Design of a room with exercise equipment. How to Set Up a Safe Home Gym

You are young and athletic, you play some kind of sport almost every day, which means you will be interested in this topic.
Today's conversation will be about the design of a gym or training room.

It’s good when the size of your home space allows the designer’s imagination and ideas to run wild, you can create an ideal room for sports, but if you have a lack of space, don’t despair, you can allocate a small area for training in the room.

How to make a home gym

Those who systematically engage in physical exercises and exercises to keep fit simply need to create ideal conditions for this, because you will be training constantly, so it is simply necessary to improve and equip the territory of your home fitness center. More information and products for gyms. A huge range of vibration platforms, exercise machines, sports equipment, massage accessories, equipment for spa salons.

The room should be as comfortable as possible; ideally, it should be a separate area in the house measuring 8-11 m2. Let’s make a reservation right away: a well-ventilated room is perfect, it could be an attic, a veranda, a balcony, it’s still easier to breathe there and it’s always fresh. If there is no such room, you need to create a ventilated system in the room.

For this you need: windows and high-quality ventilation. It’s good when the room is light; no artificially created lighting can replace natural light, so choose a room with large windows.

Decorating a gym or exercise room

Having cleared the room of everything unnecessary, we begin to decorate it. We start with the floor, it is important that the floor covering is smooth and of high quality, your training depends on this. It is best to dismantle the old floor and make a screed. On top of the screed you need to place a backing made of foamed polyurethane or cork.

Excellent floor covering will:

  • Tufted covering with pile;
  • Lint-free carpet intended for office and industrial premises;
  • Cork flooring;
  • Sports rubber coating.

Now we can move on to considering the finishing of the walls, which should perform the function of heat, steam, and sound insulation.

Often they resort to cork veneer or wallpaper made from cork agglomerate. Often to create a beautiful and modern design In the gym they use paper wallpaper or plaster. You should not resort to finishing the room with plastic or tiles; they increase the level of waterproofing, so the room will always be damp, which is not very good.

Concerning color palette, then preference should be given to calm shades: light green, gray, beige, blue and other calm shades are ideal for the environment in the fitness room.

As mentioned above, lighting plays an important role in the gym. Install lamps with adjustable modes so that you can customize the light to suit your needs without straining your eyesight.

It’s good when there are mirrors in the gym, you can always look at yourself and see if you are doing the exercises correctly.

In the gym you can install:

  • Cardio equipment;
  • Exercise bikes;
  • Steppers;
  • Treadmill.

It would also be nice to have several accessories and devices for additional activities:

  • Hula hoop;
  • Disk;
  • Dumbbells;
  • Jump rope;
  • Expander for arms and legs;
  • Horizontal bar;
  • Swedish wall;
  • Barbell;
  • Ball, etc.

    Fashion for healthy image life has led to the opening of many gyms in both large and small cities of the country. Therefore, if you are entering the market just now and want to succeed, you need to think not only about equipping your establishment with the necessary equipment.

    In addition, it is very important to competently develop the interior design of the gym so that every workout turns into a real pleasure for the visitor.

    A properly equipped room helps the client tune in to perform certain exercises, allows him to concentrate on his goals and speed up their achievement.

    Therefore, we can recommend ordering gym decoration and design from specialists who will take into account all the specific features of such establishments, make them comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, and offer several options for the future project.

    Basic rules for developing gym interior design

    If you still intend to create a gym interior design with your own hands, then we suggest that you definitely listen to the following recommendations:

    Gym zoning

    A gym is not only a place for training, which is divided into several functional zones, based on the specifics of the exercises performed.

    In addition, these are other necessary elements.

    These include:

    In addition, in the gym it is important to carefully consider the ventilation system so that fresh air constantly enters the room.

    This will make the classes as comfortable as possible and will only bring benefits to visitors.

    Home gym: main design features

    Today, more and more often, a gym is equipped in private homes and even in city apartments. Designer design such a room will be very different from structures located in separate buildings.

    The main requirements that must be taken into account are as follows:

    Based on the above requirements, you can roughly imagine what the gym will look like.

    So that you can immediately start developing a design after reading this article, here are a number of useful recommendations on the design of each element of the room.


    Sound insulation, the load on the musculoskeletal system, and the safety of training depend on it.

    It is better to immediately remove any worn covering, clean the floor down to the concrete and start all over again.

    First, a floating one is made concrete screed, which significantly improves sound insulation. A cork covering or any foamed materials are laid on it to prevent noise from entering the apartment below.

    As a finishing material, it is best to use rubber designed specifically for sports facilities.

    However, if it is impossible to purchase it, you can get by with lint-free carpet or the same cork.

    Such a floor will prevent slipping, will help you exercise for the benefit of your body and without scandals with neighbors due to loud noise.

    Are you planning to train with kettlebells, barbells and weight machines? Then you will need to take a number of additional measures to muffle the sounds.

    It is best to place sheets of elastic rubber under the carpet or cork, which will cope with this task perfectly.

    Wall decoration

    Almost any materials can be used for walls. We would like to warn you only against installing tiles or wall panels made of plastic. The whole point is that although they have an aesthetic appearance, however, with them there will be constant dampness in the room.

    When playing sports, this can negatively affect your health. Best options finishing is wooden lining, plaster or paint, as well as ordinary inexpensive wallpaper.

    Better washable.

    Ceiling finishing

    In addition to the already mentioned plaster, we can recommend paying attention to modern suspended or tensile structures.

    They have a magnificent appearance, make it possible to select a color scheme to suit your preferences, and also allow you to integrate lamps into the ceiling and create original color effects.


    They can only be used for those items that you will use for classes. The gym is functional room, in which there is simply no place for unnecessary details that only distract from the main tasks.

    If you have any certificates for achievements in sports, cups or other awards, they will look very appropriate.

    What is a must-have in the gym to make your workouts more effective?

    Of course, there are a variety of exercise machines that you can choose yourself, focusing on the characteristics of sports activities. For example, for cardio training you will need an exercise bike and a treadmill.

    They will help expand the space in a cramped room equipped as a gym, and will also allow you to control yourself during the training process.

    On our website you can easily find photos of the gym interior design, you can choose the most suitable ideas for choosing a style and color scheme, according to the zoning and furnishings of each of the functional zones.

To look beautiful, fit, young and energetic, you don’t have to be a regular at a fitness club or gym. It is enough to set up a gym at home and exercise with joy for body and soul at any time convenient for you.

Home gym is wise and practical solution for every person who values ​​their health and strives for physical perfection. Why? It is no secret that in order to achieve significant results, sports must be systematic. Is this always possible, given the modern pace of life? Hardly. Because there is often not enough time even for ordinary daily work and household chores, not to mention such a “luxury” as taking care of yourself. A personal “fitness center” in a house or apartment is not only useful, but also profitable: having spent once on exercise equipment and sports equipment, you won’t have to think about buying a (far from cheap) membership to a sports club for many years.

Before you make a home gym, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail - from choosing a room to decorative elements. The only way physical exercise will be a pleasure, and not some kind of obligation to periodically rolling remorse.

Choosing the Ideal Location

Ideally, it is advisable to use it as a home gym separate room, and its area must be at least ten square meters. If you live in a private house, the most suitable place for it will be a veranda, due to the ability to organize good ventilation. When you can breathe easily, exercising is doubly enjoyable. Also not a bad option is an attic.

But in general, a home gym can be organized in any room with windows: if there is normal air flow in the room, it will be easy to train in it. In a stuffy room without windows, you will get tired very quickly and feel constant discomfort. Needless to say that in such an environment, enthusiasm very quickly “disappears”?

Home Gym Decoration and Design


The walls of a home mini-gym must be vapor permeable. This is explained by the fact that in a room of such a design, even designed for two or three people, the accumulation of a certain amount of moisture is inevitable. If the surfaces are finished with plastic or tiles, condensation will form on them - and such an atmosphere is far from the healthiest. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to materials such as colored plaster, wallpaper or cork.


The flooring for your home gym should be comfortable, reliable, and has good sound insulation. Plank floors are definitely not suitable. We recommend that you do this:

  • arrange a “floating” screed;
  • lay a high-quality soundproofing substrate;
  • use cork or thick carpet as a finishing coating.

Color solutions for the home gym

According to medical observations Light green, blue, cream, light beige and gray colors have the most beneficial effect on the trainee. It is advisable to use them when creating the interior of a home gym.


Lighting in a home fitness center should be exclusively overhead. Remember: no multi-colored lamps - only pleasant white light!

Accessories and furniture

There must be a mirror in the gym. If you wish, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored - it’s beautiful, and it also visually expands the space. Mirrors should be positioned in such a way that trainees can easily contemplate themselves - and in full height.

However, it is worth noting that a mirror in the interior of a gym is by no means an “attribute of narcissism”, but a kind of motivator to perform exercises correctly and monitor personal progress.

Worth knowing! The mirror in the gym does not always evoke pleasant emotions. During one of psychological research It was found that women suffering from obesity perceived their reflection during exercise extremely negatively. As a result, their interest in sports and positive attitude suddenly faded away. Therefore, the decision on the need to install mirrors in the gym should always be made taking into account the wishes of all family members.

Necessary things in a home fitness center are also:

  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • chairs with backrest;
  • table for all kinds of “small things” - water bottles, glasses, mobile phone etc.;
  • electronic or mechanical scales;
  • Wall Clock.

If a large room is allocated for the gym, you can install a coffee table there and leather sofa for comfortable “time-outs”.

If one of the family members is a professional athlete, the home gym will be best place for shelves with cups, medals, certificates.

Many people prefer to exercise with “video instructors” - which means that, if possible, a personal fitness center should be equipped with a TV and DVD player (there are units with a built-in player and a USB port for flash drives). Fans of “song accompaniment” for all their activities cannot do without a musical “set” in the gym.

Decorating the space

You can decorate the room with posters of bodybuilders (for men) and photographs of models or favorite show business stars (for women). In general, any images, paintings, figurines with a sports or sports-related theme would be appropriate here.

How to set up a home gym

Your home gym must have at least one cardio machine - either a treadmill or an elliptical. The rest of the equipment and devices should be selected depending on personal goals, preferences and, of course, the gender of the trainee. For a woman planning to “lose” a couple of kilograms, a cardio machine, a few dumbbells and an ab roller will suffice. Men will need a horizontal bar, a weight machine or barbell, perhaps a punching bag. One mat is required for floor classes.

When setting up a home gym “for the whole family,” it is advisable not to skimp on equipment - buy a couple of fitballs, wall bars, hoops, rope. All household members will be delighted, from young to old - guaranteed!

With the impressive size of the room allocated for the gym, you can additionally equip the space with a tennis or billiard table.

And finally: to understand how the best way organize your space, look at photos of home gyms on the Internet - you can get a lot of interesting ideas.

Setting up a home gym will allow you to devote sufficient time to health activities, keeping your body in excellent shape, without leaving home. A well-equipped room will help ensure the possibility of regular training. Beautiful design a private gym helps create a comfortable atmosphere for exercising.

Constant physical activity and sports exercises are the key to good health, well-being, help maintain the beauty of the body. Numerous fitness clubs and health centers today provide the opportunity for effective exercise. However, the dynamism modern life does not always leave time to visit them regularly.

The optimal solution will become home gym interior design which was developed by experienced specialists. Equipping your own physical education club will allow you to devote more attention exercises. The ability to choose exercise equipment and sports equipment will help you organize a room that best suits the needs of the home owners. Stylish design will ensure high spirits and a positive attitude throughout the entire class.

Proper finishing of the room - a practical interior for a home gym

When arranging a home gym, close attention should be paid to the choice of finishing materials. When decorating walls, it is important to use coatings that have vapor-permeable properties: colored plaster, paper wallpaper. A good solution is natural cork panels.

Great importance has finished floors. Materials must have high level strength, soundproofing qualities, practicality. The best option will perform the screed. Carpet is used as the top layer, cork coverings, laid on a substrate. The presented solution will ensure sufficient softness of the floor, preventing the risk of injury, and low noise level.

Developing gym interiors, it is necessary to create an atmosphere that carries a cheerful, positive mood. Competent color design will help you achieve your goal. Light background shades will bring shades of lightness to the atmosphere, rich rich inserts: laconic bright red spots, green ornaments, yellow patterns will give the room a cheerful, cheerful character. good decorative solution catchy prints, shelves with cups, magnetic boards with a training schedule can serve.

A competent choice of exercise equipment, furniture arrangement - exclusive interior of a home gym

The core of a home gym's furnishings is exercise equipment. Modern manufacturers offer two types of exercise equipment: cardio, designed to maintain good athletic shape, shape the figure, and strength, helping to build muscle mass. The first category includes staplers, orbitracks, treadmills, and abdominal benches. The second combines dumbbells, barbells, power racks, and squat racks. There are other models of equipment from both groups.

There are no strict requirements for the number or color of exercise equipment. The fundamental selection criteria are the taste preferences of the owners and the stylistic design of the room. Models in black, gray tones with chrome details will help complement home gym interior high tech. Any bright colors are appropriate for the avant-garde.

In a spacious room it is possible to equip additional play area: tennis, basketball hall, billiard room. A stylish bar counter will help delimit the room.

To create a comfortable home gym environment, it is important to pay close attention to the selection and arrangement of furniture. Mandatory elements of the interior are comfortable, reliable racks designed for storing balls, jump ropes, weights, and other equipment, a special rack for dumbbells, a cabinet with towels, hangers, and a small refrigerator for drinks.

The home workout room often performs additional function a club where you can have a good time with friends. Soft sofa, pair of armchairs, stylish coffee tables - good decision for arranging a recreation area.

Modern media will help complement the decor: TV, stereo system, DVD player. The presented equipment will allow you to combine training with watching your favorite program, watch video training lessons and provide a pleasant atmosphere of a friendly meeting. A good option will be the installation of equipment for virtual games. They will help you diversify your pastime, master new games, and take part in exciting competitions.

Choose attractive home interior gym photo the site will help every visitor. Experienced designers presented exclusive options, corresponding to different taste preferences. Those wishing to create a full-fledged wellness area should pay attention to

Sport - is life! In addition to a beautiful and fit figure, you get excellent health, become resilient and more efficient. This is why going to the gym has become so popular: men lift heavy weights to build muscle mass, women jump on step bars to strengthen their buttocks.

But what to do if there is sorely not enough time for fitness clubs? There is only one way out - buy exercise equipment and equip a gym at home, and then parade around the streets in a miniskirt and show off your abs to your friends!

So, what should a home gym have?

First, you need a bench to do exercises for. pectoral muscles. Additionally, you can purchase a manual exercise machine for biceps, triceps and shoulder girdle. Some exercises, however, can be performed without special strength training equipment, replacing them with the familiar push-ups.

It is advisable for beautiful ladies to have an exercise bike or treadmill. A large mirror will also be useful, which will help you perform the exercises correctly and admire your beautiful figure.

In any case, its content will depend on the personal preferences and capabilities of the owner. But a stylishly decorated room will add mood and make your workout more enjoyable and productive.

Do you want to combine business with pleasure? Hang the plasma on the wall opposite the treadmill and, after running a dozen kilometers, you will already be aware of the latest world events. And by installing a ballet barre, you can additionally organize a dance class and perform steps to the music of your favorite performers.

If you are the lucky owner big house with a veranda or attic, then you are doubly lucky! It is these rooms with glazing that are ideal place for the home gym. A garden view is perhaps the best alternative to stone walls.

Wooden floors and large full-length mirrors will create a particularly pleasant atmosphere.

The gym can be decorated with original black and white posters depicting athletes, which will highlight the modern style.

Bright colors can be used not only in wall decoration. Blue, red, yellow, green and any other dumbbells, balls, jump ropes, as well as multi-colored accents in the form of drink bottles or towels will give you energy and set you up for an active workout.

If you like calm shades, paint the walls a soft yellow. It will not only enliven the room, but also fill it with light and warmth.

We should not forget about the ceiling with original lamps, which can be painted in a bright and inspiring color. It will certainly inspire new sporting feats, especially for those who perform exercises in a supine position.

A home gym is more than just a spacious room. Even a small attic can be converted into a cozy training room.

If the dimensions of the room allow, you can combine a sports and relaxation area by placing cozy armchairs or a sofa with pillows, which are so pleasant to relax on after a run or boxing.


Some modern families integrate Gym into the interior of a children's room. With proper planning, you can create a rather cozy and functional room: the mother will be able to keep an eye on the child and at the same time get in shape.

Another option for a successful combination is combination home office and a hall, which will allow you to take an active break from work.

A home gym is financially beneficial. You will have to pay for a subscription every month, but purchasing exercise equipment is a one-time expense that will pay off very quickly. When creating a gym at home, remember that essentially this is your room of beauty and strength, so its design should also be stylish and functional!

Happy training!

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