Yoga for weight loss is a set of exercises. Yoga for weight loss - the best exercises, basic techniques and intensity of exercise (95 photos)

If you associate yoga classes with boredom, then this indicates your ignorance. After attending a CrossFlowX lesson, you will be convinced that you can create high-intensity cardio intervals from the well-known kundalini and kriya yoga asanas. How to achieve this? Simple: being in a chair pose combined with squats, balancing on your hands, using the crow pose (repeating it several times in a row), performing a dynamic plank. This way you have a chance to gain from these activities. maximum benefit, because they help strengthen muscles and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. At the same time, you will begin to lose weight at a high rate.

According to master trainer Heidi KRISTOFFER, who developed basic foundation to teach CrossFlowX, no other yoga program had been able to help her lose weight so quickly, so she decided to create own project. By following the recommendations of this program, you can achieve the construction perfect figure through exercises with your own body weight.

This complex consists of asanas that require balancing on your hands, lifting and lowering, maximum abdominal tension and activation of stabilizer muscles. For this purpose, the plyometric training mode is used. According to Heidi Kristoffer, at first it is enough to stay in the pose for a couple of seconds, and over time, progress from training will become noticeable, which is motivation!

Yoga involves the practice of proper breathing, in which oxygenated blood flows to the muscles. By combining transitions with exhalation or inhalation in each movement, you achieve the effect of relaxation and improved flexibility of your muscles, which contributes to better mastery of poses, “immersion” in them completely, and, accordingly, achievement of success.

TRAINING PLAN: Perform the asanas in order, doing one approach at a time. If at the end of the workout you feel that you are capable of more, repeat the entire sequence from the beginning. Train 3-4 times a week (preferably every other day).

YOU WILL NEED: Yoga mat and yoga bricks.

1. Kriya with twists

The back muscles, rectus and oblique muscles of the abs, buttocks and thighs work.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your arms out to the sides, keeping them at shoulder height (palms facing forward). Raise your right leg straight to hip level, while simultaneously turning your body to the right and grasping outside right foot with your left hand (as shown in the photo). Return to the starting position. Switch sides and repeat. Do the exercise as fast as you can for a minute.

MAKE IT EASIER. If you can't reach your foot, just touch your shin.

2. Rolls from the “locust” pose to the “boat” pose

The muscles of the back, chest, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles work.

Lie face down on the mat with your arms and legs extended. At the same time, lift your chest and legs off the floor (A), return to the starting position. Roll over your left shoulder and sit on your buttocks, tilting your body back slightly and raising your straight legs (your body should take the shape of the letter “V”), keeping your arms parallel to the floor (B). Lower yourself onto the mat. Roll over your right shoulder and repeat from the beginning. Perform the exercise for 1 minute, alternating sides.

MAKE IT EASIER. Keep your knees bent or hold your hips lightly when in boat pose (body in a "V" shape).

3. Dive with push-ups

The muscles of the shoulders, chest, biceps, buttocks, thighs and calves work.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along your body. Bend forward, placing your palms on the floor (about half a meter from your toes). Raise your right leg while simultaneously lifting your left toe (A). Push off with your left foot and jump so that both legs are in the air (right leg bent at the knee), and slightly bend your elbows (B). Land on your left foot, lower your body into a one-leg push-up (B), and keep your other leg suspended. Bend at the waist into an upward-facing dog position. Lower your raised leg to the floor and “step” your hands back to return to the starting position. Do 10 times and change legs.

MAKE IT EASIER. During the jump, lift your feet off the floor just a couple of centimeters.

4. Rock Star Plank

The muscles of the shoulders, back, chest, biceps, muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along your body. Lean forward with your palms on the floor (about a meter from your toes) - your body will take the shape of an inverted “V”. Raise your left leg straight. Bend it at the knee and turn over your right shoulder, while straightening your left arm above your head (support on your right hand). Raise your hips as high as possible, bending at the waist, place your bent left leg on the toe, and keep your right leg straight. Throw your head back (A). Lower your hips, keeping them about three centimeters above the floor (B). And return to position “A” again. Do 10 repetitions and switch sides.

MAKE IT EASIER. Start the exercise with a side plank supported on your forearm.

5. Bend over in a “dancer” pose

The muscles of the abs, buttocks and thighs work.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along your body. Bend your right leg and walk it back, grasping the outside of your foot with your right hand. Extend your left arm up (A). Slowly lean forward, touching your left hand to the floor (B). Also slowly return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps. Switch sides and do the same amount more.

MAKE IT EASIER. Bend your supporting leg slightly or when bending over, touch your hand to the yoga brick rather than the floor.

6. Triangle Lock

The muscles of the shoulders, chest, triceps, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles and thigh muscles work.

Stand straight, feet wider than shoulders, arms along your body. Turn your right foot 90 degrees outward. Straighten your arms above your head, tilt your body to the right, moving your pelvis to the left. Join your hands behind your back in a lock (as shown in the photo). Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.

MAKE IT EASIER. Hold the pose with your palms on the back of your head.

7. Galavasana-stone

The muscles of the shoulders, chest, triceps, abdominal muscles and thighs work.

Stand straight, feet together, arms along your body. Straighten your arms above your head and perform a half squat. Place your right shin on your left thigh (A). Lean forward, touching your palms to the floor. Rest your knees on your elbows, transfer your body weight to your hands and lift your left leg off the floor (B). Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, switch sides and do the same number more.

MAKE IT EASIER. If you have trouble keeping your balance, just try to put as much weight on your hands as possible.

8. Crescent with slopes

The rectus and oblique muscles of the abs, buttocks and thighs work.

Stand up straight, lunge forward with your left leg, straighten your right leg and turn your toe outward. Raise your left arm up and back. Direct your gaze upward. Slide your left hand along your right leg (A). Shift your weight to your left leg and straighten it, touching your left hand to the floor. Raise your right leg and straighten your right arm up, look at it (B). Return to the starting position. Do 10 reps and switch sides.

MAKE IT EASIER. Bend your supporting leg slightly or reach toward the yoga brick instead of the floor.

9. Side Plank Crunches

The shoulder muscles, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, buttock muscles, abductor and adductor muscles of the hips work.

Get into a side plank pose with your left arm supported, extend your right arm over your ear, and straighten your left leg. Simultaneously bend your right arm and right leg so that they touch each other (as shown in the photo). Return to the starting position. Do 10 reps and switch sides.

MAKE IT EASIER. Perform a side plank with support on your forearm or stand on a straight arm, but press your knee, not your toe, into the floor.

Yoga classes for weight loss are very popular now. But if for some they turn out to be a panacea and turn into a way of life, then for some reason they do not work for others. What are the components of success and what style of yoga to choose to lose weight? excess weight?

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient philosophical teaching that came to us from India, preaching a special system of values ​​aimed at achieving a person’s state of spiritual and mental elevation. You can achieve enlightenment through strengthening your body and spirit with the help of mental and physical practices.

Today, few people delve into the philosophical side of the teaching; many adopt only a system of physical exercises called asanas. However, yoga classes help you to understand the capabilities of your body, temporarily escape from the bustle of the world and look deep into yourself. By working on his body and breathing, a person trains endurance, concentration, becomes resistant to stress and gradually comes to a change in consciousness and lifestyle.

Physical Health Benefits

Many diseases occur due to stress. Constant nervous tension can lead to hormonal imbalances, nervous disorders, malfunction of the immune system. That’s why it’s so important to learn to control yourself, switch your consciousness, and tune into a positive mood.

If we talk about the physical aspect of classes, yoga develops endurance, trains flexibility, stretching, and helps to gain harmony.

5 reasons to do yoga for weight loss

People who regularly practice yoga confirm its effectiveness for weight loss. A number of factors contribute to this:

  1. Most asanas are static exercises with changing positions, which require extreme tension in all muscles, including deep muscles, to maintain body balance.
  2. Special breathing technique accelerates metabolic processes in the body by almost 30%. This happens due to the saturation of the body with oxygen, which breaks down fatty tissue cells. Food begins to be digested faster, and the feeling of hunger does not arise, but an unprecedented surge of energy is felt.
  3. Yoga teaches you how to cope with stress. Often it is stress that causes the need to “seize” problems.
  4. Yoga classes reduce the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that provokes fat deposits. excess fat, especially in the abdominal area, and surges in blood glucose.
  5. After exercise, sleep normalizes, and for weight loss it is important to get enough sleep.

What results should you expect?

Many are skeptical about yoga as a means of losing weight, citing the fact that an hour-long workout burns an average of one hundred and fifty to two hundred calories, while a similar duration power training will burn from three hundred to five hundred.

Yes, the result will not be quick; the first changes can be noticed after 2-3 months of regular exercise. Scale readings on initial stage many will be disappointed. But weight loss will definitely occur, just not as rapidly as many would like. Even if the weight stays the same, the volume of the body will decrease by several centimeters, and the muscles will gain relief. This means that fat tissue will gradually be replaced by muscle tissue.

Losing weight is not only and not so much about burning calories. The meaning of yoga is to achieve harmony between consciousness and the physical state of the body. A person becomes more susceptible to all processes occurring inside his body, and gradually comes to the need to change eating habits, reconsider the system of relationships with people and the way of life in general.

Indications and contraindications for classes

Getting rid of extra pounds certainly has a positive effect on your health. Yoga will help not only lose weight, but also cope with many ailments. These classes will be useful:

  • for problems with the spine;
  • joints;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • digestive disorders;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • nervous tension in the background constant stress, including insomnia and chronic fatigue.

You should give up activities completely:

  • for mental disorders;
  • organic lesions of the heart, including defects, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysm, myocardial dystrophy;
  • blood diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • oncological diseases.

You need to temporarily refrain from doing yoga:

  • upon admission medicines a lot;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • after operations;
  • abnormally low or high temperature bodies;
  • taking a massage course;
  • after a bath or sauna (you can start classes no earlier than 8 hours later);
  • on a full stomach.

What types of yoga exist and what should beginners choose for weight loss?

The main question that plagues beginners who decide to take up yoga is which direction to choose? Indeed, there are many styles of yoga, and their choice depends on what goals you want to achieve.

If main goal is weight loss, then the most effective here will be Bikram yoga and Ashtanga yoga, although, according to by and large, all types will ultimately help you lose weight.

  • Bikram yoga (also called “hot” yoga) is a type of hatha yoga and consists of 26 dynamic asanas and 2 breathing exercises that need to be performed in a well-heated room with high humidity. Such workouts can burn up to 700 calories per session. The downside is that not all schools can create for this the necessary conditions, so Bikram yoga is not practiced everywhere.
  • Ashtanga yoga is a tough dynamic practice that allows you to build “dry” muscles. You can burn up to 600 calories in one session. This type of yoga involves following a path consisting of eight steps. Each next level exceeds the previous one in difficulty. Asanas are combined with breathing practice (pranayama) and repetitive movements associated with breathing (vinyasas).
  • Hatha yoga is the initial stage of raja yoga, its purpose is to physically prepare the body for meditation using a set of physical and mental practices that temper the body and spirit. This is a set of static asanas that allow you to deeply work all the muscles and speed up your metabolism.
  • Strength or power yoga was developed in America in the mid-90s. It is based on Ashtanga yoga exercises, but the asanas are not performed in a strict sequence. Power yoga classes train endurance and give fairly quick results. At the initial stage, static hatha yoga exercises are used, while the muscles of the legs, arms, back and hips are well worked out, and muscle imbalances are leveled out. At a more advanced level, when students already have full control of their body, they begin dynamic exercises.
  • Kundalini yoga is a synthesis of static, dynamic, breathing exercises, meditations and mantras. The complex of all these practices allows you to awaken the Kundalini energy, “dormant” at the base of the spine, and raise it gradually through the energy channels upward, to the highest chakra, Sahasrara.

Perform several exercises with kundalini yoga teacher Alexey Vladovsky.

Video: kundalini yoga lesson for weight loss

  • Breathing yoga is a set of special exercises aimed at holding the breath and accumulation in the body carbon dioxide, which helps relax blood vessels. In relaxed vessels, blood circulation is normalized, which increases the overall tone of the whole body. Short hypoxia helps accelerate the synthesis of enzymes that trigger oxidation processes in the body. As a result, metabolism increases and metabolic processes improve.

A video lesson from Karina Kharchinskaya will help you learn more about the principles of breathing.

Video: learning to breathe correctly

  • Yoga for the fingers or mudras is based on the fact that there are acupuncture points associated with various organs on the palms and fingers. Regular exposure to these points helps to cope with stress, improve vision, hearing, speed up metabolism, alleviate many ailments, and also maintain the overall tone of the body.
  • Yoga in hammocks is perfect for people who find it difficult to perform traditional exercises for a number of reasons, for example, joint problems or back problems. Such exercises are useful for obese people and women after childbirth. Classes take place in a special hammock, consisting of a canvas equipped with additional handles and ropes for fastening. Indoors, the device is attached to the ceiling with carabiners, and in the summer you can attach it to a tree or an outdoor horizontal bar to practice outdoors.

What time of day is it best to exercise and what is the optimal duration of exercise?

Indian yogis begin their practices in the morning at dawn, and it is no coincidence. Morning yoga helps you wake up and recharge your batteries for the day. It is the morning hours that are considered the best for yoga. Unfortunately, not everyone has time for full-time studies in the morning. Don’t be upset: 20–30 minutes are enough to perform morning asanas to increase blood circulation, start metabolism, warm up joints and muscles, and prepare the whole body for the working day.

Especially for beginners, you need to approach the choice of exercises for morning warm-up wisely - the risk of injury is higher in the morning. For a morning routine, leisurely stretching exercises that do not require much effort, such as cat pose or butterfly pose, are more suitable. Strength and dynamic loads are best left for evening workouts.

Find out what other exercises to choose for your morning routine from the video.

Video: fifteen-minute complex for awakening from Katerina Buida

The optimal duration of a yoga session is from one and a half to two and a half hours, depending on the level of training. The duration of training time should be increased gradually. You definitely need to exercise regularly, at least 3-4 times a week. At first, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with daily exercises - the body, especially an unprepared one, needs days of rest.

Those who cannot sleep for a long time and feel exhausted in the morning should pay attention to a set of exercises before bed. To avoid problems with falling asleep, the room must be ventilated the night before, and the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.

You can start the complex with the Sirshasana (headstand) exercise, but you need preparation for it: lying on your back, you first need to relax as much as possible, then inhale and exhale smoothly, imagining how the air comes out of all parts of the body. Now you can go to the wall and stand on your head, trying to hold in this position for as long as possible, ideally up to 3 minutes.

The Viparitakarani mudra exercise, which is reminiscent of the familiar “birch tree” exercise, is also good before bed: from a lying position on your back, you need to lift your legs off the floor, with your elbows resting on the floor and your palms on your lower back. You should stay in this position for 2 minutes.

More yoga exercises before bed are in the video tutorial by Katerina Buida.

Video: evening complex “Sweet Dream” from Katerina Buida

What else you need to know about classes

Women often ask whether it is possible to conduct classes on “critical” days? Yes, menstruation is not a contraindication to yoga. During this period, only strength exercises are excluded; twisting and bending back should also be avoided.

Clothing for yoga should be made from natural fabrics, loose and comfortable. You don't need shoes for yoga at all - it's better to practice barefoot, or at least in socks.

You need to train on an empty stomach. In the morning - before breakfast, in the afternoon or evening - 3-4 hours after eating. If you suffer from unbearable hunger, shortly before class you are allowed to drink a glass of juice, milk or tea.

There are no age restrictions for practicing yoga. Children can be taught asanas from the age of 5.

Yoga for weight loss at home

It is better to start yoga classes with an instructor. But if you don't have time to visit gym, you can practice at home using video lessons from experienced experts. Let's look at a few simple exercises for beginners, which will work well on problem areas and help you lose extra pounds.

Getting rid of fat on the stomach and sides

Before performing asanas, a warm-up is always necessary. For this purpose, bending forward and to the sides, turning the body left and right, and rotating the hips are suitable. Now you can begin static asanas.

Paripurna navasana

  1. You need to sit up straight and stretch your legs in front of you, bringing them together. The body and legs should form a right angle.
  2. Then the body must be tilted back 45 degrees, and the outstretched legs must be raised so that the right angle is maintained.
  3. Extend your arms straight forward to maintain body balance.
  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.


  1. Starting standing position: spread your legs wide and straighten your back.
  2. Pull your kneecaps up and tighten your leg muscles.
  3. Taking a deep breath, simultaneously stretch your arms up and clasp your elbows.
  4. Tilt your body down, trying to reach your legs with your forehead, while your hands should touch the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  5. Hold this position for a count of ten.
  6. Return to starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Rdha navasana

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  2. Cross your fingers and place them on the back of your head.
  3. As you exhale, tilt your body back and lift your legs off the floor 40 degrees.
  4. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

Repeat the asana 5 times.


A relaxation exercise that can be used to complete the complex.

  1. Lie on your back, spread your legs and arms to the sides.
  2. Relax the muscles of the whole body. Remain in this position for 20 minutes.

We work the hips and buttocks

A few simple exercises will help significantly improve the shape of your legs and tighten your buttocks.

"Flying Eagle"

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put your right leg forward, hands on your belt.
  2. Squat low.
  3. Rise sharply, as if pushing your body up, at the same time bend your right knee, bend your arms slightly at the elbows, while bringing your right back and your left forward.
  4. Hold in this position for up to 10 seconds.
  5. Squat low again.

Repeat the exercise 10 times, alternating legs.

"Swivel chair"

  1. Sit on the floor, put your legs in front of you, bending your knees, rest your feet on the floor, place your hands on your belt.
  2. Raise your legs so that together with your body they form an angle of 45 degrees, while spreading your arms to the sides.
  3. Trying to maintain the angle between your legs and torso, move both arms to the right and legs to the left.
  4. Then, without touching the floor with your feet, turn your legs to the right and your arms over your head to the left.

Perform 10 cycles.

"Winged Feet"

  1. Get on all fours, straighten your back.
  2. Bend your left leg at the knee so that your heel is level with your buttocks.
  3. Slowly straighten your right leg and move it back.
  4. Hold in this position for up to 10 seconds.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. Repeat the same with changing legs.

Perform 10 cycles.

Take more exercises for your hips and buttocks from American fitness trainer Denise Austin, who combined Ashtanga yoga and Pilates.

Video: a set of exercises for the hips and buttocks

Beautiful hands and a healthy back

Good posture always helps to look young and confident. It is also an indicator of back health. You can achieve beautiful posture at any age, and several simple asanas will help with this.

Child's pose

  1. Kneel down, connecting thumbs legs, and knees spread shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your torso, placing it between your knees, while sitting on your heels.
  3. The hands are positioned shoulder-width apart, from the elbows to the palms they are pressed tightly to the floor and stretched as far as possible.
  4. Touch your forehead to the floor.
  5. Without lifting your buttocks from your heels, slowly stretch the sides of your torso.
  6. Breathing should be smooth.

Hold in this position for 1–2 minutes.

Head down dog pose

  1. The previous asana is the starting position.
  2. As you inhale, lift your pelvis up, straighten your knees.
  3. Shift your body weight to your feet, keeping your heels off the floor.
  4. Tighten your thighs, tighten your kneecaps.
  5. The back and arms should form a single line.
  6. The head and neck should be relaxed.
  7. Breathing should be free.

Stay in this pose for 1 minute.

  1. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms straight forward, press your forehead to the floor, and join your legs.
  2. As you inhale, mentally stretch your lower back, pull your buttocks toward your heels.
  3. As you exhale, raise your right arm and left leg.
  4. While inhaling, return to the starting position.
  5. As you exhale, raise your left arm and right leg.
  6. Return to starting position again

Repeat the cycle 3 times.

Now you can rest for a minute and then complicate the task.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Find out more exercises for the back from Katerina Buida.

Video: fifteen-minute complex for strengthening the back

A universal yoga complex from American trainer Jillian Michaels will help you work out all muscle groups at home.

Video: a set of exercises for all muscle groups

Principles of nutrition combined with exercise

Regular yoga practice can gradually lead to changes in eating habits. Yes, all yogis are vegetarians, but this does not mean that you should immediately adopt vegetarianism. Yoga teaches you to feel your body, and over time you will want to exclude it from your diet. junk food. If you are not yet ready to radically change your eating behavior, then the consumption of certain foods should be limited and minimized.

Yoga is considered harmful:

  1. Any meat contains many toxic substances that promote premature aging and cause aggression.
  2. Any animal fats, including dairy products, cause atherosclerosis.
  3. Any drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, opium, hashish, marijuana and other drugs.
  4. Any sweets, except honey and candied fruits.
  5. Any flour products, especially from yeast dough- they have a detrimental effect on the intestines.

In yoga it is considered correct when:

  • 60% of the diet consists of natural raw food: fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts;
  • 40% is food that has undergone heat treatment.

By observing this ratio, one can compose healthy menu for every day according to your taste.

Greetings, my dear readers. Glad to see you on my blog again. And today we will discuss a topic that interests many, especially in anticipation of summer. Yoga exercises for weight loss will be interesting and useful for those who want to put their figure and your body in order on the eve of the beach season. In the process of their implementation, your weight and lifestyle will change.

You already know, my friends, that yoga is not easy physical exercise, is a complex of knowledge, meditative practices and the ancient science of nutrition and lifestyle (Ayurveda). Systematic effective exercises will help you not only get rid of excess weight, but also renew your body, without disturbing the natural genotype of a person, which is very important. By practicing, you will bring the body to the balance given at birth.

Hatha yoga complexes will help you revive your connection with your body and return it to its beautiful shape. These are not fundamentally new poses, these are classic asanas, built in a certain order by your instructor, which will have an impact on each muscle group and gradually rebuild your entire body.

The effectiveness of these exercises for weight loss has been proven for thousands of years.

The goal of simply losing weight is not the goal of yoga. But yoga claims that a person needs to have a strong physical shell so that we are ready for many hours of breathing practices and meditation in the future.

The best results will be achieved in combination with taking modern drugs for weight loss, with natural ingredients. Good feedback O Chokolate Slim, which has a powerful fat-burning effect. Can only be purchased from an official supplier link

This combination is effective for weight loss and helps to cope with the following factors:

  1. Burns unnecessary fats
  2. Accelerates metabolic processes
  3. Helps you develop the habit of proper nutrition, increases metabolism through special exercises. This includes cleansing shatkarmas and pranayama, which ensures the supply of oxygen to the human body. Then this habit of breathing correctly remains in everyday life.

What can yoga change?

Excess weight is most often the result of several factors. And yoga can cope with several of them at once.

During classes, all muscle groups are stressed. For example, the gluteal muscles become more elastic after several months of training, despite the fact that this muscle group is quite difficult to train.

For everyone who decides to start training, an individual set of exercises is developed, depending on the existing figure problems. Simultaneously with getting rid of extra pounds, the muscle mass, a person becomes more flexible and dexterous.

What weight loss exercises are available and effective for both beginners and those already practicing?

There are simple asanas that can be performed while standing. Despite the fact that they are considered the simplest, performing them regularly and in combination with Chokolate Slim will lead to burning fat in the pelvic area, sides and abdomen. Fat also quickly disappears from the legs and arms.

You need to stand up straight. Arms along the body, lowered.

Feet and knees together, body straight, looking straight ahead.

This position of the body causes the stomach to retract. Stay in this position for a few seconds. All hatha yoga asanas performed while standing begin with this body position.

  1. Vrksasana

Bring your arms together in front of your chest, palms folded in “namaste” (a sign of greeting in India). Arms extended upward. Stretch your hands up and stand like that for a few seconds.

Lower your arms and bend your leg so that the foot of one leg rests on the knee of the other. Make sure that the bent leg is perpendicular to the leg that is standing on the floor. Extend your arms again and hold in this pose.

Beginning students may want to do only the first part of the exercise at first.

Let's stand tall, my already experienced readers. The body is completely straight, look ahead. We spread our legs and arms to the sides with a jump. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Place the right foot perpendicular to the left foot. After which we turn the left foot a little more to the right.

If you practice on your own, the pictures on my blog will help you imagine how to position your body during exercise.

We begin to slowly lean to the right, while trying to reach our right foot with our right hand. We make sure that right palm lay down on the floor. Extend your left arm upward so that it is in line with your right arm. Turn your head up and look at the fingers of your left hand.

We remain in this position. Then we repeat in the other direction.

Try not to bend your knees when bending.

When performing Trikonasana, you should not bend your knees, trying to bend down as low as possible. Everything comes with time. This asana helps to get rid of unnecessary volume on the sides and makes the legs slender.

We get up in Tadasana. We jump to spread our legs and arms to the sides. Tilt to the right, bending your right leg at the knee.

Attention! Your knee should be over your heel.

Extend your left arm forward, raising it to your ear as you bend.

Palm right hand lies on the floor. We pull the whole body towards the tilt slowly, calmly. And as always, we try to stay in this position.

Then repeat the tilt in the opposite direction. Your fat deposits on the thighs and pelvic area will gradually disappear.

5.Cobra, Bhujangasana

Let's lie on our stomachs. We extend our arms along the body. Palms face up, feet joined together. Let's look ahead. We try to rise up, slowly raising our chin. Let's stay in this position and take a few breaths.

Palms point down and lie on the floor. Let's try to move our arms forward so that only up to the elbows they remain on the floor. At the same time, we raise our chest and take several deep breaths.

We throw our heads back, our stomach lies on the floor, we stretch our arms forward and, freezing in this position, we inhale and exhale again.

This classic pose will strengthen your chest muscles, give them shape, and also strengthen your knees and spine. More details about this position in the following articles

  1. Birch or Sarvangasana

Let's lie on our backs. We press our palms to the floor.

Let's swing our legs behind our heads into halasana, and then raise them so that our knees are at shoulder level. We remain in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Supporting the back of your back with your hands, we try to slowly straighten your legs, then lift them up and stay in this position. Try doing a shoulder stand. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

Very slowly and carefully return to the starting position. This exercise strengthens your abs and flattens your stomach. It is better to first master this pose under the guidance of an experienced trainer, and only then perform it on your own.

In order for classes to bring you, my dear readers, what you dream of, you need to be regular. Regularity in yoga is more important than in any other practice. And if you are doing it in order to lose weight, then you are interested in quick, visible changes. If classes are not held regularly, then the result can be forgotten. It is recommended to practice for 30 - 60 minutes 4 - 6 times a week. Then you will see the results.

Yoga helps to launch internal processes in the body and to maintain them you need to constantly train. How to train your body to burn fat

Try to eat right.

Not every person can adhere to the yogi diet, not eat meat, etc. And many Indian yoga teachers, sages say that there is no need. They explain this by saying that the body must receive the foods that people are accustomed to eating in the land where they were born. If our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers loved borscht, do not rush to give it up and completely switch to chickpeas and rice. The most important thing is to know moderation in everything.

Summer is coming and diversify your menu fresh vegetables, everyone can get greens from the garden beds and berries.

In ancient times in India, those who wanted to lose weight refused to eat for a month, only doing asanas and drinking water.

Nowadays there are many easier ways to lose weight, you can just drink fat burning cocktail, but it is better to combine this with yoga exercises and do it regularly. Before implementing any recommendations from this and other blog articles, be sure to consult with your doctor and your yoga instructor.

Today I told you about several classic poses that will help you tone your figure and recharge your batteries. new energy. If the topic seems useful and necessary to you, share it with your friends and acquaintances on in social networks, maybe they also want to become more flexible, young and vigorous. See you soon on the pages of my blog!

Yoga has long been considered an effective health system that restores not only a person’s physical problems, but also leads to spiritual and spiritual harmony. mental condition. Yoga classes are very popular today.

Using a set of exercises based on yoga teachings, you can correct your posture, develop flexibility, relieve stress, and also lose excess weight.

Yoga is, first of all, a complex teaching. Starting to use the practice for the purpose of losing weight, a person receives the necessary physical activity, which helps burn calories, improve metabolism and normalize proper nutrition.

Exercises used for weight loss are called “shatkarmas”. They help improve performance digestive system and saturate the body with oxygen. During classes, a special breathing technique is used, which is gradually applied in everyday life person.

In the process of performing yoga exercises, the most of muscles of the whole body. And after just a few months of training, you can notice how slim and attractive your body becomes, as well as how flexible and light it appears.

You can start yoga classes at any level of training. For beginners, it is recommended to take advantage of individual or group training with a trainer who will develop a special program taking into account problem areas. When the experience of knowledge accumulates, then you can perform yoga exercises for weight loss on your own at home.

If you have any diseases, you must inform the instructor about them so that he can select optimal program for classes.

You should be careful when practicing yoga for diseases such as sciatica, diseases of the nervous system, heart disease, blood diseases, oncology, vertebral or umbilical hernia.

Rules for doing yoga

  • Exercises should be performed regularly.
  • The first training sessions should not last long.
  • It is advisable to exercise on an empty stomach.
  • The exercises must be performed on a mat.
  • Before classes, you should ventilate the room.
  • Use correct technique breathing.
  • Before class, be sure to warm up.
  • If pain occurs, you should stop doing the exercises. You need to start gradually, you should not take on complex exercises right away.

Types of yoga

It is difficult to say for sure which type of yoga is most suitable for weight loss; it all depends on the person’s goals and his problems. Let's look at the main types of yoga:

Hatha yoga is considered the most widespread type of yoga. This teaching is based on the physical preparation of the body for meditation and helps strengthen the spirit and body.

Practice helps to reduce excess weight, saturates the body with oxygen, normalizes metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on vision. This teaching is suitable for people who have problems with joints and spine.

Iyengar yoga. Special attention the teaching focuses on the exact position of the body, where muscles are used that are little used in ordinary life, because of this, excess weight loss occurs.

Ashtanga. This type yoga is based on breathing correctly, and asanas are performed using ligaments without stopping.

Exercises for weight loss

There are a wide variety of yoga exercises for weight loss that help not only lose weight, but also improve your health. Let's look at some exercises that are most often used for such purposes.

Warrior Pose

This exercise helps burn excess fat.

Twisting poses

These exercises help cleanse internal organs, improve the functioning of the digestive system and have a positive effect on overall human health. There are many twisting poses. Let's look at the general twisting pose in yoga.

Execution: lie on your back, extend your arms at shoulder level on both sides, palms should look down, while inhaling, bend your knees, while exhaling, lower your bent legs to the left and turn your face to the right. Then repeat everything, only in the other direction.

Uttanasana pose

This pose helps stretch the thigh muscles and has a good effect on the human body.

Execution: you need to stand up straight, spread your legs, take a breath and calmly bend forward as low as possible, reach with your hands to the floor and clasp your shins with them, remain in this position for at least 30 seconds, and then rise.

Boat Pose or Navasana

This pose helps strengthen muscles and is good for digestion.

Execution: take a sitting position, straighten your legs and put them together, straighten your back, lower your arms along your body. Next, take a deep breath, lower your body back so that your back and legs are straight, raise your legs above the floor, maintaining the angle between your legs and torso. Then you need to raise your arms and stretch them forward.

Shavasana pose

The exercise is performed for relaxation. Helps the body relax and relieve tension.

Execution: you need to lie on your back or on the mat, turn your feet out, and your hands should not touch your body. You first need to concentrate on your feet, feel which of them is tense, and try to relax this place.

After the feet relax, you need to smoothly switch your attention higher - to your ankles and shins, now you need to relax this part of the body. Next, move your attention even higher. And so you need to gradually relax every part of the body up to the head.

Dog pose

This exercise is considered basic in yoga, helps to stretch many muscles, and has a good effect on the digestive system.

Execution: you need to spread your legs, put your hands on the floor, while your palms and feet should be on the same line, the body in this position should resemble a triangle. After completing the exercise, you should relax.

If we talk about losing weight, then yoga is great way lose extra pounds. But to achieve noticeable results, it is recommended to exercise at least 2 times a week, as well as eat right and exercise healthy image life.

It should be remembered that yoga is, first of all, a system that includes a set of actions aimed at solving specific problems. And if you follow the system strictly, you can achieve excellent results. And a beautiful figure will become a reality, not a dream!

Photos of yoga for weight loss

Yoga - endless source health. Yoga exercises help not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, strengthen the immune system, and get rid of depression and stress. In this article, we will not dwell on all the benefits of yoga, but will look at simple yoga exercises for weight loss at home.

Types of poses for weight loss


Twisting poses contribute to the entire digestive system and improve metabolism, which helps rid the body of fats and toxins. Twisting poses include: Bharadvajasana, Sage Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana and others.

Standing poses

Standing poses strengthen the body and improve concentration. Areas of influence of poses: thighs, calves, spine, shoulders, top part back and stomach. Poses of this type must be included in a complex for weight loss through yoga.

Inverted poses

Inverted poses are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, stimulate thyroid gland, working out the abdominal organs. Again, improving metabolism and digestion, strengthening the muscle corset.


Bending poses can be performed either sitting or standing. Depending on the type of inclination, the necessary areas of the body are worked out. Bends are designed to improve body flexibility, stretch tendons and strengthen muscles.

Relaxation poses

You can end your workouts with relaxation poses. Relaxation poses help calm the mind and body and relieve tension after a working day.

Simple asanas for weight loss at home

Let's look at simple asanas for weight loss. I present to you a description of the asanas, photos and principles of action.

Forward Bend - Uttanasana

The stretching pose strengthens the abdominal and thigh muscles and removes fat deposits. Ligaments and tendons work great.

Stand straight, raise your arms up, then smoothly lower your arms to the bottom. Try to touch your head to your knees. You can clasp your shins with your hands.

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana pose helps improve digestion and affects the abdominal organs and abdominal muscles. The pose works great on the spine.

You can perform the pose from a lying position. As you inhale, lift yourself off the floor. Keep your arms straight, legs pressed to the floor.

Downward Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana

The pose helps strengthen all parts of the body. The back surface of the body, tendons, spine, and shoulders are stretched. The abdominal muscles are tightened and metabolism improves.

The pose is performed from a standing position on all fours.

Warrior Pose - Virabhadrasana

The warrior pose allows you to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, align the spine, and stretch the perineal area.

To perform warrior pose, stand up straight, lunge forward, clasp your hands together and raise them above your head. Perform a slight backbend and tighten your entire body. Repeat the exercise with a lunge on the other leg.

Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana

Triangle pose works to burn fat in the sides of the body, calms you down nervous system and stretches the tendons of the legs.

To perform trikonasana, stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, lower yourself to your left leg. Left hand touches the floor next to the foot, and the right one rises up perpendicular to the floor. Direct your gaze to the fingertips of your right hand. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana strengthens the abs and arms, stretches the tendons and has a beneficial effect on the knees.

To perform the pose, stand up straight and, as you inhale, raise your arms above your head, bringing your palms together. The right leg is bent at the knee, and the foot is placed on the inner surface of the thigh. Freeze in the pose for 60 seconds. Do the pose again, but this time bend your left leg.

Chair Pose - Utkatasana

Strengthening your thighs and calves with tree pose is indescribable. The muscles are tensed, endurance is trained, and the abdominal organs are worked out.

To perform the asana, stand straight and, as you exhale, raise your arms up. Place your hands with your palms facing each other and, as you exhale, squat down slightly. Hidden for 30 - 60 seconds in position.

Plank pose is a powerful weapon against fat and cellulite. It is recommended for practice, both as part of a set of exercises for weight loss, and as an independent static load. The plank pose applies a static load to all areas of the body. You can perform several approaches, gradually increasing the time spent in the pose. Don't forget about even breathing and a straight back.

Wind Release Pose - Pawanmuktasana

The pose is designed to free the body from gas accumulations. Performed for each leg separately and with both legs pressed at the same time. It has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs, massages the abdomen, and strengthens the muscles of the lower body.

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana improves the flexibility of the spine, stretches the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs. Like previous poses for weight loss, the bow pose improves bowel function, corrects back disorders, and also strengthens the collar area.

Press 30 - 60 - 90

As the name says, the pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and burns fat. The pose is performed in this way: Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise your legs 30 degrees. Gradually lower your legs almost to the floor. Hold for a moment, and as you exhale, place your feet on the floor. Repeat the exercise, but this time raise your legs 60 degrees and then 90.

You can perform a set of exercises at home. Simple exercises for weight loss not only burn fat, but also increase endurance, improve the functioning of internal organs and give your body flexibility. Stay always young and beautiful!

How do you cope with excess weight?