Correction of the environmental situation. Modern problems of nature conservation

The right to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution Russian Federation. A number of bodies monitor compliance with this standard:

  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia;
  • Rosprirodnadzor and its territorial departments;
  • environmental prosecutor's office;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of ecology;
  • a number of other departments.

But it would be more logical to consolidate the responsibility of everyone to preserve natural resources, minimizing consumer waste, caring for nature. A person has many rights. What does nature have? Nothing. Only the duty to satisfy the ever-growing needs of man. And this consumer attitude leads to environmental problems. Let's figure out what it is and how to improve the current state of affairs.

Concept and types of environmental problems

Environmental problems are interpreted in different ways. But the essence of the concept comes down to one thing: this is the result of thoughtless, soulless anthropogenic impact on the environment, which leads to changes in the properties of landscapes, depletion or loss of natural resources (minerals, animals and flora). And it boomerangs on human life and health.

Ecological problems affect the entire natural system. Based on this, there are several types of this problem:

  • Atmospheric. In the atmospheric air, most often in urban areas, there is an increased concentration of pollutants, including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxide, and carbon monoxide. Sources – automobile transport and stationary facilities (industrial enterprises). Although, according to the State report “On the condition and protection environment Russian Federation in 2014,” the total volume of emissions decreased from 35 million tons/year in 2007 to 31 million tons/year in 2014, the air is not getting cleaner. The dirtiest Russian cities according to this indicator are Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk, Bratsk, Dzerzhinsk, Yekaterinburg, and the cleanest are Salekhard, Volgograd, Orenburg, Krasnodar, Bryansk, Belgorod, Kyzyl, Murmansk, Yaroslavl, Kazan.
  • Aquatic. There is depletion and pollution of not only surface but also groundwater. Let's take, for example, the “great Russian” river Volga. The waters in it are characterized as “dirty”. The norm for the content of copper, iron, phenol, sulfates, organic matter. This is due to the operation of industrial facilities that discharge untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater into the river, the urbanization of the population - a large share of household wastewater through biological wastewater treatment plants. The decrease in fish resources was influenced not only by river pollution, but also by the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations. Even 30 years ago, even near the city of Cheboksary it was possible to catch a Caspian beluga, but now you won’t catch anything larger than a catfish. It is possible that the annual campaigns of hydroelectric power companies to launch fry valuable species fish such as sterlet will someday bring tangible results.
  • Biological. Resources such as forests and pastures are degrading. We mentioned fish resources. As for forests, we have the right to call our country the largest forest power: a quarter of the area of ​​​​all forests in the world grows in our country, half of the country’s territory is occupied by woody vegetation. We need to learn to treat this wealth more carefully in order to preserve it from fires, and promptly identify and punish “black” lumberjacks.

Fires are most often the work of human hands. It is possible that in this way someone is trying to hide their tracks illegal use forest resources. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Rosleskhoz lists Transbaikal, Khabarovsk, Primorsky as the most “burning” regions. Krasnoyarsk region, the Republics of Tyva, Khakassia, Buryatia, Yakutia, Irkutsk, Amur regions, Jewish Autonomous Region. At the same time, huge amounts of money are spent on eliminating fires: for example, in 2015, over 1.5 billion rubles were spent. There are also good examples. Thus, the republics of Tatarstan and Chuvashia did not allow a single forest fire in 2015. There is someone to follow by example!

  • Land. We are talking about the depletion of subsoil, the development of minerals. To save at least part of these resources, it is enough to recycle waste as much as possible and reuse it. In this way, we will help reduce the area of ​​landfills, and enterprises can save on quarry development by using recyclable materials in production.
  • Soil - geomorphological. Active farming leads to gully formation, soil erosion, and salinization. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, as of January 1, 2014, almost 9 million hectares of farmland were subject to degradation, of which over 2 million hectares of land were degraded. If erosion occurs as a result of land use, then the soil can be helped by: terracing, creating forest belts for protection from the wind, changing the type, density and age of vegetation.
  • Landscape. Deterioration of the condition of individual natural-territorial complexes.

Modern world environmental problems

Local and global environmental problems are closely interrelated. What happens in a particular region ultimately affects the overall situation throughout the world. Therefore, environmental issues must be approached comprehensively. First, let's highlight the main global environmental problems:

  • . As a result, protection from ultraviolet radiation, which leads to various diseases of the population, including skin cancer.
  • Global warming. Over the past 100 years, the temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere has increased by 0.3-0.8°C. The snow area in the north decreased by 8%. There was a rise in the level of the world's oceans to 20 cm. Over 10 years, the rate of increase in the average annual temperature in Russia was 0.42°C. This is twice the rate of increase in Earth's global temperature.
  • . Every day we inhale about 20 thousand liters of air, saturated not only with oxygen, but also containing harmful suspended particles and gases. So, if you consider that there are 600 million cars in the world, each of which emits up to 4 kg into the atmosphere every day carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, soot and zinc, then through simple mathematical calculations we come to the conclusion that the vehicle fleet emits 2.4 billion kg of harmful substances into the air. We must not forget about emissions from stationary sources. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year over 12.5 million people (and this is the population of the entire Moscow!) die from diseases associated with poor ecology.

  • . This problem leads to the pollution of water bodies and soils with nitric and sulfuric acid, cobalt and aluminum compounds. As a result, productivity falls and forests die. Toxic metals end up in drinking water and poison us.
  • . Humanity needs to store 85 billion tons of waste a year somewhere. As a result, the soil under authorized and unauthorized landfills becomes contaminated with solid and liquid industrial waste, pesticides, household waste.
  • . The main pollutants are oil and petroleum products, heavy metals and complex organic compounds. In Russia, the ecosystems of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are maintained at a stable level. The taxonomic composition and structure of communities do not undergo significant changes.

Ways to improve the environment

No matter how deeply modern environmental problems penetrate, their solution depends on each of us. So what can we do to help nature?

  • Usage alternative type fuel or alternative vehicle. To reduce harmful emissions into the air, it is enough to switch your car to gas or switch to an electric car. A very environmentally friendly way to travel by bicycle.
  • Separate collection. It is enough to install two garbage containers at home to effectively implement separate collection. The first is for waste that cannot be recycled, and the second is for subsequent transfer to recycling. Price plastic bottles, waste paper, glass is becoming more and more expensive, so separate collection is not only environmentally friendly, but also economical. By the way, so far in Russia the volume of waste generation is twice as high as the volume of waste use. As a result, the volume of waste in landfills triples over five years.
  • Moderation. In everything and everywhere. Effective solution environmental problems involves abandoning the consumer society model. A person does not need 10 boots, 5 coats, 3 cars, etc. to live. It’s easy to switch from plastic bags to eco-bags: they are stronger, have a much longer service life, and cost about 20 rubles. Many hypermarkets offer eco-bags under their own brand: Magnit, Auchan, Lenta, Karusel, etc. Everyone can independently evaluate what they can easily refuse.
  • Environmental education of the population. Take part in environmental events: plant a tree in your yard, go to restore forests damaged by fires. Take part in a cleanup event. And nature will thank you with the rustling of leaves, a light breeze... Foster in children a love for all living things and teach them proper behavior while walking in the forest or on the street.
  • Join the ranks of environmental organizations. Don't know how to help nature and preserve a favorable environment? Join the ranks of environmental organizations! These could be the global environmental movements Greenpeace, the Foundation wildlife, Green Cross; Russian: All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, Russian Geographical Society, ECA, Separate COLLECTION, Green Patrol, RosEco, Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky, Movement of Nature Conservation Teams, etc. A creative approach to preserving a favorable environment and a new circle of communication await you!

Nature is one, there will never be another. Already today, having begun to jointly solve environmental problems, uniting the efforts of citizens, the state, public organizations and commercial enterprises, we can improve the world around us. Issues of environmental protection concern many, because how we treat them today determines the conditions in which our children will live tomorrow.

Modernity can be considered environmental pollution, because anthropogenic activities affect absolutely all spheres of the earth. These include the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere. Unfortunately, it is man who is the main culprit in this situation, while every day he himself becomes its main victim. Horrifying statistics show that about 60% of people in the world die from pollution atmospheric air, water resources, soil cover.

The fact is that this problem doesn't have state borders, but concerns all of humanity as a whole, so solutions must take place at the global level. For effective fight so-called “green” organizations have been created, which have been successfully promoting their activities for many years, these include “ World Fund wildlife", "Green Peace", and others public organizations, whose main activities are aimed at preserving nature.

Ways to solve environmental problems should begin with the implementation of solutions that will allow the rational use of natural resources. For example, in the public utilities sector, technology for recycling waste, which is the main source of pollution in all natural spheres, is being successfully introduced. Every day the amount of waste is growing rapidly, so the problem of waste disposal is becoming more and more urgent for humanity.

Moreover, recycling waste can become economically profitable, in addition to the fact that its disposal will have an environmental effect. According to experts, more than 60% of waste can be potential raw materials, which can be successfully sold and recycled.

Every year on our planet the number of industrial enterprises, which cannot but affect the environmental situation. This growth of enterprises leads to an increase in emissions of pollution and other harmful substances into the environment.

At the same time, the use of such structures cannot lead to complete purification, however, it significantly reduces the number of harmful substances that enter the atmosphere.

A huge number of Western enterprises use non-waste and low-waste products in their industrial activities. production processes, and also use recycled water supply, which reduces discharge into water bodies Wastewater. They see this as a kind of way to solve environmental problems, and they are right, because such intervention will significantly reduce Negative influence on nature human activity.

It must be said that the rational placement of petrochemical, chemical, nuclear and metallurgical production Also in a positive way affects the environment.

Solving environmental problems is one of the main tasks of all humanity as a whole; it is important to increase the level of responsibility among people, their culture of education so that we are more careful about what Mother Nature has given us.

Rational use any resources will significantly reduce bad influence people on the environment.

Equally important is reducing the number of animals being shot, because they are an important link in the chain of nature’s development. Chasing profit and material wealth, we forget that we are destroying our future, taking away our children’s right to a healthy future.

Greening the planet is considered one of the ways to improve the condition of our air, improve the condition of the air and give the opportunity to develop many plants in our difficult world.

We have not listed all methods for solving environmental problems, however, we have touched on the most important and relevant areas that require positive human intervention.

Relevant for Russia. It should be recognized that the country is one of the most polluted in the world. This affects the quality of life and has a detrimental effect on people's health. The emergence of environmental problems in Russia, as in other countries, is associated with the intense human influence on nature, which has acquired a dangerous and aggressive character.

What common environmental problems exist in Russia?

Air pollution

Water and soil pollution

Household waste

On average, each resident of Russia produces 400 kg of solid household waste per year. The only way out is recycling waste (paper, glass). There are very few enterprises that deal with waste disposal or recycling in the country;

Nuclear pollution

At many nuclear power plants, the equipment is outdated and the situation is approaching catastrophe, because an accident can happen at any moment. In addition, radioactive waste is not properly disposed of. Radioactive radiation hazardous substances causes mutation and cell death in the body of humans, animals, and plants. Contaminated elements enter the body along with water, food and air, are deposited, and the effects of radiation may appear after a while;

Destruction of protected areas and poaching

This illegal activity leads to death as individual species flora and fauna, and the destruction of ecosystems as a whole.

Arctic problems

As for specific environmental problems in Russia, in addition to global ones, there are several regional ones. First of all, this is Arctic problems. This ecosystem was damaged during its development. Available here in large quantities hard-to-reach oil and gas reserves. If they start to be mined, there will be a threat of oil spills. leads to the melting of Arctic glaciers, they may completely disappear. As a result of these processes, many species of northern animals are dying out, and the ecosystem is changing significantly; there is a threat of flooding of the continent.


Baikal is the source of 80% drinking water Russia and this water area were damaged by the activities of a paper and pulp mill, which dumped industrial and household waste and garbage nearby. The Irkutsk hydroelectric power station also has a detrimental effect on the lake. Not only are the banks destroyed, the water is polluted, but its level also drops, fish spawning grounds are destroyed, which leads to the disappearance of populations.

The Volga basin is subject to the greatest anthropogenic load. The quality of the Volga water and its inflow does not meet recreational and hygienic standards. Only 8% of wastewater discharged into rivers is treated. In addition, the country has a significant problem of declining river levels in all water bodies, and small rivers are constantly drying up.

The Gulf of Finland

The Gulf of Finland is considered the most dangerous water area in Russia, since the water contains a huge amount of oil products that spilled as a result of tanker accidents. There is also active poaching activity here, and as a result, animal populations are declining. There is also uncontrolled salmon fishing.

The construction of megacities and highways is destroying forests and other natural resources throughout the country. IN modern cities There are problems not only of atmospheric and hydrosphere pollution, but also noise pollution. It is in cities that the problem of household waste is most acute. In populated areas of the country there are not enough green areas with plantings, and there is also poor air circulation. Among the most polluted cities in the world, it ranks second in the ranking. Russian city Norilsk. A bad environmental situation has developed in such cities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cherepovets, Asbest, Lipetsk and Novokuznetsk.

Demonstrative video of environmental problems in Russia

The problem of public health

Considering the various environmental problems of Russia, one cannot ignore the problem of deteriorating health of the country's population. The main manifestations of this problem are as follows:

  • — degradation of the gene pool and mutations;
  • — increase in the number of hereditary diseases and pathologies;
  • - many diseases become chronic;
  • — deterioration of sanitary and hygienic living conditions individual layers population;
  • - increase in the number of drug addicts and alcohol dependent people;
  • — increase in infant mortality rate;
  • - male height and female infertility;
  • - regular epidemics;
  • — an increase in the number of patients with cancer, allergies, and cardiovascular diseases.

The list goes on. All of these health problems are a major consequence of environmental degradation. If environmental problems in Russia are not solved, the number of sick people will increase, and the population will regularly decline.

Ways to solve environmental problems

The solution to environmental problems directly depends on the activities of representatives state power. It is necessary to control all areas of the economy so that all enterprises reduce their negative impact on ecology. We also need the development and implementation of environmental technologies. They can also be borrowed from foreign developers. Today drastic measures are required to solve environmental problems. However, we must remember that a lot depends on ourselves: on lifestyle, saving natural resources and utilities, maintaining hygiene and on our own choice. For example, everyone can throw out garbage, recycle waste paper, save water, put out a fire in nature, use reusable dishes, buy paper bags instead of plastic ones, read e-books. These small actions will help you make your contribution to improving the environment of Russia.

The term “ecology” was first coined by the German biologist Ehaeckel (1834-1919) in 1866, which meant the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. Currently, this term has acquired a new meaning and essentially reflects the ideas of social ecology - a science that studies the problems of interaction between society and the environment.

Currently before modern humanity there are two main dangers - the danger that it will destroy itself in fire nuclear war, and the danger of environmental disaster, which has become a reality today. This is confirmed by the Chernobyl accident, the negative consequences of which will affect future generations of people. Already, children are being born with serious defects and pathological changes, and the number of people with cancer and diseases is increasing thyroid gland. The deterioration of the environmental situation is due to the fact that humanity annually extracts over 100 billion tons of various mineral resources from the bowels of the Earth. The predominant part of them - from 70 to 90% - turns into various kinds industrial waste that pollutes the environment, leading to the death of flora and fauna.

One of serious problems Today there is a reduction in available mineral reserves, as well as an increase in the future population of our planet. According to UN experts, in the 21st century the growth rate of the world population will slow down somewhat, but the absolute increase will continue, and the world population will be 6 billion people by 2005, 10 billion people by 2050, and 14 billion by 2100. people This amount of population will be enough to destroy all ecosystems of the planet.

The current environmental situation can be described as critical. It has acquired a global character and its solution is possible only through the joint efforts of the governments of all civilized countries of the world.

An important measure towards solving modern environmental problems is the greening of production:
- development of waste-free technologies based on closed cycles;
- complex processing of raw materials;
- use of secondary resources;
- search for new energy sources;
- widespread introduction of biotechnologies;
- mandatory environmental assessment of new production projects;
- development of environmentally sound forms of agriculture with a constant rejection of pesticides, etc.

An important direction for improving the modern environmental situation is also reasonable self-restraint in the consumption of resources, especially energy sources, which are of utmost importance for life.

Another measure to solve the environmental problem is the formation of environmental consciousness in society. Ecological and should be placed at the state level, and in relation to university education become the most important element training of specialists of any profile.


Kristina Simontseva, 2nd year student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Liskinsky Agricultural and Technological College", Liski,

Voronezh region

Scientific supervisor Sazanova A. A., teacher

We live on a beautiful planet Earth. It is famous for its picturesque meadows, beautiful tropical forests, majestic mountains and a huge number of animals inhabiting different corners Sveta. But all this may disappear in the near future, since the environmental situation in the world is becoming more and more aggravated every year. Until the 20th century, human influence on the environment was minimal, but humanity does not stand still. In the 20th century, the situation changed dramatically due to the rise of science.

Today, the environmental situation in the world can be called critical. Among the global environmental problems the following can be identified:

  • Deforestation. Forests enrich the atmosphere with oxygen and at the same time serve as a home for many animals. In addition, they participate in the water cycle. Trees take water from the soil, purify it and release it into the atmosphere, resulting in increased climate humidity. By cutting down forests, people also kill animals. According to statistics, over the past 20 years the world has lost about 200 million hectares of forest. 13 million hectares of forest are cut down every year.
  • Destruction of the ozone layer. Ozone layer- ultraviolet shield of the Earth. The ozone layer protects the planet from radiation that comes from the sun. If it weakens, skin cancer and eye diseases will rise sharply. Emissions of fluorinated and chlorinated hydrocarbons and halogen compounds into the atmosphere lead to the depletion of the ozone layer.
  • Declining animal diversity. 21% of mammals, 30% of amphibians and 35% of invertebrates are threatened with extinction from the face of our planet. Most animal extinctions occur due to human factor. People hunt animals for trophies. Good example then a rhinoceros and an elephant. In addition to animals, plants are also disappearing. Plants also purify the air, and a sharp decrease in their number or complete destruction will lead to irreversible processes. Accumulation will begin carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which will lead to the emergence greenhouse effect and ultimately to global warming.
  • Water pollution. Water is the most important resource of the earth. Water is used in agriculture, industry. After being used in factories, water is returned back to the reservoir in the form of untreated wastewater, which contains many dangerous impurities or debris. For the last few year s great amount rivers and reservoirs were turned into sewers.
  • Waste. Big problem waste disposal costs. Some types of waste are difficult to decompose or do not decompose at all. They also release into the atmosphere harmful substances. This problem concerns not only land, but also water.
  • Reduction of mineral reserves. Our planet is rich in minerals - oil, coal, gas. To extract minerals, people dig quarries, which leads to an increase in landslides and collapses. Scientists have suggested that in about 100 years the sources of these minerals will dry up. During oil production, a spill may occur and, as a result, a huge number of animals may die.

These environmental problems are very acute in modern world. Therefore, it is very important to find the right ways out of the current environmental situation. For example, to solve problems with garbage, you can use sorting. This method is already used in some countries. It involves separating waste into iron, plastic, paper and food waste. Such waste can be recycled and used for some other purpose.

The extinction of animals can be reduced by creating nature reserves that are as close as possible to the natural conditions in which the animal lived.

The main measures to combat deforestation are the introduction of accounting and control systems for deforestation, an increase in the number of trees planted, and the use of measures to prevent forest fires.

Water pollution can be prevented by frequently cleaning it of debris. Factories can use recycled water supply. It is also possible to install filters for water purification, both in factories and at water supply stations.

To preserve minerals that are used as energy, you can switch to another type of energy, for example, solar panels or windmills. You can also stop using expensive minerals and find a replacement for them.

Based on the data studied, we can say with confidence that the issue of solving these environmental problems is very pressing in the modern world. In order to get any closer to solving these problems, the state must act with the support of the people. After all, it is man who causes great harm through his actions. surrounding nature. And only a person, thinking about his actions, can change the situation and save our planet for future descendants.


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