Photo of the yard of a private house or how to arrange a personal plot with your own hands. How to decorate your yard with your own hands Ideas for decorating your yard with flowers

If you have ever used such a phrase as hard labor at the dacha, or even thought about it, forget it, get even that out of your head! Every summer resident is capable of creating a wonderful country holiday, which will begin with the design of the landscape of the site.

We invite you to view photos of landscape design on our website. summer cottage to get inspired by fresh ideas.

Since ancient Soviet times, it has been the custom that a dacha is not a place to relax, but a place where you need to “work hard” in the literal sense of the word. Stop daydreaming, looking at pictures of beautiful summer cottages! It’s time to make your site so that it is not only pleasant to be on, but also pleasing to the eye from the outside.

Country yard design. Where do we start?

The first step is to start directly from the area used for planting vegetables and fruits. In addition, the dacha plot is great opportunity try yourself as a landscape designer.

To begin, draw up a plan of your summer cottage on paper. Start from exactly how the house is located. It is important to note which and where buildings already exist. Also think carefully about what you would like or simply lack to fully relax. Perhaps you would like to admire a pond with small fish, do you have a gazebo, or do you still need to improve such a structure. Maybe you love strawberries, so think about where it would be convenient for you to pick them. And in general, everything your soul desires!

It should be taken into account that plants should decrease in height from the north to the south. The beds should be landscaped on the side where it is warmer, and the trees should be landscaped on the north side.

If you are creating a landscape design with your own hands, be patient and knowledgeable in numerous areas, as well as effort. With all this, you should always remember what you initially wanted to see on your own site. After all, in fact, in the process of creating a design it can very easily happen that the main idea is simply lost. As a result, you may end up not with a garden, but with a collection of beds, from which it all originally began.

Be bolder! Implement bold ideas and ideas, trust your own intuition, and don’t go far from the original idea so that your idea can come true!

Landscape design of a summer cottage

Path design

The layout of the paths should be based on which garden plots need an approach. Very a good decision will lay out the so-called excursion route directly past the most attractive places in the garden. If appearance Your flower beds and beds are preserved, be sure to consider making the path to them, as well as the beds, as simple as possible.

Also keep in mind that the main paths should be made with smooth turns, but not with sharp turns!

As for the walking route among the bushes and trees, it can be winding and quite difficult. This way you will allow each of your guests to enjoy all the delights of your site.

Yes, in fact, not everyone has as much free space in their dacha as they would like. But at the same time, the width of the tracks should not suffer at all. Take into account that two people can safely walk on it in the event of a situation. Most optimal width tracks are considered up to one and a half meters.

Also garden paths there must be a slope, at least small, so that puddles after precipitation do not linger on them. At the same time, such water will additionally water, moisten the plants planted nearby, and once again wash the paths from dust and dirt.

As for the materials used for garden paths, it must be as resistant to temperature changes and various weather conditions as possible. As a rule, stone, concrete, decorative options tiles Most natural option are paths that are sprinkled with gravel or sand. Pebble paths lined with mosaics are also attractive.

Lighting design

If little attention was paid not only to the design of flower beds, but also to the design of the entire landscape in general, or even none at all, in comparison with the interiors of the house, then what can we even say about lighting?! But if the lighting is chosen correctly, the area in dark time day will be so interesting that you will like it even more than in the daytime.

Of course, functional lighting is always used. But you shouldn’t forget about its decorative options. To illuminate paths, turns and structures on your site, diffuse lighting is enough, but it should be soft. Then you will be able to move around your own area absolutely safely, while at the same time surveillance of it will remain intact.

But as for functional lighting, a great option is to use built-in lamps. They are mounted along paths and railings, as well as along the edges of steps. Their main purpose is to be guide lights, but at the same time they should not dazzle or irritate the eyes. Also suitable option use of lamps on poles. These options can be purchased in different styles.

Using decorative lighting, You can emphasize all the advantages of your site, while highlighting individual trees, flower beds or figures in the garden.

For the latter case, you can also use spotlights, which are now special - mini. They create a warm/cold tone, and also perfectly illuminate the perimeter due to the filters on their glasses.

Features of lighting in your own summer cottage include:

  • The need for less powerful lamps than within the city
  • It is best to choose energy-saving lamp options
  • Technical and decorative lighting should be thought out in such a way that it is always possible to connect it separately
  • Thoroughly insulate the backlight power cable so that during the process gardening work do not accidentally damage it

Figures in the garden

Such products in the form of animals and gnomes, as well as various mythical characters, are quite popular all over the world. You can install absolutely any decor on the site, at your own discretion. The main task is to make sure that it is not detached from the entire main design. For example, gnomes are hidden somewhere in the bushes, but if you choose a forest fairy, then she should be placed near a tree. You can also come up with your own fairy tale.

Landscaping garden plot

Choosing tall plants, place them in the north side. IN middle lane Shrubs should be identified in the area. But tomatoes with lettuce peppers should be planted in the south of the garden.

Trees with flowers should be positioned as naturally as possible. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the relief on the site, for example, there is no need to level out the hillocks in the areas; play with it by creating your own, unique design.

Install an alpine slide

But such structures are like real mountains, but only those that you create yourself, with your own hands. But if you just pile up a pile of stones and stick flowers between them, you can’t even call it alpine slide. In fact, creating such a design is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Before turning the composition into reality, plan everything on a piece of paper, how and what should be. So, for example, in the most real alpine mountain there are cliffs with peaks flat areas, as well as a valley of greenery.

Start building the slide in the fall, first take gravel/broken bricks, and sprinkle a mixture of earth on top. The height is approximately a meter, perhaps a little lower after shrinkage.

When the ground subsides, stones should be built into the hill large size, and place elements of medium and small shapes on top. Choose plants based on the style of site you prefer, as well as the soil and equipment requirements.

At the base of the hill, you must definitely plant perennial plants; as for annuals, you can replant them several times a year, thereby changing general form structures.

The most popular plants for hills: edelweiss, sedum, saxifrage, lumbago, gubastik.


They do not necessarily have to be in the shape of a circle or rectangle, filled with flowers, planted in an even row. Create interesting options flower beds, showing their taste qualities, as well as putting some effort into this, and you will see that the resulting composition was thought out completely not in vain!

Vertical shape of flower beds

This is a fairly popular way to decorate a flower garden. But colors on earth are not at all necessary! Yes, flowers need soil, but it can be poured into different containers, and at the height of your growth!

The advantages of this method are:

  • Requires less space compared to conventional flower beds
  • The fact is that with their help, the plots turn out to be very original and non-standard.

At the same time, they may not necessarily contain ordinary flowers. Some decorative options for vegetables, herbs, etc. would also look interesting here.

Classic vertical flower beds include:

  • A pyramid shape where plants are planted in a container of many tiers.
  • The shape of the tower is very similar to a pyramid, but the tiers are reduced in diameter.

Application of discounts

Such structures are real stripes of flowers, which are placed right along paths or fences, lawns. They are planted at least 50 cm wide. And when the plants begin to bloom in such stripes, the ground seems to be covered with a bright rug.

There are discounts different types, For example:

  • Unilateral
  • Bilateral


They are flower beds in which herbs are interconnected quite organically. There may also be bushes here small sizes, or even trees. Weeding them can be problematic, especially when the plants are densely planted. Such flower beds are suitable for landscape gardens, where plants are arranged as if at random.

The features of mixborders include:

  • The lines and shapes of the flower beds are quite free
  • Tall plants are planted at the back or in the central part.
  • Contrasting colors will look very original and impressive.

In general, now you know the basic nuances and techniques for decorating a landscape design on a summer cottage with your own hands, so you can organize it as soon as you wish! And so that you don’t have to involve designers, stock up on construction and farming skills, as well as an agronomist and a talented artist!

Study the features of the forms, as well as the location of the site, create your own plan, on which you indicate everything as you want to see as a result of the work performed. And everything will work out for you!

75 photos of country yard design

Hello, dear readers! Traditionally, about a week before the New Year, people begin to decorate the interior of the house, while completely forgetting about the decor of the yard. In fact, in Russia, decorating a site for a celebration is not yet a very common phenomenon, so why don’t each of us become trendsetters in New Year’s “yard” fashion. Just imagine, returning home, and a festive mood greets you in the courtyard of your own plot. In this connection, the topic of today’s review is “How to decorate your yard for the New Year.”

Snowmen made from tree cuts - simple and beautiful!

1. Decorate the area with bows.

If you want to give your area a truly festive and presentable look, decorate it with bows. You can make your own bows from packaging tape or purchase ready-made ones from gift wrapping departments. Bows can be attached to a fence, stair railings, outdoor wall lights, front door, lamp posts or coasters. flower pots.

2. Decor of street flowerpots.

Flowerpots can be decorated with fir branches, cones, walnuts, acorns or chestnuts, Christmas balls, bows or garlands. In addition, you can make a flowerpot yourself in the style of “Santa Claus”; for this you need to take a large tin can, paint it red, and “tighten” a black belt with a large plaque; you can put pine branches with rowan branches in the flowerpot.

3. Illumination of trees.

Garlands will help create a magical world on your site, but simple garlands will not work; you need to purchase special outdoor garlands. Have you purchased it? Okay, let's take the garlands and wrap them around the trunks garden trees, we also distribute the “lights” symmetrically along the crown of winter beauties. In addition, you can purchase glowing icicles, which should be symmetrically distributed among tree branches.

4. Children's sleigh.

Old sleds can become spectacular decoration plot, you just need to “present” the idea correctly. In fact, it’s not at all difficult to create a composition, for example, we install a sled near the thresholds leading into the house, put a portable lantern on the sled, with a lit street candle, and place a bunch of fir branches here. You can see other examples in the photo below.

5. Spruce branches.

Symbol New Year's holiday is a beautiful Christmas tree, so the entire yard can be decorated with fir branches. It is better to buy artificial branches, firstly you will save nature, secondly they are more flexible, and thirdly they retain their original appearance (they do not wither). You can weave entire garlands from the branches, tightening the branches tightly with ordinary sewing threads, you can make a festive wreath or decorate flowerpots, windows, doors, and lamp posts with them.

6. Snow castles, fortresses, igloos.

If time allows, the whole family can go outside and make entire snow castles, build forts or igloos. Such snow castles will become a real decoration of your summer cottage.

7. Huge Christmas tree decorations.

I haven’t seen such toys on sale, but you can make similar balls yourself from thick balls (sold in office supply stores), pour small pebbles into the ball to weigh it down, inflate it, cut out snowflakes from napkins and glue them using PVA glue on the sides of the ball, then the product can be varnished. The top can be cut out of thick cardboard, cut out a wide strip, glue it into a ring, glue a lid (also cut out of cardboard) on top of this ring, make punctures in the lid, thread a suspension wire, and glue the finished top to the ball. In addition, the ball can be decorated with rain, tinsel or a lush bow.

8. Street decorations made of ice.

An excellent solution for site decoration. How to make colored ice balls? Let's take it balloon, pour food coloring, pour water, tie a ball, put it in freezer if the volume of the refrigerator allows, if not, we take it out into the frosty street. After the water in the ball has hardened, we cut the shell of the ball, take out our ice products and get ready to decorate the garden area. In the case of ice cups, we carry out the entire operation described above, plus we add various elements to the glass - viburnum berries, rowan berries, bright leaves, etc., leave it in the cold until it freezes completely, bring it into the house, pour boiling water into a deep basin, and put the frozen water in it. glass, the ice will instantly melt and the ice glass will easily “come out” of the real glass. We decorate the yard for the New Year with ready-made ice elements; they can be scattered everywhere, even hung on trees.

9. Illumination of the house.

A house illuminated by the dancing lights of street garlands looks very impressive. Garlands can be scattered along the edge of the roof, decorate windows, doors, stair railings. Now on sale you can find ready-made luminous wire structures, these can be fairy-tale figures, Santa Claus's sleigh, reindeer in harness, etc. Such figures can be mounted on the roof of a house or near windows.

10. Decorating the front door of the house.

The holiday must be celebrated fully armed, so take the time to Special attention front entrance to the house, it can be decorated with holiday wreaths, compositions of fir branches, inflatable figures of Santa Claus or Father Frost, portable lanterns, bows or artificial Poinsettia flowers. Here you can let loose creativity, on the sides of the door, install identical, beautifully decorated flowerpots or a miniature Christmas tree that will warmly welcome invited guests. Craftsmen can cut out plywood and paint soldiers faithfully guarding the path leading to the house, and don’t forget about the garlands, here they will look most successful!

11. Gift boxes.

In the yard you can place large cardboard boxes in beautiful packaging and spectacular bows. You can see examples of compositions below.

12. Hanging flowerpots.

A very impressive type of decor for the site - hanging planters. Such flowerpots are sold in garden departments, but they can be made independently, if you have elastic willow vines or thick wire in a sheath. You can decorate flowerpots with paper stars (we discussed how to make such stars and more in the article), large beads, artificial snowflakes, fir branches or wicker balls.

13. Festive wreaths.

In our country, such decoration is not yet in great demand, but it is still slowly gaining momentum in popularity. Holiday wreaths can be hung on the front door, railing or fence. How and from what to make a wreath yourself can be found in the article.

14. Garden wheelbarrows.

A magnificent composition can be created with the participation of garden wheelbarrow, which should be decorated with spruce branches, Christmas balls, rowan branches, and painted pine cones. You can install such a wheelbarrow right next to the thresholds; you definitely can’t hide such beauty!

15. Santa Claus's sleigh.

A real thematic decoration, such a sleigh can be ordered from carpenters or, if you have the skill and desire, you can create it yourself. A figure of Santa Claus or a “bag of gifts” would look appropriate in such a sleigh. In principle, if the sleigh will stand under the roof, on the veranda, it can be cut out of thick cardboard, which is then spray-painted and decorated with rhinestones (by analogy with sleighs made of paper for a Christmas tree, read the article).

16. Snowmen.

The snowman is a decor classic garden territory, without it the image will seem incomplete, so we gather the whole family and go to build a snowman. In Russia, it is customary to decorate the head of this character with a bucket, try replacing the bucket with a knitted hat with the same scarf or choosing a top hat with a bow tie, any innovations are welcome!

17. Snowflakes.

Artificial snowflakes are sold everywhere, buy an unlimited number of plastic snowflakes, tie fishing line or thread to them, and hang them on trees, windows, fences, bushes, front door, etc.

18. Snowballs in a bucket.

We take a foam ball (sold in departments of all things for creativity), pierce it with a toothpick (we will hold the ball by it), cover it with an even layer of glue, and sprinkle it generously artificial snow. We make the required number of snowballs and place them in a galvanized bucket.

19. Textile decorations.

Everything is simple here, we find old unnecessary things - mittens, knitted hats, scarves, socks, Santa Claus hats, and hang them around the site.

20. Glowing figures.

An excellent solution for decorating a site is luminous figures; such figures can be purchased or created independently; for this you need to prepare a frame of the figure from wire, which is finally wrapped with an outdoor garland.

The easiest way to decorate your yard or deck is to fill it with flowers and plants. But the approach to choosing flower pots remains old-fashioned; ceramic pots are most often purchased. I propose an unconventional approach that will pleasantly surprise and delight you with the mass of opportunities that open up.
Galvanized metal

Various shapes and sizes of galvanized metal containers

Tall buckets are an easy way to elevate plants
Galvanized metal is protected from rust by a special coating, so products made from it are ideal for plants. Such flower pots will last long years. These can be buckets, bathtubs, and basins, for which it will begin new life in the garden.

Galvanized metal products are associated with the farm and country life, so you can play on the contrast between their image and the delicate and unusual plants planted.
Containers made of galvanized metal are different forms, sizes - from small ladles and cans to large tanks. They can be combined harmoniously, they will look impressive. In addition, it will be possible to plant plants in identical containers and collect water for watering them.

Blooming log

Harmonious proportions of wood and plants
An incredibly original container can be made from a trunk. However, you need to remember that not every tree is suitable for this. As soon as a suitable log has caught your eye, you will definitely need to start processing it. You can either make a recess in the middle, or use existing recesses in it for plants.

Even small plants can look impressive
Wooden containers are great for drought-tolerant plants like succulents because they don't require frequent watering. This means the wood will last longer.
Even small driftwood is suitable for planting plants. They will look perfect in tight spaces or as table decoration instead of a vase.
Multicolored chandeliers

Bright flowerpot from a chandelier

The color of the chandelier can match the color of the porch
An unusual and creative approach that allows you to give a second life to a chandelier that either does not fit into the a new style at home or broken. Now she can perform a new service. All you need is a few more clay pots.

Multi-colored flowerpots made from chandeliers

You can plant not only ivy, but also ferns
You don't have to stick to a vintage style; modern will look great too. It all depends on the model of the chandelier. Designers from the Gumdesign studio offered their vision of flowerpots floating in the air.
Stylish concrete

Concrete flowerpot from Kornegay Design

You can make flowerpots yourself
One of the most amazing things about concrete is that it can take almost any shape. Or you can just leave it in its original form. Designers from the Kornegay Design studio to create original flowerpot inspired by agave.

Concrete wall from flowerpots
If desired, you can pour a flowerpot of any shape out of concrete, and then paint it in desired color. You can build an entire wall of bricks, turning it into a green hedge.

Ideas to do something inside or outside the house with my own hands V Lately have changed dramatically. Creativity and video tutorials on the Internet give home owners the opportunity to renovate or transform their modest interior into a luxurious one, even on a limited budget.
We offer you several examples of affordable and low-budget design options backyard the envy of all the neighbors.
1. Courtyard lighting

Even if someone is not familiar with the principles of using solar energy, this technology makes it possible to organize environmental lighting in the exterior of your home. First you need to change all the light bulbs to those that accumulate solar energy. To protect them from moisture, you need to place them in lampshades or in a special case if you want to hang them on a tree or on the wall of the house. In case of use wooden frames, you need to make sure that they are safe to use.
2. Mirrors to create the illusion of space in the garden

Mirrors can visually enlarge a space. You can use mirrors themselves or products with reflective elements. You can, for example, install old frames with inserted mirrors instead of glass on the wall of the house; all this can create the illusion of expanded space.
3. Objects with a mirror surface on the lawn

With the same goal of expanding space, you can place a number of objects with a mirror surface of different sizes or shapes on the lawn near the house.
4. Big swing

Another one simple idea. Take some ropes, knock down a base of boards and create a functional swing. The base can be made from old doors. We must remember that the swing must be strong and safe.
5. Illuminated flowerpots

Even if you are not an avid gardener, you can install several flowerpots in your yard different sizes. In order for them to acquire the ability to glow in the dark, you need to paint them with special paint.
6. Hammocks

Hammock is good idea design of a recreation area in the summer. You can easily make it yourself using wooden pegs and base material. 4 pegs are driven into the ground. For the base of the hammock, an old blanket (or other strong material) is used, which is attached to pegs.
7. Homemade water path

If there is a children's slide in the garden, then you need to ensure a safe landing when descending. To do this, you can simply create a water slide using a tarpaulin and a water sprinkler. If there is no sprinkler, the same effect can be obtained by using running water and a hose.
8. Fluorescent rings

You can have fun on long summer evenings by playing fun, interactive and creative games in the courtyard. To do this, a tall wooden or metal pole is installed in the yard, on which fluorescent rings need to be thrown.
9. Foot wash

It's nice to walk around the yard barefoot, but you shouldn't go into the house with dirty feet. After playing or doing activities in the garden, they may not need to be washed directly in the yard. Gets confused wooden frame, covered with moisture-resistant sealant, filled with smooth stones and installed next to front door. Now you can wash your feet and hands and at the same time have a relaxing massage.
10. Multi-colored stones in the yard

Today, landscape design cannot do without massive stones of various sizes, but they smooth surface perfect for painting it. This will provide an opportunity to decorate the garden with interesting and unusual objects, colors and shades. You can use one color or a combination of them and cute ornaments.
11. Multi-colored chairs

Many people have one or more in their yard garden chairs that suffer from natural phenomena or simply from time... They can be brought back to life, painted.
12. Flowers

Growing bright plants and flowers remains the most successful method of decorating your yard and garden, but it can be a labor-intensive task. For planting small seeds it is worth using toilet paper.
13. Second life for a tree

If you had to cut down a tree, you can use the trunk to make original decoration for the yard. For example, you can make a table or flowerpot for summer flowers, decorating it with moss.
14. Latex patio paint

Cement tiles on a patio often look dull and unsightly. This can be corrected by using latex floor paint. This way you can add bright colors and protect the surface of the tiles. It's better to take matte paint.
15. Light border of the yard

To define the border of the garden with light, you can use an LED garland; it is better to set an automatic timer for turning on such lighting. In the same way, you can highlight the border of a pond in your yard.
16. Functional garden table

If you are interested in functional solutions, then it’s worth considering the idea of ​​organizing a place to cool beer right in the middle garden table. It's easy to do if it's made from something like this massive material, like an oak. You can simply use tools to cut rectangular sections into the surface of the table and place the cooler there. Then add ice and store the beer here for the duration of the picnic.
17. Impromptu shower

If you want to arrange an active play area, then you need to start by installing a shower, using a hose attached to a tree and a ladder as a hanger for things.
18. Colorful canopy

No need to buy expensive and quality material to build a tent in the yard in the summer. Its function is to protect from wind and rain, but these are completely useless functions for a tent in the yard next to the house. Therefore, you can limit yourself to colored plain fabric, for example, sheets.
19. Minibar with drop door

Using a former cabinet, you can build a mini bar with drinks and a set of glasses. It is better to install a lowering door, which is secured with two ropes. This way you can get an impromptu table.
20. Chalk board in the yard

In order not to invent sophisticated ways to decorate the space in the yard, it is worth remembering simple and affordable things. Children will be grateful for a creative corner where they can draw in peace.
21. Huts for children

You don’t need a lot of money to implement the idea; you just need to take a bathroom curtain, wrap it around an ordinary hoop and hang it on a tree branch. The children themselves will start organizing their hut.
22. Birdhouses

Bird houses will look nice in the garden, especially if they are built using different materials and colors.
23. Torches for lighting the garden at night

You need to take a clean, empty wine bottle, insert the wick as in a kerosene lamp, add kerosene and use a special fastener to install it on the fence throughout the garden. You can disguise the fastenings with flowers or moss.
24. Chinese bells

Everyone has moved or changed the locks at some point, so there are definitely a few unnecessary keys around the house. With their help you can create garden bells. All the keys are painted in the desired colors, hung on strings nearby on a tree branch, and bells are made.
25. Stream

Everyone knows that the sound of running and gurgling water has a relaxing effect on the psyche. Such a stream can be organized in the yard using ingenuity and imagination.
And what kind of garden could there be without a relaxation area with soft sofas, armchairs and even a fireplace? It's very easy to set up, you just need to follow simple rules and then an amazing corner will appear in the yard, where you won’t want to leave until winter.

if you have free time, a good creative mood, or you just want to improve the yard area, then all we have to do is offer an idea. You can involve neighbors, relatives, children and everyone who wants to participate in the creative process. A close-knit team will transform the territory in one go, which will become pride and an example for the entire region, or even the city.

You will need:
  • bright colors of all kinds;
  • plastic bottles;
  • car tires;
  • wood as logs;
  • wood board (if you have unnecessary ones);
  • old containers, for example, buckets, kettles, pots;
  • old rubber or leather shoes;
  • tool;
  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • garden tools;
  • nails, screws;
  • unnecessary items that are resistant to natural factors.
The most available materials for this kind of crafts - these are plastic bottles. Here the imagination is limitless. What creative individuals can’t come up with. Flowers, lanterns, feeders, trees, artificial flower beds - this is not the entire list of possible exterior details.

Try making a flower. Cut the top of the bottle, measure the circumference of the shape, divide it into equal parts, make cuts with scissors to the intended point, and then give a rounded shape to our “petals.” When the flower is ready, color the petals bright colors. Finished goods Can be placed in flower beds or lawns. The middle of the bottle can be filled with soil, where you can sow plants that, in your opinion, during the season, will complement and refresh your newly created masterpiece. Flashlights are increasingly seen on the branches of yard trees. The variety of methods is so wide that there is no point in describing it; it is better to watch the master class

If you have a lot of green and brown bottles, we suggest you add a little exoticism and “grow” a palm tree in your yard. Cut the brown bottles in the middle and decorate the edges with a sharp zigzag. Melt a hole in the middle of the bottom with a hot pin and string the resulting segments onto a long metal barrel (metric pin or other analogue). For leaves, you need to cut off the top of the green bottle, cut the container longitudinally, and then make oblique cuts to the “leaves.” Let's watch the master class Worn-out car tires are a real boon for crafters. It is very important to have imagination and good visual imagination, then cutting and decorating tires is a matter of technique. Draw a sketch of your future masterpiece, mark the tire and make cuts with a jigsaw or knife. Turn inside out and decorate with paint. If your imagination is not easy or some aspects of the process are unclear, see master- class Using the method indicated above, you can create not only swans, but also many other inhabitants. Just look at the picture and you will immediately understand how you can create the animal you like. Perhaps you will create your own unique project, then don’t be greedy and share with others. Sandboxes and elements of a sports ground are the simplest, most accessible and quickly constructed crafts. Everything is simple here. For a sandbox, decorate the tires with bright colors, make drawings if you can, place them in the shade and fill them with sand. Alternatively, you can make a sandbox in the shape of a flower by connecting cut tires. This option will look much more creative than a simple wheel. As you know, children incredibly love to walk on curbs, which is not entirely safe. If you have accumulated a decent amount of unnecessary tires, then paint them with different paints of bright, saturated colors, dig a ditch, immerse the tires in there to the middle and bury them, thoroughly compacting the earth.

10) Birdhouses, feeders, mini-flower beds, wooden characters - these are things that anyone can do, given the desire and time. If you have a free minute and you really want to decorate native yard, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of participating in public life.

Rest assured that such good intentions will be supported by other residents and will be happy to join in the improvement of the territory, especially if there are many children living in the surrounding houses. In the process, you will see many new options, in addition to the ideas presented above.