How to make two-tier ceilings. How to make a high-quality two-level plasterboard ceiling yourself

When you look at such an impressive ceiling structure, as in the photo below, it seems that only experienced specialists can cope with such complex architecture: the triumph of nonlinearity, inventive zonal lighting, skillfully emphasized accents in the visual appearance of the room. In reality, everything turns out much simpler: anyone can make such a two-level plasterboard ceiling with their own hands. Of course, this will require time, patience, appropriate tools and materials. And also our step-by-step instruction, revealing all the secrets of successful and high-quality installation a two-level ceiling, even to a person who has never seen drywall in the eyes.

General characteristics and selection of material

Drywall is a compressed gypsum sheet, formed into a sheet and wrapped with facing cardboard.

It has been successfully used in construction and decoration for more than 100 years, although it has only reached its peak of popularity today. The reason for such a belated turn to a very convenient and inexpensive finishing material lies on the surface: the active development of the entire industry - and as a consequence of this, an excellent offer on the market, allowing you to select plasterboard sheets required characteristics and color solutions.

  • "breathable" material;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • not flammable;
  • Maintains a normal level of humidity in the room for humans.

The main disadvantage of plasterboard sheets is that poor moisture resistance. Moreover, there are gypsum board sheets on sale with a “pumped up” moisture resistance indicator - they usually come in green or blue color- but even in this case, drywall is not recommended for use on outdoors. Besides, he's afraid subzero temperatures and is fragile.

The range of uses for plasterboard is wide, but ceilings occupy a key place in it.

Buy required material in order to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, only in words it seems like an elementary task. First you need to find out which of the existing types is best suited specifically for your renovation. This is determined functional purpose premises:

  1. what is the humidity level in it;
  2. how high is the level of fire danger;
  3. frequency of temperature changes;
  4. lower and upper temperature threshold.

How to choose the right plasterboard sheets in order to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, our table will tell you, in which, next to each type of plasterboard, a recommendation is given on the conditions of use.

Drywall type Color Purpose
Regular plasterboard Grey For interior decoration in rooms with normal and low humidity conditions
Moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard Green For interior decoration in rooms with dry, normal, wet and wet humidity conditions
With increased resistance to open fire GKLO Grey/Pink For interior decoration in fire hazardous areas
Moisture resistant with increased resistance open flame GKLVO Green For interior decoration in fire hazardous areas with high humidity

Also, when selecting material for installing a two-level ceiling, pay attention to the following points:

  • dimensions (most often 250 cm in length and 120 cm in width);
  • type of side edge (straight, thinned, semicircular, rounded);
  • sheet thickness (no more than 9.5 mm).

The dimensions indicated are standard, but you can always order sheets made to order. In this case, you will have to wait, but installing a two-level ceiling will be much more convenient and easier. As for the choice of type side edge, then again, for purely practical reasons, the choice of a semicircular or thinned edge seems optimal: less time needs to be spent on post-processing.

The most popular manufacturers:

  1. Knauf (Germany);
  2. Gyproc (Finland);
  3. Lafarge (France);
  4. Rigips (Austria);
  5. JSC "Gips" (Russia).

Required tools and materials

You won’t be able to limit yourself to buying just plasterboard if you want to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands correctly. After all, to secure the purchased sheets, you will first need to build frame, yes and finishing no one canceled. Let's look at those tools that can be safely called a “must have” for work on installing a two-level ceiling:

  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver with drill;
  • knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • laser level;
  • spatulas;
  • protective gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • pencil;
  • pliers;
  • painting thread;
  • Serpyanka mounting tape;
  • ladder.

In the video below experienced master very convincingly talks about why each of the tools we mentioned is just as necessary in the work of installing a two-level ceiling, as is fuel for the full functioning of your car.

And of course Consumables, without which your tools will never be able to prove their usefulness:

  • guide profile UD;
  • CD ceiling profile;
  • crab connectors;
  • ceiling suspensions are straight or spring (at a distance from concrete base more than 120 mm);
  • extensions for the profile (where the width of the room is greater than the usual length of the profile);
  • dowels;
  • screws 25-35 mm;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • painting mesh.

Very interesting video, which will help you choose the right individual consumables for installing a two-level ceiling from the list above.

pay attention to profile sizes and their purpose is shown in the image below.

Calculating the amount of consumables needed

  • gypsum board sheets - divide the width of the room by the length of the sheet, add 5% to the resulting number - the required margin - and round to a whole number, add the amount that is necessary to use the second level;
  • guide profiles- again we take into account the width of the room, as well as the length of the profile; after dividing the first number by the second and subsequent rounding, we obtain the whole number of elements we need.

In order to accurately determine the quantity of certain consumables for installing a two-level ceiling, in particular, self-tapping screws, remember that for each fixed “crab” you need at least 8 screws , and each ceiling suspension unit needs in 6 screws . Also remember about the step that is followed when installing the sheathing for a two-level ceiling. It amounts to minimum 50 centimeters .

Preparing the room and concrete base

  1. remove the remnants of the previous finishing material from the concrete ceiling base: be sure to clean it of crumbling plaster and treat it with an antiseptic to prevent the occurrence of fungus or mold;
  2. if there are cracks on the base, then seal them with cement-based putty, and then prime them;
  3. purchased gypsum board sheets for adaptation to temperature conditions keep the premises for several days - it is best if they are in a horizontal position;
  4. try to free up the room as much as possible - remove the furniture, and if this is impossible to do due to its size, then cover it with film for protection;
  5. Safety is a priority that must always be adhered to, so adjust your workplace to achieve the maximum level of comfort, prepare safety glasses, gloves, and check the serviceability of the stepladder.

And, of course, without additional help There’s no way around this, so make an agreement with someone in advance - otherwise it will be very problematic to install a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands.

Room layout

The first action that you must perform is to correctly mark the room so that in the future you can build a level and reliable frame for a two-level ceiling. To do this you will need a pencil, painting thread, and a laser level. If you decide to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, then at this stage you should already have a drawn up project with clear markings of levels. All that remains for you is to transfer ideas from paper to the rough ceiling.

  1. determine the height of the room in 4 corners, if the results differ - and this happens very often - take the corner with the smallest height as starting point and make a mark on it;
  2. with help laser level We make similar marks in the other three corners and use paint thread to mark a line around the perimeter of the entire room;
  3. your markup is ready.

It is best to immediately complete the markings for the next level - this way you can know exactly how much material you will need, and also complete the work much faster. Decide what a two-level ceiling will look like:

  • linear;
  • arcuate;
  • ragged.

After this, draw a line on the base of the two-level ceiling that will highlight the second level.

Installation of the 1st level frame

  1. install guide UD profiles - they are fixed on the wall at the level that you marked with painting thread, with optimal step fastenings of 60 centimeters;
  2. We fix ceiling hangers to the points marked on the base ceiling base with the same recommended step of 60 centimeters;
  3. insert the prepared ceiling CD profile and securely fix it with a suspension;
  4. in the end you should end up with such a simple but very practical frame;
  5. To prevent it from sagging, we use crab connectors - the structure will become much more stable.

The entire process of installing a first-level frame for a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands is shown in the photo below.

Sheathing the 1st level frame with plasterboard

Let's get to the most interesting and important. Although, in principle, all stages of installation are equally important, the contours of our future base of a two-level ceiling are already clearly visible.

  1. we fix the drywall on the profiles using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws; their caps should go deep, but not excessively, to prevent damage to the material;
  2. the correct sequence is the first sheet from the corner, the next one on the opposite side;

    observe the spacing of the screws - no more than 15 cm;

  3. in the locations of the lamps, make the necessary holes in advance and stretch the wiring;
  4. It is not necessary to attach drywall at the location of the second level of the ceiling, but remember that it should extend into it by about 10-15 centimeters.

Installation of the 2nd level frame

  1. we draw lines on the drywall that will help to correctly place the UD profiles;
  2. we fix the pre-rounded UD profile on the wall and ceiling - to give it the desired shape, it is necessary to make notches;
  3. we cut off the necessary fragments of the CD profile and insert the flat side into the already mounted UD profile, fasten them in increments of 50-60 cm for linear segments and 20-30 cm for round ones;
  4. if some pieces stick out, you should cover them with a UD profile.

Sheathing the 2nd level frame with plasterboard

Most often, a two-level plasterboard ceiling, if you do it yourself, causes difficulties at the stage of covering the second level. Largely due to the fact that the material must be rounded in order to be fixed to the arched structure. Despite the apparent simplicity of the manipulations involved, very often there are sad cases of damage to sheets. To do this, in order to eliminate such an annoying possibility, it is necessary to make notches on the sheet itself - only carefully so as not to damage front part, covered with cardboard.

  • complex arches require tedious segmentation - cutting out a number of fragments and their subsequent installation to the profile;
  • do not forget to make holes for the lamps, if you plan to use them, and route the wiring under them.

Finishing the ceiling

So we have come to the final part of installing a two-level plasterboard ceiling with our own hands. Finishing will not cause you any difficulties: this is a fairly simple stage designed to make the mounted ceilings as presentable and impressive as possible.

  1. seal the seams with sickle tape;
  2. take a narrow spatula and apply putty along each taped tape;
  3. carefully cover all the screws with putty so that the rust on their heads is not visible afterwards;
  4. treat the entire surface with a primer;
  5. We carry out finishing decoration - whitewashing, painting.

As a result, you should get a beautiful two-level ceiling with a harmoniously executed arch or with complex geometry with the majority of truncated fragments. Isn't this what you dreamed about when you started this tedious (or not so tedious?) editing?

A selection of videos on installation and finishing

It is better to study the installation features and, accordingly, to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, some of the videos below will help you correctly.

Photo gallery of the most popular options

Take a look at what nice options come out when people decide to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with their own hands - and approach their work responsibly and creatively.


Of course, making a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands seems like a challenge for every man. Compared to conventional single-level ceilings two-level design requires much more time and a certain amount of patience, because you have to work not only with simple linear boxes, but also with interesting arc-shaped structures (read the instructions for installing single-level plasterboard ceilings in the article: "

Despite the apparent complexity, making a single-level plasterboard ceiling is quite simple. , sheathe, and in the future. What to do when you need to make a second level of plasterboard ceiling?

Mounted second level of plasterboard ceiling

What to consider when assembling hanging plasterboard ceilings two levels? What rules should you follow when planning and assembling before making the next tier?

What materials are needed

Before making a frame, you need to carefully select materials for the assembly of the second level.
Necessary materials:

The tools for assembly are those that were used in the manufacturing process of the first tier. However, you need to purchase material after planning and calculating the size of the future second tier.


Creating a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands is done in two stages. First, the frame of the first tier is manufactured, which is sheathed with plasterboard sheets. And already on it, without finishing it, they build the second level.

Layout options for a two-level plasterboard ceiling

Initially, you need to prepare a drawing with the indicated dimensions of the future object. This sketch does not have to be made according to all the drawing rules; it is only important to take measurements at the installation site and compare all the parameters.

When the diagram is ready, the contours of the second level can be transferred to the first tier, outlining all the dimensions. This way you can evaluate the compliance of all parameters suspended ceiling.

It is important not to forget to remove and route the wiring for lighting fixtures or hidden lighting.

Ceiling wiring diagram

It is on the marked contours that the first ones will be mounted, on which the rest of the frame is assembled.
The height of the second tier is marked on the walls of the room, using a hydraulic level or it. Lines are then drawn along these marks. You can also adjust the height using a cord.

After all the measurements and planning, you can accurately calculate how much material will be needed for assembly.

Step-by-step work algorithm

Like the installation of the first tier, the second one begins with the installation of guide profiles.

Example of installed guide profiles

Their fixation must be ensured with reliable fasteners.

  1. An arched profile or a standard guide is attached along the outer contour. Installation is carried out so that the shelves are directed towards the wall. Instead of an arched profile, you can take a guide and make cuts on the shelves and bend them into the required configuration. The fastening pitch is maintained within 300-350 millimeters.

  2. The second is to install the guide profile on the wall. It will mark the lower level of the second tier.
  3. If the ceiling height is significant, then racks cut to size are fixed to the guide fixed to the ceiling.
  4. The corner of the tier is formed by attaching a guide profile to the posts, which is laid with shelves towards the wall.
  5. Ceiling slats are inserted into the lower profile and the one mounted on the wall and connected with bolts.
  6. If the length of the horizontal posts is more than 500 mm, you need to use. They are fixed to the ceiling, and the folded “wings” to the frame posts.

    Example of installation of direct hangers

  7. In the case of a low second level or its installation on a ceiling, you can do without vertical end posts. In this case, a plasterboard blank is sewn to the guide profile attached to the ceiling. Next, a second guide is mounted to its lower part, into which the horizontal frame posts will be inserted.
    Diagram of a two-level plasterboard ceiling

  8. When the base is assembled, it contains leads for lighting fixtures.

Another second-level option is to install a box with a niche for hidden lighting. But this problem can be solved simply by “releasing” the edge of the drywall sheet beyond the frame.
After laying the wiring, they begin covering the base of the second level.

Sheathing with plasterboard

Drywall sheets are marked and cut on the floor. For cutting it is used stationery knife(or ).

First, make a cut on one side of the sheet, then, carefully (so as not to break it), turn it over and make a cut on the cardboard on the other. After which you can break off the desired workpiece.

Beginning of covering the ceiling frame with plasterboard

Irregularities on the cut edges are trimmed with a knife or plane, removing excess gypsum filler.
Fixation is carried out with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver with a bat. When screwing, control the pressure on the tool so that the head only slightly “sinks” into the surface without damaging the cardboard.

If necessary, then according to her back side make a perforation (for example, with an awl) and moisten it with water. The wet workpiece is placed on the frame, and gradually bending, the screws are carefully screwed into it. When it dries, it will retain the desired shape. Ready plasterboard sheathing You can immediately prepare it for finishing.

Sheathing a two-level ceiling with plasterboard

Watch the video: how to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling.

Most builders note that when renovating an apartment or house, one of the most difficult processes is how to make a ceiling from plaster or any other material.

The unevenness of various tiled floors, the fact that the angles almost never correspond to each other, and many other details hinder the quick completion of work. It is quite difficult to hide all these shortcomings today. And it’s not so much difficult as it is expensive.

This article will discuss step-by-step instructions for installing a plasterboard ceiling, which has great amount advantages ranging from ease of installation to reasonable prices.

What tools will you need?

If you are thinking about how to make a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, then first of all you should do various preparatory work for the main process, namely: it is important to purchase the building materials necessary for quickly installing the ceiling, as well as prepare all the tools.

In order to install a two-level plasterboard ceiling yourself, you will need:

  • A water-type level in order to accurately mark the place where the guide level will be installed.
  • For quick drilling various holes any hammer drill.
  • Scissors that can be used to cut metal.
  • "Bulgarian".
  • Screwdriver for fastening gypsum boards, as well as profiles.
  • Roll

Frame installation

The first thing to do is to choose a place for future marking of the place where the guide profile will be installed. Marks should be applied after the water in all containers is at the same level.

Exactly how much to retreat from construction ceiling Centimeters are up to you to decide, but most builders suggest looking at a photo of a plasterboard ceiling to understand that the distance should not be less than ten centimeters.

After completing the first stage of work, that is, after markings have been made on each wall, you can proceed to drilling several holes for dowels. A hammer drill is used for this.

After completing the installation of the guide profile, using the prepared tape measure, you need to make marks right along the perimeter with an average interval of approximately 60 cm.

If you want to do enough simple design, consisting of only one level, then there is no need to install popular C-shaped profiles in two directions at once. It is enough to mark only on two opposite sides.

After this, you can proceed to attaching the suspension. After completing the installation of all direct hangers, you can proceed to installation ceiling profile and subsequent covering of the ceiling with sheets.

Ceiling decoration

Today we offer a huge number of the most in various ways ceiling decoration. Thanks to active development construction industry in stores you can find many different decorative materials which will allow you to decorate the ceiling.

Everything will depend solely on taste preferences and financial capabilities. Some people prefer plaster modeling, while others are delighted with foam moldings.

You should not pay attention to various fashion trends, since they quickly pass, but you will definitely have to live with a new renovation for more than one or two years.

It is important that the ceiling gives you exceptional joy from looking at it and creates a feeling of comfort in the room.

Once you have decided what your ideal ceiling looks like after renovation, it is important to evaluate whether you can afford it. financially, and if the answer is yes, then you can safely go to the store building materials and choose something that will quickly make your dreams of an ideal ceiling come true.

There is nothing difficult in the technology of creating suspended ceilings using plasterboard.

You just need to remember that before doing anything, you need to think several times, since such a ceiling is not set for a year or even for five years.


Photo of a plasterboard ceiling


A two-level plasterboard ceiling is widely used in interior decoration. Unlike suspended ceilings, This design can be installed independently if you have construction skills installation work and work with drywall.

Such a ceiling has a number of advantages.

  • Drywall is an environmentally friendly and durable material.
  • A huge field for design creativity is being created: various combinations colors, fixtures and shapes - in contrast to a single-level ceiling.
  • The coating will hide defects in the main ceiling.
  • Wires, pipes, ventilation holes and even a curtain.

What is the structure of a two-level plasterboard ceiling?

Construction represents complex design from load-bearing frame, plasterboard sheets and connecting elements. Additionally, final finishing of the coating will be required. Installing such a structure is a labor-intensive process. This results in a durable, unique and very attractive ceiling. In addition, you can install it yourself and according to your own design.

The supporting structure will consist of ceiling and guide profiles, secured with screws and anchors and suspensions.

Also required in addition to sheets of drywall connecting elements and facing materials.

For rooms with high humidity, especially in the kitchen, it is recommended to use special moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets. They are green and marked accordingly.

As finishing materials Convenient to use wallpaper. This coating is the least labor-intensive for hiding seams and screw heads. There will be no need for a long process of puttying all these irregularities. If painting is planned, then a primer and water-based paint will be required. quality paint– all imperfections in the finishing are clearly visible on the drywall.

Also need to be taken into account, which reduces the height of the room. The first level (high) reduces the ceiling by 3-4 cm, and the decorative level (low) by about 10 cm. If the ceiling is smooth and has no visible defects, you can use it as a basic level of and install only the decorative second level.

Structure weight per 1 m² will be about 10 kg.

How is a two-level ceiling installed?

Recommended installation ceiling structure carry out before others finishing works. If the flooring will not be repaired after installing the ceiling, it is advisable to cover the floor with a thick covering - preferably cardboard.

Installation is carried out in a dry, warm room.

When installing a two-level plasterboard ceiling you will need following materials and tools.


  • plasterboard sheets;
  • profiles PP 6O/27;
  • metal screws;
  • dowels;
  • insulating materials: fiberglass, foam, etc.;
  • metal and plastic corners for leveling;
  • universal primer;
  • plaster;
  • putty;
  • water-based paint;
  • mounting tape.


  • metal scissors and (or) grinder;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • putty knife;
  • short-pile or velor roller;
  • drill (mixer attachment).

Work order approximately the following.

  1. Project development. After measuring the room, a project for the future ceiling is developed: the contour and dimensions of the second level, the distribution of lamps, holes for wiring, pipes, ventilation, curtain mounts, etc.
  2. Marking the ceiling - mark the location of the fasteners.
  3. Installation load-bearing structure: fixing the main profiles to the ceiling and aligning them and attaching them to the main supporting profiles.
  4. Fastening drywall sheets.
  5. Putty seams, edges and screw heads.
  6. Ceiling priming and painting.
  7. Important! Electrical wiring must only be installed by a qualified electrician.

Installation of two-level plasterboard ceilings. Video

First, the decorative lower level is made. The guide profiles are given the required shape by making cuts with metal scissors and bending (rounding) them. All rounded profiles are prepared in advance to give them the same shape. The profiles are connected by racks, the length of which is the distance from the ceiling to the lower level.

The frame is attached to the ceiling at designated points at a distance of 40 cm using special “crabs” (plasterboard hangers), which will allow you to further adjust the height of the fastenings. Special attention is given fastening at the corners. During installation it is necessary to constantly measure the level. This basic design, which defines the outline of the decorative level.

Then, in increments of 60 cm, rack profiles are installed, which are fastened with transverse jumpers with the same spacing. The transverse jumpers do not need to be fixed immediately - they are adjusted to fit the joints of the plasterboard sheets.

The profiles are fastened with a pair of dowels 8*80, the jumpers are fastened with metal screws 3.5*11.

Video tutorial: manufacturing technology two-level ceilings from plasterboard.

Fastening drywall

The frame can be filled with light insulating fiber, fiberglass, or foam plastic for additional heat and sound insulation. A qualified electrician then installs the electrical wiring. After this, sheets of drywall are attached.

Sheets are pre-cut on the floor, they are shaped and holes are prepared for the lamps - a little smaller than necessary. It is better to widen the hole in place than to create a visible defect on the ceiling.

Parts that need to be bent smoothly can be easily trimmed with reverse side or moisten.

The covering is attached with self-tapping screws (fine threads) using a screwdriver. The hat is slightly recessed into the sheet. If the sheet is pressed through, the fastening is redone in a new place, retreating 3-4 cm.

The sheet is attached on both sides, after which there is no need to hold it. Self-tapping screws are attached at a distance of 15 cm.

It is advisable to use large and whole parts (not from pieces) - this way the ceiling will be smoother and will require less effort in finishing it.

First, the sheets of the upper tier are attached, then the side parts, and finally the decorative lower part. The second tier makes access to the upper one much more difficult. Therefore, it is mounted only after top part mounted and puttied.

After installing the sheets, the structure is primed with a universal compound. When the primer has dried, the seams are glued using mounting tape. External corners are secured with corners. Suitable for smooth contours metal corner, a plastic flexible corner is placed on the curved one. A flexible corner is attached to the plaster - a layer of plaster is applied to the corner, and the corner is sunk into it. Excess plaster is removed with a spatula.

Painting a two-level plasterboard ceiling

Painting the ceiling will require special care and precision.– on a smooth, easily visible and illuminated surface, all imperfections and defects are visible. Experts consider painting one of the main disadvantages of a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard, which significantly increases the complexity of the installation process.

Wallpaper is often used to finalize the ceiling - thick wallpaper will hide all design defects. But coloring from a design point of view is much more attractive.

The structure will need to be puttyed before painting.. The latter is designed to hide the joints and screw heads. The first layer of putty should cover all irregularities: seams, caps, joints. After the first layer has dried, you can apply finishing putty over the entire surface.

The dried surface is cleaned with a fine grater. Then the primer is applied. At this stage, before applying paint, the holes for spot lighting are finally prepared: the holes are brought to the right size, carry out the wiring.

Now the surface is ready for painting.

Ceiling- a noticeable part of the room. High-quality expensive acrylic water-based paint will do. This paint will create a dense and even coating. The composition must be thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained without sediment or lumps. A mixer attachment for a drill is suitable.

To apply paint, it is better to use a roller with a soft short pile or a velor roller and a wide flute brush - where it is not possible to paint with a roller.

The paint is applied in at least two layers. The second painting is carried out a day after the first, when the paint has completely dried.
Installation is carried out after painting lighting fixtures. The ceiling is ready.

Design of two-level plasterboard ceilings

A two-tier plasterboard ceiling creates enormous scope for imagination for the designer. You can experiment with everything: shape and contours, color and lighting.

Shape and contours will help create unusual shape ceiling, highlight separate areas of the room or divide the room into zones: rest, work, bedroom, etc.

Colors and their combinations create the atmosphere of the room, complement the interior and emphasize its individual elements.

They deserve a special word lamps, their color, placement and intensity give the finishing touch and make the design unique and perfect.

Quite frequent and successful design technique– hiding curtains in the ceiling structure. The effect of curtains flowing from the ceiling is created.

The main thing to remember that the ceiling is part and harmonious continuation general interior premises.

Photo gallery of two-level plasterboard ceilings

The photographs presented in the gallery will help you find interesting ideas to decorate your home. Photos of types of ceilings, samples, sketches, drawings and diagrams that will help you when installing your two-level plasterboard ceiling.

Price of a two-level plasterboard ceiling

Main pricing factor- Job. If installation is done independently, then the price of the ceiling is the cost of materials. You will also need at least one assistant - it is impossible to install a structure of this size yourself.

When contacting a specialized organization, the following materials, work and services are paid for.

  • Cost of materials according to the company price list. Many companies provide materials at regular prices because they buy them at wholesale prices themselves. You won't have to overpay for materials. The company's consultants will definitely tell you about this, and all materials with prices will be transparently included in the price list.
  • Installation of the structure. Each one is paid square meter depending on the complexity of the work - 800-1000 rubles per 1 m².
  • Insulation: sound insulation, vapor barrier, waterproofing - 150-200 rubles per 1 m².
  • Painting works(putty, primer, painting) – 400-550 rubles per 1 m².
  • Delivery of material- about 1000 rubles.
  • Electric installation work calculated by a specialist on site.

What can we say in the end? about a two-level plasterboard ceiling.

  • The structure is a frame made of metal profiles and plasterboard sheets weighing about 10 kg per 1 m².
  • The design reduces the height of the room by about 10 cm.
  • Installation is a rather labor-intensive process that can be done on your own if you have the skills of installation work and drywall work.
  • The main disadvantage of the coating is that it requires final finishing. The least labor-intensive finishing is wallpaper. The greatest difficulty is in finishing for painting - it is necessary to carefully putty all the seams and irregularities.
  • A two-level ceiling will help create a unique, complete and stylish interior premises, will create additional sound insulation, and is durable.