Decorative wall cladding with plastic – interesting ideas for room design. Plastic sheets for walls: their types and installation rules Finishing plastic for walls

Leafy Wall panels For interior decoration- a material that gained popularity relatively recently. Only a few years on the market, but it has already won its niche. All this is thanks to the fact that manufacturers were able to make a material that can easily replace the old coating with a new, fresher one.

Sheet panels are sheets small sizes without fastenings. This means that there are no joints or groove elements. The sheets are fastened together by lubricating with sealant or using special slats. These slats can hide the joints.

What materials are they made from?

A number of different materials are used to produce sheet panels. It can be:

  • plastic panels;
  • wood fiber;
  • wood-chip;
  • wooden;
  • from MDF.

Plastic panels

PVC panels are made from large sheets. The sheets are made from plastic that does not have harmful components or toxins. There are no formaldehyde resins or any other harmful components that negatively affect human health. Convenient for transportation and installation.

What is the price of sheet wall panels indicated in this

Wood fiber and wood chips

This type is made from waste from the wood processing industry by pressing. The material is first dried. What is waste? Wood shavings, grinding dust, wood chips. Formaldehyde resins are added to the panels, which gives the structure strength.

The advantages of this material include high material strength, high wear resistance and reliability. If wall cladding is required, then this material occupies a leading position when choosing. They can be used in any room of an apartment or house, including the bathroom. Manufacturers produce special panels with high moisture resistance.

When producing panels, all components are mixed, crushed and pressed. To increase strength and wear resistance, paraffin, rosin, resins, and antiseptics are added. By finishing your walls with wood fiber or particleboard panels, you can hope for a long service life.


They not only add beauty and comfort to the room, but also preserve the health of the residents. Sheet panels are made from environmentally friendly pure materials. They give the room a sense of style and richness. Nature has invested many useful properties into wood.

For example, it absorbs moisture well, but then quickly releases it in case of deficiency. Phytoncides are substances that wood is rich in. These substances, released into the air, destroy pathogenic microbes and bacteria. They have a healing effect on humans.

During the production process, the panels are coated with wax. As a result, careful maintenance of finished surfaces is not required. Wood repels dust well and has good antistatic properties. All wall imperfections can be hidden by using sheet wood panels. To all these positive qualities we can add good thermal insulation and excellent thermal insulation properties. And indeed it is. Indeed, in many recording studios the wall coverings are made using wood panels.

The video shows sheet wall panels for interior decoration:

The assortment is quite rich. This includes moisture-resistant material with a wax coating that repels dirt.

When laying wood panels, special skills are required. A person without experience is unlikely to be able to lay the material correctly. Therefore, it is better to use the help of specialists. They know all the intricacies and basics of styling. An inexperienced craftsman can easily damage the material. It is worth remembering that its price is not so low. As a result, repair costs will increase.

Laying is done in several stages. Having purchased the material, place it in the room where installation will take place. This usually takes two days. After this, a frame is made on the wall, which needs to be dried very well. In this case, the surface must first be covered with a protective layer against mold and mildew. Next, the panels are secured with nails.

MDF sheathing

Their structure is similar to fiberboard sheets. If we compare these sheets, then in terms of production technology the advantage lies on the side of MDF. These sheets are produced using high-tech equipment. Small chips are used as the material for manufacturing. Subsequently, it is exposed to high temperature and pressure under which it is pressed. They use the dry pressing method on special equipment. At the same time, such difficult process doesn't really affect that. The price is quite affordable.

Lignin acts as a binding component in this material. It is obtained by heating wood. At MDF manufacturing panels eliminate the addition of toxic resins and phenols, which are so harmful to humans. Because of this, such panels are used even in rooms where children live.

If you need to lay MDF panels on the walls in the kitchen or bathroom, then use panels with high moisture resistance. This is achieved by covering the panels with melamine. The color range is also very wide. You can purchase material imitation wood, brick, stone, etc.

To install, you need to go through several steps. The first is to prepare the walls, as well as prepare the panels themselves. The sheets must be placed in the room in which they will be used in advance. This is a prerequisite that allows panels to adapt. As a result, you will no longer need to think about the fact that the sheets are deformed, cracks or cracks form. If installation will be carried out in the basement, then the panels will need to rest there for 2 days. In ordinary premises, 24 hours is sufficient.

Next, they need to be cut using a special hacksaw or saw. After this, you need to clean the surface itself from dust and dirt. Sandpaper will help remove surface roughness and level the wall. Otherwise you will need a lot of glue base.

In the video - sheet wall panels:

Decorative types of wall decoration

Every owner wants to have something special in their apartment. For wall decoration, sheet panels were invented, which have a wide variety of types. Sheet panels are more of a decorative material.

Decorative panels Now they are used not only for processing walls, but also for processing ceilings. Due to the fact that the panels have a low cost, you can radically change the interior of the room. Easy dismantling and multiple uses complete the list of positive characteristics.

  1. Wood panels. They are considered the only material that can convey all the beauty of natural wood. No other material can do this.
  2. Under the brick. Nowadays brickwork itself is often used indoors. Due to the high cost of natural finishing, sheet panels are used. They will be able to convey all the beauty of brickwork. Can be combined with.
  3. Under the stone. This type of sheet panels is also common, just like brick.
  4. Sheet panels are available in other types. These could be panels that replicate the beauty of the seabed and sky. Now 3D panels have appeared.

Facing types of PVC wall sheets

There are several types of PVC. These include:

By using sheets in the bathroom, you can veil all pipes and not only them. The panels will help hide all communications. Therefore, there is no need to say that all irregularities, cracks and defects will be hidden under the decorative sheets.

Why do you need decorative wall cladding? This is necessary to ensure that there is a truly cozy, unique atmosphere inside the premises. Today there are many different finishing materials that are suitable for interior walls. There are also plenty of different proposals for exterior decoration.

Materials for interior cladding: consider in detail

Decorative wall cladding indoors you can do it with:

  1. Plastic – we are talking about both panels (sheets) and individual strips;
  2. Do not write off decorative wall panels made from different types of materials;
  3. There is also no need to refuse to use siding panels.
To make the decorative cladding of the walls inside the room original, you can always choose a stone: artificial or natural. Decorative plaster, various wallpapers, and other materials are also often used here - the choice is yours.

Plastic and its varieties for decorative wall decoration

Decorative finishing of walls with plastic is performed quite often. Today there are many different types of this material - there will always be some interesting option for your room.

Today they are in demand:

  • Laminated plastic;
  • Vinyl material.

Although these materials are plastic, they also have many differences. This concerns characteristics and properties.

Vinyl plastic and its characteristics

This is the material most often used for interior wall cladding. The reason for this popularity is the presence of excellent properties and certain advantages. We discussed other options in the article about.

Polyvinyl chloride plastic and its parameters:

  • The material is moisture resistant as it can easily withstand a humid environment even on a permanent basis. This is true for any room in your apartment - kitchen area, bathroom, toilet, etc. Also often.
  • It is practical because in terms of hygiene it is very easy to work with. The surface does not absorb dirt or dust. To clean, simply use a damp cloth.
If you decide to use this type of plastic for exterior finishing work, you can wash it with a regular hose - the main thing is that there is strong water pressure.
  • PVC plastic is durable. It does not fade when exposed to sun rays, that is, in the foreseeable future it will not lose its original design. Due to this feature, you will be able to use your finish for many years;
  • It is also worth mentioning frost resistance. The material will withstand even very low temperatures - this will not negatively affect its structure;
  • Another advantage: wear resistance. This indicator is achieved due to the fact that there is a protective layer on the surface of the material;
  • Easily copes with temperature changes both outside and inside.

There are other features of this plastic.:

  • In addition to the above, it should be noted - this plastic It washes without problems, you can do it with your own hands very easily. The only point: for similar work it is necessary to prepare the surface in advance;
  • Plastic in stripes is very similar in appearance to wood paneling. The assortment today includes many different shades and surface design options - this is a positive point in design terms;
  • Decorative wall cladding with such plastic will look very aesthetically pleasing if you choose imitation natural stone, brickwork. However, even monochromatic shades look advantageous. Due to this feature, you can always create an original interior;
  • In terms of its characteristics and methods of use, plastic is, without a doubt, a universal material;
  • Its installation can be done not only on the wall surface, but also on the ceiling - many do this;
  • When decorating an apartment, you can use both plastic strips and panels made of this material.
The peculiarity of plastic panels, in contrast to strips, is that their size is larger. The strips have special locks on the ends - you will see them much less often on the panels.

  • Decorative panels made of plastic for wall cladding may have different thickness. It all depends on whether insulation or insulation work will be carried out in your room. Quite often, panels are glued to extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam
  • In this way, you will be able to simultaneously both insulate your apartment and decorate it
  • The plastic itself is great insulating material. It does not allow moisture to pass through, and the same can be said about steam. To some extent it muffles the sound. The plastic used for cladding does not burn due to exposure high temperatures will not be deformed
  • If it so happens that condensation collects on the plastic trim, you can easily get rid of it. A dry rag will always help with this. A similar phenomenon is often observed in bathrooms or bathrooms.
Please note: plastic surfaces can be of two types - either matte or glossy. The second option is often used for cladding ceilings; the first is chosen for walls.

It’s impossible to say that plastic is a very durable material. However, if you use certain installation technologies, plastic panels or strips can easily cope even with serious loads - this is a fact.

Laminated paper plastic and its features

Wall decoration using decorative laminate has become very popular - but not so long ago. The demand for such material has begun to increase every day due to the fact that it has a very attractive, aesthetic appearance.

The features of paper-decorative plastic are as follows::

  • This material is made using different varieties paper;
  • They are pressed under high temperatures, and resinous substances are added. It is due to them that the material becomes so similar to the simplest plastic;
  • The cost is slightly higher compared to ordinary material.
This type of plastic is produced exclusively in strips. At their ends you will find special clasps - they are needed so that the trim can be easily and conveniently fastened.

It is known that the material may have different surface. Namely:

  • Metallized - that is, coated with the thinnest layer of a metal alloy;
  • Structural - several types of design can be applied to the surface at once (such a surface is uneven);
  • Glossy is also found (a certain shine is attached);
  • Matte version is considered the most reliable and practical.
The material has both front and back sides. Most often they are decorated the same way. The walls are lined with layered decorative plastic often – this solution can be called universal. Use this material not only for wall surfaces, but also for ceilings.

The choice of imitations and colors is impressive, we’ll talk about this in more detail.

The most common are wood imitations - they are found in both cold and warm shades.

Most often this:

  • Brown;
  • Dark brown;
  • Sand;
  • Chocolate;
  • Brick.

Decorative wall cladding with this material is done in much the same way as installing simple vinyl plastic.

The parameters of the paper-laminated material include the following::

  1. It is practical and can be safely used in any room;
  2. It is impossible not to note the durability: if the material is used correctly, the finish will certainly last you more than ten years;
  3. High moisture resistance: this cannot be said about all types of laminated paper;
  4. Strength and reliability - since after installation work on the surface the material will be able to withstand significant physical and mechanical loads;
  5. Wear resistance - due to the presence of a protective layer, laminated paper does not lose its appearance for a very long time, the design of the material is not erased.

It should also be noted: laminated paper is a frost-resistant material. But he will not be able to cope with very low temperatures. Because of this, it is usually used when it is necessary to cladding indoors.
  • If you decide to use this material to decorate the walls in a balcony room, it is best to choose the plastic that has a protected surface on both sides;
  • This is explained by the fact that on balconies or loggias there is almost always a high level of air humidity. And if the joints of the material are not treated with a sealant, and it does not have double-sided protection, moisture will constantly get into them. Over time, it will definitely begin to destroy the plastic structure - because of this, your finish will simply become deformed;
  • Decorative cladding of walls in apartments can be made with laminated paper. Indoors high humidity There will definitely be no air, there will be no dramatic temperature changes here either;
  • Before purchasing laminated paper plastic, be sure to check the properties of the material with the sellers. In addition, on the packaging with the material you will find special instructions, which indicate not only possible applications, but also the advantages of your particular plastic - this is very convenient.

Installation of plastic on walls

First, preparatory work should be carried out on the surface of the walls. Namely: as part of the preparation, a frame is made so that later it can be applied decorative cladding walls(plastic).

To complete this task you will need:

  • Metal profile of a certain size. Some people prefer to use wooden planks. The main thing is that they are of the same diameter - so that the sheathing turns out to be of high quality and even;
  • You cannot do without dowels - it is with their help that the finishing material is fixed to the surface of the frame. Self-tapping screws will be required to fasten plastic panels or strips together;
  • You should have a hammer drill on hand to screw in the dowels. A screwdriver will also come in handy to work with screws for metal or wood. You can replace this tool with a drill - if you have enough experience. The main thing is to choose the right nozzles;
  • You need a building level: only with the help of this tool will you be able to position the frame evenly, as well as its elements on the surface;
  • Pencil, tape measure - you can’t live without them;
  • Jigsaw or saw: These tools are used to cut wooden planks. You can use a hacksaw; if not, metal scissors will do;
  • Other important handy tools are: screwdriver, hammer, nails, etc.

More important points:

  • Beginning craftsmen often ask – which frame is preferable? Wooden or metal? Everything here is extremely simple: the choice should be made depending on what functionality your premises;
  • If you decide to do decorative wall cladding in the bathroom, kitchen or toilet, then it is better to choose a metal profile. And if the humidity level in the room is normal, temperature regime– permanent, they usually choose to install wooden sheathing.

Even the service life of wooden sheathing can be significantly extended. To do this, varnish is applied to the frame - this guarantees protection against possible fungal diseases and other negative damage.

To perform decorative wall cladding in an apartment using one or another plastic, you need:

  • Screwdriver and screws. If desired, you can also use a construction stapler and staples of the desired shade;
  • Construction level - to perform a high-quality, even finish;
  • To cut the material, a jigsaw is useful;
  • An important element in the work can be called sealant. It is customary for them to process joints in finishing materials - if necessary.

Plastic installation instructions

To start We invite you to watch the video: decorative wall cladding with plastic.

  • Plastic corners are often used in work - both internal and external. They are planted on the surface of plastic using construction adhesive or liquid nails. The stapler is also used here quite often;
  • Installation of plastic panels or strips is usually done from the corner closest to the doorway. Due to this, the joints of the material will not be very noticeable - when daylight falls on your finish;
  • The bottom and top of the plastic are finished decorative skirting boards– they can be made of polyurethane foam, wood, and other materials.

This is how you can easily get high-quality decorative wall cladding in any room. The investment will be more than moderate - plastic is not a particularly expensive finishing material. And even a novice master can easily do the installation work, as well as the preparation, with his own hands.

If you want to quickly and cheaply improve the appearance of such interior spaces, like the kitchen, bathroom and corridor, you will not find a more profitable and effective way than installing plastic wall panels.

Repair work using PVC can be done independently without resorting to the services of professional finishers, but this requires at least minimal construction skills and time.

Features and Benefits

Wall panels made of polyvinyl chloride are a finishing material that has won the trust of consumers many years ago. The main component of the panels is hard and strong, but at the same time lightweight PVC, thanks to which cladding can be carried out in office buildings, shopping complexes, and residential spaces.

In houses and apartments, this material is usually used for decorative finishing areas with high levels of humidity - namely for kitchens and showers; the use of plastic is also justified in the corridor, where shoes constantly stain the walls, and any other material quickly becomes unusable.

For the manufacture of wall panels, phenol-formaldehyde resins are used, which are absolutely harmless to the body of children and adults, and are used for painting plastic lining water-based paints, which also do not contain any components harmful or toxic to humans.

The modern market offers a wide selection of panels that differ in color, texture and shape. Such a wide selection allows you to use plastic cladding in the premises of the most for various purposes- from the toilet to the dining room and hall.

The high popularity of this type of cladding materials is explained by a number of advantages of plastic wall panels, among which we can note:

  • Versatility of coverage. Traditionally, such panels are used for finishing ceilings and walls, but the structure and physical and technical parameters of the material allow it to be used for many other purposes: finishing slopes, arranging screens in bathrooms and showers, designing formwork for steps, many craftsmen even make shelves from such panels, and gardeners often form beds in their gardens from plastic lining.
  • Easy to install. Even a novice craftsman can cover a wall with such panels, especially when he has to work with a flat surface - then the slabs are simply “set” on liquid nails, but to install panels on a curved surface, preliminary fixation of the sheathing will be required, however, this work does not require much effort and time.

  • Easy to care for. Plastic coverings can be easily cleaned with a damp soft cloth soaked in soapy water.
  • Environmental friendliness. The panels are made from non-toxic materials, they do not contain volatile substances, and do not emit radiation.
  • Fortress. Manufacturers produce compacted materials for wall cladding, so they can withstand impacts when rearranging furniture or small children playing.
  • Sound and heat insulation. PVC panels create additional thermal protection in the room and have noise-absorbing properties.

  • Moisture resistant. Plastic has water-repellent properties, the water absorption coefficient approaches zero and at the same time thanks to smooth surface water does not linger on the tiles. Mold does not form here, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms do not multiply.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations. The operating range of the panels is large; they can withstand temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees without changing their consumer properties.
  • A wide range of. Panels are offered in stores in a wide variety of different colors y decisions.

However, the panels are not perfect, like any other building material, they have their disadvantages:

  • PVC panels are not resistant to UV rays. If they are painted white, then over time they will turn yellow and lose their original luster.
  • Weak impact resistance - naturally, the panels can withstand light and medium loads, but there is always a risk of dents forming that cannot be straightened out.
  • Unpleasant odor - some reviews claim that during the first time after installing the slabs, a chemical odor is noticeable, however, after a few days it completely disappears.


An important factor that should not be neglected when purchasing wall panels is their size. Depending on the width of the slabs, there are several coating options:

  • Plastic lining. These are narrow and long panels. This type of lining is widely used for interior and facade finishing work. Externally, the coating looks like something between wood paneling and polycarbonate.

  • Sheet panels. These are panels that have a width of up to 203 cm, and the length of the plate reaches 405 cm. Typically, such plates are made from foamed polyvinyl chloride; some manufacturers additionally treat the surface with special compounds, making the plates more durable and wear-resistant. The sheets are laid on the walls using liquid nails or special glue, and all cracks are masked with a lath or colored sealant.
  • PVC panels. IN separate group plastic wall boards can be classified as PVC sandwich panels. This type of coating appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but immediately became one of the leaders in sales due to its high operational properties. Technically, such panels look like two sheets of plastic with filler between them. It can be polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam.

Depending on the material from which the outer layer is made, there are:

  • Laminated plastic panels– such a coating is formed by arranging three types of papers: decorative, which is responsible for the design of the product, kraft paper, which makes up inner layer and an overlay used to protect the panel. All layers are impregnated with special formaldehyde resins and pressed. This type of plastic is considered to be the most reliable because it can withstand high loads.

  • Foam sheets– such products are characterized by a porous structure with increased moisture resistance and good thermal insulation. As a rule, their surface is rough.
  • Rigid sheets– such products, despite the fact that they belong to the category of wall panels, are in most cases used for cladding window and door slopes. They are usually made in white with a matte or shiny glossy surface.

Wall panels can be vinyl, with or without insulation, square or rectangular, thin and thick, embossed and smooth.


Flexible wall panels are characterized by the highest performance parameters, which determine their popularity among Russians. These slabs can retain their appearance and physical characteristics for more than ten years, and the original properties do not change in either hot or cold climates, withstanding temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees.

At the same time, experts do not recommend using such materials in conditions where the temperature difference exceeds 20 degrees, so they should not be installed in unheated rooms in regions with hot summer months and frosty winters. Some manufacturers produce models whose temperature range is different and ranges from -40 to -115 degrees.

Production technology allows to significantly increase the wear resistance of the material, its antistatic effect, resistance to direct sunlight, as well as increased resistance to scratches, ash or chemicals.

The panels are not afraid of water, so they are often installed in rooms with high level humidity (bathtub, shower, swimming pool), and due to frost resistance they can be used for cladding balconies and loggias. In addition, the panels are easy to clean from all types of dirt, which makes them popular for installation in corridors and utility rooms.

Sizes and shapes

One of the main advantages of the material is associated with the wide range of its modifications presented on modern market. There are a lot of facing materials, and they differ from each other not only in color and texture, but also in dimensions, shapes and design parameters.

As already mentioned, depending on the dimensions, there are several options for panels. Lining is sheets of elongated rectangular shape, their length varies from 3 to 12 m, and their width ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 m. The thickness of such a panel is 8-12 mm.

Plastic sheets have a length from 1.5 to 5 m. This parameter varies depending on different manufacturers, the width reaches 2.03 m, and the thickness is up to 3 cm. Sandwich panels have a length of 3 meters, a width from 0.9 to 1.5 m and a thickness from 10 to 32 mm.

Sometimes, to implement interior ideas, seamless panels are used, after installation of which the coating becomes uniform and flawless. smooth appearance. Today, manufacturers offer similar products with a length from 2 to 6 m, a thickness from 3 to 12 mm and a width from 0.2 to 0.33 m.


For a long time wall panels were made in a single white version. However, the market gradually moved away from accepted standards and monotonous materials were replaced by bright panels of various colors: beige, cream, light green, blue, pink, purple and even black.

Every major manufacturer tries to offer consumers at least 10-15 color solutions , so that anyone can choose the option of slabs that will be optimal for the implementation of their design concept.

Often wall panels are made in several shades or even with a pattern. Definitely a classic option white still relevant though modern tendencies It is increasingly being proposed to use it not solo, but in combination with other brighter shades.

Decor options

As a rule, a decorative pattern is applied to the surface of wall slabs; usually offset, pad or thermal printing methods are used, as well as lamination, after which the surface is treated with special varnishes.

According to the type of coating, wall panels can be mirrored, marble, wood-look, brick-like, or wallpaper-like. In addition, they are openwork, embossed, luminescent. Last years Panels with a 3D effect that imitate the relief of natural stone or brick are very popular. Many manufacturers offer panels with photo printing.

Review of popular manufacturers

When purchasing any product, you should first pay attention to the manufacturer, since the company’s reputation often speaks volumes about the level of product quality more than other factors. And wall panels were no exception. Today, there are more than a hundred manufacturers from Russia and foreign countries. Let's focus on those whom consumers recognized as the best.

Venta is a manufacturer from Belgium that supplies its products all over the world. Panels of this brand are in stable demand in a variety of countries. The company is constantly creating new plants and factories. So, in the early 2000s, a representative office was opened in our country, which is why Russian buyers had the opportunity to purchase products at an affordable price.

In the brand's product line big choice panels of the most different forms, shades and textures, and the list of products is constantly expanding. Not long ago, the production of panels with digital printing was launched; such products are decorative, aesthetically pleasing and can decorate absolutely any interior.

Forte is an Italian brand that has been successfully selling its products since 1969. This company has become one of the largest in the world in terms of production of PVC plates. Today, products of this brand are sold in 50 countries, while the company’s engineers are constantly introducing and improving production technology, optimizing the quality control system and introducing new options decorative design panels.

The assortment line includes more than 20 colors and textures; a separate direction is the production of a line of panels on the surface of which stone chips are sprayed - such products look stylish and emphasize the impeccable taste of the homeowners.

Deceuninck is an international brand that was initially created as a union of a French and British company, but over the years of its operation it has significantly expanded its geography. Today the company has 14 factories in different countries world, and products are sold in 91 countries, including Russia.

Shanghai Zhuan. Chinese manufacturers are rapidly taking over the market, this applies to absolutely any area, and the production of wall panels is no exception. It is noteworthy that the quality of manufactured products is constantly being improved, and prices remain affordable for domestic users.

Green Line is a Russian company located in Vladimir. Raw materials for the production of panels are purchased in Europe, so the products are of increased quality, reliability and environmental safety. The specialists of this company pay the greatest attention to the reliability of the joints, since they are the ones who influence the resistance to moisture getting under the coating.

"Planet Plastic" is another domestic brand from Moscow that has been operating on the market since 2001. All production work are carried out on imported equipment from European raw materials, this allows us to confidently speak about the high quality of the materials produced. It should be noted that the production of panels is the main activity of the company, so its specialists are constantly working to improve application technology decorative covering, today the slabs of this brand are produced in 150 varieties.

"Evroplast service"– this company has been operating on the market of facing materials since 2005, the basis of the technological process is the European quality control system.

"Ural-Plast"- a manufacturer from Magnitogorsk, which, like other domestic enterprises, works on foreign equipment. The company produces a large assortment panels, while in addition to standard options, the product line includes products with an exclusive design.

How to choose?

There is no doubt that when purchasing wall panels, everyone wants to receive a practical, high-quality and durable material that will last long years, allowing you to forget about repairs. To make your dreams come true, you need to pay close attention to a number of performance characteristics:

  • Bezel size– it is generally accepted that the thicker it is, the better, since the wear resistance, strength and service life of the slab largely depend on this indicator. Obviously, if the plastic panel can be easily damaged, then moisture will penetrate inside through cracks and chips, causing the appearance of fungal spores and mold growth. Of course, there is no panel that can withstand a blow from a hammer or a brick, but ideally it should be able to cope with most minor loads.

  • Number of stiffeners– here the principle and dependence are the same as in the previous case: the more, the more reliable. The number of stiffening ribs determines the susceptibility of the tile to deformation, so ideally there should be at least 20 of them, and best of all - 29. Pay special attention to their appearance - the ribs should be smooth and have the same width along the entire length, and in addition, their the location should be strictly perpendicular to the tiles connecting them.
  • Appearance– a high-quality panel has a uniform color, dents and ribs are not visible on it, in addition, before the final purchase it is worth checking how firmly the panels are attached to each other.

  • Weight– this parameter indirectly indicates the quality of the proposed product, but, nevertheless, serves as an additional sign of a high-quality and practical coating. The more stiffening ribs a panel has and the thicker its outer panel, the more it weighs. This parameter may be needed if you have two slabs that are identical in appearance, but have different masses.

Experts recommend buying products from the same batch, because in this case you can be sure that the pattern, shade and texture will be identical. Even in the same production, with a common article number, the product may differ slightly in different batches, and if during the selection of the product this is not noticeable, then after cladding it is quite clearly noticeable.

Instructions for use

Cladding with plastic panels can be done in several ways. The simplest method is frameless sheathing, in which case the panels are attached directly to the walls using glue or liquid nails.

This method is optimal if you need to fix the panels on a flat surface, in this case, the adhesive composition is applied to the surface using a spatula with teeth, after which the panels are alternately fixed with tight pressure, while joining each other.

Wall decoration with plastic panels is now very popular. But before deciding to choose this option, it is worth studying information about the properties of the material and the technology of its use. At first glance, you can find a lot of information about this finishing option, but often it is distorted or presented in a form that is inconvenient for perception. For this reason, you should be careful when choosing a source of information.

Plastic as a material

Wall decoration with plastic panels has its advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account when making the final decision. The finishing material has the following advantages:

  • Absolutely harmless. Many people are afraid of plastic because it is an unnatural material. Modern technologies, allowing the production of harmless products that are simpler and cheaper than the old ones. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to find dangerous material even among fakes.
  • The wall panels for interior decoration are very beautiful. There are many options for colors and textures. In addition, manufacturers are releasing new seamless options that are very different from the usual office panels. You can choose a wood finish, plain or colored. Photo printing is also applied to the coating.
  • Possibility of use in cramped conditions. Plastic panels for interior decoration are perfect for various niches and other corners of the apartment or house where it is inconvenient to work with other materials.
  • The panels are easily mounted together with ventilation grilles and sockets. In any color, these elements look natural and are not noticeable.
  • Plastic is perfect for finishing bathrooms and other wet rooms. The finishing of walls and ceilings is durable, does not require complex maintenance, and can be used in low temperatures(for example, on an uninsulated balcony).
PVC panels look pretty good for their price

The disadvantages include the following negative points:

  • Flammability. The material is difficult to set on fire, but when exposed to fire it maintains combustion and emits a large number of gases hazardous to humans.
  • The panels don't breathe. They completely block the movement of air through the walls, which is necessary to ensure normal ventilation. Because of this property, the type of finish is not recommended for use in the bedroom and children's room.
  • Insects can live in the voids of the panels. This problem is especially relevant for the southern regions.
  • The need to use special tools for cutting and certain skills during installation.
  • Decorating walls with PVC panels with your own hands requires careful preparation of the base.

The finishing can look very non-trivial!

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of the material, you should calmly make an informed decision about the possibility of using this type of finish.

What tools will you need?

To work with PVC panels It's worth preparing. First of all, you will need to find a special tool:

  • Circular Saw. If you can’t find it, you can use a jigsaw. The file or disk must have fine teeth (“clean cut”). It is preferable to use a saw. The jigsaw file is highly flexible, so the cut can turn out wavy.
  • Jigsaw cutter with angles of 45 and 90 degrees.
  • Construction stapler for cladding on wooden sheathing.
  • Rubber mallet with a hook rule. The same tool is used for installing laminate flooring. Needed to “rip out” jammed panels. Doing this with your hands can easily damage the panel or sheathing.
  • A plaster spatula used to bend the finishing profile when installing the last plank. Spatula length 80-120 cm.

Also when performing work you will need:

  • pencil and tape measure;
  • building level;
  • square;
  • fastening elements (self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, clamps);
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • sealant;
  • antiseptic.

Installation of plastic panels for wall decoration

Plastic can perfectly replace wooden decorative elements and other finishing options. But it must be fastened in strict accordance with technology. Decorative wall panels will help make your home cozy and beautiful.

The walls in the bathroom and other rooms, as well as the ceiling, are decorated with plastic panels in the following order:

  1. preparation of the base;
  2. marking;
  3. lathing device;
  4. installation of start and finish profiles;
  5. installation of all other planks;
  6. facing of slopes;
  7. fixing skirting boards.

Preparing the base

Work with plastic begins with removing the old coating. In order for the finishing coating to have an attractive appearance without distortions and other troubles, you will need to carefully seal all the cracks in the walls and ceilings and eliminate any unevenness.

Cleaning the surface of the walls is necessary to prevent the appearance of dust, mildew and mold


Before finishing the room, it is necessary to determine the location of the frame racks. Finishing ceilings and walls with plastic panels involves marking in the following order:

  1. Mark a point at a distance of 1-2 cm from the level of the floor or walls. A line is drawn along the perimeter through this point. For marking accuracy, use a building level.
  2. When marking walls, the same line must be drawn under the ceiling.
  3. From the bottom line, in increments of 40-50 cm, parallel lines are drawn to the entire height.

This marking is suitable for attaching panels vertically. The cladding is always attached perpendicular to the frame, so if it is necessary to arrange the cladding elements horizontally, vertical markings are made.

Horizontal and vertical installation types

Sheathing device

Most often, wood is used as lathing for panels for interior wall decoration. In this case, the slats must be treated in advance with an antiseptic composition to protect them from destruction. Using a puncher, holes are made along the marking lines for fasteners with a distance of 50 cm. The frame slats are secured to the wall. If it is necessary to lay wiring under the trim, this must be taken into account at this stage:

  1. provide fastenings for wires;
  2. check that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the sheathing.

Be sure to check the horizontality of the sheathing

When used as sheathing metal C-profile You will need to purchase additional mounting elements. They are usually sold as a set. The metal is fixed to the base with self-tapping screws in dowels. All work must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To increase the thermal insulation or sound insulation of walls, special mats can be laid between the frame slats. They are fixed depending on the type of material used. For different types, both fastening with dowels and with an adhesive composition can be used.

Fastening the slats

The first plastic strip needs to be secured in the most illuminated and visible corner. Most often, this is the one located opposite the entrance to the room. Measurements are taken using a tape measure. The panel is cut to the required length special tool(usually with a circular saw).

One edge of the strip is inserted into a special side molding. This element is designed to ensure mutual fastening of the panels that are located along different sides from the corner. The element with the molding is applied to the corner and secured to the sheathing on the back side.

Next you need to connect the first panel to the second. To do this, a tongue-and-groove system is again used. The joint is pressed tightly and the plank is fixed to a wooden or metal frame. All subsequent elements are mounted using the same technology. To ensure maximum tightness of the joints, it is recommended to lubricate the side edges with silicone before installing the panel. When installing the last part, it is worth checking whether it is the right width. If necessary, the element is cut to width. The last panel is not secured to the sheathing. It must be snapped onto the finishing element. If necessary, all joints are treated with silicone (sealant).

Installation of panels on the frame using clamps and clips

Accessories must be installed to complete the installation. Such elements include baseboards and their caps, corner elements. The latter are purchased together with the panels and heated on top of them.

Accessories for panels will give your decoration a neat, finished look

To make holes for switches and sockets, use a sharp knife. They cut out holes of the required size.

Installation of panels with glue

If necessary, finishing elements can be fixed directly to the wall without the use of lathing. In this case, increased requirements are placed on the foundation. It will take more time to prepare it, since the surface must be perfectly flat.

Before starting work, purchase special glue. It is allowed to use liquid nails for installation. It is important to check the composition of the substance in the store. It should not contain solvents that destroy plastic elements.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. cleaning the base from old cladding;
  2. treatment with antibacterial putty or a layer of primer that contains components that can protect against mold and mildew;
  3. drying the base;
  4. preparation of the adhesive composition in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions on the packaging;
  5. the choice of working tool is carried out depending on the consistency of the glue: roller, brush, spatula;
  6. work begins with corner elements;
  7. the glue is applied to a small area at a time (equal to approximately 1 panel) so that it does not have time to dry;
  8. a corner piece is secured to which an ordinary element is mounted using grooves;
  9. the panels are pressed against the wall with your hands for a short time, during which the adhesive solution has time to set;
  10. install all other panels;
  11. install decorative elements, coat the seams with silicone sealant.

In addition to installation with glue and lathing, there are several other methods that professional workers use. But they have not become widespread. In conclusion, we can give some general advice:

  • The panels are recommended for finishing balconies, loggias, bathrooms, hallways and living rooms. For bedrooms and children's rooms, you should pay attention to more breathable materials.
  • It is best to use seamless plastic in rooms with air conditioning or a forced ventilation system.
  • In a bedroom for adults, it is permissible to use the material for certain sections of the walls.
  • It is not acceptable to use the elements in the kitchen. In this case, grease and other substances will settle on the surface of the panels, which will become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Plastic panels are universal finishing materials that are perfect for wall decoration. They are moisture resistant, durable and unpretentious. Many consumers choose plastic for finishing floors, as it can be not only monochromatic, but also multi-colored and replicating various materials of natural origin.


Plastic is one of the most popular materials. It is used in the production of a wide variety of products. It does not rot, does not suffer from contact with water and does not require complex care.

Thanks to such distinctive characteristics, plastic is ideal for the manufacture of high-quality finishing materials. Currently, plastic panels are enviably popular, as they are not only practical, but also very attractive.

The range of such products today is huge. You can choose beautiful coatings to suit every taste, color and budget. In stores you can find plain, multi-colored and canvases with various patterns. We should also highlight popular panels that imitate various materials. For example, it could be stone, brickwork or wood.

Plastic panels can be installed in almost any room. This can be not only a dry and warm living room, but also a bathroom or kitchen. The main thing is to choose a high-quality canvas that will serve for a long time and will not lose its attractive appearance.

Plastic wall panels are also distinguished by fairly simple installation - even an inexperienced home craftsman can handle it.

Such finishing materials can be used in any interior. This can be a setting in both classical and modern style. It is not recommended to install plastic panels in settings designed in an elaborate style (Baroque, Rococo, Empire style) - the plastic will stand out sharply from such an ensemble, making it disharmonious.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic panels are popular and in demand finishing materials. The relevance of such cladding is explained by many advantages.

  • Plastic panels are wear-resistant materials. They are not afraid of moisture and dampness. Thanks to this quality, the finish can be safely used when decorating a bathroom or kitchen.
  • High-quality plastic panels retain their original appearance for many years.
  • Such finishing will not require complex and regular care. Plastic does not accumulate dust and dirt. If stains appear on its surface, then you will not have to purchase special and expensive compounds to remove them - most stains from plastic panels can be removed with a regular damp cloth.
  • Plastic panels are inexpensive. This is why many consumers choose this finishing option. It will cost several times less than decorating walls with tiles or wood.

  • Wall panels made of plastic boast good sound insulation qualities.
  • Installation of such finishing materials is simple and quick. It can be produced without the involvement of specialists, which can significantly save money.
  • Using PVC panels you can create zoning of the available space.
  • Such finishing materials are light in weight, so working with them is easy and convenient.
  • Plastic is a material that is very easy to process. Thanks to this quality, these coatings are presented in a fairly rich assortment. To decorate a room, you can choose canvases with absolutely any images and colors.

  • Plastic is a safe material. Even at high temperatures, it does not emit hazardous and harmful substances. However, when purchasing panels, you should ask the seller for a quality certificate and make sure that the plastic contains no toxic compounds, since such components may still be contained in low-quality material.
  • Finishing materials can be installed not only in city apartments, but also in private houses. In addition, they are well suited for installation in cramped conditions.
  • Using this material, you can hide many floor defects: cracks, drops, potholes, depressions and other flaws.
  • Behind plastic panels you can hide various communications, for example, electrical wiring.

Despite the large list positive qualities, plastic wall panels also have their weaknesses.

  • The material is highly flammable. In the event of a fire, this product burns very intensely and spreads choking smoke into the room.
  • Indoors with plastic trim The characteristic chemical smell may linger for a long time. But here it is worth noting that many owners did not notice this shortcoming.
  • Plastic panels do not tolerate temperature changes well. Under such conditions they may become deformed.
  • Plastic itself is not the most reliable and durable material. Panels made from such raw materials may break from an accidental impact or under severe loads.

  • These products are not “breathable” finishing materials. They prevent the movement of air through the walls, and this is simply necessary for high-quality ventilation. For this reason, experts do not recommend installing such coatings in children's rooms.
  • The voids that are present in plastic panels can become a home for insects. This problem is especially relevant for the southern regions of the country.
  • Before installation facing material it is necessary to carefully prepare the floors. Many masters consider this fact to be a disadvantage, since it takes a lot of time.

Properties and characteristics

Plastic or PVC panels are products made from polyvinyl chloride, an organic material which contains 3 main components.

  • chlorine (its percentage is 75%);
  • carbon (42%);
  • hydrogen and various impurities (1%).

Previously, a small amount of lead was added to the feedstock - it played the role of a material stabilizer. Currently, instead of lead, zinc and calcium are used in equal proportions.

The service life of plastic wall panels in our climate is about 10 years.

Modern manufacturers produce fabrics with different operating temperature ranges. For example, some types of panels can be used at temperatures from -30 to +80 degrees.

Various images and prints are applied to plastic panels using photo printing. As a rule, such additions are wear-resistant and durable. They can easily withstand exposure to aggressive sunlight and do not fade under their influence.

Often during the production process, plastic panels are treated with a protective varnish coating. It makes the material more wear-resistant and not subject to abrasion. In addition, lacquered products are much more difficult to scratch. They are very easy to clean from dirt.

Plastic wall panels can be used exclusively for interior decoration. They should be located in a room that is not subject to sudden temperature changes during the day.

You can decorate a loggia or balcony with similar materials, since such products are frost-resistant.

The strength of plastic panels directly depends on the percentage of polyvinyl chloride in them. Wall coverings are more durable than ceiling coverings. Typically they are about 8mm thick. This material is not flexible - it is quite rigid and is not designed to bend, but is more resistant to mechanical stress.

The strength properties of the panels are also affected by the number of ribs. It is worth considering that these elements should not be visible through the front side.


In stores you can find different types of PVC wall panels.

  • Vinyl lining. Such wall coverings are the most common and in demand. They are in great demand and can be found in almost all stores that sell finishing materials.
  • PVC lining is a rectangular sheet. Their length is 3-12 cm, width – 0.1-0.5 m, thickness – 8-12 mm. Such wall coverings can be used for almost any type of work. In stores, white lining is most often found; other colors are very rare.

  • Sheets. The second most popular are plastic sheets. Such materials have more impressive dimensions. The exact length, width and thickness depend on the manufacturer that produced the material. Plastic sheets are good because they do not have connecting seams. Installation of such coatings can be done directly on the surface of the ceiling.

One of the most common are plastic sheets, the surface of which imitates tile masonry. Such coatings are often used to decorate walls in the bathroom or apron in the kitchen.

  • Sandwich panels. High-quality sandwich panels made from polyvinyl chloride can boast enviable demand today. Such materials have beautiful appearance. With the help of such finishing you can transform the room beyond recognition.

  • Thin. Most plastic panels consist of two layers connected by jumpers. Such materials have many advantages, but their main disadvantage is their low strength: if they are hit or pressed harder on their surface, these products can be seriously damaged. Most often, it is because of this that consumers refuse to purchase such coatings. Manufacturers decided to correct this situation by releasing thin plastic sheets onto the market. They do not have cells, and their thickness can be only 3 mm. Such materials are thin layer plastic with a pattern printed on it. Thin PVC panels and panels are easily fixed to the walls - they just need to be glued to the ceiling.

You can use such materials even in small rooms, since they do not “eat up” extra centimeters of free space.

  • Lacquered. Drawings and ornaments are applied to these types of PVC panels by thermal transfer and offset printing. To make the images more wear-resistant and durable, they are coated with an additional layer of varnish. It protects the designs printed on the panels from fading and cracking. After transferring the image, the texture of such a plastic sheet can be matte, perfectly smooth and silky or glossy.
  • Laminated. These types of products are the most common. It is applied to them decorative film, which effectively imitates various materials - stone, wood, granite, brick and other surfaces. In addition to imitating various materials, laminated panels can be decorated with beautiful patterns and prints. These products are durable and abrasion resistant.

  • With 3D effect. If more are required original options finishing, then it’s worth taking a closer look at the spectacular plastic panels with 3D photo printing. The surface of such materials may contain imitation gypsum stucco, tiles, natural compositions and various ornaments. These products are more expensive, but they look interesting and fresh.

Sizes, shape and decor

Plastic wall panels are available in different lengths, widths and thicknesses.

  • vinyl lining has rectangular shape: length – 3-12 m, width – 0.1-0.5 m and thickness – 8-12 mm;
  • plastic sheets are larger and wider: length is from 1.5 to 4 m, width – up to 2 m, thickness – up to 3 cm;
  • The length of sandwich panels is most often 3 m, width – from 0.9 to 1.5 m, thickness – 10-30 cm.

As a rule, plastic panels have a square and rectangular shape; diamond-shaped parts are less common. In stores you can also find canvases with embossed edges - most often, wall sheets are designed in this way, imitating stone or brickwork, in which individual elements stand out a little more than others.

Plastic wall panels have different design. For example, mirrored PVC tiles on a self-adhesive base look beautiful and neat. Such materials are a good alternative to glass tiles with a reflective surface - firstly, they are much cheaper, and secondly, they are not so fragile.

Also today, relief panels with a 3D effect are very popular. and beautiful openwork coverings. Such canvases do not look simple and cheap, because with their help you can give the interior a special charm and emphasize its style.

The canvases, which are decorated with silk-screen printing, have an attractive appearance. Such panels, which have a calm and neutral color, are perfect for decorating bedrooms and cozy living rooms.

In addition, plastic panels can be painted in a variety of colors.

Today the most popular and relevant are:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • peach;
  • cream;
  • soft pink;
  • light chocolate;
  • caramel tones.

Such coatings easily fit into most interiors, as they have a neutral and classic color. Moreover, with the help of light panels you can visually expand the space, making it airy.

Of course, in stores you can also find brighter, richer PVC panels in rich colors. Unusual canvases with surfaces whose color imitates bronze, gold and silver are in great demand today. They contain beautiful sparkles that sparkle effectively in the sun's rays.

Often one plastic panel combines several different colors and shades. For example, it could be simple white canvas, decorated with contrasting black patterns or a bright pink panel with more delicate peach ornaments.

In addition, PVC wall panels are available in different textures:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • smooth;
  • rough.

Criterias of choice

Today, in stores selling finishing materials you can find plastic wall panels of various modifications. It is quite difficult to choose the ideal coatings due to the wide range of similar products.

Below are the criteria for choosing plastic panels for walls.

  • Application area. All plastic panels are divided into ceiling and wall. Externally, such materials are equivalent, but the second options are considered more durable and reliable. You shouldn’t buy ceiling sheets for finishing floors if they cost much less.
  • Panel sizes. For large walls most often they purchase appropriate panels, and for small ones - miniature ones, for example, vinyl lining. Before heading to the store, it is recommended to measure all the substrates that need to be finished with plastic.
  • Temperature stability. Experts recommend purchasing more wear-resistant PVC panels that are resistant to temperature changes. This criterion is especially important if you plan to decorate a balcony or loggia with such materials.

  • Design. Plastic panels must fit perfectly into the environment for which they are purchased.
  • Environmental Safety. When purchasing plastic panels, you must request a quality certificate for the product. It should be studied carefully. The plastic must not contain hazardous chemicals.
  • Product quality. Before purchasing, be sure to make sure that the plastic panels are intact and undamaged. If there are damages, chips or scratches on the finishing surface, then it is better to refuse to purchase such coatings.
  • Manufacturer. You should not look for too cheap PVC panels, since such finishing materials already have an affordable price. You need to purchase branded products - as they are of excellent quality.

Features of finishing work

Plastic wall panels are a non-capricious material that can be easily installed with your own hands.

Below are some features regarding such finishing works.

  • Before installing the plastic, it is necessary to prepare the floors. They need to be freed from old coatings, all cracks hidden, differences leveled and the base coated with an antifungal compound. If you plan to install plastic panels on the frame, then this stage of work is not mandatory.
  • Then you need to mark the walls. The sheathing should be installed using a level to prevent distortions. The bottom row of the sheathing should be 1-2 cm above the floor. At this point you need to make a mark with a pencil, and then draw a horizontal line from it along the entire perimeter.
  • A similar line is drawn under the ceiling if it is decided to sheathe the entire height of the ceiling.
  • After this, you need to measure 48-50 cm from the bottom line and put a beacon - this needs to be done to the very top.
  • The panels must be attached to the sheathing perpendicularly, therefore horizontal structures sheathed vertically, and vice versa.

  • After marking has been completed, you can install the sheathing. Wooden slats or metal guides are suitable for this.
  • For metal slats you need to additionally buy fasteners - such elements are attached to the base with self-tapping screws on dowels.
  • Wooden frames must be treated with antiseptic compounds before laying plastic.
  • Having installed the frame, you can proceed to installing the panels. The first part should be mounted in far corner from the entrance. If necessary, the panel is trimmed with a hacksaw - the protruding tenon is cut off.
  • After this, the cut side must be inserted into the corner profile, and then installed in the upper and lower elements. After this, the plastic panel must be pushed into the groove until it stops. You can check the evenness of the installation using a level, and then proceed to further actions.
  • After attaching the starting panel, you can install the second element. It is docked with the first one and securely fastened. The steps must be repeated until all the panels are laid out on the frame.