Interior of a room with a fireplace. The design of a living room with a fireplace is the real comfort of a home

For many, the idea of ​​comfort is inextricably linked with the soft warmth of the hearth, the reflections of the fire on the wall, the crackling of wood and the subtle scent of smoke. This is inherent in human genetic memory since the cave times, when fire meant life. And millennia later, when instead of a cave, a man got his own house, the desire to have a source of fire in it did not disappear. Almost any owner would like to order the design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house - no matter how many square meters are allocated for the living room.

A comfortable chair, a fluffy blanket, a dim floor lamp, a cup of hot tea or a glass of wine, a leisurely conversation and a philosophical mood - all this is associated with the hearth. The decision to decorate your living room this way is no longer a miracle today, they are placed in luxurious country mansions, small private cottages, modern apartments, sometimes in cramped ones. Indeed, today a fireplace is not at all a bulky structure, more often it is a compact decor element in any style.

If you dream of having an original, comfortable and beautiful living room design in a private house, success is already guaranteed with a fireplace. It guarantees a special atmosphere and becomes the center of the house. Although its installation requires special knowledge and professional skills, the task is quite doable. For a start, it's a good idea to learn more about modern fireplaces, their design and installation. And carefully study the safety requirements.

Modern fireplaces are structurally divided into 4 groups:

  • corners are the most popular. Installed in the corner, they are clearly visible, take up little space, it is quite easy to arrange furniture next to each other;
  • wall-mounted - a respectable, although quite massive option, therefore it is appropriate in a spacious room;
  • built-in - they are installed in a niche, there is only a firebox outside, so it is compact. There are two disadvantages: you must first create the niche itself and big problems during the repair;
  • island - mounted in the center of the room. Convenient in that it fits into anyone and helps in the zoning of the room.

By material, fireplaces are made of stone, brick and metal. It must be remembered that the fireplace itself will be the main accent, so it should be fully combined with the rest of the decor.

The most versatile are brick fireplaces. The shade of the brick is important here. For lovers of the classics, a fireplace made of brown and sandy bricks will suit. The shabby chic style dictates the fashion for light gray bricks.

In country and country styles, fireplaces made of stone - natural or artificial - will flawlessly flow. You can not be limited to framing, but lay out the entire wall completely, create an arch or a small shelf.

Metal is appropriate if it is designed with a fireplace in a private house in the spirit of techno or hi-tech. The furnishings dictate the color of the metal - from sparkling chrome to precious matt gold. Glass elements go well with metal. There is only one limitation - it will not be possible to install a mantelpiece, the metal gets very hot, and there is a risk of getting burned.

Fireplace fuels also vary. Most prefer traditional wood-burning ones. Coal or peat is almost never used. Many people switch to gas, this allows them not to install a chimney. For purely decorative purposes, it is convenient to use biofuels.

The choice of a fireplace is up to the owner of the house. In any case, very high quality ventilation is required. Also, you cannot do without a special set - fireplace tongs, a poker for coals, a scoop for raking them out.

Furniture next to the fireplace

The hearth is very noticeable in the interior; it should not be additionally highlighted with the help of furniture. But they must be fully compatible. The amount of furniture varies depending on the area of ​​the room.

The lounge area is considered a classic: a couple of comfortable armchairs, a floor lamp and a coffee table nearby.

You can put a corner sofa. Pay attention to the upholstery: if the zoning of the living room is not planned, it should be the same, and if the fireplace area is a special area, then the furniture upholstery in it is made different, but combined with the general interior solution.

In a narrow room, an overabundance of furniture will wipe out all the charm of a fireplace. Only small shelves can be added to the fireplace armchairs, everything else is better placed opposite.

The design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house assumes that the most warm, relaxing atmosphere is created in this room. Pictures or photo collages, beautiful clocks, candles will decorate the room. All are matched to the general style:

  • porcelain vases, figurines, frames and bronze candlesticks match the classics;
  • artificially aged frames, pots and boxes are appropriate in country, rustic, shabby chic;
  • cutting edge styles like hi-tech allow all of the above, but done in an appropriate manner.

Do not forget about cozy pillows, rugs, capes.

TV next to the fireplace

These two elements of the interior are not very well combined: the hearth is a symbol of the intimate setting, and the TV is a symbol of modernity. The ideal design of a living room with a fireplace in a private house does not require a TV at all.

But if you can't do without a TV, we observe 2 rules: there is no place for the TV in front of the hearth (the glare of the fire is reflected on the screen, shading the image), we do not place it over the fireplace (believe me, watching TV with lifting your head is not very comfortable, and the heat of the fire is harmful screen pixels). The best option is to place it on an adjacent wall, it is safe for electronics and does not interfere with viewing.

Don't forget about safety

The fireplace plus bezels are pretty heavy. Take care of a solid, heat-resistant base. The carpet is not placed next to the hearth, it will be warm anyway. Fur rugs can be thrown by the chairs. The fireplace is not placed on the outer wall, all the heat will "go away" to the street. Furniture and rugs should be placed no closer than 1.5 m from the fireplace.

In a private house, the design of a living room with a fireplace must take into account a closed firebox with a fireproof glass door. This will allow you to safely bask and enjoy the play of fire. This option is ideal if you have small children and pets.

A little imagination - and the dream of a fireplace will come true, giving your home the warmth of the hearth and a special atmosphere.

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The living room in any home is the central gathering place for the whole family. Therefore, when decorating this room, you need to carefully consider all the elements that will be in the room. The atmosphere should be warm and inviting. Living room with fireplace and TV is one of the most attractive design solutions.

Fireplace and TV in the living room - accommodation options

Fireplace and TV are two objects of different technology. The hearth personifies a part of nature. Fire warms and immerses you in an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Modern TV is a technological advance. It surprises with its size and capabilities. Combining these two elements in an interior is not an easy task, but you can cope with it.

Fireplace types

To place the hearth in the living room space, you need to decide on the type of device. Initially, only owners of country houses could afford this interior object. The classic version requires wood burning and a chimney for smoke to escape. Today there are many fireplaces that can be located both in a private house and in a city apartment:

  • Wood-burning fireplaces require wood burning and exude natural heat from burning logs. Requires a separate storage area for firewood.
  • Electric fireplaces are based on simulating fire with electrical appliances. The warmth and sounds of burning logs are provided to you.
  • Gas fireplaces do not require wood, they use gas as a combustion substance.
  • False fireplaces are created from any material with the use of the imagination of the owner or designer. An example is the set of candles installed in a special niche.

All the advantages and disadvantages of various types of fireplaces are summarized in the table.

Dwelling type



Wood burning

House with a chimney (private, suburban)

Natural fire and warmth, the crackle of burning logs

Lengthy installation work. High requirements for fire safety


Safe, easy to install, cheap

Lack of natural fire

Any type (apartment, private house)

Ease of installation, exclusion of the use of firewood. Can be of any shape and fit into any interior

Require compliance with fire safety measures and permission of the relevant authorities

False fireplaces

Any type (apartment, private house)

Can be of any type

Will not give a lot of fire and heat

Fireplace and TV in the apartment

In a city apartment you need to think very carefully with a fireplace and TV. You can see a photo of examples below. There are several guidelines for placing these elements indoors:

  • Avoid placing the fireplace against an outside wall. Then you risk losing some of the heat that will go outside.
  • It is better not to place the TV on the wall opposite to the fireplace. Then glare of fire will appear on the screen, which will interfere with viewing.
  • A solid foundation is required for installing a fireplace. Think carefully about the materials used. It is best to take a brick, stone or tile.

Special attention should be paid to the design option of the living room with a fireplace and a TV, when both objects are located on the same wall. The TV must not be placed over a wood-burning fireplace, otherwise the high heat from the fire will damage the equipment. The ideal option would be an electric or gas fireplace recessed into the wall. Then both objects will be located at the same level. And the power of fire will not interfere with viewing.

Advice! Placing on one wall is a great option to combine a TV and a fireplace in the interior of a small living room. See photos of examples below.

It is very convenient to hang the TV on the wall perpendicular to the hearth structure. Then two zones are defined in the room:

  • zone of lovers of pleasant conversations by the fire;
  • TV viewing area.

Fireplace and TV in a private house

A private house opens up space for design solutions in the living room. Any type of hearth can be installed. The main thing is to think over the implementation of the chimney with the highest quality. You can create a large classic wood-burning fireplace that will not only serve as a decorative function, but also serve as a source of heating.

Design options for a living room with a fireplace and TV

In many ways, the design of the room depends on the decoration elements. It is necessary not only to think over the colors and materials for the walls, windows and floors, but also to correctly design the key interior items. Since we are considering the interior of the living room with a fireplace and a TV, special attention should be paid to these objects.

Fireplace decoration

The presence of a fireplace device makes it the center of attraction for the eyes, so it is necessary to correctly think over the design of this heat island. Materials for the manufacture of the hearth and its design should be combined with the overall color scheme of the room.

If the fireplace has a space above the firebox (mantelpiece), then interesting elements should be placed on it: vases, figurines, caskets. A shelf decorated with family photos will add a special comfort to the living room.

Advice! In a classic interior, use a symmetrical arrangement of elements. In a modern type of interior, asymmetrically located decor details will look great.

TV in the living room interior

The style of the TV is usually austere: square corners, clean lines, glossy surfaces. The harmonious fit of the TV into the classic interior can be a problem. Our recommendations will help you find the right combination of TV and fireplace in your living room:

  • If the TV is installed on a stand, then it should not stand out from the whole interior. Think over the color and material of the cabinet, create a table or bookshelves in a similar style.

  • Modern TVs are available in several colors: black, gray, white, milky. Find the most interesting color for your room.

  • Rely on the photos of the finished interiors you like. Take ideas and put them into your own home.

Be especially careful with your fireplace and TV wall design. This surface should be done discreetly in soft colors. The rich decor will overwhelm and tire you quickly.


A fireplace and TV in the living room interior is a very interesting solution. In the process of decorating a room, rely on the recommendations of designers and your own sense of taste. The above photos will help you choose unusual options for the placement and design of objects.

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The living room has always been considered the heart of the house, in which comfort and warmth are intertwined. In this room, households gather with their loved ones, spend their free time and relax after a working day. A living room with a fireplace will maintain a cozy atmosphere and delight its owners at any time of the year with a cup of coffee or just a good book. Today, designers are ready to offer everyone a huge number of interior solutions, based on taste preferences and financial capabilities. A variety of options will help everyone find the desired design.

Interior design and zoning

If you are thinking about interior design and zoning, then it is best to equip a portal in the living room, the area of ​​which is more than 20 square meters. Such living rooms look expensive and stylish, however, even in small rooms, you can create a cozy atmosphere.


Owners of small living rooms often ask themselves about the topic of placing a fireplace. For small rooms with a fireplace, the minimalist style is suitable. It is best to purchase electric, gas or biofireplaces, which are not large in size and look modern. Do not forget about ventilation of the room, as the portals burn a lot of oxygen.

A small living room with a fireplace will look great if there are no unnecessary details in the room. Position the portal under the TV so that both elements are the center of attention.

Living-dining room

A room that combines a living room and a dining room is the most optimal place for installing a real fireplace with a live flame. Many people have a barbecue in addition to a fireplace. You can equip an electrical portal in the room that simulates a live flame. The minimalism style is perfect for this option. You do not need the permission of the supervisory authority, as well as equipping the room with chimney ducts.

The classic interior looks great, which combines the severity of forms and a neutral color palette, moldings and unobtrusive stucco elements. Facing the fireplace is made using porcelain stoneware or metal, concrete coating.

With ladder

In a living room with a staircase, wood-burning fireplaces will look great, since they are very effective. With the help of such a portal, you can create the atmosphere of a movie, which combines not only a pleasant image, but also the attractive sound of crackling logs.

Before you start decorating the interior, you need to come up with a detailed plan. Choose the leading style of the living room, and then choose the right staircase.

With bay window

The bay window is the protruding part of the house, which inside refers to the element of the living room. In most cases, the ecker is located in the living room and is considered a winning element in the interior.

Regardless of what type of fireplace is located in the living room, the room should be decorated in restrained colors. For decoration, use only natural raw materials, for example, wood or rattan, along with expensive fabrics.

Living room-bedroom

The living room-bedroom is well combined with a simple decorated fireplace. This style will successfully fit into the overall interior of the room. It is also possible to apply deep natural colors for the portal, which contributes to any design spectrum in the room and makes the fireplace stand out as a dark contrasting spot against the general background. If there is a ledge in front of the fireplace, it can be used as a seating position. A small niche can do a great job of being a woodpile.


The ideal shape for a living room is a square when the width and length of the room are the same size. However, such rooms are very rare, so you should learn how to evenly fill the free space. You can choose any type of fireplace that looks great in the center of one of the long sides.

An indispensable piece of furniture is a soft corner, which should be placed in the room correctly. If your room has enough free space, you can place this furniture in the center of the living room.

With library

Living rooms with a library are still popular today. In this interior, wood-burning portals with a closed type, which are recessed into the wall, should be used. A carved ornament is used as decoration. Typically, such portals are located in the central library building.

Don't forget about fire prevention measures:

  • keep the minimum distance between the walls of the cabinet and the fireplace;
  • use insulating material around the chimney and the portal itself;
  • to install a fireplace in a living room with a library, you will need an air intake of the required size.

A strict aristocratic style is suitable for such a room, with the use of panels made of expensive wood, old-style clocks, and exquisite accessories for the fireplace.

Where to locate

  1. In order to protect the structure from temperature changes, the entire room should be insulated, along with windows and doors.
  2. Do not mount portals near the stairs in the corridor.

There are several options for placing fireplaces in the living room.


The corner type of accommodation will suit the taste of the owner of a small living room. Such portals are a favorite element of decor, which is convenient in almost any style solution.

Near the wall

A fireplace against the wall is considered a traditional seating option. When arranging such a portal, you should know two important conditions:

Models with an open flame should not be placed near wooden objects. Mounting the fireplace insert near the outer walls is also undesirable, because all the heat will go to the street.

Between the Windows

The most effective way to place a fireplace is between windows. It must be borne in mind that this option has a drawback: the loss of a certain amount of heat for heating the outer wall. This factor can be easily eliminated by thermal insulation of the site.

Most often, the portal is mounted between two large French windows, as it looks impressive. Frontal or corner installation of the portal between windows of different sizes is also acceptable.

In the middle of the living room

The fireplace, which is located in the center of the living room, is called an island fireplace. This is the most efficient heat dissipation option. At the same time, the practicality of installation in the middle of the living room will directly depend on the dimensions of the structure itself and the room.


Types of fireplaces

Not so long ago, fireplaces and stairs were present only among the owners of suburban real estate. Today, in almost every modern living room, you can install both a fireplace and a staircase. There are different types of fireplaces: wood-burning, gas, electric and other options that will suit any interior in your home.


Bio fireplaces are perfect for apartment owners. They work on bioethanol, which is made from natural ingredients and is absolutely safe for humans. These portals do not emit smoke, so they are considered ideal for urban environments. At the same time, during the combustion of bioethanol, carbon dioxide is released, therefore, when installing a biofireplace, you should take care of a high-quality ventilation system.


A brick fireplace is a classic option. A red brick model with expressive white seams will look good in any living room. The installation of such a fireplace insert brings us back to the time when the portal was used as a heating. A brick fireplace fits perfectly into a classic interior.

Cast iron three-sided

Today, cast iron three-sided fireplaces are popular, as they have high aesthetic data, as well as good technical characteristics. Such designs adorn design living rooms and bring exclusiveness to the interior. By installing such a portal in your house or apartment, you will add a touch of originality and unusualness.

No chimney

A fireplace without a chimney includes a fuel module and a decorative body made of metal, glass-ceramic materials or stones. These fireplaces can be closed or open. Protective screens made of fireproof glass are used as insulation. Fuel compartments are presented in the form of a burner, fuel block.

Modern design trends

The living room with fireplace combines many modern design trends. You can create a room in a discreet, elegant classic, or choose a high-tech style. Someone will love an electric fireplace that looks great against the background of warm tones of furniture and solid wood.

You can choose absolutely any design for a living room with a fireplace, based on personal preferences and capabilities.


Furniture near the fireplace should be positioned so that everyone present can admire the flame. A parallel arrangement is best for this, when two chairs are placed in front of the sofa. Between them you can put a low-rise coffee table on which coffee cups and magazines will stand.

Often, the owners of the living room put fireplace armchairs next to the portals, which emphasize the most comfortable atmosphere. If you place the chair sideways with the fireplace insert, the flame will pleasantly warm you.

Decor elements

If you don't know what to hang over the fireplace, then a picture or a book shelf is a great option. The presence of mirrors or plasma panels will also look good.

For those who do not know what to put on the fireplace, designers recommend considering options with family photos, original accessories. You can put speakers, home phones and other appliances on the shelf.


If you want to put a fireplace in the living room, then you will need to pay close attention to the strength and height of the ceiling. Take care of the strength of the floor and walls, as well as the fire safety of the room. If your living room has a false fireplace, the height of the ceilings does not matter. Such designs fit perfectly into any interior.


For a living room with a fireplace, various options for curtains are suitable, depending on the interior. For the anchor room, airy fabrics can be purchased, the English style will be supported by heavy textiles. When installing a fireplace, remember that a live fire should not be located near the curtains.


When choosing wallpaper, remember: the lower the ceiling and the smaller the area of ​​the room, the lighter the wallpaper you should choose. In a large living room, on the contrary, rich shades of wallpaper will look great.


Traditionally, the mirror is placed over the fireplace. This tradition comes from ancient times, when candlesticks were present on the mantelpiece. The fire from the candles was reflected in the mirror, and due to the multiplication of the fire, the light spread throughout the living room.

Candles are rarely used these days, but the mirror reflects the light from the chandelier, thereby increasing the amount of light in the room.


If you decide to put a fireplace in the living room, you need to think over the lighting of the room. Pay attention to candles, decorated chandeliers, floor lamps. The fireplace looks favorably with chic table lamps, which in shape resemble bronze candlesticks.


As mentioned earlier, fireplaces will look great in any style, you just need to choose the right one.

The classic style is at the top of its popularity. The special features of this interior include luxurious shades throughout. If you decide to choose such an interior, then use only high-quality materials for decoration, expensive furniture. Carpets and massive chandeliers will harmoniously fit into the design of the living room.

There is simplicity and rationality in modern Art Nouveau. It differs from other styles in the functionality of every detail in the interior. This also applies to the fireplace: first of all, this structure should serve as a heating of the room, only then perform the function of decoration. Even when using a false fireplace, you should equip a pronounced firebox and simulate a flame with wood.

The Provence style living room is fraught with the prints of the southern countries. This interior combines romance and refined taste. If you decide to make a room in this style, then remember about the obligatory shade of antiquity. You can finish the fireplace in the form of open bricks or peeling paint. Many people use the Provence style in the country.

If you like unusual and quirky solutions, then you will certainly love the loft style in the living room with a fireplace. This interior is a combination of modern technology with antiques. The fireplace in this case goes beyond the usual, and allows you to look at the hearth in a new way.

If you live in the countryside, you may like the country style rustic style. When decorating fireplaces, simple and slightly rough shapes are used, along with unpretentious finishes from available materials.

For those who decide to decorate the living room in a Scandinavian style, the installation of a fireplace will be required, since this design is an integral part of such an interior. The design involves the use of bright accessories that, in combination with the flame of the hearth, can revive and warm a bright room.

For lovers of unusual solutions, a high-tech interior is suitable. It is a modern style that uses the latest generation materials, including chromed metal. In such a living room, you can install fireplaces of an unusual shape, for example, in the form of a pyramid, and bring your own bold fantasies.

For a small living room, you can use a minimalist interior. It means small furnishings with a corner fireplace.

The main objective in the English style is to create a cozy and warm atmosphere in which the fireplace will be the focal point. In this interior, materials of warm colors are used, a large amount of natural wood. True fans of the noble style will love this solution.

For a chalet-style living room, a fireplace is an important decor element. In this case, the portal will be not only a decoration, but also a device for heating the room. You can use in this interior decoration of the fireplace with the help of books, figurines, photographs. A wooden table with low legs, on the sides of which there is a sofa with armchairs, will harmoniously combine with an atmosphere of simplicity and elegance.

The Art Deco style is incredibly popular. Decorators and designers love him very much. The main feature of this style is its authenticity. The interior must contain expensive accessories and works of art. The decor uses a large amount of gloss and gloss. The fireplace will act as the logical center of the room, above which the mirror is located.

The presence of a fireplace provides for the Baroque style. This interior has a quirky decor that is decorated with mosaics and pictures of nature. White marble or its analogs are actively used as decoration.

As you can see for yourself, there are many styles of fireplaces that you can use to equip your living room in any solution. Many people like to design large living rooms in the American style, where curved surfaces and twisted columns are combined. The beautiful wooden shelves above the fireplace are a must.

Other owners of houses and apartments choose shabby chic, where a rocking chair and a soft rug must be located near the fireplace. Someone likes a living room with an eco-style fireplace, or vice versa, glamor.

The article will discuss how the design of a living room in a house with a fireplace is created, what features such rooms have, which fireplaces are best used when implementing different stylistic concepts. Photos and videos of finished works will tell you how you can solve the design problem.

Features of interiors with fireplaces

Today, fireplaces in the interior of a private house are not uncommon. They give it a special warmth and comfort, help to get away from boring and monotonous space planning. And if quite recently the installation of such an element had to be done even at the stage of construction of suburban housing, modern fireboxes can be installed even at the stage of completion of the repair.

To implement a functional design, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the shape of the room. Everything matters: the volume of the area, the existing layout and even the arrangement of furniture. It is recommended to choose a place for a fireplace in such a way that its presence does not interfere with the practical application of the room described. It must necessarily fit a cozy seating area in a private corner, and not on the heel of passage. The fireplace should also not stand in the aisle, otherwise it will not be possible to sit comfortably near it and admire the shine of the fire. Do not install the fireplace close to the front door, as well as mount it near the window.

Types of existing fireplaces

A competent choice of fireplace model will play a fundamental role in the design of the living room. The offered assortment is so diverse that it is very difficult for a simple layman to navigate in it. It is important to simultaneously take into account the principle of heat radiation, the type of fuel used for heating, and the style of construction.

When drawing up a project for the interior of a living room in a house with a fireplace, experienced designers start from the design of the stove itself, its firebox or the visible part of the portal. The facade can be made very laconically, decorated with tiles or tiles, decorative painting, which can become an accent part of the design.

It is also important to take into account the presence of the constituent elements of the firebox, pay attention to how the smoke collector looks like, the chimney, whether the fireplace has a built-in firebox. There are models on sale with a special shelf for firewood. It must be played up in the design of the room. Sometimes an additional cabinet is attached to the front of the hearth, or a large wooden shelf is laid above its surface. On the side there is a small table, similar in style to the fireplace insert.

When choosing a specific solution, it is important to consider several parameters. One of them is a variant of the hearth design. There are models with an angular, wall-mounted, built-in firebox arrangement. Island fireplaces look very original. Each version has its own characteristics.

For example, installing a wall-mounted fireplace will take up a lot of space. It is possible to consider the purchase of such an option only if the living room in a private house is large. But such a stove is the easiest to fit into the design of a country house; it integrates perfectly into classic and modern interiors. Usually, brick or stone is used for finishing the portal, as well as ceramic tiles.

For owners of small living rooms, corner fireplaces are most suitable. You can decorate them in different ways, place soft chairs or a corner sofa around. In this way, a cozy seating area will be formed.

The built-in fireplace differs from the wall model in that its chimney is embedded in the wall. You can install such a hearth if you install the furnace equipment even at the stage of building a house. Then it will take up a little space in the living room, if the wall where the hearth is located is additionally highlighted when decorating, it will turn out very beautifully. A similar design of a fireplace in the interior of a country house always looks impressive. This solution is often used in the implementation of the concepts of modern style trends.

Island fireplaces are rare and look very interesting. This choice is only suitable for spacious rooms. They have less heat transfer than the models described above. Island fireplaces often serve only as a decorative role. Their hearth is visible from all sides, so the recreation area can be placed in a circle.

When choosing a fireplace model, it is important to take into account the type of fuel used to kindle the hearth. A special, incomparable atmosphere is created by the firewood crackling in the fire. It is they who are able to provide maximum heat transfer, but if small children grow up in the house or live pets, it will be dangerous to use a wood-burning fireplace.

Even adherence to strict operating rules will not be able to ensure absolute safety. From this point of view, models built into the wall, raised high, will help to find a compromise in a situation where the fireplace acts as part of a single heating system of a country house.

Bio-fireplaces that run on alcohol perform only a decorative function in the interior of the living room. Electric fireplaces are more suitable for city apartments. In a private house, decorated with wood, because of their artificiality, they do not look appropriate.

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Styles of design

The interior of living rooms with a fireplace in the house will look organic and aesthetically pleasing if the design of the hearth is ideally combined with the style of room decoration. Most often, the designated housing is designed in country style. It is characterized by the presence of rural motives, therefore, when facing the fireplace, it is necessary to use stone or brick. Ceramic samples and wooden shelves are capable of emphasizing the authenticity. Metal fireboxes organically fit into this style. They will certainly become the central link, the decor that invariably attracts attention.

The living room, decorated in a chalet style, is close in spirit to the first stylistic direction. Such interiors are reminiscent of the decoration of houses built in the Swiss Alps. A large amount of wood is used in the decoration (beams on the ceiling, rough planks on the floor, large panoramic windows). In this case, it is recommended to decorate the fireplace with natural stone, the color of which will overlap with the shade of the wood finish.

The Scandinavian-style living room cannot boast of an abundance of decor. It is made in a laconic design, light finishing materials are used to decorate the walls, floor and ceiling, therefore fireplaces are decorated with white ceramic tiles. Sometimes the portal is simply painted over with paint. If it matches the tone of the walls, the largest decorative element dissolves into the interior and becomes neat. The installation of a finished metal firebox with a laconic design helps to emphasize its availability. If it can be distinguished around the perimeter with a molding whose color is combined with the color of the main finish, it will turn out beautifully.

Hi-tech is characterized by smooth metal surfaces. Here you can actively use glass and plastic, which has a glossy sheen. Such materials cannot be used for facing a hearth with live fire. Therefore, biofireplaces are often installed in the interior of the living room, made in high-tech style.

Video description

How high-tech living rooms with fireplaces can be decorated, see the video:

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Classics, baroque, rococo - these styles are most often chosen for interior decoration of living rooms with a fireplace in a country house. The hearth in this case is decorated with stucco and elements of small architecture (columns). You can actively use light marble or light ceramic tiles, whose pattern skillfully imitates natural stone. If a modern reading of the classics is used, experts recommend paying attention to the tiled material that allows you to stylize brick or masonry.

Modern is another popular trend that is often used to decorate country living rooms. A fireplace decorated with brick, black, gray or dark brown stone can most successfully fit into such an interior. Such an element of decor instantly becomes a central object and a connecting link that helps to successfully zone a room and arrange it according to all the rules of style.

If you want to furnish the living room in an eclectic style, it is better to use ready-made fireplaces, island models or portals, covered with glass on three sides.

Design based on the location of the fireplace

The layout of the room plays a big role in choosing the design of the living room. If it has a fireplace, you should always start from it. When the hearth is located in the center of a small room, its design should be very laconic and rather restrained. The fireplace will become a semantic center, so visually it should stand out. Furniture in such a room will be located around the fireplace.

When the hearth is in the center of a large hall, it is not necessary to divide the room visually into clear functional zones. In such situations, only those living rooms look good, for the decoration of which a design saturated with small objects is used. You can arrange accessories in different ways.

You can decorate the walls, floor and ceiling not flashy, highlight the fireplace with textured material, place bright decor elements around it and organize a cozy recreation area. There is an option for decorating a large living room with exactly the opposite. Then you need to use a discreet finish to decorate the walls and fireplace, distribute bright elements throughout the room.

In the interiors of a country house, you can often see a layout in which the living room is combined with the kitchen. The design options for such rooms where the fireplace acts as a separation of two zones look interesting. In such an implementation, his shelf can act as a bar counter. Choosing this option for interior decoration, you need to purchase a hearth, the firebox of which can be viewed from different sides. These requirements are met by metal fireboxes with three sides of the glazing.

Very often in country houses you can see the combination of the living room and the hallway. A solution is often used here in which the fireplace is placed under the staircase. Then, for the design of the hearth portal, it is recommended to use a bright finish. Otherwise, the fireplace will simply get lost and become invisible.

Living room furniture with fireplace

The presence of a hearth in the house allows you to admire a living fire, therefore, the interior filling should be done in such a way that everyone present can enjoy the flame. To achieve this goal, a parallel layout is best suited. With her, sofas are placed opposite each other, and a coffee table is placed between them, you can use corner sofa models. Then soft chairs can take the free side.

If a small model of the fireplace is used, and the hearth itself is not the central element of the decor, it is proposed to put two soft armchairs and a floor lamp on a high leg near it. Chairs can be turned to face the firebox or placed sideways to it. In the first case, it will turn out to be comfortable to sit down and watch the logs crackle, in the second - to read a book and warm the body.

The ottomans placed next to the armchairs can provide maximum comfort. You can put your feet on them. A cozy rocking chair will look good in such a corner. Any piece of furniture should be at a distance of one and a half meters from the firebox. This is the main requirement for the safety of its use.

Decor for decorating fireplaces

A fireplace is a decorative element, but sometimes it also needs additional decoration. On its portal can be located pictures, posters, shelves for books or photographs. You can hang one large mirror on it, attach a TV plasma.

Placing a TV in a living room with a fireplace is a whole problem. These two items belong to different historical eras. Usually, if there is a hearth in the hall, then there is no place for modern household appliances in it. But without her today, nowhere. Therefore, one has to be puzzled and find the most optimal place for it.

Video description

The video shows several ideas for the layout of the TV and fireplace:

Plasma on the fireplace portal is the simplest solution. But whoever chooses it violates the safety rules. In addition, both objects in the interior always attract attention. If they are placed next to each other, the design of the room can easily become overwhelmed.

A wall in front of a fireplace is not the best option for placing a TV. When watching it, the fire will create glare that can interfere with enjoying a movie or favorite show. The most successful way is to put a corner sofa, and fix the TV on the wall opposite it or next to the fireplace at a safe distance from it. Then you can simultaneously enjoy the beauty of fire and comfortably watch TV.

Video description

A variant of the interior of the living room in the house in which the fireplace is located, see the video:

Generalization on the topic

The fireplace in the living room is perceived by many as a symbol of home warmth and comfort. You can enjoy it if you choose the right model, correctly arrange the framing of the hearth, combine the styles of the portal over the firebox and the decoration of the living room, arrange the furniture in such a way that all family members can admire the fire.

The fireplace almost always becomes the center of any room in which it is located. A recreation area is organized around it, arranging pieces of furniture in such a way that they face the hearth of warmth and home comfort. Let's take a look at a few ideas and tricks on how to decorate a fireplace area.

Create a masterpiece at the design stage

If the issue of decoration arose before you at the stage of the project, you have a unique opportunity to make the fireplace a real masterpiece. Using the original design and unusual surfaces, you can make the fireplace portal the main and most striking decorative element in the room. At the same time, it will be enough to emphasize it with just a few details, or even do without decor at all.


Use logs

Probably the most natural decor for the fireplace area was and still is logs. You can put neatly cut firewood, previously cleaned of dust and dirt, in a special niche near the fireplace, in the firebox, if the fireplace is inoperative. If desired, you can use decorative branches for the same purposes.



Embed mirrors and reflective surfaces

Mirrored surfaces always look very advantageous in the interior. And the fireplace area was no exception. Cover the wall on which the fireplace is located with reflective panels, they can be of any size you want. A simpler option would be to hang a finished mirror in a beautiful frame above the portal. Depending on the style of the interior, you can choose a patinated mirror, classic or modern, with a 3D effect and volumetric elements.




Complete the composition with candles

Candles, as another source of heat and light, will also look very organic with a fireplace. They can be arranged in several pieces, placing them in beautiful candlesticks. And you can use free-standing candles, and by placing them in blocks of 20 or more pieces, you can achieve an amazing effect. In this case, it is advisable to use candles, if not the same, then at least from one collection, similar in color and shape.



Arrange the decor symmetrically

Whatever the decor, placing paired items symmetrically will create a very distinctive setting. It is static, instills a sense of stability and very balances the space. You can place in a mirror image any interior items in the fireplace area - shelves, shelves, dressers, books, figurines, vases, etc.




Decorate the wall and portal with paintings

A favorite method for many is to decorate the fireplace area with paintings. It can be several small pictures, or one picture of impressive size. They can be hung, or simply put on the portal. At the same time, make sure that the decor is combined with each other and does not cover the picture itself. You can also use framed family photos and prints, or simply assemble a collection of empty frames and use them to decorate the area by the fireplace.


Fill niches and shelves

If the fireplace portal itself and the place above it do not allow your imagination in the decor area to roam, feel free to use shelves or niches on both sides of the fireplace, if any. Place books, figurines, photographs, candles, dishes and all sorts of other interesting details on them.



Use vases and figurines

It would be nice to put several volumetric decorative elements on the portal. These can be figurines or vases. It is good if you use several items from the same collection or even identical ones - this will create a feeling of integrity and completeness of the composition.



When decorating a fireplace, always remember the most important rule - do not forget what is the center of the composition. That is why do not try to overshadow the fireplace with other pretentious elements. Just adequately set off its charm with a suitable decor.