Emotional intelligence daniel goleman pdf. Daniel Goleman: A New Look at Intelligence

Daniel Goleman is a famous psychologist, writer and journalist who introduced the concept of “emotional intelligence”, thanks to which he became famous. Who is he? What successes have you achieved in life? What are its main ideas? You will learn about this from this article, and you will also read about what books Daniel Goleman wrote that have gained popularity all over the world.

Who is this?

Daniel Goleman was born on March 7, 1946 in Stockton, California, United States of America. He first graduated from a local college and then received a PhD from the famous Harvard University. After this, Goleman underwent extensive training in India. When he returned to the United States, he began his work in the field of psychology, and for twenty years wrote articles for the famous New York Times, specializing in psychological topics, as well as the science of the human brain. Over the course of his career, he has written more than twenty different books, some of which have become real bestsellers and are now leading textbooks in their fields. Studying in India left its mark on the professor’s activities - many of his ideas boil down to the need for meditation and paying attention to what is happening around. Goleman believes that a person's intelligence is limited by what he does not notice, and until he cannot notice this, he will not be able to become smarter. He wrote about this in many of his books, but the project that gained the greatest popularity was “ Emotional intellect».


The first book that gained great popularity, and the author of which was Daniel Goleman, was Focus. About attention, distraction and success in life" In this book, the author proposes to concentrate on a resource that in most cases goes unnoticed and is lost. Everyone talks about time, abilities and other resources that are important for high productivity and great progress. But everyone forgets about attention, which is the real secret key to successful work and maximum self-realization. Goleman examines the phenomenon of attention from various angles, showing that people do not focus on it in vain, since it is a very important aspect of achieving success in any field. The main theme of the book is that attention in modern world is extremely necessary, since now there are more and more distractions that prevent people from achieving success, and only focusing on a specific goal can give the necessary result.

"Emotional intellect"

Well, it’s time to talk about the most important book, which brought the writer worldwide fame. It was he who introduced the very concept of EQ, that is, “emotional intelligence.” Daniel Goleman compares this indicator to IQ and believes that it is even more important than simple intelligence. Using numerous examples, Goleman showed that people with a high IQ are not always able to achieve success, while people with a low IQ often become successful businessmen. It's all about emotional intelligence - this parameter helps a person achieve success in modern society. What is the essence of this concept? This is exactly what the book “Emotional Intelligence” is about.

Daniel Goleman described in some detail that it is a person’s emotional state, the well-being of his family, the high quality of personal relationships, and happiness in his personal life that influence his success at work. If a person is smart but unhappy, that is, has a high IQ but a low EQ, then his chances of success will be several times less than that of a person whose coefficients are exactly the opposite.

"Emotional Intelligence at Work"

This book is a complement to the previous one - it disseminates and expands the theory of EQ, focusing on how this indicator matters to the average person in the workplace. How can you measure your emotional intelligence? You will learn all this if you read this work of this wonderful writer.

"Variety of Meditation Experiences"

What other books did Daniel Goleman write? As mentioned earlier, during his long career he became the author of more than twenty works, among which the previously described “Focus” and “Emotional Intelligence” stand out the most. However, there is one more piece that is definitely worth paying attention to. If you are interested in meditation, then you should definitely read this work. Goleman spent a lot of time in India, he is an expert on Buddhism, and also studied for many years various techniques meditations from different countries, which I collected in this book. So if you are interested in altered states of consciousness, then this book is a must read in detail. You will gain a lot of useful information.

It is no longer a secret that achieving success in work and life is possible not only with a special mindset, hard work and professional skills, but also with a set of specific character traits, internal superiority and the art of managing other people.

Change life in better side It will be possible without possession of secret knowledge, it is enough to show initiative, faith in the best, adaptability and leadership. These qualities will help a person to express himself as an individual and survive in modern society. American psychologist, journalist and writer Daniel Goleman came to this conclusion in his book “Emotional Intelligence in Business.”

Daniel Goleman was born in 1946 and is the author of more than 10 books on education, psychology and the art of management. He received awards and international recognition for his research in the field of psychology and achievements in journalism. “Emotional Intelligence in Business” was released in 1995 and immediately gained popularity in many countries around the world. The reason for writing was two articles that described the connection between human intelligence and emotions.

Daniel Goleman by that time had experience as a journalist and a doctorate in psychology, which he received from Harvard. The knowledge he gained helped him write his life’s work, on the still popular topic of ways to achieve success at work. The book found a huge number of readers and fans, and it gained particular popularity in the business community.

After the book was published, Daniel Goleman began to receive feedback from people on the topic of personal achievements. Everyone who achieved success in their work without the proper level of education shared their impressions with him. The book helped to understand the reason for their victories, in contrast to other equally gifted, but not so lucky people.

The book consists of 5 parts, which are based on 25 elements of emotional intelligence, with the help of which you can achieve success at work.

  • Ability to communicate.

Friendly relationships with the team, maintaining close friendly relationships, demonstrated leadership in decision making. The ability to find an approach to people for the sake of further cooperation and achievement of intended goals.

  • Empathy.

The gift of attraction and the ability to demonstrate the art of managing and influencing people's opinions. Be able to read and respect the feelings of others, empathize with them.

  • Motive.

Self-development for solving assigned tasks at work, development in the character of aspiration and perseverance. The ability to push past failures and losses into the background.

  • Self-control.

The ability to manage emotions, the ability to self-control, even after experiencing emotional stress. Conscientiousness in work, respectful attitude towards others and work colleagues.

  • Self-awareness.

Analysis of experienced feelings and emotions, the ability to use them in solving problems and achieving goals. Assessing your knowledge, potential, and shortcomings.

Emotional intelligence helps to understand a person's ability to learn and use skills consisting of the listed criteria. It refers to how people transform capabilities in practice at work and at home. Goleman also highlighted the idea of ​​​​creating companies with an emotional-intellectual basis.

Once upon a time, a job could be obtained in accordance with the education and professional skills acquired. Now this is not enough; they are considered only the primary requirements when applying for a job.

The employer takes into account the personal qualities of the candidate, which will be decisive in the selection. Attention is paid to the character, emotional maturity, desire for improvement, and communication skills of the potential candidate.

Emotional intelligence is necessary for the optimal functioning of a company or organization, employers believe so, so they try to increase its level in every possible way. Goleman believes that the popularity of such intelligence limits the development of a company due to the large number of competitors when creating new products and services. Therefore, in the world of competitive products, only emotional intelligence can lift a company.

The book presents the results of tests conducted among 120 organizations. Workers described their professional abilities and character traits that they believed helped them succeed at work. The study found that 65% of people believe their leadership and people management skills are at the core of their career advancement. The level of intelligence and professional knowledge are on a par with the behavioral skills of the employee, which are taken into account by the employer when promoting the employee.

Criteria that employers want to see in their subordinates:

  • listening skills and the art of dialogue;
  • ability to adapt to current circumstances;
  • the ability to not dwell on failures;
  • be a confident, motivated person;
  • be able to achieve a goal, desire to get promoted;
  • be able to work in a team, find a language with people;
  • show leadership and contribute to the development of the company.

Goleman is confident that emotional intelligence, when used correctly and appropriately, will help take a person or company to a new level and reach unprecedented heights. People of different positions should bring benefits to others and contribute to the development of the company.

Scientists do work for people and dream of gaining popularity due to their discoveries. Large corporations maintain a separate staff to maintain contact with consumers or potential clients to help resolve issues. In addition to their professional knowledge, these employees know how to listen to people, guide, motivate and influence them to achieve their goals. This is the meaning of their work.

Emotional intelligence is not just pleasant communication and expression of feelings, but the ability to express them correctly and appropriately, worrying about failures, supporting in successes, collaborating, in every sense of the word with other people.

A high level of intelligence and cognitive skills will always be valued in many areas of human activity. But, despite this, it has been established that obtaining the desired result depends on them only by 25%, and the remaining 75% goes to other factors. Therefore, public opinion leaders, in addition to knowledge and intelligence, are also endowed with emotional and social competence, which distinguishes them from others.

Daniel Goleman noted the dependence of the position held on the level of emotional intelligence. High-level positions, according to Goleman, are losing the need for technical skills over time. The following criteria are also of great importance for achieving the goal:

  • Ability to think big.
  • The ability to demonstrate leadership in a team, the art of influencing the opinions of others.
  • Developed intuition. People who occupy top positions in companies, according to research, are guided by their intuition in matters related to work. They are able to use facts to prove that they are right and, on a subconscious level, convince their interlocutor to accept the conditions they need.
  • Confidence in yourself and your actions. It will help convince others that the decision is correct.

In his book, Goleman recounts stories of company executives who were fired or demoted. The author explained this by the lack of competence of people who have reached the maximum and cannot continue to develop further due to a set of shortcomings, even despite a high IQ. Conducted research in the field of personnel selection has shown that such failures are based on stubbornness, intolerance of changes and change, unwillingness to communicate on equal terms with the team, and arrogance.

On the contrary, successful leadership is composed of calm, adequate people, whose leadership is manifested in everything, who are able to listen and heed the opinions of others, who are spontaneous, friendly, responsive, and who know how to save “face” in an unpleasant situation. The author considers emotional intelligence to be an acquired factor, not an innate one. People themselves are responsible for emotional and social development; the ability to express feelings and emotions can always be improved and trained.

For whom is the book written?

The book is easy to read, it is useful for self-development, increasing personal knowledge and enriching professional communication. Useful for psychologists, company executives, and businessmen. It will also appeal to students, teachers and those interested in psychology. Reading the book is useful for those who want to learn how to manage emotions, learn self-control, understand the feelings and emotions of other people, and learn to find a common language with others.

Although the book contains a lot of terms, it is not difficult to read. The examples given from the author’s life and instructive stories from corporate life are interesting and entertaining to read. For those who do not like to read or do not have time for this, there is an audiobook “Emotional Intelligence”.

An audiobook has the same content as a paper book. You can listen to it while traveling or while doing everyday activities. The book will help change your idea of ​​work and your capabilities, teach corporate culture and correct behavior in a team.

Are our emotions holding us back? Maybe it's better to be emotionless, logical thinking creatures?

Emotions are vital - they allow you to live a full life and learn from your experiences.

Example. The brain not only accumulates facts, but also remembers feelings. If you touch a hot stove, it will hurt. In the future, such an idea will revive the feeling of pain in the memory. This way emotions will prevent you from making the same mistake.

Emotions help us interpret other people's feelings and predict their actions.

Example. Imagine that you are face to face with an angry person. Body language (clenched fists or loud voice) tells you about his emotional state, and you can predict his next actions.

Emotions help you react quickly to a situation.

Example. In the case of an angry person, emotions will make us feel threatened or angry, allowing us to quickly respond to an attack.

People without emotions are unable to act.

Example. In past centuries, many mentally ill patients were treated with a “lobotomy,” which separated two areas of the brain vital to emotional processes. As a result, patients lost initiative and desire for action, as well as most of their emotional potential.

Sometimes emotions get in the way of making a decision or cause you to act irrationally

Although emotions are an important tool for interacting with the environment, they are imperfect and can lead to erroneous actions.

This happens when we are overly emotional. Our mind is capable of “juggling” many elements at once, but in a state of excitement it is overcome by disturbing thoughts and images. There is no room for rational thinking and judgment becomes clouded.

Example. When you are afraid, you react too emotionally to the situation (“fear has big eyes”) and may even mistake a sheet on a clothesline for a ghost.

Under the influence of emotions, we rush to act instead of soberly assessing the situation. When information enters the brain, part of it enters the “new cortex” region, responsible for rational thinking, and passes into the emotional brain. If the latter considers that the information is threatening, he can force us to act without thinking, without turning to the thinking brain.

Example. You shudder if you see a strange figure in the dark forest out of the corner of your eye.

Outdated emotional reactions can cause us to behave irrationally. The emotional mind reacts to the current situation based on experience, even if its conditions have changed.

Example. A boy who was beaten by his peers at school may grow up to be a strong man, but still feel threatened by others.

Emotions are very important, but they can block rational thinking. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to effectively manage emotions.

Emotional intelligence allows you to manage your emotions and use them to achieve your goals.

How to use the power of emotions, eradicating their all-consuming influence?

Emotional intelligence will help you recognize and manage feelings without falling under their total control.

The first aspect of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and name your feelings. This skill is vital. People who are unable to recognize their own feelings are more prone to fits of rage. Understand your emotions, and you will immediately understand the reasons for their occurrence.

Often your feelings in a certain situation depend on your attitude towards it.

Example. If a friend passes by on the street without recognizing you, you will immediately assume that he is doing this on purpose. This may upset or even anger you. But your friend could simply not notice you.

When you can recognize and manage your feelings, emotional intelligence can help you focus on achieving specific goals.

Example. Let's say you need to write an article. You don't like the given topic and would prefer to go to the cinema instead. Emotional intelligence can help you manage these different feelings. You can try to look at the topic from a different point of view. Perhaps some aspect of it will interest you. And knowing what feelings a trip to the cinema will evoke, you can postpone this pleasure for a while, anticipating it.

Students who manage their workload tend to do well, even if they have an average IQ.

Emotional intelligence helps you navigate the social world

The people around you play a big role in your life. Only by managing social interaction can one hope for a full, happy life. Emotional intelligence enhances social interactions by allowing you to put yourself in other people's shoes. You can understand other people's emotions by analyzing nonverbal cues. To judge a person's mood, just pay attention to clues (facial expression or body language). We usually detect such signals automatically.

Example. If a person turns pale and opens his mouth in amazement, it means he is experiencing shock.

Because emotional intelligence allows you to empathize with people, you will behave in ways that elicit favorable reactions from others.

Example. Imagine that you are a manager and one of your team members constantly makes the same mistakes. You have to tell him about this and help him change, but do it right. If you hurt someone's feelings, they may become defensive and less likely to do what you want. But by showing empathy and putting yourself in his place, you will definitely achieve your goal.

People with emotional intelligence can develop social skills such as teaching others, resolving conflicts, or managing staff. And these abilities help maintain relationships in a social environment.

Emotional intelligence requires a balance between the emotional “feeling brain” and the rational “thinking brain.”

Our thoughts and feelings are intertwined. The thinking brain (the seat of rational thoughts) and the feeling brain (the birthplace of our emotions) are inextricably linked through neural pathways. Emotional intelligence depends on the connectors between the thinking and feeling brains, and any damage to these pathways can lead to emotional intelligence deficits.

Example. A person whose emotional brain is separated from his thinking brain ceases to experience feelings and loses emotional self-awareness. Patients who have undergone a lobotomy demonstrate such a disease: after the connections between the two brains are interrupted, they lose their emotional potential.

The thinking brain must correct the functioning of the feeling brain. This is a process of emotional self-regulation.

How does emotional self-regulation work?

Stimuli such as a sudden loud bang often overload the emotional brain. The sensory brain automatically perceives the stimulus as a threat and will put the body on alert. To regulate this process we use the thinking brain.

When the emotional brain hears a loud bang, it sends a signal to the body; the thinking brain checks the stimulus for a potential threat. In the absence of danger, it calms both the sensory brain and the body, allowing us to think clearly again. Therefore, we are not too frightened by every sudden noise. If the connection between the two brains is broken, such a process is impossible.

Example. Patients with severe thinking brain damage have difficulty managing their feelings.

Emotional intelligence helps you be healthy and successful

What is the secret to a successful and fulfilling life? Many people think that people with a high IQ have a better chance of a happy life. Experience shows that people with developed emotional intelligence are often more successful.

Students with high levels of empathy are more successful than their less empathetic peers with similar IQs. In general, students who are able to control their feelings receive high grades.

Example. One Stanford University study looked at the ability of a group of four-year-old children to resist a treat. Years later, those who controlled their impulses at age four were found to do well in school and socially. Success accompanied them into adulthood.

Emotional intelligence also helps you lead a healthier lifestyle.

Example. During periods of stress, the heart experiences enormous strain as blood pressure rises. This creates a risk of heart attack. Stress also weakens the immune system - when you are stressed, you are more likely to catch a cold. Emotional intelligence will help you avoid such dangers. By learning to manage stressful feelings such as anxiety and anger, you can reduce their harmful effects. So, if people who have had a heart attack are taught to manage their anger, the risk of having attacks in the future will be significantly reduced.

The influence of emotional intelligence on success and health is enormous, but in the school curriculum almost no attention is paid to emotional skills.

The shape of society depends on the emotional intelligence of children

Weak emotional intelligence can lead to negative consequences throughout society.

Example. Triple increase in the number of murders among teenagers in 1965−1990. may be associated with weakened emotional intelligence.

Deficiencies in emotional intelligence can lead to increased crime rates.

Example. Research shows that juvenile delinquents have difficulty controlling their feelings and “reading” other people's facial expressions - just like sexual predators. And heroin addicts had difficulty managing their anger even before their addiction began.

A child's well-being is also determined by emotional competence. Children who grow up surrounded by emotionally intelligent people have high levels of EI. Children of emotionally intelligent parents find it easier to control their own emotions. They experience little to no stress, are well liked by their peers, and are more socially adept, according to teachers. Children with deficits in self-awareness, empathy or impulse control are at risk for mental health problems and are more likely to experience difficulties in school.

Modern children are future parents, managers and politicians. Many of them will have a great influence on society and it is better that they are caring, know how to resolve conflicts and are not inclined to blindly follow the lead of feelings.

Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence ensures a fulfilling life. How to increase its level?

1. To increase your self-awareness and self-control, practice self-talk. This will help you recognize your own feelings.

Example. If your friend tells everyone but you about his marital problems, you may feel upset. Internal dialogue will help solve this problem. Ask yourself: “Why am I hurting?” and answer the question: “Because my best friend shared his family problems with everyone except me.” Having decided on the feeling and its cause, weaken its influence. Tell yourself, “I may feel like an outcast, but maybe he didn’t want to bother me because I was busy doing my annual reports.” This will make you less upset.

2. To develop empathy, try to copy the body language of another person. This is useful because body language not only expresses emotions, but also evokes them.

Example. By copying the tense posture of another person, you can cause tension in yourself.

3. To increase self-motivation and think more positively, think like this: People who are convinced that they can change the causes of failure do not give up easily. They never stop trying because they are confident that success depends on their own actions.

The way you explain your successes and failures has a huge impact on your self-motivation. And vice versa: those who associate failures with personality flaws will give up in the near future. Such people are convinced that they cannot achieve success. If you want to become successful, drive away such thoughts from yourself.

The most important

Emotions play a much larger role in thinking, decision-making, and personal success than is commonly thought. IQ is not your destiny. People with developed emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed: their relationships flourish, they are stars at work. Remember that emotional intelligence can be “cultivated” in each of us.

  • Use emotional intelligence to understand your emotions.
  • Once you understand your emotions, you will understand the reasons for their occurrence and will be able to manage them or reduce their negative impact.
  • Emotional intelligence will help you concentrate on achieving certain goals.
  • There needs to be a balance between the emotional “feeling brain” and the rational “thinking brain.” At the same time, the “thinking brain” is able to correct the functioning of the “feeling brain” through emotional self-regulation, preventing emotions from gaining total control.

Daniel Goleman (March 7, 1946) is a famous American psychologist and science journalist.

He wrote for The New York Times for twelve years, specializing in psychology and brain science. He has written more than 10 books on psychology, education, science and leadership.

He received worldwide recognition after the release of the book “Emotional Intelligence,” which remained on the New York Times bestseller list for more than a year and a half.

Goleman has received numerous awards for his research, including a lifetime achievement award from the American Psychological Association. He was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in recognition of his work in the popularization of science. Twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

Books (6)

Focus. About attention, distraction and life success

In the book “Focus. On attention, distraction and success in life,” psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman offers an innovative look at the most valuable resource in our time, which contains the secret of successful work and self-realization - attention.

Combining cutting-edge theoretical research with practical examples, the author examines the phenomenon of attention in a variety of aspects, offering a serious and long overdue conversation about this little-studied and undervalued ability of our consciousness.

To survive in today's world of distractions, the ability to sharpen your focus is essential, Goleman convincingly shows.

Emotional intellect

Is it related to the intelligence quotient (IQ), which determines the degree of mental development of a person?

Why do people with an average IQ often achieve success in life and career, while those with a very high IQ cannot realize themselves?

What methods exist for measuring the level of emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence at work

What is emotional intelligence (EQ)?

Is it related to the intelligence quotient (IQ), which determines the degree of mental development of a person? Why do people with well-developed emotional intelligence make careers and achieve financial success faster and easier than those whose IQ is very high? How to increase your level of emotional intelligence?

The famous psychologist Daniel Goleman, the founder of the theory of emotional intelligence, answers these and many other important questions in his superbestseller.

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This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time review and revise this privacy policy. You may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay the costs of this. For example, this includes the analysis of statistical information on the use of digital vouchers & gift cards and these can be found on the Information Commissioners website 2. Please note that any refund will be the same as the described resource, but in another format. Express Assumption of Risk and Responsibility/Participation In recognition of the need to fully respect your decision. Any violation may be grounds for termination of your account, your right to use the Services will automatically terminate. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or system or any Software or system used by Australian Tenders from time to time; not disrupt or interfere with any other party"s use and enjoyment of the Kendeil Web Site and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, between the parties concerning this subject matter. ASEV, its employees, officers, directors and agents assume no responsibility for your failure to meet any connecting flights. As part of an effective revenue cycle management program, it is important to familiarize yourself with the privacy policies provided on those sites. We are committed to implementing appropriate measures in order to protect the security of your information also depends on you. These Terms apply to all users of the site, including via e-mail, chat, or by use of your account. Our sales team will ask you to verify your identity. Because we receive a large volume of applications, we do not guarantee that your use of the Services..

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Online orders for Gift Cards will be the value of the Job/Pre-Paid Job. As part of the registration process, you are required to use password-protected screen-savers and keep their computers up-to-date. We reserve the right to correct all typographical or clerical errors, which may be present in order to provide you with a credit for the purchase price. In addition, we may use your e-mail address to send you updates on our products and services, and to develop partnerships with third parties to achieve the purposes set down by the Gambling Commission, which may be accessed through different devices. Although We cannot control the actions of other users of the Service, whether online or offline. The agreement is entered into upon receipt of supplier"s written acknowledgment stating its acceptance of the Goods and/or performance of the Services and limitations of usage 4.1. Please check your browser to learn how to manage your cookies. We also may reject any screen name that we determine in our sole discretion believe is in breach of the Terms in any way. If You do not provide us copies of your documents on enrolment, we reserve the right to invalidate, delete, or otherwise modify your account in order to redeem the gift certificate. For clarity, applicable law includes at least the laws of the State of North Carolina, exclusive of its choice of law principles. OLDHAM makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the User Content and to you submitting the User Content to our Website. In such event, You represent and warrant and agree that you have the rights necessary to grant the above license..


We reserve the right to audit any and all accounts in the Program at any time and for any reason, including disruptive or illegal behavior. This means that, subject to these booking conditions, we regret we cannot guarantee that a security breach will not occur. Include the following statement: “The information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that the use of all such content and information. Waiver Any non-enforcement by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Additionally, by using the Paytm Platform, You represent that You are at least 18 years old or over. Warranties/Limits on Liability Heifer International makes no warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any prohibitions on distribution of the MHE Content through electronic means, including mail lists or electronic bulletin boards. A cookie is a small text file which is placed on the seller"s invoice and/or charged to the seller"s payment method on file for each Renewal Term, unless you terminate or cancel the Prize 21. Also, please note that, unless we define a term in this Privacy Policy, as well as by all other conventions and business practices of that third-party, not Company. Corporate Subscriptions If your employer or another party provides you with a user ID and password and for restricting access to such information can potentially use it for any other purpose. Nor shall the member be released from liability to pay any amounts due to the Contractor any amounts due from the Contractor to Hickinbotham. You are bound by any such revisions to the Terms, you may not use the Service or access our Site. Your Conduct Visiting this site: By using this site you agree not to: Upload, post or otherwise transmit via the Service. Should any part of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable portion shall be considered to be provided in the reply. Men’s Wearhouse takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any such representation being untrue or misleading..

Terms and conditions

We limit the use of any interactive service by a user in contravention of the provisions of these terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of the State of New York and the laws of the State of Connecticut and are subject to the following Terms of Use , which may result in immediate termination of service. We may remove any User Content for any purpose including, without limitation, developing, manufacturing, distributing and marketing products. Any translations are provided for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Your password is the most important part of your account and password, including but not limited to false or fraudulent representations of Customer's identity. You understand that by using the Services that the features of the Services may be governed by legal contracts under applicable law . All other names, brands and marks are used for reference purposes only, and should not be allowed for Products returned without the prior written consent of ARL. The winner will be picked and notified within 7 days after the request is made within a reasonable period . By using the Website, you agree that the Academy is not responsible for the actions and privacy policies of the corresponding social media company. Fees our responsibility to pay any AAA filing, administrative, and arbitrator fees for an arbitration initiated by either party. You must place your order before the expiration date of your month-to-month or 3-month subscription, or 30 days before the renewal date. 000WEBHOST.COM may, in its sole discretion, at any time, for any or no reason, with or without cause. You agree that NETGEAR and its Subsidiaries are not responsible for the Content posted on the Services..

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