Feel the root - Tikhonov's morphemic dictionary. The meaning of the word morphemic in the complete spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Analysis of words by composition.

Composition of the word "online":

Morphemic analysis of words online

Morphemic analysis of a word is usually called analysis of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic analysis of words online is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and order of analysis.

Let’s do morphemic parsing correctly, and to do this we’ll just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of a word online is the first step;
  • second - we highlight the ending: for mutable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (gerunds, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, auxiliary parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next we look for the basis. This is the easiest part because to define the stem you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for online (they are also called cognates), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes for online by selecting other words that are formed in the same way as online.

As you can see, morpheme analysis online It's easy to do. Now let's decide on the main morphemes of the word online and analyze it.

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morph e many

Complete spelling dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what MORPHEMIC is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MORPHEMIC in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    morphe"many, morphe"mnaya, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"by, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"mno, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe" many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, morphe"many, ...
  • MORPHEMIC in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Correlative in meaning. with noun: morpheme, morph associated with them. 2) Characteristic of a morpheme, morph, characteristic of them. 3) ...
  • MORPHEMIC in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • MORPHEMIC in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • MORPHEMIC in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    morphemic adj. 1) Correlative in meaning. with noun: morpheme, morph associated with them. 2) Characteristic of a morpheme, morph, characteristic of them. ...
  • MORPHEMIC in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun morpheme, morph associated with them 2. Peculiar to the morpheme, morph, characteristic of them. 3. Belonging...
  • MORPHEMIC in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun morpheme associated with it 2. Characteristic of the morpheme, characteristic of it. 3. Belonging...
  • MORPHEMIC ANALYSIS in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    Identification of all living morphemes in a word from the point of view of modern language. Wed : word-formation analysis (analysis in the article) and ...
  • MORPHEME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    y, f., lingu. The smallest significant part of a word (root, affix). Morphemic - related to morpheme, morphemes.||Cf. FLEXION, FORMANT...
  • MORPHEME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -y, w. In linguistics: the minimum significant part of a word (root, prefix, suffix, postfix). II adj. morphemic, -aya, ...
    -some “parts” of the language; subsystems of the general linguistic system, each of which is characterized by a set of relatively homogeneous units and a set of rules governing them...
  • MORPHEMICS in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - morphemic structure of the language, the totality of morphemes isolated in words and their types; a branch of linguistics that studies the types and structure of morphemes, their...
  • LEXICOGRAPHY in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary.
  • UNITS OF LANGUAGE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    —elements of a language system that have different functions and meanings. Sets of basic E. i. in the narrow sense of this term they form a definition. "levels" ...

Analysis of words by composition one of the types of linguistic research, the purpose of which is to determine the structure or composition of a word, classify morphemes according to their place in the word and establish the meaning of each of them. In the school curriculum it is also called morpheme parsing. The how-to-all site will help you correctly parse the composition of any part of speech online: noun, adjective, verb, pronoun, participle, gerund, adverb, numeral.

Plan: How to parse a word by its composition?

When conducting morphemic analysis, follow a certain sequence of highlighting significant parts. Start by “removing” the morphemes from the end in order, using the “root stripping” method. Approach the analysis intelligently, avoid thoughtless division. Determine the meanings of morphemes and select cognates to confirm the correctness of the analysis.

  • Write down the word in the same form as in your homework. Before you start analyzing the composition, find out its lexical meaning (meaning).
  • Determine from the context which part of speech it belongs to. Remember the features of words belonging to this part of speech:
    • mutable (has an ending) or immutable (has no ending)
    • does it have a formative suffix?
  • Find the ending. To do this, decline by cases, change the number, gender or person, conjugate - the part being changed will be the ending. Remember about mutable words with a zero ending, be sure to indicate if there is one: sleep(), friend(), audibility(), gratitude(), ate().
  • Highlight the stem of a word - this is a part without an ending (and a formative suffix).
  • Indicate the prefix (if there is one) in the base. To do this, compare words with the same root with and without prefixes.
  • Determine the suffix (if there is one). To check, select words with different roots and the same suffix so that it expresses the same meaning.
  • Find the root at the base. To do this, compare a number of related words. Their common part is the root. Remember about words with the same root with alternating roots.
  • If there are two (or more) roots in a word, indicate the connecting vowel (if there is one): leaf fall, starship, gardener, pedestrian.
  • Mark formative suffixes and postfixes (if any)
  • Double-check the analysis and use icons to highlight all significant parts

In primary school sort out the word- means highlighting the ending and the stem, then identifying the prefix with the suffix, selecting words with the same root and then finding their common part: the root - that’s all.

* Note: The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends three educational complexes in the Russian language in grades 5–9 for secondary schools. From different authors morphemic analysis by composition differs in approach. To avoid problems when doing homework, compare the analysis procedure outlined below with your textbook.

The order of complete morphemic analysis by composition

To avoid mistakes, it is preferable to link morphemic parsing with word-formation parsing. This type of analysis is called formal-semantic.

  • Determine the part of speech and perform a graphic morphemic analysis of the word, that is, identify all available morphemes.
  • Write down the ending and determine its grammatical meaning. Indicate the suffixes that form the word form (if any)
  • Write down the stem of the word (without formative morphemes: endings and formative suffixes)
  • Find the morphemes. Write down suffixes and prefixes, justify their identification, explain their meanings
  • Root: free or connected. For words with free roots, create a word-formation chain: “pi-a-t → za-pi-a-t → za-pi-yva-t”, “dry(oh) → suk-ar() → suk-ar-nits -(A)". For words with coherent roots, choose single-structural words: “dress-undress-change”.
  • Write down the root, select words with the same root, mention possible variations, alternations of vowels or consonants in the roots.

How to find a morpheme in a word?

An example of a complete morphemic analysis of the verb “overslept”:

  • the ending “a” indicates the form of the verb, feminine, singular, past tense, compare: overslept-i;
  • the basis of the handicap is “overslept”;
  • two suffixes: “a” - the suffix of the verb stem, “l” - this suffix forms past tense verbs,
  • prefix “pro” - an action with the meaning of loss, disadvantage, cf.: miscalculate, lose, miss;
  • word-formation chain: sleep - oversleep - overslept;
  • root “sp” - in related words alternations sp//sn//sleep//syp are possible. Similar words: sleep, fall asleep, sleepy, lack of sleep, insomnia.

To parse a word according to its composition or do its morphemic analysis means to indicate what morphemes it consists of. A morpheme is the minimally significant part of a word.

The following morphemes exist in Russian:

  • The root is the most important part of a word, carrying its meaning. Words with the same root have a common root. For example, the words “leaf”, “leaflet” and “foliage” have a common root - “leaf”. There are words that consist only of the root - “mushroom”, “metro”, “island”. It happens that there are two roots - “motor ship”, “waterfall”. It happens that there are three roots - don’t be afraid - “water and mud baths”. Repeat the rule regarding connecting vowels so as not to make mistakes when writing them;
  • suffix is ​​a significant part of a word. Usually located after the root. Used to form new words. For example, in the word “teapot” “tea” is the root, “nik” is the suffix. There may be no suffixes in a word. Sometimes there are two suffixes - for example, in the word “boletus”;
  • the prefix is ​​another significant part of the word. Located in front of the root. The purpose is the same as that of a suffix - with its help new words are formed. In the word “suitable”, “move” is the root, “under” is the prefix;
  • The ending is the variable part of the word. What is it for? To link words in a sentence;
  • A stem is a part of a word without an ending.

Each part of the word has a graphic symbol. You can see how parts of a word are designated in a Russian language textbook, in a morpheme dictionary, or on the Internet.

Rules and exceptions when analyzing by composition

Parsing a word according to its composition online is not difficult if you know the rules by which it is done. At the initial stage, you can use a morpheme-spelling dictionary - it will help you avoid making mistakes.

The word must contain only one or more roots. There are no words without a root. There are no words without a base. But there are very often words without suffixes, prefixes or endings. This shouldn't be surprising.

It often happens that the entire word represents the stem. This happens, for example, with adverbs. They belong to the unchangeable parts of speech. The word "quickly" does not have an ending (the "o" in the word is a suffix), and therefore the entire word will be the basis.

Tikhonov’s word-formation dictionary will help the student in conducting morphemic analysis. This textbook contains information about the composition of 100 thousand words of the Russian language. The dictionary is easy to use, and during primary school it should become your reference book.

Those who have Internet skills will find useful resources where they can do morphemic analysis of words online. Practice if Russian language lessons at school are not enough for you.

A short cheat sheet (plan) on morphemic analysis of words

Morphemic analysis consists of the following stages:

  1. Determine which part of speech the word belongs to. To do this, you need to ask him a question. Let’s take the word “trip” as an example. It answers the question “what?”
  2. First of all, you need to find the ending in the word. To do this, it needs to be changed several times. Let's change it several times - “before the trip”, “during the trip”. We see that the changing part is “a”. This is the ending.
  3. The analysis of the word according to its composition continues with the definition of the root. Let's select words with the same root - “train”, “moving”. Let's compare these words - the "rides" part does not change. This is the root.
  4. Let's find out what prefix is ​​in the word. To do this, we analyze once again the words with the same root - “train”, “entrance”. Accordingly, in the word “trip” there is a prefix “by”.
  5. The final stage is to find out where the suffix is ​​in the word. The letter “k” remains, which comes after the root and serves to form the word. This is the suffix.
  6. We denote all parts of the word with the corresponding symbols.