Ethnic style: national characteristics in the interior. Solutions in construction

In one of his interviews, Gianni Versace said that you should not get carried away with trends and give fashion power over you. You need to decide for yourself what to express with your clothes and lifestyle. Fashion and style are different concepts, but nevertheless they always go hand in hand.

This phrase by Versace very accurately describes the concept of such a controversial style as boho-chic, which has become a kind of example of the cyclical nature of fashion and has collected multicultural ethnic motifs.

Fashion trends in boho style

The basic principle of ethnic style is the reflection in clothing of the character and traditions of a particular people. This is a primordial folk costume that evolves under the yoke of fashion trends, is reshaped, deformed, but at the same time retains its characteristic features.

Boho is a trend that is a style mix. These are grunge, ethnic, and gypsy motifs with a slight bohemian touch. When talking about boho style, you shouldn’t single out ethnics specifically, since this is just one of the branches of the main trend. Ethnics can exist both in a set of style trends, united in boho-chic (bohemian classics), and as an independent style.

National motive

Ethical style can hardly be called a fashion trend, and yet it holds its position year after year and does not leave the catwalks. Every year, fashion shows show the world new images with pronounced folk motifs. But it is important to note that ethnic style is more of a state of mind, expressed in clothing, accessories and lifestyle. It is all these components together that make up the principle of ethnicity.

The fashion trends of the coming season also did not ignore the original ethnic style of clothing. Designers paid special attention to the features of national costumes and transferred the most striking details to their models of clothing, shoes and accessories. Embroidery, various prints, contrasting combinations of fabrics and patchwork-style clothing are often found in the fashion collections of famous designers, as well as on mass market shelves.

Fashion from the people

Over time, when clothing ceased to be simply protection from the cold and prying eyes, it became a sign of belonging to any class, a reflection of a way of life and a bright element of the nationality. The purpose of the primordial ethnic costume was to determine belonging to a particular nation. The national costume was one of the main values ​​of cultural heritage. Today it is one of the most ancient and at the same time young, being revived from year to year, taking on new forms.

Hippie movement

In the mid-20th century, the most popular among fashionistas was classic style clothes. Discreet feminine dresses, formal suits, aristocratic chic. Strict lines and pedantry are what distinguished the ladies of the last century, until the era of rebellion arrived.

In the early 60s of the last century, the ethnic style of clothing loudly declared its relevance; history connects its popularization with the hippie movement. While fashion trends actively promoted miniskirts, short shorts and tops, the rebellious hippie youth movement said “no” to them. Flower children preferred long robed tunics, Aladdin trousers and floor-length skirts. Hippies had no restrictions in their own fashion, so the clothing style of this subculture adopted motifs from many countries and nationalities. Modern ethnic style has preserved this cultural symbiosis. But today every girl can afford ethnic motifs in her wardrobe without being a hippie.

Ethnic style clothing for women is gaining unprecedented popularity in the current fashion season. And the Russian national costume is being revived in a new look, preserving common Slavic details. Traditional Slavic ethnic style - pictured below.

Multi-layering is one of the main features of the Russian national costume. The ethnic style inherent in the Slavic group is characterized by bright accents, loose fit and national ornaments. Green, red and blue are the main trend colors of this season. Embroidery is still popular. This fashion season it is typical not only for clothing, but also relevant in shoe collections.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to Greek motifs. Famous and loved by many brides Wedding Dresses in Greek style - this is shining example borrowing from classical Greek folk costume. This is perhaps one of the few ethnic motifs in clothing that have retained their original appearance.

The dress, made of light flowing fabric, has a characteristic asymmetry in the cut and certainly exposes the shoulder. Casual dresses in the Greek style are characterized by unobtrusive floral prints. The main purpose of a dress in the Greek style is to emphasize the dignity and beauty of the body. Practicality and versatility also characterize the Greek ethnic style of clothing. 2018 trends place emphasis on the length of the Greek dress. Floor-length dresses with a high waist will hide figure flaws and emphasize visible advantages. The look will be harmoniously complemented by sandals with thin soles, decorated with numerous straps. No less popular are Indian, African and Native American motifs.

There will be accessories!

When talking about ethnic style, one cannot help but focus on accessories and jewelry. Massive jewelry, which is characterized by a lack of stiffness, is coming back into fashion again. In the new fashion season, you don’t have to be afraid of going overboard with details. Numerous intricate rings, bracelets and chains are stylish.

The main highlight of ethnic style jewelry is its individual design and character. Each decoration should have meaning and attract attention. “What does this mean?” - those around you must ask. The materials used for jewelry in ethnic style are leather, beads, metal, bone and stones. The most popular are handmade ethnic jewelry.

Hygge, or Cozy Happiness in Danish

Not long ago, society was blown up by the cozy Danish trend of hygge, the principle of which is the search for happiness in the little things. Warm sweaters with cute prints and patterns, warm knitted socks with images of deer - all this is nothing more than the same ethnic style of clothing. A photo of a woman and a man in cozy funny sweatshirts with hot cocoa was a must-have for any profile in in social networks.

This cute winter trend has literally captured the hearts of millions. The cozy Scandinavian philosophy of finding simple happiness extends to all areas of life, and clothing also plays an important role in this whole conceptual mosaic. Three pillars of Scandinavian ethnic costume in hygge style:

  • Loose fit.
  • Natural materials.
  • Warm and cozy.

A style that suits everyone

If the ethnic style itself is not suitable for everyone, then Scandinavian motifs will appeal to everyone. There is no one who wouldn't like a warm and soft sweater, whether it has a simple pattern or a fun print. When winter persistently holds its position, and the frost continues to draw patterns on the windows, there is nothing more desirable than a warm coarse knit jumper, warm wool socks and a cozy long scarf.

Features of the type

There is a very true remark that ethnicity suits everyone, but for everyone it is their own individual style, corresponding to their appearance and color type. Slavic motifs suit someone, hot Spanish contrast will look harmonious on someone, and others will be impressed mysterious Japan. Ethnic style is not limited to geometric South American Indian prints, African beads and gypsy layered skirts. Ethnics are a variety of forms and textures.

How to choose the right image?

Each type has its own specific style, which will unconditionally benefit the image as a whole. When choosing an outfit, you should take into account your appearance and your color type. It’s hard to imagine that a white-skinned girl with a discreet Slavic appearance will look harmonious in an outfit made in a classic African ethnic style. But Slavic motifs, on the contrary, suit almost everyone - both fair-haired young ladies of the East Slavic color type, and girls with a temperamental appearance.

Colorful Latin American patterns are ideal for brunettes with a bright and contrasting appearance.

Blonde girls cannot withstand the competition of explosive motives. But what should blondes and fair-haired women do? Blonde girls with a cold color type should pay attention to Slavic or Scandinavian motifs. Cool shades and a loose fit will harmoniously combine with such external data.

If you don't remember what a woman was wearing, she was dressed perfectly.

This is the famous phrase of Coco Chanel, which should become the main principle in choosing the right dress.

Due to its characteristics, Asian ethnic style stands apart. The photos below demonstrate the refined lines and graceful patterns characteristic of this trend.

There are no special contraindications to choosing an outfit with pronounced Japanese motifs. Both brunettes and blondes will find a suitable style. But the Asian ethnic style of clothing is most acceptable for women with delicate aristocratic features.

But chubby ladies with large features should avoid Asian motifs and pay attention to oriental style.

This season's fashionable looks

Should you pay attention to ethnic clothes this fashion season? Definitely yes. This year, adherents of ethnic motifs can safely say that they are in trend like no one else.

In the cold season, a short sheepskin coat will warm you up. Scandinavian motifs in subdued colors and with an abundance of fur details will appeal to discerning fashionistas.

In spring, you should pay attention to bright ponchos, leather and suede products. Shoes with embroidery will harmoniously complement the look. American-style boots will be popular this fashion season. The cowboys are back in town.

In the summer, you shouldn’t pass by linen dresses and sundresses. Bright colors and geometric prints will be especially popular this season. Peasant motifs will make the image romantic and light. Wide shirts with embroidery and ornaments in the Slavic style will also be popular this summer.

African motifs are no less popular this fashion season. Many fashion houses They focused specifically on geometric prints and animalistic fabrics, which are characteristic of African ethnic style.

You need to carefully approach the combination of African motifs in clothing so that the image does not seem overloaded.

How to combine print and African ethnic style in clothing: photo

Ethnic print is a rather capricious element of any outfit, which is not easy to combine with other elements of clothing in such a way as to create a discreet and stylish look. A classic color scheme will help balance out any flashy colors. It is the black and white colors that are ideally combined with a bright print and animalistic splashes.

For example, when choosing a bright top with a pattern or a contrasting print, you should balance it with a more restrained plain skirt or trousers. The clothes themselves should also not be overloaded with details. Pockets, lapels, frills - all this will make the look more ridiculous than stylish. The ethnic print should be the center of the entire look without additional details. The number of decorations should also be minimized.

Following these simple rules, you can create the perfect look in ethical style.

Ethnic styles (regional) are styles in the interior that carry national characteristics design of residential premises of a particular country. They are determined by cultural traditions, the way of life of people, which in turn are determined geographical location country and climatic conditions. The very saturation of the color of the sky, the brightness of the sun, the greenness of the grass and trees, the color of water and soil vary somewhat depending on climatic zones. And to a certain extent, a person’s interior preferences depend on what natural and social conditions surround a person in his homeland. In accordance with these characteristics, this or that ethno style is formed.

What is the reason for the popularity of the Ethno style?

Belongs to a certain people. The main conditions for its emergence are territory and language. Distinctive features are exotic masks and fabrics with ornaments, exotic curiosities and fetishes.

Decorating a modern interior in ethno style is gaining more and more popularity every day. Many people like its simplicity, elegance, functionality, as well as unusual solutions usual tasks. This style direction is called primitive, ethnic, exotic, colonial and folk. This style includes Chinese, Japanese, Afro, Arabic, Indian, Colonial or Mediterranean. The collection of interiors on the Art Workshop Replica website is a selection of unique and individual interiors in the Ethno style. Our portfolio projects will introduce you to decorative elements and demonstrate the full range of work associated with creating an interior. In addition to private interiors in the Ethno style, you can find professional solutions for cottages, comfortable houses in the Moscow region and apartment interiors.

Features of Chinese style

In China, the concept of space is of great importance. They not only live in space, but live “together with space,” giving even emptiness weight. Feng Shui is a skillful assistant in the skillful organization of space for the Chinese. The external simplicity of smooth lines carries with it the negation of straight and sharp lines in the interior of an apartment made in the Chinese spirit; in other words, there are no small details. Every detail of the interior is original and plays a certain role in the arrangement of the space, no matter whether it is a screen or a pillow with gold ornaments on the couch.

Features of Japanese style

A traditional Japanese house has no walls. The landscape is a natural continuation of the interior. From the inside, the house is divided not into rooms, but into “ functional areas"(using screens, curtains, due to differences in floor level). All this has been incorporated into the modern Japanese style. Screens make the apartment space light and transparent; By rearranging them, you can update the interior at least every day.

Japanese culture is guided by the principle: “everything unnecessary is ugly.” The basis of Japanese is emptiness, emphasizing the inner grace of what little there is in the house. Therefore, the fundamental feature of Japanese style is minimalism. The house should contain only the most necessary pieces of furniture, household items and decor. All things and household utensils are hidden in built-in closets.

Items should be not only practical, but also beautiful. And only that which has a unique face is beautiful. Every thing in Japanese interior unique. At the same time, the beauty of a thing can only be understood by its owners.

Interior decisions are made based on one strong color or texture. Eastern colors are pure. Unlike the Western approach, where they mix colors and make the overall look more elegant, Eastern art is real. This means that the initial color or brush stroke is also the final result. Western art is often mixed and complex, while Eastern art is simple, strong and visual.

Furniture is a minimum, only the essentials. Furniture should be simple geometric shape, and also small in size. Materials are natural. Bamboo furniture is very often used.

In general, Japanese style can be called minimalist and decorative. It harmoniously combines emptiness and beauty. For a person living in a “Japanese” house, the main thing is harmony, unity with nature. The charm of the Japanese style is so great that its elements or “small Japanese” corners using individual objects can be found in almost any country.

Features of Afro style

Overflowing energy and a riot of colors distinguish the wild, bright and even slightly aggressive African style. It is expressed in color solutions- a combination of deep black and fiery red, terracotta and bright yellow. Preference in materials is given to natural ones - sandalwood, ebony and mahogany, Ivory, rosewood, tortoiseshell. The interior of a house in Afro would be incomplete without shamanic amulets, figurines of idols, ritual primitive masks, wooden chests and rough ceramic dishes. Also, imitation of African style is impossible without traditional accessories from the “dark continent” made of snake and crocodile skin, skins and fangs of wild animals and bird feathers.

Features of the Arabic style

The Arabic style palette is a superior combination of ocher earth tones, warm terracotta, sand, white with azure blue, violet, red and emerald green. Window shutters and door frames are decorated in dark, carved wood, decorated with national ornaments. Characteristic feature interior decor - arabesque, artsy geometric and floral ornament. The repetition of one and the same segment of the pattern, which underlies the ornament, reflects the idea of ​​timelessness and infinity. Persian carpets are often used to decorate Arabic homes, giving the walls a luxurious look.

Features of Indian style

The Indian-style interior is replete with colors - crimson, orange, rich turquoise and typical oriental colors - blue and red-brown, mixing warm and cool colors.

A striking feature of the interior is the easy transformation of details: chairs and low tables, openwork screens, doors and shutters often change roles. The center of furniture compositions is the sofa; Indians do not recognize any other furniture. Hidden by a translucent canopy, it rises above the room, surrounded by carved wooden chairs. In India, geometric ornamental motifs are loved, especially circles of any size. The circle symbolizes the sun, which has long been worshiped in this country and there are many interpretations of its decoration: bright spots on the walls and curtains, straight lines like Sun rays, archaic images of the luminary itself. All this brings an unusual comfort to the interior along with the traditional aromas of Indian incense.

Features of the Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style is warm and relaxed, sunny. Mediterranean interior is the best option for decorating both individual country cottages and any private houses and open-plan apartments in Moscow.

Historically and geographically, the Mediterranean style was formed from the cultures of countries located on the Mediterranean Sea: Greece, northern Egypt and Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, the Italian and French Riviera, Spain and others. What unites all this beauty is the abundance of sun, sea and beautiful vegetation - nature itself sets a certain flavor, determines the use of specific materials and accessories.

The main basis of the Mediterranean style in the interior is laconic accessibility and simplicity, the absence of deliberate luxury and pomp. The key to creating style is everyday simplicity. Mediterranean style is relatively cheap to implement and loves practical comfort. Of course, the Mediterranean is the territory of many countries and peoples, but the concept of style is set by ideas taken from Italy and Greece.

Wicker cane furniture will fit organically into a room decorated in a Mediterranean style; a coffee or console table with a tiled tabletop, cream or ivory lace textiles will add a colorful charm to the interior. Remember that it is the details and accessories that create the Mediterranean look. The main idea should be clearly stated: the sea, the sun, abundant vegetation, the siesta state - all this splendor is created by decorative elements and is the same for all interpretations.

Decorating with sea shells, shells, pebbles will create a feeling of proximity to the sea, a large amount of vegetation, and will bring a feeling of abundance lush garden, and thereby create the necessary mood.

Elements of interior decor in the Mediterranean style also include real ship treasures - steering wheels, tackle, brass flasks and clocks, as well as Greek painted dishes, sachets from Provence or olive oil in beautiful bottles from Italy, cypress frames, jars with Crimean rosemary or simply mother-of-pearl shells .

Ethnics, folk and exotic - national traditions and cultures original peoples always remained in the center of attention of all creative people. When communication was not as accessible as it is now, any novelty brought enormous positive emotions. Rare travelers brought amazing objects from overseas countries that captured the imagination and aroused great interest.

It is difficult to say definitively when the ethnic style originated. Once upon a time, Greek classics were a form of expression of the aesthetic ideals of one people. This means that it could also be called ethnicity. Today, ethnic interior is a desire to get rid of everyday life, fill your life with incredible colors, and a desire to move away from your current geographical location.

When traveling around the world became accessible, people saw with their own eyes the features of the national design of a particular country. As a rule, it has always been determined by cultural traditions, way of life, geographical location of the country and climatic conditions. The saturation of color and the choice of color palette are constantly changing - interior preferences express the social and natural conditions of distant countries. Taking this into account, it was formed different design, an ethnic style appeared - a special direction, which is based on a vibrant national identity.

Interior design in ethnic style directly depends on the chosen national culture. An African living room, a Moroccan bedroom or a simple English kitchen may appear in one apartment. The choice of color palette is also predetermined. For example, if you have chosen an Indian design, you will need to give preference to a combination of orange, turquoise and crimson shades. But Africa is represented by a completely different palette. Here it turns out fabulous interior, it contains a lot of yellow and dark blue colors, brown and pink shades.

Drawings play an important role. National ornaments often become decorations for textiles; they can be seen in accessories and finishing materials. Each country has its own folklore motif, and it is this that helps shape the concept of the interior. Furniture is selected using the same principle. If it is the East, any high furniture is excluded; if it is India and Africa, chests, large poufs and couches appear in the rooms, everything that is associated with each individual country.

Ethnic style in the interior photo:

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Originality and sophistication - distinctive features ethno style in the interior. Design in the best national traditions is always bright, original and recognizable. Whether it's a store, an apartment or Vacation home– correctly selected finishing materials, furniture and decorative items will guarantee impeccable design and comfort.

Room in ethnic style

The color of distant countries in your apartment is a tempting offer, since it allows you to realize bold ideas, create comfort and coziness. Implying many directions, ethnic interior is the choice of people different professions and hobbies. Each style carries cultural traditions and mood. Restraint and tranquility are inherent in the Japanese style, a thirst for bright adventures - in the African style, ostentatious luxury - in the Indian style. To realize the ethno style in the interior you need to maintain color scheme, evaluate the available space and layout.

Living room in ethno style

The largest room in the house is the living room. This feature greatly increases possible options its design. When choosing an ethno style in living room design, you can pay attention to the following areas:

Kitchen in ethno style

Luxury and comfort are a rare combination, but many people dream of seeing their kitchen as such. Ethnic style allows you to make your dreams come true. Design in the best traditions does not tolerate restrictions, it is bright and attractive, and does not neglect comfort and practicality:

Bedroom interior design in ethno style

Psychologists say that bedroom interior design should set you in a positive mood, give comfort and peace. But since everyone has their own idea of ​​spiritual harmony, the ethno style in the bedroom interior is in great demand. Plunge into the world of travel, dream about distant countries before going to bed, or get inspired by the ideas of Eastern philosophy, what could be easier:

Ethno style is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of other peoples. It is suitable not only for apartments and houses. This design is considered an ideal solution for restaurants, travel agencies, beauty salons, and entertainment centers. For example, the Scandinavian ethnic style in the interior captivates with its warmth and harmony. Wide range of monochrome calm shades, lack of contrasting transitions, use natural materials, maximum free space - ideal for decorating a country house or hotel.

It is important to consider that each direction of ethnic style is fraught with the history of the nation. Therefore, when choosing an ethnic style in an interior, designers often rely on associations. Thus, France is famous for its exquisite cuisine and is still considered a trendsetter. The corresponding design is found in restaurants and fashion boutiques. Greek style used in the design of beauty salons, and the reason for this is the legend about the beautiful goddess Aphrodite, whose homeland was Greece.

Wallpaper - ethno style

Considering the features and scale, it can be assumed that the finishing materials in ethnicity are completely diverse, and sometimes even opposite. So, when decorating a house in an ethno style, you can paste floral wallpaper, taking French chic as the leading direction, or bright textured canvases with thematic patterns that have absorbed all the luxury of Indian originality. Wallpaper in African style is full of bright patterns on a light background. Canvases in the Arabic style will display bright, intricate patterns: silhouettes of swords, arabesques, latticework, etc.

Furniture in ethno style

Decoration in ethno style is impossible without the use of furniture made from natural materials. , wood, stone, bamboo, roughness of textures, imitation of a raw surface are the constant attributes of each style. But for all its similarities, furniture design also demonstrates priorities:

When recreating the atmosphere of exotic corners of the world and the flavor of eastern civilizations indoors, it is important not to forget about such accessories as carpets and floor runners. So, a soft carpet decorated with ornaments and patterns will turn your bedroom into a real abode of an Arabian beauty. Monochrome products in pastel colors fit perfectly into the concept of Japanese minimalism. Carpets generously decorated with handmade national motifs will complement the ethnic interior design of the Indian style.

Paintings - ethno style

The ethnic interior of the apartment involves the active use of works of art. The paintings make the style recognizable and unique. The Japanese direction is not complete without images of hieroglyphs and natural landscapes; the Mediterranean style fascinates with marine compositions; the African ethno style in the interior is complemented by images of hunting scenes, weapons, and animals.

This finishing material used for background decoration and creating bright accents. It is used to frame walls in the kitchen, bathroom, and as flooring. Traditionally, tiles for kitchens in ethnic style represent a background covering “stone-like”, “wood-like”, “clay-like”. The accents are ceramics with geometric patterns, ornate ornaments, and oriental motifs.

Chandeliers in ethno style

Impeccable interior design - ethnic style is so meticulous that it cannot be imagined without defining details. Ethnic chandeliers are considered the final, but important, design touches. Like other interior items, they reflect cultural heritage:

Lamps - ethno style

These interior items do an excellent job of their immediate task - illuminating required surface, for example, the working part in the kitchen or desk. And when making the right choice and skillful arrangement - they place emphasis on certain elements of the interior, emphasizing style and mood. Pendant lamps in ethno style are made of wood, metal, glass, and textiles.

Transferring the necessary energy in an ethnic style is impossible without various figurines, national household items and other decorative elements. If we are talking about the African direction, then these are masks, floor vases, embroidered pillows. Japanese ethno style in the interior implies the presence of fans, vases, tea sets, ikebana, classic English - figurines, photographs, paintings, beautiful napkins. Kitchen decor includes ethnic style plates, spice jars, tablecloths, towels, etc.

Ethnic style in the interior is a concept that everyone has heard of, but not everyone knows what exactly it means. Translated from Greek, “ethnos” means “people,” so ethnostyle can relate to Italian, German, Turkish and any other culture. But in the design community, this word has become a general designation for southern and eastern styles - African, Moroccan, Mexican, Brazilian, Thai, Indian and others. involves mixing the heritage of cultures of different peoples into a single whole, according to the concept of eclecticism. But it would be correct to consider each of them separately.


Of course, from the variety of styles listed above, it is impossible to single out a common color palette– some countries hold orange and red shades in high esteem, others use all the colors of the rainbow in their design, others build monochrome combinations, and for others it is not at all easy to trace the logical chain. Therefore, when creating an ethnic interior, find out more about the characteristics of a particular country and the meaning of color in its culture.


First, let's choose a style! What is closer to you, Eastern relaxation or African rebellious spirit? Regardless of the elements of what culture we will use, the materials chosen for this are simple and traditional. Wood, stone, fabric, as little plastic and metal as possible - at the same time implementing useful principles. It’s ideal if you become like the colonialists and fill your home with accessories that you personally brought from different countries.


African ethnic style in the interior is considered one of the most popular - it does not require a large area and total redevelopment, as it is based solely on furniture and accessories. Colors – hot sunny: red, orange, yellow, terracotta, red-brown, black. African interiors are not at all similar to the paintings of this people, made with thick, wide strokes of pure colors. They are relatively strict and restrained, characterized by clear geometry and a symmetrically constructed composition.

  • Several well-known accessories will help make it as close to authentic as possible. The most noticeable of them is animal skins and imitation of this texture on various surfaces. Zebra, tiger, giraffe, leopard – these prints can be placed on bed linen, carpets, curtains, and furniture upholstery.

  • As a rule, African interiors are very fragmented, there is no main and secondary, each thing works to create an overall image. Wooden figurines and dishes are the second famous motif that will decorate your room. They are usually made of dark wood, on the surface of which traces of the cutter remain visible. The carelessness and certain primitiveness of such figures gives the decor texture.


The Indian style is much more colorful and intricate, it looks like a motley kaleidoscope, in which azure, lingonberry, scarlet, orange, lemon glass shimmers, interspersed with silver and gold sparkles. It is not distinguished by compositional rigor, and to a European person it may seem too relaxed and chaotic. But this is where its charm and philosophy lies.

  • In addition to bold colors, fill the room with textiles - both expensive and simple fabrics will do, as long as they contrast sharply with each other. Carpets, pillows and canopies can be layered on top of each other; moderation is of no use here. Tassels and fringe - another one important element this ethnic style in the interior.

  • The furniture can be low and simple, but always decorated with rich carvings. Such rooms are usually zoned using screens, wooden or silk, on a frame. Avoid overhead lighting by placing small lamps with wide lampshades to match the decor in different corners.


In Moroccan style, more emphasis is placed on architecture rather than decoration. First of all, this is the primacy of pointed arches, vaults and domed ceilings. Moroccan style is usually considered colorful and a little tacky, but in reality this is not always the case.

  • Sometimes color is used very sparingly so as not to overshadow the elegance of the designs, as in the photo below. To create the interior of your apartment, you can borrow mosaics and carved portals typical of Marrakesh.

  • For those who are inspired by flashy, you will like the richness Moroccan interiors crazy, at first glance, combinations of colors and prints. Incredibly, yellow will harmonize with fuchsia, and purple with light green, if you get curtains and furniture covers sewn by local craftsmen.


Mexican ethnic style in the interior of modern apartments is quite rare, and this, it seems to us, is undeserved. It can be an interesting alternative, because Mexicans decorate their homes simply, without pompous frills, creating the mood with bright accents.

  • Much of it came from Indian and Spanish culture. For example, the use of solid wood in furniture making, conservation large quantity free space in the rooms, rough stone paved floors. Among other things, it is very budget-friendly, and you can do a lot with your own hands.

  • Like other Latin American countries, Mexico is famous for the art of creating ceramics, which are decorated with primitive ornaments or painted in rich colors. It’s a real holiday for the soul to see such an extravaganza of bright colors in front of you every day.


China stands out a little from this riotous carnival, but the ethnic style in the interior is inseparable from oriental exoticism. Unlike Japanese, it does not pretend to be minimalist, giving us great opportunity borrow the most charismatic details from yourself.

  • Business card chinese style is the color red, as symbolizing the triumph of life, well-being, success. The furniture should be squat, without sharp corners and, perhaps, even without upholstery. Pay special attention to the beauty of the wood by covering it with glossy varnish.

  • What other typical accessories come to mind? Bamboo mats, screens decorated with calligraphy, paper lanterns, thin fans. Just avoid getting too close to kitsch, remembering the Asian desire to curb chaos and reluctance to carry a heavy material load with them. After all, sometimes you can limit yourself to just one unusual corner.

Interior design in any country has personal ethnic characteristics - in the corresponding article you can find out what is traditional and fill your home with national flavor, which many of us have undeservedly forgotten.