Two-story houses with bay windows: pros and cons, projects and layouts: interior options. Projects of houses with a bay window: photo ideas for one-story and two-story houses

What is the difference between a house with a bay window? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

What are the features of this structure? Is it possible to design a house with both a bay window and an attic? The answers to these questions and photos of houses with a bay window are in this article.

What is a bay window?

It seems that german word“Bay window” has recently entered our language. However, houses with a bay window are not so rare in the vastness of the former Soviet Union.

A bay window is a protrusion from the facade of a building. Almost the entire area of ​​its walls is occupied by windows, so the natural lighting of a room with a bay window significantly exceeds the lighting of ordinary rooms.

The main distinguishing features of a room with a bay window:

  • panoramic view from the window;
  • increasing the duration of natural light in the room;
  • elegance of construction;
  • increase in usable area.

The history of the construction of bay windows goes deep into the Middle Ages. The original purpose of such a protrusion was to provide an overview of the area adjacent to the building.

Bay windows were made with narrow loopholes instead of windows in castles and fortresses for the convenience of their defense. The protruding part of the fortress not only provided a large viewing angle, but also made it possible to fire in different directions.

Epochs change, but bay windows still remain an important link in the architecture of many countries around the world. People noticed other useful features of this layout.

The bay window not only provides a panoramic view, but also allows more light to enter the room. Unlike a conventional window opening, light enters the bay window from three sides at once.

This not only increases the level of illumination in the room, but also increases the duration of light exposure.

A room with a bay window located on the south side of the building will be illuminated from dawn to dusk.

The building design, which includes a bay window, departs from the usual rectangular shape.

Thanks to this, the building acquires a refined, elegant style. A rounded or prismatic projection gives the house an original and elegant look.

The bay window, unlike the balcony, increases living space premises. For this reason, bay windows began to be often used in the middle of the last century.

In Russia in those years, many houses with projections were built. The reason for this was not only saving energy resources, but also increasing living space.

At the end of the twentieth century, projects for economical rapid construction began to be approved more often, and bay windows began to be used less and less.

Beautiful, functional houses were replaced by “Khrushchev” buildings. The uniformity of buildings significantly accelerated their construction.

Often such houses were built from standard reinforced concrete blocks. In a small area there was maximum amount apartments

By creating a house project with one or several bay windows, you can not only increase the area and save energy resources, but also emphasize individuality. Each such house is unusual and beautiful in its own way.

A project can be created with a combination of different architectural styles, which expands the scope for the designer's eye. Doing individual project, you can easily achieve a unique structure.

What types of bay windows are there?

House designs with bay windows are very diverse. Layout modern houses allows you to harmoniously fit into the design different kinds protrusions

The most commonly used types are:

  • rectangular;
  • semicircular;
  • polygonal;

Due to the ease of execution, rectangular or square shape protrusions is the most common.

The easiest way to make such a bay window is in a wooden house, buildings made of brick or concrete blocks. The layout of a rectangular overhang does not require any special knowledge.

Despite the simplicity in design and construction, such projections are no less practical and functional than other types.

The number of windows in this case depends on the depth of the protrusion. If it has the shape of a rectangle with short sides, then there is one wide window along the front wall. There may be no windows on the side walls, or they may be narrow.

Venetian bay window - this is how the protrusions of a semicircular or oval shape. Without any doubt, this is the most elegant and stylish option.

Such a protrusion can be placed not only in the center of the wall, but also replace one of the corners of the building with it.

Such a design move can transform the whole appearance buildings, making it original and unique.

Round structures are easiest to fit into a house made of brick or aerated concrete. In buildings made of wood or other materials, such bay windows will also look great, but to achieve correct form using wooden beam It's hard enough.

The polygonal shape of the structure allows this type to be used when designing buildings made of any materials.

A frame house with a polyhedron bay window looks very interesting. In buildings made of timber, this option can also be easily implemented.

The ledge can be made part of not only a country house or one-story house. Houses with an attic and a bay window look original.

You can use a protruding structure during construction multi-storey building. Two-storey house with two different bay windows, it looks like a real Gothic castle.

Often such a combination: a full-fledged bay window on the ground floor with open terrace or a balcony on the upper floors.

In a house with an attic, on the platform formed by the ledge, you can arrange a closed greenhouse. An option with a high open terrace is also possible.

The design of a house with a protrusion along the entire plane of one of the walls also looks interesting. In this case, the bay window can form both parts different rooms, so separate room with exits to different rooms.

Technically, you can place the ledge on any side of the building, but it will be much more practical to use it if it faces south. You can use stained glass glazing on the second floor of the building.

Interior design features

Planning a small country house IR or a permanent house with an attic, it is important to remember that any protruding structure complicates construction.

You need to be more demanding about the quality of building materials in order to avoid weakening the building frame.

The ledge can be attached to an already finished structure, but it is much better to build from scratch on a common foundation.

In this case, the design will be more reliable. This is especially true for houses with two floors, buildings with an attic, frame buildings any type.

If there is a second floor, it is especially difficult to create a monolithic interfloor ceiling in the area of ​​the projection.

All these nuances must be taken into account at the design stage, even if you plan to build a small country house.

From a protruding structure interior interior rooms only wins.

This gives not only an increase in the area of ​​the room and additional illumination, but also an original shape of the room. This approach allows you to use any design for decoration.

It is most convenient to use a protruding structure in the interior of the following rooms:

  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • children's;
  • kitchen.

Romantic bedroom with round panoramic window, living room with open balcony or a children’s room on the top floor of the tower - there’s plenty of room to roam designer's imagination. The main thing is to decorate the interior with a creative approach.

Design elements such as false columns or decorative arched passages will help make the interior of the room even more unique.

This approach will help not only to stylize the interior, but also to delimit the space of the room.

When decorating the second floor in modern style It is recommended to use cool shades.

In combination with an abundance of natural light, this will not only emphasize the individuality of the room, but also give a feeling of the limitlessness of the space.

Often, a two-story bay window is glazed to its full height. However, this option is not very convenient for the first floor, since in this case there is a view not only from the house, but also from the outside. Not everyone wants to live in such a “glass” house.

Successful design and construction of your dream home!

: some are strict and laconic, others are pompous and pretentious. And only a house equipped with a bay window and an attic looks both elegant and restrained. It is the projects of such houses that will be discussed in our article.

Project of a one-story cottage with an attic and a bay window

The peculiarity of the bay window and attic, as very successful architectural solutions, is that with their help you can make an ordinary compact one original and spacious. Very often their help is resorted to when the area of ​​the site is small, and therefore the area allocated for the building is very limited.

Two-story project modern cottage with bay window and attic

What are the advantages of an attic and a bay window? And what are they?

What is an attic and a bay window?

The attic is a room located on. The limiting surfaces of the attic are the roof. This room is usually arranged over the entire area of ​​the first floor of the house. However, there are places where the attic is planned to cover an area larger than the base of the building.

In this case, builders use auxiliary supporting columns, pillars, arches, etc. Often a bay window is used as a supporting structure for a protruding attic. Projects of such houses are in demand in private construction due to their originality and style.

The bay window is a protruding part of the facade of the building, at the same time being a protruding part.

Project option for a one-story house with a veranda, bay window and attic

A bay window allows you to increase the viewing angle from the room, which is especially valuable if the house is located in a picturesque environment. Due to the bay window, the overall level of lighting in the room increases and the area of ​​the room increases.

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Projects and layout of a garden house

The architectural technique decorates not only the facade of the cottages, but also their interior decoration. The layout and subsequent design of rooms with a bay window allow you to create a unique, special, original atmosphere in the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic and bay window in their combination

We have already considered the main advantages and disadvantages of the attic and bay window separately from each other. Do these elements benefit from being combined with each other? Or, on the contrary, do they lose? Let's try to figure this out. Advantages of an attic in combination with a bay window:

Project of a house with an attic combined with a bay window

This is the advantage of an attic in combination with a bay window under one roof. Are there any disadvantages? Eat. And the main one is that the problem of snow removal from the roof of the attic and bay window remains unresolved, which can lead to damage to the roof.

In addition, projects of such cottages are complex in development and execution, and therefore not every construction company will undertake their implementation, and the one that undertakes it may ask for a very high price, citing the complexity of the work. Carry out work independently finished project It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a cottage, because it requires experience and professionalism, and therefore it will not be possible to save on builders.

How to decorate the attic and bay window in a building

An attic in combination with a bay window expands the field of imagination for designers. The bay window of cottages can be planned only at the level of the first floor, it can cover the floor and attic, or it can originally affect only the attic level of the building.

In the latter case, the facade of the building acquires a certain charm and zest, which will appeal to people who do not tolerate monotony and simplicity in architectural solutions. How to functionally use the bay window of houses? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Bay window on the first floor

In the case where the bay window is included in the plan of only the first floor of the cottage, it can be used in various rooms Houses:

Layout of a one-story house with two bay windows

Bay window on the ground floor and attic

If a bay window penetrates the first floor and attic, then a bold and difficult to implement, but very effective solution naturally arises - a second light.

It will decorate any cottage, making it more majestic, pompous and at the same time more romantic and cozy. However, projects of such houses are quite expensive.

If you do not have the funds to arrange or operate a second light, then you can use such a bay window as one that will combine the façade of the first floor and the attic into a single stylistic solution.

Bay window in the attic

In the case where it involves installing a bay window only at the attic level, it can be combined with the following rooms:

As you can see, projects for combining an attic and a bay window are a very successful architectural solution that will help you not only decorate the facade of your house, but also improve its interior space.

Houses with a bay window are a certain distinctive feature tall buildings, a bay window also makes any building stand out well from the crowd of others if there are many other houses nearby. It is important to note that the bay window has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, and itself represents an additional extension to the house on the top floor.

It can come in a variety of forms and be used for different purposes, which is what we’ll talk about in this article. You can often see a photo of a house with a bay window, and also walk through country villages and see everything with your own eyes.

Features of a house with a bay window

Houses with a bay window have a number of their own characteristics. Cottage with a bay window can be seen less often and there are explanations for this. First of all, it is worth noting that the houses themselves decorate the facade of the building quite well, complementing its composition.

The design of the house can be completely different; most often the bay window is used in a classic or more old style, can be used as a balcony with a balustrade or perform other functions altogether.

Often such designs can be seen in huge restaurants, hotels and other luxury establishments. Undoubtedly, a bay window is a demonstration of sophistication, solidity, as well as the taste of its owners.

The fact is that this approach in construction has been used since ancient times and was actively practiced in tsarist times. Today, this structural element is complemented by communications, and has become widespread due to the possibility of making an additional room or even workplace.

It’s much better to look out a huge window from the second floor onto a beautiful pond or garden than to be cramped in the bedroom. This is an ideal place to relax at any time of the year, and in the era metal-plastic windows, bay windows are becoming even more popular and real. The only thing is that it is difficult to do it yourself, but in practice there are always masters who can recreate a real masterpiece.

Layout options

The good thing about the bay window is that it is universal. There are many house designs with a bay window. It can be used for any needs if there are no problems with communications. Thus, a person will have a real corner for pleasure in his home, or an additional workroom, as well as a living room where you can invite people for tea.

In general, a bay window is most often used for the following purposes:

  • place to rest;
  • arrangement of the dining room;
  • tea area;
  • winter Garden;
  • workplace.

Many will say that a house with a bay window is a living space with an ideal place to relax. This is true, since additional information is often placed here. sleeping area, corner or do simple room, where you can just lie down and relax, while looking at beautiful view from the window.

Often a house is built with a bay window and an attic in order to further separate this beautiful place from the main structure of the house and position it even higher. In both cases it looks beautiful and it’s pleasant to be there.

In some layout options, it is not possible to create a sufficiently comfortable kitchen, so a bay window is attached separately to separate the kitchen and dining room. This gives a certain special squeak of fashion, since this layout option is found quite often in the world.

Moreover, dining in a separate, quiet area with a view out the window is much more pleasant than eating in the kitchen, where odors remain after cooking.

Fans of sophisticated relaxation will definitely say that the bay window area can be equipped for the most best place not only for relaxation, but also for negotiations. They even came up with a special tea area within the bay window, equipped with beautiful, elegant furniture that can emphasize style, as well as bring peace and tranquility. good mood in communication with the guest.

House designs with a bay window are the most common, but there are other options. Bay windows are used not only in the construction of houses, but also small rooms, which are located next to it. It could be summer cuisine or winter garden. It perfectly replaces a gazebo if a separate room has been equipped for these purposes.

It is important to note that this layout option is usually used only if it has already been purchased ready house and technically it is simply impossible to introduce a bay window there.

One of best options use of space - make a personal workplace. This can be a spacious room that is equipped with high windows. Often people working from home like to retire to such places so that no one disturbs them, and a bay window is the best option for such purposes.

If you carry out communications, you can easily install a computer and equip a place for an office. Projects one-story houses with a bay window are most often designed to equip just an additional workplace.

Disadvantages of a house with a bay window

Despite all the advantages, houses with a bay window have a number of their own disadvantages; there are not so many of them to refuse such an elegant layout option. In fact, making such an extension is not an easy option, so it always depends on both technical and financial capabilities:

Unfortunately, building a bay window with your own hands is not so easy. It's all about technique, this is not a simple extension that is simply assembled from bricks. Most often, the bay window has the shape of a cylinder, which requires additional skills.

In addition to all this, the bay window is completely separated from the frame of the building and for its construction you will need Extra time, and separate layout. Due to the fact that more time is spent on building an element than just erecting walls, many builders refuse to take on such projects.

Also, one of the disadvantages of a bay window is its low heat resistance. This is often a design with thin walls, so the bay window needs to be additionally insulated. In addition to all this, the extension is often equipped with very high floor-to-ceiling windows, which ultimately leads to high heat loss.

Experts recommend installing windows that are not too high, a maximum of half the height of the bay window. We must not forget that the glass itself also allows heat to pass through, which is unacceptable, especially if you plan to build a house with two bay windows.

Building a bay window means adding additional costs to construction. Houses made of timber with a bay window incur even more costs. May be needed Additional materials for finishing, since the expense is equivalent to the cost of finishing an additional room.

In general, a bay window is an element of sophistication and luxury, and if it is really made, it will emphasize the solidity and status of the owner.

Photos of houses with a bay window

A ready-made house project with a bay window and a terrace will cost the homeowner much less than an original one. Construction is not a cheap pleasure, but the money spent will be justified by the aesthetic appearance, useful additional space, and additional lighting. More often it is completely glazed and equipped with panoramic windows.

This term refers to the protruding part of the building. Has different geometric shapes. With their help, you can increase the area of ​​the room and improve the lighting in the house. The structure, regardless of its shape, has a base, fencing, light opening and roof.

Read how to choose a cornice for a bay window.

The combination of a bay window with other architectural elements

Architects with the aim of creating original projects houses skillfully combine a bay window with other architectural elements.

  • With attic and terrace. This idea looks especially original in a multi-story building. Where there is an attic above the first floor, then a bay window. Or in a project where this element occupies two floors, and on top of it is an open or closed balcony or a forged metal fence.
  • Small house, where both the bay window and the attic are located on the same or different floors, thereby increasing the available area.
  • A house with several projections(bay windows) different geometric shapes and a terrace.
  • The project looks interesting, combining two bay windows and one attic, located symmetrically with respect to each other. An additional decoration will be the terrace.

A house with a bay window with a terrace is expensive, so the project should be developed by professionals. If construction crews for some reason they refuse to build a bay window, making their own changes to the project, or increase the cost, then they definitely have no idea what they are facing and will not cope with the task. It is better not to cooperate with them at all.

The bay window and attic are successful architectural solutions with which ordinary house can be made original and spacious. Most often, this technique is used when the area allocated for construction is small. As for the material, a bay window with an attic perfectly complements a house made of wood, brick, or aerated concrete.

From timber


This project involves the construction of a spacious and big house with a balcony, bay window and attic on the second floor. He has classic design and design. For construction, profiled or laminated timber 150 is used, so the frame of the house is 3 times lighter than a brick structure.

During the construction of the house it was laid strip foundation. The dimensions of the walls are 9x9 m, and the thickness of the timber is 200x150 mm. Due to these parameters, it is possible to build a strong and rigid structure of the house. On the ground floor there is a terrace, the roof of which is combined with a balcony in the attic. Thus, it is possible to simplify the design and evenly distribute the load of the first floor floor.

House made of timber with a bay window and attic

Almost all of the service additional rooms located on the first level. These are the kitchen, bathroom and guest room. According to the project, the kitchen with a bay window and the guest room have a common location, as they are united by a hall. Thanks to this scheme, the second floor can be used without going through the most important rooms on the first floor.

Read also our article “Varieties and types of structures.”

On the attic floor there are living quarters. There is a spacious bedroom with access to a balcony. The second room can be used for receiving guests or equipped as a nursery.

This project involves the construction of a house in which you can live in the summer. But if you take care of insulation and interior decoration at home, then it can be an excellent solution for year-round residence.

A distinctive feature of this project remains the simplified design of the attic. This is indicated by a simple gable roof, which will reduce construction costs. But this will help you understand what frame panel houses look like in the photo, and how they are built.


This house has an attic, bay window and corner location rooms. This option is perfect for country house from timber. The total area of ​​the building is 126 m2, with the attic area occupying 56 m2. You can enter the house from the central part, thanks to which excellent protection from wind and sun is achieved. When designing the building, we adhered to classical solutions.

Size 126 m-2

The arrangement of the rooms largely coincides with the previous version, but only the kitchen is moved away from front door. There is also one additional bedroom and a utility room. Attic floor fully equipped with lounges. IN similar projects details load-bearing frame roofs, partitions and ceiling are not hidden under the finishing, highlighting the naturalism of the structure. And this is what it looks like wooden house in the chalet style, and how to build it correctly, you can learn from this


This house has dimensions of 6x8 m. Perfect for relaxing in the country. For its construction, timber with a cross section of 150 mm is used. A family of 2-3 people can live in the house.

And this is what a modular house looks like for permanent residence, can be seen in the photo in this

Frame house

Project No. 1

This project involves a two-story small house, area 100 m2. It has 5 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Materials such as metal, ceramic and bitumen shingles. The base is presented in the form of a monolithic tape. Here's what it looks like and how to build it. can be found in this article.

Frame house with bay window and attic for 100 m-2


This project frame house with an attic and a bay window, perfect for year-round living. Features original and stylish facades. The total area is 122 m2. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Size 122 m-2

Brick house

Project No. 1


This is a classic two-story mansion with a bay window and an attic. Its total area is 183 m2, and the living area is 110 m2. The roof was erected at an angle of 32 degrees. The house has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Size 110 m-2

For the construction of walls, ordinary clay bricks are used. Solid floor type. Metal tiles are used for the roofing, and solid tape is used for the foundation.


This is a classic country house with an attic and a bay window. But it has one feature - the presence of a sauna. The total area of ​​the building is 107 m2. The project assumes the presence of 2 bedrooms and a sauna on the second floor, and on the first floor there is a dining room, kitchen, hall, hallway, bathroom and utility room.

Size 107 m-2

Brick is used to construct the building. Solid floor type. Used for roofing ceramic tiles, and the foundation is presented in the form of a continuous strip.