Is there a severe reprimand? Why can you get it at work?

If an employee has committed guilty or illegal actions against the employer’s property, or violated internal regulations or labor discipline, then the employer has the right to punish him. Such punishment is called disciplinary action, and the guilty act itself is a disciplinary offense.

According to Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to punish the employee as follows:

  • give him an official reprimand;
  • reprimand or severely reprimand him;
  • dismiss by making a corresponding entry in the work book.

Disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand is the most “common” type disciplinary action. It is imposed for offenses of “mild severity,” that is, when the violation of labor discipline standards or the damage caused is insignificant. For example, if an employee improperly performed his job duties for the first time. This had never been noticed before. To apply a remark on this basis, the employee must be familiar with the job description when hired. Familiarization is confirmed by the signature of the new employee. He must also be familiar with the internal rules and regulations on labor discipline.

Before imposing a disciplinary sanction in the form of a reprimand, the employer must make sure that the misconduct is the employee’s fault. That is, he must establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the offense and the employee’s guilt.

To do this, he must request written explanations from the employee. This is done through an act of request written explanations. The employee must provide the employer with an explanatory statement in writing no later than 2 working days from the date of receipt of the act. You must sign for receipt on the document.

In the explanatory note, the employee can provide the employer with evidence of his innocence or provide good reasons for which this disciplinary offense was committed. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not indicate what constitutes a valid reason; this will be decided by the employer himself. But, as judicial and personnel practice shows, a valid reason may be:

  • employee illness;
  • violation of working conditions by the employer;
  • lack of materials for work, etc.

If the employer considers the reason to be valid, then he should not reprimand the employee. If there is no reason at all, or it is disrespectful, the employee issues an order to impose a disciplinary sanction in the form of a remark.

The employee must put his signature on the order. This means that he is familiar with the order. This is done in case the comment is challenged in court. If the employee refuses to sign the order, the employer must draw up a corresponding act.

The remark is valid for 1 year from the date of issue of the order. But it can be canceled ahead of schedule:

  • at the written request of the employee himself;
  • at the sole request of the employer;
  • at the written request of the head of the structural unit;
  • at the written request of the trade union body, if there is one at the enterprise.

Severe reprimand- disciplinary sanction imposed on military personnel, contract employees, and conscripts by their immediate superiors or senior officers. Military personnel are punished with a severe reprimand for violations of discipline that do not constitute administrative offenses or criminal offenses, as well as for actions that do not entail serious consequences. Despite the fact that a severe reprimand is considered one of the mildest disciplinary punishments, it can greatly affect the service of a military man and his security. For this reason, if it happens that you are severely reprimanded, then you must be prepared to actively defend your rights. Study the wording of the reprimand and all accompanying documents. If the circumstances of the proceedings in your case do not correspond to reality, or the prosecution itself was carried out in violation of the Armed Forces, then appeal the action and decision of the commanders in either court.

Grounds for issuing a severe reprimand

The basis for issuing a severe reprimand to a serviceman is a violation of military order, which is not included in the list of gross offenses. disciplinary offenses(GDP). This list is approved in the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces (Appendix No. 7).

Also, SV can be declared if formally the serviceman has committed actions that can be qualified as gross violation Charter, but there are extenuating circumstances. Based on these factors, a serviceman can choose a more lenient form of punishment than that imposed for a gross violation.

In fact, SV can be obtained for the following offenses:

  • being late for service or unit;
  • failure to comply with the commander's order on time;
  • violation of the rules for handling weapons, if it did not cause material damage or causing harm to human health;
  • failure to comply with the rules of wearing a uniform, and so on.

Violation of discipline can be expressed both in an unlawful action and in an unlawful inaction. For example, a subordinate who is inactive, does not follow the order of the commander, is a disruptor, and may be subject to disciplinary action.

However, for a commander who has identified a misconduct or witnessed it, the mere fact of misconduct is not enough to impose a penalty. It is also necessary to follow the procedure for bringing a serviceman to disciplinary liability.

Procedure for imposing a severe reprimand

The procedure for declaring SV to a serviceman is not separately regulated by law or by the Charter, therefore this type Disciplinary sanctions are imposed in accordance with the general procedure:

  • when an offense is detected, a protocol is drawn up or not (an official must write a protocol only if the military man has committed the traffic police);
  • the fact of the offense is investigated (usually in orally, in writing - only by order of senior command);
  • the misdemeanor proceedings, after which a severe reprimand may be issued, must be completed within a period of no more than 10 days;
  • upon expiration deadline a disciplinary sanction in the form of SV is announced before the formation (the Charter does not require an order to impose SV; if there is no order, then this fact does not give the serviceman grounds to appeal the actions of the command);
  • from the moment the SV is announced or an order is issued, the serviceman is considered to have DV;
  • information about the announcement of a severe reprimand is entered into the employee’s service card within 7 days.

During the proceedings, the violator has the right to submit written explanations to his immediate commander or the official who conducts such proceedings, and indicate circumstances that exclude or mitigate his guilt. The person conducting the proceedings may not refuse to accept such written explanations.

Also, the Administration of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defines the features of the announcement of military orders to soldiers, non-officer military personnel and officers:

  • to all categories of military personnel personally;
  • in front of the line only to soldiers and sailors,
  • officers and non-officers liable for military service at relevant meetings.

You cannot announce SV to commanders in the presence of their subordinates.

Negative consequences of SV, procedure for its removal

During the period of validity of a severe reprimand, the employee is denied access to incentive payments until the imposed DV is lifted. This means that in the calendar year in which the SV was announced, the contract employee will not be paid in full:

  • quarterly bonuses;
  • annual bonus according to Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1010 dated July 26, 2010.

The percentage of bonus payments will be determined by the commander individually each time, up to complete deprivation.

Such deprivation of bonuses is not an independent punishment, but is considered a basis for the command to assert that the punished official did not perform his duties as effectively and conscientiously as required by the Charter, and therefore he is not entitled to a bonus.

These same Negative consequences may occur for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving on conscription, to whom a penalty such as deprivation of dismissal from a military unit has been applied. This type of DV cannot be applied to contract soldiers.

All military assignments must be entered into his service card within 7 days from the date of announcement. Information about the withdrawal of DV is also entered into this card after one year from the date of announcement or ahead of schedule in the form of an incentive.

If a severe reprimand is removed in the form of an incentive, then from the moment the order for the bonus is issued, the military man is considered to be one who does not have a military service. One reward can only remove one reprimand.

Commanders are required to familiarize their subordinates with their service cards once every six months, which is carried out in person against signature.

Appeal against SV

If, at the time of reviewing the service card, the employee discovers in it a CB that was not announced to him, then he has the right to appeal such a reprimand.

The right to appeal a reprimand arises when the employee learns that his right has been violated. From now on you have 10 days to appeal. If this deadline is missed, then it can be restored only if there are valid reasons (force majeure, serious illness, etc.).

Grounds for appeal against the SV:

  • declared without trial;
  • the announcement did not take into account the explanations of the violator;
  • the one-month period for declaring an IC from the moment the offense was committed was violated;
  • mitigating circumstances and factors exonerating from liability are not taken into account;
  • the procedure for announcing SV is violated;
  • SV was imposed for a misdemeanor when DV was already applied to the serviceman.

If at least one of the listed circumstances exists, the employee has the right to file a garrison court.

The complaint must include the following information:

  • Full name, title and position of the complainant and his address;
  • initials, position, title official, whose actions or decision is being appealed, the address of the part;
  • information about the imposition of the DV (date and number of the order or date of announcement);
  • the essence of violations of the complainant's rights;
  • a request to recognize the order or actions to declare a severe reprimand as illegal.

The complaint must be accompanied by an extract from the order or service card and a copy of the complaint itself.

The complaint can be sent either through the online reception or by registered mail with notification. The review period is 30 days from the date of registration of the complaint with the military prosecutor's office.

Questions and comments on this topic can be left below the text.

A reprimand is one of the types of disciplinary sanctions that are applied in the field of labor law. Having received a reprimand, the employee is obliged to report his illegal actions and bear penalties in accordance with legal norms.

A disciplinary offense is an employee’s failure to fulfill his direct labor duties or improper performance. A reprimand is applied by the employer in specific cases. The most severe measure the employer can choose is dismissal. For example, for absenteeism.

As a rule, only two types of disciplinary action are often applied to employees: reprimand and dismissal. The decision remains with the employer. Although, according to Art. 149 of the Labor Code (Labor Code), he must take into account the following factors:
- degree of guilt of the employee;
- amount of damage;
- the circumstances that led to the commission of the offense;
- personal.

The legislator provides for dismissal as the most extreme sanction applied to an employee.

The reprimand should motivate the employee to properly perform his job duties, and, remembering the threat of dismissal, he should not commit further misconduct in the future.

A reprimand is a non-material punishment. For the guilty employee, issuing a reprimand also carries specific material consequences:
- according to Art. 151 of the Labor Code, the employee cannot count on various incentive measures throughout the entire period of validity of the reprimand;
- a reprimand is considered grounds for depriving an employee of bonuses and incentive payments;
- whether an employee has a reprimand affects the determination of their qualification level;
- according to clause 3 of Art. 40 of the Labor Code, a reprimand can become a real reason for dismissing an employee.

What is a remark

A reprimand is a type of disciplinary sanction. An employer can apply it to an employee for failure to perform job functions. An employee may intentionally or through negligence commit an offense. The usual one is being late for work.

A reprimand to the guilty person is applied within the appropriate time frame: within six months from the date of the offense, in month period from the date of discovery of the violation.

An employee cannot be punished for failure to perform labor functions if he was not legally registered for this position.

If an employee has repeatedly received disciplinary sanctions throughout the year, the employer can rightfully fire him.

What is the difference between a reprimand and a remark?

There are no characteristic differences between a reprimand and a remark.

In Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code), penalties are arranged in the following sequence: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal. This allows us to believe that a reprimand is the “mildest” of disciplinary sanctions, and dismissal is the most severe, which is provided by law for labor relations.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says nothing about the difference between a reprimand and a reprimand.

These two types of disciplinary actions have the same terms, application procedures and consequences for both sides of labor law.
In clause 5, part 1, art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employee can be fired for repeated failure to fulfill his labor functions without valid reasons, and it does not matter what type of penalty, reprimand or reprimand, was applied to him previously.


  • Disciplinary action
  • Disciplinary action: reprimand
  • Remark as a disciplinary sanction

Sometimes situations happen when you are unfairly reprimanded. Moreover, if the disciplinary action is taken without any specific motivation. How to behave in such a situation? It is possible to prove that the manager acted unfairly and appeal the reprimand.


Don't forget that your responsibilities should be explained to you when you sign the contract. You should also be familiar with the rules of discipline, including the grounds for issuing a reprimand. If you commit a violation labor discipline, the employer is obliged to require an explanatory note from you. In it you must state your version of the reasons for the violation. If these formalities are not met, feel free to challenge. Justify that you did not know that you were breaking the accepted rules. Refer to paragraph 12 of Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Select in your job description the items that you cannot perform due to absence necessary conditions. Suggest to your manager that you cancel the reprimand.

If a violation of labor discipline occurred for reasons beyond your control, you can be reprimanded with the help of documents proving your innocence. These documents can be obtained from the relevant departments. If the cause of the violation is in the traffic police department (accident, traffic jam, road work), contact the traffic police. If the cause is fire, contact the fire department, and so on. You must provide documents within 30 working days. Do not give documents directly to your manager. Register them officially as incoming documentation through the office.

The receipt of disciplinary action by an employee is usually punishment for the violation. However, sometimes such a measure is applied unfairly and can be appealed.

This is a disciplinary measure that carries out several important functions. It is simultaneously intended to punish the offending employee and to motivate him to devote Special attention their quality of work and behavior.

This is a relatively heavy penalty. If an employee repeats violations, he risks being fired.

However, in the future, if the problems are eliminated, the penalty from the employee may be lifted. It's done in a year automatically. But this can be done earlier either at the request of the employee himself or at the request of his immediate superior.

In this situation it is published new order of corresponding content.

By law

If an employee who has committed misconduct receives a reprimand or reprimand as a disciplinary sanction, this is not recorded in the work record book. An entry may be made in the personal file, but this is not a requirement.

The Labor Code provides three types of disciplinary punishments. The list includes reprimand, reprimand, dismissal.

What is the difference between a remark and a reprimand

There is a point of view that measures of influence should be progressive: first a reprimand is announced and only then a reprimand. In fact, such a principle is not noted in the Labor Code. The difference between them is the severity of the violation. The employer has the right to apply them in the order that he considers more correct.

After two reprimands, the boss has the right to fire the employee. The only condition is that they must be made for various violations.

It refers to two main types of situations:

  1. If an employee does not fulfill his official duties.
  2. In case of violation of labor discipline.

It is important to consider that the first of the above reasons is possible only if certain conditions:

  1. The company has job descriptions.
  2. This employee is familiar with his instructions upon signature.

If this is not done, then such a disciplinary measure is illegal.

When choosing how severe the violation for which a penalty is declared should be, you need to take into account that for two such cases the employee may be dismissed.

A disciplinary measure cannot be applied later than one month after the commission of the offense. If a violation is revealed by a special inspection, the deadline is increased. up to two years.

If the employee was on sick leave or on vacation at that time, the period is increased by the appropriate period of time.

What is a severe reprimand

The work activities of employees are regulated by the provisions Labor Code RF. This document regulates the permitted disciplinary measures.

There is no severe reprimand in this list. That is, in normal situations the employer does not have the right to apply it.

However, employees in certain areas of activity may also be subject to some additional documents.

For this purpose, the state may approve Federal Laws, various kinds disciplinary provisions or statutes.

In particular, such documents are provided for internal troops, the prosecutor's office, customs, Armed Forces and in some other cases. They provide for the possibility of imposing the punishment in question, which is absent in the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The application of this measure occurs in the event of violations of labor discipline or improper performance of duties. The essence of the application is that the boss thus expresses a negative assessment of the employee’s actions.

The impact has several components:

  1. The employee's behavior is assessed. In this case it is negative.
  2. Has a preventive effect. The offender is expected to refrain from further wrongful actions.
  3. There is also a motivational effect. The employee receives additional motivation to comply with labor discipline.

There are no significant differences between the usual and strict punishment options. The difference is that the latter correspond to a more serious offense.

Here Several variants for situations suitable for declaring the punishment in question:

  1. It is appropriate in a situation where an employee does not perform official duties or does so inappropriately.
  2. Absence from work without a valid reason is, of course, a violation of labor discipline. However, if we are talking about a long-term absence, then in this case it can be announced.
  3. Punishment is acceptable if you are late for work.
  4. For damage to the property of the employer, organization or third parties.
  5. If you show up at work drunk or under the influence of drugs, this will entail appropriate punishment.
  6. Sometimes, if serious, acute conflicts arise with the team or management, punishment may follow.

The procedure for applying this punishment similar to issuing a regular reprimand. If the perpetrator receives a second punishment, they have the right to dismiss. The consequences may include withdrawal of the bonus or deprivation of incentives in some other way. Sign up for work book not done.

Given disciplinary punishment may be removed. This is done in the same way as when receiving a regular penalty.

As announced at work

This disciplinary measure is used when an employee does not fulfill his duties or there has been a violation of labor discipline. In order to do everything correctly, the design must take place in the following way:

  1. First, the fact of misconduct must be documented. This is usually done by sending a report from the violator's immediate superior. Another possible variant- this is the drawing up of an act on behalf of a commission appointed by the employer.
  2. Although the fact has been established at this point, it is necessary to obtain an explanation from the culprit. There may always be a chance that he can explain the behavior in a note and give good reasons to justify what he did. For example, if he is absent from work, he will indicate the reason that he is sick. Two days are given for this.
  3. It is possible that an employee will refuse to explain anything. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an act stating that this was offered to him, and the refusal is his personal responsibility.
  4. Next, an order to issue a reprimand is issued. It must contain a link to the documents that support it.
  5. The order must have the signature of the manager.
  6. After three days, the signature of the violator must be there.

Receiving such a disciplinary sanction twice gives the right to dismiss the employee. But at the same time, the reasons for which the punishment was imposed must be various kinds.

Over time, the penalty may be lifted. If this was the only reprimand, then the next one will not be enough for dismissal.

In some cases, the boss may act in the following way. If an employee committed an offense, they might not pay attention to him. After he receives a reprimand for another reason, the boss may remember the forgiveness and change his mind, issuing a second reprimand for him. Thus, the employee unexpectedly faces the threat of dismissal.

How to appeal

The announcement of a reprimand must comply registration rules. If a violation has occurred, it can be challenged outside the enterprise by going to court or labor inspection for appeal. In this case, the penalty may be withdrawn, and the dismissal may be declared illegal.

Appeal is permissible within a month after receiving the penalty. To contact the regulatory authorities, you must write a statement outlining the essence of what happened, a copy of the provided explanatory note, a copy of the order to impose a penalty and prepare your passport.

Possible examples of judicial practice

Here is one example of an employee successfully protecting his rights by going to court.

One of the district courts heard a case brought by A. S. Ivanova. She worked as a dentist in a district clinic for many years. At the time of going to court he is a doctor highest category. Accuses the management of the clinic of unlawful orders to issue reprimands. Claims their cancellation, compensation for moral damages and payment of legal services at the expense of the defendant.

The court carefully examined the case and found out that the reprimand orders were drawn up on the basis of internal notes from other employees and no written explanations were requested from Ivanova.

The other party argued that the plaintiff refused to provide an explanation. But at the same time, an act had to be drawn up, but this document was not provided.

Thus, the court noted that there was a violation of the reprimand procedure in all cases considered and canceled the relevant orders. At the same time, he ordered the defendant to pay for legal services for the plaintiff.

In the case under consideration, a violation of the established procedure led to the removal of reprimands.

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