. This woolen plant can be safely planted in your garden, not only for medicinal purposes, but also just for decoration.

Byzantine stachis flower is small, combined with many others garden plants... The flower can be either pink or lilac... Stachis begins to bloom in early June, and ends blooming only at the end of September.

Planting and care, as well as breeding methods

Byzantine chisel is a light-loving plant, so it should be planted in sunny areas. The soil should be light and fertilized with manure or any other vegetable fertilizer. This plant does not tolerate moisture, it may die. Byzantine stachis easily tolerates severe frosts, so it can be left in the soil for the winter.


You can plant hare ears either by seedlings or cuttings. This should be done in the middle of summer. The soil must be fertilized before settling. Add superphosphate, potassium sulfate and organic fertilizers to it, and then dig up the prepared soil. If there are weeds, then they need to be removed. The distance between the bushes of the chisel should be at least thirty centimeters.

Care and cultivation.

Hare ears is an unpretentious plant, so it needs minimal care. It needs to be watered rarely so that water stagnation does not form. Watering should be done very carefully at the root, water should not fall on the leaves. This can lead to their death. The Byzantine chastetz perfectly tolerates not only frost, but also drought.

As soon as the flower fades, the peduncles must be cut off. Together with it, you need to remove bad leaves. This is necessary in order for new leaves to grow.

At the beginning of spring, a woolly chisel must be fed. For this, chicken droppings, saltpeter and mullein are suitable. These three ingredients need to be mixed and the top dressing is ready. You need to feed the cleanser twice.

If you plant new seedlings in the spring, then they must also be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. This should be done at least once every two weeks. If organic fertilizers no, then you can make the following extract: take nettle, soak it in water for several days. The resulting solution must be watered the plant.


Woolly peel can be propagated in three ways:

  • Cuttings;
  • By dividing the bush;
  • Seeds.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods..

Reproduction of the Byzantine stachis by cuttings.

This breeding method is suitable only in warm weather. To do this, you need to cut off several shoots with leaves. Plant them in specially prepared soil: peat and sand. Plant cuttings there, water. Make sure they do not rot. New shoots should appear in a few weeks. They can be transplanted to a permanent place. The distance between the bushes should be at least 20 centimeters.

Seed propagation.

A sheep's ear can also be grown from seeds. They can be planted directly into the soil or at home in a special box.

If you decide to plant a plant with seeds directly into the soil, then this should be done in the spring. The seeds will germinate only after fifteen days, and the leaves will not have white fluff. It will appear over time.

If you want to plant seeds at home. Then you need to do it in early spring in special boxes with fertilized soil. When several leaves appear, then the cleaner can already be planted in a permanent place. This should be done not earlier than May. The distance between seedlings should not be less than twenty centimeters.

Reproduction of the Byzantine stachis by dividing the bush.

This method is the simplest one. To do this, the plant must be dug up, and then the root system must be divided into roots by hand. The resulting seedlings can be planted in the ground. The distance between plants should not be less than twenty centimeters and not more than forty centimeters.

Medicinal properties

Woolly chisel - medicinal plant which our ancestors adopted. Flowers, leaves, roots, and stems were used to make the medicine. But now stachis is also used. Let's take a look at its medicinal properties:

  • This plant perfectly stops bleeding, therefore it is actively used in gynecology.
  • Boosts immunity.
  • Copes with scrofula and gout.
  • Helps with diathesis.
  • Treats nervous disorders.
  • Helps with skin diseases.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Helps with heart failure and poor cerebral circulation.
  • It is an anesthetic.
  • Helps fight dandruff.

But the plant also has contraindications for use:

  • Pregnant and lactating women should not take it.
  • The purist is contraindicated in children.
  • Cannot be taken by people prone to allergies.

How to prepare a medicine correctly?

Infusion of Woolly Chisel.

Grind the dried leaves, flowers and stems of the plant. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Let the agent brew for two hours, after which it must be filtered. This infusion helps with uterine bleeding and high blood pressure. You need to take one tablespoon twice a day.

Root tincture.

Pour a tablespoon of roots with 300 milligrams of boiling water. The roots must be crushed before this. The solution must be boiled for about four minutes. After that, the infusion must be left for two hours at rest, so that it is infused. Strain it before use. This remedy is excellent for intestinal colic, stomach pain and gastritis. You need to take the remedy three times a day, half a glass after meals.

The plant is woolly

Growing your own fruits is a real pleasure for every summer resident. Watching the process of the emergence of life that breaks out of the earth is the most favourite hobby, it gives a person the strength and energy to live and move on. The benefits of your own are endless. This is not just healthy food for the winter, it is a balm for the soul. After all, the garden can be decorated with a beautiful corner. One of the interesting but little-known plants is woolly stachis.

Growing stachis from seeds using seedlings

This plant is ideal for growing as decorative decoration or roller coasters in relatively warm climates. Outwardly, it is light, it seems covered with a white bloom.
If you step on it with your bare foot, you can find yourself in paradise - it is so pleasant, silky and soft. In order for you to have such a decoration in your garden, it must be properly grown.

Did you know? Stachis or Byzantine Chistets, or sheep's ears - perennial... Its height barely reaches 60 cm. Usually the leaves spread along the ground, covering it with a velvet blanket.

This plant can be propagated by seeds. They are distinguished by good germination. February or March is a good month for planting seeds.

They are sown in prepared closed soil, which can be fertilized with organic matter or minerals, and watered.
Now everything needs to be covered in order to create a greenhouse with oilcloth or glass. About 30 days grains are enough to sprout from the ground.

Therefore, you need to know with whom he will make friends and will not compete. Among his companions:

  • silvery wormwood;
  • sheep;
  • astrania;
  • bushes of pink roses.

Quite unpretentious plant woolly stachis and in planting, and in the choice of soil, place, and care. But still, it keeps several secrets.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

As we have already noted, it is good for stachis in dry soil, where there is no stagnant water. He still needs to receive watering only in the case of a very dry and hot summer.
You will notice his discontent by the fall of the foliage. in the evening, when the sun no longer shines on the plant. Young seedlings can be planted in the soil in spring, since the old ones can be pulled up, discarding lower leaves and thus creating voids in the flower bed.

If the stems or leaves are too elongated or completely dry, then their need to cut... Do the same with the rhizomes that go outside throughout the summer.

In summer, in addition to watering, stachis requires soil care. It needs to be loosened occasionally, despite the fact that the plant does not give very deep roots. This can be done through every 14 days.

It is better to huddle at your own discretion, but not more than 3 times. This gives space for the plant to develop. You should not rush to loosen the soil. Do this when your leaves are about 20 cm long.


It does not need frequent addition. It is enough for him to receive a portion once a season. Young seedlings can be planted in such soil in spring.

Pruning inflorescences

As you can see, stachis by its description decorative plant... He is ideal option for the decoration of curbs, and streams.
Of course, the deciduous part is valued more than the thin stems with a cap of small and impenetrable flowers. Can you imagine how much effort the plant gives in order to shoot such an arrow?

Naturally, all this is compensated by new arrows, new leaves die or do not develop. To decorate, we need everything the other way around.

To save deciduous velvet, you need to trim the arrows of the inflorescences. The shorter you do it, the better. Optimal time for cropping, the period immediately after the wave of the first color has passed.

If you haven't, then next year at the beginning of May or even the end of April, watch how new shoots are formed - they must be cut immediately... With the onset of warm and sunny days during the period of active growth, the plant will give all its strength to the foliage, which will cover the earth and delight you with its splendid view until the first frost.

Wintering stachis

If the winter is frosty and snowy enough, then worry about stakhis at all not worth it... He will cover himself with a snow blanket and overwinter, and in the spring he will delight with his velvet.
If winters in your region are frosty and dry, then it is better to protect the plant and cover for the winter season.

Other ways of planting and breeding

Sowing seeds straight into the ground

Plant in open ground before the onset of frost or in the spring when they come down. Even slightly frozen soil will do, which will need to be warmed up.

It is important that the outside temperature is between 8 to 20 ° C and not below. About 10 days is enough for the plant to emerge. Germination, as well as when germinating seeds at home, is very high. Now you can place them, observing the standard distance in 15-20 cm.

Division of bushes

This is a very common way that stachis can be propagated. Part of the foliage is separated from the developed bush along with the root.

Important! A plant with fluffy leaves differs in one more important feature- it grows very quickly, develops and takes root. Propagating it by division in the spring, in May of the same year, the seedling will bloom.

Therefore, it is preferable not to spend a lot of time germinating seeds and use this particular method. You can separate and plant a bush not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn.
The main thing is that the sun does not burn on the street. Therefore, the month of August, when it is already a little cool, is ideal.

Landscape designers use extensively for delightful garden compositions monochromatic plants, including the woolly chisel. Planting and caring for bushes is hassle-free. Groups of plants create a silvery fluffy rug - the perfect soft backdrop for vibrant floral soloists.

Chistets, or stachis, belongs to the Lamb family, has hundreds of species. Natural habitats - Balkans and Asia Minor... The most famous in the culture is the herbaceous woolly, or Byzantine. Because of the densely pubescent leaves, the plant is called rabbit or sheep ears. Cute fleecy bushes not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but are also widely used in folk medicine.


It is a perennial plant with a strong superficial root system. The bush is up to 20 cm high, the stem of the peduncle rises to 60 cm. Large oblong leaves are opposite, taper towards the base, green in color, completely covered with villi, due to which the whole plant acquires a silvery hue. Spike-shaped dense inflorescences with a diameter of 1 cm on a high stem. The flowers of the woolen chanterelle come in different shades: pink or purple. The fruits are triangular nuts.

The plant blooms from late May to September, but leaves are especially decorative. Peduncles after rains, under the weight of the buds, bend to the ground, they are often simply cut off if they do not collect seeds.

Woolly chisel is a plant of a dry climate. In rainy weather, the bushes rot and lose their decorative effect.

Chasteer in the landscape

The bushes of the woolen chanterelle are planted on flower beds, borders, rock gardens. They create gorgeous tranquil silvery green lawns and framing.

The drought-resistant plant loves sunny places, but it also withstands partial shade: the chisel is planted as a ground cover under shrubs with sparse foliage, as well as near rose bushes. Shows its charm in combination with decorative deciduous plants: milkweed, hosts, cuffs,. Focuses on bright, low flowers: marigolds, bells, ageratum, lavender, veronica, ornamental bows and other flowering plants.

The coldish, neutral tone of the leaves of the purée is ideally combined with blue, purple, white flowers, and the warm shades on its background look especially bright.

Fertile soil, excess fertilizer, or thick shade give the leaves of the purée their usual green tint.


Several decorative varieties Woolly beetles are most popular with gardeners and landscape designers.

  • Sheep ears - 30 cm in height, lilac-pink flowers.
  • Silver Carpet, the lowest grade, rises only 15 cm and does not form flowers. Looks great in a group solid planting.
  • Sheila Macqueen (Sheila McQueen)- Chistets, possibly named after the famous florist of the 40-60s. last century at the British court. Low plant, without flowers.
  • Cotton Ball - with inflorescences that slightly resemble cotton bolls.
  • Striped Phantom is a variety with wide, light stripes on the leaves.
  • Primrose Heron is a purse, whose leaves are yellow in spring. By summer, they become the usual grayish hue, and pink flowers appear.
  • Big Ears - the plant has 25 cm oblong leaves, really like big ears.
  • Silky Fleece - miniature plant with silky leaves up to 10 cm in height, the diameter of the spread from the root reaches 25 cm.


It is necessary to plant the woolly chisel in a sunny area with drained soil. Although the plant tolerates frost well, it requires shelter during the harsh snowless periods. A danger to the rhizomes of the purifier can be melt water that gather on the lawn. In such places, the plant is not planted. Sandy and rocky, well-drained areas with low acidity or alkaline are suitable for the chase.

For a month or two before planting, the site is fertilized with 10 kg of humus, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m.

A bright silvery sheen of leaves will be in a purse planted in a sunny place.


Planting seeds of the woolly purse is carried out in February or March.

  1. The container with seeds is covered with glass or foil and placed in a warm place - up to 25 degrees.
  2. The sprouts sprout in 20-30 days. All this time, you need to make sure that the soil in the container does not dry out, but you cannot overmoisten it.
  3. When the sprouts form 4 leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots.
  4. Planting in a permanent place is recommended from mid-May to early June, when the threat of return frosts has passed.
  5. Between the holes, 25-30 cm are kept. First, pebbles with sand are placed, then soil mixed with humus, and seedlings are planted.

The sprouts of the Woolly Woolly have no fibers. The leaves are pubescent after planting in a permanent place.

Rhizome transplant

Woolly scrub is also propagated by dividing large bushes. Plants are transplanted in spring or in August - early September. In the fall, you can time the planting of seedlings from containers, if the seeds are sown in May. Rhizomes divide easily and take root in a new place. After planting, the plants must be watered so that the leaves do not get wet.

Rooting cuttings

For cuttings, take pieces of stems with several leaves or leaves from the bottom of the bush. The lower part of the cutting is placed in sandy-peat soil. The soil is moderately moisturized so that the leaves do not die. The stalk takes root after 20 days and shoots.


An unpretentious woolly cleaver requires little attention: a dry area, sun, a minimum of nitrogen.

  • For plant feeding, complex mineral fertilizers or organic. Instead of humus, they do herbal infusions such as nettle, which is rich in trace elements.
  • Water only the soil, protecting the leaves from water.
  • Caring for a plant in spring comes down to cleaning the bushes from dry leaves.
  • Weed and loosen regularly open area soil.
  • Sometimes flower stalks are cut from the bushes when buds appear - this is done so that the bush does not disintegrate.
  • Caring for a woolly cleaver mainly consists in periodically trimming the stems, keeping the surface of the bush even and elastic. The stems are cut as low as possible, at ground level.
  • After 3-4 years of growing bushes on the site, it is necessary to plant new plants to maintain the decorative effect of the fluffy lawn.

Self-seeding of seeds is possible from not removed peduncles. A purist in good conditions for him is a rather aggressive plant. Rhizomes can conquer new territory, and seeds will sprout uncontrollably. If there are no plans to expand its site, the shoots are cut in the soil with a shovel and discarded.

The winter hardiness of the chanterelle increases when spring care it is fed. Bushes, covered with agrofibre for the winter, must be opened during a thaw.

Fungal diseases affect the purse in case of waterlogging. Planting prophylactically sprayed with fungicides. Pests do not touch fluffy leaves containing tannins and essential oils.

The purist will give the garden a spectacular and unusual view... Its elegant color scheme will make any plant more expressive.