Online store of unique things. CS:GO - Damn these crashes! How to set permission in launch options

In this article we will describe the launch options for CS:GO. In order to install these options, you should launch Steam, go to the game library and right-click on , and then go to its properties. For owners of the Non-Steam version: Open 7Launcher, click on the gear button and the game launch options field will be available to you.

In these fields we will enter launch parameters for CS:GO. First, we will look at the most popular commands, and then we will give examples of professional gamers and a set of options for those with low-performance PCs (less than 100 FPS on most cards).

List of basic launch options

  • -console – activates the developer console
  • -novid – removes the welcome intro video
  • -freq “number” – sets the frequency of updating the image on the screen, for example: 60 (-freq “60”). This corresponds to a monitor with 60 Hz
  • +exec “file name.cfg” – automatically loads the specified configuration
  • -high – launches the game with the highest priority (not recommended if the CPU is weak)
  • -low – launches the game with the lowest priority (relevant for reducing power consumption)
  • -full – the game starts in full screen mode
  • -windowed – the game starts in windowed mode
  • -noborder – the game runs in full screen mode without border
  • -w – set the screen width in pixels (1920 px)
  • -h – set screen length in pixels (1080 px)
  • -language russian – launches the game in Russian, used only when the game needs to be launched in another language, for example, English (english) or Ukrainian (ukrainian).
  • +rate 120000 – sets the maximum number of bits per second that the server can receive
  • +cl_cmdrate 64 – sets the number of packets per second sent to the host
  • +cl_updaterate 64 – sets the number of packet updates per second received from the host
  • -tickrate 128 – frequency of exchange from the host to the client per second (relevant only for the host)
  • +ex_interpratio 1 – sets automatic detection of interpretation
  • -noforcemspd – set system mouse speed settings
  • -noforcemaccel – completely disable mouse acceleration
  • -noforcemparms – set system mouse button settings
  • -threads – set the number of CPU threads used
  • -condebug – saves the console contents to a file (located in the /csgo/console.log folder)
  • -toconsole – launches the game via the console if no map was specified in the +map option
  • -nosound – turns off the sound completely
  • -nojoy – disables support for game controllers
  • -dev – activates developer mode, disables automatic loading of maps in the background
  • -noipx – does not load IPX connections
  • -autoconfig – resets all settings to standard, ignores command settings from cfg files
  • -processheap – fixes the problem of FPS decreasing after a certain time after starting the game
  • -nocrashdialog – disables the display of some memory read error notifications

Launch options for CS:GO from professional players:

  • “Edward” (Ioann Sukharev): -novid -freq 120 +fps_max 0 +cl_interp 0 +cl_interp_ratio 1
  • “GuardiaN” (Ladislav Kovacs): -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -freq 120 -tickrate 100
  • “Zeus” (Danya Teslenko): -noforcemspd -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -freq 120 -console
  • “starix” (Sergiy Ischuk): -novid -freq 120 -tickrate 128
  • “seized” (Denis Kostin): -freq 144 -tickrate 128 -processheap -novid -threads 8 -m_rawinput 0
  • “s1mple” (Alexander Kostylev): -novid -freq 144 +rate 128000 +cl_interp 0.01 +cpu_frequency_monitoring 1 +engine_no_focus_sleep convar 1 cl_obs_interp_enable 0 +cl_hideserverip -console

Team NaVi celebrates victory

Commands for everyone who streams:

  • +cpu_frequency_monitoring – enable display of CPU clock speed
  • +engine_no_focus_sleep_convar – focus is not lost when opening another window
  • cl_obs_interp_enable – quickly transition from one player to the next
  • +cl_hideserverip – do not show server IP address

Launch options for weak PCs:

  • -console -novid -refresh 60 -noforcemparms -tickrate 64 +cl_cmdrate 64+cl_updaterate 64 +rate 120000 +ex_interpratio 1

Many of you have probably heard about launch options in cs go, but not everyone knows what they are for and which of them can really benefit your PC. What are launch options? These are commands that tell the game to perform some action when loading or to launch the game with certain settings. Good launch settings will not only ensure a smooth roller, but will also make your life easier. For example, you can change the screen resolution when opening cs go or skip the introductory video (to save time).

CS GO launch settings - useful commands

  • -novid – disables the introductory video when entering the game
  • -w 640 -h 480 – you can set the screen resolution at startup. Instead of 640 and 480, put your values
  • -console – turns on the console in the game
  • -freq 120 – sets the monitor to the required screen refresh rate. It only makes sense to use it if you have a 120 or 144 Hz monitor.
  • -high – starts the game in high priority mode. This may help players with weak computers. It makes no sense to use it if you have a powerful PC.
  • -threads 4 – tell the game how many cores you have. If you have two cores, then instead of four we put two; with six cores we set it to six. Look in the game to see if this team has any impact. If not, you don’t have to register
  • -fullscreen – launch cs go in full screen mode
  • -language English – sets the language. At the same time, you may have steam in Russian, and cs go in English
  • +rate 124000 - maximum amount of data received by the host (bits/sec.)
  • +cl_cmdrate 128 – maximum number of packets sent to the server
  • +cl_updaterate 128 – maximum requested package updates from the server
  • -noaafonts – disables antialiasing. Helps increase FPS in cs go
  • +exec autoexec.cfg – launch a pre-configured config
  • -window - to run the game in windowed mode
  • -noborder – launches cs go in windowed mode without a border
  • -low – you can set not only high priority, but also low
  • -dxlevel 81 – setting DirectX to version 8.1
  • -dxlevel 90 - setting DirectX to version 9
  • -heapsize 262144 – this parameter allocates 512MB of RAM
  • -heapsize 524288 - allocates 1GB of RAM
  • -heapsize 1048576 - allocates 2GB of RAM
  • -noaafonts – this command disables screen font smoothing
  • -refresh 100 is a special parameter for changing Hertz for HL2 Engine monitors.
  • -soft – enables CS in graphical mode Software
  • -d3d – enables CS in Direct3D mode
  • -gl – enables CS in Open GL graphics mode
  • -nojoy - disables the joystick
  • -noipx – disables the LAN protocol
  • -noip - removes the IP address without the ability to connect to servers
  • -nosound - turns off the sound in cs go
  • -nosync - disables vertical sync
  • -console – provides access to the developer console
  • -dev - enables the developer mod
  • -zone # - allows you to allocate more memory to files such as autoexec.cfg, etc.
  • -safe – allows you to run cs go in safe mode plus disables audio
  • -autoconfig – resets video settings to standard
  • -condebug – saves logs to console.log file
  • -nocrashdialog - to cancel the display of some errors (memory could not be read)
  • -toconsole - to launch the game engine in the console if the map is not defined with +map
  • +a +r_mmx 1 - to launch the game using a cvar command on the command line (instead of cfg)
  • -tickrate 128 – server update rate
  • -m_rawinput – whether the Windows settings will affect the mouse sensor
  • noforcemspd - mouse speed is the same as in Windows
  • -noforcemaccel - disable mouse acceleration
  • -noforcemparms - use mouse button settings as in Windows

Of course, 80% of the teams described above are for some cybernerds. I listed them just in case. And I recommend borrowing the optimal launch parameters for cs go from the Navi team.

Launch options for professional players

Pro players certainly know what needs to be written down there. It's unlikely they're missing out on anything. Let's see what Natus Vincere players have there. Launch options for top Natus Vincere CS:GO players

Launch parameters for Arseny "ceh9" Trinozhenko:

W 1280 -h 720 -novid -freq 144 +rate 128000 +cl_interp 0.01 +cpu_frequency_monitoring 2 +engine_no_focus_sleep convar 1 cl_obs_interp_enable 0 +cl_hideserverip -console

Yes, my roster is old, but essentially all eSports players have similar teams + they change them periodically. So there’s no need to worry too much. Take the one you like best.

How to set launch parameters in cs go - step-by-step instructions (in pictures)

Yes, I forgot the most important thing - to tell you how to install them (or rather, where to register them). To set launch parameters in cs go, you need to right-click in steam, select the properties tab and switch to the tab called “set launch parameters”, as shown in the figure below:

Popular questions

Let's quickly run through some common questions you may have.

Why do you need launch options?

For comfort. In fact, you don't have to use them at all. I personally haven't used them. I had enough of those in the game.

How to set screen resolution through cs go launch options.

This is done using the command -w 640 -h 480, where instead of these numbers you can put any resolution you need.

How to run cs go in a window

Commands that allow you to open cs go in windowed mode (this can be done in the settings inside the game or without entering the game, by adding the following to the properties):

  • -windowed –w 1024 –h 768 – run in windowed mode, where w is the width and h is the height
  • -noborder – Windows will not outline the game window with borders. It only makes sense to use it when running in a window. In this mode you can move it. To do this, use –x (distance from the left edge of the screen) and –y (distance from the top edge of the screen)

What to write in cs go launch parameters

You don't have to write anything at all. I've played like this all my life and it hasn't caused any problems. Yes, a weak PC, low FPS, etc. all this is unpleasant. But essentially there is only one way to influence them – updating the hardware. So don't worry too much. If you have a weak PC, I recommend that you first and then write in the console:

Novid -console -freq 60 +rate 128000 +cl_cmdrate 128 +cl_updaterate 128 -threads 4 -high +cl_interp 0 +cl_interp_ratio 1+fps_max (Your value)

Standard launch parameters for cs go

To return standard rate values, enter the following:

rate 80000; cl_updaterate 64; cl_cmdrate 64; cl_interp 0.03125; cl_interp_ratio 2; cl_lagcompensation 1

Greetings to users of the portal site. Today I, the editor of “FierroX”, will tell you about what to do if .

Why are players facing this issue?

Many players are faced with the problem of crashing when loading the map . This is a fairly common problem, even professional players face it. Most often this happens due to a settings failure. This can be completely corrected if you follow the instructions described below. We try to do the following one by one and the problem will be solved. First of all, you should go to the video card settings and disable vertical synchronization, since vertical synchronization can often cause this error. If this does not help, move on and perform the steps that will be described below. The main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to violate any other parameters and then not to think why does it crash CS GO.

Ways to solve the problem

First, we remove all CS GO launch parameters, if any. When entering the CS, enter the command cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 into the console, then try to start the game. If the problem is solved, go in and play. If not, we move on.

Checking the integrity of the game cache. In the list of Steam games, right-click on our CS GO and select “properties”. Then go to “Local Files” and select Verify the integrity of game files. After the files are checked, go to CS and see if our problem is resolved. If the problem is not solved, try reinstalling the game. After uninstalling the game, delete any remaining files in the Counter-Strike Global Offensive folder or delete the folder itself, then restart your PC. After the reboot, download CS GO again, go into the game and see if the problem continues to bother us. If there is a problem with departure during the game If you haven’t decided, then you should update the drivers for your video card to the latest version, since they may be the reason, why does it crash our CS GO. You can download drivers from the official website of your video card manufacturer (Nvidia or ATI).

If the problem is also not resolved, then experiment with the graphics values, logging into the game after each change. Set some values ​​to minimum and try to enter. But what to do , if the problem is not solved even after this? Go to the steam folder and look for the video.txt file. Open this file and look for the line setting.mat_queue_mode, change its value to 0, then save. Most likely, your problem will be solved. But even if this does not help, then completely remove Steam, check your computer for errors and viruses, after checking and destroying possible viruses and errors, download Steam and our game again.

Does not help?

If you followed the instructions written above, then you should no longer have this problem. If the problem is not solved, then do a system rollback and remember that you might have installed something that caused your game to crash. You can also try creating a new user and try launching the game from it. If the problem cannot be solved, it is better to contact a specialist, as there may be problems with the system. But it is unlikely that this problem is that much worse. I am more than sure that you will solve it using the instructions written above.

That's all! Today we discussed what to do if cs go crashes when starting the map and considered ways to solve this problem. All the best to you and see you again on our portal!

Hello, friends!. As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about the launch parameters of cs go. They also dabbled with this with counter-strike 1.6, but some still don’t know what it is and why. By the way, professional players set their own settings, some of them will be lower. I will try to describe the basic commands that will really help you play more comfortably. For those who don’t know, I’ll explain what cs:go launch parameters are - a series of commands that tell the game what functions need to be performed before launching.

Where should I register the parameters?

Before you configure and register your commands, you need to know where to do it. Open steam, then the games library, find counter-strik: global offensive, right-click - properties, a new small window opens. See the screenshot below.. It is important that each parameter begins with “-” without quotes, followed by a space and then again by the command.

Below I will list only the main commands that should always be entered; you can download the full list from our resource and save it on your computer so as not to go to various sites and look for lost information again.


-novid- disables the video screensaver when starting the game.
-high- launches the game with high priority, this command is needed by those who have a weak computer. At the same time, if you have a powerful PC, you should not use it and you should also not register if your machine has less than 2 GB of RAM.
-language english- if you have steam in Russian, but want cs:go to be in English, use this variable.
-w 1920 -h 1080- the parameter is responsible for the screen resolution, where w is the width, h is the height, enter your numbers.
-threads 4- is responsible for the number of threads. If your processor has 4 threads or more, you can tell the game how many threads to use.
-freq- tells the monitor how often the screen needs to be refreshed. It is worth registering if the update frequency is more than 60.
-tickrate 128- if you are playing with a friend or training on a map, the team creates a server with a tick rate of 128; this command does not work on the official valve servers. If you do not create your own server, you should not use it.

The full list of commands can be downloaded below. The archive contains launch options for increasing FPS, professional players, streamers and much more. I hope this helps you in one way or another. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will answer. Don’t forget to share information with your friends, let them learn a little more than they knew. Sandwich was with you, bread to everyone, good luck to everyone.

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