DIY fountain in a pond at the dacha. Homemade mini fountain

We all rejoice at the arrival of summer, but when the sun begins to get very hot, we want coolness. Therefore, many people strive to spend more time near fountains, which will not only freshen the air, but also lift their spirits with the sound of falling water. But you don’t have to go to the square to admire this action. Every person, regardless of whether he lives in an ordinary city apartment or in a private house, can make his own decorative fountain.

Pros and cons of creating

A decorative fountain is primarily an element designed to decorate the surrounding space. It has several key advantages:

But artificial fountains also have certain disadvantages:

  • Need for special care and periodic monitoring. This structure must be cleaned regularly to prevent debris from clogging the pump. It is also necessary to monitor the serviceability of the equipment and promptly resolve any problems that arise.
  • Given that the pump requires electrical power to operate, the fountain will incur certain costs to operate, which can be particularly high if the installation will be in operation for a long time.

Types of structures

Decorative fountains may differ from each other in various parameters. For example, according to the type of placement, they are usually classified into indoor and outdoor. The former are intended for decorating rooms, and the latter are used in open spaces, where they act as component element landscape design.

Based on the type of design, fountains can be divided into several types:

Depending on the nature of the movement of water flow, fountains can be divided into the following types:

It is also customary to additionally highlight annular a fountain in which a ring-shaped pipe is provided, and holes are located in it at the same distance from each other. When water is supplied through them, a flow appears that resembles a ring.

An interesting variation is installation in the form of a hemisphere or hemisphere. It consists of several parallel disk attachments connected in a special way. At the moment water is supplied under pressure, the stream takes on a spherical shape, which gives the entire structure a very unusual and spectacular appearance.

Shapes and sizes

Although the fountain can have any size and shape, when choosing them it is recommended to use common sense and remember that it will be somewhat more difficult to care for an installation with a more intricate shape and large dimensions.

The bowl of the fountain can have a symmetrical or non-standard asymmetrical shape. For example, it can be made in the form of an oval, square, circle, triangle, as well as any other geometric shapes, including those that follow the contours of the silhouette of an animal or person.

Also, fountains can be complex multi-level or made of several interconnected containers. In this case, each of these elements can be equipped with its own nozzle, being integral part more complex installation.

Stylistic design

Fountains used for decorative purposes can be made in a wide variety of styles. Whether a structure belongs to one direction or another depends on various factors- appearance, shape and size, material of manufacture.

There are several design options applicable to decorative fountains:

Installation location

In order for a decorative fountain to successfully cope with its role, it is necessary to correctly approach the location of its placement.

Prepare the area in advance so that you can approach the fountain or sit close to it. Make sure that the structure is not obscured by other landscaping elements.

DIY decorative fountain

It is not necessary to pay money to a craftsman to make an original decorative fountain. Any owner can handle this task independently.

Materials and tools

And first of all, you need to prepare the tools, materials and devices necessary for the work:

  • container that you will use as a bowl. This could be an old barrel or a bathtub. The main thing is that the product is strong enough without damage to withstand the volume of water;
  • a pipe or a sufficiently strong and dense hose for supplying water;
  • pumping unit;
  • materials for waterproofing;
  • filter;
  • nozzle;
  • shovel.

Manufacturing process

Once you have everything you need prepared, you can proceed to making a decorative fountain:

The fountain you make will last longer if you regularly check the condition of the devices and promptly eliminate any malfunctions that arise, as well as clean the bowl of any debris that gets into it.

A decorative fountain can become one of the main elements of your site and better side change its design. You just need to approach its production correctly. With a little imagination and using unnecessary materials, you can certainly create a creation with your own hands that will look no worse than the ones you made. by professional craftsmen products.

Doing landscaping personal plots, some owners at some point come to the realization that there is not enough fountain on the site. You shouldn’t give up on this idea if you have everything planned out long ago and there is no extra space left. After all, it doesn't have to be large design. Even on small areas you can find a place to arrange a compact decorative fountain, which will give you coolness and become a wonderful relaxation area.

If you decide to create it yourself, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this work. And first of all, you must understand what type of installation this installation should have, what material it should be made of, and how water should flow in it. These and many other factors will determine whether you will be satisfied with the end result.

If this is your first time making your own fountain at your dacha, then you should not build a complex configuration installation. This will not only require more time from you, Money and strength to create it, but it will also create certain difficulties for you in the future during care. Best to build small fountain standard form, which can be made from the most ordinary materials and it will be no more difficult to care for than any other object on your site.

One cannot but agree that after a difficult working day at the dacha you want to relax at least a little by the fountain, and even more so if it is made by yourself.

Even the smallest and simplest fountain can change the landscape design of the site for the better.

Choosing a site for construction

When it comes to choosing a place where the fountain will be located, the main thing you should pay attention to is the degree of slope of the ground. Most the best option will install it in a low area, then air humidification will be as effective as possible.

Undesirable locations for fountains:

  1. Too close to home, or to some other building. During the wind, splashes of water will fly onto the walls, and this will negatively affect their service life.
  2. Near the trees, and even more so under them. Roots can severely deform both the fountain bowl and the waterproofing. Fluff, seeds, fruits and leaves can cause a variety of damage if they get into the bowl.
  3. On strongly open areas . The fact is that an excess of direct sun rays over time leads to algal blooms.

Place for the fountain - next to communications and partially in the shade

The best option would be a platform. which is clearly visible both from the house and from all corners of the garden, but taking into account the exclusion of the above listed places.

Selection of capacity

If you choose the right container, the water will remain inside the fountain for a long time and also maintain its purity. There are a lot of options for containers, here we will look at the most popular ones.

The most the best way out From the situation it will be to find a bowl that is suitable in shape and size, and then equip it as you want.

Homemade container

Installation of equipment and capacity

If you have the desire and time, then dig a small reservoir, the bottom of which should be covered with PVC film, and then fix its edges along the perimeter of the hole.

Fountain in a plastic container

It will be much better, but also more expensive, to concrete the bottom. and strengthen the walls with bricks, and then cover the joints good sealant. Such a capacity will be very good option for a stationary fountain that will last for many years.

You can also use an old one as a container. acrylic bath, having previously given it a beautiful appearance. She just digs into the ground.

The equipment and bowl can be purchased at a hardware store, and at home you can just assemble everything yourself, but you can do everything yourself without making a trip to the store.

If the fountain is without a pump, with a small bowl, then it is worth considering the fact that the water in it will have to be changed very often. The large capacity and pump make life much easier for fountain owners.

On the picture different solutions for fountains

Pump selection and installation

Selecting a pump can be very difficult. Here you should focus only on how powerful a stream of water you want to see. It’s also worth considering that if you don’t want to see the top of the pump that spews water, then you should choose a more powerful model.

Also, the power must correspond to the size of the water container, so you should consult with specialists before purchasing.

The pump is the heart of the fountain; without a pump it simply will not work. There are two main types of pumps: surface and submersible.

Surface ones are installed on land, in a place protected from moisture, but they must be located below the water level in the container.

The principle of operation is that the pump takes water from a container (or reservoir), then it passes through a filter and is fed into the fountain with a hose.

Surface pumps are more expensive and difficult to install (compared to submersible ones), but at the same time they are very reliable and last for many years without maintenance.

Submersible pumps are installed directly into a water tank. Working part be directly under water. This type of fountain pump is the most inexpensive and simplest. You just need to connect it to the network, but first lower it into the water. Hosted submersible pump not at the very bottom, but on a slight elevation.

Optional equipment

Spray heads, nozzles, water supply regulators... All this helps to regulate the strength, shape of the jets, as well as the pattern in which the water moves.

In construction stores there are a lot of devices that can be used to make both the simplest and very complex visual effects.

The process of creating a fountain almost always involves the same work, and this does not depend on its shape and style.

You first need to make a hole, then put a tank of the desired shape and volume in it, install a pump, and then decorate the whole thing.

If the fountain is planned to be large, then it is necessary to build a foundation. As for small specimens, a medium-sized plastic container will be sufficient. All this also applies to making a stone fountain with your own hands.

We will need the following materials:

  • planks and slats to strengthen the fountain;
  • PVC pipe, coupling and copper pipe;
  • a bowl made of waterproof material, necessarily completely intact, without cracks or other flaws;
  • water pump;
  • gravel (used as drainage);
  • cobblestones and flat stones.

In addition to materials, we will also need certain tools:

  • syringe with sealant for processing seams;
  • sliding key;
  • drill;
  • a roll of electrical tape;
  • pipe cutter;
  • scissors;
  • hand saw;
  • big and small hammer.

Operating procedure:

  1. We dig a hole that is 5 centimeters deeper than the height of the bowl, as well as a ditch to the outlet to connect the pump there.
  2. Pour 5 centimeters of gravel. This will be the drainage layer.
  3. We install a bowl inside the ditch, put a PVC pipe in it, connect the pipe to the bowl, and fill the ditch with soil.
  4. We install a pump in the bowl and make holes for the pipes to exit.
  5. We connect the pipe and the bowl.
  6. We pour gravel into the bottom of the bowl and install our pump.
  7. Place slats and planks on top of the bowl. This will strengthen the structure.
  8. We stack the stones one on top of the other, and then drill holes for the copper tube in the marked places.

The video shows how to make a fountain at your dacha out of stone with your own hands.

Basically that's all engineering works completed, only aesthetic ones remain. Place smaller pebbles in large cracks and pour sealant into the gaps. Once the glue has dried, you can fill the bowl with water.

All that remains is to adjust the pressure, connect the pump, and that’s it, a unique fountain will decorate your backyard.

The huge advantage of a self-made fountain is that it is one of a kind, original, and there is nothing identical in the world.

Design without pump

The easiest to install is a fountain without a pump.

The principle of its operation lies in the law of communicating vessels. The most optimal quantity vessels - 3. One is installed from below, and two from above, at the same level. All vessels must be identical in capacity and shape.

Thanks to the connection by tubes, water from two vessels on top flows into the third one, the one below. The third vessel must be removable in order to pour water into the upper ones. The design is very convenient for the premises, but it can be installed on the site, you just select proportionally large parts.

Learn how to build a bottle fountain.

Proper care

During the first launch of the fountain, this will most likely happen in mid-spring, it is necessary to drain all the water that was in the system. If the bowl is small, it is better to change the water once a month.

Then constantly monitor the water level; it evaporates and is also blown off the surface of the bowl by the wind. However, maintenance isn't just about draining and filling the tank with water.

The owner of the fountain must regularly clean the bowl from leaves and other debris. The problem is that if this whole thing starts to rot right in the bowl (and this cannot be avoided if it is wet) environment), then your fountain will become a haven for fungi, algae and other bacteria.

The photo selection shows hand-made fountains at the dacha.

Before the onset of winter, it is better to drain all the water and wash the thicket and tank thoroughly.. Vinyl film will help isolate system parts from external adverse factors.

As soon as you notice cracks or damage on the surface of the bowl or other parts of the fountain, immediately treat them with waterproofing paint. If this is not done, the consequences can be disastrous, including the purchase of a new bowl.

Pumps, lights, nozzles and other equipment before in winter It’s better to hide it inside some room. The garage is great for storage.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of the style of the fountain, be it avant-garde, oriental, rustic, classic, it will still be a bright element of landscape design, will attract the eyes of guests, and give the garden a special appearance.

In addition to everything that has already been said, a fountain will improve the garden not only aesthetically, but also practically. On particularly hot days, it humidifies the air, so it will be easier for not only the garden owners to breathe, but also the plants.

Construction of a fountain in a country house is not as complicated a procedure as it seems at first glance. Such structures are closed water circulation systems. Each system consists of two parts - a smaller one, mounted in open form, and a larger one, hidden under water.

If we simplify the flow diagram of the fountain, it would look something like this. The element of the system, which is considered to be a fountain, is just a decorative bowl where the ejection nozzle is located. The shape of the bowl, as well as the nozzle itself, can be very diverse (just remember the famous Bakhchisarai fountains).

Ejecting from the nozzle, water fills the container, from where it enters the cleaning filter through a special hole and is fed back to the nozzle. It is typical that to adjust the filling level, the bowl is equipped with a special overflow device.

Main types

Depending on the method of execution, fountains can be of two types:

In the first case they are similar to architectural structures, decorating municipal squares and parks. They are not just water “fireworks”, but a true work of art. Typically, such fountains are based on some kind of figure - for example, a plant or a woman with a jug. For their manufacture, polymer concrete (artificial stone) is used, which is characterized by strength, reliability and resistance to low temperatures.

Submersible systems are created in the reservoirs themselves and consist of several basic elements:

Such fountains are used mainly in suburban areas and from the outside they look as if an underground spring is spewing water spray.

Decorative aspect of the issue

Note! The most popular is the regular jet fountain. In it, a stream of water is directed upward, dividing into several smaller streams. Very primitive, but at the same time original. With such a miniature fountain, the garden pond will look new.

Often the shape of fountains is symmetrical, that is, it obeys all the laws of geometry. They can be round, rectangular, etc. Regardless of the shape, in addition decorative design structures are not needed - the boundaries of the reservoir are simply marked (for example, with stucco or natural stone), the main thing is that the style matches the overall landscape design.

It’s probably not worth talking about once again about what large area has a plot, the larger the fountain can be built. A huge structure on a miniature five hundred square meters would look ridiculous.

Choosing a suitable location

The optimal place to build a fountain is considered to be one that is clearly visible from different points in the garden. It would be great to equip a water structure in a recreation area or on.

Note! The fountain should not block approaches to other elements of the garden or buildings on the site.

When planning construction, the relief features of a particular site should be taken into account. It is advisable that the fountain be located in a low area - this provides several advantages:

  • volumes groundwater it will be easier to adjust in the required direction;
  • the air will be saturated with moisture, which is important on hot days.

Note! You cannot install fountains near trees or in the center of the site, otherwise the waterproofing or the entire internal structure will be damaged by roots, and fallen leaves will clog the filtration system.

Regardless of the type of structure, installation involves the following activities:

For a small structure you can use a regular one plastic container, while massive fountains require preliminary construction of a foundation. For water supply it is recommended to use plastic pipes, which do not rust and are connected with a soldering iron.

Note! The main element of any design is hydraulic equipment, which generates pressure and throws water out of the nozzle.

Pump equipment

The service life of a fountain largely depends on quality, so it is better not to skimp on this element. The operation of the pump is quite simple: through the drain hole in the bowl, water enters the pipes and flows through them to the pump intake pipe. He, in turn, creates required pressure and throws it out through the nozzle. Thus the cycle repeats.

Pump power depends on two factors:

  • bowl volume;
  • required ejection force.

Note! The circulation pump requires electricity, so the connection should be taken care of during planning. Don’t despair if you can’t power the device with electricity - a small domed fountain can be made without the help of a pump.

Similar models have more natural look, but they can only be equipped on sloping terrain. Here water circulates according to the principle of several communicating vessels located on different tiers.

When planning, you can use ready-made options that have been repeatedly tested in practice:

  • a fountain made of stones;
  • construction from scrap materials.

Let's consider the technologies for their production.

Prices for a linear series of pumping stations

Pumping stations

Option #1. Making a fountain from scrap materials

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • shovel.


  • iron sheet;
  • stones of appropriate size;
  • acrylic bath;
  • Earth;
  • circulation pump;
  • decorative elements (lamps, sculptures, plants, etc.).

Having prepared everything you need, you can start working. The procedure is as follows.

Step 1. First, stones are selected (they can be found near a pond or a country road). They should be oval or round.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4. Wide inserts necessary to protect the playground or recreation area from splashes are cut out of non-ferrous metal (copper, aluminum, etc.). The inserts are laid and decorated with stone.

Step 5. Smaller stones are placed on the bottom, and lighting is installed (if planned).

Step 6. The circulation pump is installed, the bowl is filled with water. The final decoration of the structure is carried out (depending only on personal preferences and taste - there are no restrictions).

Note! Natural stones will look beautiful in combination with sculptures - a frog, leopard, gnome, etc. The sculptures will merge with the stone and will focus attention on the original decor.

In addition, you need to select bright vegetation (it is advisable to place it in vases), as well as elements made of wood - ordinary branches, wheels, mill blades.

Option #2. Making a stone fountain

Required tools:

  • mounting syringe for filling seams;
  • hammer;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • pipe cutter


  • boards and slats to strengthen the structure;
  • stones (flat);
  • copper pipe;
  • PVC pipe;
  • gravel for the drainage system;
  • coupling;
  • water pump;
  • airtight container for the bowl.

The construction of this type of fountain consists of the following stages.

Step 1. First, a hole is dug 5 cm deep than the height of the container. A small ditch is also made to the outlet.

Step 2. A 5-centimeter “cushion” of gravel is poured.

Step 3. The container and PVC pipe are laid, both elements are connected. The ditch is covered with earth.

Step 4. A pump is installed in the container, outlet holes are marked and made.

Step 5. The container is connected to a copper pipe.

Step 6. Gravel is poured into the bottom of the container and the pump is fixed.

Step 7. The fountain is strengthened - slats and boards are laid on the bowl.

Step 8. Flat stones are stacked on top of each other, and places are marked for making holes in each of them.

Step 9. Holes are made, stones are strung on a copper pipe.

Step 10. Decorating the structure is the final stage of the work. Large gaps between stones are filled with small stones; silicone-based glue is used to fill the gaps.

When the glue dries, the bowl is filled with water, the pump is connected, adjustments are made and that’s it - the fountain is completely ready for use.

Prices for fountains and ponds

Fountains and ponds

Video – Construction of a stone fountain

And in conclusion - another thematic video.

Video - Fountain from a teapot

A fountain can turn that piece of nature that you call your garden into a magical place where you will enjoy life and restore your strength.

Modern fountains are so diverse in the visual sense that such a design can literally fit into any landscape. Different sizes, forms, from different materials, having different functional features, decor – can’t find something for specific case difficult.

Fountain and garden - unity of style

Your garden may have a classic fountain with sculptures and relief decoration, or an avant-garde fountain, the design of which will use metal and glass, an impressive Swiss fountain, the jets of which will rise to enormous height or a tornado fountain in which water falls from above, a fountain with fog, a source fountain, a fountain whose water flows along glass threads or a glass panel, etc. Ideas for the garden in terms of arranging these wonderful water features are inexhaustible.

The fountain can be installed in an existing reservoir on the site or in a specially constructed bowl. Available for sale ready-made designs with small tanks that are simply installed on the surface. They are good because they can be installed on areas with hard surface, terraces, patios, winter gardens.

Equipment for the fountain

The equipment for constructing a fountain is not complicated. For a small fountain, a set of a low-power pump and hoses with nozzles is enough. If you are thinking about a more complex design, it is worth purchasing an extended kit, thanks to which you can get automatic control of water flows (their speed and direction) and dynamic lighting (including color). As well as such useful functions as water purification with special filters, remote control and much more.

Garden fountains - the song of water

When thinking about installing a structure such as a fountain in your garden, it is important to take into account the natural “sound accompaniment”. The sounds of water can be very different: cheerful, bright, soft, quiet, loud, bubbling, etc. The nature of the sounds is influenced by the height and shape of the jets: high-rising, thin ones will be born ringing sounds, wide, voluminous flows - deep.

The jets are formed by nozzles. Usually there are 2-3 of them in a fountain set, which allows you to expand not only the visual, but also the sound range of the design, and include a certain “song of water” at will.

The speed of water flow also affects the sound effect, and almost all modern fountain equipment makes it possible to regulate it.

Why is the water in the fountain alive?

Of all bodies of water, the fountain humidifies the air most actively - because its water is constantly in motion. Moreover, as the jets rise, fall and break, the structure of water molecules changes, and negatively charged ions, which scientists call “health vitamins,” rush into the air.

They are the antipodes of the positive ions of our usual air, filled with dust and densely permeated with the radiation of modern technology, which negatively affect health and well-being. For your information: negative ions predominate in the air on the seashore and in the mountains. When a person inhales them, they penetrate the blood and stimulate biochemical processes, leading to the restoration of many structures of the body. It would be unreasonable to refuse a fountain - your own small source of living water.

Fountain color therapy

Fountain lighting is an additional function, but very interesting and useful. The light accompaniment of the movement of water jets not only dispels the darkness, but has an emotional impact. Static lighting is good when the water seems filled with light, but dynamic lighting, in which the light also becomes alive and plays with the moving water, gives an indescribable experience.

This article is about how to make a fountain in your country house with your own hands. We have to decide what equipment is needed to set it up; purchase everything you need; finally, all devices and materials will need to be combined into a coherent composition with attractive design. So, let's go.

Components of success

Obviously, making a fountain flow is too wasteful: drinking water It’s not cheap, and its disposal in the simplest and most obvious way will mean an abundance of dirt and puddles on the site. Our choice - closed system, recirculation in which is provided by a pump.

What will be needed to organize it?

  1. Capacity It should be large enough so as not to require frequent replenishment of the water supply: the main problem of mini-fountains is precisely that due to evaporation and splashing, the miniature pond rapidly becomes shallow.
  2. Area around the container, ensuring the absence of puddles in windy weather.

Please note: the site should have a slight slope towards the center.
In this case, the water from the wind-blown stream will be properly returned for recirculation.

  1. Power supply. Powerful pumps are powered by 220 volts, so to connect them you only need to ensure that the cable connections are sealed and protected from mechanical damage. Low capacity devices may require a 12 volt converter direct current at the exit.
  2. The pump itself. Technically, nothing prevents you from using any drainage; however, specialized devices look much more preferable - fortunately, their price starts from a little over a thousand rubles.
  3. Decorative design. In most cases, the fountain is decorated natural stone- boulders placed on the bottom and around the container; however, the reader’s imagination may well suggest unconventional solutions.

Gift - to the studio

Aren't you scared by the front of work? For those who find a significant amount of work burdensome, the current market can offer ready-made solution, and quite inexpensive. Garden and country fountains made of polystone just need to be installed on a flat area, pour water into the container and turn on the power.

Perhaps an unfamiliar term needs clarification. What is polystone?

The origin of the term is obvious: poly - from “polymer”, stone - a transcription of the English “stone” (stone).

The exact composition of the material is not widely available and is probably a trade secret of the manufacturer, the Chinese company Acrilica; however, since it is marketed as an acrylic stone, it is not difficult to guess the main components.

  • Aluminum trihydrate Al(OH)3 (more precisely, white clay consisting of a little less than entirely of it).
  • Acrylic resin (in solid form, better known to us as plexiglass).
  • Mineral pigments that give artificial stone kind of natural.

Since our material is a typical thermoplastic that can be cast (as well as glued, cut and sanded), it can be used to produce products of any complex shape. How is it different from natural stone?

The cost of products starts from approximately 1,500 rubles.

Please note: many manufacturers supply inferior price category without pump included.

Purchases and their application

For those who resisted the temptation and want to build a country fountain with their own hands, let’s continue. As always, big job starts with a shopping trip; In the process of discussing purchases, we will inevitably touch on their use.


The most obvious solution is a small garden pond made of polyvinyl chloride. These products are manufactured in any shape and size; The typical color of the inner surface is black. The pond can be of constant height or stepped.

Plan B - use regular old bath. The outlet is plugged with a plug placed on the sealant; the inner surface is etched with oxalic acid and painted with any waterproof black paint.

Platform and drainage

Obviously, you will have to dig a small pit under the container. However, do not rush to put it on the bottom: first you need to fill the pit with 10-15 centimeters of sand, screenings or small crushed stone.

For what?

  1. The bedding will provide drainage. After rain, the container will not be immersed in liquid mud.
  2. In addition, crushed stone and sand are non-heaving soils. Water freezing in cold weather will not push the container to the surface.

Please note: it is also better to backfill with sand or crushed stone.
An even more practical option is to backfill with a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:5: in this case, the pond will be surrounded by a strong and rigid frame that prevents any external influences.

It is not difficult to provide a slope towards the container; but how to make the soil surface impermeable to water?

The most obvious solution is concreting the site followed by ironing (the set concrete is sprinkled with dry cement). As an option, flat stones can be pressed into freshly laid concrete, imitating the natural topography.


The power cable is laid at a shallow depth in metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 16 mm. It has sufficient rigidity and is covered with a dielectric on both sides - external and internal.

For low-voltage pumps, a low-power transformer is installed in the house for LED lighting systems. These devices are inexpensive, have high efficiency and practically do not heat up.

How to splice a cable in a section laid in the ground?

  1. We clean the general insulation and conductors.
  2. We put it on each of the cores heat shrink tube. Another one, of a larger cross-section, is for the cable itself.
  3. We twist or, better yet, solder the wires and heat shrink them with a hairdryer or lighter.
  4. Apply a little silicone sealant to the area with the general insulation stripped.
  5. We slide the thick heat shrink and warm it up. The resulting connection is absolutely sealed.


Our choice is a submersible pump with an adjustable spray nozzle. The presence of a tee in front of the nozzle, designed to organize a waterfall, is welcome. Even if it’s not part of your plans, installing fountains at your dacha means draining them for the winter; By connecting a hose to the outlet, you can quickly drain the container.

The photo shows several pumps of different capacities.

The main problem in choosing a pump is to select its optimal performance. It is linearly related to the expected jet height; for that, in turn, the optimal value is equal to a third of the cross-section of the pond.

Here is a table of the relationship between productivity and jet height for domestic Cascade pumps.

Please note: the jet height depends not only on the performance, but also on the nozzle used.
Don't forget to read the documentation before purchasing.

The pump is installed in the pond on a slight elevation: in this case, it will not become clogged with silt.


Decoration is a matter of personal preference; imposing your opinion in this area is frankly a thankless task. We can only offer the reader a few ideas that seem interesting.


We hope that the material presented to the reader will help him decide how to build a fountain in his country house. Good luck!