Formation of universal educational actions using the “perspective” educational system. Formation of uud in literary reading lessons in the educational system "perspective" The main educational program for preparing a master's degree in the field

M.V. Rebyakova,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 22", Severodvinsk

Formation of UUD in literary reading lessons using the educational complex “Perspective”

Literary reading - one of the main subjects in elementary school, combines two main directions in education, reflected in the name - the study of literary and artistic works and the formation of speech skills and abilities, communicative - speech reading skills.The most important task of the modern education system isformation of universal educational actions , providing schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. The quality of knowledge acquisition is determined by the diversity and nature of the types of universal actions.Forming the ability and readiness of students to implement universal educational activities will improve the effectiveness of educationaleducational process in primary school. In conceptUMK "Perspective" the value guidelines for the formation of a UUD are determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the general idea of ​​a modern primary school graduate. This is the person:

inquisitive, interested, actively exploring the world,

possesses the basics of learning skills,

loving his native land and his country,

respects and accepts the values ​​of family and society,

ready to act independently and be responsible for his actions to his family and school,

friendly, able to listen and hear a partner,

able to express his opinion,

following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for himself and others.

Universal educational activities in the educational complex “Perspective” are considered as a set of pedagogical guidelines in the organization of the educational process in primary school.

An indicator of the success of the formation of UUD will be the student’s orientation towards performing actions expressed in the categories: I know/can, I want; I do.

The main types of UUD, corresponding to the key goals of general education, can be divided into four blocks: personal; regulatory; informative; communicative.

Personal actions provide valuestudents’ semantic orientation and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

Three types of personal actions can be distinguished:self-determination; thought formation; moral and ethical orientation.

Regulatory Actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include: goal setting; planning; forecasting; control; correction; grade;self-regulation.

Cognitive actions includes: general education;brain teaser;formulation and solution of the problem.

Communication actions: planning educational cooperation;asking questions;conflict resolution;managing your partner’s behavior;the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Communicative UUDs are formed when:

the student learns to answer questions;

the student learns to ask questions;

the student learns to conduct a dialogue;

the student learns to retell the plot;

Students are taught to listen - before this, the teacher usually says: “We listen carefully.”

Personal UUDs are formed when:the teacher asks questions that help create motivation, i.e., the question is aimed directly at generating interest. For example: “What would you do...”; "What would you do…"; The teacher contributes to the emergence of a personal, emotional attitude of students to the topic being studied. This is usually facilitated by questions: “How do you feel...”; "How do you like…".

Cognitive UUDs are formed whenthe teacher says: “Think”; “Complete the task”; "Analyze"; “Conclude…”

Regulatory UUDs are formed whenThe teacher teaches specific methods of action: planning, setting a goal, using an algorithm for solving a given problem, evaluating, etc.

A literary reading lesson is a special lesson that is important forreader's personality development , helping our children navigate a huge number of books, works, and author names. Naturally, each lesson should be interesting, logical, harmonious, educational, and activity-based. Why? Yes, because the child needs to be “charged” with reading interest, given a special inoculation for reading, and stimulated.

The success of a literary reading lesson depends on what task the teacher set when studying the text and how he was able to construct an algorithm for mastering a particular text.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, it is possible to conduct different types of literary reading lessons:

lesson on getting to know the work (reading lesson; the main content of the lesson is devoted to the formation of reading skills, if necessary for this class);

lesson in reading and understanding the work (in one lesson the work being studied is considered and the entire system of work on developing skills in working with text is implemented from the stage of primary perception to the generalizing stage of working with text);

lesson on understanding the work (a system of working with text is implemented from the stage of secondary perception of the text to all possible forms of text interpretation - retelling, creating a text by analogy, dramatization, etc.);

speech development lesson (creation of all possible forms of text interpretation - oral or written presentation; oral or written composition based on works of art);

book lesson (extracurricular reading, bibliography lesson);

lesson on monitoring and assessing learning outcomes (carrying out verification and control work).

When planning any lesson aimed at developing universal educational actions in students, I use the possibilitiesthe main teaching tool - the textbook . When selecting textbook tasks for organizing lesson activities, I take into account its invariant and variable parts, the differentiation of students by level of preparation and pace of activity, as well as other characteristics of students in their class.

Work algorithm above the work includes the generally accepted sequence of studying the text.

Preparation for primary perception of the text.

Target: create an appropriate emotional atmosphere, revive the life experiences of children necessary for the perception of the work.

anticipation of the content of the text based on the title and illustrations; viewing an exhibition of books or a book in which the work being studied is included; the teacher's story about the events discussed in the work; viewing reproductions of paintings; listening to a piece of music; viewing film fragments, filmstrips; conversation on a topic close to the theme of the work; conversation about the work of a writer or poet; a quiz on his works; reading and explaining words that students do not understand; reading words that are technically difficult for students, etc.

Primary perception of the text.

Target: ensure emotional perception and interest in the work being studied.

: reading a text by a teacher, independent reading by students, combined reading, listening to a recording of a text being read by a master of artistic expression.

Checking the initial perception of the text.

Target: assessment of the quality of independent text perception; adjustment of the course of text analysis planned by the teacher.

Possible methodological techniques : a conversation that reveals the emotional response to the work and the children’s understanding of its general meaning.

Motivation for rereading and analyzing the work.

Target: awaken interest in re-reading the text, the need for analytical work.

Possible methodological techniques: posing problematic questions, searching for inaccuracies in illustrations, comparing different reading options, explaining unclear words.

Text analysis.

Target: deepen the perception of the work, mastering the idea of ​​the work.

Possible methodological techniques: sequential rereading aloud with comments; independent rereading with various tasks; planning; comparison with a work on the same topic; stylistic experiment, etc.

Summarizing the results of the analysis.

Target: provide a deeper holistic perception of the work.

Possible methodological techniques: expressive reading of a work, dramatization, various types of retelling, writing on a studied work, creating an exhibition of drawings and an exhibition of books, etc.

It has been proven by pedagogical practice that learning effectiveness is associatedwith learning motivation . And motivation directly depends on understanding the significance of knowledge. When designing a lesson, I give preference to such types of student activities that simulate life situations.

Work in pairs and groups at the lesson stage to consolidate subject knowledge by students was organized in the form of an educational practice-oriented project. Today there is a lot of talk about project activities in the educational process. Educational projects become a tool that allows both to maintain educational motivation and to form universal educational actions in students.

Another effective means of achieving planned meta-subject resultswas systematically organized in classworking with reference materials .

If we talk about specific methods that teach universal educational activities, they include excursions, and searching for additional material on a given topic, and exchanging opinions, and identifying controversial issues, and building a system of evidence, and speaking in front of an audience, and discussion in groups, and much more

The lesson begins with a special situation - establishing contact between children and the teacher, creating an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. The teacher “seems to” extend his hand to each of the students and invites them to cooperation and dialogue.

Let's smile at each other. I am glad to see your faces, your smiles again, and I think that the lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. You will learn a lot and learn a lot. Let us wish each other success in our studies.

This psychological aspect of organizing educational activities is especially important in 1st grade, when the child does not yet know his interlocutors and does not know how to enter into dialogue. In this case, students cannot be immediately asked to solve a learning problem; they may be unprepared for work, since favorable soil has not been created for this. An atmosphere of spontaneity will only harm the further course of the educational process and complicate the organization of educational activities.

After establishing interpersonal contact and creating an atmosphere of trust, you can include students in substantive activities - introduce them to a new literary work. Over time, this process will become natural, familiar, and students will expect it as a new communicative event, like a meeting with a new interesting author.

In order for every child to be interested in perceiving and comprehending a new work, the teacher often resorts to creating a special problem situation; he intrigues the students with a situation of uncertainty, ignorance of what the students themselves have to learn, unravel, understand in the text, which means “catch the author’s intention” .

So, for example, when studying the topic: “Hello, fairy tale!”

Textbook “Literary reading”, part 1.

What helped you learn fairy tales?

Why do you think you need to know fairy tales?

How to distinguish a folk tale from an original one?

You can answer all these questions when you get acquainted with the topic “Hello, fairy tale!”

A problematic situation can be created based on the author’s text, which is offered not only for reading, but also for research. The choice of text is extremely important, since it must contain some kind of mystery, an interesting author’s idea, an idea that one wants to understand, unravel, which leads readers to thinking, to dialogue with the author and interlocutors.

Problem situation

Theme: “Native land, forever beloved”

Textbook “Literary reading”, part 2.

Listen to the song “Where does the Motherland begin?”

What is this song about?

Can a person live without a homeland?

Why is our region dear to you?

What would you tell a visitor about our region?

What places do you like best?

Many poems and stories have been written about Russia and its nature. We will get acquainted with these works in this section.

It is precisely this situation of “entering” a new, still incomprehensible text that requires students to enter into special dialogue relationships. The complexity of dialogue in literary reading lessons lies in the presence between the interlocutors of the author’s person, who will be, as it were, invisibly present during the discussion, the discovery of new author’s techniques... The author is that important person, without whom dialogue with the reader is impossible. If students want to find out the meaning of the stated work, they will enter into a dialogue about what they read, ask questions, set tasks for themselves, and strive to solve them. This is how an educational and cognitive motive arises, which pushes children to activity.

At this stage, the teacher needs to organize children’s educational activities in analyzing and interpreting a literary work; it is these actions that will be aimed at solving the problem posed. Forms of work in the lesson can be different: frontal, group, pair, combined. The teacher must be extremely attentive to the statements of children that follow after reading the text, to the hypotheses expressed by students at will. All these children's discoveries are necessarily recorded on the classroom or interactive board in the form of questions that have to be solved in a joint search.

What could happenclimax lesson? The solution to the plan...

Getting as close as possible to the author's intention, realizing a special point of view is the discovery of a new understanding of a work of art, new ways of exploring the creative workshop of writers and poets. This is the resolution of the contradictions that arose during the lesson, this is the birth of a different reader’s view of the author’s idea, the main idea. At such a moment, you can hear the emotional responses of readers, feel changes in the inner world associated with an understanding of the author’s intonations and shades of meaning. At this stage, the teacher sees how his students change, that each of them discovered something new for themselves personally in this work, and whether they felt the beauty of the author’s word.

Finally, a special kind of point can be made in the lesson. Thisdenouement lesson. A certain finality in the reasoning. This moment isreflection , which reveals changes that occurred in the lesson with each reader. Students talk about how they have changed, internally and externally, whether they have found answers to previously posed questions, whether they have come to a new understanding of the author’s idea, or whether they have discovered new literary laws. Such a discussion is logical, constructive, and business-like in nature. Each reader tries to explain what contribution he made to the overall activities of the class or group. Each student strives to understand and explain the importance of his participation in the study of a literary text and the author’s intention.

It is very important to emphasize the importance of the communicative activity of the teacher, who, regardless of the subject being studied, can tell the student: “Well done!” or: “What can we praise ourselves for today?” - at this moment the formation of personal UUD occurs, those. students’ personal emotional attitude to what is happening.

Thus, the subject “Literary Reading” primarily contributes topersonal development of the student, since it provides an understanding of literature as “a means of preserving and transmitting moral values ​​and traditions”, provides an opportunity for the formation of “initial ethical ideas, concepts of good and evil, morality.” Introduction to literature as the art of speech forms individual aesthetic taste. Formationcommunicative universal educational activities are ensured through teaching the correct and skillful use of speech in various life situations, conveying one’s thoughts and feelings to others, through organizing a dialogue with the author in the process of reading the text and educational dialogue at the stage of its discussion. Familiarity with “elementary techniques of interpretation, analysis and transformation of artistic, popular science and educational texts using elementary literary concepts” contributes to the formationeducational universal learning activities.


1. Asmolov A.G. “How to design universal educational activities in elementary school” / M: Prosveshchenie. 2010.

2. Bondarenko S.M., Granik G.G., Kontseva L.A. “How to teach how to work with a book” / M.: NPO “Obrazovanie”. 1995. - With. 201–207.

3. Dyblenko S.A., Soboleva O.V. “Teaching dialogue with text: the view of a psychologist and the view of a teacher” / M.: Education. 2002.

4. Kovalev G.S., Loginov O.B. Second generation standards. Planned results of primary general education./ M: Education. 2010.

5. Soboleva O.V. “Conversations about reading”, series of articles (2007. No. 8-12; 2008. No. 1,3,4,6,9)

6. Collection of work programs “Perspective” grades 1-4 / M: Education. 2011.

Activity-based teaching method in elementary school in mathematics lessons within the framework of the educational complex "Perspective"

Primary school is the most important stage in the process of a student’s general education. In four years, he must not only master the program material of the subject disciplines, but also learn how to study - become a “professional student.”

The responsibility of a primary school teacher has always been exceptional, but with the introduction of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, it increases significantly. In this regard, high-quality methodological support of the educational process in primary school is extremely important and relevant, ensuring “continuous methodological support for the teacher, receiving prompt advice on the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education, using the innovative experience of other educational institutions...”

UMK "Perspective" was created under the leadership of Ph.D. ped. Sciences Klimanova L.F., and is a development of modern achievements in psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining connections with the traditions of classical school education, as well as the advantages of the program include: accessibility and high-quality learning of the material, multilateral development of the student, taking into account his age characteristics .

“Perspective” offers a new approach to pedagogy, where children always have the motivation to learn about the world and people around them through communication and questions. Hence the key phrase of the program: “I communicate, which means I learn.” The process of cognition consists of a flow of actions, and education here helps to realize oneself in the world around us, and not just adapt to this world.

The kit was created simultaneously with the development of Federal State Standards (FSES), working closely with the developers of these standards.

Methodological basis The new complex is a system-activity approach. In this regard, in the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”, tasks aimed at including children in activities are built into a system that allows the learning process to be built as a two-way one:

- training as a means formation of universal educational actions and personal qualities of junior schoolchildren

- learning as a goal - obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Principles of the educational process in the educational complex "Perspective":

1) Humanistic. Creating favorable conditions for living and learning, caring for the welfare of the child. Protection of the rights of schoolchildren, respect for them, the importance of each child, regardless of the level of knowledge and his material security. Moral standards and responsibilities that students must learn in relation to the people around them. Equality in communication between children and adults, with peers, while the basis is freedom of expression and respect for the interlocutor.

2) Historicism. Subject disciplines are studied in a cultural and historical context. The content of an academic subject is structured taking into account the logic and history of the development of the subject. Interrelation and interpenetration of cultures, unity of cultural space in education. Personification of knowledge taking into account the life experience of the student.

3) Communicative. Communication is a subject of specific study, where an important place is given to oral and written speech, the ability to listen to a conversation partner, the ability to negotiate and resolve disputes. The organizational aspect of speech is that students solve all educational goals and tasks together among themselves, and in collaboration with the teacher.

4) Creative activity. Students are encouraged to take initiative in setting new goals for learning and artistic creativity.

The educational complex ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the educational complex “Perspective” is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting our homeland. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

In the system-activity approach, the category of “activity” occupies one of the key places, and activity itself is considered as a kind of system.

An activity-based approach to learning involves:

children have a cognitive motive (desire to know, discover, learn) and a specific educational goal (understanding of what exactly needs to be found out, mastered);
students performing certain actions to acquire missing knowledge;
identifying and mastering by students a method of action that allows them to consciously apply acquired knowledge;

developing in schoolchildren the ability to control their actions - both after their completion and during their course;

inclusion of learning content in the context of solving significant life problems.

Formation of personal UUD at the educational complex "Perspective"

One of the most difficult to form in the educational process are personal universal educational actions. Teachers often try to assess a child's personality, tell him what to do, or prohibit something. But is this always clear to the student? Let's give an example: “Tell me, is fighting good or bad?” Is it possible to answer this question unambiguously? Of course, it all depends on the situation. Let us recall the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad,” in which, using specific examples, the child is shown that the same action is evaluated differently in different situations. During the teaching process, the teacher rarely talks to children in class about the feelings and emotions that children (and the teacher himself) experience in different situations and about the ways of their manifestation accepted in society. This is very important because... the child does not always understand why his behavior is criticized or approved. This technique allows the teacher to talk about actions in which the student’s personal qualities are manifested.

Examples of the formation of personal learning skills during training in the educational complex “Perspective”.

In the textbook “The world around us. 1st grade" focuses on the formation of a personal, emotional, positive attitude towards oneself and the world around us. For example, when studying the topic “The World of the City and the Village,” for which 13 hours are allocated, considerable attention is paid to the formation of a personal positive emotional attitude to the place in which the student was born and lives, to his small homeland.

Formation of regulatory control systems in the educational complex “Perspektiva”

One of the tasks of primary education is the development of a new type of activity - educational, therefore, in the learning process, the child must master methods and techniques that will help him continue learning independently. For an adult, it is often difficult to answer the question of how to retell a text or how to make a plan, how to distinguish a task question from a condition, etc., so it can be difficult for a teacher to understand why a child is having difficulty completing a task. One of the reasons for a child’s academic failure is not a lack of understanding of the material, but an inability to work with it.

Let's give a practical example: you took a recipe for a new dish, it contains not only the products that are needed for it, but also the method (algorithm) of preparation. The success of cooking depends on how detailed and clearly the cooking method and sequence of actions are described, and after several times you will cook it without prompting. The same thing happens in the educational process. The more clearly and in detail we explain how a task is performed, the better our students will perform it. In the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”, a lot of attention is paid to the comprehension and formation of various methods of educational activity (various methods of calculation, methods of retelling text, methods of protecting health).

When studying the topic “Consonant sounds and letters,” the task is to master the methods of isolating a consonant sound and its phonetic analysis. “ABC” is used, pp. 78-96, part 1, as well as copybooks No. 2,3. As mentioned earlier, the teacher formulates the purpose of completing the task, explains the method of completing the task, the sequence of actions; then students are asked to complete a similar task on their own and be sure to evaluate the result obtained - thus, regulatory UUDs are formed.

When studying the topic “Multiple”, for which 9 hours are allocated, the formation of regulatory UUD includes mastering the methods of combining objects and separating them from a group according to certain characteristics. The textbook “Mathematics” is used. 1st grade" part 1 and "Workbook No. 1".

Examples of using a mathematics textbook in the formation of regulatory control systems:

U textbook “Mathematics. 1st grade" part 1, p. 9, pp. 30, 32, 26. WITH At the beginning, children become familiar with the criteria by which objects can be combined into sets. Then children are asked to independently determine the signs of combining into sets and explain their significance from various points of view (according to everyday characteristics - toys for boys and girls, dishes; according to mathematical characteristics - they have a certain shape and size).

Textbook “Mathematics: 1st grade” part 1 p. 15 No. 1 - determine the sequence of arrangement of objects in the picture:

¾ what animals go along the right path;

¾ who walks between the turtle and the hedgehog (in front, behind, etc.);

¾ who will come to school later than everyone else and why?

Formation of cognitive learning tools in the educational complex “Perspective”

The beginning of schooling introduces the child into a new, unfamiliar world - the world of science, which has its own language, rules and laws. Often in the learning process, the teacher introduces the child to concepts and scientific objects, but does not create conditions for understanding the patterns connecting them. As already mentioned, comprehension of texts, tasks, the ability to compare, distinguish and generalize relate to the formation of cognitive learning tools.


Cognitive and sign-symbolic actions:

Ability to use a model (symbols, signs) to solve a problem:

Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 1 hour Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. page 37;

Formation of the ability to classify:

Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 1 hour Dorofeev G.V. , Mirakova T.N. pp. 30, 33, 35:

¾ s. 33 (game "Third Man"),

¾ s. 35 (split the set into parts),

¾ s. 30. (selecting part of the set).

Serialization:Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 2 hours. Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. p. 23, no. 6 (singling out a feature when it changes in a series of objects, figures);

Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 1 hour Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. pp. 16, 33, 35, 37, 43, 57 (construction of a figure in accordance with the highlighted principle of changing figures in rows).


    Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A., Karabanova O.A., Salmina N.G. Molchanov S.V. How to design universal learning activities: from action to thought. – M., 2008.

    Mikheeva Yu.V. Lesson. What is the essence of the changes with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education: (Article) // Scientific. – practical Journal "Academic Bulletin" / Min. arr. MO TsKO ASOU. – 2011. – Issue. 1(3). – P.46-54.

    Design of the main educational program of an educational institution. – M.: Akademkniga, 2010.

    Mikheeva Yu.V. Lesson design from the perspective of the formation of universal educational actions. Article. Teacher's newspaper, 2012.

    Peterson L.G. Activity-based teaching method: educational system “School 2000...” / Construction of a continuous sphere of education. – M., 2002.

    Peterson L.G., Agapov Yu.V. Formation and diagnostics of organizational-reflexive general educational skills. – M., 2008.

    How to move on to the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards according to the educational system “School 2000” / pod. ed. L. G. Peterson. – M., 2010.

Analysis of the educational complex “Perspective”, carried out by the teacher of the MBOU Ilyinskaya Secondary School Kvaratskhelia E.A.

Russian languageCopy 1st grade. A manual for students of general education institutions. At 4 o'clock / L.F. Klimanova. Russian language Textbook. L.F.Klimanova, S.G.Makeeva.

Russian language 2nd grade Textbook. L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina

Literary reading.ABC. 1 class. Textbook for general education institutions. At 2 o'clock / L.F. Klimanova, S.G. Makeeva .

Literary reading 2nd grade Textbook LF. Klimanova, L. A. Vinogradskaya

Mathematics.Mathematics. G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova

Mathematics 2nd grade Textbook G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova

The world.The world. Textbook. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. .

The methodological basis of this set is the system-activity approach. Tasks that allow the learning process to be structured as a two-way process are built into a system: learning as a means of developing learning skills and personal qualities of younger schoolchildren; learning as a goal is to obtain knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard. Also, methodological support “Technological Maps” has been developed for the educational complex “Perspective”. They clearly show how interdisciplinary connections are realized and meta-subject skills are formed.

Does the educational complex have a problematic nature in presenting the content, requiring an activity-based approach?

Yes, textbooks have a problematic presentation; problematic situations are created based on the dialogue of the main characters. For example, in the textbook “Russian Language” there are heroes Ivan Ivanovich and children Anya and Vanya. The class is given some information. The children discuss it, each in their own way, then I invite the students to discuss this problem, relying on the knowledge and skills they have already acquired, and along the way we find out what knowledge is missing.

UMK textbooks develop children’s interest in the history of their family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia, cultural heritage, work activities, etc. The textbooks include theoretical material, which includes practical, research and creative tasks. This is especially clearly seen in the textbooks “Literary Reading” and The World Around us.” Almost every topic contains materials about the traditions and customs of the peoples of our country. In workbooks and creative notebooks, children are offered practical tasks that allow them to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities and create conditions for children’s creativity.

How does the structure of an individual textbook provide a variety of forms of organizing educational activities?

Training is built on a dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their subsequent detailed study. For example, in the textbook “Mathematics” the topic “Introduction to diagrams” is given. Work on the topic is structured in such a way that in the first tasks, students reproduce all the knowledge related to the topic. And then they move on to more complex tasks that combine different levels of generalization, theoretical and practical material. When studying the topic “Ancient measures of length,” the textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking of the child, his imagination, and intuition. The material in the textbook is structured systematically. Practical, research and creative tasks are offered for it (measure the length of the class in steps, fathoms, draw a conclusion; solve problems using new knowledge; measure using a tape measure, etc.), which allow you to activate the child’s activity and apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities .

Do you see a system in the variety of forms of organizing educational activities presented in the educational complex? What is it?

Yes, the system is traceable.

The information and educational environment of the "Perspective" system is represented not only by textbooks, workbooks and creative notebooks, methodological aids in the subjects: literacy, Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the environment, technology (labor), but also auxiliary resources: didactic notebooks " Reader", "The Magic Power of Words". The authors of the educational educational complex have provided each textbook with a disk, and all this allows you to organize various types of student activities and effectively use modern methods and technologies for organizing educational work.

Does the educational complex provide a combination of results (subject, meta-subject and personal) for mastering the program?


Methodological support “Technological Maps” has been developed for the educational complex “Perspective”, which are published on the publishing house’s website. They clearly show how interdisciplinary connections are realized and meta-subject skills are formed. Consider, for example, the course “The World Around You”

Personal results

1. Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality; values ​​of multinational Russian society, the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations.

2. Formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions.

3. Formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples.

4. Mastery of initial adaptation skills in a dynamically changing and developing world.

5. Development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions, including in information activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom.

6. Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings.

7. Development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people.

8. Development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations.

9. Formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, caring for material and spiritual values.

Meta-subject results

1. Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, and search for means of its implementation.

2. Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

3. Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, to determine the most effective ways to achieve results.

4. The use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational and practical problems.

5. Active use of speech and information means

and communication technologies to solve communicative and cognitive problems.

6. Mastering the skills of meaningful reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives, conscious construction of a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks of communication and composing texts in oral and written forms.

7. Mastery of the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts.

8. Mastery of basic information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of a specific academic subject.

9. Mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Subject results

1. Respect for Russia, your native land, your family, the history and culture of the peoples of Russia, the nature of our country.

2. Awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basic rules of environmental literacy and moral behavior in the world of nature and people, norms of health-preserving behavior in the natural and social environment.

3. Mastering accessible ways of studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc., obtaining information from family archives, from surrounding people, in the open information space.

4. Development of skills in establishing and identifying cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world.

Does this educational complex reflect the interests and needs of the modern child? What does this mean?

This educational complex is based on modern scientific ideas about the age characteristics of primary school students. All textbooks were createdin accordance with the principle of adaptability and psychological comfort of children .

The principle of creativity presupposes a maximum focus on creativity in the educational activities of schoolchildren, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.

This includes simply “inventing” tasks by analogy, and developing in students the ability to independently find solutions to problems that have not been encountered before, and their independent “discovery” of new ways of acting.

The ability to create something new and find a non-standard solution to life’s problems has become an integral part of the real life success of any person today. Therefore, the development of creative abilities and investigative behavior is acquiring general educational significance these days. For example, in the textbook “Literary Reading” all tasks correspond to the needs of a modern child: discuss with a friend (need for communication), we go to the library (practical skills to choose and read a book)

Does the educational complex offer an assessment mechanism that allows you to track the dynamics of students’ personal achievements? If yes, then what does this mean?

The educational complex does not fully offer an assessment mechanism that allows you to track the dynamics of students’ personal achievements.

The federal educational standard for primary education does not involve assessing the personal development results of a child. Personal development means the creation of conditions for self-knowledge, moral and ethical development, and self-esteem. In the textbooks of the educational educational complex “Perspective”, much attention is paid to the moral and ethical formation of personality. Textbooks on literary reading include works that allow one to comprehend spiritual and moral values; the content of textbooks “The World Around us” includes materials of a cultural nature; this approach allows students to be introduced to the concepts of tradition, values, national characteristics, and tolerance. The exception is the printed notebook “Testing Work” Russian language. It asks the student to evaluate their work and then the teacher to compare the grades. If the children coped with the work, well done! If not, no problem! You need to look at what mistakes you made, repeat the rule or topic and try to complete the tasks again.

Give examples of educational tasks that ensure the formation of UUD. Provide examples of all UUD groups.

Regulatory universal educational activities.

Regulatory UUDs include: goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation and, what is very important, volitional self-regulation.

In the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”, a lot of attention is paid to the comprehension and formation of various methods of educational activity (various methods of calculation, methods of retelling text, methods of protecting health).

When studying the topic “Consonant sounds and letters,” the task is to master the methods of isolating a consonant sound and its phonetic analysis. “ABC” is used, pp. 78-96, part 1, as well as copybooks No. 2,3. As mentioned earlier, the teacher formulates the purpose of completing the task, explains the method of completing the task, and the sequence of actionsthen students are asked to complete a similar task on their own and be sure to evaluate the result obtained - thus, regulatory UUDs are formed.

When studying the topic “Multiple”, for which 9 hours are allocated, the formation of regulatory UUD includes mastering the methods of combining objects and separating them from a group according to certain characteristics. The textbook “Mathematics” is used. 1st grade" part 1 and "Workbook No. 1".

Examples of using a mathematics textbook in the formation of regulatory control systems:

U textbook “Mathematics. 1st grade" part 1, p. 9, pp. 30, 32, 26. WITH At the beginning, children become familiar with the criteria by which objects can be combined into sets. Then children are asked to independently determine the signs of combining into sets and explain their significance from various points of view (according to everyday characteristics - toys for boys and girls, dishes; according to mathematical characteristics - they have a certain shape and size).

Textbook “Mathematics: 1st grade” part 1 p. 15 No. 1 - determine the sequence of arrangement of objects in the picture:

    what animals go along the right path;

    who walks between the turtle and the hedgehog (in front, behind, etc.);

    who will come to school later than everyone else and why?

Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1 page 40 - looking for an object (in class):

    the teacher calls landmarks - the children look for them;

    one student points - the rest are looking.

The described generalized method of solving problems in relation to mathematics in its general structure can be transferred to any academic subjectWhat regulatory skills are formed during the learning process in primary school?

The student will learn:

- understand, accept and maintain the learning task,

- take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

- set goals that allow you to solve educational and everyday problems;

- plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

- take into account planning rules and find control over the solution method;

- carry out final and step-by-step control based on the results;

- distinguish between the method and the result of an action;

- evaluate the correctness of the action according to specified external and generated internal criteria;

- make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its evaluation and taking into account the nature of the errors made;

- perform educational actions in a materialized, verbal and mental form.

- in collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

- show initiative in educational cooperation;

- be able to independently take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

- exercise control based on the result and method of action; exercise actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

- independently assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution, both at the end of the action and during its implementation.

- use external and internal speech for goal setting, planning and regulation of one’s activities.

Cognitive universal learning activities.

The beginning of schooling introduces the child into a new, unfamiliar world - the world of science, which has its own language, rules and laws. Often in the learning process, the teacher introduces the child to concepts and scientific objects, but does not create conditions for understanding the patterns connecting them. Understanding texts and assignments; the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, distinguish and generalize, classify, model, conduct elementary analysis, synthesis, interpretation of text, etc.refers to cognitive UUD. An example of the formation of cognitive learning units based on the material of the textbook “Literary Reading”, 1st grade.

Topic: “Hello, fairy tale!” Allows you to introduce children to the features of a fairy tale and teach them to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works; teaches you to select the necessary information.

Textbook “Literary reading: 1st grade” part 1, pp. 90-91 - at the end of studying the topic, children, answering questions, comprehend the difference between a fairy tale and other literary works.

When forming cognitive learning tools, it is necessary to pay attention to establishing connections between the concepts introduced by the teacher and the past experiences of children, in this case it is easier for the student to see, perceive and comprehend the educational material.

Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC: 1st grade: 1 hour. Klimanova L.F., Makeeva S.G. pp.24 - 41 - theme “Word. Sign" allows you to introduce the concepts of "word" and "object", clarify the role of the object and the word in communication, reveal the meaning of signs in communication, teach children to use signs-symbols, teach schoolchildren to recognize conventional signs, compose sentences and a story with a given number of words, comprehend connections between a word and a sign (in particular, their interchangeability). The result (result) of studying this topic will be such a cognitive universal educational activity as the ability of children to replace words with signs and the ability to read signs.

Here we can talk separately about how cognitive UUDs are formed when reading various texts. We offer additional material under the heading: Formation of cognitive learning skills when reading texts.

It is assumed that the result of the formation of cognitive universal educational actions will be the following skills:

- voluntarily and consciously master the general method of solving problems;

- search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks;

- use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve educational problems;

- focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

- learn the basics of meaningful reading of literary and educational texts; be able to identify essential information from texts of different types;

- be able to analyze objects highlighting essential and non-essential features

- be able to carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts;

- be able to carry out comparison, serialization and classification according to specified criteria;

- be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

- be able to construct reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections;

- be able to establish analogies;

Communicative universal educational activities.

From the very first lessons, the child is included in constructive, substantive communication. As mentioned earlier, the teacher develops in the student the ability to answer questions, ask questions, formulate the main idea, conduct a dialogue, carry out semantic reading over time, etc. At the same time, the teacher must clearly explain to the student what kind of communication is accepted in the family, school, society, and what kind is unacceptable. The textbooks contain tasks to be completed in pairs and groups, which allows students to use the acquired knowledge in practical situations. This is facilitated by game situations, cross-cutting characters, characters from textbook pages, meaningful illustrative material, questions and assignments, tasks aimed at developing communicative learning skills, etc.

In textbooksUMK "Perspective"assignments are offered for completion in pairs and groups, which allows students to use the acquired knowledge in practice. For example, you can take any textbook, for example, a 3rd grade mathematics textbook, in which most tasks can be completed in pairs and small groups.

The textbooks use game situations, by studying which children learn the rules of communication. For example, in the textbook“Literary reading”, 2nd grade, pp. 30-33, part 2 , the teacher invites the children to divide into 2 teams, observes and regulates their interaction in the process of completing the task.

The heroes of the textbooks, Anya, Vanya, and Professor Samovarov, who lead dialogues on the pages of the textbooks, serve not only as role models, but also allow students to engage in dialogues.

In the workbook “The World Around You,” grade 2, p. 23, part 1, a multi-level communicative task is formulated: talk with family members, write down a recipe and tell classmates about it.

Let us give examples from the manuals of the “Perspective” set, which will also allow the teacher to form communicative learning tools in the educational process.

Didactic material on reading. Reader: 1st grade. Klimanova L.F. With. 109 - joint reading of the dialogue, which allows you to form an orientation towards your partner and teaches you an emotional attitude towards the characters of the work.

Notebookon speech development. The magical power of words: 1st grade. T.Y. Koti, L.F. Klimanova - this edition of the educational complex “Perspective” contains good didactic material on the formation of rules of behavior for children in various communicative situations. So, for example, on page 4 It is proposed to determine how to build a greeting depending on the situation and the status of the person you are addressing.

Didactic material on reading. Reader: 1st grade. Klimanova L.F. With. 60 - formation of speech culture (correct stress and phrase construction).

ABC: 1st grade. 1 hour. Klimanova L.F., Makeeva S.G. - the topic “World of Communication” (10 hours) allows you to form a child’s ideas aboutthe process of communication, forms and methods of communication.

Textbook “The world around us”: 1st grade. 1 hour. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. - The theme “We and our world” (10 hours) leads children to form ideas about the world around them, as the world of man, nature, and culture.

Textbook: “The world around us”: 1st grade. 1 hour. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. With. 18, 19, 20 - the child comprehends in what ways he can learn about the world.

The task of mastering the topic in the context of the formation of communicative learning devices: the formation of ways of interacting with the outside world (I see, hear, speak). The teacher, being a role model for the student, shows him how to talk constructively with others. At the same time, the formation of communicative UUD occurs when the teacher asks questions like: “What do you see?”, “What did you hear in ...”, “What did you want to say ...”, etc.

It is assumed that the result of the formation of communicative universal educational actions will be the following skills:

    understand the different positions of other people, different from your own;

    focus on the partner’s position in communication;

    take into account different opinions and the desire to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

    formulate your own opinion and position orally and in writing;

    negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

Formation of personal UUD in the educational complex "Perspective"

One of the most difficult to form in the educational process are personal universal educational actions. Teachers often try to assess a child's personality, tell him what to do, or prohibit something. But is this always clear to the student? Let's give an example: “Tell me, is fighting good or bad?” Is it possible to answer this question unambiguously? Of course, it all depends on the situation. Let us recall the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad,” in which, using specific examples, the child is shown that the same action is evaluated differently in different situations. During the teaching process, the teacher rarely talks to children in class about the feelings and emotions that children (and the teacher himself) experience in different situations and about the ways of their manifestation accepted in society. This is very important because... the child does not always understand why his behavior is criticized or approved. This technique allows the teacher to talk about actions in which the student’s personal qualities are manifested.

In the textbook “Literary Reading. 1st grade” the task is to develop fantasy and imagination; give a moral assessment to the actions and speeches of the heroes; learn to feel the mood expressed in the poem. In addition to the textbook, a creative notebook is used, which also allows you to develop fantasy and imagination.

Teaching schoolchildren to analyze literary and artistic works, distinguish between the author’s “meanings” and “meanings”, comparing them with the reader’s “meanings”, makes it possible to purposefully form the moral position of students based on the experience of empathy and compassion.

The academic subject “Literature” is of particular importance for the formation of the moral and value position of students. “The educational value of works of art lies in the fact that they provide an opportunity to enter “inside” life, to experience a piece of life reflected in the light of a certain worldview. And the most important thing is that in the process of this experience certain relationships and moral assessments are created that have greater coercive force than assessments simply communicated or assimilated” (Teplov B.M., 1946). However, in fiction, the moral norm is not presented in the form of a theoretical concept or knowledge, but exists in a specific form and is revealed in the system of images, the logic of the development of events and the actions of the heroes, in the way the author describes the actions of the heroes. In a literary work, the ethical content is only “the very event of the act” (Bakhtin M.M.), presented in artistic form, but no theoretical transcription of the act is given in the form of ethical judgments or moral norms. It is necessary to specially organize the orientation of students towards the hero’s action and its moral content. This can be done this way:

    it is necessary for students to specifically highlight the essence of the moral conflict (dilemma) presented in a literary work;

    it is necessary to help identify the opposing sides in the conflict;

    help identify the motives and aspirations of the heroes, as well as those moral judgments and norms that guide the heroes’ behavior;

    assist students in determining their own position in relation to the displayed moral dilemma and connect it with certain moral imperatives;

    help students generalize the experience of moral behavior of heroes.

Finally, another example of how to use questions to form students’ personal learning experiences.

Textbook “Literary reading 1st grade”, part 2 p. 46 . Read A. Barto’s poem “Sonechka”. Can you call Sonechka a friend? Why? What would you call Sonechka's classmates? Justify your answer.

    What words help us understand the character of a girl?

    What actions help friendship?

How is children's independence formed in this educational complex?

The textbooks contain tasks that children must complete independently.

For example, in all textbooks and notebooks for grade 2 there is an icon in the symbols - we work independently. I believe that there are a sufficient number of such tasks and they are designed for different levels of student independence.

How are control actions formed in the teaching and learning system?

The assessment system used at school is aimed at stimulating students to strive for objective control, rather than hiding their ignorance and inability, and at developing the need for adequate and constructive self-assessment.

In the management system, control actions are formed through individual tasks. For example,using the rubrics “Evaluate yourself”, “Test yourself” (literary reading). KIMs by subject.

How is educational cooperation presented in the educational complex with the goal of “Achieving the personal, social and cognitive development of students”?

The ideological basis of the "Perspective" textbook system is the "Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia", aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creativity, morality, self-development as the basis for the successful self-realization of a student in life and work and as a condition for safety and security. prosperity of the country. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking, imagination, intuition of the child, the formation of a value worldview and the moral position of the individual.

Do you think that this educational complex really creates conditions for motivating a student to learn? If yes, then how is this done?

Yes, the educational complex creates conditions for motivating a student to learn.

Training using the “Perspective” package will allow each student to maintain self-esteem and interest in learning and discovering new things. The student's cognitive activity and initiative are encouraged. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a form as to revive the child’s cognitive activity, curiosity and cognitive interest. The new system directs the child’s activity into the sphere of culture and free creativity. They fully create the conditions for positive motivation to study printed notebooks in all subjects. Each child can complete a task that is within their capabilities. Thus, he is placed in a situation of success in advance, and this is very important for motivation.

Another advantage of the educational complex “Perspective” is that, while studying according to this program, the student discovers future topics of study in each lesson. Training is built on a dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their detailed study.

How does this educational complex provide conditions for the individual development of all students?

An important condition for the success of the “Perspective” program is an individual approach to each student. Textbooks contain tasks of varying degrees of complexity, providing the opportunity to vary tasks taking into account the student’s level of preparedness. The choice of tasks that lie in the child’s zone of proximal development (i.e., tasks that require joint work with the teacher and at the same time require the mobilization of one’s own efforts, allowing the student to experience a sense of success and pride in his achievements) makes learning truly developmental. Training in the zone of proximal development forms such personal qualities as determination, perseverance, self-confidence, and readiness to overcome difficulties.

Do you have a need to change the teaching materials in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO?

No, I don’t see any need to change the teaching aid yet.

Formation of personal UUD in the educational complex "Perspective"

One of the most difficult to form in the educational process are personal universal educational actions. Teachers often try to assess a child's personality, tell him what to do, or prohibit something. But is this always clear to the student? Let's give an example: “Tell me, is fighting good or bad?” Is it possible to answer this question unambiguously? Of course, it all depends on the situation. Let us recall the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad,” in which, using specific examples, the child is shown that the same action is evaluated differently in different situations. During the teaching process, the teacher rarely talks to children in class about the feelings and emotions that children (and the teacher himself) experience in different situations and about the ways of their manifestation accepted in society. This is very important because... the child does not always understand why his behavior is criticized or approved. This technique allows the teacher to talk about actions in which the student’s personal qualities are manifested.

Examples of the formation of personal learning skills during training in the educational complex “Perspective”.

In the textbook “The world around us. 1st grade" focuses on the formation of a personal, emotional, positive attitude towards oneself and the world around us. For example, when studying the topic “The World of the City and the Village,” for which 13 hours are allocated, considerable attention is paid to the formation of a personal positive emotional attitude to the place in which the student was born and lives, to his small homeland.

Textbook “The world around us. 1st grade", part 2, pp. 4-5,"The world. 1 class. Workbook No. 2", page 26. The textbook introduces the concept of “compatriots,” and then, when studying the topic of the textbook “We remember our fellow countrymen,” the child completes the corresponding task in the workbook.

Textbook “The world around us. 1st grade”, part 2, pp. 4-5, “The world around us. 1 class. Workbook No. 2", page 26. The textbook and workbook contain tasks and materials for the city and rural areas.

IN Textbook for teaching literacy and reading “ABC Abvgdeyka” part 2, pp. 56-57 and in the textbooks “Russian Language” grades 1 and 2, in terms of the formation of personal UUD, the task of understanding the world of sounds for a person is set, literary works are used that allow the formation of moral and ethical standards, to comprehend the significance of relationships between people, their rules and norms. To understand the rules of communication, it is important to ask the question: “What can you do in this situation? Why?" These questions will help you understand the reasons that prompted the hero of the work to act (motives), and evaluate his actions.

In addition to textbooks, in the 1st grade, copybooks are used, which also allow the student to form a personal attitude towards the proposed tasks.

In the textbook “Literary Reading. 1st grade” the task is to develop fantasy and imagination; give a moral assessment to the actions and speeches of the heroes; learn to feel the mood expressed in the poem. In addition to the textbook, a creative notebook is used, which also allows you to develop fantasy and imagination.

Teaching schoolchildren to analyze literary and artistic works, distinguish between the author’s “meanings” and “meanings”, comparing them with the reader’s “meanings”, makes it possible to purposefully form the moral position of students based on the experience of empathy and compassion.

The academic subject “Literature” is of particular importance for the formation of the moral and value position of students. “The educational value of works of art lies in the fact that they provide an opportunity to enter “inside” life, to experience a piece of life reflected in the light of a certain worldview. And the most important thing is that in the process of this experience certain relationships and moral assessments are created that have greater coercive force than assessments simply communicated or assimilated” (Teplov B.M., 1946). However, in fiction, the moral norm is not presented in the form of a theoretical concept or knowledge, but exists in a specific form and is revealed in the system of images, the logic of the development of events and the actions of the heroes, in the way the author describes the actions of the heroes. In a literary work, the ethical content is only “the very event of the act” (Bakhtin M.M.), presented in artistic form, but no theoretical transcription of the act is given in the form of ethical judgments or moral norms. It is necessary to specially organize the orientation of students towards the hero’s action and its moral content. This can be done this way:

    it is necessary for students to specifically highlight the essence of the moral conflict (dilemma) presented in a literary work;

    it is necessary to help identify the opposing sides in the conflict;

    help identify the motives and aspirations of the heroes, as well as those moral judgments and norms that guide the heroes’ behavior;

    assist students in determining their own position in relation to the displayed moral dilemma and connect it with certain moral imperatives;

    help students generalize the experience of moral behavior of heroes.

Finally, another example of how to use questions to form students’ personal learning experiences.

Textbook “Literary reading 1st grade”, part 2 p. 46. Read A. Barto’s poem “Sonechka”. Can you call Sonechka a friend? Why? What would you call Sonechka's classmates? Justify your answer.

    What words help us understand the character of a girl?

    What actions help friendship?

    Read the poem expressively.

    Whose words will you read with a plaintive, whiny intonation?

    Did you like Sonechka? Would you like to be friends with her? What can you advise Sonechka?

    Textbook “Literary reading 1st grade”, part 2, p. 40.

    Read the dialogue between Anya and Vanya.

    Who can you call a friend?

    Try writing a story or poem about your friend.

It is very important to emphasize the importance of the communicative activity of the teacher, who, regardless of the subject being studied, can tell the student: “Well done!” or: “What can we praise ourselves for today?” - at this moment the formation of personal UUD occurs, i.e. students’ personal emotional attitude to what is happening.

It is expected that by the end of primary school the child will have developed the following personal skills:

The student’s internal position is at the level of a positive attitude towards school; orientation to the meaningful moments of school reality;

Formation of a broad motivational basis for educational activities, including social, educational-cognitive and external internal motives;

Focus on understanding the reasons for success and failure in educational activities;

Interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new particular problem;

The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities;

Formation of the foundations of a person’s civil identity in the form of awareness of “I” as a citizen of Russia, a sense of belonging and pride in one’s Motherland and society; awareness of one's ethnicity;

Orientation in the moral content and meaning of actions, both one’s own and those around them,

Development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience - as regulators of moral behavior;

Knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation towards their implementation, differentiation of internal moral and social (conventional) norms;

Setting up a healthy lifestyle;

A sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with world and domestic artistic culture;

Empathy as understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

Thus, when forming personal UUDs, the student’s emotional attitude to the topics being studied, his self-determination and finding personal meaning in each of the topics being studied are always taken into account.

Formation of regulatory control systems in the educational complex “Perspektiva”

One of the tasks of primary education is the development of a new type of activity - educational, therefore, in the learning process, the child must master methods and techniques that will help him continue learning independently. For an adult, it is often difficult to answer the question of how to retell a text or how to make a plan, how to distinguish a task question from a condition, etc., so it can be difficult for a teacher to understand why a child is having difficulty completing a task. One of the reasons for a child’s academic failure is not a lack of understanding of the material, but an inability to work with it.

Let's give a practical example: you took a recipe for a new dish, it contains not only the products that are needed for it, but also the method (algorithm) of preparation. The success of cooking depends on how detailed and clearly the cooking method and sequence of actions are described, and after several times you will cook it without prompting. The same thing happens in the educational process. The more clearly and in detail we explain how a task is performed, the better our students will perform it. In the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”, a lot of attention is paid to the comprehension and formation of various methods of educational activity (various methods of calculation, methods of retelling text, methods of protecting health).

When studying the topic “Consonant sounds and letters,” the task is to master the methods of isolating a consonant sound and its phonetic analysis. “ABC” is used, pp. 78-96, part 1, as well as copybooks No. 2,3. As mentioned earlier, the teacher formulates the purpose of completing the task, explains the method of completing the task, the sequence of actions; then students are asked to complete a similar task on their own and be sure to evaluate the result obtained - thus, regulatory UUDs are formed.

When studying the topic “Multiple”, for which 9 hours are allocated, the formation of regulatory UUD includes mastering the methods of combining objects and separating them from a group according to certain characteristics. The textbook “Mathematics” is used. 1st grade" part 1 and "Workbook No. 1".

Examples of using a mathematics textbook in the formation of regulatory control systems:

U textbook “Mathematics. 1st grade" part 1, p. 9, pp. 30, 32, 26.WITH At the beginning, children become familiar with the criteria by which objects can be combined into sets. Then children are asked to independently determine the signs of combining into sets and explain their significance from various points of view (according to everyday characteristics - toys for boys and girls, dishes; according to mathematical characteristics - they have a certain shape and size).

Textbook “Mathematics: 1st grade” part 1 p. 15 No. 1- determine the sequence of arrangement of objects in the picture:

    what animals go along the right path;

    who walks between the turtle and the hedgehog (in front, behind, etc.);

    who will come to school later than everyone else and why?

Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1 page 40- looking for an object (in class):

    the teacher calls landmarks - the children look for them;

    one student points - the rest are looking.

Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1, page 33- make a picture. Orientation on the sheet, for example: put a dot in the upper left corner, draw a house in the lower right corner, a spruce tree is growing in front of it, a sun in the middle of the sheet, a flower under it.

Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1, p. 106, No. 2, 3- finding a pattern.

    How can you add the number 3? Please note - there are 3 methods available.

    How can you subtract the number 3? Please note - there are 3 methods available.

    Using the number beam as an assistant.

When studying the topic “Man and the World around us”, the formation of regulatory learning activities involves the development of the ability to complete a task in accordance with the goal, answer the question posed, thus solving the educational task - Textbook “The world around us. 1st grade" part 1, pp. 58-59, as well as the workbook "The world around us. 1st grade"No. 1, pp. 44-45.

Formation of regulatory control systems using the example of problem solving

With all the variety of approaches to teaching problem solving, the following components of the general technique can be distinguished for the solution stages.

I. Analysis of the problem text (semantic, logical, mathematical) is a central component of the problem solving technique.

II. Translating text into the language of mathematics using verbal and non-verbal means. As a result of task analysis, the text appears as a set of certain semantic units. However, the text form of expressing these message quantities often includes information that is not essential for solving problems. To make it possible to work only with essential semantic units, the text of the problem is written briefly using conventional symbols. After these tasks have been specifically isolated into a short record, you should move on to analyzing the relationships and connections between these data. To do this, the text is translated into the language of graphic models, understood as the representation of the text using non-verbal means - models of various types: drawing, diagram, graph, table, symbolic drawing, formula, equations, etc. Translating the text into the form of a model allows you to discover properties in it and relationships that are often difficult to discern when reading a text.

III. Establishing a relationship between the data and the question. Based on the analysis of the conditions and question of the problem, the method of solving it is determined (calculate, construct, prove), and a sequence of specific actions is built. In this case, the sufficiency, insufficiency or redundancy of data is established.

There are four types of relationships between objects and their quantities: equality, part/whole, difference, multiplicity, the combination of which determines the variety of ways to solve problems. An analysis of teaching practice shows that problems with multiplicity ratios are particularly difficult for students.

IV. Drawing up a solution plan. Based on the identified relationships between the quantities of objects, a sequence of actions is built - a solution plan. Of particular importance is drawing up a solution plan for complex, complex problems.

V. Implementation of the solution plan.

VI. Checking and evaluating the solution to the problem. The check is carried out from the point of view of the adequacy of the solution plan, the solution method leading to the result (the rationality of the method, is there a simpler one). One of the options for checking the correctness of a solution, especially in elementary school, is the method of composing and solving a problem that is the inverse of a given one.

The general technique for solving problems should be the subject of special assimilation with sequential development of each of its components. Mastering this technique will allow students to independently analyze and solve various types of problems.

The described generalized method of solving problems in relation to mathematics in its general structure can be transferred to any academic subject. In relation to the subjects of the natural cycle, the content of the technique does not require significant changes - the differences will concern the specific subject language for describing the elements of the task, their structure and methods of sign-symbolic representation of the relationships between them.

Composing texts with the question “How much?” - Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1, page 44;

Compiling problems using reference words - Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1, page 54;

Compiling problems based on reference pictures with a given solution method - Textbook“Mathematics: 1st grade” part 1, p. 73 No. 4;

Compiling problems based on reference pictures with the choice of solution action - Textbook “Mathematics: 1st grade” part 1, p. 95 No. 5;

Understanding the algorithm for solving the problem - Textbook "Mathematics: 1st grade" part 1, page 104.

What regulatory skills are formed during the learning process in primary school?

The student will learn:

Understand, accept and maintain the learning task,

Take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

Set goals that allow you to solve educational and everyday problems;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Take into account planning rules and find control over the solution method;

Carry out final and step-by-step control of the results;

Distinguish between the method and the result of an action;

Evaluate the correctness of the action according to specified external and generated internal criteria;

Make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its evaluation and taking into account the nature of the errors made;

Perform educational activities in a materialized, verbal and mental form.

In collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

Show initiative in educational cooperation;

Be able to independently take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

Carry out control based on the result and method of action; exercise actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

Independently evaluate the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution, both at the end of the action and during its implementation.

Use external and internal speech to set goals, plan and regulate your activities.

Formation of cognitive learning tools in the educational complex “Perspective”

The beginning of schooling introduces the child into a new, unfamiliar world - the world of science, which has its own language, rules and laws. Often in the learning process, the teacher introduces the child to concepts and scientific objects, but does not create conditions for understanding the patterns connecting them. As already mentioned, comprehension of texts, tasks, the ability to compare, distinguish and generalize relate to the formation of cognitive learning tools.


Cognitive and sign-symbolic actions:

Ability to use a model (symbols, signs) to solve a problem:

Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 1 hour Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. page 37;

Formation of the ability to classify:

Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 1 hour Dorofeev G.V. , Mirakova T.N. pp. 30, 33, 35:

    With. 33 (game "Third Man"),

    With. 35 (split the set into parts),

    With. 30. (selecting part of the set).

Serialization: Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 2 hours. Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. p. 23, no. 6(singling out a feature when it changes in a series of objects, figures);

Textbook: Mathematics: 1st grade: 1 hour Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. pp. 16, 33, 35, 37, 43, 57(construction of a figure in accordance with the highlighted principle of changing figures in rows).

The formation of cognitive UUD also occurs when studying other textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective”:

Russian language.

Textbook: Russian language: 1st grade Klimanova L.F., Makeeva S.G. page 47, rear. 5; page 57, back. 3- identify word models.

Didactic material on reading: Reader: 1st grade. Klimanova L.F. With. 49- how many words are in each group - group discussion.

The world

Topic: Our home and family" (lessons 22-36). Allows you to comprehend concepts related to the topic “Family” and “Home”. Realize your role in the family, comprehend the concept of “family values”.

Textbook: The world around us: 1st grade: 1 hour. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. pp. 51-58

Literary reading

Topic: “Hello, fairy tale!” Allows you to introduce children to the features of a fairy tale and teach them to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works; teaches you to select the necessary information.

Textbook “Literary reading: 1st grade” part 1, pp. 90-91- at the end of studying the topic, children, answering questions, comprehend the difference between a fairy tale and other literary works.

When forming cognitive learning tools, it is necessary to pay attention to establishing connections between the concepts introduced by the teacher and the past experiences of children, in this case it is easier for the student to see, perceive and comprehend the educational material.

Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC: 1st grade: 1 hour. Klimanova L.F., Makeeva S.G. pp.24 - 41- theme “Word. Sign" allows you to introduce the concepts of "word" and "object", clarify the role of the object and the word in communication, reveal the meaning of signs in communication, teach children to use signs-symbols, teach schoolchildren to recognize conventional signs, compose sentences and a story with a given number of words, comprehend connections between a word and a sign (in particular, their interchangeability). The result (result) of studying this topic will be such a cognitive universal educational activity as the ability of children to replace words with signs and the ability to read signs.

Here we can talk separately about how cognitive UUDs are formed when reading various texts. We offer additional material under the heading: Formation of cognitive learning skills when reading texts.

It is assumed that the result of the formation of cognitive universal educational actions will be the following skills:

Voluntarily and consciously master the general technique of solving problems;

Search for the necessary information to complete educational assignments;

Use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve educational problems;

Focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

Learn the basics of meaningful reading of literary and educational texts; be able to identify essential information from texts of different types;

Be able to analyze objects highlighting essential and non-essential features

Be able to carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts;

Be able to carry out comparison, serialization and classification according to specified criteria;

Be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Be able to construct reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections;

Be able to establish analogies;

Possess a general technique for solving educational problems;

Carry out an extensive search for information using the resources of the library, the educational space of the native land (small homeland);

Create and transform models and diagrams to solve problems;

Be able to select the most effective ways to solve educational problems depending on specific conditions.

Formation of communicative UUDs in the educational complex “Perspective”

1.The literacy and Russian language course begins with sections on communication. These sections in 1st grade introduce the child to the concept of “communication”, and in subsequent grades they talk about the features and rules of communication. At the same time, in each subsequent class the material becomes more complicated. As mentioned earlier, the teacher develops in the student the skill of answering questions, asking questions, conducting a dialogue, etc. At the same time, the teacher must clearly explain what kind of communication is accepted in the family, school, society, and what kind is unacceptable.

2. The textbooks offer tasks to be completed in pairs and groups, which allows students to use the acquired knowledge in practice. As an example, you can take any UMK “Perspective” textbook, for example a 3rd grade mathematics textbook, in which most of the tasks can be completed in pairs and small groups.

3. The textbooks use game situations, by studying which children learn the rules of communication. For example, in the textbook “Literary reading”, 2nd grade, pp. 30-33, part 2, the teacher invites the children to divide into 2 teams, observes and regulates their interaction in the process of completing the task.

4. The heroes of the textbooks, Anya, Vanya, and Professor Samovarov, who lead dialogues on the pages of the textbooks, serve not only as role models, but also allow students to engage in dialogues.

5. In the workbook “The World Around You,” 2nd grade, p. 23, part 1, a multi-level communicative task is formulated: talk with family members, write down a recipe and tell classmates about it.

Let us give examples from the manuals of the “Perspective” set, which will also allow the teacher to form communicative learning tools in the educational process.

Didactic material on reading. Reader: 1st grade. Klimanova L.F. With. 109- joint reading of the dialogue, which allows you to form an orientation towards your partner and teaches you an emotional attitude towards the characters of the work.

Notebook on speech development. The magical power of words: 1st grade. T.Y. Koti, L.F. Klimanova- this edition of the educational complex “Perspective” contains good didactic material on the formation of rules of behavior for children in various communicative situations. So, for example, on page 4 It is proposed to determine how to build a greeting depending on the situation and the status of the person you are addressing.

Didactic material on reading. Reader: 1st grade. Klimanova L.F. With. 60- formation of speech culture (correct stress and phrase construction).

ABC: 1st grade. 1 hour. Klimanova L.F., Makeeva S.G.- the topic “The World of Communication” (10 hours) allows you to form a child’s ideas about the process of communication, forms and methods of communication.

Textbook “The world around us”: 1st grade. 1 hour. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. - The theme “We and our world” (10 hours) leads children to form ideas about the world around them, as the world of man, nature, and culture.

Textbook: “The world around us”: 1st grade. 1 hour. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. With. 18, 19, 20- the child comprehends in what ways he can learn about the world.

The task of mastering the topic in the context of the formation of communicative learning devices: the formation of ways of interacting with the outside world (I see, hear, speak). The teacher, being a role model for the student, shows him how to talk constructively with others. At the same time, the formation of communicative UUD occurs when the teacher asks questions like: “What do you see?”, “What did you hear in ...”, “What did you want to say ...”, etc.

It is assumed that the result of the formation of communicative universal educational actions will be the following skills:

    understand the different positions of other people, different from your own;

    focus on the partner’s position in communication;

    take into account different opinions and the desire to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

    formulate your own opinion and position orally and in writing;

    negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

    construct statements that are understandable to the partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what he does not;

    to ask questions;

    use speech to regulate your actions;

    adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks;

    construct a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of speech;

    NOO, workingByUMK « Perspective"Maineducationalprogram workingByUMK « Perspective"(Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Center for Systematic...
  • The main educational program of primary general education for educational institutions working on the educational complex “Perspective”

    Maineducationalprogram primary general education for educational institutions, workingByUMK « Perspective"(Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Center systematically... the approach is implemented in all textbooks UMK « Perspective", But Each item has its own...

  • Main educational program

    ... basic directions and prospects ... By Maineducationalprogram basiceducationalprograms Bachelor's and programs ... , working VC UMK. Requirements... But ...


    Main educational program

    ... basic directions and prospects ... By direction 035700 Linguistics. Maineducationalprogram Master's training consists of basiceducationalprograms Bachelor's and programs ... , working VC UMK. Requirements... But ...

  • Basic educational program of primary general education content of educational program noo

    Main educational program

    Implementations basiceducationalprograms primary general education (2009); Concept UMK « Perspective", "School of Russia" Program value formation...

Minnekhanova Nursina Khaziakhmetovna

primary school teacher

highest qualification category

MBOU "Turaevskaya Secondary School"

Mendeleevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Formation of universal educational activities
by means of educational complex "Perspective"

The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

The quality of knowledge acquisition is determined by the diversity and nature of the types of universal actions.

Forming the ability and readiness of students to implement universal educational activities will improve the efficiency of the educational process in primary school.

Ability to learn requires students to fully master all components of educational activities, including:

1)cognitive and educational motives;

2) educational purpose;

3) learning task;

4) training activities and operations.

Ability to learn - a significant factor in increasing the efficiency of students’ mastery of subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Universal educational activities provide the stages of mastering educational content and the formation of the student’s psychological abilities.

Highlight 4 types of UUD:

1) personal; 2) regulatory;

3) educational; 4) communicative.

Personal actions provide students with value-semantic orientation and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

Three types of personal actions can be distinguished:



Moral and ethical orientation

Regulatory Actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include:

- goal setting;






Cognitive actions include:

- general education;

Brain teaser;

Statement and solution of the problem.

Communication actions:

Planning educational cooperation;

Asking questions;

Conflict resolution;

Managing your partner's behavior;

The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

The formation of universal educational actions in the educational process is carried out in the context of mastering various subject disciplines. Let's consider this using the example of the educational complex "Perspective"

Textbooks on all subject lines of the educational complex "Perspective" provide the formation information literacy students: work with information presented in different forms (text, drawing, table, diagram, diagram, map), obtaining information, collecting it, isolating essential information from various sources. One of the most common tasks in the textbooks of the educational complex “Perspective” is “information search”. This task helps children learn to independently find information and work with various sources. In the first grade, this is mainly work with dictionaries (spelling, explanatory, etymological), and also, along with this, the kit orients children that an adult (teacher, family members, librarian) can be a source of information and it is important to learn how to formulate questions and not be afraid to approach an adult with him. An important place in textbooks is occupied by working with tables, diagrams and maps. Recording information is recording in a table, in a diagram and adding to tables (diagrams); it is recording information using a camera, audio and video recording. In “Russian Language”, the material under the “key” icon plays a special role. The information of the “key” is often propaedeutic in nature, in general terms it explains a linguistic fact that has not been studied, but is present in the exercise.

Particular attention is paid to working with popular science texts within the framework of the “Literary Reading” course (text analysis, comparison with fiction, searching for additional and clarifying information). Popular science texts included in textbooks correspond to the level of presentation in children's encyclopedias and prepare students for independent work with encyclopedic literature, necessary both for educational purposes and for project activities.

One of the techniques that is actively used by the authors of textbooks on all subject lines of the educational complex “Perspective” is asking children a question that provides an opportunity to express opposing points of view. Students search for a solution in the course of a specially structured teacher dialogue. This technology creates communicative universal learning activities. Along with this, other universal learning actions are formed: regulatory (setting and maintaining tasks), cognitive (the need to extract information, draw logical conclusions, etc.).

Assignments from all textbooks, starting from the first grade, are offered to students mini-studies: make observations, make your assumptions, test them, discuss the results and draw a conclusion.

From the 1st grade, students develop the ability to listen to others, express their own opinions, complement others, participate in discussions, come to a common opinion, and ask questions.

In all subjects, work in small groups, pairs and other forms is offered group work. This is of great importance for the formation communicative(the ability to convey one’s position to others, understand other positions, negotiate with people and respect the position of another), as well as for regulatory universal educational actions (distribute, coordinate actions to complete a task, etc.)

The widest range of activities with information is provided by working on a project.

Each student has the opportunity to choose a project in accordance with their interests or propose their own.

The joint creative activity of students when working on projects in a group and the necessary final stage of work on any project - presentation (defense) of the project - contribute to the formation of meta-subject knowledge communicative skills (organize interaction in a group, predict the consequences of collective decisions, express your thoughts in oral and written speech, including using ICT tools, defend your point of view, arguing for it).

Project activities influence the formation personal results of students, since it requires the manifestation of personal value meanings, shows a real attitude to the matter, people, the results of work, etc.

Universal educational actions represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age development.

Thus, the formation of universal educational actions involves:

Presence in children cognitive motive(desire to know, discover, learn) and specific educational goal(understanding what exactly needs to be found out and mastered);

Students perform certain actions to acquire missing knowledge;

Identifying and mastering by students a method of action that allows them to consciously apply acquired knowledge;

Formation in schoolchildren of the ability to control their actions - both after their completion and during their course;

Incorporating learning content into the context of solving significant life problems.