What is Dimexide used for? Application of dimexide


Among local antiseptics, doctors especially highlight Dimexide - the instructions for use suggest its use both externally and for rinsing the throat and mouth, if it is in liquid form. However, how to do this correctly, how to prepare a safe but effective concentration, and is it possible to find the solution not only in large vials, but also in ampoules?

What is Dimexide

From the reviews of patients and doctors on this medication, we can conclude that it is unique in its properties - not only the instructions, but also people who have tried it claim that the use of Dimexide helps make the use of any medicine more effective. It is recommended only for local therapy, but in different fields of medicine. The gel is used on inflammatory lesions in joints and ligaments, Dimexide solution with any skin care cream is a common component of a face mask in home cosmetology, and for skin diseases, compresses with a diluted concentrate are recommended.


The main active ingredient of Dimexide in any form is dimethyl sulfoxide: it is of synthetic origin and is used not only in medicine, but also in a number of areas of chemistry. Doctors appreciate the anti-inflammatory properties of this substance; dimethyl sulfoxide enters Dimexide in purified form, but the concentration is high, so if we consider the liquid, the instructions require its dilution. The use of other forms is carried out without prior preparation.

The Dimexide solution is devoid of auxiliary components - it is pure dimethyl sulfoxide, and the remaining options involve several more elements in the composition:

  • The ointment contains an emulsifier and polyethylene oxide gel, or it is created on the basis of mink oil.
  • The gel contains not only the substance dimethyl sulfoxide, but also nipagin, nipazole and sodium carmellose. Additionally, water is used for its preparation.

Release form

Doctors identify 3 options for medications based on dimethyl sulfoxide, where this substance plays a leading role:

  • solution;
  • ointment;
  • gel.

However, some experts mention the existence of suppositories that are based on dimexide, but with the addition of propolis, whose share is larger. They are called “Propolis-D”, therefore among the forms of the drug with the name “Dimexide” they are rarely considered. It is not available in ampoules. Regarding the main varieties, they differ not only in consistency (the method of application is the same - all 3 forms can only be used externally), but also in the concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide, the presence or absence of auxiliary components:

  • The solution can have a 99% or 100% concentration, the instructions for use for both options are the same, and the anti-inflammatory effect is the same. The liquid is colorless, the smell is pungent. The volume of the bottle (made of dark glass) ranges from 40 to 150 ml.
  • Dimexide gel can have a 50% or 25% concentration, the volume is only 40 g, aluminum tubes.
  • The ointment has a concentration in the range of 30-70%.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance has a fibrinolytic effect on the body - it helps to dissolve fresh blood clots and blood clots, but the maximum result can be seen if the drug is used in the first 12 hours after the formation of a blood clot. Doctors call the more important properties of Dimexide:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic;
  • antiseptic.

However, Dimexide received active use in medicine primarily due to its ability to act as a conductor for other drugs used locally. Dimethyl sulfoxide enhances their effect because it can pass through cell membranes, making them more sensitive to substances that follow. Separately, doctors (and official instructions) mention that dimethyl sulfoxide helps make the action of antibiotics more effective by changing the resistance of the microflora they are supposed to affect. The active substance enters the blood within 5 minutes.

Dimexide - what is it used for?

Due to its exclusively external use, indications for the use of dimethyl sulfoxide can only be inflammatory diseases, which allow only local therapy. This is mainly thrombophlebitis, for which dimexide concentrate is combined with heparin according to the instructions, skin diseases, including:

  • erysipelas;
  • furunculosis;
  • erythema;
  • eczema;
  • acne.

The use of Dimexide is also practiced for the treatment of bruises, sprains, and torn ligaments. It is used to treat osteoarthritis, arthritis, radiculitis, ankylosing spondylitis, traumatic infiltrates and other problems affecting the musculoskeletal system. The official instructions state that the use of this drug can be effective in the presence of burns and purulent wounds. Skin plastic surgery also cannot do without Dimexide if it is necessary to preserve skin homografts.

Some dentists (this is also reflected in the official instructions) advise using a diluted solution for:

  • pulpitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis.


Due to the fact that dimethyl sulfoxide penetrates tissue, its use according to the instructions is not allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If there is itching of the skin or there are deep lesions in the area where Dimexide is planned to be applied, therapy should be coordinated with a doctor - you may worsen the problem. The use of this medicine (any form) is also prohibited for pathologies of the liver, kidneys, glaucoma, and disorders of the cardiovascular system:

  • angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • after a stroke, heart attack;
  • in patients in a coma;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

Directions for use and dosage

The instructions state that Dimexide gel and ointment are used for rubbing, or they are applied without covering the skin after using the drug. Based on the solution, the mouth is rinsed (for dental problems with inflammation), applications are made, and bandages are applied. The exact application scheme is determined by the problem that required a solution:

  • Treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out through application, for which a 50% solution is used. The duration of exposure is half an hour, the course of treatment is 15 procedures daily.
  • Joint diseases are treated in a similar way, but in addition to the solution to relieve pain, you can use an ointment or gel as a local anti-inflammatory. The duration of use of Dimexide should not exceed 2 weeks, the concentration of the solution can be in the range of 25-50%.
  • In cosmetology (skin diseases), solution concentrations below 30% are recommended.
  • In gynecology, when the source of inflammation is the mucous membranes of the vagina, tampons with low concentration Dimexide are placed.

How to dilute Dimexide for a compress

According to doctors and the information given in the instructions, the solution is prepared by diluting Dimexide with clean water, preferably purchased at a pharmacy - other liquids are not allowed. The finished product should not be stored, so make it for one use. The proportion of dimethyl sulfoxide with water depends on the purpose of using this mixture. Mostly they make a 50% or weaker concentration, so the contents of the bottle are diluted in half with water.

How to use the solution

If you are treating eczema and other skin diseases, you can apply compresses to the affected area, keeping them for 15-20 minutes. A necrotic lesion, especially with pus, should be washed with a diluted concentrate. When affecting the musculoskeletal system and burns, apply bandages once a day and keep them in place for 30-40 minutes. The algorithm for creating them is simple:

  1. Soak gauze folded three times with diluted Dimexide.
  2. Apply to skin, cover with film.
  3. Wrap the top with cotton cloth.

special instructions

Before using Dimexide, the instructions recommend a medicinal test - applying a gel, ointment or diluted solution to a skin area in any area (preferably the elbow bend). If redness, burning, and itching do not appear within 24 hours, the medicine can be used. In older people, the use of this medication should be carried out strictly according to the instructions or with a reduced dosage, especially if third-party antibacterial agents or NSAIDs are applied to dimethyl sulfoxide.

Drug interactions

Due to the fact that the use of this medication leads to an increase in the effect of any drugs and ethanol combined with it, it is necessary to carefully consider their dosage and, if necessary, reduce it (in diabetics, the insulin dose is necessarily reduced by half). Mostly Dimexide is combined with:

  • heparin;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (gel or ointment form);
  • antiseptics;
  • lidocaine.

Side effects and overdose

Most of the negative reactions occur on the skin, since the drug is always used locally. Even without an overdose, it can cause redness of the skin, rashes accompanied by itching, and a burning sensation in the treated area, especially if a compress is applied. A more severe reaction of the body is dermatitis. Additionally, reactions from the respiratory, nervous and digestive systems cannot be excluded:

  • nausea;
  • bronchospasm;
  • cough;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.


The instructions do not mention cases of overdose of the ointment and gel, and with regard to the solution, the only danger is the high concentration, which can cause a chemical burn. This is especially noticeable on open mucous membranes and sensitive skin. If the overdose manifests itself as an allergic reaction, doctors advise taking an antihistamine.

Terms of sale and storage

This drug is available over-the-counter and can be stored for no longer than 2 years; the moment of opening does not affect the shelf life. It is advisable to keep the bottle in its original cardboard packaging, away from sunlight. The optimal storage temperature ranges from 16-22 degrees.


It is impossible to find a structural replacement for Dimexide - any anti-inflammatory ointments and other medications with a similar spectrum of action have a more complex composition and act on the inflammatory focus, and dimethyl sulfoxide helps increase the absorption of third-party components. For this reason, you can only seek a replacement for a specific disease. Doctors advise contacting:

  • Camphor oil.
  • Artrin.
  • Betanikomylon.


The cost of all forms of Dimexide is budget, even the gel can be found for 100-120 rubles, but it is made in Belarus, so it is rare in Russia. Ointment is also difficult to buy, so the table below shows the price picture for 100 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide solution as the most popular drug (according to reviews) based on this substance.


Dimexide (ointment, gel suppositories) – instructions for use, prices and reviews

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!


Dimexide– a local anti-inflammatory drug used for joint and muscle pain and many other diseases. It is a clear, colorless liquid, but with a characteristic odor reminiscent of garlic. Easily dissolves in water and alcohol. At temperatures below 16 o C it crystallizes.

Instructions for use


Dimexide is 99% or 100% composed of a substance called dimethyl sulfoxide. The properties of 100% and 99% drugs are practically no different.

Release forms

Dimexide is available in several forms:
1. Liquid concentrate in dark glass bottles of 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 and 120 ml. From the concentrate, by diluting it, solutions are prepared for direct use.
Dimexide ZhFF (Zhytomyr Pharmaceutical Factory) and Dimexide Lugal (Lugansk Chemical Plant) are no different from just Dimexide.
2. Dimexide gel 25% and 50% in aluminum 40-gram tubes.
3. Propolis-D suppositories: they contain both propolis and dimexide. These substances, when used together, mutually enhance each other's medicinal properties. Suppositories are used both intravaginally (in the vagina, for gynecological diseases) and rectally (for the treatment of hemorrhoids). Suppositories containing only Dimexide are not available.
4. Dimexide ointment contains from 30% to 70% dimexide itself. In addition, the ointment contains polyethylene oxide gel 1500 and an emulsifier (auxiliary substance). There is also Dimexide ointment based on mink oil.

Dimexide is not available in ampoules.

Properties and effect on the body

Dimexide is a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria. But the most valuable property of dimexide for medicine is its ability to easily and quickly penetrate deep into tissues, through the skin and mucous membranes. At the same time, it carries with it those substances that are dissolved in it and “transports” them to the site of inflammation.

Therefore, Dimexide is most often used in combination with other medications previously dissolved in it (antibiotics, hormones, heparin, etc.).

Only topical use of Dimexide is allowed, because if ingested, it becomes a toxin or poison for humans. Even a few drops of this substance taken orally cause nausea, vomiting and intestinal dysfunction. Dimexide also enhances the toxic properties of other drugs.

Topical use of this drug should also be carried out with caution: the undiluted concentrate, coming into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, causes them to burn.

The properties of Dimexide do not change after freezing and subsequent thawing.

Indications for use

  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (bruises, sprains, arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis, etc.);
  • pustular and inflammatory skin diseases (acne, furunculosis, eczema, erysipelas, etc.);
  • poorly healing infected (purulent) wounds;
  • burns;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers of soft tissues;
  • inflammatory dental diseases (pulpitis, periodontitis);
  • preservation of skin grafts (used in plastic surgery).


  • cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis);
  • insufficiency of liver and kidney function;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age under 12 years and old age;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects

  • local allergic reactions (dry skin, burning and itching, rash);
  • general lethargy, slow reactions;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bronchospasm (in case of individual intolerance to Dimexide).

Application and dosage

How to dilute Dimexide?
Dimexide liquid concentrate must be diluted with water before use to obtain a solution of the required concentration. Undiluted concentrate causes chemical burns to the skin. Most often, Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 (one part Dimexide, 3 or 4 parts water).

But sometimes the doctor prescribes other dilutions of Dimexide for treatment. They are prepared as follows:

Solutions obtained by diluting the concentrate are used for compresses, applications, tampons and rinses (irrigations).

How to make a compress with Dimexide?
To make a compress, moisten 4-5 layers of gauze napkins with the resulting solution, and apply these napkins to the sore spot for 20-30 minutes. The napkin is cut to such a size that the edges of the compress extend onto healthy skin. A piece of plastic film and a linen or cotton cloth folded several times are placed on top of the napkin.

Application is the same as a compress, but is applied for a shorter time: 10-15 minutes. The duration of treatment with compresses and Dimexide applications is 10-15 days.

Before applying the compress, you can lubricate the skin over the sore spot with some anti-inflammatory ointment (Voltaren Emulgel, Dolgit cream, Fastum gel, etc.): Dimexide will improve their penetration through the skin.

  • when treating bruises, it is recommended to apply compresses with a 25-50% Dimexide solution;
  • for burns - with a 20-30% solution;
  • for boils, acne - with a 40% solution;
  • for erysipelas and trophic ulcers - with a 30-50% solution;
  • for eczema - with 40% - 90% solution;
  • When applying compresses and applications to the skin of the face and mucous membranes, a 10-20% solution of Dimexide is used.
Applications with Dimexide gel
Applications with Dimexide gel are carried out as follows: a small amount of 50% Dimexide gel is applied to the affected area of ​​skin in a thin layer and rubbed in gently.

A 25% gel is applied to the mucous membranes, facial skin and other sensitive areas of the body.

You can carry out 2-3 applications per day.

Ethyl alcohol (alcohol) slows down the removal of Dimexide from the body. Dimexide enhances the effect of alcohol. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment with Dimexide.

Additional instructions

Before starting treatment with Dimexide, it is recommended to test the patient's tolerance to this drug. To do this, a 25-30% aqueous solution of Dimexide is applied to a small area of ​​the patient’s skin with a swab. If after a few minutes the skin turns red and itches, it means that this person is hypersensitive to Dimexide, and treatment with this drug is contraindicated for him.

Considering the possibility of side effects of Dimexide such as slow reactions and dizziness, patients are advised to avoid driving during treatment with this drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for the use of Dimexide.

Propolis-D suppositories are used as an adjuvant; they enhance the effectiveness of the main treatment. They are used by inserting 1 suppository into the vagina 2 times a day. Treatment lasts from 10 to 14 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated (as prescribed by the gynecologist).

Dimexide for the treatment of joints

Compresses and applications with Dimexide are effective for joint diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis. Compresses with a 50% aqueous solution of Dimexide are applied to the affected joints. The application time of the compress is 30 minutes – 1 hour. 1 procedure is performed per day. The duration of treatment is from 15 to 20 days.

For severe joint pain, novocaine or lidocaine is added to Dimexide for compresses. For example:

  • 30 ml of Dimexide concentrate;
  • 50 ml of 2% novocaine;
  • 50 ml of aqueous solution of furatsilin;
  • 50 ml of 70-degree alcohol.

Another option:
  • 10 ml of Dimexide concentrate;
  • 10 ml of 2% lidocaine;
  • 30 ml water.
You can also use compresses with 50% Dimexide gel.

Application of Dimexide in cosmetology

In cosmetology, Dimexide is used due to its bactericidal (antimicrobial) and anti-inflammatory properties. Compresses and masks with Dimexide have a beneficial effect on irritated, inflamed, acne-prone skin.

Face masks

A mask with tea tree oil and Dimexide is popular in cosmetology for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases. Tea tree oil also has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and when mixed with Dimexide, these properties are enhanced.

A 10% aqueous solution of Dimexide should be mixed with tea tree oil, taking both substances in equal quantities. This mask is applied to the face not completely, but pointwise, only on inflamed areas of the skin (using a cotton swab). You can leave the mask on your face for several hours, or even overnight, then wipe your face with clean water using a swab. If a burning sensation occurs, immediately wash off the mask with water.

Treatment of acne (acne)

Masks with Dimexide are very effective in the fight against acne (or pimples - they are the same thing). You can simply wipe the affected areas with a 10% aqueous solution of Dimexide 2 times a day. You can make more complex mixtures for this purpose:

1. Dissolve 2 Erythromycin tablets in a 10% solution of Dimexide. Wipe your face (after the tablets have completely dissolved) 2 times a day.

2. Mix:

  • 4 table. spoons of Dimexide concentrate;
  • 50 ml of 2% salicylic alcohol;
  • contents of 10 ampoules of 1% solution of Dioxidin;
  • 40 ml glycerin.
Wipe “problem” areas with this mixture 2 times a day.

Hair masks with Dimexide

Dimexide, when used in combination with vitamins and various oils, improves hair structure and promotes hair growth. An important condition for the successful use of hair masks is thorough mixing of all components, and after this the immediate application of the mask to the hair.

Mask for hair growth and strengthening
The following components are required: Dimexide, castor oil, burdock oil, one ampoule of vitamins A and E, lemon essential oil (or lemon juice).

First, mix a tablespoon of castor oil with the same amount of burdock oil. Then add the contents of ampoules with vitamins and 4-5 drops of lemon juice or lemon essential oil to the mixture of oils. Lastly, add a tablespoon of Dimexide concentrate.

After thoroughly mixing everything, rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots, put on a plastic cap, and wrap your head with a towel on top for warmth. An hour later, you need to wash your hair with shampoo.

If a burning sensation appears in the scalp, the mask should be washed off immediately.

Mask with sea buckthorn oil for fast hair growth
For this mask, mix equal parts sea buckthorn oil with a 50% aqueous solution of Dimexide. Mix thoroughly and apply in the same way as described in the previous recipe. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rinse washed hair with apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1:10.

Mask for oily hair
The mixture for this mask is prepared from the following components, taken in equal quantities (a teaspoon):

  • Dimexide concentrate;
  • ampoule solution of vitamin E;
  • ampoule solution of vitamin A;
  • lemon juice (or 70-proof alcohol, vodka, cognac).
Use the same as in previous recipes. This mask should be left on your hair for half an hour.

Dimexide- an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug, used mainly externally and in combination with other drugs. Its active ingredient - dimethyl sulfoxide - is a colorless transparent liquid at room temperature with a specific (garlic) odor. At temperatures below 18 C it crystallizes into long, needle-shaped, colorless crystals. It is prescribed for rheumatoid and other arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, deforming osteoarthritis, thrombophlebitis, various inflammatory and pustular skin diseases, and is widely used in dentistry - for inflammatory processes in the gums, salivary glands, oral mucosa, temporomandibular joint.

Peculiarity Dimexide lies in the fact that it is able to very easily penetrate various biological membranes and enhance their permeability, which makes it possible to classify it as a special pharmacological group - dermatotropic agents. Some clinicians call the use of Dimexide in combination with other medicinal substances “needle-free injection”, since it enhances transport through biological tissues tenfold. For example, external anti-inflammatory therapy for arthritis can only be carried out with drugs containing Dimexide, since otherwise the drug simply will not penetrate into the joint cavity. Due to the fact that dimethyl sulfoxide increases the concentration of other drugs in the lesion, it thereby enhances and potentiates their effect.

On one's own, Dimexide Available in the form of a 25% gel and in pure form. For most people, the gel form is more convenient to use. Dimexide gel is used to relieve pain in cases of trigeminal neuralgia, injuries and sprains of the musculo-ligamentous and articular apparatus, inflammation of the joint of unknown origin, rheumatoid arthritis, deforming osteochondrosis, radiculitis. As an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug, it is sometimes used for various skin lesions - streptoderma, erysipelas, and other pustular skin diseases.

Before use Dimexide It is recommended to apply a little gel or liquid to the inner surface of the forearm. The presence of increased sensitivity will be indicated by the appearance of itching, redness, and swelling 10-15 minutes after application. If an allergic reaction occurs during treatment, its manifestations are relieved by taking antihistamines (Tavegil, Aleron).

Liquid Dimexide used in the form of compresses. The indications are almost the same as for the gel. The disadvantage of using the solution is its rather strong specific odor; cases of bronchospasm caused by it have been described.

Contraindications for use Dimexide are severe cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, angina, cardiovascular failure), liver and kidney dysfunction, severe damage to the central nervous system (stroke, coma), ophthalmological diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) Cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, with Use with caution in children and adolescents.
Also Dimexide is included in some rectal (for the treatment of hemorrhoids) and vaginal tampons and suppositories.

IN dentistry This drug has found application in the treatment of periodontitis, pulpitis, mumps (inflammation of the parotid salivary gland), . Dimexide is used in the form of compresses or special applicators applied to the gums. When treating dental diseases, special care must be taken - firstly, when using the solution, it must be further diluted to 10 - 20%; undiluted Dimexide causes burns to the oral mucosa. Secondly, this drug, when taken orally, becomes a strong poison; even a few drops of the drug, accidentally swallowed during the treatment of dental diseases, cause severe and painful spasms of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, if Dimexin and its drugs get into the stomach, it is necessary to induce vomiting and immediately consult a doctor.

Dimethyl sulfoxide It is also used in cosmetology - it is part of both self-prepared and factory-made hair masks, and some creams used against wrinkles. In plastic surgery, it is used for the preservation of skin flaps (during transplantation) and in the form of compresses for better tissue healing.

As we see, in fact, Dimexide It is used almost everywhere where inflammation occurs. Also, its very important property - increasing the permeability of tissues for various medicinal substances - has ensured this drug is very widespread.

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Concentrate for preparing the solution Dimexide contains at least 99% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) undiluted.

Gel Dimexide contains DMSO at a concentration of 0.25 mg/g or 0.5 mg/g, as well as nipagin, nipazole, carmellose sodium, and purified water.

Dimexide ointment prepared on the basis of polyethylene oxide 1500 gel (to give the preparation the necessary consistency, an emulsifier is added to it) or on the basis of mink oil. The concentration of the active substance is from 30 to 70%.

DMSO is also found in some gels and ointments (, , , , Remisid , ) , however, in them it performs the function of a penetrator, and is not an active substance.

Release form

Dimexide is available in the form:

  • concentrate for cutaneous use 990 mg/ml (50 and 100 ml bottles);
  • gel 25 and 50% (aluminum tubes of 30 and 40 g).

pharmachologic effect

Anti-inflammatory , analgesic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Dimexide - what is it?

To the question “What is Dimexide?” Wikipedia answers that this is an external medicinal product that is used primarily to relieve pain and inflammation during diseases of the musculoskeletal system (ODA), as well as to enhance tissue penetration of a number of other drugs.


The mechanism of action of DMSO is associated with the ability of this substance to inactivate hydroxyl radicals and improve the course of metabolic processes in the site of inflammation.

The drug has local analgesic And anesthetic effect . Shows moderate fibrinolytic and antiseptic activity.

DMSO helps normalize fibrin formation processes, improves microcirculation in tissues, and inhibits aggregation and chemotaxis neutrophils , increases activity and intensity phagocytosis , reduces the content of the CEC.

When applied topically, it quickly and well passes through biological membranes (mucous membranes, skin, bacterial cell walls), increasing their permeability to other drugs.

These properties of DMSO allow it to be used as a transporter of other drugs through mucous membranes and skin.


When applied to mucous membranes or skin, it is absorbed quickly and almost completely.

Bioavailability - 60-70%. Moreover, the penetration depth and bioavailability of DMSO are directly proportional to its concentration.

After application to the skin, the drug is detected in the blood serum within ten minutes. Concentrations reach peak values ​​after four to eight hours.

Penetrates well into tissue cells of all organs. The exception is cells of nails, hair, and tooth enamel.

In the body, DMSO is oxidized to and then reduced to dimethyl sulfide.

The active substance and its metabolic products are excreted in feces and urine. In addition, DMSO can be excreted through the lungs and skin, which is accompanied by the appearance of a specific garlic odor.

Even with long-term use of Dimexide, DMSO and its metabolites do not accumulate in the body.

Indications for use of Dimexide

Dimexide has been approved for medical use since 1971. Indications for use of the medicine:

  • sprains;
  • edema of various etiologies;
  • purulent wounds;
  • phlegmon ;
  • trophic ulcers ;
  • burns;
  • hemorrhages in the joints;
  • (acute or chronic);
  • erysipelas ;
  • diffuse streptoderma ;
  • keloid scars;
  • discoid lupus erythematosus ;
  • limited ;
  • pyoderma ;
  • furunculosis;

According to the manufacturer's instructions, applications with Dimexide are prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as deforming (in case of damage to periarticular tissues), ankylosing spondylitis , , reactive , radiculitis . The drug is used in combination with other drugs and procedures.

Dimexide is effective for bruises and , it is used to accelerate resorption traumatic infiltrates and for the treatment of heel spurs.

For a number of neurological diseases, as well as when it is impossible to use oral forms of NSAIDs (for example, with ), may be recommended electrophoresis with Dimexide. This method of treatment is used when it is necessary to relieve pain in the joints, pain during or post-traumatic pain (including if the patient has nerve damage).

In skin plastic surgery, Dimexide is used to preserve skin homografts , as well as for the treatment of transplanted skin homo- And autografts .

In dental practice, the drug is used for inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial area and inflammatory damage to the salivary glands , at , periodontitis , periodontitis , arthritis/atrosis of the temporomandibular joint .

Indications for use in gynecology are , , , , , complications developing after gynecological operations and childbirth, etc.

Due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, the drug is often used in cosmetology. Mask with Dimexide and considered one of the most effective anti-wrinkle remedies and the best replacement mesotherapy and injections , and compresses and wraps with a solution help reduce the manifestations . In addition, cosmetologists recommend the drug as a remedy against acne .

Hair masks with natural oils and Dimexide reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth.


Contraindications for use:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • liver/kidney failure ;
  • expressed ;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

When prescribing a drug, take into account the fact that it can enhance not only the activity, but also the severity of the toxic effects of a number of drugs.

When even a small amount of dimethyl sulfoxide is swallowed, as well as when used for applications in the oral cavity, the patient may experience stomach upset or intestinal spasms.

Side effects

Most patients do not experience any side effects while using the drug. However, in some cases it is possible to develop pruritic dermatitis .

Sometimes patients do not perceive the specific smell of Dimexide well, which can cause nausea and vomiting. In isolated cases it is possible bronchospasm .

Instructions for use of Dimexide

Dimexide solution: instructions for use

A solution based on Dimexide concentrate (Dimexide Zhff, Dimexide Lugal) is used as a means of external therapy. It is used for washing affected body surfaces (irrigations) and in the form of applications.

Moisten a gauze pad in a solution of the required concentration and apply it to the affected area for 20-30 minutes. The top of the napkin is covered with plastic film and linen (or cotton) cloth. It is recommended to repeat the procedures 1-3 times/day (depending on the indications) for 10-15 days.

How to dilute Dimexide concentrate depends on the purpose for which the medicine is being prepared.

For treatment trophic ulcers a 30-50% solution of dimethyl sulfoxide is used (for one treatment use from 50 to 100 ml of liquid), eczema - solution with a concentration of 40-90%.

For local anesthesia, the drug is used 2 or 3 times a day in the form of compresses with a 25-50% solution. Single dose - from 100 to 150 ml.

For joint pain (for example, atrose knee joint) lotions on the joint with the drug diluted to the same concentration are indicated. Compresses with Dimexide for the knee or ankle are applied for 20-60 minutes. The course is designed for 15-20 procedures.

If the lesion is localized in a highly sensitive area of ​​the body, the concentrate is diluted to obtain a 10-30% solution.

For patients who have undergone skin plastic surgery, transplanted homo- And autografts Immediately after the operation and subsequently until the graft is firmly engrafted, bandages soaked in a 10-20% Dimexide solution are applied.

For skin preservation homografts A 5% DMSO solution in Ringer's solution is used.

Less concentrated solutions are used for washing inflammatory and purulent-necrotic lesions and cavities.

Gel Dimexide: instructions for use

The gel (ointment) is used as a means of external therapy to treat patients over 12 years of age.

The product is applied to the affected area of ​​the body in a thin layer from 1 to 3 rubles/day. Gel 50% is intended for treating the skin; for mucous membranes it is recommended to use gel 25%. The course lasts from 10 to 15 days. It can be repeated no earlier than 10 days later.

At diffuse streptoderma ,eczema , and also for local anesthesia, applications with gel (50%) in the form of compresses are used. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times during the day.

At thrombophlebitis the patient is prescribed simultaneous applications of Dimexide with heparin gel or . Applications should be done 2-3 rubles/day. The course is designed for 10-15 procedures.

In skin plastic surgery on skin homo- And autografts apply bandages with 25% gel. The first bandage is applied immediately after the operation, and further procedures should be repeated until the implant is firmly engrafted.

How to dilute the drug for joints for gout?

For diseases of the rheumatic type (in particular, with gout ) compresses with Dimexide can significantly reduce pain and quickly relieve inflammation in them.

Penetrating well into the tissue, the drug promotes the gradual dissolution of salt build-ups on the joints of the small bones of the foot and joints affected by the pathological process.

To prepare a compress, the concentrate is diluted in an equal volume of water at room temperature. Then a piece of gauze is folded into several layers, soaked in the resulting solution, applied to the sore spot and insulated with polyethylene, cotton cloth and a woolen scarf.

Exposure time is from 20 minutes to half an hour. Treatment, depending on the degree of joint damage, lasts from 10 days to 2 months.

Since Dimexide is a good transporter of other drugs, before using it, to enhance the effect, you can lubricate the sore joint with anti-inflammatory ointment/gel ( Bystrum-gel , Chondroxide and their analogues).

To relieve intense pain, Dimexide (30 ml) can be mixed with a two percent solution (50 ml). The bandage is applied in the same sequence. Exposure time is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

How to dilute Dimexide for a compress for heel spurs?

At heel spur To alleviate the patient's condition and improve his quality of life, Dimexide is used in small dosages in the form of compresses or rinses.

To prepare the solution, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Then a napkin soaked in liquid is placed on the sore heel and a sock is put on top. Exposure time: 30 minutes.

The effect of the procedure will be more pronounced if you rub anti-inflammatory ointment into the sore spot 15 minutes before applying the compress.

For pain relief, it is recommended to add a solution to Dimexide solution , Dropiredola , Novocaine , . This composition gives the best anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The compress should be removed no later than after 40 minutes, otherwise skin irritation may occur.

Why is Dimexide used in pediatrics?

In children, Dimexide is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system ,inflammatory ,purulent And ulcerative skin lesions ,faces , eczema , streptoderma , burns , and upper respiratory tract diseases .

Compresses with the drug warm up well, stop the inflammatory process and relieve coughs that irritate the throat. This treatment is suitable for , , .

Proportions of Dimexide compress with Novocaine cough remedies are as follows: three to four parts of water to one part of concentrate (the younger the child’s age, the less concentrated the solution should be prepared).

To prepare the composition, you can use two parts of the concentrate: one part water, one part juice squeezed from aloe stems and two parts honey melted in a water bath. Before use, the mixture is slightly warmed.

Gauze folded five times and soaked in the resulting mixture is applied to the throat and secured first with polyethylene and cotton cloth, and then with a scarf. Remove the compress after 50 minutes (earlier if a burning sensation occurs).

It is better to carry out the procedure at night.

At bronchitis compresses with Dimexide help relax the bronchi and improve blood circulation.

Instructions for a compress with Dimexide and Novocaine child the following: one tbsp. a spoonful of concentrate is diluted in the same volume of boiled/distilled water, then poured into the resulting mixture (one ampoule) and 10 ml of a two percent solution Novocaine .

Gauze soaked in the product is applied to the feet, back (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades) and chest, covered with polyethylene and secured with a bandage (scarf). The child is covered with a blanket. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Compresses are applied once a day for a week and only if the child has a normal temperature.

The medicine is used warm (but not hot!). When applying gauze to the chest, avoid the heart area.

Contraindications for use in pediatrics are pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver, problems with the immune system, age under 12 years, elevated body temperature.

Application in gynecology: how to make tampons with Dimexide?

Dimexide is used in gynecology in the form of vaginal tampons. To prepare the medicinal mixture, one part of the concentrate is diluted in five parts of water, and then aloe juice is added to the resulting solution, antibiotics or .

Ready-made tampons that women use for menstrual bleeding are not suitable for treatment, since they are often impregnated with various compounds that can react with dimethyl sulfoxide. Therefore, tampons should be made independently from sterile cotton wool.

The tampon should be inserted into the vagina in such a way that it can be easily removed. The active substance is quickly absorbed, penetrating into inflamed ovaries or uterus even with shallow injection.

The duration of each procedure, as well as the duration of the course, depend on the degree of neglect of the pathological process.

To enhance the effectiveness of the main treatment, doctors sometimes recommend using the drug as an adjuvant. Propolis-D .

Due to the presence of propolis and DMSO in these suppositories, they provide good pain relief, stop the inflammatory process, have an antibacterial effect, help strengthen the immune system and increase the effectiveness of basic therapy.

They should be used twice a day, one at a time, for 10-14 days.

Dimexide for hair

The use of Dimexide in combination with natural oils and vitamins helps improve the structure and accelerate hair growth. What is dimethyl sulfoxide? A conductor for other substances and a universal stimulator of metabolic processes.

Mask with Dimexide for oily hair: one part of Dimexide concentrate, one part of ampoule solutions of vitamins A and E, one part of lemon juice (the juice can be replaced with vodka, cognac or 70-degree alcohol if desired). This composition should be left on the hair for no more than half an hour.

A mask for oily hair based on Dimexide (1 teaspoon), macadamia oil (1 teaspoon), almond oil (1 teaspoon), eggs (1 pc.), cognac (1 tablespoon) also earned good reviews from trichologists. ). The mixture is applied to the hair for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo and rinsed with water and lemon juice.

To prepare a mask for hair growth and strengthening hair follicles, you need to mix castor and burdock oils taken in equal volumes, add oil solutions to them vitamins E and A (one ampoule) and 5 drops of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Dimexide concentrate.

After the composition is applied to the hair roots, a plastic cap is put on the head and tied with a towel. After an hour (if a burning sensation occurs - immediately), the hair is washed with shampoo.

A similar composition in which lemon juice is replaced with the yolk of one egg also works well on hair.

To stimulate hair growth, use a mask with sea buckthorn oil. To prepare the composition, mix the heated oil with the concentrate in a 3:1 ratio. The mixture is rubbed into the hair roots, insulated with polyethylene and a towel, and washed off after an hour. Instead of a rinse aid, at the end of the procedure you can use apple cider vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Reviews about Dimexide for hair growth are mostly positive, but it should be remembered that the drug is a powerful pharmaceutical that has a number of contraindications and can cause a fairly severe burn.

Dimexide for face

In facial cosmetology, Dimexide is used to improve the condition of aging skin, as well as to treat problematic skin prone to rashes.

A very effective remedy for combating wrinkles and rejuvenating the face is a mask made from Dimexide and Solcoseryl . To begin with, you should dilute one volume of concentrate in ten volumes of boiled water and thoroughly wipe your facial skin with this solution. Then apply Solcoseryl .

The duration of the procedure is one hour. During this entire time, the mask must be sprayed with warm water so that it does not harden. After an hour, the gel (or ointment) is removed with a damp cotton swab, and the skin is moisturized with cream.

To prevent wrinkles, the mask can be done 1-2 times a month, if there are deep wrinkles - once every three days for a month.

An equally popular care product is a face mask with Dimexide and melaleuca (tea tree) oil. This composition is good at treating purulent-inflammatory skin lesions.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix equal volumes of a 10% aqueous solution of Dimexide and essential oil. The product is applied to the face using a cotton sponge for several hours or overnight, and then the residue is washed off with warm water. If a burning sensation occurs, wash off the mask immediately.

Dimexide for acne

The easiest way to use acne - daily wiping of the affected areas acne areas with Dimexide solution (DMSO concentration - no more than 10%). The procedure is repeated twice a day.

However, reviews indicate that better results can be achieved using more complex mixtures.

You can dissolve two tablets in a 10% solution of the drug, or you can mix four tablespoons of concentrate with 50 ml of two percent salicylic alcohol , 40 ml of glycerin and the contents of 10 ampoules of a ten percent solution of Dioxidin.

Both formulations should be applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day.

A very powerful acne remedy - composition prepared from 40 ml salicylic alcohol (2%), 10 tablets , 10 capsules , and 10 ml of Dimexide (the concentrate is added last).

Dimexide for cellulite

The drug has a vasodilating effect and helps restore metabolic processes throughout the body, which allows it to be used to combat cellulite.

To reduce the “orange peel”, the product is used in the form of applications and compresses, after mixing with distilled water. Optimal proportions are selected depending on the zone for which the drug will be used.

For the hips, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, for the armpits, neck and arms - in a ratio of 1:20 or 1:10.

Then gauze soaked in the resulting solution is applied to problem areas, covered with polyethylene, insulated and left on the skin for 50 minutes. The course is designed for 12-15 procedures.

Alginate wraps with Dimexide and wraps with Dimexide and seaweed are very popular in cosmetology.

Before starting the wrap, it is recommended to take a warm shower (or bath) and cleanse the skin with a fine-grained scrub. Then the skin of problem areas of the body is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in Dimexide solution.

For women with sensitive skin, the drug should be diluted with one volume of concentrate in three volumes of distilled or boiled water. With absence for medicine, it is used in its pure form.

To treat the legs and abdomen, 1 teaspoon of solution is enough. After applying Dimexide, an anti-cellulite agent is rubbed into the skin. When it is absorbed, begin preparing the alginate. Since the drug hardens quickly, it should be prepared very quickly.

Alginate diluted in water is distributed over the skin, wrapped on top with two layers of foil (cling film) and a terry towel. Exposure time is from 40 minutes to one hour. There is no need to rinse off the product after wrapping. Simply apply cosmetic milk or moisturizer to your legs and stomach.

Seaweed wraps are made using the same principle.


Cases of overdose with local use in therapeutic doses have not been described. Increased dose-dependent side effects are possible.

If, after application with Dimexide or application of the gel, undesirable reactions develop, the damaged area is washed to remove residual dimethyl sulfoxide, and treatment with the drug is stopped.


DMSO increases absorption and enhances the effects of a number of other drugs (including insulin) and ethanol.

Compatible with NSAIDs, antibacterial drugs , heparin .

Increases the sensitivity of microflora to beta-lactam antibiotics And aminoglycosides , rifampicin , chloramphenicol , griseofulvin .

Sensitizes the body to general anesthesia.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, light-protected place at temperatures up to 25°C.

Best before date

For concentrate - three years. For gel - two years.

special instructions

Some patients smell garlic in the air they breathe.

To determine possible individual intolerance to the drug, before using it, it is recommended to conduct a drug test (the solution is applied to the skin and the patient’s reaction is observed).

Evidence of increased sensitivity is itching and severe redness of the skin.

If during treatment with Dimexide the patient experiences allergic reactions , he should be assigned antihistamine .

Non-medical use of the drug or how to clean polyurethane foam?

One of the little-known properties of Dimexide is its ability to remove hardened polyurethane foam well.

To do this, the concentrate should be applied to a cotton swab or sponge, rub it into the surface on which the foam has fallen, and wait a few minutes until the foam begins to become covered with a well-peeling crust. If necessary, the manipulations are repeated several times.

It is necessary to work with rubber gloves so as not to burn the skin of your hands.

How to treat a burn from Dimexide?

You can get a burn from Dimexide if the drug is diluted incorrectly, as well as if it is used undiluted.

Photo of a burn with Dimexide:

, Medical bile , Diclogen , , Camphor (ointment/oil), Capsicam , , Kolkhuri ,Kim , Mataren , Kuznetsov ointment , Firtanol , Revma-gel , Chondroxide , Khonsurid , , , Eftimethacin .

For children

The drug is intended for the treatment of children over 12 years of age.

Dimexide during pregnancy

Dimexide is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

In recent years, many medicinal products based on folk recipes have appeared on pharmacy shelves. These are all kinds of balms and tinctures for internal and external use, ointments and creams, aromatic essential oils.

However, doctors still have undeservedly forgotten, but quite effective drugs that have been tested over decades of medical practice. Such truly unique drugs include dimexide.

Description and properties of dimexide

It is a slightly yellowish oily liquid with a faint odor reminiscent of garlic (the chemically pure preparation is colorless and almost odorless). The full name of the substance is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), it was synthesized in 1866 by A.M. Zaitsev, a student of the great chemist A.M. Butlerov.

But, as often happens, only 100 years later, first chemists and then doctors paid attention to DMSO. Numerous studies have revealed the amazing ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to easily penetrate the blood and human body through intact skin.

Just a few minutes after rubbing a small amount of dimexide into any area of ​​the skin, the exhaled air begins to smell slightly like garlic. 5-6 minutes after application to the skin, the presence of DMSO molecules is detected in the blood.

The maximum concentration in the blood is created after 4-6 hours and decreases slowly over 36-72 hours.

But that is not all! In the Middle Ages, dimexide, no doubt, could have been dubbed “alkahest” - a super-solvent, the search for which alchemists were no less keen on turning lead into gold. And this is by no means an exaggeration.

Dimethyl sulfoxide perfectly dissolves substances of various origins and chemical structures: antibiotics, hormones, salts, alkaloids, cytostatics, vitamins. And besides, it sharply accelerates the penetration of many compounds through the skin without changing their properties at all (for example, iodine, heparin, glucose, hydrocortisone, penicillin, diclofenac, complex biologically active complexes of medicinal plants).

The effect of active medicinal substances is enhanced, since many of them directly enter the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive organs. This allows the use of dimexide as a highly effective solvent for the preparation of transdermal (transdermal) medicinal preparations.

Thanks to the powerful improvement in the permeability of drugs through the skin, their concentration contained in various ointments and rubs can be reduced several times! Thus, it has been proven that if about 20% DMSO is added to prednisolone ointment, the concentration of prednisolone (without reducing the therapeutic effect) can be reduced by 8-10 times! This means not only significant savings on expensive drugs, but also a sharp reduction in the risk of unwanted side effects when treating patients.

Dimexide application

Dimethyl sulfoxide tinctures are indicated for alcohol intolerance and contraindications to treatment with alcohol-containing liquids (alcoholism).

It is also remarkable that dimexide at normal dosages is practically no more toxic than table salt! In its pure form, dimexide is used to treat a wide range of diseases. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antifungal properties.

In the form of 30-50% solutions, it is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, bruises and sprains, myositis, traumatic infiltrates). And also for inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, erysipelas, purulent wounds, burns, thrombophlebitis).

Dimexide accelerates wound healing and restores the activity of antibiotics in cases where microbes have already developed resistance to them, and increases the body's resistance to low temperatures and radiation exposure.

As a result of research conducted at the Research Institute of Rheumatology more than 30 years ago, it turned out that dimexide is one of the best remedies in the treatment of joint contracture - stiffness that develops as a result of inflammation! process.

Applied to the skin in the area of ​​inflamed joints and easily penetrating inside, DMSO relieves inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues and muscles.

The purified drug showed good results in secondary renal amyloidosis, a severe complication of rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by the deposition of insoluble protein in the kidneys. In this case, dimexide was administered orally, diluted 10-15 times with distilled water (1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals).

In the same form, the drug was used after irradiation of the pelvic organs and rectum (in connection with the treatment of malignant neoplasms). This allows you to relieve reactive tissue inflammation after radioactive exposure and protect healthy cells.

Due to the special structure of the dimethyl sulfoxide molecule, it can be successfully used for electrophoresis.

According to Professor I.E. Oransky, DMSO does not interfere with the pharmacological activity of the substances it transports. It helps them penetrate deeper into the tissue and in greater quantities than with conventional electrophoresis.

Thus, excellent results were obtained with electrophoresis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - a 5-10% solution in a 50% dimexide solution. Analgin (also a 5-10% solution) had a pronounced effect during electrophoresis from a 25% dimexide solution, lidase - 32-64 units, also in a 25% DMSO solution.

At home, you can prepare a lot of tinctures, balms and ointments based on dimethyl sulfoxide to treat a wide variety of pathologies. Dimexide’s own healing abilities are summed up and enhanced by medicinal plants, allowing one to achieve good results.

Preparation of healing potions at home

At home, you can prepare tinctures, balms and ointments based on dimexide to treat a wide variety of pathologies, even in severe, advanced cases. To prepare tinctures, use pharmaceutical dimexide, which, if necessary, is diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 30-70%.

The concentration depends on the amount of biologically active compounds insoluble in water. The more essential oils and resins in the raw material, the higher the concentration of DMSO should be. For example, propolis extract is prepared using pure dimexide (finely planed propolis is infused in a ratio of 1:5 for 2 weeks).

Extracts from poplar and pine buds are also made. Using 50-70% DMSO, a tincture is prepared from the bark of aspen and hazel, an ointment from the roots of burdock, comfrey - with the addition of 25-30% dimexide. Based on 25-30% solutions of dimexide, you can prepare tinctures of chamomile, meadowsweet, sage, St. John's wort, thyme and many other medicinal plants.

All such tinctures are mainly used externally. For a better effect of absorption of active substances into the blood, it is advisable to first achieve general light sweating, for which physical exercise and a sauna are excellent. After this, you need to quickly wipe off the sweat, apply a medicinal tincture to the skin, rub in lightly (do not use compresses!).

If you are performing this procedure on someone other than yourself, you must wear rubber gloves to protect your own skin.

Dimexide - instructions for the drug

Latin name of the drug Dimexide: Dimexid

Composition and release form.

  • Dermatotropic agents;
  • Nosological classification (ICD-10);
  • Erysipelas Lesions of the lumbosacral plexus;
  • Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis;
  • Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • Pyoderma;
  • Dermatitis, unspecified;
  • Transepidermal perforated changes;
  • Infectious myositis Tendon sheath abscess;
  • Other infectious tenosynovitis;
  • Abscess of the bursa;
  • Other infectious bursitis;
  • Injury to an unspecified part of the trunk, limb, or area of ​​the body;
  • Superficial injury to an unspecified area of ​​the body;
  • Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization;
  • Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified;

1 orange glass dropper bottle contains 25 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide undiluted;in a cardboard box there is 1 dropper bottle.

Characteristic. Colorless transparent liquid with a weak specific odor, crystallizing at temperatures below 16 °C. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol.

Pharmachologic effect. Pharmacological action - antimicrobial, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory.

Indications for the drug Dimexide. Bruises, sprains, inflammatory swelling, purulent wounds, burns, arthritis, radiculitis, erysipelas, eczema, trophic ulcers, pustular skin diseases.

Contraindications: Liver failure, angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, stroke, coma, myocardial infarction. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Side effects: Allergic reactions.

Directions for use and dosage: Externally (applications, irrigation). Apply gauze pads moistened with a diluted (1:1) solution to the affected areas once a day (for 20–30 minutes). For the skin of the face and other highly sensitive areas, more diluted solutions (1:10, 1:5, 1:3) are used (the same solutions can be used to wash purulent-necrotic and inflammatory lesions and cavities). A plastic film and cotton or linen cloth are placed on top of the napkin. Course - 10–15 days.

In a dry place, protected from light.

Storage conditions for the drug Dimexide: In a dry place, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date: 2 years.

Attention! Contraindications

Of course, like any medicine, dimexide has its contraindications for use: angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, recent myocardial infarction and stroke, severe liver and kidney diseases, as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding. In some cases, the drug can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and at the site of application - redness and itching of the skin.