High-speed electric train “Sapsan. High-speed train "Sapsan"

High-speed train"Sapsan" (Russia) - detailed description, schedule, stops along the way, reviews, photos and videos.

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What is it: a bird of prey from the falcon family and an ultra-high-speed train connecting the capital of our country with foggy St. Petersburg? Of course, we are talking about the Sapsan, which since 2009 has been running between the capital and the northern capital.

The speed that Sapsan trains develop can be the envy of many European trains, which is no wonder: the authorship of the railway bird of prey belongs to the famous Siemens company. And the choice of name itself also becomes understandable, because the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world.

The Sapsan is capable of speeds of up to 350 km/h, but due to regulations and safety precautions, it is not yet allowed to travel on Russian railways faster than 250 km/h. In the future, it is planned to increase the speed in certain sections to a dashing 330 km/h. And, by the way, despite its European origin, the Sapsan is designed exclusively for Russia. For example, the train is capable of operating at temperatures down to -50 °C, and its interior is almost 30 cm wider. Which, of course, is due to the wider railway gauge.

As a rule, all Sapsan trains consist of 10 carriages capable of accommodating 506 passengers. (Although in Lately Double trains are increasingly running between St. Petersburg and Moscow.) Traditionally, Sapsan includes one first-class carriage, one business-class carriage, 7 economy carriages and one bistro carriage.

Thanks to modern soundproofing materials, as well as soft floor covering, these trains, alas, will not give lovers of railway romance languid moments alone with “tydyh-tydyh”: it’s very quiet inside the train.

But let's talk in more detail about the passenger's placement - that is, about his seat. All of them have adjustable backrests, footrests, a reading lamp, folding tables and armrests. First and business class can boast of leather upholstery, while economy class has fabric, which is no less comfortable, by the way. All around are pleasant pastel colors of the walls and panoramic windows With sun curtains. It will not be possible to draw patterns on foggy glass in winter: they are specially heated by circulating warm air. But in the summer, no one will die from stuffiness - a comfortable climate in the carriages is maintained using an electronic climate system. In summer and winter, the temperature stays around +22 °C.

You can place your belongings both above the seat, where there is a luggage rack for small bags, and in a special luggage compartment, which is available in each carriage. Additional features: a shoe shine machine in 3 carriages, a changing table in the toilet of the 6th carriage and a toilet for passengers with limited mobility in the middle of the train. And, of course, the bistro car, which is located in the central part of the train. Here you can have a snack standing at the bar table or sit at one of 10 tables.

Sapsan operates seven daily flights from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back. The fare depends on the time of year, seasonality and travel class.

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The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world, and in Russia it is the fastest train that runs between Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as Nizhny Novgorod. The train was developed by the German company Siemens.

The train speed is up to 240 km/h. The train, consisting of 10 cars, covers the distance between the two capitals in just 3 hours 45 minutes. During the trip the train stops only 5-7 times. And the parking time takes 1-2 minutes.

Recently I went to Southern Urals, the path goes through Moscow, there is a transfer point there. And when I was traveling back to St. Petersburg, I decided to go from Moscow on a peregrine falcon because:

  • fast
  • convenient and comfortable

This is not my first time riding a peregrine falcon, so I have some opinions about it.

Prices. This is one of the most unpleasant moments, because there are no cheap tickets for the peregrine falcon. My ticket cost me 2,300 rubles for a 4-hour journey. I snatched the ticket at the moment when they had the lowest price, it can’t be lower. 3 years ago I had to pay almost 5 thousand for a ticket.

In general, the price ranges from 2 to 10 thousand. There is also a luxury suite priced at 47,000 rubles (yes, yes, that’s not a typo). The price depends on the time of year, day, upcoming holidays, and the period of time between purchasing a ticket and the trip. The earlier you bought it, the better.

Well, here are the prices now as of March 10, that is, in a month. For comparison, look at the price of a regular train. In general, the price of a regular reserved seat, which takes 8-9 hours to travel, ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Staff. The staff justifies the price. 10 minutes before the train’s departure, over the loudspeaker, the head of the train greeted everyone, told us about the train, talked about the speed at which we would accelerate, and at the end he wished us good luck, after which he repeated everything in English. All this was said very clearly and without interference, and not like in trains - with some noise, a sleepy voice, it’s not clear what. It's nice to listen to, everything is clear. All messages over the speakerphone are duplicated in English.

Also, at the beginning of the trip, they talked over the speakerphone about the possibilities, explained how and what to use, everything is accessible and understandable.

All the guides are smiling, everyone is in a special uniform, it’s very pleasant to watch. Moreover, they all speak at least 2 languages, because there are a lot of foreigners on the train. Each conductor has on their badge the flags of the countries whose languages ​​they speak. They answer all your questions with a smile, and if you buy something from them, they generally adore you.

Contingent. Very different from those who travel on regular trains. Of course, there are definitely pigs too, but most of quite decent people. No one makes noise, laughs throughout the whole carriage, pesters, or drinks. In general, none of the passengers are trying to ruin your trip.

Comfort and service. So I come to the most important thing. I don’t know why, but I want to start with the toilets. Probably because this is a sore subject for Russian Railways. The toilets in the Sapsan are very comfortable. The train is equipped exclusively with dry toilets, and if someone doesn’t think of throwing paper in the toilet, then everything will be fine. There are 2 toilets in each carriage, but not on both sides as usual, but they seem to be stuck together. On the floor in the toilet there is no stinking liquid from the urine of all those who are traveling with you in the carriage, it is semi-dry! There is no nasty smell at all in the toilet. Two large mirrors, lighting built into the ceiling. Convenient washbasin, water turns on when you bring your hands to the tap. Fragrant liquid soap And paper towels- everything is. There is also a large toilet for disabled people. From the outside you can see whether the toilet is busy or not.

On the train there are no familiar vestibules in which rednecks like to take a leak and where for some reason I personally am afraid to walk. Sapsan is one whole train, where the glass doors and now you are already in another carriage. And the so-called vestibules are not at all what we are used to seeing them. By the way, the entire floor is covered with carpet. Smoking is also prohibited on the train, which makes me very happy!

The train has places for outerwear with hangers. Looks like Big cupboard. And at the beginning and end of the car there are places for luggage, and there are also overhead shelves for luggage; they are made so that nothing will fall out of them.

There is also a buffet, but I don’t recommend going there - the prices are crazy. The most ordinary nuts (tiny packaging) 100 rubles. There is no boiling water in the carriage, so those who like to drink their own tea will have to be patient.

Each carriage has 2 TVs that show films and information messages. And in each car there is a display that shows the car number, the temperature outside, the temperature in the cabin, the speed at which the train is traveling and the time.

The train is very warm, there are no drafts, there is no draft from the windows and the windows do not fog up or freeze from the inside.

Each passenger is given a set - the Sapsan magazine, headphones, which you can then take with you (although they will last a week maximum), two brochures with useful telephone numbers, the ability to call a taxi, you just need to contact the conductor, metro maps in St. Petersburg and Moscow, a reminder, a calendar, a garbage bag (the guide walks around at the end and collects them) and a questionnaire.

Above each place there are 2 flashlights that you can turn on yourself.

Each place has tables. There are also seats opposite each other. There's one there big table for four.

There is also a thing for headphones. It allows you to listen to 2 radio waves, classical music, or provides sound from the TV if you are watching a movie.

There is WiFi on the train, but it is free only for business class; for economy class it is paid. The conductors sell cards to pay for it.

The chairs themselves are uncomfortable in my opinion. It is difficult to relax in them, and if the place is not near the window, then it is also difficult to take a nap. My tailbone hurt after sitting in the chair, and many passengers also complained about the discomfort. In general, strange chairs. They just look comfortable.

Movement. The train travels very fast and accelerates very quickly. You can't feel the speed inside, and when the train is moving slowly, it is generally impossible to tell whether it is moving or is already stationary. At high speed it wobbles a little, but in general it goes very smoothly, calmly and quietly - you can’t hear the sound of the wheels, it doesn’t rock you. Enormously different from ordinary trains.

Buy tickets at least 30 days in advance, this way you have a greater chance of buying a good place and the chance that the ticket will be cheaper.

Gossip. They say that a peregrine falcon kills a man every day. I doubt that this is true, but it still happens. In any case, people have themselves to blame. Along the entire route of the train there are signs indicating that high-speed trains operate on this section. But that’s what our people are like, they didn’t care about anything - we’ll get through. And the peregrine falcon flies a distance of a kilometer in a few seconds, and besides, it moves silently and cannot stop instantly at such a speed. So, if anything happens, it is due to human stupidity and irresponsibility, I think.

˙·٠ ●Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ● ٠·˙ Ѽ VERDICT Ѽ˙·٠ ●Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ● ٠·˙

It seems like I didn’t forget anything and said everything I wanted.

Sapsan is undoubtedly the most comfortable and fastest train. It's a pleasure to drive, but the seats are uncomfortable. My 4 hour trip flew by while I was gnawing on apples and looking out the window.

Unfortunately, the price is still too high and not everyone can afford such trips. In my opinion, for such prices there should be free WiFi on the train and they should provide at least some food, because eating at their buffet would ruin you.

But I still recommend this train, because it is the only one that helps you get there in comfort. And the only train that stands out against the background of the usual domestic junk. In general, it is difficult to remain dissatisfied.

Good luck! .◕‿◕.

What is "Sapsan"? Many will immediately correct: not what, but who, they say, this is a bird. Predatory, akin to falcons and hawks. And they will be wrong, because the article will talk about a fundamentally new high-speed train. More precisely, an electric train of the latest generation. He walks along the route St. Petersburg - Moscow, and is already quite for a long time pleases its passengers not only the highest level comfort, but also the speed of delivery to the point. The peregrine falcon is worth talking about especially.

A little history of the birth of Sapsan

In 2009 An announcement about the launch of a new transport appeared on the Russian Railways website. At that time, Sapsan’s route was intended only from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and the first flights were a kind of experiment.

It all started back in 2005, when Russian President V.V. Putin and the then German Chancellor Gerhart Schröder personally supervised the signing of an agreement between the leaders of our railway and the German company Siemens on the joint development and further production of fundamentally new high-speed electric trains. Initially it was assumed that 60 cars would be produced in Russia. But after the management of Russian Railways changed, the number of future Sapsan aircraft was reduced to 8. The place of release was also changed.

The original route, designed for the fastest possible travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow, was then supposed to be significantly expanded. According to the project, the same electric trains were to be introduced to Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, and then on communication lines between Novosibirsk, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk. Much remains in the plans.

For the first time, the modern handsome man set off on a flight at the end of 2009, on December 17. It was a trial run and it paid off. The route is still commercial, but the demand for it continues. Already from December 18 of the same year, anyone could purchase a ticket for Sapsan, and the movement became regular.

At first there were only 3 trains. Surely passengers who often travel between capitals remember their numbers: 151/152, 155/156, 165/166. Since April 2010, the number of cars has been increased by 2 more (159/160, 161/162).

Tickets for the Sapsan train sold out very quickly, even though their price was approximately 2 times higher than for a regular one. That is why it was decided to expand the routes, and high-speed electric trains appeared, traveling between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, as well as between St. Petersburg, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod (they were later removed).

Important! Now the numbering has changed, and all Sapsan received numbers starting from 700!

Today, 7 Sapsan trains regularly run on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg and back, but there are also additional trains. All of them cope with the task perfectly, impressing passengers not only with high comfort, but also with almost silent, smooth walking. Here you will not hear the usual “chug-chug” of wheels, nor will you stagger from an unexpected push. You can buy a ticket for Sapsan either online or directly at the box office. When purchasing, consider some subtleties. The cost of tickets depends on the season, on what class of carriage you prefer and on a number of other factors. But more about them below.

Sapsan is the most comfortable transport that will take you from St. Petersburg to Moscow for a very a short time(about 4 hours, which is more than 2 times faster than a regular train). It is designed for different classes service, but regardless of whether you choose a business car or a simple one, the service will be at a high level.

Like any other, the Sapsan train has a dining car. However, you do not need to visit it. Even in economy class you will definitely be offered something to snack on or a substantial meal. And although the food is served in much the same way as on an airplane, it is not free. In Sapsan they provide food, but you will have to pay for the order, and the amounts are quite significant (for example, a cup of coffee and a small cake will cost approximately 150 rubles). Therefore, if children are traveling with you, but you don’t really want to pay for food, it is advisable to take something with you.

How is Sapsan different from other trains?

What makes this car with a beautiful bird name so popular?

Well, let's try to sort everything out. The same as the luggage of passengers who use the services of this electric train.

  1. Speed. In fact, you won’t be able to get from the northern capital to the official capital (or vice versa) faster than using this miracle of modern technology. Travel time will be no more than 4 hours. And thanks to modern noise reduction, the carriages are very quiet and there is no need to strain or shout when talking.
  2. Service. The service classes on Sapsan are no different from all others: business class, economy class and tourist. Of course, there are differences, but it’s comfortable in any of them. The service fully complies European standard, and we will describe the cars in more detail below.
  3. Discounts and promotions. Unlike regular trains, this beauty does not provide many opportunities to buy cheap tickets for Sapsan. But there are still some options. You can get a discount if you purchase round-trip tickets for Sapsan. There is also a travel pass. It is beneficial for those who regularly travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg or vice versa.

Let us now take a closer look at the carriages. At first glance, it becomes clear that the train is modern. Outwardly, it looks like a racing car: round, forward-looking shapes, White color and the Russian tricolor. The inside of the carriage is no worse. It evokes associations with an airplane: spacious, with the same reclining seats. And yet, there are significant differences.

  1. Economy class carriages. Quite spacious, decorated in pleasant blue and white colors. Each row has 4 chairs, arranged in pairs, with a wide passage between them. The seats in Sapsan are quite comfortable, but you won’t be able to stretch your legs. In the first two rows it is possible to ride alone: ​​the carriage diagram will show this in detail. The chairs are covered with woven material, and the interior has very soft, eye-catching lighting. Installed in all Sapsan small TVs, there are several of them, so it will be convenient for each passenger to watch. There is one more feature here. You won't hear any sound from the screen, but headphones are inserted into the armrests. Their cost is already included in the ticket. And, like on an airplane, the back of the seat in front can easily be transformed into a table. In her pocket there is a variety of printed materials. The level of comfort corresponds to European standards, so it is advisable to book a ticket for Sapsan in advance. The best way to do this is on the Internet, on a website maintained by the Russian railway. There you can always find out the schedule, as well as the cost of a ticket for Sapsan.
  2. Business class carriages. Everything is different here. The most important difference is that there are fewer people. This is understandable: express tickets are not cheap anyway, but business class tickets are much more expensive. The width of the seats is not very different. But the finishing material is different - faux leather. For some, this may seem more of an inconvenience: slippery, there is a risk of slipping. But there is a big plus: free food. If in economy you have to buy everything that the menu offers, then the price of the dishes is already included. You can book a business class ticket for Sapsan the day before departure; they are almost always available.
  3. Tourist carriages(class of service 2 s). These are ordinary carriages with seats. They go without additional services, no food provided. If you choose this option, then tickets to Moscow, as well as back, will be much cheaper. In any case, a trip on Sapsan is the fastest and most comfortable choice, even if meals and additional services are not included.

In general, it is not for nothing that the high-speed train Sapsan bears the proud name of the fastest bird of prey. It accelerates to 230 km/h. The station from which the car departs for St. Petersburg is Moskovsky.

Stopping stations:

  • Miraculous;
  • Okulovka;
  • Corner;
  • Bologoe;
  • Vyshny Volochek;
  • Tver;
  • Moscow (Leningradsky station)

You can travel not only along the traditional route from one capital to another, but also, for example, to Vyshny Volochek or Tver. Tariffs must be found at the box office or online. It makes sense to view both the location of the cars and best options places for you. This information is always available on the website.

Special places for special travelers

The high-speed Sapsan is designed for a variety of categories of passengers. For example, in cars 10 (20) the design provides for increased comfort. Train tickets here can be purchased by those who value personal space and do not like cramped spaces.

Economy+ type cars have more sockets for recharging mobile phones than regular ones (also 10, 20 cars in double trains). 6 (16) carriages have seats for passengers with disabilities. It is equipped with special ramps and has wider passages, as well as very reliable modern wheelchair anchorages. There is a changing table in the toilet for small children, which can be very useful for families with babies.

There is a bistro car (5, 15), as well as a meeting compartment (1, 11)

Peregrine falcon and children

Little passengers are a special category of citizens for whom the train developers took extra care. Children's tickets for Sapsan come with significant discounts up to 5 years of age when accompanied. Car 10 (20) has a separate seat for an adult under one year of age and has a pull-out changing table.

Promotions and benefits for children, as on regular trains. You can issue a ticket to the children's zone at specialized Sapsan stations, as well as at the central ticket offices of Russian Railways. It is possible to transport unaccompanied children aged 10 to 14 years. True, this is only possible for Sapsan “St. Petersburg - Moscow - St. Petersburg”.

Each child is given a small blanket and age-appropriate printed materials. You can check the availability of Sapsan tickets, order and buy them on specialized online resources. Transportation is carried out daily. Boarding takes place from platforms designated for this train.

The most important question: price

It's time to talk about prices for Sapsan. “Bird” is not cheap, but it’s deserved. The travel time will be about 4 hours, and if you choose, for example, the Tver - St. Petersburg route, the schedule of which can be seen on the Internet, then it will be even faster.

Departure from Moscow starts at 5.40 and lasts until 19.40. Trains from St. Petersburg depart at approximately the same time, towards Moscow ones. If you want to know which station they leave from, then in Moscow it is Leningradsky, in St. Petersburg it is Moskovsky. Sapsan train schedule for Moscow:

  • 5.40 (752),
  • 7.30 (754),
  • 7.40 (double train, 756),
  • 9.30 (758),
  • 9.40 (760),
  • 15.30 (770),
  • 15.40 (772),
  • 19.30 (778),
  • 19.40 (double train, 780).

For St. Petersburg:

  • 5.30 (751),
  • 7.00 (753),
  • 7.10 (double train, 755),
  • 13.00 (765),
  • 13.10 (767),
  • 15.00 (769),
  • 15.10 (771),
  • 19.00 (double train, 777),
  • 19.10 (779).

Well, now that you know which station in Moscow Sapsan departs from, what types of cars and classes of service it has, and also which station Sapsan arrives at, you can move on to the most important question. It will concern prices and discounts.

How much does a ticket to Sapsan cost?

The amount depends on many factors: time of year, season, occupancy and type of cars, tariffs. On average, the price of a ticket to Moscow starts from:

  • 472 rubles (for a child under 10 years old),
  • 1032 rubles (for a pensioner over 60 years old),
  • 1935 rub (for an adult on two adjacent seats),
  • 1161r (round trip).

These are special rates. A regular ticket for an adult will cost about 7,000 rubles. Now you know how much Sapsan costs to St. Petersburg or back (the cost is the same).

It will be cheaper to intermediate stations. The cost of Sapsan to Tver is approximately 3,000 if you travel from Moscow, and from St. Petersburg - approximately 5,500.

There are also additional bonuses. Electronic card Peregrine Falcon allows you to pay with significant discounts. There is also a special travel pass issued for a month. You can find out more about it at the station ticket offices.

The train is popular. The train is comfortable and almost silent. Therefore, even if there are regular routes between capitals (which take about 10 hours on average), there are practically no discounts on Sapsan. You have to pay for convenience and speed.

The cabin can be located either at the head of the train or at the tail, it depends on the formation. A map of the location of seats and carriages is provided on the Internet, so you can always choose the one you need. The train has high performance in both service and movement. This earned him people's love.

Arrival in Moscow is approximately 4 hours after the start of the journey (and vice versa). The train arrives at the Leningradsky station, having reached Paveletsky, you can transfer to the Aeroexpress at Domodedovo, if necessary.

You can find out everything you need about Sapsan online. This modern choice for those who want to get to the desired capital faster and more comfortably. The train fully lives up to its proud name - Sapsan!

The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, capable of achieving the highest speed of any living creature on the planet. Among falcons, the peregrine falcon can only share glory with its relative the gyrfalcon. Among other species, the saker falcon, shakhin, kestrel, and falcon are close to it.

Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) caught a pigeon.

Like most falcons, the peregrine is a bird average size. It reaches 40-50 cm in length and weighs 0.6-1.3 kg, with female peregrine falcons being larger than males. The body of this bird is streamlined, swift in shape. The chest is well-muscled, the wings are long, and the tail, on the contrary, is short. The ends of the wings are pointed, the tail is bluntly cut, the beak, although it looks small, is strong and ends with a sharp hook. However, the main weapon of the peregrine falcon is its relatively long legs with strong and clawed toes. A blow with clawed paws at high speed rips open the victim's body like a cutter. The color of males and females is the same: on top the body of peregrine falcons is slate-gray, the cheeks are the same color, the underside of the body is light - from white to reddish-ochre. Streaks are scattered throughout the body, almost invisible on the upper side of the wings and forming a clear “hawk” pattern on the underside of the body. The base of the beak, eyelids and paws are bright yellow. Some subspecies may have slight deviations from this color. The peregrine falcon’s voice is a shrill “kya-kya.”

The young peregrine falcon is distinguished from adult birds by its yellow abdomen and almost longitudinal stripes.

The peregrine falcon's range is unusually wide; these birds live throughout Eurasia, North America and throughout most of Africa, also found in Madagascar, some Pacific islands (as far as Australia), in the far south South America. Peregrine falcons inhabit open areas, most often found in the tundra, forest-tundra, forest-steppes, savannas, and on rocky sea coasts. These birds avoid dense forests and deserts, but they willingly settle in urban landscapes, from ancient cathedrals in small towns to modern skyscrapers in megacities. In tropical areas, peregrine falcons are sedentary, in the south temperate zone In winter they migrate to the south; in the northern parts of their range they are typically migratory birds.

Peregrine falcons live alone, but during the nesting period they live in pairs. Pairs of birds guard their areas very jealously; they drive out not only their relatives, but also other large species of birds (eagles, ravens). The territories of peregrine falcons are extensive, each nesting site is 3-10 km away from the neighboring one. It is interesting that peregrine falcons never hunt near their nest, no matter how much prey there is, so geese, swans, and geese tend to settle closer to the peregrine falcon’s nests. In this case, they and their offspring are guaranteed to be protected not only from attacks by falcons, but also from attacks by other birds of prey that peregrine falcons drive away.

The favorite prey of peregrine falcons are medium-sized birds: pigeons, gulls, waders. During the period of feeding their chicks, they can also hunt unusually small prey (small waders and passerines), but at times peregrine falcons can also encroach on birds much larger than themselves. It is not difficult for a peregrine falcon to catch a heron, a goose, or a duck, the weight of which is several times greater than its own weight. Peregrine falcons rarely hunt terrestrial animals (rodents), and do not touch larger animals at all. It must be said that peregrine falcons equally take prey both from the ground (sick or young birds that cannot fly) and from the air, but the aerial hunts of the peregrine falcon attract the most attention. The flight of the peregrine falcon is easy with frequent flapping of its wings, but in horizontal flight the peregrine falcon reaches a speed of no more than 100-110 km/h. Of course, this is a lot, but swifts fly at the same speed, swallows and even pigeons can dodge a peregrine falcon. It turns out that the peregrine falcon is not such a successful predator. But these falcons have a secret weapon - a swift dive. Here the peregrine falcon has no equal in the animal world, because when it falls, its body cuts the air at a speed of 240-300 km/h! This is the highest speed recorded among all living beings in general.

Peregrine falcon in a characteristic peak with half-folded wings.

Due to these flight characteristics, peregrine falcons have developed their own hunting style. These birds do not try to catch up with the prey in an open speed competition; more often the peregrine falcon tracks prey from a hiding place (cracks in rocks, dry wood), and then with a sudden jerk catches up with it, and the peregrine falcon tries not to fly after the victim in a straight line, but to dive under it, and It's best to be on top. Having reached this position, he folds his wings (this significantly increases the speed free fall) and dives at the victim. The peregrine falcon grabs the prey with its paws, which, combined with the enormous speed of the collision, can already be fatal for the victim; if this was not enough, the peregrine falcon finishes off the prey with a blow from its sharp beak.

Peregrine falcons are monogamous birds, their pairs remain for life. The mating ritual involves acrobatic flight, somersaults in the air, and the male handing over prey to the female in flight. Peregrine falcons build nests ineptly; the nest litter is always poor and consists of a few twigs and large feathers; therefore, peregrine falcons often occupy crows’ nests, impudently expelling their owners. Peregrine falcons always try to build their own nests on safe heights (rocks, tall buildings), in the presence of such convenient nesting sites, they can occupy such places from generation to generation for centuries. In addition, each pair has several spare nests on the site, which they can use if the main one is destroyed. On vast plains (for example, in the tundra), peregrine falcons dig a shallow hole in the ground - that's all the nest is.

Mating flight of peregrine falcons.

In April-May, the female lays 2-5 eggs (usually 3) of a red-chestnut color with dark strokes and specks. The pair incubates the clutch for 33-35 days, but the female sits on the nest more often. Peregrine falcon chicks are covered with white down and are initially warmed by the female. The male provides food for the family; the parents tear the prey into small pieces and feed the chicks individual meat fibers. The chicks grow quickly and within a month they fledge, and after a month and a half they try to fly. The art of dexterous hunting is not given to young birds right away, so for about a month after they take wing, young peregrine falcons are fed by their parents. Birds reach sexual maturity by one year, but form pairs only at 2-3 years of age.

Peregrine falcon eggs in a ground nest.

In nature, peregrine falcons have few enemies; they can only be hunted by larger birds of prey, and their nests can be destroyed by ground predators. But peregrine falcons are not timid birds; in most cases, they actively attack even large animals (for example, they constantly circle over a person) and they manage to stand up for themselves. People have always admired the flying qualities of peregrine falcons and tried to use them to their advantage. Since ancient times, peregrine falcon chicks have been captured and tamed as birds of prey. Kings, princes and sultans had hunting peregrine falcons, in medieval Europe They hunted pigeons, herons, ducks, geese, and waders with them. Peregrine falcons are well tamed and are famous for their prey and spectacular hunting style; there are cases when tribute and taxes were paid with these birds.

Sapsan uses the cathedral's sculptural decorations as an observation deck.

However, trouble also came from humans to the peregrine falcons. This happened in the mid-twentieth century, when pesticides were invented to kill insects. It turned out that the pesticide DDT accumulates in the body of insects and insectivorous birds, and when the latter are eaten by peregrine falcons, it also enters their body. High doses DDT disrupted the metabolism of falcons and they laid eggs with abnormally thin shells; in the 50-60s, many pairs of peregrine falcons in Europe and North America were unable to hatch chicks, and this led to a global decline in the world population of these birds. Only a complete ban on DDT and the breeding of peregrine falcons in special nurseries made it possible to preserve these beautiful birds. Now peregrine falcons have restored their numbers and are even trying to populate such big cities like New York, for example. Here, peregrine falcons have a rich food supply in the form of countless flocks of pigeons. Nowadays, these falcons again serve people; now they are used to scare away flocks of birds near airports.

Sapsan trains are manufactured by Siemens. Official name"Peregrine" - Velaro RUS.

average speed

Average speed: 200 km/h.
The Sapsan reaches its maximum speed on the Okulovka - Malaya Vishera section (230-240 km/h).

Maximum speed

"Sapsan" is capable of reaching speeds of up to 350 km/h, but on Russian railway speed is limited to 250 km/h.

Train dimensions

Number of cars: 10 cars - standard train, 20 cars - double train.
Train length: 250 or 500 m
Car width: 3.26 m

Why is Sapsan so quiet?

The Sapsan manufacturing technology is similar to aviation technology, so Sapsan weighs less than conventional trains. Speed ​​and low weight ensure quiet running.
The silence in the cabin is ensured by sound insulation of windows and doors, as well as special carpet flooring.

Since what year has Sapsan been running?

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