Italian with transcription. Traveling to Italy without knowing the language: Italian words for tourists

They say that in order to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a country, you need to speak its language. In this way, you will experience its culture and become a “resident” of this country, albeit not for long.

Knowing commonplace words increases the level of trust that natives have in you; this can help everywhere: in a restaurant, a museum, a hotel, even on the street!

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe; the annual flow of tourists from all over the world is about 50 million people. Someone wants to admire the Leaning Tower of Pisa or the famous Colosseum, someone wants to go shopping in the most fashionable city in Italy - Milan, and someone wants to be inspired by the romantic Venice. However, all tourists have one thing in common: the desire to learn a few phrases in Italian so as not to get lost in the crowd.

This is a country of incredibly friendly people; here they say hello not only to acquaintances, but also to strangers. Let's look at the most common Italian greetings and farewells below.

Buon giorno

This translates to "hello" or "good afternoon" and can be used from early morning until about 5 p.m. In Italy there is no expression similar to Russian " Good morning" (perhaps because the Italian aristocrats in the Middle Ages woke up late, at lunch - for them there was no morning). [Buon Giorno] is a fairly formal expression, this Italian word of greeting can be said to a stranger in an elevator, to a hotel receptionist, to a waiter, passers-by and older people.

Buona sera

Following Italian logic, “buona sera” is said from 5 pm to midnight. It is worth mentioning some subtleties of etiquette: when men meet, they shake hands; when there are only women in the company or both men and women - good acquaintances or friends - here the Italian greeting is also not limited to just words. It is customary to kiss on both cheeks, always starting with the left. However, be careful, this is only a generally accepted convention: such “boisterous greetings” do not mean at all that Italian men are lovers of representatives gay.

Let's move on to translation from Italian language a greeting that has captivated the whole world, and which you have definitely heard before.


Perhaps the most popular Italian greeting remains “ciao,” which means both “hello” and “bye,” depending on the situation in which you say it. “Ciao” ​​can be said at any time of the night or day, most often to peers, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and relatives. In formal situations and establishments or older people, you should say either “buona sera” or “buon giorno” and address yourself as “you”.

Buona note

Italian, like many languages, is very diverse. In the evening, “buona sera” [buona sera] smoothly turns into “buona notte” [buona notte] - “good night.” As in Russian, this is said not only before going to bed, but also when meeting late in the evening.


There is nothing complicated here either. In an informal setting we say “ciao”, in an official setting we say either “buona serata” [buona serata] during the day or “buona giornata” [buona giornata] in the evening.

There is also the very common "arrivederci" with the Russian equivalent of "goodbye". If you plan to see the person again in the near future, it would be better to say “a presto” [a presto] - “see you soon.” If you don’t want to complicate your life, then you can only learn “arrivederci” - it is suitable for all cases.

Gratitude and more

It is very important to know how to say thank you in a foreign language. This is included in the minimum vocabulary that you need to know when traveling to a particular country. The Italian “thank you” is a very short and quickly memorable word, "Grazie" [grace]. The answer to this could be either "prego"[prego] (“please” meaning “you’re welcome.” Attention! Not to be confused with "per favor"[per favorite] - “please” in an interrogative sentence - “give it, please...”), or “di niente” [di niente] - “you’re welcome.”


So, we looked at the most popular farewells and greetings in Italian with translation into Russian. As a general development, we give you a few more phrases that can undoubtedly help you in your acquaintance with Italy.

  • If you are confused or don’t understand something when talking with an Italian citizen, then either “non capisco” [non capisco] - I don’t understand, or the long phrase “parli più lentamente, per favore” [parli più lentamente, per favore] always saves you. - speak more slowly, please.
  • If you realize that communication has reached a dead end, that you are ready to give up and switch to “native” English, then say “parla inglese?” [parla inglese?] - do you speak English?
  • If you want to thank someone for a service rendered, then to the usual “thank you” you can add “You are very kind” - “lei e molto gentile” [lei e molto gentIle].
  • If you need to ask something from a stranger on the street or apologize for the inconvenience caused, then use “sorry” - “Mi scusi” or simply "scusi".
  • If you are lost in time while walking along the streets of Venice, you can ask a passerby with the question “Quanto tempo?” [kuAnto tempo?] - what time? or "Quale ora?" [kuAle Ora?] - what time is it?
  • It doesn’t take much effort to answer questions in monosyllables: "Si" [Si] - Yes, "No" [But]- No.
  • Learn the best excuse for all occasions: "Sono straniero" - I am a foreigner, or "Siamo stranieri" - we are foreigners.


When addressing men and young people, you should say “Signor” (it doesn’t matter if this signor is 8 or 68 years old). Women (mostly married) are politely addressed as "Signora", but it is better to address young women and girls as "Signorina". And try not to get confused!

When entering and leaving a store, you must say hello and goodbye, otherwise you will be mistaken for an ignoramus. This is a sign of good parenting!

The Italians came up with a humorous saying about themselves: “If an Italian’s hands are tied behind his back, he will not be able to speak.” They are partly right - the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula are very expressive, pronounced gesticulation during conversation is their trait. Don’t be alarmed if your interlocutor starts waving his arms and talking loudly; this is quite normal in Italy.

Since childhood, Italians have been creating special style communication, which is most clearly manifested in the gaze - this is the whole system gestures, facial expressions, rounding and rolling of eyes, intonations and postures, the purpose of which is to highlight the true or imaginary emotions of the one who “performs” it. Here it is important not only to express your thoughts to your interlocutor, but also to declare your importance and feel in the center of attention. It is very important to make others understand your cheerfulness, confidence, absence of weaknesses and ability to manage life. It may seem that most often this borders on arrogance, but in the eyes of Italians this is absolutely not the case! If an Italian does not know something, this does not stop him from talking about it as if he were an expert in this matter. If he finds himself in a traffic jam, he drives around it along the curb, if he sees his interlocutor for the first (or maybe even the first and last) time in his life, he will begin to look into his eyes as if he were his best friend and hug him by the shoulders.

However, there is nothing surprising here - Italians, who have lived for centuries with the reputation of such “macho men” in a beautiful country with a unique culture and history, actually believe that all this pantomime and flair add warmth and imagery to the conversation.

Many lovers of foreign travel dream of visiting Italy, but novice tourists for their first forays into Europe are careful not to plan this country. The main difficulty is not knowing the Italian language, and somehow you can’t hope for English in Italy.

You will be surprised, but in fact you already have a minimum lexicon for traveling around Italy, since many words in your native language have Latin (let's assume Italian) roots.

You just need to learn the basic Italian words for tourists with transcription and translation, be sincerely friendly with the locals, and the trip will probably be successful.

How to explain yourself without knowing the language - the psychology of communication

Without knowing the local language, you can move around almost any country; in most cases, this is a far-fetched problem, invented in order to hide behind it some other reasons that prevent you from traveling.

How are things in Italy, how do locals treat strangers? Italians love it when foreign visitors show interest in their country. If you try to speak their native language, even if incorrectly, they will definitely help you. Be polite, don't grab the person's hands, don't be nervous, and be sure to make eye contact when speaking.

There are much more chances to communicate using sign language, so with the very first gesture or sound, try to show your interlocutor how much you need him.

Don’t be shy to explain yourself in your native language - this way, a passerby will quickly understand that you are just a foreigner, and not some kind of crazy person. There is also a good chance that the person you stopped may know your native language, at least minimally. There are numerous cases when tourists tried to communicate in all languages, and the interlocutor actually turned out to be a compatriot.

Italian words for tourists with transcription and translation

For your convenience, we will break down all the basic Italian words for tourists by topic, with translation into Russian. Attention: we will not study grammar, spelling, etc. important aspects. Today our goal is to learn how to compose the simplest chains of words so that you can find the right transport or hotel, order food in a cafe, or go shopping.

Let your sentences be clumsy, but they will be phrases in Italian; for tourists this is quite enough to win over the interlocutor and get the necessary information. You can even communicate on a first-name basis, this is acceptable here.

Acquaintance, communication, just polite words:

  • good morning, good afternoon - buon giorno (buon giorno);
  • good evening - buona sera (sir's buona);
  • hi, bye – ciao (ciao);
  • good night - buona notte (buona notte);
  • goodbye – arrivederci (arrivederchi);
  • how are you – come va (come va);
  • see you soon - a presto (a presto);
  • how are you - come stai (come stai);
  • good – bene (bene);
  • magnificent - benissimo (benissimo);
  • bad – male (small);
  • so-so – cosi-cosi (cozy-cosi);
  • what is your name - come ti chiami (come ti kyami);
  • my name is mi chiamo (mi kyamo);
  • yes – si (si);
  • no – no (but);
  • please – per favore (per favor);
  • thank you – grazie (grace);
  • excuse me – mi scusi (mi skuzi);
  • I know – so (with);
  • I don’t know – non so (non so);
  • I understand - capisco (capisco);
  • I don’t understand – non capisco (non capisco);
  • welcome – benvenuti (benvenuti);
  • I am from – sono di (sono di);
  • Have a nice journey - buon viaggio (Bon Viaggio);
  • you speak - parla (parla);
  • for our health - alla salute.

City facilities, location, transport:

  • stop – fermata (fermata);
  • departure – partenza (partenza);
  • arrival – arrivo (arrivo);
  • airport – aeroporto (airport);
  • railway station - stazione (station);
  • bus station - stazione degli autobus (station degli bus);
  • train – treno (train);
  • bus - autobus (bus);
  • metro – metropolitana (metropolitan);
  • metro station - stazione della metropolitana (stazione della metropolitana);
  • car rental – autonoleggio;
  • parking lot - parcheggio (parkeggio);
  • hotel – hotel (hotel);
  • room – camera;
  • to the left, to the left – a sinistra (a sinistra);
  • to the right, to the right - a destra (a destra);
  • straight – dritto (dritto);
  • up – in alto, su (in alto, su);
  • down – in basso, giu (in basso, ju);
  • far - lontano (lontano);
  • close – vicino (vicino);
  • long – lungo (lungo);
  • short – corto (corto);
  • where is – dove si trova (dove si trova);
  • where is the toilet - dove e il bagno (dove e il bagno);
  • map – mappa (mappa);
  • tourist office - informazioni turistiche (information tourism);
  • mail – posta (post);
  • museum – museo (museo);
  • bank – banca (bank);
  • police - polizia (police);
  • hospital – ospedale (ospedale);
  • pharmacy – farmacia (pharmacia);
  • store – negozio (negotsio);
  • restaurant – ristorante (ristorante);
  • street – strada (strada);
  • square - piazza (piazza);
  • bridge - ponte (ponte).

Restaurant, cafe, ordering food:

  • bread – pane (pane);
  • drink – bevanda (bevanda);
  • coffee – caffe (caffe);
  • tea – te (te);
  • juice – succo (succo);
  • water – acqua (acqua);
  • beer – birra (birra);
  • wine – vino (wine);
  • salt – sale (sale);
  • pepper – pepe (pepe);
  • meat – carne;
  • beef – manzo (manzo);
  • pork – maiale (mayale);
  • fish – pesce (peshe);
  • bird – pollame (pollame);
  • vegetables - legumi (legumi);
  • fruit – frutta (frutta);
  • potatoes – patata (patata);
  • salad – insalata (insalata);
  • dessert – dessert, dolce (dessert, dolce);
  • ice cream – gelato (gelato);
  • lunch - pranzo (pranzo);
  • dinner – cena (chena);
  • takeaway food – da portar via (yes portar via);
  • menu – il menu (il menu);
  • wine list - la lista dei vini (la lista dei vini);
  • set lunch – il menu fisso (il menu fisso);
  • The special dish of the day is piatti del giorno.

Signs, shopping:

  • open – aperto (aperto);
  • closed – chiuso (kyuzo);
  • price – prezzo (prezzo);
  • how much does it cost - quanto costa (quanto costa);
  • expensive – e caro (e caro);
  • I’m buying this – prendo questo (prendo questo);
  • check, please – scontrino, per favore (scontrino per favore);
  • you can make a discount - puo’ farmi uno sconto (puo farmi uno sconto);
  • I want to try it on - voglio provare (voglio provare);
  • I want to try - voglio assaggiare (voglio assaggiare);
  • accept credit cards – accettate carte di credito (accettate carte di credito);
  • you have - avreste (avreste).

Numbers in Italian:

  • zero – zero (zero);
  • one – uno (uno);
  • two – due;
  • three – tre (tre);
  • four – quattro (quattro);
  • five – cinque (chique);
  • six – sei (sei);
  • seven – sette (sette);
  • eight – otto (otto);
  • nine – nove (new);
  • ten – dieci (diechi);
  • eleven – undici (undici);
  • twelve – dodici (dodichi);
  • thirteen – tredici (tradici);
  • fourteen - quattordici (quattordici);
  • fifteen – quindici (quindici);
  • sixteen – sedici (sedici);
  • seventeen – diciassette (dichasette);
  • eighteen – diciotto (dichotto);
  • nineteen – diciannove (dichanove);
  • twenty – venti (venti);
  • thirty – trenta (tranta);
  • forty – quaranta (quaranta);
  • fifty – cinquanta (cinquanta);
  • sixty – sessanta (sessanta);
  • seventy – settanta;
  • eighty – ottanta (ottanta);
  • ninety – novanta (novanta);
  • hundred – cento (cento);
  • thousand – mille (mille);
  • million - un milione (un million).

Video for beginners: phrases in Italian for tourists

There is an interesting statistic: people who intended to learn only a couple of basic phrases in Italian in order to independently travel around the Apennine Peninsula were happy to continue learning the language. And more and more adjustments were made to vacations in Italy in order to have more free time among native speakers to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

The next series of videos is watched with unflagging interest. Check for yourself: Italian is easy to learn, phrases for tourists are remembered the first time.

Useful services and lifehacks

Experienced travelers, even at the stage of vacation planning, compile their mini-dictionary in Italian. They make a peculiar Russian-Italian phrasebook with transcriptions on cardboard cards with exactly the phrases they might need. This, of course, works, but it’s better to download special applications for tourists to your smartphone or tablet:

  • Detailed maps with all shops, train stations, stops, hotels, cafes, attractions, working offline. Don’t ignore paper maps either, but they are, of course, not for everyone. In many hotels you can get them at the reception absolutely free of charge.
  • A program to find the nearest WI-FI distribution points. Free Internet when traveling abroad can be much more important than, for example, a hotel with free breakfast.
  • Audio guides to museums downloaded at home will save both money and time. You will not need to buy an excursion and adjust to other tourists.
  • Translator application for real-time communication. With it, there is no longer any need to learn even basic Italian words, for tourists without the ability to foreign languages– this is a real lifesaver.
  • An application that recognizes texts and translates them will help you translate a sign, road sign, or any inscription. You simply point the screen, for example, at a menu in a cafe, and the translation is ready.

More tips on how to order in a restaurant without knowing the language:

  • Look for a cafe with a menu in Russian or English, although this is not the most the best option: the establishment is set up for the tourist flow, for a one-time visit and, most likely, the food there will not be of the highest quality.
  • Ideal if you come across a menu with pictures. You can simply go to the place you like, look around and point your finger at what attracted you. Don’t be shy about such gestures, Italians take it calmly.
  • Learn necessary phrases in Italian for tourists with transcription to correctly pronounce the names of dishes, but it’s enough to just know a few words - fish, chicken, tea, coffee, bread, butter, hot, cold, and you already know pasta, pizza, ravioli, tiramisu .

One T-shirt with 40 icons equals about 1000 words

An Iconspeak World T-shirt, sweatshirt or sweatshirt can serve as a universal means of communication. There are icons on the clothes that indicate the most frequently asked questions when traveling. A stylish and practical thing, it’s been proven: the pictures on the T-shirt help you communicate without problems anywhere with anyone.

We hope that our Italian phrasebook for beginners will be useful to you and your holiday will be smooth. Have a nice holiday! Buona fortuna!

Respect the past, create the future.
Rispetta il passato, costruisci il futuro.

My guardian angel is always with me.
Il mio angelo custode è sempre con me.

With our thoughts we create the world.
Con i nostri pensieri costruiamo il mondo.

Even when you have all the cards in your hand, life can suddenly start playing chess.
Anche quando hai tute le carte in mano, la vita inaspettamente può cominciare a giocare a scacchi.

The memory of you will live in my heart.
Il ricordo di te vivrà nel mio cuore.

Believe in your dream, believe in freedom.
Credi nei sogni, credi nella libertà.

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
C'è un'unica felicità nella vita: amare ed essere amati.
(George Sand)

Live. Fight. Love.
Vivi. Lotta. Ama.

A mother's heart is an abyss. In the depths of which there will always be forgiveness.
Il cuore di una madre è un abisso in fondo al quale si trova sempre il perdono.

If you doubt it, don't do it!
Nel dubbio non lo fare!

Take my hand - hold it, you are more than life to me!
Prendi la mia mano, non lasciarla andare, per me vali più della vita.

Nothing to regret.
Nessun rimpianto, nessun rimorso.

Follow your dreams.
Segui i tuoi sogni.

A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal.
L'unico amore che non tradirà mai è l'amore di una madre.

What happens today is the result of your thoughts yesterday.
Ciò che accade oggi è il risultato dei tuoi pensieri di ieri.

There is only you and starry sky above us.
Ci sei soltanto tu e il cielo stellato sopra di noi.

I was born for happiness.
Sono nata per la felicità.

There is always a way out.
C'è sempre una via d'uscita.

Nothing in this world happens by chance.
A questo mondo nulla accade per caso.

The Lord sees all our sins, but he also sees our repentance.
Dio vede tutti i nostri peccati, però vede anche il nostro pentimento.

I keep your heart.
Custodisco il tuo cuore.

Thanks for everything Dad
Grazie di tutto Papa.
(or also - Grazie Papà)

Thanks for everything Mom.
Grazie di tutto Mamma.
(or also - Grazie Mamma)

The love to parents lives forever.
L'amore per i genitori vive in eterno.

Ma te ti sento dentro come un pugno (Italian) - But you, I feel you inside like a blow with a fist

Made in heaven.
* Note translator: In Italian, for the stable phrase “Produced in...” they use the traditionally borrowed from English expression “Made in..” (for example, “Made in Italy”, “Made in Cina”; as an example, I will give one of the newspaper headlines: » Difendiamo il nostro Made in Italy » - » Let's protect our brand » Produced/made in Italy «]. By analogy, to maintain a similar effect, the following translation of this phrase is possible:
Made in Paradiso.
(Literally - “Made/produced in Paradise”);
Prodotto in Paradiso - “Italianized” version;

It is not our plan to live forever. Our plans are to live brightly.
Non vogliamo vivere in eterno, bensì vivere intensamente.
* Note translator: a more literal translation -
Non rientra nei nostri piani vivere in eterno, bensì vivere intensamente.

Mommy, I love you.
Mamma, ti voglio bene.

I love you, Mom. You are in my heart forever.
Ti voglio bene, Mamma. Sarai sempre nel mio cuore.

Until death do us part.
Finché morte non ci separi.

May my mother's heart beat forever.
Che il cuore della mia mamma batta in eterno.

While changing, stay the same.
Cambiando rimani te stessa.
* Note translator: endings indicating gram are highlighted. feminine category.

I will get everything I want.
Otterrò tutto ciò che voglio.

God is always with me.
Dio è sempre con me.

Il Signore è sempre con me.

You are always in my heart.
Sei sempre nel mio cuore.

I love life.
Amo la vita.

Live without regrets.
Vivi senza rimpianti.

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow... the main thing is to be happy today.
Non so cosa mi riserva il domani… L’importante è essere felice oggi.

One life - one chance.
Una vita, un'opportunità.

Step by step towards your dream.
Passo per passo verso il sogno.

Nothing is impossible.
Niente è impossibile.

I live alone by you, I love you alone.

I live only by you, I love you alone.
Vivo solo di te, amo solo te.

Ho visto che l amore cambia il modo di guardare (Italian) - I noticed (I realized) that love changes vision

Love kills slowly.
L'amore uccide lentamente.

My life is my game.
La mia vita, il mio gioco.

With God in the heart.
Con Dio nel cuore.
As a valid option:
Con il Signore nel cuore.

The impossible is possible.
L'impossibile and possibile.

Dream without fear.
Sogna senza paura.

(My heart) beats only for you.
(Il mio cuore) batte solo per te.

Don't dream, be a dream.
Non sognare, sii tu stesso il sogno.

Forever and ever, my only love is with me.
Nei secoli dei secoli è sempre con me il mio unico amore.

There is a lot in life that I will not allow myself, but there is nothing that could be forbidden to me.
Ci sono molte cose nella vita che io stesso non mi permetterei di fare,
ma non c'è nulla che gli altri mi potrebbero proibire.

Sayings of famous people translated into Italian.

One hour of love contains a whole life.
C'è tutta una vita in un'ora d'amore.
Honore de Balzac

Better to burn than to fade away.
E' meglio bruciare in fretta che spegnersi lentamente.
Kurt Cobain

Where Time ends, Eternity begins.
Lì dove finisce il Tempo, inizia l’Eternità.

We believe most firmly in what we know least about.
In nulla crediamo così fermamente quanto in ciò che meno conosciamo.
Michel de Montaigne

It is better to be restless in doubt than to be calm in error.
È men male l'agitarsi nel dubbio, che il riposar nell'errore.
Alessandro Manzoni

Death is a great peacemaker.
La morte è un grande pacificatore.
Alessandro Manzoni

In the necessary there is unity, in the doubtful there is freedom, in everything there is love.
Unità nelle cose fondamentali, libertà dove c’è il dubbio, carità in tutto.
Augustine Aurelius

He who is full of love is filled with God himself.
Di che cosa è pieno se non di Dio colui che è pieno d’amore?
Augustine Aurelius
* Note translator: the exact quotation of St. Augustine is expressed in the form of a rhetorical question;
letters “What, if not God himself, is one who is full of love filled with?”

He who has many vices has many rulers.
Se hai molti vizi, servi molti padroni.
Petrarch Francesco

Time heals lovesickness.
Il tempo guarisce tutte le pene d'amore.

Women, like dreams, are never what you want them to be.
Le donne, come i sogni, non sono mai come tu le vorresti.
Luigi Pirandello

In life we ​​reap what we sow: he who sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed.
Nella vita si raccoglie quel che si semina: chi semina lacrime raccoglie lacrime; chi ha tradito sarà tradito.
Luigi Settembrini

Our life is what our thoughts make it into.
La nostra vita è il risultato dei nostri pensieri.
Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are.
Ognuno vede quel che tu pari, pochi sentono quel che tu sei.
Niccolo Machiavelli

La vita e bella (Italian) - Life is beautiful

Win friends not with empty laziness, but with sincere words of love.
Anziché con il vano ozio, conquista i tuoi amici con sincere parole d'amore.*
* Note translator: the translation into Italian was made from the Russian version, and not from the original.

It is impossible to live better than by spending your life striving to become more perfect.
Non c'è modo migliore di trascorrere la vita che nell'aspirazione di diventare sempre più perfetto.*

From the first minute of life we ​​must learn to be worthy of living.
Sin dal primo minuto della vita bisogna imparare ad essere degni di vivere.*
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
* Note translator: the translation into Italian was made from the Russian version, and not from the original.

Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.
in original:
Man hat den Tod nahe genug, um sich nicht vor dem Leben fürchten zu müssen.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Si ha la morte abbastanza vicino per non dover temere la vita.*
* translation into Italian - from the original in German.

Quote from Steve Jobs' famous speech to Stanford graduates, in original English:
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Steve Jobs
Translated into Russian:
Stay insatiable (hungry)! Stay Reckless!
Translated into Italian:
Restate affamati, restate folli.

Beautiful phrases translated from Italian into Russian.

Smetterò di amarti solo quando un pittore sordo riuscirà a dipingere il rumore di un petalo di rosa cadere su un pavimento di cristallo di un castello mai esistito.
I will stop loving you only when a deaf artist manages to depict the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that never existed.

Se tu fossi una lacrima, io non piangerei per paura di perderti.
If you were a tear, I wouldn't cry in fear of losing you.

Non accontentarti dell’orizzonte…cerca l’infinito.
Don't be satisfied with the horizon... look for infinity.

Ci fosse stato un motivo per stare qui ti giuro, sai, sarei rimasto. (Italian) - If there was at least one reason to stay here, I swear to you, you know, I would stay.

L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi. "Il piccolo principe" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes.
"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Ci fosse stato un motivo per stare qui ti giuro, sai, sarei rimasto.
If there was just one reason to stay here, I swear to you, you know, I would stay.
(Vasco Rossi)

Amore senza rimpianti.
Love without regrets.

Anima Fragile.
Fragile soul.

Non arrenderti mai perché quando pensi che sia tutto finito, è il momento in cui tutto ha inizio!
Never give up: when you think it’s all over, this is exactly the moment when everything is just beginning!

Ho visto che l'amore cambia il modo di guardare.
I noticed (I realized) that love changes vision.

Sei una piccola stella nel cielo ma grande nel mio cuore.
You are a small star in the sky, but big in my heart.

Se hai bisogno e non mi trovi, cercami in un sogno.
If you need it and can’t find me, look for me in your dreams.

Sotto le ali di un angelo.
Under the wings of an angel.

For a high-quality translation of your phrases or text, I recommend contacting the author of the translation of this page
Marina Nechaeva.

Many people learn the language so that they can later travel to the country and communicate. I know people who go to groups, meet with native speakers, watch films, in general, improve their language knowledge in every possible way. This is cool. But most often, this knowledge is not needed on a trip. Especially if you learn English, and you are going to Italy.

Of course, if you want to get a job or chat about sports or so political topics, discuss philosophical issues, then, yes, perfect knowledge of the language will be useful to you. But the fact is that not all locals speak English as well as you. But you need to ask something, understand it, answer briefly or get your bearings.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

1. Instead of learning a language, which in principle is impossible to do quickly, you can master language within 30 days. We advise you to watch the course by I.I. Poloneichik - polyglot and teacher " Quick login English language " Ivan Ivanovich teaches using different methods communicate in Italian. The course is paid, but you can feel confident and enjoy the communication.

2. The method is to learn the simplest words for communication.

Before the trip, we learn a minimum of vocabulary. Here is our Italian phrasebook for tourists:

When meeting neighbors, do not tense up and remain silent. Smile and say:

A more familiar form of greeting for friends:

The following words may also be useful:

In our Italian phrasebook for tourists, we included another mysterious word PREGO. It is used often and in different cases.

They say it when they want to say “come on in” - “prego!” prego!

When asked to pass: “come in, please” - “prego...”

When they offer to go forward: “let’s move forward, let’s go” - “prego”

Even when they say thank you, they can say “prego”.

Neapolitan song from the film “Formula of Love”. Excellent Italian. Practice your pronunciation. We do not recommend using the words of the song in conversation with the natives of Italy. I know from personal experience: I sang in a minute, and then spent 50 minutes explaining what the words meant.

Marais belle dona que un belle canzone

Sai ke ti amo sempre amo

Dona Bella Mare Credere Cantare

Dammi il momento kemi pyache drink

Uno uno uno uno momento

Uno uno uno sentimentto

Uno uno uno complimento

E Sacramento Macramento Sacramento


Then I felt like Ellochka the cannibal. I know a lot of words, but I can confidently use dozens of them. It can only be worse if you don’t know the language of the country you’re visiting at all. I had to make myself a list of irreplaceable phrases and expressions. At first, even without knowing how to put words into sentences, I learned to masterfully use this list, conducting a dialogue practically using only these phrases. And if you come on vacation and want to be treated as “one of our own” and served at “domestic”, non-tourist prices, then this set is an absolute must have!

Phrases needed when meeting and getting to know each other

C iao/Salve/Buongiorno
– Hello / Hello / Good afternoon

Come on? (Kome hundred?) - How are you doing?

Bene! (Bane) - Fine! Tutto bene! (Tutto bene) - Very good!

Sono… (Sono...) - I am... and then there’s a ton of options. With this wonderful verb you can describe your whole life J)

Sono Elena, sono russa, sono giornalista, sono felice... – I’m Elena, I’m Russian, a journalist, I’m happy...

Piacere (Piacere) - Nice to meet you!

There will still be misunderstandings, and then use the following phrases

Cosa? (Goat?) - What? or Scusami, cosa?(WITH bodies, goat?) - Sorry, that?

Non capisco, mi dispiace(N he capisco, mi dispjache). - Sorry, I do not understand.

Come si chiama? (Kome si kyama?) - How does is called?

And most importantly, add everywhere: Per favore!- Please! And all will be well.

Let's flirt:

Same question: Come si chiama?- translated as follows: “What is your name?” Change si on ti: Come ti chiami?– there will be an informal option.

Ti va di...?- Would you like to...?

For example: Ti va di andare al bar? (Ti va di andare al bar?) - Would you like to go to the bar? or ( Ti va di andare a fare un jiro?) – Would you like to go for a walk?

Volentieri! (Volentieri!) - With pleasure!

Phrases that are indispensable in the market/shop

Vorrei questo (formaggio/ mele/ pesche
/ just point with your finger) – Warray questo (formaggio/ mele/ pedestrian) – I would like this (cheese / apples / fish)

Cosí va bene (Kozi va bene) - So just right (when you were given exactly as much as you needed)

Un'po di piu(U n po di drink)- A little more

Un'po di meno (Un po di meno)- A little smaller

Basta cosi (Basta kozi)- That's enough. Enough is enough (when you need to stop the shopping extravaganza)

Vorrei vedere questo, per favore (Warray vedere questo, per favore)– I want to see this, please (dress in a store, etc.)

Quanto costa? (Quanto costa?) - What is the price?

Dimmi! or Mi dica! (Dimmy! or Mi wild!) - Tell me! - and this is what they usually say about you. The bartender at the counter, the salesman behind the counter - as a rule, they begin their address to you with these words.

If you went to a restaurant

Italians. In the morning (from 7-8 to 10 o’clock) – coffee and croissant. Only at this time of day do real Italians drink cappuccino, then only un café (regular espresso). If you order a cappuccino after 11 am, you are a foreigner :). We order colazione (colacione) breakfast like this:

Un coffee and una pasta– One coffee (espresso) and a bun (pasta is a unifying name for different types of baked goods; you usually just point your finger at the type you want)

Un capuccino and un cornetto (root́ that's it), per favoreCappuccino And croissant, Please.

Pranzo (prandzo) Lunch

It starts at 12 and lasts somewhere until 14.30-15. At this time, in cafes you can have a snack on a panini with mozzarella, prosciutto and tomatoes, a slice of pizza to take away, or choose dishes from the lunch menu presented in the window. There you will find cold cuts, marinated olives, artichokes, a couple of types of pasta, vegetables and the same panini.

In tourist places you can often see notices on the doors of cafes: Menu fisso– fixed menu. Similar to our business lunch. You can choose some pasta or lasagna for the first course, and meat or fish plus a drink for the second course. The cost of such a menu is usually 10-12 euros.

Apperitivo— Aperitif

This is what helps Italians last from early lunch to late dinner. The aperitif is served starting at 17, sometimes from 18-19. At this time, having ordered an alcoholic drink at the bar, you get access to a salad bar: mini-pizzas, sliced ​​vegetables, a couple of types of pasta, pickled vegetables, nuts, chips and etc. In some generous bars, by paying 6-7 euros for your cocktail, you can have a hearty dinner J) So, take note.

Cena (Chen) Dinner

Restaurants usually start filling up at 20:00 (in tourist places they open earlier - at 19:00). What phrases may be needed here:

Un tavolo per due/ tre/ quattro (un tavolo per due/ tre/ quattro) – table for two/three/four.

The waiter usually escorts you to the right table, but if there are many empty seats, then you can choose. In Italy menu- this is something fixed (see menu of the day above), a full menu in our understanding is la carta.

Well, ordering food is not difficult to handle. The only thing I recommend is to try the dish of the day or a traditional dish. Use the phrase:

Avete dei piatti del giorno/ specialità? (Avete dei piatti del giorno/specialita?) – Do you have a dish of the day / something special?

Regarding drinks:

Possiamo avere una bottiglia di aqua? (Possiamo avere una botilja di aqua?) – Can we have a bottle of water?

Vino di casa (Vino di casa) - Home wine.

And in conclusion:

Il conto, per favore (Il conto, per favore) - The check, please.

Possiamo pagare separatamente? (Possyamo pagare separatamente?) – Can we pay separately?

Can I? If I want to?

When you need to ask permission (to enter, take something, sit at a table you like, etc.): - Posso? (Posso?) - I can?

Although, when pushing through a crowd, it is better to say: Permesso! (Permesso!) - Allow me!

And when you need something, say: Ho bisogno di… (O bisogno di...) – I need... (and then the finger/dictionary will help you)


For those for whom the phrases above are already a passed stage, I suggest you replenish your vocabulary with words that Italians use ten times a day.

Che casino!- What a mess! Crazy house!

When you're in Once again you will get stuck in some queue, get confused by some signs, etc. ... please complain. They will understand you, support you and maybe even be able to help you.

Magari!- I would like to!

A great word for expressing hope. The Italians will repeat it at every step. It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about: about catching a train, or about the weather being unlucky, or about making sure that the bread in the shop isn’t sold out before you arrive.

Dipende da te- It depends on you. As you want.

An excellent expression that bounces the question back to the interlocutor, allowing him to make his own decision.

Another phrase that is indispensable in dialogues: In che senso?- What do you mean? In terms of?

For example: Marco è un ragazzo cattivo. – In che senso?

The Italian temperament has difficulty coping with boring, routine activities, which is why you constantly hear from an Italian doing such work:

Сhe noia!(Ke noya!) - What boredom!

And if you have something important to do: an interview, an exam, an important meeting, they will definitely wish you:

In bocca al lupo – Crepi il lupo!- Break a leg! - To hell!

This expression has an interesting etymology: literally speaking, they want you to feel as calm and reliable as little wolf cubs in the mouth of a caring she-wolf. Here is a reference to the story about Romulus and Remus, suckled by a she-wolf.

And finally, if you are tired of someone’s obsessive advances or just want to send everyone away, then the Italians have a lot of expressions for this. Here are a couple of moderately abusive ones:

Vai a farti benedire! May you be blessed! (literally speaking) orVai a quel paese!- Yes, go to that country (again literally speaking). But figuratively, these are exactly the very feelings that you wanted to express.

(c) Elena Asanova

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