Flowering shrubs in the country. The most unpretentious and beautiful ornamental shrubs for the cottage and garden

Decorative bushes are always used to decorate the garden. They differ in height, leaf texture, color and shape of flowers, and fruits. Some tall bushes reach such heights that they involuntarily turn into trees. But if you have a garden Not large sizes, then we present to you the 15 most beautiful and popular shrubs. These are low-growing bushes, ground covers, perennial ground covers for alpine hills, ornamental bushes for the garden and cottage, which do not exceed 50 - 60 cm in height.

A few words about the small garden. A small garden is a garden that occupies a small area, but due to the low-growing varieties and types of plants, it looks like a miniature of an ordinary garden. It perfectly combines dwarf plants, ground covers, low-growing coniferous plants, herbs, and low-growing flowers. You can decorate it with narrow paths, stones, a small bench for relaxing and observing compositions. Water elements present here small fountains, sculptural bowls of water.

Such a garden is beautiful because in a small area many amazingly beautiful, ornamental plants. A person on 5 square meters can see a decent, varied, full-fledged garden. And while staying in it, it will seem to us that we are giants, the creators of everything that surrounds us.

Andromeda multifolia or Podbel multifolia. Variety "Nikko"

Barberry boxwood. Variety "Nana"

Low-growing and creeping barberry varieties are also decorative: “Admiration”, “Atropurpurea Nana”, “Bagatelle”, “Bonanza Gold”, “Cpeen Carpet”, “Golden Carpet”, “Cobold”, “Red Carpet”, “Tiny Gold” .

Euonymus Fortune. Variety "Emerald Gaiety"

Size Height 0.3-0.4 m, width 0.3-0.8 m
Habit Dense, creeping shrub, some shoots slightly raised, can climb along support
Flowers/fruits Flowers are inconspicuous
Leaves Green with a white border, in winter the border is white or crimson-pink, leathery, shiny, elliptical, 2-4 cm long
Root system Superficial, branched, very sensitive to soil compaction
Lighting requirements Sun, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 6
Growing conditions Relatively winter-hardy, tolerates drought, prefers humus-rich, relatively dry or fresh soil. Tolerates haircut well

Also decorative are the low-growing and creeping varieties of Fortune’s euonymus: “Coloratus”, “Dart’s Blanket”, “Emerald Gaiety”, “Emerald Gold”, “Minimus”, “Silverstone”, “Sunspot”, “Variegatus”, “Vegetus”.

Common lingonberry.

Size 0.2-0.3 m, height and width
Habit Dense, creeping dwarf shrub, shoots prostrate and hanging, forms suckers, slow growing
Flowers/fruits Whitish-pink in small racemes, blooming in May - June; fruits are red shiny berries, pea-sized, ripen in September, taste sour
Leaves Evergreen, small, round or ovoid, dark green, shiny, light green underneath
Root system Superficial
Lighting requirements Sun, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 1
Growing conditions Prefers cool and damp places; fertile, acidic, sandy loam soils. Winter-hardy

Also a decorative low-growing variety of lingonberry “Koralle”.

Common heather. Variety "Alba Plena"

Size Height 30-50 cm
Habit Wide, dwarf, upright growing shrub, slow growth rate
Flowers/fruits The flowers are numerous small, white, double, the fruits are invisible
Leaves Evergreen, small, needle-shaped or scale-shaped, light green
Root system Superficial
Lighting requirements Sun, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 6
Growing conditions Soils required are well drained, fresh or moist, sensitive to heavy soils. Good haircut. Before winter, after some freezing of the soil, mulching and covering with spruce branches is recommended.

Also decorative are the low-growing and creeping varieties of common heather “Alexandra”, “Allegro”, “Boskoop”, “Carmen”, “County Wicklow”, “Gold Haze”, “Grizabella”, “H.E.Beale”, “Heidesinfonie”, “J.H. Hamilton", Kinlochruel, Liebestraum, Mair's Variety, Marlies, Melanie, Mullion, Peter Sparkes, Ralph Purnell, Red Favorit, Silver Knight, Sonnyboy ", "Spring Torch".

Gualteria recumbent. G. creeping, G. lodging, Wintergreen.

Size Height 10-20 cm, width 40 cm.
Habit Dwarf ground cover creeping shrub with evergreen leaves, grows quite widely and quickly
Flowers/fruits The flowers are light pink, drooping. Blooms from June to September. The fruits are very decorative, spherical, 8-10 mm in diameter, red, ripen in September, remain on the plant until spring
Leaves Decorative, round-elliptical, leathery, shiny, dark green in summer, becoming bronze-red in winter
Root system Superficial, dense
Lighting requirements Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 5
Growing conditions Prefers fresh or moist, cool acidic soils rich in humus, does not tolerate drought.

Canadian dogwood.

Size Height 0.1-0.2 m
Habit Slow-growing, groundcover dwarf shrub, forms suckers
Flowers/fruits The inconspicuous green-white flowers are surrounded by four white bracts; flowering late May - June, forms a beautiful flowering carpet. The fruits are bright red drupes
Leaves Small, elliptical, dark green, turning purple or reddish-violet in autumn
Root system Tolerates surface soil compaction
Lighting requirements Shadow, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 2
Growing conditions Prefers cool and damp places, winter-hardy, not tolerant in open sunny places, neutral to acidic soils

Creeping willow. Variety "Argentea".

Size Height 0.3-0.5 m, width up to 1 m
Habit Attractive dwarf shrub, shoots are thin, gray, pubescent, later black, very elastic; slow growing
Flowers/fruits In small initially silvery, then yellow fragrant earrings, flowering until the foliage blooms in late April - early May
Leaves Elliptical or oval, small, white when blooming, with silky, silvery and shiny pubescence, later more grayish, pale yellow in autumn
Lighting requirements Sun
Winter hardiness Zone 5
Growing conditions Usually winter-hardy, light-loving, requires cool places, does not tolerate dry air and high temperatures, loves high humidity; soils are fresh or moist, acidified to alkaline, rich in humus, sandy or sandy loam

Low-growing and creeping varieties of willow are also decorative: goat willow “Pendula”, purple willow “Pendula”.

Viburnum common. Variety "Nanum". Also called K. red, K. low.

Size Height and width 0.5 m
Habit Dwarf shrub, almost spherical, grows very compactly
Flowers/fruits Blooms abundantly in late May - June, flowers are fragrant, marginal flowers are white, sterile, middle flowers are small, white at first, then pinkish-white
Leaves Small leaves, three- or five-lobed, light green in spring, green in summer, turning reddish in autumn
Root system Superficial, wide, forms suckers, not sensitive to compaction and flooding
Lighting requirements Sun, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 4
Growing conditions Sensitive to elevated temperatures and drought, prefers fairly moist soils, from neutral to highly alkaline. Winter-hardy

Dummer cotoneaster. Variety "Cardinal"

Also decorative are the low-growing and creeping varieties of Dummer cotoneaster: “Coral Beauty”, “Eichholz”, “Juergl”, “Winterjuwel”, “Radicans”, and pressed cotoneaster.

Pachysandra apex.

Size Height 0.3 m
Habit Long rhizomatous evergreen subshrub, forming a dense cover of erect stems, with three tiers of leaves, slow growing
Flowers/fruits White racemose inflorescences on the top of the shoots, flowering in late April - May
Leaves Evergreen, obovate, dense, light green with jagged edges, 5-8 cm long; each tier of leaves is a one-year shoot, the leaves live for 3 years, which ensures the density of the cover
Root system Superficial, produces suckers, sensitive to soil compaction
Lighting requirements Shadow, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 5
Growing conditions Cool, damp places are required; relatively winter-hardy, sensitive to wind; well-drained, fresh or moist, acidified or slightly alkaline, sandy loam or loam, rich in humus; does not grow on heavy soils

Low-growing and creeping varieties of apical pachysandra are also decorative: “Green Carpet”, “Variegata”.

Spiraea japonica (Meadowsweet). Variety "Golden Carpet"

Also decorative are low-growing and creeping varieties of Japanese spirea: “Golden Princess”, “Goldmound”, “Japanese Dwarf”, “Little Princess”, “Magic Carpet”, and spirea Buverda variety “Lumikki”, creeping spirea.

Stephanandra notifolia. Variety "Crispa".

Size Height 0.5-0.8 m, width up to 1.5 m
Habit Prostrate dwarf or small bush, shoots bent, twisted and lying on the ground; slow growing
Flowers/fruits Small white inflorescences, June–July
Leaves Early blooming, small, three-lobed, light green; in autumn from yellow to brick red
Lighting requirements Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 5
Growing conditions Prefers light shade, loves cool places, winter-hardy; avoid heat and drought; Fresh to moist, well drained and fertile; from acidic to slightly alkaline; thins out on heavy, highly alkaline soils

Chaenomeles, Japanese quince. Variety "Brilliant"

Size height 1-2 m, width 2-2.5 m
Habit dense, growing vertically, then drooping
Flowers/fruits the flowers are large, orange-red, the fruits are spherical or ovoid, yellow, often blush in the sun, have a pleasant aroma, edible
Leaves when blooming, bronze-green, then dense dark green, fall in late autumn, practically without changing color
Root system superficial, sensitive to soil compaction
Lighting requirements Sun
Winter hardiness Zone 5
Growing conditions prefers sheltered places, light-loving, tolerates only light shading, demanding soil fertility, drought-resistant

Also decorative are the low-growing and creeping varieties of chaenomeles: “Crimson and Gold”, “Elly Mossel”, “Fancination”, “Fire Dance”, “Hollandia”, “Jet Trail”, “Nicoline”, “Nivalis”, “Pink Lady” , "Vesuvius".

Erica is herbal, rosy. Variety "Rubinteppich".

Size Height 0.1-0.2 m, width 0.4 m
Habit Wide, compact evergreen shrub
Flowers/fruits Small numerous bells on the top of the shoots, ruby ​​red, with a slight honey smell; blooms from late March to mid-April
Leaves Needle-shaped, shiny, arranged in whorls of 4, linear, 4-8 mm long; dark green
Root system Shallow and dense, very sensitive to soil compaction
Lighting requirements Sun, Penumbra
Winter hardiness Zone 6
Growing conditions Loves warmth, relatively winter-hardy; sensitive to high temperatures and drought; sensitive to wind; soils are well-drained, sandy loam or loam, rich in humus, neutral, relatively dry or moist

Also decorative are low-growing and creeping varieties of Erica grass: “March Seedling”, “Myretoun Ruby”, “Rosalie”, “Snow Queen”, “Vivelli”, “Winter Beauty”, “Winter Rubin”, “Alba”, “Challenger” , "Golden Starlet", "Isabell".

We hope that the above-described varieties of low-growing, dwarf, creeping bushes, shrubs and shrubs will attract you with their variety of forms and inspire you to create ideas cozy corner in your garden!

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Shrub up to 1.5 m high. The crown is dense, spherical or ovoid. The shoots are erect, reddish-gray. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, up to 8 cm long, dark green, light green below. Bright pink flowers, sitting on the shoots, appear simultaneously with the blossoming of the leaves in May. Abundant flowering...

Honeysuckle seaside Serotina

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Maple Ginnala (riverine)

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Viburnum common Buldenezh

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Purple willow Nana

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White dogwood Sibirika Variegata

A shrub up to 1.8 m high with a spreading crown up to 2 m wide. The shoots are thin, bright red, making the plants decorative throughout the season. The leaves are also very decorative, they are quite large, up to 12 cm long, ovate, dark green with a wide creamy-white border and with the same spots...

European euonymus

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Willow wholeleaf Hakuro-Nishiki

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Common privet

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Amur grapes

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Shrub up to 2.5 m high and wide. The crown is spreading, dense, hemispherical with upright and drooping branches. The leaves are diamond-shaped, 3-5-lobed, up to 10 cm long, violet-red, retain color throughout the summer. The flowers are small, pale pink, look impressive against the background of dark foliage, ...


Low spreading thorny shrub up to 1 m tall. It is distinguished by its rather early flowering, sometimes even before the leaves bloom on the plant; the shoots are literally strewn with large red-brown flowers. The leaves are emerald green. Fragrant fruits appear already in the third year of life and fully ripen in the middle...

Euonymus Fortune (varieties)

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Hawthorn monopolyta

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Budleya Davida (cultivar)

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In almost every garden you can find decorative flowering shrubs. They have many advantages. Firstly, they are very beautiful, secondly, many of them are quite frost-resistant, thirdly, they come in high and low (which expands the possibilities of use for different types of landscapes). But the main thing is that with proper selection, you can achieve constant flowering of shrubs from the first days of spring until late autumn. They are valued not only for their beautiful, often fragrant flowers, but also for their decorative leaves, crown shape and various fruits. There is a great variety of ornamental shrubs.

Most shrubs do not lose their decorative value throughout the warm season, and some remain attractive even in winter.

There are shrubs that attract with their bright and abundant flowering; they can be called beautifully flowering. And there are those who cannot boast beautiful flowers, but they have leaves of unusual color or shape. Such bushes can be called decorative deciduous.

The first group includes rhododendrons, lilacs, hydrangea, buldenezh, spirea, hawthorn, buddleia, euonymus and some types of barberry. And from the second group we can name Thunberg barberry, holly, privet, leather mackerel and others.

Flowering ornamental shrubs can also be divided into groups according to flowering time. In April, forsythia, wolfberry, and daphne delight us. A little later they are joined by chaenomeles, low almond, cotoneaster, spirea, and barberry. In May, viburnum, rosehip, lilac, and mock orange take up the baton. Summer gives us the blooming of roses, cinquefoils, and some varieties of spirea. In July, hydrangeas captivate with their beauty, decorating gardens until the coldest weather. In early autumn the following flowers bloom: heather and kalmia. Well, in winter the garden will be decorated with holly and its coniferous counterparts.

Autumn gardens look unusually colorful and elegant, thanks to some deciduous species bushes. When nothing else is blooming, barberry, euonymus, chokeberry, spirea, rosehip, scumpia and hybrid azaleas add bright colors in a variety of autumn colors with their foliage. Most shrubs bear fruits, which are also very decorative.

Shrubs differ in growth; you can choose both dwarf - low-growing and tall varieties. The shape of the crown can be dome-shaped, upright (pyramidal), fountain-shaped, or creeping.

In addition to beauty and decorativeness, the practical properties of shrubs should also be emphasized. They grow quite quickly and are long-lived (up to 5-8 years without transplantation). Most of them are unpretentious to light, soil composition, and are quite frost-resistant. Does not require constant care. Thanks to their superficial root system, they can grow on slopes, fixing loose soil.

Barberry (Berberis)- deciduous or evergreen thorny shrubs, barberry family. The color of barberry leaves is very diverse; in addition to the usual green, it can be variegated - with spots or a border, as well as purple or yellow. The height of the bush also varies, depending on the variety. The range is from low - up to 30 cm, to high - more than 3 m. The flowers of barberry are small yellow bells. Blooms in mid-May. A wonderful honey plant.

It won't cause much trouble, because it's very unpretentious shrub. Loves light, but grows well in the shade. It is completely undemanding to soils, it only does not tolerate soaking. Not afraid of wind and drought. It is frost-resistant, especially the Thunberg barberry variety (Berberis thunbergii), but in the first three years a little shelter is needed for the winter. If the barberry variety is unknown to you, then you need to make a frame of arcs and cover it with non-woven material in two layers (since some variegated varieties may be less frost-resistant).

Low-growing species of barberry look gorgeous on rocky hills and in rock gardens. And the tall ones are like tapeworms and in group plantings. This bush is a leader in its use in hedges and borders, both trimmed and free.

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare)- deciduous or evergreen shrub, olive family, 2-3 meters high. In June-August, cute paniculate inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, white or cream, appear. They are replaced by shiny black fruits. The leaves are leathery, dark green in most varieties, but there are also decorative forms with yellow, bluish-silver leaves.

Privet - unpretentious plant. Can grow in sun and partial shade. Any soil is suitable (except clayey with an acidic reaction). Drought-resistant; in very hot weather, rare but abundant watering is recommended. Winter-hardy, easily restored, only some varieties need to be covered.

The peculiarity of privet is that it responds very well to cutting and can retain its shape for a long time. Therefore, it is great for dense borders. It makes wonderful molded hedges. You can even create unusual living walls. Topiary figures cut from privet are an excellent landscape decoration.

Spiraea- deciduous shrub with beautifully arching branches, family Rosaceae. This is a large genus of shrubs, which is divided into spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Flowers come in a variety of inflorescence shapes and colors (from white to deep crimson). Its height does not exceed 2 m.

The plant is very unpretentious. Well adapted to urban conditions. Grows normally in partial shade, but prefers sunny places. Any soil is suitable, but slightly acidic is better. Watering is moderate. It grows quickly and blooms in the third year. Frost-resistant.

Has acquired well-deserved love from gardeners and landscape designers. The great variety of its varieties provides many opportunities for creativity. The shape of the bush can be pyramidal, spherical, flowing. The leaf color varies from green to yellow, orange or purple-red. Numerous small flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes. All these features of the crown, leaves and flowers allow you to create wonderful compositions. And if you choose the right varieties, you can admire continuous flowering spirea throughout the warm season. Used in rockeries, hedges, and as a frame for green-leaved groups of trees.

Bobovnik (Laburnum)- legume family, has 6 species of shrubs, valued for beautiful bloom. The most common are Laburnum anagyroides and Alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum). “Golden Rain” is a shrub with smooth green and later light brown bark. It can have either a pyramidal or dome-shaped drooping crown shape. The leaves are trifoliate, consisting of oval leaves, the underside of which is pubescent. At the end of summer they turn light yellow. Blooms in May. Inflorescences in the form of a large hanging raceme (up to 30 cm), consisting of yellow flowers with moth-like corollas. They have a weak aroma. The fruits are initially pubescent, then become smooth. Alpine bean is very similar to Golden Rain, although it is more frost-resistant. It has smaller branches and leaves, and the fruits are not pubescent.

The plant is poisonous! The fruits contain alkaloids - laburnine and cytisine. Children should not be allowed near him.

Bobovnik is light-loving. Undemanding to soils, but required good drainage. The bean tree requires constant pruning to prevent the bush from growing into a large (up to 7 m) tree. While the trees are young, they need support. For the first three years, young plants should be mulched and covered with agrofibre. After a slight freezing, the crown quickly recovers.

Both in group and single plantings it looks very bright and beautiful, thanks to the large number of huge flower brushes. Bean plants make delightful canopies and pergolas.

Rhododendron- deciduous or evergreen shrub, heather family. It grows naturally in Western Siberia, the Far East, Mongolia and China. There are many varieties with varied foliage: spear-shaped, round, oval. Inflorescences are corymbose. The shape of the flowers and their color are also very diverse; their beauty can rival even roses. They bloom from late April and almost all summer. They are gradually being grown in gardens, but you need to carefully select frost-resistant varieties that can survive the winter in our climate.

The area for planting rhododendrons should be protected from the wind and be in partial shade. The soil will be acidic or neutral. Regular watering is required.

In our area they do not reach large sizes. By selecting different varieties of rhododendrons, you can ensure their constant flowering throughout the season. They look very nice next to coniferous plants. Their low-growing varieties Great for rock gardens. Rhododendrons are used to create hedges near water bodies.

Irga (Amelanchier)- deciduous shrub or small tree, family Rosaceae. In spring, beautiful white flowers bloom on the serviceberry, often ahead of the leaves. Flowering is short-lived, after which small black-purple round-shaped fruits appear (similar to tiny apples).

The fruits are tasty, juicy, rich in vitamins (especially P). The green leaves of the serviceberry in the fall flash with bright colors: yellow, scarlet.

Irga is a very unpretentious plant. Light-loving, but also tolerates shade. Does not like waterlogging. Very winter-hardy. Not afraid of either cold wind or spring frosts. Some types of this ornamental shrub are even suitable for decorating a garden in Siberia and the Far North.

This is far from full list frost-resistant ornamental shrubs.

Shadow Lovers

Many ornamental shrubs can grow and develop normally in moderately shaded areas. True, this may affect the abundance of flowering. Some tolerate shading well, moreover, direct sunlight is contraindicated for them.

Dogwood (Cornus)- deciduous, highly branched shrub, dogwood family. In spring, dogwood decorates the garden with its blooms. Dogwood's small white, purple or yellow flowers are collected in a head or umbrella (depending on the species). There are varieties in which small flowers in inflorescences are unsightly, but are surrounded by large bright petal-shaped leaves (bractea).

In autumn, dogwood foliage also pleases the eye with bright yellow, orange and crimson colors. The fruits also ripen in the fall. Most often dark red, sometimes light yellow or pink, oblong in shape. They not only add decorative value to the bush, but are also tasty and healthy.

Dogwood leaves easily get burned in full sun, so shaded areas are suitable for it. Prefers moist soil and air. It is undemanding to soil composition. Most varieties are frost-resistant, but some require a little shelter for the winter. Dogwood is distinguished by its durability. IN landscape design Dogwood bushes are used as tapeworms or in mixborders.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea)- Hydrangeaceae family, deciduous ornamental shrub. The flowers are collected in large dome-shaped or paniculate inflorescences. Most often they are white, but blue, red and pink are also found. The color of some plants may vary depending on the chemical composition of the soil. IN
Depending on the variety, the height of the bushes ranges from 1 to 3 meters. There are also dwarf varieties.
The plant is moisture-loving, best planted in partial shade. Many varieties of paniculata and tree hydrangea frost-resistant. However, protection is necessary in winter: pinning branches to the ground, followed by spruce branches and agrofibre. Frozen branches are cut off in the spring and the plant grows back quickly.

In landscape design it is used both alone and in compositions with conifers or other ornamental shrubs, as well as bulbous flowers. The bushes look amazing due to the splendor of the inflorescences and their large number.

Holly (Ilex aquifolium) or holly- evergreen or deciduous shrub, holly family. IN wildlife grows almost everywhere. This beautiful plant with dark green or bicolor leathery leaves. Flowering lasts only two weeks from May to July (depending on the variety). The flowers are small, white and fragrant. It is especially decorative with the onset of winter, when modest flowers are replaced by bright fruits made of beaded berries. Holly is an essential component of Western Christmas wreaths.

Many varieties of holly have been developed. Some have a white or yellow border around the edges of the leaves, or a hint of blue. The purely male variety Blue Prince is an excellent pollinator. It should be noted that holly is a dioecious plant and female varieties delight us with red berries only if a male specimen grows nearby.

Areas exposed to the sun are contraindicated for holly, as it may suffer from sunburn. It should be planted in a shady place with forest soil. Does not tolerate drought, must regular moisturizing. Most varieties are frost-resistant.

Thanks to its thick and spiky foliage, holly is good for use as hedge. It is a slow-growing bush that responds well to pruning, which is why it makes wonderful topiary. The beautiful leaves of holly in summer make an excellent backdrop for bulbs or other perennial flowers. Evergreen foliage and red berries in winter make holly a bright accent in a deserted garden.

Coniferous shrubs

There is also a type of ornamental shrubs that have neither beautiful leaves nor flowers, but that makes them no less attractive. These are coniferous shrubs.

Juniper (Juniperus)- an evergreen shrub of the cypress family. The needles are needle-shaped or scaly. The fruits are blue-black cones (sometimes red-brown). The plant is dioecious. Exists
many types of juniper. Among them there are also tall bushes (more than two meters), and some that are completely dwarf (up to 30 cm). They are also presented in a variety of shapes: creeping, pyramidal, dome-shaped. Many frost-resistant varieties.

Junipers grow well in bright sunny areas. Undemanding to soils. Drought resistant. In dry summers, they need to be watered well several times. Even frost-resistant varieties require winter shelter in the first year after planting. Junipers with a pyramidal crown must be tied for the winter so that the branches do not break under the weight of snow.

Low-growing and creeping varieties of juniper are used in alpine roller coaster and for securing slopes and slopes. You can also create very original borders from them. High varieties are used in single and small group plantings.

Thuja– evergreen trees and shrubs, cypress family. Leaves are scale-like. The fruits are oblong or oval cones with several pairs of scales. The seeds are flat with two wings. This plant is monoecious. It has many decorative artificially bred forms.

Grows in sunny areas and in partial shade. Any soil is suitable, but it is well permeable. Regular watering and mulching of the root zone is required. Thujas are frost-resistant, but young plants require shelter for the winter in the first two to three years. Like junipers, tall pyramidal varieties of thuja must be tied for the winter to avoid damage to the branches under the weight of snow.

Due to its durability, winter hardiness and adaptability to urban conditions, thuja is very widely used in ornamental gardening in many climatic zones.

In landscape design it is used to create picturesque alleys. Living walls or hedges are formed from densely planted groups, depending on the height of the bush. Thuja also looks good as a tapeworm.

Ornamental shrubs, for the most part, are easy to care for and tolerate well winter frosts and at the same time incredibly beautiful. Everyone can choose the varieties and species that are suitable for their garden. Their diversity allows you to make your garden bright, blooming and delightful almost all year round!

Ornamental shrubs for a summer cottage are an essential requirement garden design. This type of vegetation allows you to decorate any garden territory. In addition, they reduce the movement of through air in certain areas.

In the process of choosing a particular crop, it is important to take into account its physiological characteristics and growth rate. Here it is necessary to correctly combine ornamental crops according to their flowering time. As a result, it is possible to create a continuously blooming landscape that will delight its owners for a long time.

How to properly combine shrubs with each other in a summer cottage?

Before you start planting ornamental vegetation, you need to take into account its climatic requirements. For example, some types of shrubs prefer shady areas, while others require constant sunlight. In addition, when choosing a tree crop variety, it is important to take into account its size and the diameter of the crown of an adult plant. For small areas, it is best to select miniature varieties of shrubs.

Large and spreading types will take up too much available space. Varieties of Cossack juniper or ground cover types of crops are suitable for this.

For a seasonal flower garden use different types ornamental crops. They bloom and grow actively throughout the year. Frost-resistant species of shrubs will delight you with their appearance throughout the frosty autumn. They have a bright color that will stand out among the gray mass of plants.

To create a hedge, it is recommended to select low-growing plants and lush crown. They lend themselves well to cutting and shaping. For example, columnar thujas are considered ideal option. In the process of active growth, they form a dense green wall, which will provide privacy from prying eyes.

As for joint plantings, then here it is better to select Weigela, Spirea, Budleya or oleander. These types of vegetation go well together. Liana-like types of shrubs are suitable for arched architecture. For example, wild grapes grows rapidly over iron or wooden frame. This species tolerates drought and early frosts well.

Shrubs with deciduous crowns will help decorate the fence. For example, weaving types of roses, in addition to their decorative functions, are considered excellent protection from nosy neighbors. The correct choice and combination of species is considered the main and integral requirement of a beautiful landscape design.

Flowering shrub species

Flowering bush on personal plot can decorate any landscape space. As a rule, these varieties of woody vegetation bloom in early spring or late autumn. We present to your attention popular garden crops.


This type of vegetation is distinguished by its appearance both during flowering and at the end of the growing season. The foliage has a bright green tint. Along the borders of the leaf there is a small border of a light shade.

The Nana Purpeya variety is distinguished by its burgundy leaves, which are decorated with many crimson-colored flowers. The photo of a shrub for a summer residence shows this type of ornamental crop.


This variety is distinguished by its ease of care. The shrub can bloom profusely both in summer and early spring.

The Vagnutta and Pink Ice varieties are distinguished by their decorative foliage. They fit perfectly together. During the flowering process, its branches are abundantly strewn with white or pink tassels.


This type of shrub is distinguished by its enchanting aroma and abundant flowering. Surely everyone has noticed this beautiful bush and its fragrant smell, beautiful flowers, which are scattered along the entire length of the tree crop. Several are known in nature hybrid varieties. They are distinguished by their miniature size and compact crown.


This type belongs to fruit bushes. At the end abundant flowering Decorative brushes of a green hue are formed at the ends of the branches. The berries begin to ripen in mid-October. They become soft and sweetish in taste.

The shrub tolerates drought and severe frosts well. The plant tolerates shady areas well. For example, Viburnum Viburnum feels great in the open sun, and Viburnum Bulldonezh prefers both shady and sunny areas.

Photos of bushes for a summer residence

Almost every owner of a summer cottage has thought about zoning the territory: where to plant vegetables and trees, in what place to plant flower beds, and in what place it will be possible to relax after working day. Garden bushes have a significant place in botanical science. There are bushes different types, but the main feature that distinguishes them from trees is the absence of a main trunk. There are several of them, they are located at a close distance.

Depending on the species, shrubs look different. They are divided into three large groups, Here are the types of shrubs:

It is worth noting that such a division cannot be considered absolute, but only conditional. After all, numerous examples can be given that flowering plants bear fruit.

Moreover, groups are distinguished according to the time of flower appearance or relative to the sun. There are sun-loving ones (mostly fruit-bearing ones), including currants, which love light very much. Shade-tolerant plants include deutia, weigela and others. Famous representatives of shade-loving crops are honeysuckle and euonymus.

If we assume that you need to beautifully decorate a private plot, then you should pay attention to decorative varieties. Unique shapes, sizes and shades, together with a number of other useful properties, make it possible to decorate on our own hedges that protect from city noise and lift your spirits. Bushes can decorate the entrance or other parts of the site.

You need to carefully study the properties of the plants that you plan to plant. For example, if it is possible to build a hedge, you should find out everything related to the length of the flowering period, the size and shape of the foliage, its color, care rules, and possible diseases.

Decorative deciduous varieties

Main distinguishing feature, which distinguishes them favorably from other types of plants - they can be a decoration of the garden with early spring and until late autumn. In many plants, the foliage is colored in various shades, sometimes even bright, for example, they are bright yellow, purple, violet, and in some cases they have slight spots.

The shapes of aralia and tropical bush resemble tropical species. Fieldfare has a soft color palette. Young leaves have a pleasant pink tint, which gradually turns bright green. With the onset of autumn, they turn yellow, acquiring a golden hue.

If you need to embellish a plain wall or a high fence, you can pay attention to white turf bushes.

Combination of some types

Do not forget about the rules for combining plants, because each of them has individual qualities and properties, because not everyone gets along with each other:

Fruit crops

Almost all summer cottages There are representatives of this category. We are talking about raspberries, currants, gooseberries and others. By the way, by combining different varieties of currants with each other, get excellent colorful compositions, leaving no one indifferent to those who see them. They are planted not only for beauty and protection from strong gusts of wind, but also for harvest.

It should be noted that fruit bushes require more careful care compared to ornamental ones.

Decorative deciduous varieties

Landscape designers have long learned to combine not only trees with flowers, but also bushes. They are used to create compositions, figures, or simply achieve color contrast. When choosing, you should take into account that there are varieties that shed leaves, and there are also evergreens. The latter are mainly hybrids of well-known coniferous species trees. All of them are distinguished by their love of light and warmth, in addition, they need to be planted in fertile soil. Beyond the middle climate zone of our country, they must be covered with the onset of cold weather.

Prominent representatives include Japanese maple, various categories of barberry, aralia, mahonia, and elderberry.

Shrubs for the garden