Blooms at night. Evening primrose: growing conditions and care

When evening comes, it is impossible to pass by this lovely flower! The cool, sweet aroma of evening grass removes traces of fatigue, gives warmth and joy even on the most bad weather. Large lilac tassels look spectacular both in a flowerbed and in a bouquet, charming with their romantic appeal.

Growing conditions: The perennial noctule is extremely unpretentious. Sowing on permanent place in June. Grows best in loose soil, in sun or partial shade. Overwinters without shelter. Transfer: September.

Evening primrose

  • perennial

Large cupped evening primrose flowers with delicate silky petals will envelop the garden with a pleasant aroma after sunset. To highlight the discreet beauty evening primrose, it is combined with astilbes, bells, speedwell, lobelia, creating fashionable flower beds in a natural style. Well suited for rocky gardens, mixed borders and borders.

Growing conditions: Evening primrose is quite easy to grow. Sowing in early spring straight to open ground. Prefers open, sunny places with well-drained soil. In dry weather, watering is necessary. Loves feeding.


  • annual

This flower has long been grown not only for its beauty, but also for the wonderful honey aroma that matthiola exudes all night long (it’s not for nothing that its second name is night violet). The color of the flowers varies from pale pink to deep purple. If you plant this flower in a container on the balcony, your apartment will be filled with a wonderful sweet fragrance every evening.

Growing conditions: matthiola is extremely cold-resistant, it can withstand frosts down to -7 ° C. Prefers sunny places, well-drained, fertilized soils. Sowing to a permanent place in late April - early May.


  • annual

Alyssum turns a flowerbed into a flowering carpet. Its abundant, almost “endless” flowering (as long as there is no frost below -3 ° C) complements the heady honey aroma. Another plus: alyssum retains its outstanding qualities in the flowerbed, in flower pots, and in balcony box. In the garden it goes well with low-growing phlox, aubrietta, and rhizome.

There are many different surprises hidden in nature. One of them is night flowers. They bloom at night and fill the air with their lovely scent..

Night flowers are truly a miracle of nature. They bloom their petals at night. The most popular ones are listed below:

  • Vechernitsa

The mystery of the Mirabilis night flower begins with its name. From Latin “mirabilis” is translated as “amazing”. Surprising with its variety of colors and ease of care. If you plant several different types Mirabilis is nearby, then on next year the color scheme will change. There will be flowering different color on one bush. Due to the fact that the plant blooms at night, it is called “night beauty”. It blooms in the evening and blooms until the morning, exuding a pleasant aroma.

Mirabilis lives for several years, provided there are no harsh winters. In regions where winters are quite cold, it is considered an annual.

Mirabilis can be propagated in different ways.:

  1. Seeds
  2. Dividing the bush
  3. By cuttings
  4. Digging up a root for the winter

Seed propagation the simplest and most effective. In the southern regions, mirabilis reproduces by self-sowing.

Dividing the bush can be produced provided that the bush has a well-grown root. Dig up the plant and divide the root with a shovel or knife. The separated parts are planted in different holes.

Propagation method by cuttings extremely complicated and not always effective. As a rule, I use it when there is no other way to preserve the appearance of the plant. To do this, take a woody shoot. The cut on the shoot is dried, dipped in a growth stimulator and allowed to take root in water or soil.

Dig up the root for the winter in regions with cold winters. The root is stored in sand, maintaining the humidity level. This method is rarely used. Because it is extremely rare to preserve the root due to the difficulty of maintaining the required humidity. The root either dries out or rots.


Vessel, otherwise called Hesperis, is due to the fact that it blooms in the evening. The leaves of the noctule plant are entire and pinnate. Hesperis flowers can be purple, yellow or white. The noctule bush can reach 75 centimeters in height. The flowers are small in size.

Vechernitsy frost-resistant, unpretentious plant. The noctule blooms for about two months. Flowering depends on weather conditions.

If the winter has little snow, then the noctule must be covered with leaves and spruce branches. Otherwise, in severe frosts the plant may die.

Propagated using seeds. You can buy them in a store or assemble them yourself. It also reproduces well by self-sowing.

They're imprisoning late spring and in summer or autumn. But it will bloom only next year.

Noctule must be planted at a distance of 30-40 centimeters. The plant is light-loving. The soil for planting noctule requires fertile and loose soil.

amazing plant, revealing its beauty as the sun sets. Also called Night Candle and Oslinnik.

Evening primrose is annual, biennial and perennial plant. Perennial varieties Evening primroses grow in warm regions. Flowers come in bright yellow, white, blue and red.

Height can reach 30-120 centimeters. It all depends on the variety of evening primrose. Stems - erect or creeping.

Mattiola is a representative of the cruciferous family. The plant has a straight stem and bright green leaves. Matthiola flowers are on racemose inflorescences and come in blue, white, yellow and purple . Has a wonderful aroma. Therefore, it is planted next to terraces.

There is a special rule that should be followed when planting matthiola.

You cannot plant the plant in an area where cabbage or other cruciferous vegetables previously grew.

In such places, matthiola can strike fungal disease or other ailment that will lead to the death of the plant.

- a beautiful shrub. Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness and ability to bloom from spring to autumn. The leaves are small in size and oblong in shape. The flowers have four petals and come in white, yellow, pink and purple.. They Not big size, but at good care, alyssum flowers can become larger every year.

The bush loves the sun, open areas.Alyssum can be watered rarely and tolerates heat well.. But frequent watering can lead to the death of the bush.

Since the plant grows very quickly, it must be planted at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other.

Night flowers can hardly boast of large, delightfully shaped flowers. But they have a common feature that attracts many gardeners. This is an unforgettable alluring aroma that you can enjoy all night.

Everything related to nature is beautiful. How good are moonlit nights... Just imagine a beautiful evening, a cool breeze is blowing, gently touching your cheeks, you are walking with your whole family down the street, holding a warm cup of tea or coffee in your hands, and the pleasant wonderful aroma of night flowers.

The best way to relax after a hard time working day and you can't imagine it. And if during your amazing walk you come across gorgeous flowers, blossomed in such late time, believe me, this will only add to your happiness. Often such flowers are planted on lawns and gardens. We invite you to take a look at some of them. We believe that they can be considered among the most beautiful and unique in the world.

This plant is indigenous North America, but today primrose can be found in Asia, Europe, New Zealand and even Australia. Beautiful yellow flowers open only in the evening, which is why this flower got its name. The seeds, leaves and roots of this plant are widely used for medicinal purposes. Just at night, insects appear and pollinate these flowers. Evening primrose grows 3 to 5 feet tall, with flowers up to 2 inches in size.

Water lilies blooming at night

Such wonderful tropical flowers, blooming in the pond at night, will definitely not go unnoticed. How beautiful are these red, pink or purple water lilies, blooming in the evening twilight? Against a dark background, a beautiful bright flower looks very impressive. Tropical lilies are larger than ordinary lilies, and their color is more saturated. The flower size reaches 7-10 inches. Each flower has approximately 19-20 petals, and they give off a weak, not very pleasant smell.

Moonflowers (the botanical name for morning glory) get their name from the fact that they bloom in moonlight. These flowers come in pink or white colors. IN dark time days, morning glory quickly opens and remains in a loose form all night. As soon as the sun's rays touch their petals, they immediately close. This plant reaches a height of 15 feet. Propagated by seeds.

Night gladiolus (botanical name Gladiolus Tristis) are creamy yellow flowers that emit a very pleasant spicy aroma. It is typically grown in dense urban areas with high rainfall and also grows in high altitude areas. Night gladiolus grows 36-48 inches tall. It blooms from late spring to mid-summer. You need to be careful with this plant, as certain parts of it are poisonous and can cause irritation or allergies.

Surely you have seen these flowers. Casablanca is widely used in perfumes and weddings. It belongs to the genus of lilies, numbering more than 110 varieties. Each flower has 6 petals, colors vary from white, yellow, purple, orange and pink. Just imagine how beautiful it will be if you plant all the colors of this lily in the garden. Casablanca's flowers are elegant, delicate, and also smell great.

Nottingham flycatcher

This plant has white or pinkish flowers and hairy leaves. Its strong aroma fills the evening air, attracting nocturnal insects. The walls of Nottingham Castle were once decorated with these beautiful flowers. Hence the name of the plant. However, during repair work in the 19th century the flowers were destroyed.

These beautiful, delicate flowers bloom at night and are a perennial plant. Their botanical name is Mirabilis jalapa. They bloom in spring and summer. Four o'clock comes in red, white, pink, blue and yellow flowers. These flowers begin to bloom at four o'clock in the afternoon, which is why they got their name. These flowers make stunning hedges. When they bloom, they give off a wonderful aroma. Mirabilis jalapa is native to Mexico.

Mountain lotus "Brahma-Kamal"

This magnificent flower, which blooms only at night, is named after the Hindu God Brahma. Its homeland is China, India and Burma. It blooms only once a year at night. "Brahma Kamal" is widely used for medical purposes. The flower grows in mountains and cold areas. There is a belief: if “Brahma-Kamal” blooms in your house, good luck, happiness and prosperity will soon come to you.

Dragon Fruit Flowers

Dragon fruit grows in Mexico and Central and South America. In addition, its fruits are grown in countries South-East Asia, in Malaysia and Vietnam. The plant has magnificent flowers that bloom at night. Dragon Fruit begins to bloom at 7 pm and reaches full bloom by 12 am. The plant blooms from October to May.

Epiphyllum or "Dutch trumpet" is a fairly large variety blooming cactus, growing in Mexico and Brazil. The height of this plant can reach 20 feet (that's 6.1 meters). This cactus requires moist soil. It blooms for only 1-2 days, while spreading a pleasant fresh aroma. The flowers of the "Dutch Trumpet" are quite large: almost 30 cm in length and more than 12 cm in width.

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A person who spends all day at work, as a rule, has very little time to fully enjoy the beauty classic colors And flowering bushes. Judge for yourself: having come home after a regular working day and done all the household chores, we find time to relax on the balcony or terrace, or simply admire the diversity of nature only with the onset of evening twilight. The rich scarlet color of roses and their magnificent aroma at such a late time of day are perceived worse than in the daytime, and gatsania flowers, for example, completely close into buds at night, so it seems possible to see their beauty only on weekends.

But don’t be upset, there are a number of plants that “wake up” as twilight slowly envelops the gardens. In the light of the night moon, they show off their bright outfits and fill the air with a unique aroma.

Light flowers reflect moonlight

When night falls, the plants change color. Green, blue, purple and red gradually merge with the darkness, but light blue and pink, like small lanterns, flicker for a long time in the darkness of the night. But the real colors of the night are pale yellow, cream and, above all, white. They seem to absorb every ray of light. On a bright moonlit night, they become mirrors reflecting the pale light.

If you set out in search of light colors, an endless abundance of varieties awaits you. Almost all balcony and flower bed flowers exist in white, pale yellow or cream. Calibrachoa and petunias, osteospermum, diascia, nemesia, geranium, Sutera cordata, alyssum - this is just a tiny part of the huge assortment that garden centers offer.

Potted plants have no less choice. The white flowers of oleander, fuchsia, dahlia or beautiful white cascades of ampelous begonia shine like stars in the long summer twilight.

The triumph of sophistication in the moonlight is depicted in the flowerbed next to the white variety "Schneewittchen", as well as perennials such as white and blue larkspur, white daisies, gypsophila paniculata with a white or pink airy cloud of numerous small flowers.

Rose "Schneewittchen" in evening twilight

Many flowers, striking with the bright colors of their flowers, for example, open only in the evening. Each bud opens its petals within a few seconds, literally before our eyes the entire evening primrose bush turns into a bright spot. Shimmering with a pearlescent color, its inflorescences reflect the moonlight, as if lighting candles, and thereby attract attention. By morning the inflorescences fade, and in the evening new bright flowers appear.

Lemon-yellow night lilies also bloom at night and fade by the next morning, as well as night beauty - .

On quiet summer evenings, the large snow-white flowers of the moonflowering morning glory compete with the moon in brightness. As dusk sets in, you can see a unique sight: the buds suddenly tremble and unfold right before your eyes - everything happens as if in slow motion! As soon as the first rays of the sun appear, the flowers close.

Night flowers have an intense aroma

The highlight of the night garden is the flowers, which are fragrant and reveal their subtle aromas only with the onset of evening and night. Their light flowers have a heady sweet aroma. On a quiet summer evening, being captivated by their fragrances, you will certainly escape the reality of gray everyday life for some time and be transported to a world of harmony.

The snow-white lily (Lilium candidum) conquers the night with its languid, sweet aroma. It competes with huge tubular flowers, the aroma of which is barely perceptible during the day, but as soon as night falls, it sharply becomes saturated while the flowers fully open. Depending on the variety, you will feel their light fragrance with soft notes of lemon or vanilla.

Under the cover of night, around the abundantly flowering honeysuckle bushes (Lonicera caprifolium), a delicate, direct aroma flows, reminiscent of the aroma of lilies with subtle notes of vanilla. More long flowering boasts Heckrot's honeysuckle (Lonicera heckrottii). Its bushes are covered with purple flowers on the outside and orange-yellow inside, the vanilla aroma of which can both excite and soothe or evoke pleasant thoughts.

As the sun sets, the elegant hosta plantain Hosta plantaginea "Grandiflora" with large white flowers shimmering in the moonlight, Gladiolus callianthus "Murielae" similar to the gladiolus acidanthera Muriel with delicate star-flowers that seem to glow from within, fragrant tobacco with an alluring sweet aroma, send out fragrant vibes .

Hosta plantaginea "Grandiflora" in a tub

The sweet fragrance of flowers, whose names already indicate that they lead an active night life, evokes nostalgic sadness in the evening silence. These are branching clusters of pale lilac flowers of the reviving moon (Lunaria redivia), Matron's noctule (Hesperis matronalis), many small flowers of which form a delicate lilac or pink cloud, night violet or matthiola (Matthiola bicornis), known to everyone since childhood.

Some shrubs also reserve their attractive aroma for the night, such as privet, which blooms with creamy-white flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences, or cestrum, which we used to call night jasmine.

Night fragrant flowers for the balcony

If you plant fragrant flowers in a container on the balcony, every evening the apartment will be filled with a wonderful fragrance. Suitable for balcony planting are such night beauties as annual heliotrope with corymbose inflorescences of white, soft pink, bright purple and dark blue colors with a pleasant honey-vanilla aroma, cloves with warm and at the same time tart notes, and, of course, matthiola. Cheiranthus exudes a pleasant violet aroma with large golden flowers collected in apical racemes.

Decorating the garden with night flowers

The correct choice of planting site is the main prerequisite for the good growth and development of night flowers, which fill the garden with a fragrant aroma. Strong-smelling plants can be combined with other beautifully flowering, odorless species, or you can create a pure aromatic garden in which the aromas intertwine with each other to form a harmonious sound.

To prevent the garden of night flowers from looking boring in the daytime, it is worth planting beautiful daytime flowers in it, such as zinnia, petunia, roses, daffodils, hyacinths, peonies and others.

It is advisable to place fragrant flowers in the front area, around the terrace, on the balcony, in the recreation area, along paths, along the edges of flower beds or on a hill in tubs, so that while walking through the garden or sitting in a cozy corner in the evenings, you can inhale the unique aroma of night flowers and enjoy their fabulous transformation.

Translation: Lesya V.
especially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

Flowers-night lights for the balcony

  • heliotrope;
  • carnation;
  • matthiol;
  • Cheiranus.

According to the site Arguments and Facts

All parts of the plant can smell. Most often we pay attention to the aroma of flowers, but fruits, leaves, stems, and roots also smell. Moreover, sometimes it is completely different for the same plant, as, for example, for valerian. Some green “perfumers” more actively release their fragrant substances in the sun, others begin to smell fragrant in cloudy weather or even at night, and still others respond to touch. Smells can be pleasant and unpleasant, subtle and pungent, attractive and repulsive.

Garden of scents. Which bushes do romantics and butterflies choose?

A very unique strong aroma, for example, is inherent in large-rhizome geranium. Some may find it exciting, while others may find it too harsh. This is natural, because the perception of odors is individual, and the fragrant composition of this plant is very complex. It contains woody notes, fruity notes, and - quite unexpectedly - notes of musk. Moreover, the aroma appears when you lightly touch the bush. It’s like the plant is warning: this is my territory.

By the way, this type of geranium is very unpretentious and, growing luxuriantly in inconvenient places, is able to mask the most unsightly corners. At the same time, it cannot be called an aggressor: the roots do not cling too tightly to the soil, and the shoots break off easily, so the plant is easy to keep within the bounds of decency. Queen of fragrance. How to grow lavender in the garden Read more

Many people love the aroma of lemon: it evokes associations with purity and freshness. It is remarkable that it is inherent in the leaves of many plants that have nothing to do with citrus fruits. For example, lemon balm, lemongrass, some varieties of thyme, basil. But especially strong citrus aroma, besides, the monarda produces different shades.

Plants that bloom at night are surprisingly fragrant.

It is no coincidence that in England one of its names is bergamot, and one of the species is called lemon monarda.

Experts find shades of bergamot, orange and amber in the aroma of clary sage (and those who cannot separate this fragrant range into its components simply enjoy it). When this tall (up to 1.5 m) beautiful biennial grows in the garden, passing by, you constantly want to touch it with your hand. In response, it seems to greet you, enveloping you in a cloud of wonderful aroma.

Clary sage. Photo: From personal archive/ Olga Uvarova

What makes Datura intoxicating?

Datura, more often called Datura, is extremely attractive due to its luxurious exotic flowers. Some believe that their subtle, refined aroma can intoxicate, intoxicate and cause hallucinations. This plant is indeed very poisonous and can drive you crazy. But it is not the smell of flowers that intoxicates you at all. Datura will not cause harm if you do not taste it. Although, oddly enough, such a desire may arise! The fact is that when pruning a bush or collecting seeds, the leaves, stems, and prickly fruits begin to emit a very pleasant soft, I would even say, appetizing aroma... roasted sunflower seeds. Only much more tender and sweeter, tastier. But under no circumstances should you be tempted! Perhaps this is where the main insidiousness of dope lies.

Datura: flowers and fruits. Photo: From personal archive/ Olga Uvarova

Why do plants need smell?

Aroma is a kind of plant language, with the help of which they send signals to insects and animals: we have blossomed, are ripe, are withering, we are dangerous or useful. Once upon a time, our ancestors (even before they became intelligent and acquired speech) understood this language. But in the process of evolution, we have noticeably lost our sense of smell. Nevertheless, smells continue to talk to us, sending information directly to the subconscious - where images and sensations are born. Therefore, some aromas disturb us, others calm us, and others excite or tire us. They refresh, attract, stimulate appetite, create an atmosphere of celebration or slight sadness.

Nature is full of wonders. And one of them is flowers, especially rare specimens. These include a number of plants that open their petals only after sunset.

Night flowers... They bloom in the dark and fill tired streets, gardens and coastlines with an alluring aroma, giving them mystery and enchanting light.

Flowers that bloom at night

Mirabilis - blooms in the evening and blooms all night until dawn. Has a sweet smell. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that flowers on one plant come in different shades, and as they grow, they can radically change their color (yellow ones can turn pink, and white ones can turn purple). This plant is used in folk medicine, as a means of helping to relieve swelling and heal wounds. It is also used to make food coloring.

The Brahama-Kamal lotus is the flower of the gods, grows in India and China, and was found even at the top of the Himalayan mountains. It opens immediately after sunset and lives only one night. In the east there is a legend that in the house where the night lotus blooms, happiness and good luck will triumph. It is also used in Tibetan folk medicine as a remedy for treating diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Epiphyllum is the queen of the night; you can often hear another name - “Dutch pipe”. Belongs to the family of cacti, common in Central America. It blooms very rarely, at night, and only before sunrise. Sometimes a bud can take a whole year to ripen.

Hylocereus – nocturnal White flower, has a rich aroma. They call it a night cactus because of its similar shape. It blooms for only a few hours and then fades. But after 40-50 days it appears instead exotic fruit– pitaya (“dragon fruit” or “strawberry peach”). Grows in central America.

Brugmansia - in other words - Datura. Its flower is quite large in size, looks like a gramophone and is endowed with a sweet aroma. Flowering is continuous, during the day the buds are closed and sluggish, and at night they open, gain freshness and delight others. The plant is classified as a poisonous species; in ancient times it was used to destroy enemies, so be careful!

Evening primrose is also known as "night candle".

42 plants with blue flowers

Its blooms are yellow, white, scarlet and purple. Like most night flowers, it has a bright color and a sweet smell. But there is a slight difference - it blooms before lunch, which makes it possible to pollinate with the help of insects, after which the buds close, and new ones appear in the evening.

Matthiola (night violet) - a flower with honey aroma. It is planted near the house, gazebo or bench to fully enjoy the charming smell. This cold-resistant beauty can have many shades (from pale pink to bright purple), loves the sun's rays and is absolutely not afraid of the shade.

Flowers-night lights for the balcony

Exquisite and unusual, night flowers can also be grown at home. Suitable for decorating balconies low growing plants with delicate flowers:

  • heliotrope;
  • carnation;
  • matthiol;
  • Cheiranus.

Flowers blooming at night create an incredibly romantic atmosphere. They carry some kind of magic and mystery. Therefore, if you want to make an amazing flower bed or decorate your garden in an original way, do not forget about night lovers, they will become the highlight of your yard.

Among the best indoor plants, we would like to highlight for you the most fragrant ones that will improve the microclimate in the house and lift your spirits. They are very good for health! Just by inhaling their scent, you cleanse your lungs, so you can breathe easier, like after a walk in the forest. Let's see what the best ones are houseplants!


For your geranium to grow healthy and fragrant, it needs a lot of sun - ideally a south window without any shading, even without a loggia outside the window. If she feels a lack of light, there will be few leaves, and the aroma itself will not be the same.


Jasmine can also be cultivated at home, although it is more popular among our summer residents. Co timely feeding and by molding you can grow a fragrant bush that will delight you for many years!

Orange, lemon and other citrus fruits

Citrus fruits grow well in room conditions only with ideal lighting from a south window, with regular fertilizing and without drafts in winter, since they are heat-loving plants. They smell simply amazing!



All people with lung diseases and those who find it difficult to breathe due to problems with this organ are advised to plant eucalyptus at home. Eucalyptus can also be a real salvation if your windows overlook a busy road or you often inhale exhaust fumes.


Gardenia is an incredibly beautiful tropical plant that has a bad reputation for growing indoors because it is considered capricious and requires constant attention. Nevertheless, the smell of its flowers is simply amazing.

Stephanotis or madagascar jasmine

Stephanotis is perhaps one of the most delicious plants in the world. When it blooms, the whole street smells as if heaven has come to earth. In a garden or park it grows up to 3 meters in height, but in indoor conditions it will be a small and incredibly fragrant bush.

Muraya paniculata

In Japan, where this plant comes from, it for a long time was intended only for the emperor and his family.

Scents of the evening garden: a selection of the best varieties of fragrant flowers

For about 400 years, no one in Japan knew that it even existed, because they grew it in indoor gardens. It is now available to everyone around the world as a houseplant.


Begonia is a very common indoor plant in Russia, but few people grow it correctly. Ideally, a begonia in a small pot will have hundreds of flowers! Begonia needs to be protected from drafts and kept warm, then it will delight you with a whole bouquet and a wonderful aroma.


Some orchid varieties smell incredibly delicious (for example, Corsage Orchid, Oncidium Orchid). The main thing is to choose the right variety. Caring for such an orchid is no different from usual, but due to its rarity it costs 2-3 times more.


We are used to growing oregano in garden beds, but at home it looks no less beautiful because of its “fluffy crown,” and it smells just great. It is the perfect plant for the kitchen!


Another very capricious plant The one that smells good is passionflower. All those who decided to grow it had to go through a long journey of trial and error. Since the plant loves extremely humid and warm sub- and tropical climates, you will have to tinker with it.


This is an unusually beautiful, delicious-smelling and at the same time a liana plant, which has an unusual bright colors, called hoya (wax ivy). As a houseplant, it is not yet very popular in Russia, but it can be grown.


Brugmansia snow-white, as well as other types of Brugmansia - great choice for a large planter in the living room on the floor. tropical plants The genus Brugmansia from the nightshade family is very popular among Spanish gardeners.

Plumeria (plumeria)

Plumeria is not very common among indoor plants simply because not everyone knows how delicious its flowers smell. Plumeria needs to be replanted annually, which is quite easy, but each time you need to buy a larger pot.

Short sayings and beautiful phrases about flowers for no reason

Women are like flowers... Some are allowed to bloom a short time, and someone passes from age to age, maintaining beauty and aroma for long years from the moment of blossoming and flowering until the saddest hour of petals falling.

It’s still nice to receive flowers, so simply, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, but then in the morning, receiving a bouquet of flowers, your mood immediately lifts, you shine all day long... thank you...

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

She had never been given flowers before without a reason. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

She: damn, they bring flowers to the grave more often than you do to me... He: and what are you offering me?

I will give you flowers... You will die from allergies!!!

In the rapidly withering petals of a flower more life than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits.

The beauty of a flower: - in one flower.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

For some women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that the man change the water in the vase.

One rose given by a poor student expresses more than a huge bouquet given by a millionaire.

For my last birthday I was given a lot of flowers! True, everything is on Odnoklassniki...

Instead of complaining about the rose's thorns, I rejoice that there is a rose growing among the thorns.

Loved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Flower lover! You have become an inconspicuous slave of chrysanthemums.

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

I don’t believe women who say they are indifferent to flowers. They just didn’t receive them from the men they loved...

A simple chamomile given just like that will say much more than a scarlet rose given for a birthday!

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers.

Happiness is not in the number of roses given, happiness is in the person who gives them...

Men distinguish two types of flowers: roses and “what are these called?”

Chrysanthemum - the last chord in the autumn symphony of colors - has long conquered the whole world with its beauty...

Let the book of life open to you only the most beautiful pages, the river of hope joyfully flows, - the flowers of love bloom along the banks!!!

If found to female soul keys, take care of her, be for her like a gardener for flowers!!!

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, it means he has just seen that reason.

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they will quickly wither and that’s it... but damn it, it’s so nice when they are given!

Every woman loves being given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

One modest flower and many feelings are better.

Flowers as a gift... A trifle, but how nice!

Agree, a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands...

When calling a woman a flower, don’t forget to choose the right fertilizer!

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm fires.

Love... is like a rose flower. Just as beautiful and just as unpredictable.

I prefer a man to be good in bed!

A lovely night candle or evening primrose - a wonderful addition to your garden

I'll buy him flowers myself...

Artificial flowers do not smell. That’s how artificial relationships don’t bloom.

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are given not on a birthday or by a bad husband, but... just like that!

I often gave her flowers, and you know what I understood: - in a relationship, a man is just a mediator. Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

On a date, tell your girlfriend that she is beautiful, and then hit her in the face with a bouquet. Girls love flowers, warm words and strong men.

Fragrant indoor plants

You can enjoy the aromas of exotic flowers throughout almost the entire year at home. There are many known fragrant indoor plants. Each of them has its own unique smell and can be easily selected home flower to your taste.

Among the many plants that people grow in their homes, there are species that are completely odorless or with a faint, almost imperceptible aroma of fresh foliage or cut wood. A common person does not distinguish such weak odors. It is these species that are recommended to be used as indoor plants for offices, because it is no secret that for some people the floral scent causes headaches, and everyone has different tastes.

All fragrant indoor plants can be divided into two large groups:

  • Only flowers have fragrance
  • all parts of the plant smell, the smell intensifies when damaged

House plants from first group Only during flowering they delight with the aroma. This group includes some orchids, stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine), roses, gardenias, and some cacti. It should be noted that almost always among the representatives of one genus of fragrant flowering plants there are those that do not smell. The breeders made sure to please all customers: among the many hybrids, you can always choose an orchid that is completely odorless or with a pleasant exotic aroma.

Stephanotis or Madagascar jasmine is a semi-shrub vine that prefers well-lit windows. The white star flowers have an exquisite aroma. The plant requires support and careful regular care.

Gardenia quite a capricious plant.

The most magnificent flowers that bloom only at night

She loves light, warmth and moisture, but does not tolerate being under direct sun rays. This flower requires high humidity, so it is not always possible to successfully grow this tropical beauty in an ordinary apartment.

Eucharis or Amazon lily has a very pleasant, delicate aroma. These are perennial bulbous plants with large dark green leaves. From time to time, an umbrella with 5-6 flowers similar to a daffodil appears on the plant. The flowers have a refined and delicate aroma.

Inflorescences Hoyas(wax ivy) have a strong sweetish smell that intensifies in the evening. This unpretentious, drought-resistant vine with leathery leaves and long shoots blooms annually. Does not require any complex care, but young plant does not bloom.

Muraya While rarely found in homes, it is a small shrub that can be shaped into a small tree. Its flowers are very fragrant, they are white and seem to be covered with wax. Flowering can last all year round.

Abelia It blooms with a small cutting, has a pleasant subtle aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of a lemon flower. This is an ornamental flowering shrub that blooms for a long time and very abundantly. Mature plant It is better to give in a large room.

U oleander The flowers are very fragrant; inhaling their aroma for a long time can cause a headache. The pink or white flowers of this evergreen shrub are very beautiful; the plant is quite unpretentious.

Jasmine sambac– a vine with a large number of flowers, blooms continuously from May until approximately September. Requires pruning and support, flowers do not last long.

Co. second group include domestic plants, all parts of which have a pronounced aroma. An example is the well-known pelargonium (geranium). If you rub a leaf of pelargonium zonalis, you will feel a strong, pungent odor. Some people like him, some don't. If the plant is not touched, there is no smell. Fragrant pelargonium will fill the entire room with its aroma, even if its shoots are slightly disturbed.

Such plants include citrus fruits, myrtle, and araucaria. All plants used as seasonings have aromatic properties: mint, rosemary, lemon balm, Oregon, and noble laurel.

Citrus trees(lemon, orange, calamondin, tangerine) are often grown at home. All parts of plants have a pleasant aroma: leaves, shoots, and flowers.

Araucaria- one of the few coniferous plants that can be grown indoors. She has a pleasant pine aroma and saturates the air with phytoncides.

Plectranthusor indoor mint valued for its ease of care and decorative attractiveness of leaves with a pleasant mint aroma. Its flowers are small, lilac or white. Some species have a pungent odor and are used to repel moths.

Myrtleevergreen with leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers in short racemes. Myrtle leaves and shoots are a source of essential oil, widely used in perfumery and medicine.

It would be useful to remind you that when placing aromatic plants in the house, you should definitely think about which flower to put where. It is better not to keep fragrant flowers in the bedroom; for other rooms it is important to choose the right fragrant plants. Smells affect your well-being and create your mood. Some calm, others, on the contrary, give vigor and strength. Only your own feelings will tell you which room to use plants for.