Make a grill. DIY metal barbecues: sizes, photos and ideas for different models

Barbecue in the country - distinguishing feature Have a pleasant holiday outside the city with barbecue in good company. Perhaps that is why most summer residents are happy to install on their summer cottage barbecue or grill.

Yes, you can just buy a ready-made barbecue for your dacha, but there is something attractive in plans to build such a barbecue with your own hands. A country barbecue is not only a gathering place for the whole family and an interesting element of country design,

but also a very effective thing when you need to feed quite a lot of people, for example, for a holiday; because The surface size of a homemade barbecue is usually much larger than a standard store-bought one. In addition, a barbecue made by yourself is more durable, less demanding to use, and has a more “warm, individual” appearance than a purchased one.

The task of making a barbecue with your own hands can be solved by a couple skillful hands over the weekend. There is nothing complicated in the construction of a country barbecue; you can see this for yourself in the drawing.

The device of a simple barbecue.

Firebox: The inner wall of the barbecue can be lined with refractory bricks. It is better to move the wall forward a little for more convenient access to the grill grate.
Grill grate: Choose cast iron or stainless steel. Supported by corner ledges.
Foundation: a concrete platform (8-10 cm) on a bed of compacted crushed stone (8-10 cm) ensures the stability of the grill structure.
Brick walls: They form closed frame grill, reducing wood consumption by 65% ​​and protecting against hot sparks.
Ash pan: metal sheet for fuel. Placed at a distance of 20-35 cm below the grill grate.

Make a grill yourself or buy it?

If you have bricklaying skills, no back problems, and a couple of friends willing to help you, then you can make a barbecue yourself in a weekend.

Where to place a barbecue on a summer cottage?

Determine the prevailing wind direction and install the grill so that smoke does not fly into the house or recreation area.

What to make a grill from?

Concrete foundation blocks– the cheapest building material for a barbecue. Inside the firebox it can be lined with refractory bricks for greater heat retention. The outside of the grill can be lined with natural stone.

Natural stonea natural stone retains heat well. Allow enough time to select and fit the stone. In addition, it is good to have some excess stone in reserve, because... It is difficult to predict the exact consumption of material for the construction of a barbecue made of natural stone.

Red ceramic brick - almost optimal choice for the construction of a barbecue. Externally attractive, retains heat well, and is not afraid of interaction with open fire. For a brick grill you will need a little more skill in brickwork than for a barbecue made of concrete blocks.

How to heat the grill?

Use dry logs of fruit species, which give unforgettable aroma all dishes prepared on the grill. Provide a place in the grill design where you can place in advance suitable logs that you received when pruning fruit trees.

Barbecue tools.

Forceps– the longer the better for your safety.
Brush made of metal for cleaning the grill grate.
Gloves for barbecues that can withstand high temperatures.

Additional barbecue options.

Barbecue with spit, which will allow you to fry evenly big piece meat.

Brazier with chimney– will allow the smoke to be collected and diverted upward away from summer kitchen or a gazebo next to which a barbecue is installed.

Fireplace with barbecue– Do you want to build something grandiose at your dacha? We build a fireplace for a patio or a summerhouse, into the walls of which we build in corners to support the barbecue grill.

Barbecue and safety.

Food poisoning. Wash your hands, buy meat from safe places. This best advice to avoid food poisoning in the midst of your picnic at the dacha.

Charred meat. Do you like well-done meat? Don't char the kebab until it turns black! Charred food particles double your risk of cancer. So you can raise a toast to health and to meat with a slight redness inside.

Carbon monoxide poisoning. Everything is good in its place. If you're grilling in bad weather and the crazy thought “why don't I do this in the garage” pops into your head, chase it away with a filthy broom. Concentration carbon monoxide indoors can become dramatic for you.

Fire. At least 3 m from buildings, wooden fences, sheds, etc. will give you the opportunity to avoid colossal fire damage and serious injury.

Heatstroke.“It’s so hot in here I’m going to have a stroke.” This may not be just a joke. Overheating can trigger a serious exacerbation of the disease for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Casual clothes. Do not wear loose clothing with loose sleeves or flaps when working on the grill. A spark that hits it may produce a completely different fireworks display than you had planned.

Deep frying. Working with deep fat is best left to professional chefs. Spattering particles of fat, open fire - it’s better not to overestimate yourself, we are smart enough to understand that “the game is not worth the candle.”

Be careful, wasp. Wasp stings are extremely painful and very dangerous for people with allergic reactions. Therefore, it is better to have anti-allergenic drugs in your first aid kit and wear a long-sleeve shirt.

Coals and fire safety. Wait 48 hours before disposing of the ash from the grill.

How to care for your grill?

Clean the grill grates with a steel brush to prevent ash and food debris from accumulating there. Spray the cooled grill grate sunflower oil to prevent the formation of rust on it. Remove ashes after each use of the grill to avoid the accumulation of foreign odors for the next cooking.

Whether you make a barbecue yourself or buy a ready-made one, it will bring you many pleasant moments when, with a barbecue in your hand, admiring the open fire in a pleasant company, you will get a much-needed respite from the busy daily rhythm.

Barbecues are sold today in a wide range. But if you have good instructions, equipment, consumables and, of course, the desire, you can make a barbecue with your own hands from metal.

DIY metal grill

Types of construction

First, decide on the type of future design, since the barbecue can be:

  1. stationary;
  2. collapsible.

Stationary-type structures are multifunctional, because by adding some elements, you can additionally get a smokehouse or grill. Moreover, they can really decorate a suburban area.

And here mobile devices They are compact, so they can easily fit even in a car trunk, which is ideal for outdoor recreation. The design can be folding or collapsible.

What will the job require?

Despite the fact that there are different designs, the list of everything needed is generally the same. Only the quantity can differ consumables, because if it is planned to manufacture a large stationary product with a roof, then, of course, more material will be required in this case. In short, get ready for work:

  1. welding;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. a grinder with circles attached to it;
  4. square;
  5. electric drill;
  6. roulette;
  7. electric jigsaw;
  8. sheet of metal several millimeters thick, iron barrel or balloon;
  9. wheels (required for a collapsible barbecue);
  10. corners measuring 2x2 centimeters;
  11. handle, hinges;
  12. fasteners;
  13. a pipe with a square cross-section of 2x2 centimeters.

Note! There are many types of designs, so check out the most popular ones to choose the best option.

DIY barbecue made from a metal barrel

The design described in this paragraph of the article can be without a cover or with it. In the second case, halves of the container are used, in the first - a whole one. But regardless of the chosen option, you should first sketch out a drawing of the planned product.

Below is a picture to help you understand all the elements and their sizes. You can improve this design if you want, but finished drawing In any case, it will help during production.

After this, you should prepare the elements from which the grill will subsequently be assembled.

Note! This should start with the main thing, namely the barrel. You need to cut it.

To do this, use one of two methods:

After this, carefully clean all the cuts and remove any burrs. Next, determine the size of the corners needed to frame the opening. Cut pipes or corners for stands and legs, then prepare fasteners - it is advisable to purchase the latter with a small margin.

Option #1

The easiest way is to build a barbecue from 1/2 barrels than to fix the lid on the front wall. For ease of work, start with arranging stands. In this case, you will need pipes that can have either a rectangular or circular cross-section.

Step 1. If you cannot bend the pipe to the size of the barrel, then, after making preliminary calculations, weld a corner from a pair of pipes, and then weld two more pipes to it, connected in the letter “T”. Make the second leg in the same way. Connect them together with a jumper, although if you wish, you can use a metal basket for storing firewood.

Step 2. After this, install the 1/2 barrel on these legs and weld it to them. It is advisable to begin cleaning immediately welding seams so that this element of the barbecue with your own hands made of metal is left alone.

Step 3. Now start working on the actual half. First, weld a corner to its edges to make the structure look more neat. A kind of shelf has been formed on which you will place the skewers.

Note! If the grill will also be used as a grill, then secure the racks for the latter as shown in the diagram.

Step 4. If you use the second half of the barrel as a lid, then scald it with a corner. For greater ease of use, attach a handle and a holder with fasteners to the lid. You can install it on one or both sides of the structure.

Step 5. Place a mesh on top of the half-barrel so that the structure can also be used as a barbecue. To fix the mesh, screw special supports around the edges.

Step 6. Make holes in the walls of the lower half to improve traction.

Option No. 2

Here the barrel does not need to be cut into two parts. Instead, cut a pre-marked rectangle out of it. In such a barbecue, food that will be cooked on the flame will be reliably protected from the wind thanks to the back wall. In the pictures you see the installation of a barbecue grid.

Note! If you resort to this option, then no welding of the edges of the barrel is required - they will be properly cleaned and rounded without it.

Otherwise, the work is carried out in the same way as described above, but the hinges are attached to the lid and the upper part of the structure. A holder for the lid is not required in this model, since, when tilted, it will rest against top part housings.

It is also worth noting that this grill can also be made into a part-time smokehouse. For this purpose, attach a chimney pipe to the side. As you know, at the top of all barrels there is a hole with a stopper, which you can use just for fastening the chimney. But this moment should be planned in advance, before you start cutting the barrel, since the described hole should be located exclusively in the upper part of the body.

If necessary, arrange tables-shelves on both sides of the grill (as described earlier). To this end, weld iron brackets to the body, and attach the covering to them (it can be either wood or metal).

Note! Barbecues are also built from propane cylinders in a similar way. But remember that they are narrower, therefore, they will require shorter skewers.

If desired, any do-it-yourself metal grill from those described above can be equipped with wheels for more convenient transportation. Although these structures are mobile only on the site, since transporting them somewhere is very inconvenient.

Cylinders and barrels are ideal for making barbecues. And this is explained by the unlimited scope for imagination. Would you like to see this for yourself? Then be sure to watch the video below.

Video - Making a barbecue from a cylinder with your own hands

We use metal sheets

And if you use the grill only on the site, without taking it outside, then it is more advisable not to complicate your life, but to resort to simple option manufacturing a stationary model. You can only move it around the area, and install it on a hard surface.

Traditionally, make a drawing first. This is quite simple to do, since there are no particularly complex elements in the design. After purchasing everything you need, make blanks for future components based on the previously drawn up diagram.

As an alternative, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ready-made circuit and, based on it, create your own, adding the necessary elements that will make operation simpler and more convenient.

Step 1. To work you will need the following:

  1. a sheet of metal several millimeters thick;
  2. metal corner 1x1 centimeter for making a frame and legs.

Note! If you plan to install one or two shelves, then they will also require corners.

Step 2. Next, mark the future structural elements on the sheet of metal. If the metal is not too thick (about 2 millimeters), then simply bend it, thereby getting rid of welding work at the connection between the body and the bottom. In this case, after finishing the preliminary marking, cut out 4 rectangles - the result will be a cross.

Step 3. The central part of the cross will serve as the bottom of the body, the other four will serve as machines. Bend these walls at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the bottom element.

Step 5. At the bottom of the larger sides of the box, make holes to allow oxygen to flow to the coals. But make cutouts in the upper part of these sides so that it is convenient to place skewers.

Step 5. After this, build a frame from the corners, where you will subsequently install the body with the base for the shelves.

Step 6. You can install a mesh made of steel wire on top of the frame. Remember that it will be convenient to place dishes or a cutting board on such a grid.

Step 7. At the bottom, arrange another net (or a basket - as you prefer) in which to store firewood.

Note! If you want, you can make different designs on the walls using the same wire.

Step 8. After this, clean all surfaces wire brush, then paint with heat-resistant paint - the latter will prevent not only the formation of corrosion, but also burnout.

As soon as the paint has dried, you can start testing your brainchild - a do-it-yourself metal grill!

Video - Making a barbecue from metal

Portable (collapsible) barbecue on your own

Let us immediately note that such a collapsible option will be useful not only in the house, but even in the apartment. Due to its compactness, it does not take up much space; you can easily place it on a shelf in a closet or pantry. You can use it both for outdoor recreation and, say, in the courtyard of your multi-story building (following all fire safety rules, of course).

Note! When planning further work, take into account the fact that when folded, the structure will resemble a suitcase, which will contain everything that may be needed for frying meat.

Eg, standard length skewers for a camping trip is 60 centimeters, therefore, the grill itself can be only 65 centimeters long and 45 centimeters wide (when unfolded).

The design you see in the image is quite easy to make on your own. But to work you will need:

  1. steel sheet 3 millimeters thick;
  2. steel wire, which will be used to form the mesh, or, as an option, a ready-made mesh;
  3. corners 1x1 centimeter for strengthening the walls and making stands;
  4. a metal rod with a diameter of 0.8 centimeters for the handle;
  5. loops that will connect the halves of the body;
  6. folding legs.

Now, having prepared everything you need, proceed directly to work.

Manufacturing instructions

Step 1. First, make a drawing that will indicate all the necessary dimensions. This will prevent possible modifications to the product in the future due to inaccuracies.

Step 2. After this, draw out future elements on metal sheets and cut them out. These elements should include:

  1. a square measuring 40-40 centimeters, which will subsequently be cut into two triangles - the latter are designed to rigidly hold the structure;
  2. two walls of the case - approximately 40x63 centimeters;
  3. pieces of metal corner - four pieces of 63 centimeters each, four of 40 centimeters each - for stands and framing.

Step 3. Then proceed to construct the folding legs using movable fasteners (such as furniture ones). For this purpose, cut four strips of metal 10 cm wide, although you can use the same corners. These strips can be 40-60 centimeters long, although it is worth remembering that the higher the support legs are, the less stable the structure will be.

Note! After preparing everything necessary, the assembly itself begins. This should be done especially carefully - in this case, your product will be no different from the “store” one.

Step 4. First, clean the back and front walls, then weld three sides of each wall with a steel angle.

Step 5. Mark where the mesh will be laid in the structure, attach supports from the corners in the appropriate places.

Step 7. Attach the support legs to the sides of the product so that they can be extended and folded without much difficulty. To easily install the side walls, the grill in the open position should have an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 8. Weld 2 holes in the side panels on top for installing handles (curved metal rods). If you want, you can also install a special hook that will prevent the assembled structure from opening.

At the end, assemble the barbecue with your own hands from metal, lay the net and try to make the first kebab.

Note! To make the design truly multifunctional, you can make a barbecue attachment.

For this purpose, cut and cook five structural elements. These are special side attachments, curved at the bottom at a 45-degree angle (if necessary, you can install them instead of triangles on the sides). You will also need a grille for installation on top and a pair of long front panels. By the way, you can see another interesting manufacturing option from the video below.

Video – Portable grill

Protect from rust

Any structure made of metal always needs protection against corrosion. Only in this case will it be possible to operate it longer, and external indicators will not deteriorate over time. You can, for example, paint a homemade grill with paint. But remember that you can only use heat-resistant paint, which can be purchased at any car store in the form of an aerosol can (it is used to paint vehicle mufflers).

You can also resort to an alternative option - that is, changing the structure of the metal. There is a process (bluing) during which the surface of the metal is covered with a heat-resistant black film. To blue the barbecue yourself, first clean it of dirt and grease, then place the product in a solution of caustic soda (500 grams per ten liters of water) and leave it there for one and a half to two hours at a temperature of 140 C.

As a conclusion

As you can see, making a barbecue is not a very complicated procedure - if you have necessary equipment and minimal experience with it, you can handle it in about a day or two, but at the same time save a significant amount! And if you approach the work responsibly and do it efficiently, then your brainchild will be practically no different from its “store-bought” counterparts.

Actually, that's all. Good luck with your work!

Everyone's favorite summer dish is kebabs. These juicy pieces with a crispy crust and an appetizing “smoky” aroma are prepared by threading pre-marinated meat onto sharp rods - skewers, and frying on hot coals laid on the bottom of the grill. The design of the barbecue itself is usually a metal box on legs with perforations for air circulation and small recesses on the walls for easy placement of skewers.

Types of metal barbecues

Based on their dimensions, barbecues are divided into:

  • stationary;
  • portable.

Stationary barbecues equipped on suburban areas. They are often made with forging elements, trimmed with stone or installed on a brick base. This adds aesthetics and exclusivity to the appearance. If the grill is equipped with a canopy or installed in a gazebo, then it is possible to cook kebabs and other dishes on it in almost any weather.

Used on hikes and when going outdoors. They are small in size and weight. Often such barbecues are folded into a metal suitcase.

The most simple model The portable barbecue consists of two metal frames on which skewers are placed. The disadvantage of small portable barbecues is the inability to cook a large number of servings of shish kebab at a time.

More complex, but also heavier models can be supplemented with a small retractable table, grilles, and adjustable air vent. But such improved options have an impressive weight, so it is much more comfortable to transport them in a personal car than to carry them manually.

If we classify barbecues according to the thickness of the metal from which they are made, then barbecues are divided into:

  1. - thin-walled;
  2. - thick-walled.

Thin-walled They usually make portable barbecues. Thick steel makes the models lighter, but the durability of the structure suffers. In thin-walled barbecues, you can only use ready-made coals purchased in stores or prepared in advance over a fire. If you cook coals directly in metal box structures, the steel will quickly burn out and the grill will become unusable.

Thick-walled Stationary models are usually made. For this, steel with a thickness of more than four millimeters is used. Such options are significantly more expensive, but their service life is much longer than that of barbecues with thin walls.

A standard barbecue has a rectangular cross-section, but you can make your own device for frying shish kebab from a gas cylinder or an old barrel. But it is not recommended to use a container for fuels and lubricants. The main thing is that the thickness of the metal is sufficient to allow long-term use of the structure.

In addition to the barrel itself, you will need: a welding machine, an angle grinder, a drill, metal corners.

1. Make markings and cut off the top half of the barrel with a grinder, leaving the ends in place. We will subsequently make a lid from the cut-off part.

2. We make legs for the barbecue from metal corners. We cut the corners into four equal parts and weld them to the end of the barrel.

3. Measure the length of the barrel and cut off two corners equal to this length. They will serve as a support for the skewers. We make cuts on the corners every 4-6 centimeters (guides for skewers) and weld them to the inside of the barrel.

4. Metal hinges and two handles must be welded to the lid. This will protect the grill and coals in case of rain.

Do-it-yourself non-separable metal grill

The collapsible grill consists of: four legs, the same number of rectangular walls with perforations and a bottom.

Before starting work, we make a drawing and prepare materials.

Necessary materials:

  1. steel sheet;
  2. metal corners or rods with nuts, from which we will make the legs of the barbecue;
  3. welding machine and electrodes;
  4. drill;
  5. a grinder with cutting wheels or a hacksaw for metal.

It is more convenient to draw a drawing of the future barbecue on checkered sheets. It is necessary to indicate the length of the legs, the dimensions of the barbecue itself, and indicate the distance between the perforations on the walls and the guide chamfers for the skewers. Optimal quantity chamfers – 8 pieces. The distance between the holes for bottom ventilation should be chosen from 7 to 10 cm; it is better to place them at a height of 5-10 cm from the bottom of the grill. The length of the legs is chosen individually.

Work order:

  1. On sheet metal We mark the walls and bottom of the grill. We take the thickness of the metal 1.5-2 mm, but it can be thicker, this will increase the service life and ensure optimal heating of the coals and food.
  2. According to the markings, we cut the metal using a grinder or a hacksaw.
  3. We use a drill to perforate the walls.
  4. Using a grinder or a hacksaw, we make cuts on the upper edges of the walls of the grill.
  5. We connect the bottom and walls of the grill by welding.
  6. To make legs, metal corners are sharpened at one end, cutting off part of the metal at an angle. This is necessary so that the barbecue penetrates the ground more easily.
  7. We weld the corners and the metal frame together.

If the legs are made of metal rods, then 4 identical nuts are welded to the corners of the bottom of the barbecue, the rods are divided into four parts, each of which is threaded. Thus, you get a barbecue with collapsible legs that can be unscrewed if necessary.

Another option for collapsible legs is metal corners with holes for bolts, with which they can be screwed to the barbecue box, and after use, unscrewed and folded. But to do this you will have to wait for the metal to cool down after cooking.

If the legs are long enough, it is advisable to connect them in pairs with metal jumpers to strengthen the structure.

Do-it-yourself collapsible metal grill

To make a completely collapsible metal grill, you don’t need a welding machine. But a drill, drills, a hacksaw or grinder with cutting discs, bolts and nuts, a sheet of steel 1.5-2 mm thick, metal corners for the legs, and a tape measure will come in handy.

The first two points of work are the same as when making a non-dismountable barbecue - drawing and cutting out the parts of the barbecue from a steel sheet. But when making a collapsible barbecue, you should add 3-4 centimeters to the joints.

Collapsible metal grill - diagram

We make small cuts on the side and end walls of the grill and bend the sheets so that it becomes possible to join the corners and lay the bottom.

For strong connection parts while cooking, drill holes for screws in the side edges.

We make the legs from pointed corners in a similar way, drilling holes in the walls to connect the walls of the barbecue and the legs with bolts.

The last point is the assembly of the finished structure.

Folding metal grill

The design of a folding metal barbecue is similar to the design of a non-folding barbecue. The cross-section is rectangular. The difference is that the walls of the barbecue are not welded to each other, but are connected by movable furniture kits, which allows the barbecue to be folded after use. To prevent the walls from folding by themselves, we weld metal hooks to the top of the walls.

This type of grill is very convenient for transportation.

Corrosion protection

It is advisable to protect any metal structure from corrosion, then it will last longer, and appearance will be much more attractive.

To paint the grill, you can use only special heat-resistant paints. They are sold in auto stores in the form of an aerosol (such paints are applied to the muffler of a car).

Instead of painting, you can change the structure of the metal. Oxidation or bluing is a process that results in the formation of a black, heat-resistant film on the surface of the metal. For bluing, the surface is first cleaned and degreased. metal parts, then the metal is kept for one and a half to two hours at a temperature of 140 degrees in a solution of caustic soda (50 grams per liter of water).

Barbecue masters can prepare this dish even in the middle of a deep forest without a single device for this. But it’s still much nicer and more convenient to use reliable, proven and durable devices for cooking outdoors. But most often this process occurs with the participation of barbecues.


The most common barbecue device is a metal grill.

Here are its main advantages.

  • Simplicity. Most often, a barbecue is a box with legs, into which firewood or coals are poured, a fire is built, and skewers with meat or a grill with vegetables are placed on top.
  • Mobility. Some metal models can be used anywhere: on the ground, on a concrete platform, on a terrace and even on a sandy beach.
  • Functionality. Even the simplest inventions can be decorated with ornate forging, which can serve as additional hooks for hanging skewers or a net. You can build a structure with a roof or with additional shelves.

  • Safety. The metal does not burn, does not melt and does not create fires. And this is a big plus.
  • Economical. Even in the absence required material and the desire to make a metal grill yourself, you will spend a small amount of money on its purchase.

The disadvantages include the not always aesthetic appearance and fragility of some models. However, all these nuances are eliminated and adjusted individually for each user and for each case.

Unique Feature metal barbecues is that you can easily make them yourself.

To do this you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills. You just need to decide on the model and materials, listen to the advice of professionals or simply knowledgeable people, and also be sure that your plan will be realized 100%.

Design and principle of operation

Starting to look at the device from bottom to top, you definitely need to pay attention to the legs. As a rule, these are four metal corners, pointed downwards, so that they can be stuck into the ground. The height of this element is selected individually if the product is made to order. In construction and gardening stores, you will most likely come across standard universal models with a length of 80 to 120 cm. Metal reinforcing rods are sometimes chosen as this element; some craftsmen resort to a forged design of the base of the barbecue.

There are also unique homemade designs installed on the lower iron part sewing machines, unusable tables, etc. Almost anything that holds firmly on any surface and can withstand the weight of a metal box and its contents during cooking over a fire is used.

The steel box, which consists of four sidewalls and a bottom, represents the basis of the barbecue structure. Often the lower part of this box is reinforced to increase the service life of the entire structure. The side walls must be perforated so that heat does not accumulate in one place and air circulation occurs. Thus, a kind of blower is created, like in stoves.

On the upper edges of the long sides of the metal box, recesses are made, into which skewers are then very conveniently inserted. This allows minimizing the movement of mini-spits on metal.

The principle of operation of such barbecues is known to everyone. Coals or logs of firewood are laid out at the bottom of a metal box and a fire is lit. When the fire dies down and only coals, ash and the heat from them remain in the grill, skewers with pre-prepared meat or vegetables are laid out on the structure in orderly rows. The heat in the hearth is maintained by improvised means, which create a powerful flow of air into the structure, but do not re-light the fire in the ashes.

Types of structures

As for the various designs that involve comfortable cooking of barbecue, here you should first understand the main types of metal barbecues.

There are four types in total.

  • Disposable. Grill on a quick fix. Everything that can be found nearby is used - from tin cans up to two U-shaped metal profiles.
  • Stationary. The second step in the evolution of metal barbecues. Simple, economical, sustainable. Can be used as outdoors, and under a canopy. If necessary, you can add a roof, a hood (or even a chimney), a pot stand and a double bottom.

  • Collapsible. It differs from the stationary one in the way that the barbecue elements are attached to each other. In the first, all joints are spot welded. In the second, they are screwed with metal bolts or hinges, which allows it to be disassembled for a time when it is not in use.
  • Folding. Original models of mobile barbecues made of metal, which are very convenient to store right in the trunk of a car in case of a sudden trip to nature. They are suitcases in which you can put skewers and legs of a folding metal structure.

Each of the modifications has both positive sides, and disadvantages. By making a metal barbecue with your own hands, you take responsibility for its design and operation. And this is to your advantage.

Having decided to take this important step, you can plan to have a smokehouse or barbecue grill.

Some projects also include a lid in the overall design of the barbecue. By covering the barbecue, you can achieve speedy preparation of your dish and be sure that all the most valuable and beneficial features and the vitamins will be preserved in it.

In order for proper air circulation to occur inside the metal barbecue box, it is better to make slits, called a blower, at the bottom of the sides of the structure. Special holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm are made in the bottom so that the oxygen entering these holes burns out, thereby enriching the meat over the fire.

For the legs of barbecues, metal rods or even pipes are sometimes easily used. The main thing is to cut, weld or fasten it to the main structure correctly.

Craftsmen make metal barbecues practically out of thin air.

So, there are options from a barrel, a gas cylinder, and even from the drum of an automatic washing machine.

Drawings and dimensions

Before starting the production process, it is worth deciding on the model, dimensions, and material. The next step will be to create a small but correct project plan, in which you need to display all the nuances and necessary numbers. The sketch should show a schematic representation of the future structure.

Let's look at the main components and tools that will be needed for the job.

  • Sheet of metal or pieces thereof. The thickness of the material, according to the recommendations of professionals, ranges from 3 to 5-7 mm. Of course, the higher this indicator, the longer the service life of the metal structure itself will be. In this case, it is convenient to manufacture a prefabricated structure, when the bottom can be made denser and the walls thinner.
  • Metal corners or profile pipes. The first ones are suitable both for arranging the legs of the barbecue and for strengthening the thin-walled sides of the box. Pipes are only suitable for creating two pairs of legs on which the entire structure will stand.

  • Grinder with metal discs.
  • Drill for drilling ventilation holes or holes for fastenings.
  • Welding machine, if you decide to make a stationary grill from one or more sheets of metal.

The main dimensions of a standard stationary metal grill are shown in the diagram. But to make your measurements, you need to understand why these particular numbers were chosen. The width of the box is always based on the length of the skewers minus 8-10 cm. On average, it will be somewhere around 30 cm.

The length depends on the number of skewers that will be simultaneously used in preparing kebabs. The distance from one semi-finished product to another is also taken into account here, because they should not fit tightly to each other. So, the figure taken as a basis is 10 cm per one threaded skewer.

The depth of the metal barbecue box is clearly calculated and has parameters of 20-25 cm. This distance is enough to fry the meat, but not burn it. If the depth is made more than 25 cm, fuel consumption and barbecue cooking time will increase.

There are also original mini-models, all sizes of which will have to be cut down, depending on the reduction of the layout itself.

They usually have short legs and are located close to the ground. But even such designs look beautiful and practical thanks to a systematic and careful approach to manufacturing and assembly.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

It's worth understanding step by step process creating stationary metal barbecues with your own hands.

The first step is marking. On a single sheet of metal we draw the disassembled silhouette of the future structure. You should get a cross.

The second step is to cut out the drawn figure using a grinder. Next you will need to bend all the sides and weld them together. The box is ready.

Then we drill holes in the bottom for air and cut air vents in the walls of the box. Here it is also important to follow a certain system. The holes must be approximately the same distance from each other and from the edges of the box. Approximately - about 60 mm in one row.

Considering that the holes are staggered, the distance from the bottom to the top is only 30 mm. This is necessary to ensure that oxygen enters the grill evenly.

The next step is to cut grooves to securely fix the skewers on the grill. These “teeth” are located on the upper side of the long sidewalls of the structure. The manufacture and fastening of the legs is planned to be done last.

The stationary metal grill is ready. You can attach additional handles to it (for ease of moving from place to place), hooks, grilles and even wheels for transportation.

Collapsible iron grill You can do it yourself for your dacha.

All work is carried out in four stages.

  1. Marking and cutting out the walls and bottom. All elements must be drawn taking into account the allowance for folded seams.
  2. We make blowers and air ducts in the walls and bottom.
  3. On the allowances left when cutting the elements, holes are made for attaching them to each other.
  4. The legs will also be attached without welding. A metal corner is suitable here, which is screwed to the box with fireproof screws or self-tapping screws. Also great idea There will be the use of tubes on which it is necessary to make a thread, and weld bolts to the structure and screw the tube legs into them.

A homemade collapsible iron grill can be used for its intended purpose immediately after all work is completed.

After cooking, it can be easily folded and stored in the shed or garage. It won't take up much space and won't get in the way.

A traveling “suitcase” can also be easily made at home. To do this, you need to make a drawing on a metal sheet, where 4 cm is added to each side. Holes are made on the long sides. The bottom and walls are fastened together with door canopies. Bolts are welded to the bottom to secure the legs. We complement the design with a hook and loop so that the grill itself does not fall apart. We weld a handle to the side to make it convenient to carry the metal “suitcase”, even if you are traveling to nature on public transport.

Making an original kebab maker from scrap materials is as easy as shelling pears. The most popular projects today are a barbecue made from a metal barrel, from a gas cylinder and a washing machine drum.

The barrel design can combine two functions at once: a barbecue grill and a smokehouse.

There are at least three ways to make it. In the first case, the barrel is placed on its side, its upper part is cut out, leaving the ends intact. The cut out lid is attached to the main body of the future barbecue using ordinary door canopies. Legs, for example, metal rods, are welded to the ends of the barrel. At the cut line of the upper part, corners are attached with a welding machine, on which notches are made for fixing the skewers.

The second option for cutting a barrel is to divide it into two parts. Having placed the base of the grill on a flat surface, we make a vertical cut from the top end to the bottom. The percentage of parts can be different: from 30/70 to 50/50. But the lower one must be greater than or equal to the upper one. Then the whole process happens identically.

Making the perfect smoker is also easy. But for this you will need two barrels. One will become the base cabinet for the smokehouse, inside which a fire will be built. The second will be cut into two parts horizontally and will become the smoking unit itself. Sawdust must be placed on the bottom of this barrel. The lid must be kept closed throughout the entire process.

Making a metal barbecue from a used gas cylinder is schematically very similar to the same process for a barrel.

The main nuance that you should pay attention to is preparing the used container for use.

The cylinder must be at least 50 liters in volume for the grill to turn out well. The next step is to clean the container from any remaining gas.

To do this you need to do three steps.

  1. release the remaining gas through the valve and turn the cylinder upside down;
  2. moisten the valve with soapy water; if bubbles or a corresponding odor appear, the gas has not yet completely come out, you need to wait;
  3. Rinse the empty container.

In order to carry out the third step as safely as possible, it is recommended to carry out this procedure with an assistant.

First of all, while one is sawing off the faucet with a grinder, the other periodically pours water over the cut area so that sparks do not get inside and react with the remnants of the gaseous substance on the walls of the cylinder.

A hose is inserted into the resulting hole, from which water is supplied under good pressure. While the liquid flows inside, the container is periodically shaken to thoroughly wash all the walls. Fill the container full and leave for several days. After the allotted time, the water is drained, but remember that this is already poison. To remove the acrid smell of gas from the cylinder, it is burned inside before starting to make a barbecue from it. Further manipulations look and are performed in the same way as in the case of a metal barrel.

Original designs barbecues are made from old cars. Using the hood and front part of the old one vehicle, you can get an excellent heat-resistant and unusual grill with a lid.

The simplest is considered to be a barbecue made from improvised means.

The fastest and most durable in this category is a fryer made from the drum of an automatic washing machine. The average time required for processing is 10-15 minutes. The main condition is to find the drum. You can use it completely, or you can cut off the unnecessary part if you think it is too tall. As for the support, the convenience this option is that it can be placed directly on the ground, bricks or stones. Or you can make legs specially for it from rebar rods. Both options are worth considering. Choose it individually for yourself.

It is impossible to get by with just assembling the component parts of a metal barbecue. There are a number of features in the operation of this device that need to be adopted and implemented to improve its functional qualities and performance characteristics.

After all the manufacturing work is completed, it is necessary to clean the finished grill from dirt and rust. To remove the latter use grinder or a drill with a special attachment.

The inner walls of the grill do not need to be cleaned of carbon deposits during operation. It is believed that this is what gives kebabs a special aroma and “health”.

It happens in two stages:

  1. degreasing the surface;
  2. keeping the grill elements in a caustic soda solution for about one and a half hours.

This treatment will not only provide a special heat-protective film, but will also protect against metal corrosion for the entire duration of the device’s operation.

If the overall design uses wooden parts, should be given Special attention and their treatment with various antiseptic, moisture-resistant and heat-repellent agents.

The place where you plan to place the barbecue must be cleared in advance of dry grass, branches or other flammable objects, and be sure to place a container with sand nearby, which will be used to extinguish the fire in the event of a fire.

To acrid smoke from the fire did not interfere with cooking and enjoying nature; you can independently build a hood for a metal barbecue. It is made from the same material as the outdoor cooking device. It differs from standard barbecue structures installed indoors in that it looks like a cut-down pipe. The area of ​​the hood dome is usually equal to the area of ​​the grill itself. This allows you to minimize the emission of smoke outside the cooking area. The hood dome is welded to the grill body. It is also important to take into account the mass of the structure so that everything stands stable together.

Beautiful examples

An original stationary metal grill made with forged elements. In this case, the forged parts are a table-stand for a brazier. There is a space under the table for storing firewood or coals, so you don’t have to run far for them. Such a barbecue will not be light, but quite mobile. That is, moving it to a convenient place or storing it in a shed for the winter will not be difficult. Forged Products O

A metal grill with a roof allows you to cook food over a fire even when bad weather. If you don’t have a canopy or gazebo in your yard, but want meat or vegetables fried over a fire, this option is an excellent solution. In addition, the design is equipped with a stand for installing a cauldron and also a convenient place for placing fuel.

Unusual models are also found among stationary barbecues. Two large wheels are very successfully attached to the legs of this design. Imitating a garden wheelbarrow, the device easily moves around your site and stands firmly and steadily where you need it.

This configuration of metal barbecues in the shape of a boot is quite common. It combines a kebab maker, a barbecue maker and even the ability to cook meat on a spit. A convenient grid table allows you to optimally arrange everything necessary tools and the ingredients are on hand.

A folding metal grill when packed resembles a suitcase. This allows you to take it with you wherever and whenever you want. If necessary, you can put skewers and other necessary items inside. The only disadvantage of this design is the height. It is as compact as possible, and therefore you will only have to cook on it while sitting.

Another example of a suitcase barbecue, which is already equipped with legs. These additional spare parts are conveniently folded inside the box, which is closed with a special clasp so that nothing falls apart. The photo also shows other models of folding barbecues, which are also compact in size and easy to use.

A spacious stationary grill made of sheet metal with the addition of forged patterns. It is also equipped with a device for cooking in a cauldron, has a convenient mini side table and space for firewood or dishes under the box itself.

The original way install a hood over the barbecue. Suitable for those who do not want to fix the kebab maker in one place and install a bulky exhaust structure in the gazebo or on the veranda. All the nuances have already been taken into account here. Some manufacturers even offer benches and chairs in the same style.

A fabulous barbecue in the form of a carriage with a roof will not leave even the most skeptical buyer indifferent. However, the price of such a forged model may not be the most pleasant value. One of the features of this design is the presence of a lid on the kebab grill.

The original hearth comes from the front of the car. This allows you not only to surprise your guests and get convenient device for cooking over fire. Thanks to this non-standard approach, you also get rid of an unnecessary vehicle that was just taking up space.

A chic wrought iron grill in the form of a house on wheels, equipped with a roof and a chimney, will become a true decoration of your site. The design is bulky, but it allows you to cook for a large group at once, both on skewers and on a barbecue grid.

You can find a lot of beautiful and practical examples of metal barbecues. It's important to remember everyone important means safety when using them, so that external aesthetics do not turn into trouble. Making metal barbecues for your own use with your own strength and hands is a responsible and creative process that requires concentration, caution and an individual approach.

To learn how to make a metal grill with your own hands, watch the video below.

The grill is a convenient and useful culinary equipment for cooking in the heat. This functional invention allows you to cook different foods using natural heat from coals. Despite the fact that it was originally made as universal tool for cooking, today the grill is the basis for cooking meat and barbecue. Around it, trips to the country house and nature are held, saying goodbye to autumn, welcoming the arrival of spring and celebrating summer. And below we will provide drawings of metal barbecues, their photos and videos on the technology of manufacturing barbecues of various designs.

The basis of the grill.

Type of barbecue: regular, stationary, collapsible.

Dimensions and drawings of metal barbecues, photos.

Preparation of future construction.

Welding barbecue.

Metal barbecues with a canopy.

Painting the finished result.

Buying a barbecue is an expensive purchase. Simple metal structure sometimes costs large sums without justifying the quality or its appearance. Therefore, it is much better to make a barbecue with your own hands, using drawings, high-quality metal, and also your skills.

Grill base

Brazier is handy tool cooking in the heat. It's very different robust construction, but all its features consist of nuances. They allow you to quickly and easily prepare kebabs and other dishes, providing enough heat for cooking.

Among the main advantages of the barbecue, the following are worth highlighting:

  • suitable sizes;
  • air holes;
  • depth;
  • recesses for skewers.

While some are obvious, they are all required for quality cooking. As for the depth of the grill, it allows you to gain sufficient number heat and placing the meat at a height where it will cook but not burn. This way you can put the required amount of wood.

Air holes - especially important nuance these structures. After all, it is because of them that meat cooked on the grill is very different from other methods of cooking outdoors. Regular air flow allows you to maintain the temperature and heat of the coals, fully using their full potential.

Attention! Another nuance of the grill is the pallet. It prevents coals from falling through special ventilation holes into the bottom and promotes partial air regulation.

For further use of the design, sizing is extremely important. After all, cooking takes place on a grill or skewers, so you need to rely on its average size. The grill should be wide, allowing you to place the entire length of the skewer and should give required quantities heat, allow more than eight servings of meat.

And the last nuance is making recesses for skewers. They allow you to place the meat in any position, frying it evenly on different sides. This approach plays a big role in preparing aromatic and juicy kebab without burning.

But these points always vary depending on the type of grill.

Deciding on the type of grill: drawings, photos

It’s worth saying right away that there are numerous varieties of such structures. After all, everyone wants to find the best option for where to cook meat and other products in the heat. Today they highlight following types barbecue:

  1. Ordinary.

A regular grill has a square design. Although they are heavy, they can be carried. It often has removable legs.

  1. Collapsible.

Lightweight and small collapsible option that you can carry in your car. It is more convenient and simpler, and is also suitable for hiking in the forest.

  1. Stationary.

Powerful grill made of metal. It may be based brick blocks, ensuring high reliability. Often such barbecues can be supplemented with steel decorations.

Choosing the type of barbecue is very important when it comes to self-construction. Thus, you can decide on the tasks and choose the best option. However, it is recommended to choose the regular type as the most universal choice for summer residents.

Attention! Barbecues can have different shapes. There are round, rectangular, curved and other types, the cooking of which may differ slightly.

Drawings of metal barbecues: photos of different types

Before you make the appropriate drawings and choose the dimensions for the future barbecue, you need to choose the best option for construction, which is used most often. It is necessary to select the appropriate width and height of the structure, and the appropriate length of the legs. A drawing of a regular barbecue is provided as follows:

Dimensions indicated in millimeters. It is clearly visible that the total height of the barbecue with a leg length of 70 cm and a length of 95 cm. In this case, the depth of the barbecue will be 25 cm, which protrudes optimal distance from heat to skewers.

The width of the grill is 28 cm, which is slightly lower than the average size of the skewer. The length is 54 cm, needed to distribute 9 servings evenly over the heat.

The upper part of the structure is equipped with gaps for skewers. This way, you can distribute the meat evenly and fix it freely when rotating, ensuring uniform cooking. Moreover, the distance between the gaps should be 6 cm. It is necessary to leave space between the outer walls and gaps so that the meat does not touch them and also does not burn.

Excellent ventilation is an important nuance. Here it is achieved through holes with a diameter of 12-15 mm located on the side walls. The holes are located at the bottom of the sheet of metal in a checkerboard pattern. They are not needed on the front side walls.

Attention! The presented design does not imply the presence of a tray and holes at the bottom of the grill. You can easily fix this by welding small corners to the bottom or legs and choosing the appropriate sheet of metal.

How to prepare elements of a future structure?

The basis for the barbecue is metal sheets. We do not recommend using other materials, since the grill provides sufficient resistance to compactness and heat. The thickness of the metal should be approximately 2-3 mm. To work you will need:

  • Two sheets of metal measuring 280x250 mm and 240x250 mm.
  • One sheet of metal 540x280 mm.
  • Angles 700 mm long and four metal pipes.
  • Welding machine.
  • Drill.
  • Roulette.
  • Metal saw or grinder.

Most people prefer a different assembly option. Miscellaneous sheets can be replaced with a large metal sheet. By making cuts, you can connect the structure with a small number of welds. This way it will be more reliable.

It is important to consider additional elements, if the design differs from the above. It can be supplemented with a tray, carrying handles, recesses for legs and other details.

First of all, you need to perform preliminary markings. Welding and fastening points are marked, and special gaps are created. To do this, use a saw or grinder. This step also creates air holes.

Attention! Often such a structure is made on reinforcing legs. They are unreliable, as the structure will wobble even under light loads. Therefore, it is better to replace them with corners.

How to weld a barbecue with your own hands

Welding is the best solution for barbecue. It can withstand high temperature changes and is bolted efficiently. To do this, use a welding machine, regardless of its type. Then the structure is fixed one by one, and welding is performed at the corners.

Attention! For more convenient welding, it is worth using metal corners along the sides. They can also increase the reliability of the seams, as well as significantly make the structure heavier.

Then comes the welding of the arms and legs. They are fixed along the sides (corners) or to the bottom of the structure (pipes). You need to weld them securely, since the grill itself will be quite heavy.

Attention! To fix the legs, you can use collapsible elements rather than a welding machine. Removable legs will significantly reduce the dimensions of the barbecue during storage.

Upon completion of the work, you need to sand the seams and also check the entire structure for reliability.

Metal barbecues with a canopy: drawings

To cook kebabs in bad weather, you can use a special grill design. This allows you to hide the heat and meat from precipitation, but this design itself is not simple. There are two options available here:

  • installing a canopy directly on the grill;
  • installation of an additional canopy that does not belong to the barbecue.

The latter option will be more rational, since it allows you to hide not only the kebabs, but also the person who monitors their preparation. The first option requires additional costs, since the base must withstand the load from the canopy.

In this case, we recommend attaching the structure to metal corners. This is the best option as it makes it easier to assemble. The canvas for the canopy is most often corrugated sheeting. It is fireproof, does not react in any way to temperature changes and is lightweight, which is important for a lightweight design.

Assembling a canopy is not much different from the usual one, and all that is required is fire protection and proper placement of the base. This way, you can safely prepare food without worrying about getting caught on the fittings.

It is worth noting that a metal grill with a canopy is difficult option, which can be done by experienced welders. It is important here to create reliable design, the weight of which will be evenly distributed on the base. For stationary barbecues it is much easier to make such a canopy, since a load-bearing foundation can be installed for them.

The structure with a canopy can be decorated metal elements, as you can see in the photo. This will not only improve the appearance, but also make the canopy more stable and reliable.

Attention! If the roof is installed low, equip it with a special air duct.

Finished product painting

An important issue in making a barbecue is painting. You cannot do without it, since the metal used in the structure is subject to rust, and ash and soot do not improve its appearance.

For painting, special compounds are used, which meet the following requirements:

  • heat resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • no harmful fumes.

The following coatings meet these requirements:

  • silicon-organic enamels;
  • heat-resistant paints for various purposes.

It should be noted that painting a barbecue with your own hands is a rather complex and responsible process. They need special firing, after which they receive their properties. Another option is proposed - oxidation. It is quite expensive to implement, but it is possible to do it yourself.

It is better to choose black color for paint. Since there will be a lot of ash and soot nearby, the remaining coatings will quickly become dirty. With this color the plaque will be completely invisible.

Attention! Painting should only be done on the outside. Inside, the coating peels off quite quickly as a result of the high heat, and there is no point in this.

Making a barbecue with your own hands is quite simple. To do this you will need a sheet of metal, a welding machine and desire. However, it is worth sticking to the plan and scheme, since in the future any deviations may affect the ease of use. But the materials on our website “Remontik”, among which drawings of metal barbecues and their photos, as well as videos on production, will be especially useful, will allow you to cope with this task.