What can a boat motor be made from? DIY outboard electric motor for a boat

Unlike ancient times, when you could only hope for a fair wind to appear by relying on the forces of nature, today you can move along the surface of the water in any direction without significant physical effort and in complete calm.

Thanks to scientists who obtained electricity for humanity and tamed the fire of the internal combustion engine, any boatman can independently attach some kind of motor to his watercraft.

What can a boat motor be made from?

A boat motor can be made from many mechanisms that gather dust in a barn or garage and are not used for their intended purpose.

It often happens that equipment breaks down, and to repair it you need to spend more than half the cost of a new device. In this case, it is much easier to purchase a new device, put the old one aside and use it as a source of spare parts and various bolts and nuts. It is from such devices that a boat motor can be made.

If such devices are not available, then you can inexpensively purchase such a mechanism on the secondary market. The main thing is that in such devices the engine is working properly.

Boat motor from trimmer

By minimally changing the trimmer design, you can create an excellent traction unit for a boat of any design. Such a device already has an engine and transmission; it is enough to make a mount for the boat, and instead of a reel with fishing line or a disk, install a propeller.

Before making a boat motor from a trimmer, you should understand that the power of such devices is very low, and it is unlikely that you will be able to move against a strong current.

The trimmer as a boat motor is ideal for use on a lake or pond.

The disadvantages of using this device include the high noise level. In addition, at a low speed of movement you will have to breathe absolutely all the products of the “life activity” of this system.

Boat motor from a screwdriver

Electric-powered boat motors have excellent performance in terms of noise production and environmental friendliness. You can make a motor for a boat from a screwdriver, but the power of the device should not be less than 300 W. To transmit torque to the propeller, which is located underwater, you can use a flexible shaft from a trimmer.

A small aluminum propeller from a car fan is used as a propeller, and to ensure long operating time of such a device, car batteries with a capacity of 60 A/h are used.

The disadvantages of such designs are the need to carry a fully charged car battery with you. The mass of such a part is more than 20 kg. The disadvantages include the limited stroke of such a motor; after the battery is discharged, it will be necessary to manually set the boat in motion again.

Boat motor from a walk-behind tractor

The most powerful of homemade boat motors is considered to be a device made from a walk-behind tractor. Equipment for processing personal plots is equipped with durable and durable four-stroke internal combustion engines, which, when installed on the craft,

will allow him to develop decent speed both with and against the current. Such engines have a significant mass and, usually, not used on PVC boats.

The easiest way to install a boat motor of this design involves minimal modifications to the main structure. It is enough to attach a walk-behind tractor to the hull of the boat and install aluminum blades instead of cutters. The blades must be located in the same plane with the shaft, which in this case is located perpendicular to the movement of the craft. The blades have the form of rectangular plates, the lower half of which must be lowered into the water, and the upper part must move freely through the air. This paddle wheel device will allow you to move at high speed even in places where the depth does not exceed half a meter. A boat engine made from a walk-behind tractor with a fast current does an excellent job.

Other options

You can make a homemade engine not only using trimmers and screwdrivers as a basis. If you want to design a boat motor yourself and have a significant supply of time and money, then any technical device equipped with an internal combustion engine or driven by an electric motor can be used as a power unit.

Many craftsmen install motorcycle engines on their boats. In this case, it is possible to regulate the propeller speed by shifting the gearbox. Powerful 12-volt motors, which are used in various mechanisms, can be successfully used as boat engines.

Making a boat motor with your own hands

Making a boat motor is not at all difficult - it is enough to prepare all the necessary parts and assemble the device in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of damage to the boat when operating such a unit, and to ensure safety for people.

The simplest option for making a homemade motor from a trimmer. For assembly you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Trimmer.
  2. Spanners.
  3. Pliers.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Grinder or hacksaw for metal.
  6. Drill and twist drills for metal.
  7. Hairpin 12 mm.
  8. Vise.

To make a working version of the outboard motor, you will need to purchase a trimmer. You can use any model, but the more powerful the device, the higher the speed characteristics of the boat.

Making a propeller is the first thing to start with. For the screw, a duralumin plate measuring 100 - 30 mm is used. Exactly in the middle of such a plate it is necessary to make a hole to install it on the trimmer shaft. The diameter of the hole depends on the thickness of the gearbox shaft and is usually 17 mm. Before bending the duralumin plate, it must be annealed. Then each side is slightly bent with pliers so that when such a plate rotates axially, its pitch is no more than 10 mm.

Then the reel is removed from the mower and a screw is installed in its place. It is necessary to tighten the nut well so that the screw does not turn during operation. The trimmer discs are secured with a nut with a left-hand thread, so when operating the outboard motor you do not have to worry about losing the screw due to the nut being unscrewed.

Then you need to make reliable fastenings with which the trimmer will be installed on the boat. On the trimmer body at the junction of the two halves there is a ring for attaching a belt. It is this part that will connect the trimmer body to the boat. It is necessary to make a mount that will reliably connect the boat hull with the trimmer “eye”. For this purpose, you can use a mechanical meat grinder, in which the lower part is separated using a grinder or a hacksaw. Then a hole with a diameter of 12 mm is made in the body of the resulting clamp. The hole must be located in the transverse plane of the screw clamp.

From a metal pin with a diameter of 12 mm, you need to cut a piece 100 mm long. On one side, this section of the pin is slightly flattened and a hole with a diameter of 6 mm is made in it. A 6 mm bolt is threaded into this hole, onto which the trimmer “ear” is installed. The bolt must be tightened with a self-locking nut.

The process of installing a motor on a boat occurs in the following sequence:

  • the mount is installed on the transom and securely fixed using a threaded connection;
  • a homemade boat motor is installed in the mounting hole.

The engine can be started and controlled by holding the outboard engine body level, and, if necessary, tilting it in the opposite direction of the boat's turn.

Gearbox and its influence on operation

The use of a gearbox for a boat motor allows you to change the direction of axial rotation. The gearbox changes the shaft rotation speed several times, which has a positive effect on the operating life of the engine. When equipping a gearbox with a boat motor, you should stick to the golden mean and not install a device with a large gear ratio. Failure to comply with this rule leads to excessive fuel consumption, low boat speed and engine overheating. The most reliable way to install a gearbox with the optimal gear ratio for a given engine is to test several different devices. If during operation there is no feeling of excessive load, which manifests itself in the impossibility of quickly accelerating to high speeds and the speed of the craft is quite high, then this gear ratio can be considered optimal for a given engine.

An average gear ratio that will work well with many internal combustion engines used as a boat motor is 1/5.

Electric motors can be used as propulsion for boats without a gearbox. The traction force of such devices is sufficient to operate stably in the mode of direct transmission of torque to the propeller. An excellent engineering solution is to use an electric motor underwater. With this arrangement, the screw is fixed directly to the motor shaft.

Homemade motor with gearbox

It is not easy to make a motor with a gearbox yourself, but this design will allow you to change the speed of the boat and change the traction characteristics of the propeller. This design is convenient when fishing by trolling; in addition, switching to a lower gear will allow the craft to move more efficiently against strong winds and under significant load.

The most compact engine option that you can make yourself is a device that uses a two-stroke engine from a Karpaty moped as the power unit. Such a device will have only two speeds, but this is quite enough.

The engine is installed on a self-made frame, which is a cut-off part of a moped frame. The right cover and the drive sprocket are removed, and a small gearbox is attached to the shaft, to which a standard “leg” from the Whirlwind outboard motor is then attached, through which torque is transmitted. All parts must be installed in such a way that the structure is as balanced as possible, otherwise a noticeable imbalance will be felt when moving, and when using such an engine with a PVC boat, the craft may capsize. The control handle of such a device must be at least 0.5 in length, otherwise while operating the boat you can get burns from the hot engine and muffler elbow.

The advantages of such a boat motor are very quiet operation, low fuel consumption and the ability to switch to a lower gear when necessary.

Homemade e electric motor on a boat.

Many who are interested in electric boat motors have most likely read an article about a homemade motor for a boat based on the GSK-1500 generator. The generator has a mass of about 12 kilograms, is powered by 24 volts, a current of about 40 amperes and costs between 10 - 12 thousand rubles. The article gives a complex scheme for coupling a generator with a boat propeller. Let us remind you that such generators were previously used in aviation. According to the data, a fully charged 24-volt battery would last for 40 minutes before running out. In general, not very optimistic.

Discussing this topic with water-motor fishermen, after arguments and searches on the Internet, an interesting idea was born, namely, assembling an electric boat motor on our own, but using a modern base of materials, according to a simplified scheme. As traction force, the electric motor itself, various engines were considered, which can be purchased, if not in a nearby store, then at least on the Internet. A car starter is, of course, a powerful unit, but it will drain the battery very quickly. The industrial DC motors we've reviewed are either too weak or too large.

In the end, we settled on a completely acceptable option - an electric winch for ATVs and snowmobiles. They are not as powerful as, for example, automobile ones, but they have good traction due to the gearbox and relatively low current consumption.

Let's take for example uh electric winch for an ATV or snowmobile COME-UP 1500. It has a three-stage metal transmission to achieve high speed. At a voltage of 12 volts it has a power of about 300 watts (0.4 hp), small size and current consumption of up to 10 amperes.

For comparison, we can say that some factory-made outboard electric motors have slightly worse characteristics.

Another thing is how to connect such a motor to a boat propeller? The simplest thing that can be proposed, without going into mathematical calculations and complex drawings, is a belt drive. For example, a motor mounted on a base and secured to the transom of a boat with clamps rotates a large diameter pulley. A shaft is welded to the lower end of the deadwood, on which there is a screw with a pulley of small diameter. Thus, when the upper large pulley rotates, even at a low speed, the lower pulley will rotate much faster. And since such electric motors with a gearbox already have a certain traction force, which will easily move the same ATV, then to rotate the boat propeller, the engine will work with virtually no load. What will have to be changed in this electric winch design is to install a pulley on the electric motor.

Now an equally important detail. Battery for boat motor. If you use a battery designed to work with electric boat motors, then such a battery will last for quite a long time. The advantage of such batteries is that they allow complete discharge.

We will be glad if someone brings such a design to completion and contacts us with a detailed photo report.

Probably everyone who lives in a rural area or comes there to relax in the summer has a boat or dreams of one. This is understandable, because spending time on the water is the most desirable and most wonderful vacation.

Boating is a great sport because it helps you strengthen your arm and back muscles. Another thing is that, while sitting on the oars, it is difficult to pay attention to all the beauties of nature, especially if the rower is inexperienced. And it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to catch fish - only if you anchor.

Not to mention that older people or those with health problems will get tired very quickly and will not be able to swim far.

But this does not mean that you should give up walking on the river or always take a partner with you to make the movement easier. You can install an electric motor for the boat and then all you need to do is control your boat around turns.

Here many may argue that not everyone can afford to purchase an electric motor. Even the Poltava electric motor (by no means the most powerful and sophisticated) is quite expensive.

But who said that you definitely need to buy it? It’s quite possible to make an electric motor for a boat yourself, it’s not that difficult. The main thing is to know how to use welding, have free time, a little patience and all the necessary parts.

6. Bearings.

7. Metal rods and plates.

Of course, the design obtained from these parts will differ significantly from the model described above. An electric motor for a boat of this type will not be able to move too fast, and the time it can operate at full power is not very long. But such an engine creates almost no noise and is completely safe for the environment.

At one time, when King Hammurami still lived, he argued that the time spent fishing is not included in the calculation of the total life time. This is also confirmed by many citizens who like to spend part of their free time fishing.

Typically, most anglers own a boat. Many boats, especially modern ones, are equipped with gasoline engines. And a boat without a motor, especially if you have to fish in the waters of a large lake, becomes a burden that requires enormous costs, effort and energy to move. And here you definitely need a motor: gasoline or electric - it doesn’t matter.

Still, special attention should be paid to the electric motor because:

  • electric ones do not require either oil or gasoline to operate, which means there are no exhaust gases, which does not harm the environment;
  • electric motors are smaller in size, lighter in weight and do not take up much space. This is especially true if you have to fish far away, and every kilogram of excess weight is always felt;
  • they are much more economically profitable than their gasoline counterparts;
  • modern designs are assembled using modern parts developed using modern technologies, therefore they have maximum power with minimal weight.

But these statements only apply if the boat owner already has an electric motor and has experienced such benefits to the fullest. But what to do if it is not there? This means you need to do it yourself.

Many enterprising boat owners use a drill or screwdriver that runs on batteries, since the industrial design of the electric motor is based on the same principle. The basic layout of such a unit is almost the same for all models and looks like this:

  • the battery is the power source;
  • the electric motor acts as a boat engine;
  • a propeller with a gearbox is a working tool that allows the boat to move through the water;
  • control unit - consists of a knob for turning the direction of movement and changing the speed of rotation of the electric motor.

Almost all elements can be found in an electric drill or screwdriver. In this case, one should take into account the fact that industrial devices are hermetically sealed, which allows the main components to be in the water.

If you use an electric drill, it is advisable that it be located away from water. This is the only problem, quite serious, that requires a technical solution. The slightest splash of water on the control unit can damage it, which will lead to the boat stopping.

Advantages of such a model

If you take an electric drill, you should always remember that its main value is the engine and the speed control unit (button). Choosing a drill or screwdriver has some advantages compared to buying an industrial outboard motor:

  • in terms of price, this purchase will be much cheaper than buying a factory model;
  • according to the law, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements related to the power of engines used on various bodies of water;
  • the electric drill is powered by a battery or other power sources with suitable parameters;
  • The electric drill is easy to repair, thanks to the availability of a sufficient number of spare parts on the market.

When choosing a drill, you should take into account the fact that it is mainly designed for operation in cyclic mode. If the drill is installed on a boat, then you need to count more on a continuous cycle of work. This means that you need a reserve of power, otherwise the drill will overheat.

In such cases, you should opt for a power of 150 W or more. The power reserve will allow you to work with a propeller with a diameter of 130-150 mm. In addition, you need to take into account that the total weight of the boat will be 300 kg, no more. We can assume that this is the maximum weight.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that drills and screwdrivers are available in different operating voltages, such as 12 V, 14.5 V, 16 V, 18 V and 24 volts. Batteries are also produced for the same voltage. And yet, the capacity of standard batteries that operate an electric drill or screwdriver under classic operating conditions is not enough to ensure the necessary movement of the boat on the water. In this regard, it is better to pay attention to a car battery, which has a much larger capacity. And since a car battery produces 12 V under load, a drill should be selected with an operating voltage of 12 V.

Naturally, you can make a battery from a set of manufactured batteries for power tools for any voltage, but this can be much more expensive.

Required tools and materials

For such a device you will need the following parts:

  • electric drill for motor;
  • clamps for mounting the motor (drill). Both ready-made factory and handicraft ones are suitable;
  • the gearbox from the grinder is suitable if the motor is installed on the transom of the boat;
  • round tubes with a diameter of 20 mm and profiled tubes 20x20 mm. A rod and a mount for the motor (drill) will be made from them;
  • a round rod of metal from which the motor shaft will be made, as well as sheet metal for the propeller.

The following tools may be needed for work:

  • metal scissors;
  • welding machine, although you can do without it;
  • electric drill and set of drills;
  • grinder with cutting and grinding wheels;
  • if the structure includes wood, then nails or screws (as well as wood).

The presence of a lifting mechanism radically simplifies the operation and maintenance of the entire system, especially since there are cases when it is urgently necessary to lift the propeller. As a rule, such a mechanism controls the position of the electric motor in all planes (vertical and horizontal).

As an option, we can propose the following design of such a mechanism: the motor is attached to the transom of the boat using clamps, which are rigidly fixed to the plate. The clamps are equipped with rings through which the tube is threaded, and the motor shaft is threaded through the axle welded in the center of the tube. This results in a very simple articulated joint that can provide normal motor control.

As far as we know, the drill is designed for drilling holes and has a high final speed, which is not acceptable for supporting the operation of a propeller, which operates at slower speeds. Therefore, in order to reduce the speed transmitted to the propeller, the installation of a gearbox is required. Sometimes you need 2 of them, depending on design solutions. The upper gearbox should reduce the drill speed from 1500 to 200-300 revolutions, which will ensure normal boat movement.

The lower gearbox is used for horizontal installation of the propeller. When using a gearbox from an angle grinder, it is simply clamped in the drill chuck.

The manufacture of a propeller propeller begins by marking it on a piece of steel sheet. As mentioned above, its diameter should be no more than 130-150 mm. You can take a square of metal, 200x200 mm in size and 2.5-3.0 mm thick. It would be better if it was stainless steel, although it is much more difficult to process. As a last resort, you can use the impeller from an air exhaust fan or car cooling system. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the impeller profile is designed to work with an air mass. In this regard, you will have to start making it yourself.

A hole is drilled in the center of the square for the landing screw. Slots are made along the diagonals so that the sheet remains intact in the center up to 25-30 mm. After this, they begin to form the shape of the blades. Typically, they have a rounded appearance. In this case, you need to ensure that the blades are the same size, otherwise there will be vibrations. After this, the blades are slightly turned to a certain angle. In this case, the direction of rotation of the blade must be taken into account.

Since manufacturing takes place at home and, as they say, in order not to break off in the water, tests should be carried out. Any container of water that will fit the propeller will be suitable for this. Naturally, the larger the capacity, the better. As a last resort, if possible, it is recommended to go out into nature, to a river or pond and test it in action without installing it on a boat.

When the engine is running, a directed stream of water should be observed and felt. In addition, no serious vibrations should be felt. If the propeller is not operating at full power, you can modify it by increasing the angle of the blades.

The motor control system is modified depending on the wishes of the boat owner. The main thing is that it is convenient to manage. It is better to move the engine speed control button to a convenient place.

The following components should be included in the calculations:

  • weight of the boat when fully equipped;
  • power consumption of the electric motor;
  • current and operating voltage.

During the assembly process, you should take an electrical measuring device and make sure that the engine power matches the load power. The engine power must exceed the load power. It is desirable that the engine power overlaps the load power by at least 20%.

If the engine power matches the power consumed by the electric drill: if the power consumption, calculated by the formula P = 12V x Ipot, corresponds to the declared power of the engine (electric drill), then we can say that everything is done correctly and the electric drill can be used as a motor for a boat. At the same time, we should not forget about the 20% power reserve. It will definitely be needed in case of emergency situations.

During the setup process, it is better to experiment with the impeller to select the correct blade configuration. As a rule, their shape significantly affects the economics of engine operation.

Using the windshield washer motor

Some owners who decide to make their own electric motor for a boat use various 12V engines that are used on board the car.

Such engines are perfect for such functions, if only because they are designed to run on a car battery. Despite this, they require some improvement.

Boat owners are constantly experimenting and finding amazing solutions. The high cost of industrial designs forces them to do this. As a result, the idea of ​​installing a lawn mower motor on a boat was born. These are engines with a power of about 6 hp, which are designed for long-term operation under load in various conditions. Such an engine can be adapted to a boat if you use various spare parts intended for repairing Soviet boat engines.

Motor from the Ural-2 chainsaw

Some craftsmen easily adapted motors from Soviet chainsaws as motors for boats. At one time, a huge number of chainsaws were produced, the quality of which needs to be discussed separately. Despite this, some motors installed on boats still serve today. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly.

Electric motor application

This is a very interesting question. The use of conventional AC motors has been discussed for a long time. Such motors do not have a brush mechanism, so they are very easy to operate and operate.

But there are some factors that have to be taken into account. The first factor is the presence of an alternating voltage of 220 V. Alternatively, it is possible to install an inverter that can convert a direct voltage of 12 V into an alternating voltage of 220 V.

The second component is safety, because 220 V voltage is very dangerous for humans, especially on water. This requires special measures. But if there is water all around, it is difficult to even imagine what exactly these measures should consist of.

There is an almost ready-made option - this is the use of a motor from a trimmer or from a brush cutter. Almost everything is ready here, all that remains is to decide on the length of the device and install the propeller. There is no need for an upper gearbox and no need to modify the control system or engine power supply system.

The main task is to properly secure such a device on the boat. This is especially true if you have an inflatable boat.


The production of such structures is available only to those boat owners who are in constant creative search. On the other hand, most of the boats are owned by anglers who are constantly experimenting. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to realize their ideas.

Naturally, creative people or people whose family budget does not allow them to purchase both a boat and a motor for it are engaged in the independent production of various designs. Therefore, some fishermen still use oars and do not regret it. They are only satisfied with the fact that they have a boat, since there is another category of fishermen who do not have such a boat. They enjoy fishing from the shore and envy those fishermen who have a boat, although without a motor.

Many deep water fishing enthusiasts prefer to install motors on boats. Making an electric boat motor with your own hands is quite simple and cost-effective. This is caused by the high (one might even say prohibitive) cost of modern boat engines. The price of some is comparable to the cost of a car. It is not profitable to purchase an old outboard motor that has been used frequently. It costs a lot, but bringing it into working condition will require a lot of effort and money.

An electric boat motor can be purchased either in a specialized store or made on your own using various devices and tools.

Operating principles of electric motors

Despite the development of technology and production, a boat motor remains a rather expensive thing that not every owner of a small boat can afford. The lower price limit for the cost of a new motor is about 30,000 rubles, while the upper limit can reach the same figures, only in dollars. Therefore, a homemade electric motor for a boat based on electric motors from various household devices is a good solution that will save money. In addition, you will gain good experience in design.

Electric motors have a number of advantages over other types of motors:

  1. The electric motor is the most common type of motor and can be found almost everywhere.
  2. They make little noise when operating (compared to internal combustion engines), which is especially important when fishing.
  3. They are safe to use. Low probability of fire, do not explode.
  4. Cheapness. Asynchronous electric motors are the cheapest motors that exist.

Disadvantages of electric motors:

  1. The electric motor is afraid of water; accordingly, it should not be in water and should not be flooded.
  2. The speed when sailing on a boat with a motor should be about 7-10 km/h under load. Therefore, the minimum engine power should be at least 1.75-2 hp.
  3. You should think about power sources in advance. Since the electric motor requires electricity, you should purchase batteries in advance and prepare a place in the boat for their installation. If you have the funds, you can purchase a generating solar panel that can be installed on top of the batteries and connected to them. Important: the solar panel should not be the only source of energy, it must work in conjunction with batteries (which may be the only sources of energy). You should take into account the weight of the batteries (they are quite heavy) and after installing them, do not overload the boat.
  4. Determine the operating conditions. For example, speed will naturally drop if you swim against a current or wave, or in a strong headwind. It is important to determine the purpose of installing the engine. If the main goal is to sail “race” with other boats, then an electric motor will not be suitable for this purpose. If sailing under unfavorable conditions (wind, waves, currents), you should take an engine with a power reserve.

When the necessary technical requirements are formulated, you can proceed to the implementation of the project. It's worth starting with calculations.

How to calculate parameters

The first thing you should pay attention to when calculating engine power is the conversion of units of measurement from one system to another. Often, when calculating the power of a propulsion system on boats, horsepower is used, and the power of all electric motors is indicated in watts. To convert watts to hp. it should be remembered that 1 kW = 1.36 hp. or 0.74 kW = 1 hp.

To calculate power, please refer to GOST 19105-79. To calculate power, you should measure the length of the waterline, deadrise, side height and the maximum possible weight of the boat (weight of the boat + weight of all passengers + weight of the engine, power supplies + weight of equipment and equipment). The 1 HP formula will work for most boats. per 25 kg weight. For punt, PVC and planing boats, the calculation formula is 1 hp. for 35 kg of weight. For example, consider the option with a two-seater PVC boat.

The weight of the boat is about 25 kg. Weight of 2 adults: 80x2 = 160 kg. The weight of the motor and batteries is about 20 kg. In addition, the weight of the equipment is about 15 kg. The result is: 25 + 160 + 20 + 15 = 220 kg. Motor power is 220/35 = 6.3 hp. Let's convert horsepower to watts: 6.3 * 0.74 = 4.66 kW.

The capacity of the battery is calculated using the formula: P/(Uх0.7), where 0.7 is the battery charge coefficient (since it is not possible to charge the battery 100%). Actually, for 5 kW and 12 volt power supply, 5000/(12x0.7) = 595 Ah is required. Let's round it up to 600. This battery will keep the engine running for 1 hour. If there is no battery of such capacity, then you can take 2 x 300 A*h, 3 x 200 A*h or 6 x 100 A*h and connect them in parallel. If it is necessary to ensure the engine operates for a longer time, then the resulting ampere-hours are multiplied by the number of operating hours.

Necessary materials

Once the calculations have been made, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. To make a motor you will need:

  1. Electric motor. It can be removed from various household tools or purchased from appliance repair shops. Motors from a screwdriver, drill, grinder, circular saw, etc. can be used. If the power of the selected engine is less than necessary (for example, if you take a screwdriver engine), then you should take 2 or 3 pieces of the same power from several screwdrivers. Several pieces should be connected in parallel, and it is not necessary to mount them on one bracket.
  2. Batteries. Selected by ampere hours. How to do this is described above.
  3. Materials for the bracket. Can be any. It is recommended to use PVC pipes as they are cheap, durable and easy to work with.
  4. Gearbox. Can be used from household appliances or purchased separately.
  5. Screw (propeller). You can remove it from an old Soviet fan (models with steel screws) or make it yourself.
  6. Speed ​​controller. There is no point in installing it on such a vessel, but if you wish, it is worth purchasing a mechanical one.
  7. Clamps. Several pieces for attaching the bracket to the boat.
  8. Consumables: glue, self-tapping screws, screws, tape, etc.

How the work is carried out

The first thing to do is attach it to the boat. It is made from clamps to which clamps are welded under PVC pipes so that the clamp of the clamp is fastened to the side of the boat. A PVC pipe must be inserted into the clamps, inside which there will be a shaft. The length of the pipe depends on the height of the side and should ensure that the propeller is immersed below the waterline (preferably with a margin of 10-15 cm) and raise the engine to a height inaccessible to waves. The diameter of the pipe must ensure free movement of the shaft. As a shaft, you can use any rod (preferably made of stainless steel) with drilled holes at the ends. Such a transmission shaft can be mounted on the engine shaft and on the propeller axis without transmission links. It is important to seal the lower end of the pipe with a sleeve.

Next you need to tackle the underwater part. You should use a PVC pipe of larger diameter (preferably a tee), in which the gearbox with the propeller shaft is installed. It must be attached to the rack by soldering to ensure a tight connection. The ends of the pipe with the gearbox installed are sealed with bushings or a thick layer of silicone (the first is preferable).

The propeller shaft outlet should be sealed. Next you need to connect the upper and lower gearboxes with a shaft.

At the final stage, a structure is made for installing the engine and gearbox (upper). The structure for installing the engine must be sealed on the water side (so that the engine does not flood), and on the boat side there must be ventilation holes and a power supply. Its dimensions and shape depend on the size of the engine and how it is mounted.

With such a motor you can safely go out into calm waters or calm seas.